-- Node displaying (for debugging). -- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. -- Display trees in raw form. Mainly used for debugging. with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Name_Table; with Str_Table; with Tokens; with Errorout; with Files_Map; with PSL.Dump_Tree; with Nodes_Meta; -- Do not add a use clause for iirs_utils, as it may crash for ill-formed -- trees, which is annoying while debugging. package body Disp_Tree is -- function Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Def : Iir) return Boolean -- renames Iirs_Utils.Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition; procedure Disp_Iir (N : Iir; Indent : Natural := 1; Flat : Boolean := False); procedure Disp_Header (N : Iir); procedure Disp_Tree_List_Flat (Tree_List: Iir_List; Tab: Natural); pragma Unreferenced (Disp_Tree_List_Flat); procedure Put_Indent (Tab: Natural) is Blanks : constant String (1 .. 2 * Tab) := (others => ' '); begin Put (Blanks); end Put_Indent; procedure Disp_Iir_Number (Node: Iir) is Res : String (1 .. 10) := " ]"; N : Int32 := Int32 (Node); begin for I in reverse 2 .. 9 loop Res (I) := Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + (N mod 10)); N := N / 10; if N = 0 then Res (I - 1) := '['; Put (Res (I - 1 .. Res'Last)); return; end if; end loop; Put (Res); end Disp_Iir_Number; -- For iir. procedure Disp_Tree_Flat (Tree: Iir; Tab: Natural) is begin Disp_Iir (Tree, Tab, True); end Disp_Tree_Flat; procedure Disp_Iir_List (Tree_List : Iir_List; Tab : Natural := 0; Flat : Boolean := False) is El: Iir; begin if Tree_List = Null_Iir_List then Put_Line ("null-list"); elsif Tree_List = Iir_List_All then Put_Line ("list-all"); elsif Tree_List = Iir_List_Others then Put_Line ("list-others"); else New_Line; for I in Natural loop El := Get_Nth_Element (Tree_List, I); exit when El = Null_Iir; Put_Indent (Tab); Disp_Iir (El, Tab + 1, Flat); end loop; end if; end Disp_Iir_List; procedure Disp_Chain (Tree_Chain: Iir; Indent: Natural; Flat : Boolean := False) is El: Iir; begin New_Line; El := Tree_Chain; while El /= Null_Iir loop Put_Indent (Indent); Disp_Iir (El, Indent + 1, Flat); El := Get_Chain (El); end loop; end Disp_Chain; procedure Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain (Tree_Chain: Iir; Tab: Natural) is El: Iir; begin El := Tree_Chain; while El /= Null_Iir loop Disp_Iir (El, Tab, True); El := Get_Chain (El); end loop; end Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain; pragma Unreferenced (Disp_Tree_Flat_Chain); procedure Disp_Tree_List_Flat (Tree_List: Iir_List; Tab: Natural) is El: Iir; begin if Tree_List = Null_Iir_List then Put_Indent (Tab); Put_Line (" null-list"); elsif Tree_List = Iir_List_All then Put_Indent (Tab); Put_Line (" list-all"); elsif Tree_List = Iir_List_Others then Put_Indent (Tab); Put_Line (" list-others"); else for I in Natural loop El := Get_Nth_Element (Tree_List, I); exit when El = Null_Iir; Disp_Tree_Flat (El, Tab); end loop; end if; end Disp_Tree_List_Flat; function Image_Name_Id (Ident: Name_Id) return String is use Name_Table; begin if Ident /= Null_Identifier then Image (Ident); return ''' & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Length) & '''; else return "<anonymous>"; end if; end Image_Name_Id; function Image_Iir_Staticness (Static: Iir_Staticness) return String is begin case Static is when Unknown => return "???"; when None => return "none"; when Globally => return "global"; when Locally => return "local"; end case; end Image_Iir_Staticness; function Image_Boolean (Bool : Boolean) return String is begin if Bool then return "true"; else return "false"; end if; end Image_Boolean; function Image_Iir_Delay_Mechanism (Mech : Iir_Delay_Mechanism) return String is begin case Mech is when Iir_Inertial_Delay => return "inertial"; when Iir_Transport_Delay => return "transport"; end case; end Image_Iir_Delay_Mechanism; function Image_Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type (V : Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type) return String is begin if (V and Iir_Lexical_Has_Mode) /= 0 then return " +mode" & Image_Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type (V and not Iir_Lexical_Has_Mode); elsif (V and Iir_Lexical_Has_Class) /= 0 then return " +class" & Image_Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type (V and not Iir_Lexical_Has_Class); elsif (V and Iir_Lexical_Has_Type) /= 0 then return " +type" & Image_Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type (V and not Iir_Lexical_Has_Type); else return ""; end if; end Image_Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type; function Image_Iir_Mode (Mode : Iir_Mode) return String is begin case Mode is when Iir_Unknown_Mode => return "???"; when Iir_Linkage_Mode => return "linkage"; when Iir_Buffer_Mode => return "buffer"; when Iir_Out_Mode => return "out"; when Iir_Inout_Mode => return "inout"; when Iir_In_Mode => return "in"; end case; end Image_Iir_Mode; function Image_Iir_Signal_Kind (Kind : Iir_Signal_Kind) return String is begin case Kind is when Iir_No_Signal_Kind => return "no"; when Iir_Register_Kind => return "register"; when Iir_Bus_Kind => return "bus"; end case; end Image_Iir_Signal_Kind; function Image_Iir_Pure_State (State : Iir_Pure_State) return String is begin case State is when Pure => return "pure"; when Impure => return "impure"; when Maybe_Impure => return "maybe_impure"; when Unknown => return "unknown"; end case; end Image_Iir_Pure_State; function Image_Iir_All_Sensitized (Sig : Iir_All_Sensitized) return String is begin case Sig is when Unknown => return "???"; when No_Signal => return "no_signal"; when Read_Signal => return "read_signal"; when Invalid_Signal => return "invalid_signal"; end case; end Image_Iir_All_Sensitized; function Image_Iir_Constraint (Const : Iir_Constraint) return String is begin case Const is when Unconstrained => return "unconstrained"; when Partially_Constrained => return "partially constrained"; when Fully_Constrained => return "fully constrained"; end case; end Image_Iir_Constraint; function Image_Date_State_Type (State : Date_State_Type) return String is begin case State is when Date_Extern => return "extern"; when Date_Disk => return "disk"; when Date_Parse => return "parse"; when Date_Analyze => return "analyze"; end case; end Image_Date_State_Type; function Image_Tri_State_Type (State : Tri_State_Type) return String is begin case State is when True => return "true"; when False => return "false"; when Unknown => return "unknown"; end case; end Image_Tri_State_Type; function Image_Time_Stamp_Id (Id : Time_Stamp_Id) return String renames Files_Map.Get_Time_Stamp_String; function Image_Iir_Predefined_Functions (F : Iir_Predefined_Functions) return String is begin return Iir_Predefined_Functions'Image (F); end Image_Iir_Predefined_Functions; function Image_String_Id (S : String_Id) return String renames Str_Table.Image; procedure Disp_PSL_Node (N : PSL_Node; Indent : Natural) is begin Put_Indent (Indent); PSL.Dump_Tree.Dump_Tree (N, True); end Disp_PSL_Node; procedure Disp_PSL_NFA (N : PSL_NFA; Indent : Natural) is begin null; end Disp_PSL_NFA; function Image_Location_Type (Loc : Location_Type) return String is begin return Errorout.Get_Location_Str (Loc); end Image_Location_Type; function Image_Iir_Direction (Dir : Iir_Direction) return String is begin case Dir is when Iir_To => return "to"; when Iir_Downto => return "downto"; end case; end Image_Iir_Direction; function Image_Token_Type (Tok : Tokens.Token_Type) return String renames Tokens.Image; procedure Header (Str : String; Indent : Natural) is begin Put_Indent (Indent); Put (Str); Put (": "); end Header; procedure Disp_Header (N : Iir) is use Nodes_Meta; K : Iir_Kind; begin if N = Null_Iir then Put_Line ("*null*"); return; end if; K := Get_Kind (N); Put (Get_Iir_Image (K)); if Has_Identifier (K) then Put (' '); Put (Image_Name_Id (Get_Identifier (N))); end if; Put (' '); Disp_Iir_Number (N); New_Line; end Disp_Header; procedure Disp_Iir (N : Iir; Indent : Natural := 1; Flat : Boolean := False) is Sub_Indent : constant Natural := Indent + 1; begin Disp_Header (N); if Flat or else N = Null_Iir then return; end if; Header ("location", Indent); Put_Line (Image_Location_Type (Get_Location (N))); -- Protect against infinite recursions. if Indent > 20 then Put_Indent (Indent); Put_Line ("..."); return; end if; declare use Nodes_Meta; Fields : constant Fields_Array := Get_Fields (Get_Kind (N)); F : Fields_Enum; begin for I in Fields'Range loop F := Fields (I); Header (Get_Field_Image (F), Indent); case Get_Field_Type (F) is when Type_Iir => case Get_Field_Attribute (F) is when Attr_None => Disp_Iir (Get_Iir (N, F), Sub_Indent); when Attr_Ref => Disp_Iir (Get_Iir (N, F), Sub_Indent, True); when Attr_Maybe_Ref => Disp_Iir (Get_Iir (N, F), Sub_Indent, Get_Is_Ref (N)); when Attr_Chain => Disp_Chain (Get_Iir (N, F), Sub_Indent); when Attr_Chain_Next => Disp_Iir_Number (Get_Iir (N, F)); New_Line; when Attr_Of_Ref => raise Internal_Error; end case; when Type_Iir_List => Disp_Iir_List (Get_Iir_List (N, F), Sub_Indent, Get_Field_Attribute (F) = Attr_Of_Ref); when Type_PSL_NFA => Disp_PSL_NFA (Get_PSL_NFA (N, F), Sub_Indent); when Type_String_Id => Put_Line (Image_String_Id (Get_String_Id (N, F))); when Type_PSL_Node => Disp_PSL_Node (Get_PSL_Node (N, F), Sub_Indent); when Type_Source_Ptr => Put_Line (Source_Ptr'Image (Get_Source_Ptr (N, F))); when Type_Date_Type => Put_Line (Date_Type'Image (Get_Date_Type (N, F))); when Type_Base_Type => Put_Line (Base_Type'Image (Get_Base_Type (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Constraint => Put_Line (Image_Iir_Constraint (Get_Iir_Constraint (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Mode => Put_Line (Image_Iir_Mode (Get_Iir_Mode (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Index32 => Put_Line (Iir_Index32'Image (Get_Iir_Index32 (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Int64 => Put_Line (Iir_Int64'Image (Get_Iir_Int64 (N, F))); when Type_Boolean => Put_Line (Image_Boolean (Get_Boolean (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Staticness => Put_Line (Image_Iir_Staticness (Get_Iir_Staticness (N, F))); when Type_Date_State_Type => Put_Line (Image_Date_State_Type (Get_Date_State_Type (N, F))); when Type_Iir_All_Sensitized => Put_Line (Image_Iir_All_Sensitized (Get_Iir_All_Sensitized (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Signal_Kind => Put_Line (Image_Iir_Signal_Kind (Get_Iir_Signal_Kind (N, F))); when Type_Tri_State_Type => Put_Line (Image_Tri_State_Type (Get_Tri_State_Type (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Pure_State => Put_Line (Image_Iir_Pure_State (Get_Iir_Pure_State (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Delay_Mechanism => Put_Line (Image_Iir_Delay_Mechanism (Get_Iir_Delay_Mechanism (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type => Put_Line (Image_Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type (Get_Iir_Lexical_Layout_Type (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Predefined_Functions => Put_Line (Image_Iir_Predefined_Functions (Get_Iir_Predefined_Functions (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Direction => Put_Line (Image_Iir_Direction (Get_Iir_Direction (N, F))); when Type_Location_Type => Put_Line (Image_Location_Type (Get_Location_Type (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Int32 => Put_Line (Iir_Int32'Image (Get_Iir_Int32 (N, F))); when Type_Int32 => Put_Line (Int32'Image (Get_Int32 (N, F))); when Type_Iir_Fp64 => Put_Line (Iir_Fp64'Image (Get_Iir_Fp64 (N, F))); when Type_Time_Stamp_Id => Put_Line (Image_Time_Stamp_Id (Get_Time_Stamp_Id (N, F))); when Type_Token_Type => Put_Line (Image_Token_Type (Get_Token_Type (N, F))); when Type_Name_Id => Put_Line (Image_Name_Id (Get_Name_Id (N, F))); end case; end loop; end; end Disp_Iir; procedure Disp_Tree_For_Psl (N : Int32) is begin Disp_Tree_Flat (Iir (N), 1); end Disp_Tree_For_Psl; procedure Disp_Tree (Tree : Iir; Flat : Boolean := false) is begin Disp_Iir (Tree, 1, Flat); end Disp_Tree; end Disp_Tree;