-- Expand dyn gates. -- Copyright (C) 2019 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . with Mutils; use Mutils; with Netlists.Gates; use Netlists.Gates; with Netlists.Utils; use Netlists.Utils; with Netlists.Butils; use Netlists.Butils; with Netlists.Locations; use Netlists.Locations; with Netlists.Memories; use Netlists.Memories; with Netlists.Concats; use Netlists.Concats; with Netlists.Folds; use Netlists.Folds; package body Netlists.Expands is type Memidx_Array_Type is array (Natural range <>) of Instance; -- Extract Memidx from ADDR_NET and return the number of -- elements NBR_ELS (which is usually 2**width(ADDR_NET)). -- Memidx are ordered from the one with the largest step to the one -- with the smallest step. procedure Gather_Memidx (Addr_Net : Net; Memidx_Arr : out Memidx_Array_Type; Nbr_Els : out Natural) is N : Net; P : Natural; Ninst : Instance; Memidx : Instance; Max : Uns32; begin N := Addr_Net; Nbr_Els := 1; P := Memidx_Arr'Last; if P = 0 then return; end if; loop Ninst := Get_Net_Parent (N); case Get_Id (Ninst) is when Id_Memidx => Memidx := Ninst; when Id_Addidx => -- Extract memidx. Memidx := Get_Net_Parent (Get_Input_Net (Ninst, 1)); pragma Assert (Get_Id (Memidx) = Id_Memidx); N := Get_Input_Net (Ninst, 0); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; Memidx_Arr (P) := Memidx; -- Check memidx are ordered by decreasing step. pragma Assert (P = Memidx_Arr'Last or else (Get_Param_Uns32 (Memidx, 0) >= Get_Param_Uns32 (Memidx_Arr (P + 1), 0))); P := P - 1; Max := Get_Param_Uns32 (Memidx, 1); Nbr_Els := Nbr_Els * Natural (Max + 1); exit when Memidx = Ninst; end loop; end Gather_Memidx; procedure Remove_Memidx (Memidx_Arr : Memidx_Array_Type) is Inst : Instance; begin for I in Memidx_Arr'Range loop Inst := Memidx_Arr (I); if not Is_Connected (Get_Output (Inst, 0)) then -- A memidx can be shared between several insert/extract. -- FIXME: what about memidx ? Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 0)); Remove_Instance (Inst); end if; end loop; end Remove_Memidx; -- IDX is the next index to be fill in ELS. -- OFF is offset for extraction from VAL. -- ADDR_OFF is the address offset. procedure Fill_Els (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Memidx_Arr : Memidx_Array_Type; Arr_Idx : Natural; Val : Net; Els : Case_Element_Array_Acc; Idx : in out Positive; Addr : Net; Init_Off : Uns32; W : Width; Sel : in out Uns64) is Inst : constant Instance := Memidx_Arr (Arr_Idx); Step : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0); Max : constant Uns32 := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 1); Off : Uns32; begin Off := Init_Off; for I in 0 .. Max loop if Arr_Idx < Memidx_Arr'Last then -- Recurse. Fill_Els (Ctxt, Memidx_Arr, Arr_Idx + 1, Val, Els, Idx, Addr, Off, W, Sel); else Els (Idx) := (Sel => Sel, Val => Build_Extract (Ctxt, Val, Off, W)); Idx := Idx + 1; Sel := Sel + 1; end if; Off := Off + Step; end loop; end Fill_Els; -- Extract address from memidx/addidx and disconnect those gates. procedure Extract_Address (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Addr_Net : Net; Ndims : Natural; Addr : out Net) is Res_Arr : Net_Array (1 .. Int32 (Ndims)); P : Int32; Inst, Inst1 : Instance; Inp : Input; N : Net; begin P := 1; N := Addr_Net; loop Inst := Get_Net_Parent (N); case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Memidx => -- Must be the last one! Inst1 := Inst; when Id_Addidx => -- Extract memidx. Inp := Get_Input (Inst, 1); Inst1 := Get_Net_Parent (Get_Driver (Inp)); pragma Assert (Get_Id (Inst1) = Id_Memidx); Disconnect (Inp); -- Extract next. Inp := Get_Input (Inst, 0); N := Get_Driver (Inp); Disconnect (Inp); -- Remove the Addidx. Remove_Instance (Inst); when others => raise Internal_Error; end case; -- INST1 is a memidx. Inp := Get_Input (Inst1, 0); Res_Arr (P) := Get_Driver (Inp); P := P + 1; exit when Inst1 = Inst; end loop; pragma Assert (P = Res_Arr'Last + 1); Addr := Build2_Concat (Ctxt, Res_Arr); end Extract_Address; procedure Truncate_Address (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Addr : in out Net; Nbr_Els : Natural) is Loc : Location_Type; Addr_Len : Width; begin Addr_Len := Uns32 (Clog2 (Uns64 (Nbr_Els))); if Get_Width (Addr) > Addr_Len then -- Truncate the address. This is requied so that synth_case doesn't -- use default value. Loc := Get_Location (Get_Net_Parent (Addr)); Addr := Build_Trunc (Ctxt, Id_Utrunc, Addr, Addr_Len); Set_Location (Addr, Loc); end if; end Truncate_Address; procedure Expand_Dyn_Extract (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Inst : Instance) is Val : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0); Addr_Net : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 1); Loc : constant Location_Type := Get_Location (Inst); W : constant Width := Get_Width (Get_Output (Inst, 0)); -- 1. compute number of dims, check order. Ndims : constant Natural := Count_Memidx (Addr_Net); Nbr_Els : Natural; Memidx_Arr : Memidx_Array_Type (1 .. Ndims); Els : Case_Element_Array_Acc; Res : Net; Addr : Net; Def : Net; begin -- 1.1 Fill memidx_arr. -- 2. compute number of cells. Gather_Memidx (Addr_Net, Memidx_Arr, Nbr_Els); if Nbr_Els = 1 then -- There is only one element, so it's not really dynamic. -- Just return the value. Res := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0); -- Disconnect the address Addr := Disconnect_And_Get (Inst, 1); if not Is_Connected (Addr) then -- Should be a Const_X. Remove_Instance (Get_Net_Parent (Addr)); end if; else -- 2. build extract gates Els := new Case_Element_Array (1 .. Nbr_Els); declare Idx : Positive; Off : Uns32; Sel : Uns64; begin Idx := 1; Off := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0); Sel := 0; Fill_Els (Ctxt, Memidx_Arr, 1, Val, Els, Idx, Addr_Net, Off, W, Sel); end; -- 3. build mux tree Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 1)); Extract_Address (Ctxt, Addr_Net, Ndims, Addr); Truncate_Address (Ctxt, Addr, Nbr_Els); Def := No_Net; Synth_Case (Ctxt, Addr, Els.all, Def, Res, Loc); -- 4. remove old dyn_extract. Remove_Memidx (Memidx_Arr); Free_Case_Element_Array (Els); end if; Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 0)); Redirect_Inputs (Get_Output (Inst, 0), Res); Remove_Instance (Inst); end Expand_Dyn_Extract; procedure Generate_Decoder (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Addr : Net; Net_Arr : out Net_Array; Loc : Location_Type) is W : constant Width := Get_Width (Addr); V0, V1 : Net; V : Net; J : Int32; Step : Int32; begin if W = 0 then Net_Arr (0) := Build_Const_UB32 (Ctxt, 1, 1); return; end if; for I in reverse 0 .. W - 1 loop V1 := Build_Extract_Bit (Ctxt, Addr, I); Set_Location (V1, Loc); V0 := Build_Monadic (Ctxt, Id_Not, V1); Set_Location (V0, Loc); Step := 2**Natural (I); if I = W - 1 then Net_Arr (0) := V0; Net_Arr (Step) := V1; else J := 0; loop V := Net_Arr (J); Net_Arr (J) := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Id_And, V, V0); Set_Location (Net_Arr (J), Loc); J := J + Step; exit when J > Net_Arr'Last; Net_Arr (J) := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Id_And, V, V1); Set_Location (Net_Arr (J), Loc); J := J + Step; exit when J > Net_Arr'Last; end loop; end if; end loop; end Generate_Decoder; procedure Generate_Muxes (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Concat : in out Concat_Type; Mem : Net; Off : in out Uns32; Dat : Net; Memidx_Arr : Memidx_Array_Type; Net_Arr : Net_Array; Loc : Location_Type; En : Net := No_Net) is Dat_W : constant Width := Get_Width (Dat); type Count_Type is record Step : Uns32; Max : Uns32; Val : Uns32; end record; type Count_Array is array (Memidx_Arr'Range) of Count_Type; Count : Count_Array; V : Net; Sel : Int32; Next_Off : Uns32; Prev_Net : Net; Step : Uns32; S : Net; begin -- Initialize count. for I in Memidx_Arr'Range loop declare Inst : constant Instance := Memidx_Arr (I); begin Count (I) := (Step => Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0), Max => Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 1), Val => 0); end; end loop; Sel := 0; Prev_Net := No_Net; Next_Off := 0; if Off /= 0 then Append (Concat, Build_Extract (Ctxt, Mem, 0, Off)); Next_Off := Off; end if; loop if Next_Off > Off then -- Partial overlap. -- Append previous net partially, extract from previous net and -- mem. -- -- |<----------- Dat_W ------------>| -- |<- Step ->| -- Off Next_Off -- +----------+----------+----------++ -- | Prev | -- +----------+----------+----------+ -- +----------+----------+----------+----------+ -- | Mem | -- +----------+----------+----------+----------+ -- +----------+----------+----------+ -- | Dat | -- +----------+----------+----------+ Step := Dat_W - (Next_Off - Off); Append (Concat, Build_Extract (Ctxt, Prev_Net, 0, Step)); V := Build_Concat2 (Ctxt, Build_Extract (Ctxt, Mem, Next_Off, Step), Build_Extract (Ctxt, Prev_Net, Step, Dat_W - Step)); else -- No overlap. if Prev_Net /= No_Net then Append (Concat, Prev_Net); end if; if Next_Off < Off then -- But there is a gap. Append (Concat, Build_Extract (Ctxt, Mem, Next_Off, Off - Next_Off)); end if; V := Build_Extract (Ctxt, Mem, Off, Dat_W); end if; S := Net_Arr (Sel); if En /= No_Net then S := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Id_And, S, En); Set_Location (S, Loc); end if; V := Build_Mux2 (Ctxt, S, V, Dat); Set_Location (V, Loc); Prev_Net := V; Next_Off := Off + Dat_W; Sel := Sel + 1; -- Increase Off. for I in reverse Memidx_Arr'Range loop declare C : Count_Type renames Count (I); begin C.Val := C.Val + C.Step; Off := Off + C.Step; exit when C.Val <= C.Max * C.Step; if I = Memidx_Arr'First then -- End. Append (Concat, Prev_Net); Off := Next_Off; return; end if; Count (I).Val := 0; Off := Count (I - 1).Val; end; end loop; end loop; end Generate_Muxes; procedure Expand_Dyn_Insert (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Inst : Instance; En : Net) is Loc : constant Location_Type := Get_Location (Inst); Mem : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 0); Dat : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 1); Addr_Net : constant Net := Get_Input_Net (Inst, 2); O : constant Net := Get_Output (Inst, 0); O_W : constant Width := Get_Width (O); -- 1. compute number of dims, check order. Ndims : constant Natural := Count_Memidx (Addr_Net); Nbr_Els : Natural; Memidx_Arr : Memidx_Array_Type (1 .. Ndims); Net_Arr : Net_Array_Acc; Addr : Net; Concat : Concat_Type; Res : Net; begin Gather_Memidx (Addr_Net, Memidx_Arr, Nbr_Els); -- Generate decoder. Net_Arr := new Net_Array(0 .. Int32 (Nbr_Els - 1)); Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 2)); -- Disconnect address Extract_Address (Ctxt, Addr_Net, Ndims, Addr); Truncate_Address (Ctxt, Addr, Nbr_Els); Generate_Decoder (Ctxt, Addr, Net_Arr.all, Loc); -- Build muxes declare Off : Uns32; begin Off := Get_Param_Uns32 (Inst, 0); Generate_Muxes (Ctxt, Concat, Mem, Off, Dat, Memidx_Arr, Net_Arr.all, Loc, En); if Off < O_W then Append (Concat, Build_Extract (Ctxt, Mem, Off, O_W - Off)); end if; end; Build (Ctxt, Concat, Res); pragma Assert (Get_Width (Res) = O_W); Free_Net_Array (Net_Arr); -- Replace gate. Redirect_Inputs (O, Res); Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 0)); Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 1)); if En /= No_Net then Disconnect (Get_Input (Inst, 3)); end if; Remove_Instance (Inst); Remove_Memidx (Memidx_Arr); end Expand_Dyn_Insert; -- Replace instance INST a ROT b by: S (a, b) | C (a, l - b) -- (S for shifted, C for counter-shifted) procedure Expand_Rot (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Inst : Instance; Id_S, Id_C : Shift_Module_Id) is Loc : constant Location_Type := Get_Location (Inst); Val : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst, 0); Amt : constant Input := Get_Input (Inst, 1); Val_N : constant Net := Get_Driver (Val); Amt_N : constant Net := Get_Driver (Amt); W_Val : constant Width := Get_Width (Val_N); W_Amt : constant Width := Clog2 (W_Val); Sh_S : Net; R_Amt : Net; Sh_C : Net; Res : Net; begin Sh_S := Build_Shift_Rotate (Ctxt, Id_S, Val_N, Amt_N); Set_Location (Sh_S, Loc); R_Amt := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Id_Sub, Build_Const_UB32 (Ctxt, W_Val, W_Amt), Build2_Uresize (Ctxt, Amt_N, W_Amt, Loc)); Set_Location (R_Amt, Loc); Sh_C := Build_Shift_Rotate (Ctxt, Id_C, Val_N, R_Amt); Set_Location (Sh_C, Loc); Res := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Id_Or, Sh_S, Sh_C); Set_Location (Res, Loc); Redirect_Inputs (Get_Output (Inst, 0), Res); Disconnect (Val); Disconnect (Amt); Remove_Instance (Inst); end Expand_Rot; procedure Expand_Rol (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Inst : Instance) is begin Expand_Rot (Ctxt, Inst, Id_Lsl, Id_Lsr); end Expand_Rol; procedure Expand_Ror (Ctxt : Context_Acc; Inst : Instance) is begin Expand_Rot (Ctxt, Inst, Id_Lsr, Id_Lsl); end Expand_Ror; procedure Expand_Gates (Ctxt : Context_Acc; M : Module) is Inst : Instance; Ninst : Instance; begin Inst := Get_First_Instance (M); while Inst /= No_Instance loop -- Walk all the instances of M: Ninst := Get_Next_Instance (Inst); case Get_Id (Inst) is when Id_Dyn_Extract => Expand_Dyn_Extract (Ctxt, Inst); when Id_Dyn_Insert => Expand_Dyn_Insert (Ctxt, Inst, No_Net); when Id_Dyn_Insert_En => Expand_Dyn_Insert (Ctxt, Inst, Get_Input_Net (Inst, 3)); when Id_Rol => -- a rol b == shl (a, b) | shr (a, l - b) [if b < l] Expand_Rol (Ctxt, Inst); when Id_Ror => -- a ror b == shr (a, b) | shl (a, l - b) [if b < l] Expand_Ror (Ctxt, Inst); when others => null; end case; Inst := Ninst; end loop; end Expand_Gates; end Netlists.Expands;