-- Debugging during synthesis. -- Copyright (C) 2019 Tristan Gingold -- -- This file is part of GHDL. -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . with Files_Map; with Tables; with Simple_IO; use Simple_IO; with Name_Table; with Str_Table; with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types; with Grt.Readline; with Vhdl.Errors; with Vhdl.Nodes_Walk; use Vhdl.Nodes_Walk; with Vhdl.Parse; with Elab.Vhdl_Context.Debug; use Elab.Vhdl_Context.Debug; with Elab.Vhdl_Debug; use Elab.Vhdl_Debug; package body Elab.Debugger is Current_Instance : Synth_Instance_Acc; Current_Loc : Node; type Debug_Reason is ( Reason_Init, Reason_Break, Reason_Time, Reason_Error ); function Debug_Current_Instance return Synth_Instance_Acc is begin return Current_Instance; end Debug_Current_Instance; package Breakpoints is new Tables (Table_Index_Type => Natural, Table_Component_Type => Node, Table_Low_Bound => 1, Table_Initial => 16); function Is_Breakpoint_Hit return Boolean is begin for I in Breakpoints.First .. Breakpoints.Last loop if Breakpoints.Table (I) = Current_Loc then return True; end if; end loop; return False; end Is_Breakpoint_Hit; -- Current execution state, or reason to stop execution (set by the -- last debugger command). type Exec_State_Type is (-- Execution should continue until a breakpoint is reached or assertion -- failure. Exec_Run, -- Execution will stop at the next statement. Exec_Single_Step, -- Execution will stop at the next simple statement in the same frame. Exec_Next, -- Execution will stop at the next statement in the same frame. In -- case of compound statement, stop after the compound statement. Exec_Next_Stmt); Exec_State : Exec_State_Type := Exec_Run; -- Current frame for next. Exec_Instance : Synth_Instance_Acc; -- Current statement for next_stmt. Exec_Statement : Node; function Is_Within_Statement (Stmt : Node; Cur : Node) return Boolean is Parent : Node; begin Parent := Cur; loop if Parent = Stmt then return True; end if; case Get_Kind (Parent) is when Iir_Kinds_Sequential_Statement => Parent := Get_Parent (Parent); when others => return False; end case; end loop; end Is_Within_Statement; Prompt_Debug : constant String := "debug> " & ASCII.NUL; Prompt_Error : constant String := "error> " & ASCII.NUL; Prompt_Init : constant String := "init> " & ASCII.NUL; -- Prompt_Elab : constant String := "elab> " & ASCII.NUL; procedure Disp_Iir_Location (N : Node) is begin if N = Null_Iir then Put_Err ("??:??:??"); else Put_Err (Vhdl.Errors.Disp_Location (N)); end if; Put_Err (": "); end Disp_Iir_Location; -- For the list command: current file and current line. List_Current_File : Source_File_Entry := No_Source_File_Entry; List_Current_Line : Natural := 0; List_Current_Line_Pos : Source_Ptr := 0; -- Set List_Current_* from a location. To be called after program break -- to indicate current location. procedure Set_List_Current (Loc : Location_Type) is Offset : Natural; begin Files_Map.Location_To_Coord (Loc, List_Current_File, List_Current_Line_Pos, List_Current_Line, Offset); end Set_List_Current; procedure Disp_Current_Lines is use Files_Map; -- Number of lines to display before and after the current line. Radius : constant := 5; Buf : File_Buffer_Acc; Pos : Source_Ptr; Line : Natural; Len : Source_Ptr; C : Character; begin if List_Current_Line > Radius then Line := List_Current_Line - Radius; else Line := 1; end if; Pos := File_Line_To_Position (List_Current_File, Line); Buf := Get_File_Source (List_Current_File); while Line < List_Current_Line + Radius loop -- Compute line length. Len := 0; loop C := Buf (Pos + Len); exit when C = ASCII.CR or C = ASCII.LF or C = ASCII.EOT; Len := Len + 1; end loop; -- Disp line number. declare Str : constant String := Natural'Image (Line); begin if Line = List_Current_Line then Put ('*'); else Put (' '); end if; Put ((Str'Length .. 5 => ' ')); Put (Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last)); Put (' '); end; -- Disp line. Put_Line (String (Buf (Pos .. Pos + Len - 1))); -- Skip EOL. exit when C = ASCII.EOT; Pos := Pos + Len + 1; if C = ASCII.CR then if Buf (Pos) = ASCII.LF then Pos := Pos + 1; end if; else pragma Assert (C = ASCII.LF); if Buf (Pos) = ASCII.CR then Pos := Pos + 1; end if; end if; Line := Line + 1; end loop; end Disp_Current_Lines; procedure Disp_Source_Line (Loc : Location_Type) is use Files_Map; File : Source_File_Entry; Line_Pos : Source_Ptr; Line : Natural; Offset : Natural; Buf : File_Buffer_Acc; Next_Line_Pos : Source_Ptr; begin Location_To_Coord (Loc, File, Line_Pos, Line, Offset); Buf := Get_File_Source (File); Next_Line_Pos := File_Line_To_Position (File, Line + 1); Put (String (Buf (Line_Pos .. Next_Line_Pos - 1))); end Disp_Source_Line; -- The status of the debugger. This status can be modified by a command -- as a side effect to resume or quit the debugger. type Command_Status_Type is (Status_Default, Status_Quit); Command_Status : Command_Status_Type; -- This exception can be raised by a debugger command to directly return -- to the prompt. Command_Error : exception; -- If set (by commands), call this procedure on empty line to repeat -- last command. Cmd_Repeat : Menu_Procedure; type Menu_Kind is (Menu_Command, Menu_Submenu); type Menu_Entry (Kind : Menu_Kind); type Menu_Entry_Acc is access all Menu_Entry; type Menu_Entry (Kind : Menu_Kind) is record Name : Cst_String_Acc; Help : Cst_String_Acc; Next : Menu_Entry_Acc; case Kind is when Menu_Command => Proc : Menu_Procedure; when Menu_Submenu => First : Menu_Entry_Acc := null; end case; end record; function Is_Blank (C : Character) return Boolean is begin return C = ' ' or else C = ASCII.HT; end Is_Blank; function Skip_Blanks (S : String) return Positive is P : Positive := S'First; begin while P <= S'Last and then Is_Blank (S (P)) loop P := P + 1; end loop; return P; end Skip_Blanks; function Skip_Blanks (S : String; F : Positive) return Positive is begin return Skip_Blanks (S (F .. S'Last)); end Skip_Blanks; -- Return the position of the last character of the word (the last -- non-blank character). function Get_Word (S : String) return Positive is P : Positive := S'First; begin while P <= S'Last and then not Is_Blank (S (P)) loop P := P + 1; end loop; return P - 1; end Get_Word; function Get_Word (S : String; F : Positive) return Positive is begin return Get_Word (S (F .. S'Last)); end Get_Word; procedure To_Num (Str : String; Res : out Uns32; Valid : out Boolean) is begin Res := 0; Valid := True; for P in Str'Range loop if Str (P) in '0' .. '9' then Res := Res * 10 + Character'Pos (Str (P)) - Character'Pos ('0'); else Valid := False; return; end if; end loop; end To_Num; procedure Info_Params_Proc (Line : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Line); Decl : Iir; Params : Iir; begin Decl := Get_Source_Scope (Current_Instance); loop case Get_Kind (Decl) is when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body | Iir_Kind_Function_Body => Decl := Get_Subprogram_Specification (Decl); exit; when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement => Put_Line ("processes have no parameters"); return; when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement | Iir_Kind_If_Statement | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement => Decl := Get_Parent (Decl); when others => Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("info_params_proc", Decl); end case; end loop; Params := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Decl); Disp_Declaration_Objects (Current_Instance, Params); end Info_Params_Proc; procedure Info_Locals_Proc (Line : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Line); Decl : Iir; Decls : Iir; begin -- From statement to declaration. Decl := Get_Source_Scope (Current_Instance); loop case Get_Kind (Decl) is when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body | Iir_Kind_Function_Body | Iir_Kind_Process_Statement | Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement_Body => Decls := Get_Declaration_Chain (Decl); exit; when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement | Iir_Kind_If_Statement | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement => Decl := Get_Parent (Decl); when others => Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("info_params_proc", Decl); end case; end loop; Disp_Declaration_Objects (Current_Instance, Decls); end Info_Locals_Proc; procedure Info_Instance_Proc (Line : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Line); begin Debug_Synth_Instance (Current_Instance); end Info_Instance_Proc; -- Next statement in the same frame, but handle compound statements as -- one statement. procedure Next_Stmt_Proc (Line : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Line); begin Exec_State := Exec_Next_Stmt; Exec_Instance := Current_Instance; Exec_Statement := Current_Loc; Flag_Need_Debug := True; Command_Status := Status_Quit; end Next_Stmt_Proc; -- Finish parent statement. procedure Finish_Stmt_Proc (Line : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Line); begin Exec_State := Exec_Next_Stmt; Exec_Instance := Current_Instance; Exec_Statement := Get_Parent (Current_Loc); Flag_Need_Debug := True; Command_Status := Status_Quit; end Finish_Stmt_Proc; procedure Next_Proc (Line : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Line); begin Exec_State := Exec_Next; Exec_Instance := Current_Instance; Flag_Need_Debug := True; Command_Status := Status_Quit; Cmd_Repeat := Next_Proc'Access; end Next_Proc; procedure Step_Proc (Line : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Line); begin Exec_State := Exec_Single_Step; Flag_Need_Debug := True; Command_Status := Status_Quit; Cmd_Repeat := Step_Proc'Access; end Step_Proc; Break_Id : Name_Id; procedure Set_Breakpoint (Stmt : Iir) is begin Put_Line ("set breakpoint at: " & Files_Map.Image (Get_Location (Stmt))); Breakpoints.Append (Stmt); Flag_Need_Debug := True; end Set_Breakpoint; function Cb_Set_Break (El : Iir) return Walk_Status is begin case Get_Kind (El) is when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration => if Get_Identifier (El) = Break_Id and then Get_Implicit_Definition (El) not in Iir_Predefined_Implicit then Set_Breakpoint (Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Get_Subprogram_Body (El))); end if; when others => null; end case; return Walk_Continue; end Cb_Set_Break; procedure Break_Proc (Line : String) is Status : Walk_Status; P : Natural; begin P := Skip_Blanks (Line); if P > Line'Last then Put_Line ("missing subprogram name"); return; end if; if Line (P) = '"' then -- An operator name. declare use Str_Table; Str : String8_Id; Len : Nat32; begin Str := Create_String8; Len := 0; P := P + 1; while Line (P) /= '"' loop Append_String8_Char (Line (P)); Len := Len + 1; P := P + 1; end loop; Break_Id := Vhdl.Parse.Str_To_Operator_Name (Str, Len, No_Location); -- FIXME: free string. -- FIXME: catch error. end; else Break_Id := Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Line (P .. Line'Last)); end if; Status := Walk_Declarations (Cb_Set_Break'Access); pragma Assert (Status = Walk_Continue); end Break_Proc; procedure Help_Proc (Line : String); procedure Prepare_Continue is begin Command_Status := Status_Quit; -- Set Flag_Need_Debug only if there is at least one enabled breakpoint. Flag_Need_Debug := False; for I in Breakpoints.First .. Breakpoints.Last loop Flag_Need_Debug := True; exit; end loop; end Prepare_Continue; procedure Cont_Proc (Line : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Line); begin Prepare_Continue; end Cont_Proc; procedure Disp_A_Frame (Inst: Synth_Instance_Acc) is Src : Node; begin if Inst = Root_Instance then Put_Line ("root instance"); return; end if; Src := Get_Source_Scope (Inst); Put (Vhdl.Errors.Disp_Node (Src)); Put (" at "); Put (Files_Map.Image (Get_Location (Src))); New_Line; end Disp_A_Frame; procedure Debug_Bt (Instance : Synth_Instance_Acc) is Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; begin Inst := Instance; while Inst /= null loop Disp_A_Frame (Inst); Inst := Get_Caller_Instance (Inst); end loop; end Debug_Bt; pragma Unreferenced (Debug_Bt); procedure Where_Proc (Line : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Line); Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; begin -- Check_Current_Process; Inst := Current_Instance; while Inst /= null loop Disp_A_Frame (Inst); Inst := Get_Caller_Instance (Inst); end loop; end Where_Proc; procedure List_Proc (Line : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Line); begin Disp_Current_Lines; end List_Proc; procedure List_Hierarchy (Line : String) is With_Objs : Boolean; Recurse : Boolean; F, L : Natural; begin With_Objs := False; Recurse := False; F := Line'First; loop F := Skip_Blanks (Line, F); exit when F > Line'Last; L := Get_Word (Line, F); if Line (F .. L) = "-v" then With_Objs := True; elsif Line (F .. L) = "-R" then Recurse := True; elsif Line (F .. L) = "-h" then Put_Line ("options:"); Put_Line (" -h this help"); Put_Line (" -v with objects"); Put_Line (" -R recurses"); return; else Put_Line ("unknown option: " & Line (F .. L)); return; end if; F := L + 1; end loop; Disp_Hierarchy (Current_Instance, Recurse, With_Objs); end List_Hierarchy; procedure Change_Hierarchy (Line : String) is F : Natural; Res : Synth_Instance_Acc; begin F := Skip_Blanks (Line); if Line (F .. Line'Last) = ".." then Res := Get_Instance_Path_Parent (Current_Instance); if Res = null then Put_Line ("already at top"); return; end if; else Res := Get_Sub_Instance_By_Name (Current_Instance, Line (F .. Line'Last)); if Res = null then Put_Line ("no such sub-instance"); return; end if; end if; Current_Instance := Res; end Change_Hierarchy; procedure Print_Hierarchy_Path (Line : String) is pragma Unreferenced (Line); begin Disp_Instance_Path (Current_Instance); New_Line; end Print_Hierarchy_Path; Menu_Info_Instance : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("inst*ance"), Help => new String'("display instance info"), Next => null, -- Menu_Info_Tree'Access, Proc => Info_Instance_Proc'Access); Menu_Info_Locals : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("locals"), Help => new String'("display local objects"), Next => Menu_Info_Instance'Access, Proc => Info_Locals_Proc'Access); Menu_Info_Params : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("param*eters"), Help => new String'("display parameters"), Next => Menu_Info_Locals'Access, -- Menu_Info_Tree'Access, Proc => Info_Params_Proc'Access); Menu_Info : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Submenu, Name => new String'("i*nfo"), Help => null, Next => null, -- Menu_Ps'Access, First => Menu_Info_Params'Access); -- Menu_Info_Proc'Access); Menu_Pwh : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("pwh"), Help => new String'("display current hierarchy path"), Next => Menu_Info'Access, Proc => Print_Hierarchy_Path'Access); Menu_Ch : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("ch"), Help => new String'("change hierarchy path"), Next => Menu_Pwh'Access, Proc => Change_Hierarchy'Access); Menu_Lh : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("lh"), Help => new String'("list hierarchy"), Next => Menu_Ch'Access, Proc => List_Hierarchy'Access); Menu_List : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("l*list"), Help => new String'("list source around current line"), Next => Menu_Lh'Access, Proc => List_Proc'Access); Menu_Cont : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("c*ont"), Help => new String'("continue simulation"), Next => Menu_List'Access, --Menu_Print'Access, Proc => Cont_Proc'Access); Menu_Nstmt : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("ns*tmt"), Help => new String'("execute statement (next statement)"), Next => Menu_Cont'Access, -- Menu_Up'Access, Proc => Next_Stmt_Proc'Access); Menu_Fstmt : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("fs*tmt"), Help => new String'("execute until end of subprogram"), Next => Menu_Nstmt'Access, Proc => Finish_Stmt_Proc'Access); Menu_Next : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("n*ext"), Help => new String'("execute to next statement"), Next => Menu_Fstmt'Access, Proc => Next_Proc'Access); Menu_Step : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("s*tep"), Help => new String'("execute one statement"), Next => Menu_Next'Access, Proc => Step_Proc'Access); Menu_Break : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("b*reak"), Help => new String'("set a breakpoint (or list then)"), Next => Menu_Step'Access, Proc => Break_Proc'Access); Menu_Where : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("w*here"), Help => new String'("disp call stack"), Next => Menu_Break'Access, Proc => Where_Proc'Access); Menu_Help2 : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Command, Name => new String'("?"), Help => new String'("print help"), Next => Menu_Where'Access, Proc => Help_Proc'Access); Menu_Top : aliased Menu_Entry := (Kind => Menu_Submenu, Help => null, Name => null, Next => null, First => Menu_Help2'Access); -- Append command to MENU. procedure Append_Menu (Menu : Menu_Entry; Name : Cst_String_Acc; Help : Cst_String_Acc; Proc : Menu_Procedure) is M, L : Menu_Entry_Acc; begin M := new Menu_Entry'(Kind => Menu_Command, Name => Name, Help => Help, Next => null, Proc => Proc); L := Menu.First; while L.Next /= null loop L := L.Next; end loop; L.Next := M; end Append_Menu; procedure Append_Menu_Command (Name : Cst_String_Acc; Help : Cst_String_Acc; Proc : Menu_Procedure) is begin Append_Menu (Menu_Top, Name, Help, Proc); end Append_Menu_Command; procedure Append_Info_Command (Name : Cst_String_Acc; Help : Cst_String_Acc; Proc : Menu_Procedure) is begin Append_Menu (Menu_Info, Name, Help, Proc); end Append_Info_Command; function Find_Menu (Menu : Menu_Entry_Acc; Cmd : String) return Menu_Entry_Acc is function Is_Cmd (Cmd_Name : String; Str : String) return Boolean is -- Number of characters that were compared. P : Natural; begin P := 0; -- Prefix (before the '*'). loop if P = Cmd_Name'Length then -- Full match. return P = Str'Length; end if; exit when Cmd_Name (Cmd_Name'First + P) = '*'; if P = Str'Length then -- Command is too short return False; end if; if Cmd_Name (Cmd_Name'First + P) /= Str (Str'First + P) then return False; end if; P := P + 1; end loop; -- Suffix (after the '*') loop if P = Str'Length then return True; end if; if P + 1 = Cmd_Name'Length then -- String is too long return False; end if; if Cmd_Name (Cmd_Name'First + P + 1) /= Str (Str'First + P) then return False; end if; P := P + 1; end loop; end Is_Cmd; Ent : Menu_Entry_Acc; begin Ent := Menu.First; while Ent /= null loop if Is_Cmd (Ent.Name.all, Cmd) then return Ent; end if; Ent := Ent.Next; end loop; return null; end Find_Menu; procedure Parse_Command (Line : String; P : in out Natural; Menu : out Menu_Entry_Acc) is E : Natural; begin P := Skip_Blanks (Line (P .. Line'Last)); if P > Line'Last then return; end if; E := Get_Word (Line (P .. Line'Last)); Menu := Find_Menu (Menu, Line (P .. E)); if Menu = null then Put_Line ("command '" & Line (P .. E) & "' not found"); end if; P := E + 1; end Parse_Command; procedure Help_Proc (Line : String) is P : Natural; Root : Menu_Entry_Acc := Menu_Top'access; begin Put_Line ("This is the help command"); P := Line'First; while P < Line'Last loop Parse_Command (Line, P, Root); if Root = null then return; elsif Root.Kind /= Menu_Submenu then Put_Line ("Menu entry " & Root.Name.all & " is not a submenu"); return; end if; end loop; Root := Root.First; while Root /= null loop Put (Root.Name.all); if Root.Kind = Menu_Submenu then Put (" (menu)"); end if; New_Line; Root := Root.Next; end loop; end Help_Proc; procedure Debug (Reason: Debug_Reason) is use Grt.Readline; Raw_Line : Ghdl_C_String; Prompt : Ghdl_C_String; begin Prompt := To_Ghdl_C_String (Prompt_Debug'Address); case Reason is when Reason_Init => Prompt := To_Ghdl_C_String (Prompt_Init'Address); when Reason_Error => Prompt := To_Ghdl_C_String (Prompt_Error'Address); when Reason_Break => case Exec_State is when Exec_Run => if not Is_Breakpoint_Hit then return; end if; Put_Line ("breakpoint hit"); when Exec_Single_Step => null; when Exec_Next => if Current_Instance /= Exec_Instance then return; end if; when Exec_Next_Stmt => if Current_Instance /= Exec_Instance or else Is_Within_Statement (Exec_Statement, Current_Loc) then return; end if; end case; -- Default state. Exec_State := Exec_Run; when Reason_Time => Exec_State := Exec_Run; end case; case Reason is when Reason_Error | Reason_Break => Put ("stopped at: "); Disp_Iir_Location (Current_Loc); New_Line; Disp_Source_Line (Get_Location (Current_Loc)); when others => null; end case; if Current_Loc /= Null_Node then Set_List_Current (Get_Location (Current_Loc)); end if; Command_Status := Status_Default; loop loop Raw_Line := Readline (Prompt); -- Skip empty lines if Raw_Line = null or else Raw_Line (1) = ASCII.NUL then if Cmd_Repeat /= null then Cmd_Repeat.all (""); case Command_Status is when Status_Default => null; when Status_Quit => return; end case; end if; else Cmd_Repeat := null; exit; end if; end loop; declare Line_Last : constant Natural := strlen (Raw_Line); Line : String renames Raw_Line (1 .. Line_Last); P, E : Positive; Cmd : Menu_Entry_Acc := Menu_Top'Access; begin -- Find command P := 1; loop E := P; Parse_Command (Line, E, Cmd); exit when Cmd = null; case Cmd.Kind is when Menu_Submenu => if E > Line_Last then Put_Line ("missing command for submenu " & Line (P .. E - 1)); Cmd := null; exit; end if; P := E; when Menu_Command => exit; end case; end loop; if Cmd /= null then Cmd.Proc.all (Line (E .. Line_Last)); case Command_Status is when Status_Default => null; when Status_Quit => exit; end case; end if; exception when Command_Error => null; end; end loop; -- Put ("resuming"); end Debug; procedure Debug_Init (Top : Node) is begin Flag_Debug_Enable := True; Current_Instance := null; Current_Loc := Top; -- To avoid warnings. Exec_Statement := Null_Node; Exec_Instance := null; Debug (Reason_Init); end Debug_Init; procedure Debug_Elab (Top : Synth_Instance_Acc) is begin Current_Instance := Top; Current_Loc := Get_Source_Scope (Top); Flag_Debug_Enable := True; -- To avoid warnings. Exec_Statement := Null_Node; Exec_Instance := null; Debug (Reason_Init); end Debug_Elab; procedure Debug_Break (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Stmt : Node) is begin Current_Instance := Inst; Current_Loc := Stmt; Debug (Reason_Break); end Debug_Break; procedure Debug_Time is begin Current_Instance := Root_Instance; Current_Loc := Null_Node; Debug (Reason_Time); end Debug_Time; procedure Debug_Leave (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc) is begin if Exec_Instance = Inst then -- Will be destroyed. Exec_Instance := null; case Exec_State is when Exec_Run => null; when Exec_Single_Step => null; when Exec_Next | Exec_Next_Stmt => -- Leave the frame, will stop just after. Exec_State := Exec_Single_Step; end case; end if; end Debug_Leave; procedure Debug_Error (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Expr : Node) is begin if Flag_Debug_Enable then Current_Instance := Inst; Current_Loc := Expr; Debug (Reason_Error); end if; if Error_Hook /= null then Error_Hook.all; end if; end Debug_Error; end Elab.Debugger;