with Types; use Types; package PSL.Nodes is type Nkind is ( N_Error, N_Vmode, N_Vunit, N_Vprop, N_Hdl_Mod_Name, N_Assert_Directive, N_Property_Declaration, N_Sequence_Declaration, N_Endpoint_Declaration, -- Formal parameters N_Const_Parameter, N_Boolean_Parameter, N_Property_Parameter, N_Sequence_Parameter, N_Sequence_Instance, N_Endpoint_Instance, N_Property_Instance, N_Actual, N_Clock_Event, -- Properties N_Always, N_Never, N_Eventually, N_Strong, -- ! N_Imp_Seq, -- |=> N_Overlap_Imp_Seq, -- |-> N_Log_Imp_Prop, -- -> N_Next, N_Next_A, N_Next_E, N_Next_Event, N_Next_Event_A, N_Next_Event_E, N_Abort, N_Until, N_Before, N_Or_Prop, N_And_Prop, -- Sequences/SERE. N_Braced_SERE, N_Concat_SERE, N_Fusion_SERE, N_Within_SERE, N_Match_And_Seq, -- && N_And_Seq, N_Or_Seq, N_Star_Repeat_Seq, N_Goto_Repeat_Seq, N_Plus_Repeat_Seq, -- [+] N_Equal_Repeat_Seq, -- Boolean layer. N_Not_Bool, N_And_Bool, N_Or_Bool, N_Imp_Bool, -- -> N_HDL_Expr, N_False, N_True, N_EOS, N_Name, N_Name_Decl, N_Number ); for Nkind'Size use 8; subtype N_Booleans is Nkind range N_Not_Bool .. N_True; subtype N_Sequences is Nkind range N_Braced_SERE .. N_Equal_Repeat_Seq; type PSL_Types is ( Type_Unknown, Type_Boolean, Type_Bit, Type_Bitvector, Type_Numeric, Type_String, Type_Sequence, Type_Property ); -- Within CSE, it is useful to know which sub-expression already compose -- an expression. -- Eg: suppose we want to build A and B. -- Each sub-expressions of B is marked either as Present_Pos or -- Present_Neg. -- If A is already present, return either B or FALSE. -- Otherwise, build the node. type PSL_Presence_Kind is ( Present_Unknown, Present_Pos, Present_Neg ); -- The next line marks the start of the node description. -- Start of Nkind. -- N_Error (Short) -- N_Vmode (Short) -- N_Vunit (Short) -- N_Vprop (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2) -- -- Get/Set_Instance (Field3) -- -- Get/Set_Item_Chain (Field4) -- N_Hdl_Mod_Name (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Prefix (Field2) -- N_Assert_Directive (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Label (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2) -- -- Get/Set_String (Field3) -- -- Get/Set_Property (Field4) -- -- Get/Set_NFA (Field5) -- N_Property_Declaration (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2) -- -- Get/Set_Global_Clock (Field3) -- -- Get/Set_Property (Field4) -- -- Get/Set_Parameter_List (Field5) -- N_Sequence_Declaration (Short) -- N_Endpoint_Declaration (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2) -- -- Get/Set_Sequence (Field3) -- -- Get/Set_Parameter_List (Field5) -- N_Const_Parameter (Short) -- N_Boolean_Parameter (Short) -- N_Property_Parameter (Short) -- N_Sequence_Parameter (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2) -- -- -- Current actual parameter. -- Get/Set_Actual (Field3) -- N_Sequence_Instance (Short) -- N_Endpoint_Instance (Short) -- N_Property_Instance (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Declaration (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Association_Chain (Field2) -- N_Actual (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2) -- -- Get/Set_Actual (Field3) -- -- Get/Set_Formal (Field4) -- N_Clock_Event (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Property (Field4) -- -- Get/Set_Boolean (Field3) -- N_Always (Short) -- N_Never (Short) -- N_Eventually (Short) -- N_Strong (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Property (Field4) -- N_Next (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Strong_Flag (Flag1) -- -- Get/Set_Number (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Property (Field4) -- N_Name (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Decl (Field2) -- N_Name_Decl (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Identifier (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Chain (Field2) -- N_Number (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Value (Field1) -- N_Braced_SERE (Short) -- -- Get/Set_SERE (Field1) -- N_Concat_SERE (Short) -- N_Fusion_SERE (Short) -- N_Within_SERE (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Left (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Right (Field2) -- N_Star_Repeat_Seq (Short) -- N_Goto_Repeat_Seq (Short) -- N_Equal_Repeat_Seq (Short) -- -- Note: can be null_node for star_repeat_seq. -- Get/Set_Sequence (Field3) -- -- Get/Set_Low_Bound (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_High_Bound (Field2) -- N_Plus_Repeat_Seq (Short) -- -- Note: can be null_node. -- Get/Set_Sequence (Field3) -- N_Match_And_Seq (Short) -- N_And_Seq (Short) -- N_Or_Seq (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Left (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Right (Field2) -- N_Imp_Seq (Short) -- N_Overlap_Imp_Seq (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Sequence (Field3) -- -- Get/Set_Property (Field4) -- N_Log_Imp_Prop (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Left (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Right (Field2) -- N_Next_A (Short) -- N_Next_E (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Strong_Flag (Flag1) -- -- Get/Set_Low_Bound (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_High_Bound (Field2) -- -- Get/Set_Property (Field4) -- N_Next_Event (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Strong_Flag (Flag1) -- -- Get/Set_Number (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Property (Field4) -- -- Get/Set_Boolean (Field3) -- N_Or_Prop (Short) -- N_And_Prop (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Left (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Right (Field2) -- N_Until (Short) -- N_Before (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Strong_Flag (Flag1) -- -- Get/Set_Inclusive_Flag (Flag2) -- -- Get/Set_Left (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Right (Field2) -- N_Next_Event_A (Short) -- N_Next_Event_E (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Strong_Flag (Flag1) -- -- Get/Set_Low_Bound (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_High_Bound (Field2) -- -- Get/Set_Property (Field4) -- -- Get/Set_Boolean (Field3) -- N_Abort (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Property (Field4) -- -- Get/Set_Boolean (Field3) -- N_HDL_Expr (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Presence (State1) -- -- Get/Set_HDL_Node (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_HDL_Index (Field2) -- -- Get/Set_Hash (Field5) -- -- Get/Set_Hash_Link (Field6) -- N_Not_Bool (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Presence (State1) -- -- Get/Set_Boolean (Field3) -- -- Get/Set_Hash (Field5) -- -- Get/Set_Hash_Link (Field6) -- N_And_Bool (Short) -- N_Or_Bool (Short) -- N_Imp_Bool (Short) -- -- Get/Set_Presence (State1) -- -- Get/Set_Left (Field1) -- -- Get/Set_Right (Field2) -- -- Get/Set_Hash (Field5) -- -- Get/Set_Hash_Link (Field6) -- N_True (Short) -- N_False (Short) -- N_EOS (Short) -- End of simulation. -- -- Get/Set_HDL_Index (Field2) -- -- Get/Set_Hash (Field5) -- -- Get/Set_Hash_Link (Field6) -- End of Nkind. subtype Node is Types.PSL_Node; Null_Node : constant Node := 0; False_Node : constant Node := 1; True_Node : constant Node := 2; One_Node : constant Node := 3; EOS_Node : constant Node := 4; subtype NFA is Types.PSL_NFA; subtype HDL_Node is Types.Int32; HDL_Null : constant HDL_Node := 0; -- General methods. procedure Init; -- Get the number of the last node. -- To be used to size lateral tables. function Get_Last_Node return Node; -- subtype Regs_Type_Node is Node range Reg_Type_Node .. Time_Type_Node; function Create_Node (Kind : Nkind) return Node; procedure Free_Node (N : Node); -- Return the type of a node. function Get_Psl_Type (N : Node) return PSL_Types; -- Note: use field Location function Get_Location (N : Node) return Location_Type; procedure Set_Location (N : Node; Loc : Location_Type); function Get_Kind (N : Node) return Nkind; pragma Inline (Get_Kind); -- -- Disp: None -- -- Field: Field6 -- function Get_Parent (N : Node) return Node; -- procedure Set_Parent (N : Node; Parent : Node); -- Disp: Special -- Field: Field1 (pos) function Get_Identifier (N : Node) return Name_Id; procedure Set_Identifier (N : Node; Id : Name_Id); -- Disp: Special -- Field: Field1 (pos) function Get_Label (N : Node) return Name_Id; procedure Set_Label (N : Node; Id : Name_Id); -- Disp: Chain -- Field: Field2 Chain function Get_Chain (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Chain (N : Node; Chain : Node); -- Field: Field3 function Get_Instance (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Instance (N : Node; Instance : Node); -- Field: Field2 function Get_Prefix (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Prefix (N : Node; Prefix : Node); -- Field: Field4 function Get_Item_Chain (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Item_Chain (N : Node; Item : Node); -- Field: Field4 function Get_Property (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Property (N : Node; Property : Node); -- Field: Field3 function Get_String (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_String (N : Node; Str : Node); -- Field: Field1 function Get_SERE (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_SERE (N : Node; S : Node); -- Field: Field1 function Get_Left (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Left (N : Node; S : Node); -- Field: Field2 function Get_Right (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Right (N : Node; S : Node); -- Field: Field3 function Get_Sequence (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Sequence (N : Node; S : Node); -- Field: Flag1 function Get_Strong_Flag (N : Node) return Boolean; procedure Set_Strong_Flag (N : Node; B : Boolean); -- Field: Flag2 function Get_Inclusive_Flag (N : Node) return Boolean; procedure Set_Inclusive_Flag (N : Node; B : Boolean); -- Field: Field1 function Get_Low_Bound (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Low_Bound (N : Node; S : Node); -- Field: Field2 function Get_High_Bound (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_High_Bound (N : Node; S : Node); -- Field: Field1 function Get_Number (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Number (N : Node; S : Node); -- Field: Field1 (uc) function Get_Value (N : Node) return Uns32; procedure Set_Value (N : Node; Val : Uns32); -- Field: Field3 function Get_Boolean (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Boolean (N : Node; B : Node); -- Field: Field2 function Get_Decl (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Decl (N : Node; D : Node); -- Field: Field1 (uc) function Get_HDL_Node (N : Node) return HDL_Node; procedure Set_HDL_Node (N : Node; H : HDL_Node); -- Field: Field5 (uc) function Get_Hash (N : Node) return Uns32; procedure Set_Hash (N : Node; E : Uns32); pragma Inline (Get_Hash); -- Field: Field6 function Get_Hash_Link (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Hash_Link (N : Node; E : Node); pragma Inline (Get_Hash_Link); -- Field: Field2 (uc) function Get_HDL_Index (N : Node) return Int32; procedure Set_HDL_Index (N : Node; Idx : Int32); -- Field: State1 (pos) function Get_Presence (N : Node) return PSL_Presence_Kind; procedure Set_Presence (N : Node; P : PSL_Presence_Kind); -- Field: Field5 (uc) function Get_NFA (N : Node) return NFA; procedure Set_NFA (N : Node; P : NFA); -- Field: Field5 function Get_Parameter_List (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Parameter_List (N : Node; E : Node); -- Field: Field3 function Get_Actual (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Actual (N : Node; E : Node); -- Field: Field4 function Get_Formal (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Formal (N : Node; E : Node); -- Field: Field1 Ref function Get_Declaration (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Declaration (N : Node; Decl : Node); -- Field: Field2 function Get_Association_Chain (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Association_Chain (N : Node; Chain : Node); -- Field: Field3 function Get_Global_Clock (N : Node) return Node; procedure Set_Global_Clock (N : Node; Clock : Node); end PSL.Nodes;