-- GHDL driver - commands invoking gcc. -- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold -- -- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free -- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA -- 02111-1307, USA. with System; with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line; with Interfaces.C_Streams; with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib; with Types; use Types; with Tables; with Dyn_Tables; with Files_Map; with Libraries; with Default_Paths; with Simple_IO; use Simple_IO; with Name_Table; use Name_Table; with Vhdl.Std_Package; with Vhdl.Nodes; use Vhdl.Nodes; with Vhdl.Configuration; with Options; use Options; with Ghdlmain; use Ghdlmain; with Ghdllocal; use Ghdllocal; with Errorout; with Version; package body Ghdldrv is -- Name of the tools used. Compiler_Cmd : String_Access := null; Post_Processor_Cmd : String_Access := null; Assembler_Cmd : String_Access := null; Linker_Cmd : String_Access := null; -- Path of the tools. Compiler_Path : String_Access; Post_Processor_Path : String_Access; Assembler_Path : String_Access; Linker_Path : String_Access; -- Set by the '-o' option: the output filename. If the option is not -- present, then null. Output_File : String_Access; -- "-o" string. Dash_o : constant String_Access := new String'("-o"); -- "-c" string. Dash_c : constant String_Access := new String'("-c"); -- "-quiet" option. Dash_Quiet : constant String_Access := new String'("-quiet"); -- "-fpic" option. Dash_Fpic : constant String_Access := new String'("-fpic"); -- If set, do not assmble Flag_Asm : Boolean; -- If true, executed commands are displayed. Flag_Disp_Commands : Boolean; -- Flag not quiet Flag_Not_Quiet : Boolean; -- True if failure expected. Flag_Expect_Failure : Boolean; -- Elaboration mode. type Elab_Mode_Type is (-- Static elaboration (or pre-elaboration). Elab_Static, -- Dynamic elaboration: design is elaborated just before being run. Elab_Dynamic); -- Default elaboration mode is dynamic. Elab_Mode : Elab_Mode_Type := Elab_Dynamic; -- Argument table for the tools. -- Each table low bound is 1 so that the length of a table is equal to -- the last bound. package Argument_Table_Pkg is new Dyn_Tables (Table_Component_Type => String_Access, Table_Index_Type => Integer, Table_Low_Bound => 1, Table_Initial => 4); use Argument_Table_Pkg; -- Arguments for tools. Compiler_Args : Argument_Table_Pkg.Instance; Postproc_Args : Argument_Table_Pkg.Instance; Assembler_Args : Argument_Table_Pkg.Instance; Linker_Args : Argument_Table_Pkg.Instance; -- Display the program spawned in Flag_Disp_Commands is TRUE. -- Return the exit status. function My_Spawn_Status (Program_Name : String; Args : Argument_List) return Integer is begin if Flag_Disp_Commands then Put (Program_Name); for I in Args'Range loop Put (' '); Put (Args (I).all); end loop; New_Line; end if; return Spawn (Program_Name, Args); end My_Spawn_Status; -- Display the program spawned in Flag_Disp_Commands is TRUE. -- Raise COMPILE_ERROR in case of failure. procedure My_Spawn (Program_Name : String; Args : Argument_List) is Status : Integer; begin Status := My_Spawn_Status (Program_Name, Args); if Status = 0 then return; elsif Status = 1 then Error ("compilation error"); raise Compile_Error; elsif Status > 127 then Error ("executable killed by a signal"); raise Exec_Error; else Error ("exec error"); raise Exec_Error; end if; end My_Spawn; -- Compile FILE with additional argument OPTIONSS. procedure Do_Compile (Options : Argument_List; File : String; In_Work : Boolean) is Obj_File : String_Access; Asm_File : String_Access; Post_File : String_Access; Success : Boolean; begin -- Create post file. if Flag_Postprocess then Post_File := Append_Suffix (File, Post_Suffix, In_Work); end if; -- Create asm file. case Backend is when Backend_Gcc => Asm_File := Append_Suffix (File, Asm_Suffix, In_Work); when Backend_Llvm | Backend_Mcode => null; end case; -- Create obj file (may not be used, but the condition isn't simple). Obj_File := Append_Suffix (File, Get_Object_Suffix.all, In_Work); -- Compile. declare P : Natural; Nbr_Args : constant Natural := Last (Compiler_Args) + Options'Length + 5; Args : Argument_List (1 .. Nbr_Args); begin P := 0; for I in First .. Last (Compiler_Args) loop P := P + 1; Args (P) := Compiler_Args.Table (I); end loop; for I in Options'Range loop P := P + 1; Args (P) := Options (I); end loop; -- Add -quiet for gcc, add -c for llvm if not Flag_Postprocess then case Backend is when Backend_Gcc => if not Flag_Not_Quiet then P := P + 1; Args (P) := Dash_Quiet; end if; when Backend_Llvm => P := P + 1; Args (P) := Dash_c; when Backend_Mcode => null; end case; end if; -- Add -fpic for gcc/llvm. if not Flag_Postprocess and then Default_Paths.Default_Pie then case Backend is when Backend_Gcc | Backend_Llvm => P := P + 1; Args (P) := Dash_Fpic; when Backend_Mcode => null; end case; end if; -- Object file (or assembly file). Args (P + 1) := Dash_o; if Flag_Postprocess then Args (P + 2) := Post_File; else case Backend is when Backend_Gcc => Args (P + 2) := Asm_File; when Backend_Mcode | Backend_Llvm => Args (P + 2) := Obj_File; end case; end if; Args (P + 3) := new String'(File); My_Spawn (Compiler_Path.all, Args (1 .. P + 3)); Free (Args (P + 3)); exception when Compile_Error => -- Delete temporary file in case of error. Delete_File (Args (P + 2).all, Success); -- FIXME: delete object file too ? raise; end; -- Post-process. if Flag_Postprocess then declare P : Natural; Nbr_Args : constant Natural := Last (Postproc_Args) + 5; Args : Argument_List (1 .. Nbr_Args); begin P := 0; for I in First .. Last (Postproc_Args) loop P := P + 1; Args (P) := Postproc_Args.Table (I); end loop; case Backend is when Backend_Gcc => if not Flag_Not_Quiet then P := P + 1; Args (P) := Dash_Quiet; end if; when Backend_Llvm => null; when Backend_Mcode => null; end case; Args (P + 1) := Dash_o; case Backend is when Backend_Gcc => Args (P + 2) := Asm_File; when Backend_Llvm | Backend_Mcode => Args (P + 2) := Obj_File; end case; Args (P + 3) := Post_File; My_Spawn (Post_Processor_Path.all, Args (1 .. P + 3)); end; Free (Post_File); end if; -- Assemble. case Backend is when Backend_Gcc => if Flag_Expect_Failure then Delete_File (Asm_File.all, Success); elsif not Flag_Asm then declare P : Natural; Nbr_Args : constant Natural := Last (Assembler_Args) + 4; Args : Argument_List (1 .. Nbr_Args); Success : Boolean; begin P := 0; for I in First .. Last (Assembler_Args) loop P := P + 1; Args (P) := Assembler_Args.Table (I); end loop; Args (P + 1) := Dash_o; Args (P + 2) := Obj_File; Args (P + 3) := Asm_File; My_Spawn (Assembler_Path.all, Args (1 .. P + 3)); Delete_File (Asm_File.all, Success); end; end if; when Backend_Mcode | Backend_Llvm => null; end case; Free (Asm_File); Free (Obj_File); end Do_Compile; -- Table of files to be linked. package Filelist is new Tables (Table_Component_Type => String_Access, Table_Index_Type => Natural, Table_Low_Bound => 1, Table_Initial => 16); Link_Obj_Suffix : String_Access; -- Read a list of files from file FILENAME. -- Lines starting with a '#' are ignored (comments) -- Lines starting with a '>' are directory lines -- If first character of a line is a '@', it is replaced with -- the lib_prefix_path. -- If TO_OBJ is true, then each file is converted to an object file name -- (suffix is replaced by the object file extension). procedure Add_File_List (Filename : String; To_Obj : Boolean) is use Interfaces.C_Streams; use System; -- Replace the first '@' with the machine path. function Substitute (Str : String) return String is begin for I in Str'Range loop if Str (I) = '@' then return Str (Str'First .. I - 1) & Get_Machine_Path_Prefix & Str (I + 1 .. Str'Last); end if; end loop; return Str; end Substitute; Dir : String (1 .. max_path_len); Dir_Len : Natural; Line : String (1 .. max_path_len); Stream : Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs; Mode : constant String := "rt" & Ghdllocal.Nul; L : Natural; File : String_Access; begin Line (1 .. Filename'Length) := Filename; Line (Filename'Length + 1) := Ghdllocal.Nul; Stream := fopen (Line'Address, Mode'Address); if Stream = NULL_Stream then Error ("cannot open " & Filename); raise Compile_Error; end if; Dir_Len := 0; loop exit when fgets (Line'Address, Line'Length, Stream) = NULL_Stream; if Line (1) /= '#' then -- Compute string length. L := 0; while Line (L + 1) /= Ghdllocal.Nul loop L := L + 1; end loop; -- Remove trailing NL. while L > 0 and then (Line (L) = ASCII.LF or Line (L) = ASCII.CR) loop L := L - 1; end loop; if Line (1) = '>' then Dir_Len := L - 1; Dir (1 .. Dir_Len) := Line (2 .. L); elsif Line (1) = '+' then File := new String'(Line (2 .. L)); Filelist.Append (File); else if To_Obj then File := new String'(Dir (1 .. Dir_Len) & Get_Base_Name (Line (1 .. L)) & Link_Obj_Suffix.all); else File := new String'(Substitute (Line (1 .. L))); end if; Filelist.Append (File); Dir_Len := 0; end if; end if; end loop; if fclose (Stream) /= 0 then Error ("cannot close " & Filename); end if; end Add_File_List; function Get_Object_Filename (File : Iir_Design_File) return String is Dir : Name_Id; Name : Name_Id; begin Dir := Get_Library_Directory (Get_Library (File)); Name := Get_Design_File_Filename (File); return Image (Dir) & Get_Base_Name (Image (Name)) & Get_Object_Suffix.all; end Get_Object_Filename; procedure Add_Argument (Inst : in out Instance; Arg : String_Access) is begin Increment_Last (Inst); Inst.Table (Last (Inst)) := Arg; end Add_Argument; -- Convert option "-Wx,OPTIONS" to arguments for tool X. procedure Add_Arguments (Inst : in out Instance; Opt : String) is begin Add_Argument (Inst, new String'(Opt (Opt'First + 4 .. Opt'Last))); end Add_Arguments; procedure Tool_Not_Found (Name : String) is begin Error ("installation problem: " & Name & " not found"); raise Option_Error; end Tool_Not_Found; -- Set the compiler command according to the configuration (and switches). procedure Set_Tools_Name is begin -- Set tools name. if Compiler_Cmd = null then if Flag_Postprocess then Compiler_Cmd := new String'(Default_Paths.Compiler_Debug); else case Backend is when Backend_Gcc => Compiler_Cmd := new String'(Default_Paths.Compiler_Gcc); when Backend_Mcode => Compiler_Cmd := new String'(Default_Paths.Compiler_Mcode); when Backend_Llvm => Compiler_Cmd := new String'(Default_Paths.Compiler_Llvm); end case; end if; end if; if Post_Processor_Cmd = null then Post_Processor_Cmd := new String'(Default_Paths.Post_Processor); end if; if Assembler_Cmd = null then Assembler_Cmd := new String'("as"); end if; if Linker_Cmd = null then Linker_Cmd := new String'("gcc"); end if; end Set_Tools_Name; function Locate_Exec_Tool (Toolname : String) return String_Access is begin if Is_Absolute_Path (Toolname) then if Is_Executable_File (Toolname) then return new String'(Toolname); end if; else -- Try from install prefix. This is used at least with gcc when -- ghdl1 is installed in a libexec subdirectory, and also during -- development. if Exec_Prefix /= null then declare Path : constant String := Exec_Prefix.all & Directory_Separator & Toolname; begin if Is_Executable_File (Path) then return new String'(Path); end if; end; end if; -- Try from install prefix / bin. This is used at least for -- ghdl1-llvm. if Exec_Prefix /= null then declare Path : constant String := Exec_Prefix.all & Directory_Separator & "bin" & Directory_Separator & Toolname; begin if Is_Executable_File (Path) then return new String'(Path); end if; end; end if; -- Try configured prefix. declare Path : constant String := Default_Paths.Install_Prefix & Directory_Separator & Toolname; begin if Is_Executable_File (Path) then return new String'(Path); end if; end; end if; -- Search the basename on path. declare Pos : constant Natural := Get_Basename_Pos (Toolname); begin return Locate_Exec_On_Path (Toolname (Pos + 1 .. Toolname'Last)); end; end Locate_Exec_Tool; procedure Locate_Tools is begin -- Compiler. Compiler_Path := Locate_Exec_Tool (Compiler_Cmd.all); if Compiler_Path = null then Tool_Not_Found (Compiler_Cmd.all); end if; -- Postprocessor. if Flag_Postprocess then Post_Processor_Path := Locate_Exec_Tool (Post_Processor_Cmd.all); if Post_Processor_Path = null then Tool_Not_Found (Post_Processor_Cmd.all); end if; end if; -- Assembler. case Backend is when Backend_Gcc => Assembler_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Assembler_Cmd.all); if Assembler_Path = null and not Flag_Asm then Tool_Not_Found (Assembler_Cmd.all); end if; when Backend_Llvm | Backend_Mcode => null; end case; -- Linker. Linker_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Linker_Cmd.all); if Linker_Path = null then Tool_Not_Found (Linker_Cmd.all); end if; end Locate_Tools; procedure Setup_Compiler (Load : Boolean) is use Libraries; begin Set_Tools_Name; Setup_Libraries (Load); Locate_Tools; for I in 2 .. Get_Nbr_Paths loop Add_Argument (Compiler_Args, new String'("-P" & Image (Get_Path (I)))); end loop; end Setup_Compiler; type Command_Comp is abstract new Command_Lib with null record; -- Setup GHDL. procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Comp); -- Handle: -- all ghdl flags. -- some GCC flags. procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Comp; Option : String; Arg : String; Res : out Option_State); procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Comp); procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Comp) is begin -- Init options. Flag_Not_Quiet := False; Flag_Disp_Commands := False; Flag_Asm := False; Flag_Expect_Failure := False; Output_File := null; -- Initialize argument tables. Init (Compiler_Args); Init (Postproc_Args); Init (Assembler_Args); Init (Linker_Args); Init (Command_Lib (Cmd)); end Init; procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Comp; Option : String; Arg : String; Res : out Option_State) is Opt : constant String (1 .. Option'Length) := Option; Str : String_Access; begin Res := Option_Unknown; if Opt = "-v" and then Flag_Verbose = False then -- Note: this is also decoded for command_lib, but we set -- Flag_Disp_Commands too. Flag_Verbose := True; --Flags.Verbose := True; Flag_Disp_Commands := True; Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt'Length > 8 and then Opt (1 .. 8) = "--GHDL1=" then Compiler_Cmd := new String'(Opt (9 .. Opt'Last)); Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt'Length > 5 and then Opt (1 .. 5) = "--AS=" then Assembler_Cmd := new String'(Opt (6 .. Opt'Last)); Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt'Length > 7 and then Opt (1 .. 7) = "--LINK=" then Linker_Cmd := new String'(Opt (8 .. Opt'Last)); Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt = "-S" then Flag_Asm := True; Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt = "--post" then Flag_Postprocess := True; Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt = "-o" then if Arg'Length = 0 then Res := Option_Arg_Req; else Output_File := new String'(Arg); Res := Option_Arg; end if; elsif Opt = "-m32" then Add_Argument (Compiler_Args, new String'("-m32")); Add_Argument (Assembler_Args, new String'("--32")); Add_Argument (Linker_Args, new String'("-m32")); Decode_Option (Command_Lib (Cmd), Opt, Arg, Res); elsif Opt'Length > 4 and then Opt (2) = 'W' and then Opt (4) = ',' then if Opt (3) = 'c' then Add_Arguments (Compiler_Args, Opt); elsif Opt (3) = 'a' then Add_Arguments (Assembler_Args, Opt); elsif Opt (3) = 'p' then Add_Arguments (Postproc_Args, Opt); elsif Opt (3) = 'l' then Add_Arguments (Linker_Args, Opt); else Error ("unknown tool name in '-W" & Opt (3) & ",' option"); Res := Option_Err; return; end if; Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt'Length >= 2 and then Opt (2) = 'g' then -- Debugging option. Str := new String'(Opt); Add_Argument (Compiler_Args, Str); Add_Argument (Linker_Args, Str); Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt = "-Q" then Flag_Not_Quiet := True; Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt = "--expect-failure" then Add_Argument (Compiler_Args, new String'(Opt)); Flag_Expect_Failure := True; Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt = "-C" then -- Translate -C into --mb-comments, as gcc already has a definition -- for -C. Done before Flags.Parse_Option. Add_Argument (Compiler_Args, new String'("--mb-comments")); Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt = "--pre-elab" then Elab_Mode := Elab_Static; Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt = "--dyn-elab" then Elab_Mode := Elab_Dynamic; Res := Option_Ok; elsif Opt'Length > 18 and then Opt (1 .. 18) = "--time-resolution=" then Error ("option --time-resolution not supported by back-end"); Res := Option_Err; return; else Res := Options.Parse_Option (Opt); if Res = Option_Ok then if Opt'Length > 2 and then Opt (1 .. 2) = "-P" then -- Discard -Pxxx switches, as they are already added to -- compiler_args. null; else if Backend = Backend_Gcc then -- Prefix options for gcc so that lang.opt does need to be -- updated when a new option is added. Str := new String'("--ghdl" & Opt); else Str := new String'(Opt); end if; Add_Argument (Compiler_Args, Str); end if; elsif Res = Option_Unknown then if Opt'Length >= 2 and then (Opt (2) = 'O' or Opt (2) = 'f') then -- Optimization option supported by gcc/llvm. -- This is put after Flags.Parse_Option, since it may catch -- -fxxx options. Add_Argument (Compiler_Args, new String'(Opt)); Res := Option_Ok; else Decode_Option (Command_Lib (Cmd), Opt, Arg, Res); end if; end if; end if; end Decode_Option; procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Comp) is begin Disp_Long_Help (Command_Lib (Cmd)); Put_Line (" -v Be verbose"); Put_Line (" --GHDL1=PATH Set the path of the ghdl1 compiler"); Put_Line (" --AS=as Use as for the assembler"); Put_Line (" --LINK=gcc Use gcc for the linker driver"); Put_Line (" -S Do not assemble"); Put_Line (" -o FILE Set the name of the output file"); -- Put_Line (" -m32 Generate 32bit code on 64bit machines"); Put_Line (" -WX,OPTION Pass OPTION to X, where X is one of"); Put_Line (" c: compiler, a: assembler, l: linker"); Put_Line (" -g[XX] Pass debugging option to the compiler"); Put_Line (" -O[XX]/-f[XX] Pass optimization option to the compiler"); Put_Line (" -Q Do not add -quiet option to compiler"); Put_Line (" --expect-failure Expect analysis/elaboration failure"); end Disp_Long_Help; -- Command dispconfig. type Command_Dispconfig is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig) return String; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "--dispconfig" or else Name = "--disp-config"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "--disp-config Disp tools path"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Dispconfig; Args : Argument_List) is use Libraries; pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin if Args'Length /= 0 then Error ("--disp-config does not accept any argument"); raise Option_Error; end if; Set_Tools_Name; Put_Line ("Paths at configuration:"); Put ("compiler command: "); Put_Line (Compiler_Cmd.all); if Flag_Postprocess then Put ("post-processor command: "); Put_Line (Post_Processor_Cmd.all); end if; case Backend is when Backend_Gcc => Put ("assembler command: "); Put_Line (Assembler_Cmd.all); when Backend_Llvm | Backend_Mcode => null; end case; Put ("linker command: "); Put_Line (Linker_Cmd.all); Put_Line ("default lib prefix: " & Default_Paths.Lib_Prefix); New_Line; Disp_Config_Prefixes; Locate_Tools; Put ("compiler path: "); Put_Line (Compiler_Path.all); if Flag_Postprocess then Put ("post-processor path: "); Put_Line (Post_Processor_Path.all); end if; case Backend is when Backend_Gcc => Put ("assembler path: "); Put_Line (Assembler_Path.all); when Backend_Llvm | Backend_Mcode => null; end case; Put ("linker path: "); Put_Line (Linker_Path.all); New_Line; Put_Line ("default library paths:"); for I in 2 .. Get_Nbr_Paths loop Put (' '); Put_Line (Image (Get_Path (I))); end loop; end Perform_Action; -- Command Bootstrap-standard type Command_Bootstrap is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Bootstrap; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Bootstrap) return String; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Bootstrap; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Bootstrap; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "--bootstrap-standard"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Bootstrap) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "--bootstrap-standard (Internal) compile std.standard"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Bootstrap; Args : Argument_List) is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); Opt : Argument_List (1 .. 1); begin if Args'Length /= 0 then Error ("no file allowed for --bootstrap-standard"); raise Option_Error; end if; Setup_Compiler (False); Opt (1) := new String'("--compile-standard"); Do_Compile (Opt, "std_standard.vhdl", True); end Perform_Action; -- Command Analyze. type Command_Analyze is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Analyze; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Analyze) return String; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Analyze; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Analyze; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "-a"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Analyze) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "-a [OPTS] FILEs Analyze FILEs"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Analyze; Args : Argument_List) is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); Nil_Opt : Argument_List (2 .. 1); begin if Args'Length = 0 then Error ("no file to analyze"); raise Option_Error; end if; Setup_Compiler (False); for I in Args'Range loop Do_Compile (Nil_Opt, Args (I).all, True); end loop; end Perform_Action; -- Elaboration. Base_Name : String_Access; Elab_Name : String_Access; Filelist_Name : String_Access; Unit_Name : String_Access; procedure Set_Elab_Units (Cmd_Name : String; Args : Argument_List; Run_Arg : out Natural) is begin Extract_Elab_Unit (Cmd_Name, Args, Run_Arg); if Sec_Name = null then Base_Name := Prim_Name; Unit_Name := Prim_Name; else Base_Name := new String'(Prim_Name.all & '-' & Sec_Name.all); Unit_Name := new String'(Prim_Name.all & '(' & Sec_Name.all & ')'); end if; Filelist_Name := null; -- Choose a default name for the executable. if Output_File = null then Output_File := new String'(Base_Name.all); end if; -- Set a name for the elaboration files. Use the basename of the -- output file, so that parallel builds with different output files -- are allowed. declare Dir_Pos : constant Natural := Get_Basename_Pos (Output_File.all); begin Elab_Name := new String' (Output_File (Output_File'First .. Dir_Pos) & Elab_Prefix & Output_File (Dir_Pos + 1 .. Output_File'Last)); end; end Set_Elab_Units; procedure Set_Elab_Units (Cmd_Name : String; Args : Argument_List) is Next_Arg : Natural; begin Set_Elab_Units (Cmd_Name, Args, Next_Arg); if Next_Arg <= Args'Last then Error ("too many unit names for command '" & Cmd_Name & "'"); raise Option_Error; end if; end Set_Elab_Units; procedure Bind is Comp_List : Argument_List (1 .. 4); Elab_Cmd : String_Access; begin Filelist_Name := new String'(Elab_Name.all & List_Suffix); case Elab_Mode is when Elab_Static => Elab_Cmd := new String'("--pre-elab"); when Elab_Dynamic => Elab_Cmd := new String'("--elab"); end case; Comp_List (1) := Elab_Cmd; Comp_List (2) := Unit_Name; Comp_List (3) := new String'("-l"); Comp_List (4) := Filelist_Name; Do_Compile (Comp_List, Elab_Name.all, False); Free (Comp_List (3)); Free (Comp_List (1)); end Bind; procedure Bind_Anaelab (Files : Argument_List) is Comp_List : Argument_List (1 .. Files'Length + 2); Index : Natural; begin Comp_List (1) := new String'("--anaelab"); Comp_List (2) := Unit_Name; Index := 3; for I in Files'Range loop Comp_List (Index) := new String'("--ghdl-source=" & Files (I).all); Index := Index + 1; end loop; Do_Compile (Comp_List, Elab_Name.all, False); Free (Comp_List (1)); for I in 3 .. Comp_List'Last loop Free (Comp_List (I)); end loop; end Bind_Anaelab; procedure Link (Add_Std : Boolean; Disp_Only : Boolean) is Last_File : Natural; begin Link_Obj_Suffix := Get_Object_Suffix; -- read files list if Filelist_Name /= null then Add_File_List (Filelist_Name.all, True); end if; Last_File := Filelist.Last; Add_File_List (Get_Machine_Path_Prefix & Directory_Separator & "grt" & List_Suffix, False); -- call the linker declare P : Natural; Nbr_Args : constant Natural := Last (Linker_Args) + Filelist.Last + 4; Args : Argument_List (1 .. Nbr_Args); Obj_File : String_Access; Std_File : String_Access; begin Obj_File := Append_Suffix (Elab_Name.all, Link_Obj_Suffix.all, False); P := 0; Args (P + 1) := Dash_o; Args (P + 2) := Output_File; Args (P + 3) := Obj_File; P := P + 3; if Add_Std then Std_File := new String'(Get_Machine_Path_Prefix & Directory_Separator & "std" & Directory_Separator & Get_Version_Path & Directory_Separator & "std_standard" & Link_Obj_Suffix.all); P := P + 1; Args (P) := Std_File; else Std_File := null; end if; -- Object files of the design. for I in Filelist.First .. Last_File loop P := P + 1; Args (P) := Filelist.Table (I); end loop; -- User added options. for I in First .. Last (Linker_Args) loop P := P + 1; Args (P) := Linker_Args.Table (I); end loop; -- GRT files (should be the last one, since it contains an -- optional main). for I in Last_File + 1 .. Filelist.Last loop P := P + 1; Args (P) := Filelist.Table (I); end loop; if Disp_Only then for I in 3 .. P loop Put_Line (Args (I).all); end loop; else My_Spawn (Linker_Path.all, Args (1 .. P)); end if; Free (Obj_File); Free (Std_File); end; for I in Filelist.First .. Filelist.Last loop Free (Filelist.Table (I)); end loop; end Link; -- Command Elab. type Command_Elab is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Elab; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Elab) return String; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Elab; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Elab; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "-e"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Elab) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "-e [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Elaborate UNIT"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Elab; Args : Argument_List) is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); Success : Boolean; pragma Unreferenced (Success); begin Set_Elab_Units ("-e", Args); Setup_Compiler (False); Bind; if not Flag_Expect_Failure then Link (Add_Std => True, Disp_Only => False); end if; Delete_File (Filelist_Name.all, Success); end Perform_Action; -- Command Run. type Command_Run is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Run; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Run) return String; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Run; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Run; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "-r"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Run) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "-r UNIT [ARCH] [OPTS] Run UNIT"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Run_Design (Exec : String_Access; Args : Argument_List) is Status : Integer; begin if Is_Absolute_Path (Exec.all) then Status := My_Spawn_Status (Exec.all, Args); else Status := My_Spawn_Status ('.' & Directory_Separator & Exec.all, Args); end if; Set_Exit_Status (Exit_Status (Status)); end Run_Design; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Run; Args : Argument_List) is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); Suffix : constant String_Access := Get_Executable_Suffix; Opt_Arg : Natural; begin Extract_Elab_Unit ("-r", Args, Opt_Arg); if Sec_Name = null then Base_Name := new String' (Prim_Name.all & Suffix.all); else Base_Name := new String' (Prim_Name.all & '-' & Sec_Name.all & Suffix.all); end if; if not Is_Regular_File (Base_Name.all & Nul) then Error ("file '" & Base_Name.all & "' does not exist"); Error ("Please elaborate your design."); raise Exec_Error; end if; Run_Design (Base_Name, Args (Opt_Arg .. Args'Last)); end Perform_Action; -- Command Elab_Run. type Command_Elab_Run is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Elab_Run; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Elab_Run) return String; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Elab_Run; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Elab_Run; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "--elab-run"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Elab_Run) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "--elab-run [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] [OPTS] Elaborate and run UNIT"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Elab_Run; Args : Argument_List) is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); Success : Boolean; Run_Arg : Natural; begin Set_Elab_Units ("--elab-run", Args, Run_Arg); Setup_Compiler (False); Bind; if Flag_Expect_Failure then Delete_File (Filelist_Name.all, Success); else Link (Add_Std => True, Disp_Only => False); Delete_File (Filelist_Name.all, Success); Run_Design (Output_File, Args (Run_Arg .. Args'Last)); end if; end Perform_Action; -- Command Bind. type Command_Bind is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Bind; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Bind) return String; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Bind; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Bind; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "--bind"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Bind) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "--bind [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Bind UNIT"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Bind; Args : Argument_List) is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin Set_Elab_Units ("--bind", Args); Setup_Compiler (False); Bind; end Perform_Action; -- Command Link. type Command_Link is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Link; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Link) return String; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Link; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Link; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "--link"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Link) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "--link [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Link UNIT"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Link; Args : Argument_List) is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin Set_Elab_Units ("--link", Args); Setup_Compiler (False); Filelist_Name := new String'(Elab_Name.all & List_Suffix); Link (Add_Std => True, Disp_Only => False); end Perform_Action; -- Command List_Link. type Command_List_Link is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_List_Link; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_List_Link) return String; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_List_Link; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_List_Link; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "--list-link"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_List_Link) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "--list-link [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] List objects file to link UNIT"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_List_Link; Args : Argument_List) is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin Set_Elab_Units ("--list-link", Args); Setup_Compiler (False); Filelist_Name := new String'(Elab_Name.all & List_Suffix); Link (Add_Std => True, Disp_Only => True); end Perform_Action; -- Command analyze and elaborate type Command_Anaelab is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Anaelab; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Anaelab) return String; procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Anaelab; Option : String; Arg : String; Res : out Option_State); procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Anaelab; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Anaelab; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "-c"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Anaelab) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "-c [OPTS] FILEs -e UNIT [ARCH] " & "Generate whole code to elab UNIT from FILEs"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Anaelab; Option : String; Arg : String; Res : out Option_State) is begin if Option = "-e" then Res := Option_End; return; else Decode_Option (Command_Comp (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res); end if; end Decode_Option; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Anaelab; Args : Argument_List) is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); Elab_Index : Integer; Error : Boolean; begin Elab_Index := -1; for I in Args'Range loop if Args (I).all = "-e" then Elab_Index := I; exit; end if; end loop; if Elab_Index < 0 then Analyze_Files (Args, True, Error); if Error then raise Errorout.Compilation_Error; end if; else Set_Elab_Units ("-c", Args (Elab_Index + 1 .. Args'Last)); Setup_Compiler (False); Bind_Anaelab (Args (Args'First .. Elab_Index - 1)); Link (Add_Std => False, Disp_Only => False); end if; end Perform_Action; -- Command Make. type Command_Make is new Command_Comp with record -- Bind only; don't link Flag_Bind_Only : Boolean; -- Disp dependences during make. Flag_Depend_Unit : Boolean; -- Force recompilation of units in work library. Flag_Force : Boolean; end record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Make; Name : String) return Boolean; procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Make); procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Make; Option : String; Arg : String; Res : out Option_State); function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Make) return String; procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Make); procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Make; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Make; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "-m"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Make) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "-m [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Make UNIT"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Disp_Long_Help (Cmd : Command_Make) is begin Disp_Long_Help (Command_Comp (Cmd)); Put_Line (" -b Bind only; don't link"); Put_Line (" -f Force recompilation of work units"); Put_Line (" -Mu Disp unit dependences (human format)"); end Disp_Long_Help; procedure Init (Cmd : in out Command_Make) is begin Init (Command_Comp (Cmd)); Cmd.Flag_Bind_Only := False; Cmd.Flag_Depend_Unit := False; Cmd.Flag_Force := False; end Init; procedure Decode_Option (Cmd : in out Command_Make; Option : String; Arg : String; Res : out Option_State) is begin if Option = "-b" then Cmd.Flag_Bind_Only := True; Res := Option_Ok; elsif Option = "-Mu" then Cmd.Flag_Depend_Unit := True; Res := Option_Ok; elsif Option = "-f" then Cmd.Flag_Force := True; Res := Option_Ok; else Decode_Option (Command_Comp (Cmd), Option, Arg, Res); end if; end Decode_Option; Last_Stamp : OS_Time; Last_Stamp_File : Iir; function Missing_Object_File (Design_File : Iir_Design_File) return Boolean is Name : constant Name_Id := Get_Design_File_Filename (Design_File); Obj_Pathname : constant String := Get_Object_Filename (Design_File); Stamp : OS_Time; begin Stamp := File_Time_Stamp (Obj_Pathname); -- If the object file does not exist, recompile the file. if Stamp = Invalid_Time then if Flag_Verbose then Put_Line ("no object file for " & Image (Name)); end if; return True; end if; -- Keep the time stamp of the most recently analyzed unit. if Last_Stamp = Invalid_Time or else Stamp > Last_Stamp then Last_Stamp := Stamp; Last_Stamp_File := Design_File; end if; return False; end Missing_Object_File; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Make; Args : Argument_List) is use Vhdl.Configuration; File : Iir_Design_File; Unit : Iir; Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration; In_Work : Boolean; Files_List : Iir_List; Files_It : List_Iterator; -- Set when a design file has been compiled. Has_Compiled : Boolean; Need_Analyze : Boolean; Need_Elaboration : Boolean; Stamp : OS_Time; File_Id : Name_Id; Nil_Args : Argument_List (2 .. 1); Success : Boolean; begin Set_Elab_Units ("-m", Args); Setup_Compiler (True); -- Create list of files. Files_List := Build_Dependence (Prim_Name, Sec_Name); if Errorout.Nbr_Errors /= 0 then raise Errorout.Compilation_Error; end if; if Cmd.Flag_Depend_Unit then Put_Line ("Units analysis order:"); for I in Design_Units.First .. Design_Units.Last loop Unit := Design_Units.Table (I); Put (" "); Disp_Library_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Unit)); New_Line; -- Put (" file: "); -- File := Get_Design_File (Unit); -- Put_Line (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (File))); end loop; end if; if Cmd.Flag_Depend_Unit then Put_Line ("File analysis order:"); Files_It := List_Iterate (Files_List); while Is_Valid (Files_It) loop Put (" "); File := Get_Element (Files_It); Put (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (File))); if Flag_Verbose then Put_Line (":"); declare Dep_List : constant Iir_List := Get_File_Dependence_List (File); Dep_It : List_Iterator; Dep_File : Iir; begin Dep_It := List_Iterate_Safe (Dep_List); while Is_Valid (Dep_It) loop Put (" "); Dep_File := Get_Element (Dep_It); Put_Line (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (Dep_File))); Next (Dep_It); end loop; end; else New_Line; end if; Next (Files_It); end loop; end if; Has_Compiled := False; Last_Stamp := Invalid_Time; Files_It := List_Iterate (Files_List); while Is_Valid (Files_It) loop File := Get_Element (Files_It); if File = Vhdl.Std_Package.Std_Standard_File then Need_Analyze := False; elsif Missing_Object_File (File) or else Source_File_Modified (File) or else Is_File_Outdated (File) then Need_Analyze := True; else Need_Analyze := False; end if; Lib := Get_Library (File); In_Work := Lib = Libraries.Work_Library; if Need_Analyze or else (Cmd.Flag_Force and In_Work) then File_Id := Get_Design_File_Filename (File); if not Flag_Verbose then Put ("analyze "); Put (Image (File_Id)); --Disp_Library_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Unit)); New_Line; end if; if In_Work then Do_Compile (Nil_Args, Image (File_Id), True); else declare use Libraries; Lib_Args : Argument_List (1 .. 2); Prev_Workdir : Name_Id; begin Prev_Workdir := Work_Directory; -- Must be set, since used to build the object filename. Work_Directory := Get_Library_Directory (Lib); -- Always overwrite --work and --workdir. Lib_Args (1) := new String' ("--work=" & Image (Get_Identifier (Lib))); if Work_Directory = Libraries.Local_Directory then Lib_Args (2) := new String'("--workdir=."); else Lib_Args (2) := new String' ("--workdir=" & Image (Work_Directory)); end if; Do_Compile (Lib_Args, Image (File_Id), True); Work_Directory := Prev_Workdir; Free (Lib_Args (1)); Free (Lib_Args (2)); end; end if; Has_Compiled := True; -- Set the analysis time stamp since the file has just been -- analyzed. Set_Analysis_Time_Stamp (File, Files_Map.Get_Os_Time_Stamp); end if; Next (Files_It); end loop; Need_Elaboration := False; -- Elaboration. -- if libgrt is more recent than the executable (FIXME). if Has_Compiled then if Flag_Verbose then Put_Line ("link due to a file compilation"); end if; Need_Elaboration := True; else Stamp := File_Time_Stamp (Output_File.all); if Stamp = Invalid_Time then if Flag_Verbose then Put_Line ("link due to no binary file"); end if; Need_Elaboration := True; else if Last_Stamp > Stamp then -- if a file is more recent than the executable. if Flag_Verbose then Put ("link due to outdated binary file: "); Put (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (Last_Stamp_File))); New_Line; end if; Need_Elaboration := True; end if; end if; end if; if Need_Elaboration then if not Flag_Verbose then Put ("elaborate "); Put (Prim_Name.all); --Disp_Library_Unit (Get_Library_Unit (Unit)); New_Line; end if; Bind; if not Cmd.Flag_Bind_Only then Link (Add_Std => True, Disp_Only => False); Delete_File (Filelist_Name.all, Success); end if; end if; exception when Errorout.Compilation_Error => if Flag_Expect_Failure then return; else raise; end if; end Perform_Action; -- helper for --gen-makefile and --gen-depends procedure Gen_Makefile (Args : Argument_List; Only_Depends : Boolean); -- Command Gen_Makefile. type Command_Gen_Makefile is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile) return String; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "--gen-makefile"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "--gen-makefile [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH] Generate a Makefile for UNIT"; end Get_Short_Help; function Is_Makeable_File (File : Iir_Design_File) return Boolean is begin if File = Vhdl.Std_Package.Std_Standard_File then return False; end if; return True; end Is_Makeable_File; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Gen_Makefile; Args : Argument_List) is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin Gen_Makefile (Args, False); end Perform_Action; -- Command Gen_Depends. type Command_Gen_Depends is new Command_Comp with null record; function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Gen_Depends; Name : String) return Boolean; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Gen_Depends) return String; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Gen_Depends; Args : Argument_List); function Decode_Command (Cmd : Command_Gen_Depends; Name : String) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return Name = "--gen-depends"; end Decode_Command; function Get_Short_Help (Cmd : Command_Gen_Depends) return String is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin return "--gen-depends [OPTS] UNIT [ARCH]" & " Generate dependencies of UNIT"; end Get_Short_Help; procedure Perform_Action (Cmd : Command_Gen_Depends; Args : Argument_List) is pragma Unreferenced (Cmd); begin Gen_Makefile (Args, True); end Perform_Action; -- generate a makefile on stdout -- for --gen-depends (Only_Depends) rules and phony targets are omittted procedure Gen_Makefile (Args : Argument_List; Only_Depends : Boolean) is HT : constant Character := ASCII.HT; Files_List : Iir_List; Files_It : List_Iterator; File : Iir_Design_File; Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration; Dir_Id : Name_Id; Dep_List : Iir_List; Dep_It : List_Iterator; Dep_File : Iir; begin if Only_Depends then Set_Elab_Units ("--gen-depends", Args); else Set_Elab_Units ("--gen-makefile", Args); end if; Setup_Libraries (True); Files_List := Build_Dependence (Prim_Name, Sec_Name); Put_Line ("# Makefile automatically generated by ghdl"); Put ("# Version: GHDL "); Put (Version.Ghdl_Ver); Put (' '); Put (Version.Ghdl_Release); Put (" - "); if Version_String /= null then Put (Version_String.all); end if; New_Line; Put_Line ("# Command used to generate this makefile:"); Put ("# "); Put (Command_Name); for I in 1 .. Argument_Count loop Put (' '); Put (Argument (I)); end loop; New_Line; New_Line; -- Omit variables. if not Only_Depends then Put ("GHDL="); Put_Line (Command_Name); -- Extract options for command line. Put ("GHDLFLAGS="); for I in 2 .. Argument_Count loop declare Arg : constant String := Argument (I); begin if Arg (1) = '-' then if (Arg'Length > 10 and then Arg (1 .. 10) = "--workdir=") or else (Arg'Length > 7 and then Arg (1 .. 7) = "--ieee=") or else (Arg'Length > 6 and then Arg (1 .. 6) = "--std=") or else (Arg'Length > 7 and then Arg (1 .. 7) = "--work=") or else (Arg'Length > 2 and then Arg (1 .. 2) = "-P") then Put (" "); Put (Arg); end if; end if; end; end loop; New_Line; New_Line; Put_Line ("# Default target"); Put ("all: "); Put_Line (Base_Name.all); New_Line; end if; Put_Line ("# Elaboration target"); Put (Base_Name.all); Put (":"); Files_It := List_Iterate (Files_List); while Is_Valid (Files_It) loop File := Get_Element (Files_It); if Is_Makeable_File (File) then Put (" "); Put (Get_Object_Filename (File)); end if; Next (Files_It); end loop; New_Line; -- Omit rule. if not Only_Depends then Put_Line (HT & "$(GHDL) -e $(GHDLFLAGS) $@"); end if; New_Line; -- Omit phony target. if not Only_Depends then Put_Line ("# Run target"); Put_Line ("run: " & Base_Name.all); Put_Line (HT & "$(GHDL) -r " & Base_Name.all & " $(GHDLRUNFLAGS)"); New_Line; end if; Put_Line ("# Targets to analyze files"); Files_It := List_Iterate (Files_List); while Is_Valid (Files_It) loop File := Get_Element (Files_It); Dir_Id := Get_Design_File_Directory (File); if not Is_Makeable_File (File) then -- Builtin file. null; else Put (Get_Object_Filename (File)); Put (": "); if Dir_Id /= Files_Map.Get_Home_Directory then Put (Image (Dir_Id)); Put (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (File))); New_Line; -- Omit dummy rule. if not Only_Depends then Put_Line (HT & "@echo ""This file was not locally built ($<)"""); Put_Line (HT & "exit 1"); end if; else Put (Image (Get_Design_File_Filename (File))); New_Line; -- Omit rule. if not Only_Depends then Put (HT & "$(GHDL) -a $(GHDLFLAGS)"); Lib := Get_Library (File); if Lib /= Libraries.Work_Library then -- Overwrite some options. Put (" --work="); Put (Image (Get_Identifier (Lib))); Dir_Id := Get_Library_Directory (Lib); Put (" --workdir="); if Dir_Id = Libraries.Local_Directory then Put ("."); else Put (Image (Dir_Id)); end if; end if; Put_Line (" $<"); end if; end if; end if; Next (Files_It); end loop; New_Line; Put_Line ("# Files dependences"); Files_It := List_Iterate (Files_List); while Is_Valid (Files_It) loop File := Get_Element (Files_It); if Is_Makeable_File (File) then Put (Get_Object_Filename (File)); Put (": "); Dep_List := Get_File_Dependence_List (File); Dep_It := List_Iterate_Safe (Dep_List); while Is_Valid (Dep_It) loop Dep_File := Get_Element (Dep_It); if Dep_File /= File and then Is_Makeable_File (Dep_File) then Put (" "); Put (Get_Object_Filename (Dep_File)); end if; Next (Dep_It); end loop; New_Line; end if; Next (Files_It); end loop; end Gen_Makefile; procedure Register_Commands is begin Register_Command (new Command_Analyze); Register_Command (new Command_Elab); Register_Command (new Command_Run); Register_Command (new Command_Elab_Run); Register_Command (new Command_Bind); Register_Command (new Command_Link); Register_Command (new Command_List_Link); Register_Command (new Command_Anaelab); Register_Command (new Command_Make); Register_Command (new Command_Gen_Makefile); Register_Command (new Command_Gen_Depends); Register_Command (new Command_Dispconfig); Register_Command (new Command_Bootstrap); end Register_Commands; end Ghdldrv;