with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; use Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with Files_Map; use Files_Map; with Name_Table; use Name_Table; with Str_Table; with Errorout; use Errorout; package body Edif.Scans is -- Maximum length of identifiers or names. Max_Name_Length : constant := 512; -- Length of the file. This is used to catch EOF embedded in the -- file. File_Length : Source_Ptr; -- Number of the current line. Line_Number : Natural; -- Position of the start of the line. Line_Pos : Source_Ptr; Source_File : Source_File_Entry; Pos : Source_Ptr; Token_Pos : Source_Ptr; -- Not required to be saved. Source : File_Buffer_Acc := null; function Get_Scan_Coord return Source_Coord_Type is begin return (File => Source_File, Line_Pos => Line_Pos, Line => Line_Number, Offset => Natural (Pos - Line_Pos)); end Get_Scan_Coord; function Get_Token_Location return Location_Type is begin return File_Pos_To_Location (Source_File, Token_Pos); end Get_Token_Location; procedure Error_Msg_Scan (Msg : String; Args : Earg_Arr := No_Eargs) is begin Report_Msg (Msgid_Error, Errorout.Scan, Get_Scan_Coord, Msg, Args); end Error_Msg_Scan; procedure Warning_Msg_Scan (Msg : String; Args : Earg_Arr := No_Eargs) is begin Report_Msg (Msgid_Warning, Errorout.Scan, Get_Scan_Coord, Msg, Args); end Warning_Msg_Scan; procedure Set_File (File : Source_File_Entry) is begin -- Can be called only when not in use. pragma Assert (Source_File = No_Source_File_Entry); -- FILE must be a real file. pragma Assert (File /= No_Source_File_Entry); Source_File := File; Source := Get_File_Source (File); Pos := Source'First; File_Length := Get_File_Length (File); Line_Number := 1; Line_Pos := Source_Ptr_Org; Token_Pos := Pos; end Set_File; procedure Skip_Newline (C : Character) is begin if (C = LF and then Source (Pos) = CR) or else (C = CR and then Source (Pos) = LF) then Pos := Pos + 1; end if; -- Save the position of the next line. Line_Number := Line_Number + 1; Line_Pos := Pos; File_Add_Line_Number (Source_File, Line_Number, Pos); end Skip_Newline; procedure Skip_Blanks is C : Character; begin loop C := Source (Pos); case C is when ' ' | HT => Pos := Pos + 1; when CR | LF => Pos := Pos + 1; Skip_Newline (C); when others => exit; end case; end loop; end Skip_Blanks; procedure Current_String_Append (C : Character) is begin Str_Table.Append_String8_Char (C); Current_String_Len := Current_String_Len + 1; end Current_String_Append; procedure Scan_Decimal_Number is V : Int32; C : Character; begin V := 0; Pos := Pos - 1; loop C := Source (Pos); if C in '0' .. '9' then -- FIXME: handle overflow. V := V * 10 + Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0'); else exit; end if; Pos := Pos + 1; end loop; -- Check character after the number ? Current_Number := V; Current_Token := Tok_Number; end Scan_Decimal_Number; procedure Scan_String is C : Character; begin -- FIXME: Scan_String; Current_String := Str_Table.Create_String8; Current_String_Len := 0; loop C := Source (Pos); if C = '"' then -- Skip the final quote. Pos := Pos + 1; -- Append a NUL. Str_Table.Append_String8_Char (NUL); return; elsif C < ' ' then case C is when Files_Map.EOT => Error_Msg_Scan ("non terminated string"); return; when LF | CR => Warning_Msg_Scan ("multi-line strings are not allowed"); Skip_Newline (C); C := LF; -- But continue. when others => -- FIXME: ref ? Error_Msg_Scan ("control character not allowed in strings"); -- Continue as string ? end case; else -- Normal case. null; end if; Current_String_Append (C); Pos := Pos + 1; end loop; end Scan_String; -- A valid character for EDIF identifiers. function Is_Char_Id (C : Character) return Boolean is begin return (C in 'a' .. 'z' or C in 'A' .. 'Z' or C in '0' .. '9' or C = '_'); end Is_Char_Id; procedure Scan_Identifier is Buffer : String (1 .. Max_Name_Length); Length : Natural; C : Character; begin Length := 0; C := Source (Pos - 1); loop Length := Length + 1; if C in 'A' .. 'Z' then -- Convert to lowercase (assuming ASCII). C := Character'Val (Character'Pos (C) + 32); end if; Buffer (Length) := C; C := Source (Pos); exit when not Is_Char_Id (C); Pos := Pos + 1; end loop; Current_Identifier := Name_Table.Get_Identifier (Buffer (1 .. Length)); end Scan_Identifier; procedure Scan is C : Character; begin loop Token_Pos := Pos; C := Source (Pos); Pos := Pos + 1; case C is when ASCII.NUL .. ASCII.ETX | ASCII.ENQ .. ASCII.BS | ASCII.VT | ASCII.SO .. ASCII.US => Error_Msg_Scan ("unexpected control character ^" & Character'Val (Character'Pos (C) + 64)); when ASCII.DEL .. Character'Val (255) => Error_Msg_Scan ("unexpected 8 bit character"); when Files_Map.EOT => if Pos < File_Length then Error_Msg_Scan ("unexpected ^@ character in file"); else Current_Token := Tok_Eof; exit; end if; when LF | CR => Skip_Newline (C); -- Skip. when ' ' | HT => -- Skip spaces. null; when ASCII.FF => -- Also considered as a space. null; when '&' => -- EDIF identifier consits of alphanumeric or underscore -- characters. '&' must be used if the first character is not -- alphabetic. if not Is_Char_Id (Source (Pos)) then Error_Msg_Scan ("invalid identifier char after '&'"); else Pos := Pos + 1; Scan_Identifier; Current_Token := Tok_Symbol; exit; end if; when 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' => Scan_Identifier; Current_Token := Tok_Symbol; exit; when '0' .. '9' => Scan_Decimal_Number; exit; when '"' => Scan_String; Current_Token := Tok_String; exit; when '(' => -- Be tolerante: allow blanks after '('. Skip_Blanks; C := Source (Pos); if C in 'a' .. 'z' or C in 'A' .. 'Z' then Pos := Pos + 1; Scan_Identifier; else Error_Msg_Scan ("keyword expected after '('"); Current_Identifier := Null_Identifier; end if; Current_Token := Tok_Keyword; exit; when ')' => Current_Token := Tok_Right_Paren; exit; when '!' | '#' | ''' | '*' | '%' | ',' | ':' | ';' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '?' | '@' | '$' | '\' | '[' | ']' | '^' | '`' | '/' | '{' | '|' | '}' | '~' | '.' => -- Not allowed ? Error_Msg_Scan ("unexpected character '" & C & "'"); when '+' => if Source (Pos) in '0' .. '9' then Pos := Pos + 1; Scan_Decimal_Number; exit; else Error_Msg_Scan ("unexpected '+' character"); end if; when '-' => if Source (Pos) in '0' .. '9' then Pos := Pos + 1; Scan_Decimal_Number; -- Overflow ? Current_Number := -Current_Number; exit; else Error_Msg_Scan ("unexpected '-' character"); end if; end case; end loop; end Scan; end Edif.Scans;