# ============================================================================== # Authors: # Patrick Lehmann # # Bash Script: # This is a Bash resource file for sourcing. # # Description: # Provide Bash procedures to easily use GHDL in Bash scripts. # # ============================================================================== # Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ============================================================================== # set bash options set -o pipefail if [[ -n "$GHDL" ]]; then if [[ ! -f "$GHDL" ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Found GHDL environment variable, but '$GHDL' is not a file.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" exit 1 elif [[ ! -x "$GHDL" ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Found GHDL environment variable, but '$GHDL' is not executable.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" exit 1 fi else # fall back to GHDL found via PATH GHDL=$(which ghdl 2>/dev/null) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} GHDL not found in PATH.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" echo 1>&2 -e " Use adv. options '--ghdl' to set the GHDL binary directory." exit 1 fi fi Analyze_Filter=filter.analyze.sh Analyze_Parameters=( --mb-comments ) VERBOSE=${VERBOSE:-0} DEBUG=${DEBUG:-0} CONTINUE_ON_ERROR=${CONTINUE_ON_ERROR:-0} test $VERBOSE -eq 1 && echo -e " Declaring Bash procedures for GHDL..." test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure SetupDirectories( )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" # SetupDirectories # -> $Index # -> $Name # <= $SourceDirectory # <= $DestinationDirectory SetupDirectories() { local Index=$1 local Name=$2 declare -n Settings="${Index}_Settings" # source directory # ---------------------- # If a command line argument ('--source') was passed in, use it, else use the default value # from config.sh if [[ ! -z "$SrcDir" ]]; then SourceDirectory=${SrcDir%/} # remove trailing slashes elif [[ ! -z "$EnvSourceDir" ]]; then SourceDirectory=$EnvSourceDir # fall back to environment variable elif [[ ! -z "${Settings[InstallationDirectory]}" ]]; then SourceDirectory=${Settings[InstallationDirectory]}/${Settings[SourceDirectory]} # fall back to value from config.sh fi # output directory # ---------------------- # If a command line argument ('--output') was passed in, use it, else use the default value # from config.sh if [[ ! -z "$DestDir" ]]; then DestinationDirectory=${DestDir%/} # remove trailing slashes else DestinationDirectory=${Settings[DestinationDirectory]} # fall back to value from config.sh fi if [[ -z $SourceDirectory || -z $DestinationDirectory ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} $Name is not configured in '$ScriptDir/config.sh'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" echo 1>&2 -e " Use adv. options '--source' and '--output' or configure 'config.sh'." exit 1 elif [[ ! -d $SourceDirectory ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Path '$SourceDirectory' does not exist.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" exit 1 fi # Resolve paths to an absolute paths test greadlink --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink || READLINK=readlink SourceDirectory=$($READLINK -f $SourceDirectory) if [[ ! "$DestinationDirectory" = /* ]]; then DestinationDirectory="$WorkingDir/$DestinationDirectory" fi } test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure CreateDestinationDirectory( undocumented )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" # CreateDestinationDirectory # -> undocumented CreateDestinationDirectory() { if [ -d "$DestinationDirectory" ]; then echo -e "${COLORED_WARNING} Vendor directory '$DestinationDirectory' already exists.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" elif [ -f "$DestinationDirectory" ]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Vendor directory '$DestinationDirectory' already exists as a file.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" exit 1 else echo -e "Creating vendor directory: '$DestinationDirectory'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" mkdir -p "$DestinationDirectory" fi } test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure GHDLSetup( )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" # GHDLSetup # -> $VHDLStandard # <= $VHDLVersion # <= $VHDLStandard # <= $VHDLFlavor GHDLSetup() { if [ $1 -eq 93 ]; then VHDLVersion="v93" VHDLStandard="93c" VHDLFlavor="synopsys" elif [ $1 -eq 2008 ]; then VHDLVersion="v08" VHDLStandard="08" VHDLFlavor="synopsys" fi } test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure CreateVHDLLibrary( )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" # CreateLibraryStruct # -> $StructName # -> $LibraryName # -> $LibraryPath # -> $VHDLVersion # -> $Files[*] CreateLibraryStruct() { local StructName=$1; shift declare -g "${StructName}_LibraryName"=$1; shift declare -g "${StructName}_LibraryPath"=$1; shift declare -g "${StructName}_VHDLVersion"=$1; shift declare -n FilesRef="${StructName}_Files" FilesRef=( "$*" ) } test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure DeleteLibraryStruct( )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" # DeleteLibraryStruct # -> $StructName DeleteLibraryStruct() { local StructName=$1 unset "${StructName}_VHDLVersion" unset "${StructName}_LibraryName" unset "${StructName}_LibraryPath" unset "${StructName}_Files" } test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure PrintLibraryStruct( )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" # PrintLibraryStruct # -> $StructName PrintLibraryStruct() { local StructName=$1 local Indentation=${2:-" "} local LibraryName="${StructName}_LibraryName"; local LibraryName=${!LibraryName} local Files="${StructName}_Files[*]"; local Files=${!Files} echo -e "$Indentation${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}VHDL Library name: $LibraryName${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" for File in ${Files[*]}; do echo -e "$Indentation ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}$File${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" done } declare -A GHDLLibraryMapping test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure CreateVHDLLibrary( )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" # CreateVHDLLibrary # -> $LibraryName # -> $DirectoryName # -> $VHDLVersion CreateVHDLLibrary() { local LibraryName=$1 local DirectoryName=$2 local VHDLVersion=${3:-"v08"} echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Creating VHDL Library '$LibraryName'...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}mkdir -p \"$DirectoryName/$VHDLVersion\"${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" mkdir -p "$DirectoryName/$VHDLVersion" LibraryDir="$(pwd)/$DirectoryName/$VHDLVersion" test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Mapping library $LibraryName to '$LibraryDir'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" GHDLLibraryMapping[$LibraryName]=$LibraryDir } test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure AnalyzeVHDL( )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" # AnalyzeVHDL # -> $LibraryName # -> $SourceDirectory # -> $LibraryPath # -> $File AnalyzeVHDL() { local LibraryName=$1 local SourceDirectory=$2 local LibraryPath=$3 local File=$4 local DestinationDirectory=${GHDLLibraryMapping[$LibraryName]} if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then local Parameters=( -v ) local Filter_Parameters=( -d ) local Filter_Indent=" " elif [[ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]]; then local Parameters=() local Filter_Parameters=( -v ) local Filter_Indent=" " else local Parameters=() local Filter_Parameters=() local Filter_Indent=" " fi local SourceFile="$SourceDirectory/$LibraryPath/$File" if [[ ! -f "$SourceFile" ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Source file '$SourceFile' not found.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" test $CONTINUE_ON_ERROR -eq 0 && exit 1 fi if [[ $FILTERING -eq 0 ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}$GHDL -a ${Analyze_Parameters[*]} ${Parameters[*]} --work=$LibraryName --workdir=$DestinationDirectory \"$SourceFile\"${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" $GHDL -a "${Analyze_Parameters[@]}" "${Parameters[@]}" --work=$LibraryName --workdir=$DestinationDirectory "$SourceFile" ExitCode=$? if [[ $ExitCode -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${COLORED_ERROR} While analyzing '$File'. ExitCode: $ExitCode${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" test $CONTINUE_ON_ERROR -eq 0 && exit 1 fi else test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}$GHDL -a ${Analyze_Parameters[*]} ${Parameters[*]} --work=$LibraryName --workdir=$DestinationDirectory \"$SourceFile\" 2>&1 | \\\\${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}$ScriptDir/$Analyze_Filter ${Filter_Parameters[*]} -i \"$Filter_Indent\"${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" $GHDL -a "${Analyze_Parameters[@]}" "${Parameters[@]}" --work=$LibraryName --workdir=$DestinationDirectory "$SourceFile" 2>&1 | $ScriptDir/$Analyze_Filter "${Filter_Parameters[@]}" -i "$Filter_Indent" local PiplineStatus=("${PIPESTATUS[@]}") if [[ ${PiplineStatus[0]} -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${COLORED_ERROR} While analyzing '$File'. ExitCode: ${PiplineStatus[0]}${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" test $CONTINUE_ON_ERROR -eq 0 && exit 1 elif [[ ${PiplineStatus[1]} -ne 0 ]]; then case $(( ${PiplineStatus[1]} % 4 )) in # TODO: implement CONTINUE_ON_ERROR in cases ... 3) echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${ANSI_RED}Fatal errors detected by filtering script. ExitCode: ${PiplineStatus[1]}${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1 ;; 2) echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${ANSI_RED}Errors detected by filtering script. ExitCode: ${PiplineStatus[1]}${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1 ;; 1) echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${ANSI_YELLOW}Warnings detected by filtering script.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ;; 0) test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo 1>&2 -e "$Filter_Indent${ANSI_YELLOW}Warnings detected by filtering script.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ;; esac fi fi } test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure AnalyzeLibrary( )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" # AnalyzeLibrary # -> LibraryName # -> SourceDirectory # -> LibraryPath # -> Files[*] AnalyzeLibrary() { local LibraryName=$1; shift local SourceDirectory=$1; shift local LibraryPath=$1; shift local Files=$@ echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Analyzing files into library '$LibraryName'...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" for File in $Files; do test $VERBOSE -eq 1 && echo -e "${ANSI_CYAN} Analyzing '$File'${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" AnalyzeVHDL $LibraryName "$SourceDirectory" "$LibraryPath" "$File" done } test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}procedure Compile( )${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" # Compile # -> SourceDirectory # -> VHDLLibraries Compile() { local SourceDirectory=$1 local VHDLLibraries=$2 for VHDLLibrary in $VHDLLibraries; do local LibraryName="${VHDLLibrary}_LibraryName"; local LibraryName=${!LibraryName} local LibraryPath="${VHDLLibrary}_LibraryPath"; local LibraryPath=${!LibraryPath} local VHDLVersion="${VHDLLibrary}_VHDLVersion"; local VHDLVersion=${!VHDLVersion} local Files="${VHDLLibrary}_Files[*]"; local Files=${!Files} echo -e "${ANSI_LIGHT_CYAN}Analyzing library '$LibraryName'...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateVHDLLibrary $LibraryName $LibraryName $VHDLVersion AnalyzeLibrary $LibraryName "$SourceDirectory" "$LibraryPath" "$Files" done }