#! /usr/bin/env bash # ============================================================================== # Authors: # Patrick Lehmann # # Bash Script (executable): # Script to compile the simulation libraries from Altera Quartus for GHDL on # Linux # # Description: # - Creates a subdirectory in the current working directory # - Compiles all Altera Quartus-II simulation libraries and packages # # ============================================================================== # Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Patrick Lehmann - Boetzingen, Germany # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>. # ============================================================================== # Work around for Darwin (Mac OS) test greadlink --version > /dev/null 2>&1 && READLINK=greadlink || READLINK=readlink # Save working directory WorkingDir=$(pwd) ScriptDir="$(dirname $0)" ScriptDir="$($READLINK -f $ScriptDir)" # Source Bash utilities source $ScriptDir/../ansi_color.sh if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading Bash utilities.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi # Command line argument processing COMMAND=1 CLEAN=0 COMPILE_ALTERA=0 COMPILE_MAX=0 COMPILE_CYCLONE=0 COMPILE_ARRIA=0 COMPILE_STRATIX=0 COMPILE_NM=0 VERBOSE=0 DEBUG=0 FILTERING=1 SKIP_LARGE_FILES=0 SUPPRESS_WARNINGS=0 HALT_ON_ERROR=0 VHDLStandard=93 DestDir="" SrcDir="" while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in -c|--clean) COMMAND=3 CLEAN=1 ;; -a|--all) COMMAND=2 ;; --altera) COMMAND=3 COMPILE_ALTERA=1 ;; --max) COMMAND=3 COMPILE_MAX=1 ;; --cyclone) COMMAND=3 COMPILE_CYCLONE=1 ;; --arria) COMMAND=3 COMPILE_ARRIA=1 ;; --stratix) COMMAND=3 COMPILE_STRATIX=1 ;; --nanometer) COMMAND=3 COMPILE_NM=1 ;; -S|--skip-largefiles) SKIP_LARGE_FILES=1 ;; --vhdl93) VHDLStandard=93 ;; --vhdl2008) VHDLStandard=2008 ;; -v|--verbose) VERBOSE=1 ;; -d|--debug) VERBOSE=1 DEBUG=1 ;; -h|--help) COMMAND=0 break ;; -n|--no-filter) FILTERING=0 ;; -N|--no-warnings) SUPPRESS_WARNINGS=1 ;; -H|--halt-on-error) HALT_ON_ERROR=1 ;; --ghdl) GHDL="$2" # overwrite a potentially existing GHDL environment variable shift # skip argument ;; --src|--source) SrcDir="$2" shift # skip argument ;; --out|--output) DestDir="$2" shift # skip argument ;; *) # unknown option echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} Unknown command line option '$1'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" COMMAND=0 break ;; esac shift # parsed argument or value done ERRORCOUNT=0 Libraries=() if [[ $COMMAND -le 1 ]]; then test $COMMAND -eq 1 && echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} No command selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" echo "" echo "Synopsis:" echo " A script to compile the Intel Quartus Prime simulation libraries for GHDL on Linux." echo " One library folder 'lib/v??' per VHDL library will be created relative to the current" echo " working directory." echo "" echo " Use the adv. options or edit 'config.sh' to supply paths and default params." echo "" echo "Usage:" echo " compile-intel.sh [<verbosity>] <common command>|<library> [<options>] [<adv. options>]" echo "" echo "Common commands:" echo " -h --help Print this help page" echo " -c --clean Remove all generated files" echo "" echo "Libraries:" echo " -a --all Compile all Intel simulation libraries." echo " --intel Compile the Altera standard libraries: lpm, sgate, altera, altera_mf, altera_lnsim." echo " --max Compile the Intel Max device libraries." echo " --cyclone Compile the Intel Cyclone device libraries." echo " --arria Compile the Intel Arria device libraries." echo " --stratix Compile the Intel Stratix device libraries." echo " --nanometer Unknown device library." echo "" echo "Library compile options:" echo " --vhdl93 Compile the libraries with VHDL-93." echo " --vhdl2008 Compile the libraries with VHDL-2008." echo " -S --skip-largefiles Don't compile large files. Exclude *HSSI* and *HIP* files." echo " -H --halt-on-error Halt on error(s)." echo "" echo "Advanced options:" echo " --ghdl <GHDL binary> Path to GHDL's executable, e.g. /usr/local/bin/ghdl" echo " --output <dir name> Name of the output directory, e.g. intel" echo " --source <Path to Quartus> Path to the sources." echo "" echo "Verbosity:" echo " -v --verbose Print verbose messages." echo " -d --debug Print debug messages." echo " -n --no-filter Disable output filtering scripts." echo " -N --no-warnings Suppress all warnings. Show only error messages." echo "" exit $COMMAND fi if [[ $COMMAND -eq 2 ]]; then COMPILE_ALTERA=1 COMPILE_MAX=1 COMPILE_CYCLONE=1 COMPILE_ARRIA=1 COMPILE_STRATIX=1 COMPILE_NM=1 fi # Source configuration file from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory echo -e "${ANSI_MAGENTA}Loading environment...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" source $ScriptDir/config.sh if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading configuration.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" ; exit 1; fi source $ScriptDir/shared.sh if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} While loading further procedures.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"; exit 1; fi # Warn that some files might not be VHDL-2008 ready. Thus enabled continue on error. if [[ $VHDLStandard -eq 2008 ]]; then echo -e "${ANSI_RED}Not all Altera packages are VHDL-2008 compatible! Setting CONTINUE_ON_ERROR to TRUE.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CONTINUE_ON_ERROR=1 fi # Search Intel Quartus in default installation locations DefaultDirectories=("/opt/IntelFPGA" "/opt/intelfpga" "/opt/Intel" "/opt/intel" "/opt/Altera" "/opt/altera" "/c/intelFPGA") if [ ! -z $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR ]; then EnvSourceDir="$QUARTUS_ROOTDIR/${Intel_Quartus_Settings[SourceDirectory]}" else for DefaultDir in "${DefaultDirectories[@]}"; do for Major in 21 20 19 18 17 16; do for Minor in 4 3 2 1 0; do Dir=$DefaultDir/${Major}.${Minor}/quartus if [ -d $Dir ]; then EnvSourceDir="$Dir/${Intel_Quartus_Settings[SourceDirectory]}" break 3 fi done done done fi # <= $VHDLVersion # <= $VHDLStandard # <= $VHDLFlavor GHDLSetup $VHDLStandard # -> $SourceDirectories # -> $DestinationDirectories # -> $SrcDir # -> $DestDir # <= $SourceDirectory # <= $DestinationDirectory SetupDirectories Intel_Quartus "Intel Quartus" # create "osvvm" directory and change to it # => $DestinationDirectory CreateDestinationDirectory cd $DestinationDirectory # Extend global GHDL Options TODO: move to GHDLSetup Analyze_Parameters+=( -fexplicit -Wbinding ) if [[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]]; then Analyze_Parameters+=( -Wno-hide ) fi if [[ ! (VERBOSE -eq 1) && ($DEBUG -eq 1) ]]; then Analyze_Parameters+=( -Wno-others -Wno-static ) fi Analyze_Parameters+=( --ieee=$VHDLFlavor --no-vital-checks --std=$VHDLStandard -frelaxed -P$DestinationDirectory ) # Cleanup directories # ============================================================================== if [[ $CLEAN -eq 1 ]]; then echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} '--clean' is not implemented!" exit 1 echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Cleaning up vendor directory ...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" rm *.o 2> /dev/null rm *.cf 2> /dev/null fi # Intel standard libraries # ============================================================================== StructName="LPM" Files=( 220pack.vhd 220model.vhd ) CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "lpm" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") StructName="SGATE" Files=( sgate_pack.vhd sgate.vhd ) CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "sgate" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") StructName="ALTERA" Files=( altera_europa_support_lib.vhd altera_primitives_components.vhd altera_primitives.vhd altera_standard_functions.vhd altera_syn_attributes.vhd alt_dspbuilder_package.vhd ) CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "altera" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") StructName="ALTERA_MF" Files=( altera_mf_components.vhd altera_mf.vhd ) CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "altera_mf" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") StructName="ALTERA_LNSIM" Files=( altera_lnsim_components.vhd ) CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "altera_lnsim" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_ALTERA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") # Intel device libraries # ============================================================================== test $VERBOSE -eq 1 && echo -e " Searching available devices ..." # Max library StructName="MAX" Files=( max_atoms.vhd max_components.vhd ) if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Max'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "max" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_MAX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # Max II library StructName="MAX_II" Files=( maxii_atoms.vhd maxii_components.vhd ) if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Max II'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "maxii" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_MAX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # Max V library StructName="MAX_V" Files=( maxv_atoms.vhd maxv_components.vhd ) if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Max V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "maxv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_MAX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # Arria II library StructName="ARRIA_II" Files=( arriaii_atoms.vhd arriaii_components.vhd ) if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then Files+=( arriaii_hssi_components.vhd arriaii_hssi_atoms.vhd ) fi if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria II'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriaii" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # Arria II (PCIe) library if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then StructName="ARRIA_II_PCIe" Files=( arriaii_pcie_hip_components.vhd arriaii_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd ) if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria II (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriaii_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi fi # ArriaII GZ library StructName="ARRIA_II_GZ" Files=( arriaiigz_atoms.vhd arriaiigz_components.vhd ) if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then Files+=( arriaiigz_hssi_components.vhd ) fi if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria II GZ'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriaiigz" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # ArriaV library StructName="ARRIA_V" Files=( arriav_atoms.vhd arriav_components.vhd ) if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then Files+=( arriav_hssi_components.vhd arriav_hssi_atoms.vhd ) fi if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriav" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # Arria V GZ library StructName="ARRIA_V_GZ" Files=( arriavgz_atoms.vhd arriavgz_components.vhd ) if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then Files+=( arriavgz_hssi_components.vhd arriavgz_hssi_atoms.vhd ) fi if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria V GZ'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriavgz" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # Arria V GZ (PCIe) library if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then StructName="ARRIA_V_GZ_PCIe" Files=( arriavgz_pcie_hip_components.vhd arriavgz_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd ) if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Arria V GZ (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "arriavgz_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_ARRIA -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi fi # Cyclone IV library StructName="CYCLONE_IV" Files=( cycloneiv_atoms.vhd cycloneiv_components.vhd ) if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then Files+=( cycloneiv_hssi_components.vhd cycloneiv_hssi_atoms.vhd ) fi if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone IV'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cycloneiv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # Cyclone IV (PCIe) library if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then StructName="CYCLONE_IV_PCIe" Files=( cycloneiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd cycloneiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd ) if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone IV (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cycloneiv_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi fi # Cyclone IV E library StructName="CYCLONE_IV_E" Files=( cycloneive_atoms.vhd cycloneive_components.vhd ) if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone IV E'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cycloneive" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # Cyclone V library StructName="CYCLONE_V" Files=( cyclonev_atoms.vhd cyclonev_components.vhd ) if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then Files+=( cyclonev_hssi_components.vhd cyclonev_hssi_atoms.vhd ) fi if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Cyclone V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "cyclonev" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_CYCLONE -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # Stratix IV library StructName="STRATIX_IV" Files=( stratixiv_atoms.vhd stratixiv_components.vhd ) if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then Files+=( stratixiv_hssi_components.vhd stratixiv_hssi_atoms.vhd ) fi if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix IV'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixiv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # Stratix IV (PCIe) library if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then StructName="STRATIX_IV_PCIe" Files=( stratixiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd stratixiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd ) if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix IV (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixiv_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi fi # Stratix V library StructName="STRATIX_V" Files=( stratixv_atoms.vhd stratixv_components.vhd ) if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then Files+=( stratixv_hssi_components.vhd stratixv_hssi_atoms.vhd ) fi if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix V'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixv" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # Stratix V (PCIe) library if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then StructName="STRATIX_V_PCIe" Files=( stratixv_pcie_hip_components.vhd stratixv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd ) if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device 'Stratix V (PCIe)'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "stratixv_pcie_hip" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_STRATIX -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi fi # 55 nm library StructName="NM_55" Files=( fiftyfivenm_atoms.vhd fiftyfivenm_components.vhd ) if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device '55 nm'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "fiftyfivenm" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_NM -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # 20 nm library StructName="NM_20" Files=( twentynm_atoms.vhd twentynm_components.vhd ) if [[ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]]; then Files+=( twentynm_hip_components.vhd twentynm_hip_atoms.vhd twentynm_hssi_components.vhd twentynm_hssi_atoms.vhd ) fi if [[ -f "$SourceDirectory/${Files[0]}" ]]; then test $DEBUG -eq 1 && echo -e " ${ANSI_DARK_GRAY}Found device '20 nm'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" CreateLibraryStruct $StructName "twentynm" "." $VHDLVersion "${Files[@]}" test $COMPILE_NM -eq 1 && Libraries+=("$StructName") fi # if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then # for StructName in ${Libraries[*]}; do # PrintLibraryStruct $StructName " " # done # fi if [[ ${#Libraries[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then Compile "$SourceDirectory" "${Libraries[*]}" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "Compiling Intel Quartus packages and device libraries $(test $ERRORCOUNT -eq 0 && echo $COLORED_SUCCESSFUL || echo $COLORED_FAILED)" else echo -e "${ANSI_RED}Neither Intel Quartus packages nor device libraries selected.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}" fi