#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Like pnodes but output for Python.""" from __future__ import print_function import re import sys from textwrap import dedent try: import scripts.pnodes as pnodes except: import pnodes libname = "libghdl" def print_enum(name, vals): print(dedent(f""" @export @unique class {name}(IntEnum): """), end='' ) for n, k in enumerate(vals): if k == "None": k = "PNone" print(f" {k} = {n}") def print_file_header(includeIntEnumUnique=True, includeBindToLibGHDL=True): print(dedent("""\ # Auto generated Python source file from Ada sources # Call 'make' in 'src/vhdl' to regenerate: # """) + "{sysImports}from pyTooling.Decorators import export\n{moduleImports}".format( sysImports = "from enum import IntEnum, unique\n" if includeIntEnumUnique else "", moduleImports = "\nfrom pyGHDL.libghdl._decorator import BindToLibGHDL\n" if includeBindToLibGHDL else "", ) ) def do_class_kinds(): print_enum(pnodes.prefix_name.rstrip("_"), pnodes.kinds) print(dedent(""" @export class Iir_Kinds: """), end='' ) for k, v in pnodes.kinds_ranges.items(): print(f" {k} = [") for e in v: print(f" Iir_Kind.{e},") print(" ]") print() def do_iirs_subprg(): classname = "vhdl__nodes" print(dedent(f""" @export @BindToLibGHDL("{classname}__get_kind") def Get_Kind(node: Iir) -> IirKind: \"\"\"Get node kind.\"\"\" return 0 @export @BindToLibGHDL("{classname}__get_location") def Get_Location(node: Iir) -> LocationType: \"\"\"\"\"\" return 0 """) ) for k in pnodes.funcs: # Don't use the Iir_* subtypes (as they are not described). rtype = k.rtype.replace("_", "") if not k.rtype.startswith("Iir_") else "Iir" # Exceptions... if rtype == "TokenType": rtype = "Tok" print(dedent(f""" @export @BindToLibGHDL("{classname}__get_{k.name.lower()}") def Get_{k.name}(obj: Iir) -> {rtype}: \"\"\"\"\"\" return 0 @export @BindToLibGHDL("{classname}__set_{k.name.lower()}") def Set_{k.name}(obj: Iir, value: {rtype}) -> None: \"\"\"\"\"\" """) ) def do_libghdl_elocations(): classname = "vhdl__elocations" print_file_header(includeIntEnumUnique=False, includeBindToLibGHDL=False) print("from pyGHDL.libghdl import libghdl") print() for k in pnodes.funcs: print(dedent(f""" @export def Get_{k.name}(obj): return {libname}.{classname}__get_{k.name.lower()}(obj) @export def Set_{k.name}(obj, value) -> None: {libname}.{classname}__set_{k.name.lower()}(obj, value) """) ) def do_class_types(): print_enum("types", pnodes.get_types()) def do_types_subprg(): print() for k in pnodes.get_types(): print(dedent(f""" def Get_{k}(node, field): return {libname}.vhdl__nodes_meta__get_{k.lower()}(node, field) """) ) def do_has_subprg(): print() for f in pnodes.funcs: print(dedent(f""" @export @BindToLibGHDL("vhdl__nodes_meta__has_{f.name.lower()}") def Has_{f.name}(kind: IirKind) -> bool: \"\"\"\"\"\" """) ) def do_class_field_attributes(): print_enum("Attr", ["ANone" if a == "None" else a for a in pnodes.get_attributes()]) def do_class_fields(): print_enum("fields", [f.name for f in pnodes.funcs]) def read_enum(filename, type_name, prefix, class_name, g=lambda m: m.group(1)): """Read an enumeration declaration from :param filename:.""" pat_decl = re.compile(r" type {0} is$".format(type_name)) pat_enum = re.compile(r" {0}(\w+),?( *-- .*)?$".format(prefix)) pat_comment = re.compile(r" *-- .*$") lr = pnodes.linereader(filename) while not pat_decl.match(lr.get()): pass line = lr.get() if line != " (\n": raise pnodes.ParseError(lr, f"{filename}:{lr.lineno}: missing open parenthesis") toks = [] while True: line = lr.get() if line == " );\n": break m = pat_enum.match(line) if m: toks.append(g(m)) elif pat_comment.match(line): pass elif line == "\n": pass else: print(line, file=sys.stderr) raise pnodes.ParseError( lr, f"{filename}:{ lr.lineno}: incorrect line in enum {type_name}" ) print_enum(class_name, toks) def read_spec_enum(type_name, prefix, class_name): """Read an enumeration declaration from iirs.ads.""" read_enum(pnodes.kind_file, type_name, prefix, class_name) def do_libghdl_nodes(): print_file_header() print(dedent("""\ from typing import TypeVar from ctypes import c_int32 from pyGHDL.libghdl._types import ( Iir, IirKind, LocationType, FileChecksumId, TimeStampId, SourceFileEntry, NameId, TriStateType, SourcePtr, Int32, Int64, Fp64, String8Id, Boolean, DirectionType, PSLNode, PSLNFA, ) from pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.tokens import Tok Null_Iir = 0 Null_Iir_List = 0 Iir_List_All = 1 Null_Iir_Flist = 0 Iir_Flist_Others = 1 Iir_Flist_All = 2 DateType = TypeVar("DateType", bound=c_int32) """), end='' ) do_class_kinds() read_spec_enum("Iir_Mode", "Iir_", "Iir_Mode") read_spec_enum("Scalar_Size", "", "ScalarSize") read_spec_enum("Iir_Staticness", "", "Iir_Staticness") read_spec_enum("Iir_Constraint", "", "Iir_Constraint") read_spec_enum("Iir_Delay_Mechanism", "Iir_", "Iir_Delay_Mechanism") read_spec_enum("Date_State_Type", "Date_", "DateStateType") read_spec_enum("Number_Base_Type", "", "NumberBaseType") read_spec_enum("Iir_Predefined_Functions", "Iir_Predefined_", "Iir_Predefined") do_iirs_subprg() def do_libghdl_meta(): print_file_header() print(dedent("""\ from pyGHDL.libghdl import libghdl from pyGHDL.libghdl._types import IirKind # From nodes_meta @export @BindToLibGHDL("vhdl__nodes_meta__get_fields_first") def get_fields_first(K: IirKind) -> int: \"\"\" Return the list of fields for node :obj:`K`. In Ada ``Vhdl.Nodes_Meta.Get_Fields`` returns a ``Fields_Array``. To emulate this array access, the API provides ``get_fields_first`` and :func:`get_fields_last`. The fields are sorted: first the non nodes/list of nodes, then the nodes/lists that aren't reference, and then the reference. :param K: Node to get first array index from. \"\"\" return 0 @export @BindToLibGHDL("vhdl__nodes_meta__get_fields_last") def get_fields_last(K: IirKind) -> int: \"\"\" Return the list of fields for node :obj:`K`. In Ada ``Vhdl.Nodes_Meta.Get_Fields`` returns a ``Fields_Array``. To emulate this array access, the API provides :func:`get_fields_first` and ``get_fields_last``. The fields are sorted: first the non nodes/list of nodes, then the nodes/lists that aren't reference, and then the reference. :param K: Node to get last array index from. \"\"\" return 0 @export @BindToLibGHDL("vhdl__nodes_meta__get_field_by_index") def get_field_by_index(K: IirKind) -> int: \"\"\"\"\"\" return 0 @export def get_field_type(*args): return libghdl.vhdl__nodes_meta__get_field_type(*args) @export def get_field_attribute(*args): return libghdl.vhdl__nodes_meta__get_field_attribute(*args) """), end='' ) do_class_types() do_class_field_attributes() do_class_fields() do_types_subprg() do_has_subprg() def do_libghdl_names(): pat_name_first = re.compile(r" Name_(\w+)\s+: constant Name_Id := (\d+);") pat_name_def = re.compile(r" Name_(\w+)\s+:\s+constant Name_Id :=\s+Name_(\w+)( \+ (\d+))?;") dict = {} lr = pnodes.linereader("../std_names.ads") while True: line = lr.get() m = pat_name_first.match(line) if m: name_def = m.group(1) val = int(m.group(2)) dict[name_def] = val res = [(name_def, val)] break val_max = 1 while True: line = lr.get() if line == "end Std_Names;\n": break if line.endswith(":=\n"): line = line.rstrip() + lr.get() m = pat_name_def.match(line) if m: name_def = m.group(1) name_ref = m.group(2) val = m.group(4) if not val: val = 0 val_ref = dict.get(name_ref, None) if not val_ref: raise pnodes.ParseError(lr, f"name {name_ref} not found") val = val_ref + int(val) val_max = max(val_max, val) dict[name_def] = val res.append((name_def, val)) print_file_header(includeIntEnumUnique=False, includeBindToLibGHDL=False) print(dedent(""" @export class Name: """), end='' ) for n, v in res: # Avoid clash with Python names if n in ["False", "True", "None"]: n = "N" + n print(f" {n} = {v}") def do_libghdl_tokens(): print_file_header(includeBindToLibGHDL=False) read_enum("vhdl-tokens.ads", "Token_Type", "Tok_", "Tok") def do_libghdl_errorout(): print_file_header() print(dedent("""\ @export @BindToLibGHDL("errorout__enable_warning") def Enable_Warning(Id: int, Enable: bool) -> None: \"\"\"\"\"\" """), end='' ) read_enum( "../errorout.ads", "Msgid_Type", "(Msgid|Warnid)_", "Msgid", g=lambda m: m.group(1) + "_" + m.group(2), ) pnodes.actions.update( { "class-kinds": do_class_kinds, "libghdl-nodes": do_libghdl_nodes, "libghdl-meta": do_libghdl_meta, "libghdl-names": do_libghdl_names, "libghdl-tokens": do_libghdl_tokens, "libghdl-elocs": do_libghdl_elocations, "libghdl-errorout": do_libghdl_errorout, } ) def _generateCLIParser(): return pnodes._generateCLIParser() if __name__ == "__main__": pnodes.main()