import logging import os import json from ctypes import byref import pyGHDL.libghdl as libghdl import pyGHDL.libghdl.errorout_memory as errorout_memory import pyGHDL.libghdl.flags import pyGHDL.libghdl.errorout as errorout import pyGHDL.libghdl.files_map as files_map import pyGHDL.libghdl.libraries as libraries import pyGHDL.libghdl.name_table as name_table import pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.nodes as nodes import pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.lists as lists import pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.std_package as std_package import pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.parse import pyGHDL.libghdl.vhdl.sem_lib as sem_lib import pyGHDL.libghdl.utils as pyutils from . import lsp from . import document, symbols log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ProjectError(Exception): "Exception raised in case of unrecoverable error in the project file." def __init__(self, msg): super().__init__() self.msg = msg class Workspace(object): def __init__(self, root_uri, server): self._root_uri = root_uri self._server = server self._root_path = lsp.path_from_uri(self._root_uri) self._docs = {} # uri -> doc self._fe_map = {} # fe -> doc self._prj = {} self._last_linted_doc = None errorout_memory.Install_Handler() libghdl.flags.Flag_Elocations.value = True # libghdl.Flags.Verbose.value = True # We do analysis even in case of errors. libghdl.vhdl.parse.Flag_Parse_Parenthesis.value = True # Force analysis to get more feedback + navigation even in case # of errors. libghdl.flags.Flag_Force_Analysis.value = True # Do not consider analysis order issues. libghdl.flags.Flag_Elaborate_With_Outdated.value = True libghdl.errorout.Enable_Warning(errorout.Msgid.Warnid_Unused, True) self.read_project() self.set_options_from_project() libghdl.analyze_init() self._diags_set = set() # Documents with at least one diagnostic. self.read_files_from_project() self.gather_diagnostics(None) @property def documents(self): return self._docs @property def root_path(self): return self._root_path @property def root_uri(self): return self._root_uri def _create_document(self, doc_uri, sfe, version=None): """Create a document and put it in this workspace.""" doc = document.Document(doc_uri, sfe, version) self._docs[doc_uri] = doc self._fe_map[sfe] = doc return doc def create_document_from_sfe(self, sfe, abspath): # A filename has been given without a corresponding document. # Create the document. # Common case: an error message was reported in a non-open document. # Create a document so that it could be reported to the client. doc_uri = lsp.path_to_uri(os.path.normpath(abspath)) return self._create_document(doc_uri, sfe) def create_document_from_uri(self, doc_uri, source=None, version=None): # A document is referenced by an uri but not known. Load it. # We assume the path is correct. path = lsp.path_from_uri(doc_uri) if source is None: source = open(path).read() sfe = document.Document.load( source, os.path.dirname(path), os.path.basename(path) ) return self._create_document(doc_uri, sfe) def get_or_create_document(self, doc_uri): res = self.get_document(doc_uri) if res is not None: return res res = self.create_document_from_uri(doc_uri) res.parse_document() return res def get_document(self, doc_uri): """Get a document from :param doc_uri: Note that the document may not exist, and this function may return None.""" return self._docs.get(doc_uri) def put_document(self, doc_uri, source, version=None): doc = self.get_document(doc_uri) if doc is None: doc = self.create_document_from_uri(doc_uri, source=source, version=version) else: # The document may already be present (loaded from a project) # In that case, overwrite it as the client may have a more # recent version. doc.reload(source) return doc def sfe_to_document(self, sfe): """Get the document correspond to :param sfe: source file. Can create the document if needed.""" assert sfe != 0 doc = self._fe_map.get(sfe, None) if doc is None: # Could be a document from outside... filename = pyutils.name_image(files_map.Get_File_Name(sfe)) if not os.path.isabs(filename): dirname = pyutils.name_image(files_map.Get_Directory_Name(sfe)) filename = os.path.join(dirname, filename) doc = self.create_document_from_sfe(sfe, filename) return doc def add_vhdl_file(self, name):"loading %s", name) if os.path.isabs(name): absname = name else: absname = os.path.join(self._root_path, name) # Create a document for this file. try: fd = open(absname) sfe = document.Document.load(, self._root_path, name) fd.close() except OSError as err: self._server.show_message( lsp.MessageType.Error, "cannot load {}: {}".format(name, err.strerror) ) return doc = self.create_document_from_sfe(sfe, absname) doc.parse_document() def read_project(self): prj_file = os.path.join(self.root_path, "hdl-prj.json") if not os.path.exists(prj_file):"project file %s does not exist", prj_file) return try: f = open(prj_file) except OSError as err: self._server.show_message( lsp.MessageType.Error, "cannot open project file {}: {}".format(prj_file, err.strerror), ) return"reading project file %s", prj_file) try: self._prj = json.load(f) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:"error in project file") self._server.show_message( lsp.MessageType.Error, "json error in project file {}:{}:{}".format( prj_file, e.lineno, e.colno ), ) f.close() def set_options_from_project(self): try: if self._prj is None: return if not isinstance(self._prj, dict): raise ProjectError("project file is not a dictionnary") opts = self._prj.get("options", None) if opts is None: return if not isinstance(opts, dict): raise ProjectError("'options' is not a dictionnary") ghdl_opts = opts.get("ghdl_analysis", None) if ghdl_opts is None: return"Using options: %s", ghdl_opts) for opt in ghdl_opts: if not libghdl.set_option(opt): self._server.show_message( lsp.MessageType.Error, "error with option: {}".format(opt) ) except ProjectError as e: self._server.show_message( lsp.MessageType.Error, "error in project file: {}".format(e.msg) ) def read_files_from_project(self): try: files = self._prj.get("files", []) if not isinstance(files, list): raise ProjectError("'files' is not a list") for f in files: if not isinstance(f, dict): raise ProjectError("an element of 'files' is not a dict") name = f.get("file") if not isinstance(name, str): raise ProjectError("a 'file' is not a string") lang = f.get("language", "vhdl") if lang == "vhdl": self.add_vhdl_file(name) except ProjectError as e: self._server.show_message( lsp.MessageType.Error, "error in project file: {}".format(e.msg) ) def get_configuration(self): self._server.configuration( [{"scopeUri": "", "section": "vhdl.maxNumberOfProblems"}] ) def gather_diagnostics(self, doc): # Gather messages (per file) nbr_msgs = errorout_memory.Get_Nbr_Messages() diags = {} diag = {} for i in range(nbr_msgs): hdr = errorout_memory.Get_Error_Record(i + 1) msg = errorout_memory.Get_Error_Message(i + 1) if hdr.file == 0: # Possible for error limit reached. continue err_range = { "start": {"line": hdr.line - 1, "character": hdr.offset}, "end": {"line": hdr.line - 1, "character": hdr.offset + hdr.length}, } if <= errorout_memory.Msg_Main: if <= errorout.Msgid.Msgid_Note: severity = lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.Information elif <= errorout.Msgid.Msgid_Warning: severity = lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning else: severity = lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.Error diag = { "source": "ghdl", "range": err_range, "message": msg, "severity": severity, } if == errorout_memory.Msg_Main: diag["relatedInformation"] = [] fdiag = diags.get(hdr.file, None) if fdiag is None: diags[hdr.file] = [diag] else: fdiag.append(diag) else: assert diag if True: doc = self.sfe_to_document(hdr.file) diag["relatedInformation"].append( { "location": {"uri": doc.uri, "range": err_range}, "message": msg, } ) errorout_memory.Clear_Errors() # Publish diagnostics for sfe, diag in diags.items(): doc = self.sfe_to_document(sfe) self.publish_diagnostics(doc.uri, diag) if doc is not None and doc._fe not in diags: # Clear previous diagnostics for the doc. self.publish_diagnostics(doc.uri, []) def obsolete_dependent_units(self, unit, antideps): """Obsolete units that depends of :param unit:""" udeps = antideps.get(unit, None) if udeps is None: # There are no units. return # Avoid infinite recursion antideps[unit] = None for un in udeps: log.debug( "obsolete %d %s", un, pyutils.name_image(nodes.Get_Identifier(un)) ) # Recurse self.obsolete_dependent_units(un, antideps) if nodes.Get_Date_State(un) == nodes.Date_State.Disk: # Already obsolete! continue # FIXME: just de-analyze ? nodes.Set_Date_State(un, nodes.Date_State.Disk) sem_lib.Free_Dependence_List(un) loc = nodes.Get_Location(un) fil = files_map.Location_To_File(loc) pos = files_map.Location_File_To_Pos(loc, fil) line = files_map.Location_File_To_Line(loc, fil) col = files_map.Location_File_Line_To_Offset(loc, fil, line) nodes.Set_Design_Unit_Source_Pos(un, pos) nodes.Set_Design_Unit_Source_Line(un, line) nodes.Set_Design_Unit_Source_Col(un, col) def obsolete_doc(self, doc): if doc._tree == nodes.Null_Iir: return # Free old tree assert nodes.Get_Kind(doc._tree) == nodes.Iir_Kind.Design_File if self._last_linted_doc == doc: antideps = None else: antideps = self.compute_anti_dependences() unit = nodes.Get_First_Design_Unit(doc._tree) while unit != nodes.Null_Iir: if antideps is not None: self.obsolete_dependent_units(unit, antideps) # FIXME: free unit; it is not referenced. unit = nodes.Get_Chain(unit) libraries.Purge_Design_File(doc._tree) doc._tree = nodes.Null_Iir def lint(self, doc_uri): doc = self.get_document(doc_uri) self.obsolete_doc(doc) doc.compute_diags() self.gather_diagnostics(doc) def apply_changes(self, doc_uri, contentChanges, new_version): doc = self.get_document(doc_uri) assert doc is not None, "try to modify a non-loaded document" self.obsolete_doc(doc) prev_sfe = doc._fe for change in contentChanges: doc.apply_change(change) if doc._fe != prev_sfe: del self._fe_map[prev_sfe] self._fe_map[doc._fe] = doc # Like lint doc.compute_diags() self.gather_diagnostics(doc) def check_document(self, doc_uri, source): self._docs[doc_uri].check_document(source) def rm_document(self, doc_uri): pass def apply_edit(self, edit): return self._server.request("workspace/applyEdit", {"edit": edit}) def publish_diagnostics(self, doc_uri, diagnostics): self._server.notify( "textDocument/publishDiagnostics", params={"uri": doc_uri, "diagnostics": diagnostics}, ) def show_message(self, message, msg_type=lsp.MessageType.Info): self._server.notify( "window/showMessage", params={"type": msg_type, "message": message} ) def declaration_to_location(self, decl): "Convert declaration :param decl: to an LSP Location" decl_loc = nodes.Get_Location(decl) if decl_loc == std_package.Std_Location.value: # There is no real file for the std.standard package. return None if decl_loc == libraries.Library_Location.value: # Libraries declaration are virtual. return None fe = files_map.Location_To_File(decl_loc) doc = self.sfe_to_document(fe) res = {"uri": doc.uri} nid = nodes.Get_Identifier(decl) res["range"] = { "start": symbols.location_to_position(fe, decl_loc), "end": symbols.location_to_position( fe, decl_loc + name_table.Get_Name_Length(nid) ), } return res def goto_definition(self, doc_uri, position): decl = self._docs[doc_uri].goto_definition(position) if decl is None: return None decl_loc = self.declaration_to_location(decl) if decl_loc is None: return None res = [decl_loc] if nodes.Get_Kind(decl) == nodes.Iir_Kind.Component_Declaration: ent = libraries.Find_Entity_For_Component(nodes.Get_Identifier(decl)) if ent != nodes.Null_Iir: res.append(self.declaration_to_location(nodes.Get_Library_Unit(ent))) return res def x_show_all_files(self): res = [] for fe in range(1, files_map.Get_Last_Source_File_Entry() + 1): doc = self._fe_map.get(fe, None) res.append( { "fe": fe, "uri": doc.uri if doc is not None else None, "name": pyutils.name_image(files_map.Get_File_Name(fe)), "dir": pyutils.name_image(files_map.Get_Directory_Name(fe)), } ) return res def x_get_all_entities(self): res = [] lib = libraries.Get_Libraries_Chain() while lib != nodes.Null_Iir: files = nodes.Get_Design_File_Chain(lib) ents = [] while files != nodes.Null_Iir: units = nodes.Get_First_Design_Unit(files) while units != nodes.Null_Iir: unitlib = nodes.Get_Library_Unit(units) if nodes.Get_Kind(unitlib) == nodes.Iir_Kind.Entity_Declaration: ents.append(unitlib) units = nodes.Get_Chain(units) files = nodes.Get_Chain(files) ents = [pyutils.name_image(nodes.Get_Identifier(e)) for e in ents] lib_name = pyutils.name_image(nodes.Get_Identifier(lib)) res.extend([{"name": n, "library": lib_name} for n in ents]) lib = nodes.Get_Chain(lib) return res def x_get_entity_interface(self, library, name): def create_interfaces(inters): res = [] while inters != nodes.Null_Iir: res.append( { "name": name_table.Get_Name_Ptr( nodes.Get_Identifier(inters) ).decode("latin-1") } ) inters = nodes.Get_Chain(inters) return res # Find library lib_id = name_table.Get_Identifier(library) lib = libraries.Get_Library_No_Create(lib_id) if lib == name_table.Null_Identifier: return None # Find entity ent_id = name_table.Get_Identifier(name) unit = libraries.Find_Primary_Unit(lib, ent_id) if unit == nodes.Null_Iir: return None ent = nodes.Get_Library_Unit(unit) return { "library": library, "entity": name, "generics": create_interfaces(nodes.Get_Generic_Chain(ent)), "ports": create_interfaces(nodes.Get_Port_Chain(ent)), } def compute_anti_dependences(self): """Return a dictionnary of anti dependencies for design unit""" res = {} lib = libraries.Get_Libraries_Chain() while lib != nodes.Null_Iir: files = nodes.Get_Design_File_Chain(lib) while files != nodes.Null_Iir: units = nodes.Get_First_Design_Unit(files) while units != nodes.Null_Iir: if nodes.Get_Date_State(units) == nodes.Date_State.Analyze: # The unit has been analyzed, so the dependencies are know. deps = nodes.Get_Dependence_List(units) assert deps != nodes.Null_Iir_List deps_it = lists.Iterate(deps) while lists.Is_Valid(byref(deps_it)): el = lists.Get_Element(byref(deps_it)) if nodes.Get_Kind(el) == nodes.Iir_Kind.Design_Unit: if res.get(el, None): res[el].append(units) else: res[el] = [units] else: assert False lists.Next(byref(deps_it)) units = nodes.Get_Chain(units) files = nodes.Get_Chain(files) lib = nodes.Get_Chain(lib) return res