# EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- # vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab # kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2; # # ============================================================================== # PowerShell Module: The module provides common CmdLets for the library # pre-compilation process. # # Authors: Patrick Lehmann # # Description: # ------------------------------------ # This PowerShell module provides CommandLets (CmdLets) to handle the GHDL.exe # output streams (stdout and stderr). # # ============================================================================== # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann # # GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later # version. # # GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307, USA. # ============================================================================== [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$VendorToolName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$WorkingDir ) $Module_VendorToolName = $VendorToolName $Module_WorkingDir = $WorkingDir function Exit-CompileScript { <# .SYNOPSIS Undocumented .DESCRIPTION Undocumented .PARAMETER ExitCode ExitCode of this script run #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [int]$ExitCode = 0 ) cd $Module_WorkingDir # unload modules Remove-Module config Remove-Module shared if ($ExitCode -eq 0) { exit 0 } else { Write-Host "[DEBUG]: HARD EXIT" -ForegroundColor Cyan exit $ExitCode } } function Get-SourceDirectory { <# .SYNOPSIS Undocumented .DESCRIPTION Undocumented .PARAMETER Source Undocumented .PARAMETER EnvSource Undocumented #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Source, [string]$EnvSource ) if ($Source -ne "") { $SourceDirectory = $Source } # TODO: remove trailing backslashes elseif ($EnvSource -ne "") { $SourceDirectory = $EnvSource } else { $SourceDirectory = (Get-VendorToolInstallationDirectory) + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory) } if ($SourceDirectory -eq "") { Write-Host "[ERROR]: $Module_VendorToolName is not configured in '$ScriptDir\config.psm1'." -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host " Use adv. options '-Source' and '-Output' or configure 'config.psm1'." -ForegroundColor Red Exit-CompileScript -1 } elseif (-not (Test-Path $SourceDirectory -PathType Container)) { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Path '$SourceDirectory' does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red Exit-CompileScript -1 } return Convert-Path (Resolve-Path $SourceDirectory) } function Get-DestinationDirectory { <# .SYNOPSIS Undocumented .DESCRIPTION Undocumented .PARAMETER Output Undocumented #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Output ) if ($Output -ne "") { $DestinationDirectory = $Output } # TODO: remove trailing backslashes else { $DestinationDirectory = Get-VendorToolDestinationDirectory } if ($DestinationDirectory -eq "") { Write-Host "[ERROR]: $Module_VendorToolName is not configured in '$ScriptDir\config.psm1'." -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host " Use adv. options '-Source' and '-Output' or configure 'config.psm1'." -ForegroundColor Red Exit-CompileScript -1 } # if ($DestinationDirectory.IsAbsolute()) # { $DestinationDirectory = "$Module_WorkingDir\$DestinationDirectory" } return $DestinationDirectory } function Get-GHDLBinary { <# .SYNOPSIS Undocumented .DESCRIPTION Undocumented .PARAMETER GHDL Undocumented #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$GHDL ) if ($GHDL -ne "") { $GHDLBinary = $GHDL } elseif (Test-Path env:GHDL) { $GHDLBinary = $env:GHDL } else { $GHDLBinary = "ghdl.exe" } if (-not (Test-Path $GHDLBinary -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Host "Use adv. options '-GHDL' to set the GHDL executable." -ForegroundColor Red Exit-CompileScript -1 } return $GHDLBinary } function Get-VHDLVariables { <# .SYNOPSIS Undocumented .DESCRIPTION Undocumented .PARAMETER VHDL93 Undocumented .PARAMETER VHDL2008 Undocumented #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [bool]$VHDL93 = $false, [bool]$VHDL2008 = $true ) if ($VHDL93) { $VHDLVersion = "v93" $VHDLStandard = "93c" $VHDLFlavor = "synopsys" } elseif ($VHDL2008) { $VHDLVersion = "v08" $VHDLStandard = "08" $VHDLFlavor = "standard" } else { $VHDLVersion = "v93" $VHDLStandard = "93c" $VHDLFlavor = "synopsys" } return $VHDLVersion,$VHDLStandard,$VHDLFlavor } function New-DestinationDirectory { <# .SYNOPSIS Undocumented .DESCRIPTION Undocumented .PARAMETER DestinationDirectory Undocumented #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$DestinationDirectory ) if (Test-Path $DestinationDirectory -PathType Container) { Write-Host "Vendor directory '$DestinationDirectory' already exists." -ForegroundColor Yellow } elseif (Test-Path $DestinationDirectory -PathType Leaf) { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Vendor directory '$DestinationDirectory' already exists as a file." -ForegroundColor Red Exit-CompileScript -1 } else { Write-Host "Creating vendor directory: '$DestinationDirectory'." -ForegroundColor Yellow mkdir "$DestinationDirectory" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } } function Start-PackageCompilation { <# .SYNOPSIS Undocumented .DESCRIPTION Undocumented .PARAMETER GHDLBinary Undocumented .PARAMETER GHDLOptions Undocumented .PARAMETER Library Undocumented .PARAMETER SourceFiles Undocumented .PARAMETER HaltOnError Undocumented #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$GHDLBinary, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string[]]$GHDLOptions, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$DestinationDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Library, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$VHDLVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string[]]$SourceFiles, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][bool]$HaltOnError ) $LibraryDirectory="$DestinationDirectory/$Library/$VHDLVersion" mkdir $LibraryDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null echo $LibraryDirectory cd $LibraryDirectory Write-Host "Compiling library '$Library' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $ErrorCount = 0 foreach ($File in $SourceFiles) { Write-Host "Analyzing package file '$File'" -ForegroundColor Cyan $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLBinary " + ($GHDLOptions -join " ") + " --work=$Library " + $File + " 2>&1" $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $ErrorCount += 1 if ($HaltOnError) { break } } } cd $DestinationDirectory # return $ErrorCount } function Start-PrimitiveCompilation { <# .SYNOPSIS Undocumented .DESCRIPTION Undocumented .PARAMETER GHDLBinary Undocumented .PARAMETER GHDLOptions Undocumented .PARAMETER Library Undocumented .PARAMETER SourceFiles Undocumented .PARAMETER HaltOnError Undocumented #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$GHDLBinary, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string[]]$GHDLOptions, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$DestinationDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Library, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$VHDLVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string[]]$SourceFiles, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][bool]$HaltOnError ) $LibraryDirectory="$DestinationDirectory/$Library/$VHDLVersion" mkdir $LibraryDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null echo $LibraryDirectory cd $LibraryDirectory Write-Host "Compiling library '$Library' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $ErrorCount = 0 foreach ($File in $SourceFiles) { Write-Host "Analyzing primitive file '$File'" -ForegroundColor Cyan $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLBinary " + ($GHDLOptions -join " ") + " --work=$Library " + $File + " 2>&1" $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { $ErrorCount += 1 if ($HaltOnError) { break } } } cd $DestinationDirectory # return $ErrorCount } function Restore-NativeCommandStream { <# .SYNOPSIS This CmdLet gathers multiple ErrorRecord objects and reconstructs outputs as a single line. .DESCRIPTION This CmdLet collects multiple ErrorRecord objects and emits one String object per line. .PARAMETER InputObject A object stream is required as an input. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $InputObject ) begin { $LineRemainer = "" } process { if (-not $InputObject) { Write-Host "Empty pipeline!" } elseif ($InputObject -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) { if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandError") { Write-Output $InputObject.ToString() } elseif ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage") { $NewLine = $LineRemainer + $InputObject.ToString() while (($NewLinePos = $NewLine.IndexOf("`n")) -ne -1) { Write-Output $NewLine.Substring(0, $NewLinePos) $NewLine = $NewLine.Substring($NewLinePos + 1) } $LineRemainer = $NewLine } } elseif ($InputObject -is [String]) { Write-Output $InputObject } else { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" } } end { if ($LineRemainer -ne "") { Write-Output $LineRemainer } } } function Write-ColoredGHDLLine { <# .SYNOPSIS This CmdLet colors GHDL output lines. .DESCRIPTION This CmdLet colors GHDL output lines. Warnings are prefixed with 'WARNING: ' in yellow and errors are prefixed with 'ERROR: ' in red. .PARAMETER InputObject A object stream is required as an input. .PARAMETER SuppressWarnings Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.) #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $InputObject, [Parameter(Position=1)] [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false ) begin { $ErrorRecordFound = $false } process { if (-not $InputObject) { Write-Host "Empty pipeline!" } elseif ($InputObject -is [String]) { if ($InputObject.Contains("warning")) { if (-not $SuppressWarnings) { Write-Host "WARNING: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host $InputObject } } else { $ErrorRecordFound = $true Write-Host "ERROR: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $InputObject } } else { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" } } end { $ErrorRecordFound } } Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Exit-CompileScript' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-SourceDirectory' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-DestinationDirectory' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-GHDLBinary' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-VHDLVariables' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-DestinationDirectory' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Start-PackageCompilation' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Start-PrimitiveCompilation' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Restore-NativeCommandStream' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Write-ColoredGHDLLine'