.. program:: ghdl .. _USING:Synthesis: Synthesis ######### .. WARNING:: This is experimental and work in progress! If you find crashes or unsupported features, please :ref:`report them <reporting_bugs>`! Since ``v0.37``, GHDL features a built-in (experimental) synthesis kernel with two backends: ``synth`` and ``yosys-plugin``. Currently, synthesis is supported as a front-end of other synthesis and technology mapping tools. Hence, the netlists generated by GHDL are not optimised. .. NOTE:: Due to GHDL's modular architecture (see :ref:`INT:Overview`), the synthesis kernel shares the VHDL parsing front-end with the simulation back-ends. Hence, available options for synthesis are the same as for analysis and/or simulation elaboration (see :ref:`GHDL:options`). .. index:: synthesis command .. _Synth:command: Synthesis [``--synth``] ======================= .. HINT:: This command is useful for checking that a design can be synthesized, before actually running a complete synthesis tool. In fact, because this is expected to be much faster, it can be used as a frequent check. .. TIP:: Since GHDL's front-end supports multiple versions of the standard, but the synthesised netlists are generated using a subset of VHDL 1993, GHDL's synthesis features can be used as a preprocessor with tools that do support older versions of the standard, but which don't provide the most recent features. .. option:: --synth <[options] primary_unit [secondary_unit]> Elaborates for synthesis the design whose top unit is indicated by ``primary_unit [secondary_unit]``. .. ATTENTION:: All the units must have been analyzed; that is, the artifacts of previously executed :option:`-a` calls must exist. .. option:: --synth <[options] files... -e primary_unit [secondary_unit]> Analyses and elaborates for synthesis the files present on the command line only. Elaboration starts from the top unit indicated by ``primary_unit [secondary_unit]``. Currently, the output is a generic netlist using a (very simple) subset of VHDL 1993. See :ghdlsharp:`1174` for on-going discussion about other output formats. .. TIP:: Files can be provided in any order. .. _Synth:plugin: Yosys plugin ============ `ghdl-yosys-plugin <https://github.com/ghdl/ghdl-yosys-plugin>`_ is a module to use GHDL as a VHDL front-end for `Yosys Open Synthesis Suite <http://www.clifford.at/yosys/>`_, a framework for optimised synthesis and technology mapping. Artifacts generated by Yosys can be used in multiple open source and vendor tools to achieve P&R, formal verification, etc. A relevant feature of combining GHDL and Yosys is that mixed-language (VHDL-Verilog) synthesis with open source tools is possible. The command line syntax for this plugin is the same as for :option:`--synth`, except that the command name (``--synth``) is neither required nor supported. Instead, ``yosys``, ``yosys -m ghdl`` or ``yosys -m path/to/ghdl.so`` need to be used, depending of how is the plugin built. See `README <https://github.com/ghdl/ghdl-yosys-plugin>`_ for building and installation guidelines. .. HINT:: ghdl-yosys-plugin is a thin layer that converts the internal representation of :option:`--synth` to Yosys' C API. Hence, it is suggested to check the designs with :option:`--synth` before running synthesis with Yosys.