.. include:: shields.txt |SHIELD:gh-logo| |SHIELD:gitter| |SHIELD:code-lic| |SHIELD:doc-lic| |br| |SHIELD:travis-ci| |SHIELD:appveyor| |SHIELD:tag| |SHIELD:release| ------------------------------------ GHDL Documentation ################## This manual is the user and reference manual for GHDL. It does not contain an introduction to VHDL. Thus, the reader should have at least a basic knowledge of VHDL. A good knowledge of VHDL language reference manual (usually called LRM) is a plus. .. only:: html News **** 23.10.2015 - GHDL 0.33 was released. ==================================== .. only:: latex .. rubric:: 23.10.2015 - GHDL 0.33 was released. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... .. |docdate| date:: %b %d, %Y - %H:%M .. container:: lastdocbuilddate This document was generated on |docdate|. .. toctree:: :caption: Introduction :hidden: 0_Intro/WhatIsVHDL 0_Intro/WhatIsGHDL 0_Intro/Contributing 0_Intro/Copyrights License/gpl-2.0 .. raw:: latex \part{GHDL usage} .. toctree:: :caption: GHDL usage :hidden: 1_Using/QuickStartGuide 1_Using/InvokingGHDL 1_Using/Simulation .. raw:: latex \part{Getting GHDL} .. toctree:: :caption: Getting GHDL :hidden: 2_Getting/Releases 3_Building/index 3_Building/VendorPrimitives .. raw:: latex \part{References} .. toctree:: :caption: Implementation references :hidden: 4_References/CommandReference 4_References/CodingStyle 4_References/ImplementationOfVHDL 4_References/ImplementationOfVITAL .. raw:: latex \part{Appendix} .. toctree:: :caption: Appendix :hidden: appendix/Roadmap appendix/Changelog appendix/Meta genindex