name: Windows MSYS2 on: workflow_call: jobs: Build: name: '🚧${{ matrix.icon }} ${{ matrix.sys }} ${{ matrix.pkg }} (build)' runs-on: windows-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: # - {icon: '🟪', pkg: 'llvm', sys: 'MINGW32' } ! not yet functional - {icon: '🟦', pkg: 'llvm', sys: 'MINGW64' } - {icon: '🟨', pkg: 'llvm', sys: 'UCRT64' } #! experimental - {icon: '🟪', pkg: 'mcode', sys: 'MINGW32' } # - {icon: '🟦', pkg: 'mcode', sys: 'MINGW64' } #! simulation with mcode is not yet supported on win64 - {icon: '🟨', pkg: 'mcode', sys: 'UCRT64' } #! experimental; simulation with mcode is not yet supported on win64 env: MINGW_ARCH: ${{ matrix.sys }} defaults: run: shell: msys2 {0} steps: - name: '${{ matrix.icon }} Setup MSYS2' uses: msys2/setup-msys2@v2 with: msystem: ${{ matrix.sys }} update: true install: base-devel git pacboy: toolchain:p - name: '⚙ git config' run: git config --global core.autocrlf input shell: bash - name: '🧰 Checkout' uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: # The command 'git describe' (used for version) needs the history. fetch-depth: 0 - name: '🚧 Build package' run: | cd scripts/msys2-${{ matrix.pkg }} makepkg-mingw --noconfirm --noprogressbar -sCLf for item in src pkg; do tar czf msys2-${{ matrix.pkg }}."$item".tar.gz "$item" done - name: '📤 Upload artifact: builddir' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ matrix.sys }}-${{ matrix.pkg }}-builddir path: | scripts/msys2-${{ matrix.pkg }}/msys2-${{ matrix.pkg }}.src.tar.gz scripts/msys2-${{ matrix.pkg }}/msys2-${{ matrix.pkg }}.pkg.tar.gz - name: '📤 Upload artifact: package' uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ matrix.sys }}-${{ matrix.pkg }} path: scripts/msys2-${{ matrix.pkg }}/mingw-*ghdl*.pkg.tar.zst if-no-files-found: error Test: name: '🚦${{ matrix.sys.icon }} ${{ matrix.sys.sys }} ${{ matrix.sys.pkg }} ${{ matrix.suite }}' runs-on: windows-latest needs: - Build strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: sys: # - {icon: '🟪', pkg: 'llvm', sys: 'MINGW32' } ! not yet functional - {icon: '🟦', pkg: 'llvm', sys: 'MINGW64' } - {icon: '🟨', pkg: 'llvm', sys: 'UCRT64' } #! experimental - {icon: '🟪', pkg: 'mcode', sys: 'MINGW32' } # - {icon: '🟦', pkg: 'mcode', sys: 'MINGW64' } ! simulation with mcode is not yet supported on win64 # - {icon: '🟨', pkg: 'mcode', sys: 'UCRT64' } ! experimental; simulation with mcode is not yet supported on win64 suite: - 'sanity pyunit vpi vhpi' - 'gna' - 'vests' - 'synth' defaults: run: shell: msys2 {0} steps: - name: '${{ matrix.sys.icon }} Setup MSYS2' uses: msys2/setup-msys2@v2 with: msystem: ${{ matrix.sys.sys }} update: true pacboy: > diffutils:p gcc:p python-pip:p python-setuptools:p - name: '⚙ git config' run: git config --global core.autocrlf input shell: bash - name: '🧰 Checkout' uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: '📥 Download artifact: package' uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: path: artifact name: ${{ matrix.sys.sys }}-${{ matrix.sys.pkg }} - name: '🛠 Install package and 🐍 Python dependencies' run: | pacman --noconfirm -U artifact/mingw-w64-*-ghdl-${{ matrix.sys.pkg }}-*.zst pip3 install -r testsuite/requirements.txt - name: '🚦 Test package' run: GHDL=ghdl ./testsuite/ ${{ matrix.suite }}