From fbd853c88b4b1c3008b1b39882ac2b99b6e59460 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tristan Gingold <>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2021 19:04:25 +0100
Subject: testsuite/gna: add a test for #1908

 testsuite/gna/issue1908/ini_pkg.vhdl         |  36 ++++
 testsuite/gna/issue1908/map_synchro.vhdl     | 198 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 testsuite/gna/issue1908/sr_synchronizer.vhdl |  89 ++++++++++
 testsuite/gna/issue1908/test_9_tb.vhdl       | 239 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 testsuite/gna/issue1908/         |  11 ++
 5 files changed, 573 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 testsuite/gna/issue1908/ini_pkg.vhdl
 create mode 100644 testsuite/gna/issue1908/map_synchro.vhdl
 create mode 100644 testsuite/gna/issue1908/sr_synchronizer.vhdl
 create mode 100644 testsuite/gna/issue1908/test_9_tb.vhdl
 create mode 100755 testsuite/gna/issue1908/

(limited to 'testsuite/gna/issue1908')

diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue1908/ini_pkg.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue1908/ini_pkg.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ed8d9642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue1908/ini_pkg.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-- * Package
+package ini_pkg is
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Types
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- With the following values no bug ocurred
+  type ini_t is record
+    val_of_0 : std_logic;
+    val_of_1 : std_logic;
+    val_of_2 : std_logic;
+    val_of_3 : std_logic;
+    val_of_4 : std_logic;
+    val_of_5 : std_logic;
+  end record;
+  -- With the following values a an exception rise in GHDL, printing the GHDL Bug Ocurred Message
+  -- type ini_t is record
+  --   vval_of_0 : std_logic;
+  --   val_of_1 : std_logic;
+  --   val_of_2 : std_logic;
+  --   val_of_3 : std_logic;
+  --   val_of_4 : std_logic;
+  --   val_of_5 : std_logic;
+  -- end record;
+-- * End Package
+end package ini_pkg;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue1908/map_synchro.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue1908/map_synchro.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17a0f3abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue1908/map_synchro.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+-- * Libs
+USE WORK.ini_pkg.all;
+-- * Entity
+ENTITY map_synchro IS
+  PORT (
+    CLK_I                : in   std_logic;
+    RSTN_I               : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_0 : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_1 : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_2 : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_3 : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_4 : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_5 : in   std_logic;
+    A_SYNC_O   : out  ini_t; 
+    B_val_of_0 : in   std_logic;
+    B_val_of_1 : in   std_logic;
+    B_val_of_2 : in   std_logic;
+    B_val_of_3 : in   std_logic;
+    B_val_of_4 : in   std_logic;
+    B_val_of_5 : in   std_logic;
+    B_SYNC_O   : out  ini_t 
+  );
+END map_synchro;
+-- * Architecture Begins
+ARCHITECTURE structure OF map_synchro IS
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Components Declaration
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  component sr_synchronizer is
+    generic (
+      G_INIT       : std_logic := '0';   -- Reset value
+      G_STAGES     : natural   := 2      -- Number of synchronization stages
+    );
+    port (
+      CLK_I       : in   std_logic;
+      RSTN_I      : in   std_logic;
+      X_I         : in   std_logic;
+      X_SYNC_O    : out  std_logic
+    );
+  end component sr_synchronizer;
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Signals
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- With the following values a an exception rise in GHDL, printing the GHDL Bug Ocurred Message
+  signal s_a_sync_o : std_logic; 
+  signal s_b_sync_o : std_logic;
+  -- With the following values no bug ocurred
+  -- signal s_a_sync_o : ini_t; 
+  -- signal s_b_sync_o : ini_t;
+-- * Architecture structure
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Mapping IO
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  A_SYNC_O     <= s_a_sync_o;
+  B_SYNC_O     <= s_b_sync_o;
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Components Instatiation
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- ** 6 Synchronizers for A
+    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    a_synchronizer_0: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => A_val_of_0,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_a_sync_o.val_of_0
+    );
+    a_synchronizer_1: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => A_val_of_1,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_a_sync_o.val_of_1
+    );
+    a_synchronizer_2: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => A_val_of_2,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_a_sync_o.val_of_2
+    );
+    a_synchronizer_3: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => A_val_of_3,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_a_sync_o.val_of_3
+    );
+    a_synchronizer_4: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => A_val_of_4,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_a_sync_o.val_of_4
+    );
+    a_synchronizer_5: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => A_val_of_5,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_a_sync_o.val_of_5
+    );
+    -- ** 6 Synchronizers for B
+    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    b_synchronizer_0: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => B_val_of_0,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_b_sync_o.val_of_0
+    );
+    b_synchronizer_1: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => B_val_of_1,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_b_sync_o.val_of_1
+    );
+    b_synchronizer_2: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => B_val_of_2,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_b_sync_o.val_of_2
+    );
+    b_synchronizer_3: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => B_val_of_3,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_b_sync_o.val_of_3
+    );
+    b_synchronizer_4: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => B_val_of_4,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_b_sync_o.val_of_4
+    );
+    b_synchronizer_5: sr_synchronizer
+    port map (
+      CLK_I     => CLK_I,
+      RSTN_I    => RSTN_I,
+      X_I       => B_val_of_5,
+      X_SYNC_O  => s_b_sync_o.val_of_5
+    );
+-- * Architecture Ends
+END structure;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue1908/sr_synchronizer.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue1908/sr_synchronizer.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0afc900f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue1908/sr_synchronizer.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+-- * Libs
+-- * Entity
+ENTITY sr_synchronizer IS
+    G_INIT       : std_logic := '0';   -- Reset value
+    G_STAGES     : natural   := 2      -- Number of synchronization stages
+  );
+  PORT (
+     CLK_I       : in   std_logic;
+     RSTN_I      : in   std_logic;
+     X_I         : in   std_logic;
+     X_SYNC_O    : out  std_logic
+  );
+END sr_synchronizer;
+-- * Architecture Begins
+ARCHITECTURE synthetizable OF sr_synchronizer IS
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Types
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  type shift_regsiter_t is array (G_STAGES-1 downto 0) of std_logic;
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Signals
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  signal r_rst_cnt    : natural range 0 to G_STAGES;  -- To reset the shift-register stages
+  signal r_x_sync_o   : shift_regsiter_t;             -- Shift register
+  signal s_x_i        : std_logic;
+-- * Architecture synthetizable
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Generics Constraints Checking
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  assert(G_INIT='0' or G_INIT='1')
+    report "-ERROR- In 'sr_synchronizer' component, the generic parameter 'G_INIT' is bad defined." &
+      " Must be '1' or '0' of std_logic type." severity failure;
+  assert(G_STAGES > 0)
+    report "-ERROR- In 'sr_synchronizer' component, the generic parameter 'G_STAGES' is bad defined." &
+      " Must be 1 at least." severity failure;
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Mapping IO
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  X_SYNC_O  <= r_x_sync_o(r_x_sync_o'high);
+  s_x_i     <= X_I;
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Process
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- ** Shift Register
+    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    shift_register: process(CLK_I)
+    begin
+      if rising_edge(CLK_I) then
+        if RSTN_I='0' then
+          r_rst_cnt <= G_STAGES;                                                  -- Reset value of reset counter
+        else
+          if r_rst_cnt=0 then                                                     -- In case all shift register stages has performed
+            r_x_sync_o <=                                                         -- reset, change shift register input to 's_x_i'
+              r_x_sync_o(r_x_sync_o'high-1 downto r_x_sync_o'low) & s_x_i;        -- value
+          else
+            r_rst_cnt  <= r_rst_cnt-1;                                            -- In case not all shift register stages has performed
+            r_x_sync_o <=                                                         -- reset, change shift register input to 'G_INIT'
+              r_x_sync_o(r_x_sync_o'high-1 downto r_x_sync_o'low) & G_INIT;       -- value and, decrement reset counter value
+          end if;
+       end if; -- RSTN_I
+      end if; -- rising_edge(CLK_I)
+    end process;
+-- * Architecture Ends
+END synthetizable;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue1908/test_9_tb.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue1908/test_9_tb.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a698112b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue1908/test_9_tb.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+-- * Libs
+USE     STD.ENV.FINISH; -- use of vhdl-2008
+USE WORK.ini_pkg.all;
+-- * Entity
+ENTITY test_9_tb IS
+END test_9_tb;
+-- * Architecture Begins
+ARCHITECTURE str_tb OF test_9_tb IS
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Constants
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  constant C_CLK_PERIOD  : time := 20 ns; -- 50 Mhz
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Components Declaration
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  component map_synchro is
+    port (
+    CLK_I                : in   std_logic;
+    RSTN_I               : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_0 : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_1 : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_2 : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_3 : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_4 : in   std_logic;
+    A_val_of_5 : in   std_logic;
+    A_SYNC_O   : out  ini_t; 
+    B_val_of_0 : in   std_logic;
+    B_val_of_1 : in   std_logic;
+    B_val_of_2 : in   std_logic;
+    B_val_of_3 : in   std_logic;
+    B_val_of_4 : in   std_logic;
+    B_val_of_5 : in   std_logic;
+    B_SYNC_O   : out  ini_t 
+    );
+  end component map_synchro;
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Signals
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- ** Structure  (Interconnections)
+    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    signal s_b_sync         : ini_t;    
+    signal s_a_sync         : ini_t;
+    -- ** Stimulus
+    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    signal s_clk   : std_logic := '1';
+    signal s_rstn  : std_logic := '0';
+    signal s_a_val_of_0    : std_logic ;
+    signal s_a_val_of_1    : std_logic ;
+    signal s_a_val_of_2    : std_logic ;
+    signal s_a_val_of_3    : std_logic ;
+    signal s_a_val_of_4    : std_logic ;
+    signal s_a_val_of_5    : std_logic ;
+    signal s_b_val_of_0    : std_logic ;
+    signal s_b_val_of_1    : std_logic ;
+    signal s_b_val_of_2    : std_logic ;
+    signal s_b_val_of_3    : std_logic ;
+    signal s_b_val_of_4    : std_logic ;
+    signal s_b_val_of_5    : std_logic ;
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Procedures
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- ** Initialize Boot Fallback Signals (PG and N_FAIL)
+    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    procedure p_ini_signals (
+      signal clk        : in std_logic;
+      signal a_val_of_0 : out std_logic;
+      signal a_val_of_1 : out std_logic;
+      signal a_val_of_2 : out std_logic;
+      signal a_val_of_3 : out std_logic;
+      signal a_val_of_4 : out std_logic;
+      signal a_val_of_5 : out std_logic;
+      signal b_val_of_0 : out std_logic;
+      signal b_val_of_1 : out std_logic;
+      signal b_val_of_2 : out std_logic;
+      signal b_val_of_3 : out std_logic;
+      signal b_val_of_4 : out std_logic;
+      signal b_val_of_5 : out std_logic
+    ) is
+    begin
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        a_val_of_0 <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        a_val_of_1 <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        a_val_of_2 <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        a_val_of_3 <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        a_val_of_4 <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        a_val_of_5  <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        b_val_of_0 <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        b_val_of_1 <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        b_val_of_2 <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        b_val_of_3 <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        b_val_of_4 <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+        b_val_of_5  <= '1';
+      wait until rising_edge(clk);
+    end procedure p_ini_signals;
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Architecture Structure Testbench
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Clock and Reset generation
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  clk_gen:
+    s_clk <= not s_clk after C_CLK_PERIOD/2;
+  rst_gen :
+      s_rstn <=
+      '1' after (1 us);
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Process
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- ** Stimulus
+    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    stimulus: process
+    -- + Procedures
+    procedure ini_signals (
+      signal clk        : in std_logic
+    ) is
+    begin
+      p_ini_signals (
+        clk                   => clk               ,
+        a_val_of_0    => s_a_val_of_0,
+        a_val_of_1    => s_a_val_of_1,
+        a_val_of_2    => s_a_val_of_2,
+        a_val_of_3    => s_a_val_of_3,
+        a_val_of_4    => s_a_val_of_4,
+        a_val_of_5    => s_a_val_of_5,
+        b_val_of_0    => s_b_val_of_0,
+        b_val_of_1    => s_b_val_of_1,
+        b_val_of_2    => s_b_val_of_2,
+        b_val_of_3    => s_b_val_of_3,
+        b_val_of_4    => s_b_val_of_4,
+        b_val_of_5    => s_b_val_of_5
+      );
+    end procedure ini_signals;
+    -- + Process begin
+    begin
+      wait until s_rstn='1';
+      write(output, LF & " ===========================================" & LF
+                       & " +--           Starting Test 9           --+" & LF
+                       & " ===========================================" & LF & LF);
+      --=================================================================================
+      ini_signals(s_clk);
+      --=================================================================================
+      write(output, LF & " +-- Test 9 has finished sucessfully!!" & LF);
+      write(output, LF & " ===========================================" & LF
+                       & " +--           Finishing Test 9          --+" & LF
+                       & " ===========================================" & LF & LF);
+      finish;
+    end process;
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- * Components Instatiation
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  dut_0_boot_fallback: map_synchro
+  port map (
+    CLK_I              => s_clk,
+    RSTN_I             => s_rstn,
+    -- N_FAIL board signals
+    A_val_of_0        => s_a_val_of_0   ,       
+    A_val_of_1        => s_a_val_of_1   ,
+    A_val_of_2        => s_a_val_of_2   ,
+    A_val_of_3        => s_a_val_of_3   ,
+    A_val_of_4        => s_a_val_of_4   ,
+    A_val_of_5        => s_a_val_of_5   ,
+    A_SYNC_O          => s_a_sync     ,
+    -- PG board signals
+    B_val_of_0       => s_b_val_of_0    ,
+    B_val_of_1       => s_b_val_of_1    ,
+    B_val_of_2       => s_b_val_of_2    ,
+    B_val_of_3       => s_b_val_of_3    ,
+    B_val_of_4       => s_b_val_of_4    ,
+    B_val_of_5       => s_b_val_of_5    ,
+    B_SYNC_O         => s_b_sync          
+  );
+-- * Architecture Ends
+END str_tb;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue1908/ b/testsuite/gna/issue1908/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b710460eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue1908/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+. ../../
+export GHDL_STD_FLAGS=--std=08
+$GHDL -i $GHDL_STD_FLAGS ini_pkg.vhdl sr_synchronizer.vhdl map_synchro.vhdl test_9_tb.vhdl
+$GHDL -m --expect-failure $GHDL_STD_FLAGS test_9_tb
+echo "Test successful"
cgit v1.2.3