path: root/testsuite/sanity
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/sanity')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/sanity/004all08/all08.vhdl b/testsuite/sanity/004all08/all08.vhdl
index 530ca26bc..49cdb56c3 100644
--- a/testsuite/sanity/004all08/all08.vhdl
+++ b/testsuite/sanity/004all08/all08.vhdl
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ package pkg is
type my_enum is
(lit_a, lit_b, lit_c, 'e');
+ subtype my_enum_lit is my_enum range lit_b to 'e';
+ pure function "+" (v : my_enum) return my_enum;
type my_short is range -2**15 to 2**15 - 1;
type DISTANCE is range 0 to 1E16 units
-- primary unit:
@@ -29,6 +32,15 @@ package pkg is
type my_float is range 0.0 to 1.0e20;
+ type my_array1d is array (my_short range <>) of boolean;
+ subtype my_array1d10 is my_array1d (1 to 10);
+ type my_array2d is array (natural range <>, natural range <>) of boolean;
+ subtype my_array2d_8x8 is my_array2d (1 to 8, 1 to 8);
+ type d2c_type is array (0 to 9) of character;
+ type chess_type is array (1 to 8, 1 to 8) of std_logic_vector;
attribute user_attr : boolean;
attribute user_attr of clear [std_logic_vector]: procedure is True;
@@ -37,25 +49,36 @@ package pkg is
type cell is record
chain : cell_acc;
val : natural;
+ b0, b1 : bit;
end record;
- procedure prepend (ch : inout cell_acc; val : natural);
+ procedure prepend (variable ch : inout cell_acc; val : natural);
type text_file is file of string;
+ function is_eof (file t : text_file; fake : boolean) return boolean;
+ alias iseof is is_eof [text_file, boolean return boolean];
type sharedcounter is protected
procedure increment (n : natural);
- procedure decrement (n : natural);
+ procedure decrement (constant n : natural);
+ impure function get return natural;
end protected;
end pkg;
package body pkg is
+ pure function "+" (v : my_enum) return my_enum is
+ begin
+ return v;
+ end "+";
procedure clear (v : out std_logic_vector) is
v := (v'range => '0');
end clear;
- procedure prepend (ch : inout cell_acc; val : natural)
+ procedure prepend (variable ch : inout cell_acc; val : natural)
variable res : cell_acc;
variable len : natural;
@@ -67,21 +90,39 @@ package body pkg is
end if;
res := res.all.chain;
+ null;
end loop;
len := 0;
res := ch;
- loop
- exit when res = null;
+ L1: loop
+ exit L1 when res = null;
len := len + 1;
res := res.chain;
next when res.val = val;
end loop;
- res := new cell'(chain => ch, val => val);
+ res := new cell'(chain => ch, val => val, b0 | b1 => '0');
ch := res;
end prepend;
+ function is_eof (file t : text_file; fake : boolean) return boolean is
+ begin
+ s: if fake then
+ return false;
+ else
+ return endfile (t);
+ end if s;
+ end is_eof;
+ procedure check_is_eof parameter (filename : string)
+ is
+ file f : text_file open read_mode is filename;
+ file f2, f3 : text_file;
+ begin
+ null;
+ end check_is_eof;
type sharedcounter is protected body
variable val : natural := 0;
procedure increment (n : natural) is
@@ -89,35 +130,60 @@ package body pkg is
val := val + n;
end increment;
- procedure decrement (n : natural) is
+ procedure decrement (constant n : natural) is
val := val - n;
- end decrement;
- end protected body;
+ end procedure decrement;
+ impure function get return natural is
+ begin
+ return val;
+ end function get;
+ end protected body;
end pkg;
-library ieee;
+package genpkg is
+ generic (val : natural := 5;
+ function plus (l, r : integer) return integer);
+ procedure add (l : inout integer);
+end genpkg;
+package body genpkg is
+ procedure add (l : inout integer) is
+ begin
+ l := plus (l, val);
+ end add;
+end genpkg;
+package my_adder_pkg is new work.genpkg generic map (val => open, plus => "+");
+library ieee, work;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity reg is
generic (width : natural);
port (clk : std_logic;
- rst_n : std_logic;
+ signal rst_n : std_logic;
d : in std_logic_vector (width - 1 downto 0);
q : out std_logic_vector (width - 1 downto 0));
subtype bus_type is std_logic_vector (width - 1 downto 0);
- assert width < 128 report "large width" severity warning;
+ ass1: postponed assert width < 128 report "large width" severity warning;
end reg;
-architecture behav of reg is
+library ieee;
+use work.pkg.sharedcounter, ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+architecture behav of reg
+ shared variable counter : sharedcounter;
process (clk, rst_n)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if rst_n = '0' then
q <= (others => '0');
+ counter.increment (1);
q <= d;
end if;
@@ -125,7 +191,25 @@ begin
end process;
end behav;
+configuration reg_conf1 of reg is
+ for behav
+ end for;
+end reg_conf1;
+library ieee, work;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+entity check_zero is
+ port (i0 : in std_logic);
+end check_zero;
+architecture behav of check_zero is
+ assert (i0 = '0');
+end behav;
entity reg_tb is
+ generic (conf : natural := 2);
end reg_tb;
library ieee;
@@ -141,6 +225,10 @@ architecture behav of reg_tb is
q : out std_logic_vector (width - 1 downto 0));
end component reg;
+ component check_zero is
+ port (i0 : in std_logic);
+ end component check_zero;
subtype data_type is std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
function get_vector (n : natural) return data_type is
@@ -155,7 +243,9 @@ architecture behav of reg_tb is
when 3 | 4 =>
return data_type'(x"3333_4444");
when 5 to 7 =>
- return (0 to 5 => '1', 6 | 7 => '0', others => '1');
+ return (0 to 5 => '1', 6 | 7 => '0', others => '1');
+ when 8 =>
+ return ('0', '1', '0', others => '0');
when others =>
return x"ffff_ffff";
end case;
@@ -165,21 +255,34 @@ architecture behav of reg_tb is
signal rst_n : std_logic := '0';
signal din, dout : data_type;
+ signal s1 : std_logic;
+ signal si : integer;
alias my_clk : std_logic is clk;
- group syn is (signal <>);
- group sig_syn : syn (clk, rst_n);
+ group syn is (subtype, signal <>);
+ group sig_syn : syn (data_type, clk, rst_n);
type data_array_type is array (natural range <>) of data_type;
- file input_file : text_file;
+ constant zero : natural := 0;
procedure disp_msg (msg : string) is
- report msg
- severity note;
+ if msg'left (1) /= 1 then
+ report "strange start" severity note;
+ elsif msg'length > 20 then
+ report "long message";
+ else
+ report msg
+ severity note;
+ end if;
end disp_msg;
+ for cmpz0 : check_zero use entity work.check_zero port map (i0 => i0);
+ for cmpz1 : check_zero use open;
+ for others : check_zero use entity work.check_zero;
@@ -189,15 +292,26 @@ begin
rst_n <= '0', '1' after 25 ns;
+ cmpz0 : check_zero port map (i0 => din (0));
+ cmpz1 : check_zero port map (i0 => din (1));
+ cmpz2 : check_zero port map (i0 => din (2));
disp_msg ("start of design");
- process
+ process (all)
+ begin
+ s1 <= not rst_n;
+ end process;
+ si <= integer'(1) when clk = '0' else 2;
+ postponed process is
- disp_msg (msg => "test is starting");
+ disp_msg (msg => "test is starting """ & reg_tb'simple_name & '"');
for i in 1 to 10 loop
din <= get_vector(i);
- wait until rising_edge(my_clk);
+ wait on my_clk until rising_edge(my_clk);
end loop;
end process;
@@ -206,6 +320,7 @@ begin
variable v : integer;
variable b1, b2, b3 : boolean;
variable bv1, bv2 : bit_vector (0 to 7);
+ variable d : distance;
b2 := true;
b1 := (b2 and b3) or b1;
@@ -213,7 +328,7 @@ begin
b2 := (b1 nor b2) xnor b3;
bv1 := bv2 sll v;
- bv2 := bv1 rol v;
+ bv2 := (bv1 rol v) and 8x"f0";
bv1 := not(bv2 sra (v rem 3));
v := -2;
@@ -224,6 +339,8 @@ begin
b2 := v /= 4;
b3 := b2 or (v = 5);
+ d := 1.5 cm when v >= 0 else mm;
report "v = " & integer'image (v) severity note;
end process compute;
@@ -241,10 +358,15 @@ begin
signal dout3 : data_type;
signal dout4 : data_type;
+ for cmpz1_0, cmpz1_1 : check_zero use entity work.check_zero;
assert dout (7 downto 0) = din (7 downto 0);
assert dout'right = 0;
+ cmpz1_0 : check_zero port map (i0 => din (0));
+ cmpz1_1 : check_zero port map (i0 => din (1));
dout2 <= guarded din;
with dout(0) select
@@ -262,13 +384,37 @@ begin
end generate g2;
end generate g1;
end block;
+ blk2: block is
+ generic (w : natural);
+ generic map (w => 1);
+ port (di : std_logic_vector (w - 1 downto 0);
+ do : out std_logic_vector (w - 1 downto 0));
+ port map (di => din (0 downto 0),
+ do => dout (0 downto 0));
+ for all : check_zero use entity work.check_zero;
+ begin
+ cmpz1_0 : check_zero port map (i0 => din (0));
+ g4: case conf generate
+ when g4_1: 1 | 2 =>
+ cmp : configuration work.reg_conf1
+ generic map (width => 1)
+ port map (clk => clk,
+ rst_n => std_logic (rst_n),
+ d => di,
+ q => do);
+ when others =>
+ end generate g4;
+ end block blk2;
end behav;
configuration cfg of reg_tb is
for behav
-- component configuration.
for cmp_reg : reg
- use entity work.reg;
+ use entity work.reg (behav);
end for;
-- TODO: blocks, generate
end for;