path: root/src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-coff.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-coff.adb')
1 files changed, 407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-coff.adb b/src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-coff.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf3cba3f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ortho/mcode/binary_file-coff.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+-- Binary file COFF writer.
+-- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
+with Coff; use Coff;
+package body Binary_File.Coff is
+ NUL : Character renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1.NUL;
+ procedure Write_Coff (Fd : GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor)
+ is
+ use GNAT.OS_Lib;
+ procedure Xwrite (Data : System.Address; Len : Natural) is
+ begin
+ if Write (Fd, Data, Len) /= Len then
+ raise Write_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Xwrite;
+ type Section_Info_Type is record
+ Sect : Section_Acc;
+ -- File offset for the data.
+ Data_Offset : Natural;
+ -- File offset for the relocs.
+ Reloc_Offset : Natural;
+ -- Number of relocs to write.
+ Nbr_Relocs : Natural;
+ end record;
+ type Section_Info_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Section_Info_Type;
+ Sections : Section_Info_Array (1 .. Nbr_Sections + 3);
+ Nbr_Sect : Natural;
+ Sect_Text : constant Natural := 1;
+ Sect_Data : constant Natural := 2;
+ Sect_Bss : constant Natural := 3;
+ Sect : Section_Acc;
+ --Section_Align : constant Natural := 2;
+ Offset : Natural;
+ Symtab_Offset : Natural;
+ -- Number of symtab entries.
+ Nbr_Symbols : Natural;
+ Strtab_Offset : Natural;
+ function Gen_String (Str : String) return Sym_Name
+ is
+ Res : Sym_Name;
+ begin
+ if Str'Length <= 8 then
+ Res.E_Name := (others => NUL);
+ Res.E_Name (1 .. Str'Length) := Str;
+ else
+ Res.E := (E_Zeroes => 0, E_Offset => Unsigned_32 (Offset));
+ Offset := Offset + Str'Length + 1;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Gen_String;
+ -- Well known sections name.
+ type String_Array is array (Sect_Text .. Sect_Bss) of String (1 .. 8);
+ Sect_Name : constant String_Array :=
+ (Sect_Text => ".text" & NUL & NUL & NUL,
+ Sect_Data => ".data" & NUL & NUL & NUL,
+ Sect_Bss => ".bss" & NUL & NUL & NUL & NUL);
+ type Unsigned32_Array is array (Sect_Text .. Sect_Bss) of Unsigned_32;
+ Sect_Flags : constant Unsigned32_Array :=
+ (Sect_Text => STYP_TEXT,
+ Sect_Data => STYP_DATA,
+ Sect_Bss => STYP_BSS);
+ -- If true, do local relocs.
+ Flag_Reloc : constant Boolean := True;
+ -- If true, discard local symbols;
+ Flag_Discard_Local : Boolean := True;
+ begin
+ -- If relocations are not performs, then local symbols cannot be
+ -- discarded.
+ if not Flag_Reloc then
+ Flag_Discard_Local := False;
+ end if;
+ -- Fill sections.
+ Sect := Section_Chain;
+ Nbr_Sect := 3;
+ declare
+ N : Natural;
+ begin
+ while Sect /= null loop
+ if Sect.Name.all = ".text" then
+ N := Sect_Text;
+ elsif Sect.Name.all = ".data" then
+ N := Sect_Data;
+ elsif Sect.Name.all = ".bss" then
+ N := Sect_Bss;
+ else
+ Nbr_Sect := Nbr_Sect + 1;
+ N := Nbr_Sect;
+ end if;
+ Sections (N).Sect := Sect;
+ Sect.Number := N;
+ Sect := Sect.Next;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ -- Set data offset.
+ Offset := Filehdr_Size + Nbr_Sect * Scnhdr_Size;
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
+ if Sections (I).Sect /= null
+ and then Sections (I).Sect.Data /= null
+ then
+ Sections (I).Data_Offset := Offset;
+ Offset := Offset + Natural (Sections (I).Sect.Pc);
+ else
+ Sections (I).Data_Offset := 0;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Set relocs offset.
+ declare
+ Rel : Reloc_Acc;
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
+ Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs := 0;
+ if Sections (I).Sect /= null then
+ Sections (I).Reloc_Offset := Offset;
+ if not Flag_Reloc then
+ -- Do local relocations.
+ Rel := Sections (I).Sect.First_Reloc;
+ while Rel /= null loop
+ if S_Local (Rel.Sym) then
+ if Get_Section (Rel.Sym) = Sections (I).Sect
+ then
+ -- Intra section local reloc.
+ Apply_Reloc (Sections (I).Sect, Rel);
+ else
+ -- Inter section local reloc.
+ -- A relocation is still required.
+ Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs :=
+ Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs + 1;
+ -- FIXME: todo.
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs := Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs + 1;
+ end if;
+ Rel := Rel.Sect_Next;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs := Sections (I).Sect.Nbr_Relocs;
+ end if;
+ Offset := Offset + Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs * Relsz;
+ else
+ Sections (I).Reloc_Offset := 0;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ Symtab_Offset := Offset;
+ Nbr_Symbols := 2 + Nbr_Sect * 2; -- 2 for file.
+ for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
+ Set_Number (I, Nbr_Symbols);
+ Nbr_Symbols := Nbr_Symbols + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Offset := Offset + Nbr_Symbols * Symesz;
+ Strtab_Offset := Offset;
+ Offset := Offset + 4;
+ -- Write file header.
+ declare
+ Hdr : Filehdr;
+ begin
+ Hdr.F_Magic := I386magic;
+ Hdr.F_Nscns := Unsigned_16 (Nbr_Sect);
+ Hdr.F_Timdat := 0;
+ Hdr.F_Symptr := Unsigned_32 (Symtab_Offset);
+ Hdr.F_Nsyms := Unsigned_32 (Nbr_Symbols);
+ Hdr.F_Opthdr := 0;
+ Hdr.F_Flags := F_Lnno;
+ Xwrite (Hdr'Address, Filehdr_Size);
+ end;
+ -- Write sections header.
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
+ declare
+ Hdr : Scnhdr;
+ L : Natural;
+ begin
+ case I is
+ when Sect_Text
+ | Sect_Data
+ | Sect_Bss =>
+ Hdr.S_Name := Sect_Name (I);
+ Hdr.S_Flags := Sect_Flags (I);
+ when others =>
+ Hdr.S_Flags := 0;
+ L := Sections (I).Sect.Name'Length;
+ if L > Hdr.S_Name'Length then
+ Hdr.S_Name := Sections (I).Sect.Name
+ (Sections (I).Sect.Name'First ..
+ Sections (I).Sect.Name'First + Hdr.S_Name'Length - 1);
+ else
+ Hdr.S_Name (1 .. L) := Sections (I).Sect.Name.all;
+ Hdr.S_Name (L + 1 .. Hdr.S_Name'Last) := (others => NUL);
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ Hdr.S_Paddr := 0;
+ Hdr.S_Vaddr := 0;
+ Hdr.S_Scnptr := Unsigned_32 (Sections (I).Data_Offset);
+ Hdr.S_Relptr := Unsigned_32 (Sections (I).Reloc_Offset);
+ Hdr.S_Lnnoptr := 0;
+ Hdr.S_Nreloc := Unsigned_16 (Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs);
+ if Sections (I).Sect /= null then
+ Hdr.S_Size := Unsigned_32 (Sections (I).Sect.Pc);
+ else
+ Hdr.S_Size := 0;
+ end if;
+ Hdr.S_Nlnno := 0;
+ Xwrite (Hdr'Address, Scnhdr_Size);
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ -- Write sections content.
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
+ if Sections (I).Sect /= null
+ and then Sections (I).Sect.Data /= null
+ then
+ Xwrite (Sections (I).Sect.Data (0)'Address,
+ Natural (Sections (I).Sect.Pc));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Write sections reloc.
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
+ if Sections (I).Sect /= null then
+ declare
+ R : Reloc_Acc;
+ Rel : Reloc;
+ begin
+ R := Sections (I).Sect.First_Reloc;
+ while R /= null loop
+ case R.Kind is
+ when Reloc_32 =>
+ Rel.R_Type := Reloc_Addr32;
+ when Reloc_Pc32 =>
+ Rel.R_Type := Reloc_Rel32;
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ Rel.R_Vaddr := Unsigned_32 (R.Addr);
+ Rel.R_Symndx := Unsigned_32 (Get_Number (R.Sym));
+ Xwrite (Rel'Address, Relsz);
+ R := R.Sect_Next;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Write symtab.
+ -- Write file symbol + aux
+ declare
+ Sym : Syment;
+ A_File : Auxent_File;
+ begin
+ Sym := (E => (Inline => True,
+ E_Name => ".file" & NUL & NUL & NUL),
+ E_Value => 0,
+ E_Scnum => N_DEBUG,
+ E_Type => 0,
+ E_Sclass => C_FILE,
+ E_Numaux => 1);
+ Xwrite (Sym'Address, Symesz);
+ A_File := (Inline => True,
+ X_Fname => "testfile.xxxxx");
+ Xwrite (A_File'Address, Symesz);
+ end;
+ -- Write sections symbol + aux
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
+ declare
+ A_Scn : Auxent_Scn;
+ Sym : Syment;
+ begin
+ Sym := (E => (Inline => True, E_Name => (others => NUL)),
+ E_Value => 0,
+ E_Scnum => Unsigned_16 (I),
+ E_Type => 0,
+ E_Sclass => C_STAT,
+ E_Numaux => 1);
+ if I <= Sect_Bss then
+ Sym.E.E_Name := Sect_Name (I);
+ else
+ Sym.E := Gen_String (Sections (I).Sect.Name.all);
+ end if;
+ Xwrite (Sym'Address, Symesz);
+ if Sections (I).Sect /= null
+ and then Sections (I).Sect.Data /= null
+ then
+ A_Scn :=
+ (X_Scnlen => Unsigned_32 (Sections (I).Sect.Pc),
+ X_Nreloc => Unsigned_16 (Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs),
+ X_Nlinno => 0);
+ else
+ A_Scn := (X_Scnlen => 0, X_Nreloc => 0, X_Nlinno => 0);
+ end if;
+ Xwrite (A_Scn'Address, Symesz);
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ -- Write symbols.
+ declare
+ procedure Write_Symbol (S : Symbol)
+ is
+ Sym : Syment;
+ begin
+ Sym := (E => Gen_String (Get_Symbol_Name (S)),
+ E_Value => Unsigned_32 (Get_Symbol_Value (S)),
+ E_Scnum => 0,
+ E_Type => 0,
+ E_Sclass => C_EXT,
+ E_Numaux => 0);
+ case Get_Scope (S) is
+ when Sym_Local
+ | Sym_Private =>
+ Sym.E_Sclass := C_STAT;
+ when Sym_Undef
+ | Sym_Global =>
+ Sym.E_Sclass := C_EXT;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Section (S) /= null then
+ Sym.E_Scnum := Unsigned_16 (Get_Section (S).Number);
+ end if;
+ Xwrite (Sym'Address, Symesz);
+ end Write_Symbol;
+ begin
+ -- First the non-local symbols (1).
+ for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
+ if Get_Scope (I) in Symbol_Scope_External then
+ Write_Symbol (I);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Then the local symbols (2).
+ if not Flag_Discard_Local then
+ for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
+ if Get_Scope (I) not in Symbol_Scope_External then
+ Write_Symbol (I);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ -- Write strtab.
+ -- Write strtab length.
+ declare
+ L : Unsigned_32;
+ procedure Write_String (Str : String) is
+ begin
+ if Str (Str'Last) /= NUL then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Str'Length <= 9 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Xwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length);
+ Strtab_Offset := Strtab_Offset + Str'Length;
+ end Write_String;
+ begin
+ L := Unsigned_32 (Offset - Strtab_Offset);
+ Xwrite (L'Address, 4);
+ -- Write section name string.
+ for I in Sect_Bss + 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
+ if Sections (I).Sect /= null
+ and then Sections (I).Sect.Name'Length > 8
+ then
+ Write_String (Sections (I).Sect.Name.all & NUL);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
+ declare
+ Str : constant String := Get_Symbol_Name (I);
+ begin
+ Write_String (Str & NUL);
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ if Strtab_Offset + 4 /= Offset then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end Write_Coff;
+end Binary_File.Coff;