path: root/scripts/windows/appveyor/test.ps1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/windows/appveyor/test.ps1')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/windows/appveyor/test.ps1 b/scripts/windows/appveyor/test.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65045f889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/appveyor/test.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+function Restore-NativeCommandStream
+{ <#
+ This CmdLet gathers multiple ErrorRecord objects and reconstructs outputs
+ as a single line.
+ This CmdLet collects multiple ErrorRecord objects and emits one String
+ object per line.
+ .PARAMETER InputObject
+ A object stream is required as an input.
+ Indentation string.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+ $InputObject
+ )
+ begin
+ { $LineRemainer = "" }
+ process
+ { if ($InputObject -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])
+ { if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandError")
+ { Write-Output $InputObject.ToString() }
+ elseif ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage")
+ { $NewLine = $LineRemainer + $InputObject.ToString()
+ while (($NewLinePos = $NewLine.IndexOf("`n")) -ne -1)
+ { Write-Output $NewLine.Substring(0, $NewLinePos)
+ $NewLine = $NewLine.Substring($NewLinePos + 1)
+ }
+ $LineRemainer = $NewLine
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($InputObject -is [String])
+ { Write-Output $InputObject }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" }
+ }
+ end
+ { if ($LineRemainer -ne "")
+ { Write-Output $LineRemainer }
+ }
+Write-Host "Run testsuites..." -Foreground Yellow
+cd "$($env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\testsuite"
+# Use a MinGW compatible path
+# Exit status
+$Err = 0
+# =============================================================================
+$TestFramework = "GNA"
+Write-Host "Running GNA tests..." -Foreground Yellow
+cd gna
+$Directories = dir -Directory *
+foreach ($Directory in $Directories)
+{ $TestName = "GNA test: {0}" -f $Directory.Name
+ $FileName = $Directory.Name
+ Write-Host $TestName -Foreground Yellow
+ cd $Directory
+ Add-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Running
+ $start = Get-Date
+ c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe -c "./testsuite.sh" 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+ $end = Get-Date
+ $TotalMilliseconds = ($end - $start).TotalMilliseconds
+ if ($LastExitCode -eq 0)
+ { Write-Host "PASSED" -Foreground Green
+ Update-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Passed -Duration $TotalMilliseconds
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "FAILED" -Foreground Red
+ Update-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Failed -Duration $TotalMilliseconds
+ $Err = 1
+ }
+cd ..\..
+# =============================================================================
+$TestFramework = "VESTS"
+Write-Host "Running VESTS tests..." -Foreground Yellow
+cd vests
+$TestName = "VESTS test:" # {0}" -f $Directory
+$FileName = "VESTS" #$Directory
+Write-Host $TestName -Foreground Yellow
+# Disable vests. It works but takes ~20 min
+if ($true)
+{ Add-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Skipped
+ $start = Get-Date
+{ Add-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Running
+ $start = Get-Date
+ c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe -c "./testsuite.sh" 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+ $end = Get-Date
+ $TotalMilliseconds = ($end - $start).TotalMilliseconds
+ if ($LastExitCode -eq 0)
+ { Write-Host "PASSED" -Foreground Green
+ Update-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Passed -Duration $TotalMilliseconds
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "FAILED" -Foreground Red
+ Update-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Failed -Duration $TotalMilliseconds
+ $Err = 1
+ }
+ cd ..
+# =============================================================================
+exit $Err