path: root/testsuite/gna/issue560/reproducer3.vhdl
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2018-04-24 18:45:34 +0200
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2018-04-24 18:45:34 +0200
commit08b56bd39ce2cb2bf0641e8fb5eb58d6a1b25b8c (patch)
treea8984d77e8a403c02277f1541c17c3df4a8d9bd5 /testsuite/gna/issue560/reproducer3.vhdl
parent1d7382e75a52bd418f25b76dfb290081269b7b7f (diff)
Add testcase for #560
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/gna/issue560/reproducer3.vhdl')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue560/reproducer3.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue560/reproducer3.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5993a23c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue560/reproducer3.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+package reproducer_pkg is
+ -- Functions
+ function MIN(LEFT, RIGHT: unsigned) return unsigned;
+ function MIN(LEFT, RIGHT: integer) return integer;
+end reproducer_pkg;
+package body reproducer_pkg is
+ function MIN(LEFT, RIGHT: unsigned) return unsigned is
+ begin
+ if LEFT < RIGHT then
+ return LEFT;
+ else
+ return RIGHT;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ function MIN(LEFT, RIGHT: integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ if LEFT < RIGHT then
+ return LEFT;
+ else
+ return RIGHT;
+ end if;
+ end;
+end reproducer_pkg;
+library ieee;
+ use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+ use work.reproducer_pkg.all;
+entity reproducer is
+ port(
+ inputA : in unsigned(7 downto 0);
+ inputB : in unsigned(7 downto 0);
+ inputC : in integer;
+ inputD : in integer;
+ OutputA : out unsigned(7 downto 0);
+ OutputB : out integer
+ );
+end reproducer;
+architecture rtl of reproducer is
+-- OutputA <= min(inputA, inputB);
+ OutputB <= min(inputC, inputD);
+end rtl;