/* * This file is part of the flashrom project. * * Copyright (C) 2010 Carl-Daniel Hailfinger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* Driver for the NVIDIA MCP6x/MCP7x MCP6X_SPI controller. * Based on clean room reverse engineered docs from * https://flashrom.org/pipermail/flashrom/2009-December/001180.html * created by Michael Karcher. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "flash.h" #include "programmer.h" #include "hwaccess_physmap.h" #include "platform/pci.h" /* Bit positions for each pin. */ #define MCP6X_SPI_CS 1 #define MCP6X_SPI_SCK 2 #define MCP6X_SPI_MOSI 3 #define MCP6X_SPI_MISO 4 #define MCP6X_SPI_REQUEST 0 #define MCP6X_SPI_GRANT 8 struct mcp6x_spi_data { void *spibar; /* Cached value of last GPIO state. */ uint8_t gpiostate; }; static void mcp6x_request_spibus(void *spi_data) { struct mcp6x_spi_data *data = spi_data; data->gpiostate = mmio_readb(data->spibar + 0x530); data->gpiostate |= 1 << MCP6X_SPI_REQUEST; mmio_writeb(data->gpiostate, data->spibar + 0x530); /* Wait until we are allowed to use the SPI bus. */ while (!(mmio_readw(data->spibar + 0x530) & (1 << MCP6X_SPI_GRANT))) ; /* Update the cache. */ data->gpiostate = mmio_readb(data->spibar + 0x530); } static void mcp6x_release_spibus(void *spi_data) { struct mcp6x_spi_data *data = spi_data; data->gpiostate &= ~(1 << MCP6X_SPI_REQUEST); mmio_writeb(data->gpiostate, data->spibar + 0x530); } static void mcp6x_bitbang_set_cs(int val, void *spi_data) { struct mcp6x_spi_data *data = spi_data; data->gpiostate &= ~(1 << MCP6X_SPI_CS); data->gpiostate |= (val << MCP6X_SPI_CS); mmio_writeb(data->gpiostate, data->spibar + 0x530); } static void mcp6x_bitbang_set_sck(int val, void *spi_data) { struct mcp6x_spi_data *data = spi_data; data->gpiostate &= ~(1 << MCP6X_SPI_SCK); data->gpiostate |= (val << MCP6X_SPI_SCK); mmio_writeb(data->gpiostate, data->spibar + 0x530); } static void mcp6x_bitbang_set_mosi(int val, void *spi_data) { struct mcp6x_spi_data *data = spi_data; data->gpiostate &= ~(1 << MCP6X_SPI_MOSI); data->gpiostate |= (val << MCP6X_SPI_MOSI); mmio_writeb(data->gpiostate, data->spibar + 0x530); } static int mcp6x_bitbang_get_miso(void *spi_data) { struct mcp6x_spi_data *data = spi_data; data->gpiostate = mmio_readb(data->spibar + 0x530); return (data->gpiostate >> MCP6X_SPI_MISO) & 0x1; } static const struct bitbang_spi_master bitbang_spi_master_mcp6x = { .set_cs = mcp6x_bitbang_set_cs, .set_sck = mcp6x_bitbang_set_sck, .set_mosi = mcp6x_bitbang_set_mosi, .get_miso = mcp6x_bitbang_get_miso, .request_bus = mcp6x_request_spibus, .release_bus = mcp6x_release_spibus, .half_period = 0, }; static int mcp6x_shutdown(void *spi_data) { free(spi_data); return 0; } int mcp6x_spi_init(int want_spi) { uint16_t status; uint32_t mcp6x_spibaraddr; struct pci_dev *smbusdev; void *mcp6x_spibar = NULL; uint8_t mcp_gpiostate; /* Look for the SMBus device (SMBus PCI class) */ smbusdev = pcidev_find_vendorclass(0x10de, 0x0c05); if (!smbusdev) { if (want_spi) { msg_perr("ERROR: SMBus device not found. Not enabling " "SPI.\n"); return 1; } else { msg_pinfo("Odd. SMBus device not found.\n"); return 0; } } msg_pdbg("Found SMBus device %04x:%04x at %02x:%02x:%01x\n", smbusdev->vendor_id, smbusdev->device_id, smbusdev->bus, smbusdev->dev, smbusdev->func); /* Locate the BAR where the SPI interface lives. */ mcp6x_spibaraddr = pci_read_long(smbusdev, 0x74); /* BAR size is 64k, bits 15..4 are zero, bit 3..0 declare a * 32-bit non-prefetchable memory BAR. */ mcp6x_spibaraddr &= ~0xffff; msg_pdbg("MCP SPI BAR is at 0x%08x\n", mcp6x_spibaraddr); /* Accessing a NULL pointer BAR is evil. Don't do it. */ if (!mcp6x_spibaraddr && want_spi) { msg_perr("Error: Chipset is strapped for SPI, but MCP SPI BAR is invalid.\n"); return 1; } else if (!mcp6x_spibaraddr && !want_spi) { msg_pdbg("MCP SPI is not used.\n"); return 0; } else if (mcp6x_spibaraddr && !want_spi) { msg_pdbg("Strange. MCP SPI BAR is valid, but chipset apparently doesn't have SPI enabled.\n"); /* FIXME: Should we enable SPI anyway? */ return 0; } /* Map the BAR. Bytewise/wordwise access at 0x530 and 0x540. */ mcp6x_spibar = rphysmap("NVIDIA MCP6x SPI", mcp6x_spibaraddr, 0x544); if (mcp6x_spibar == ERROR_PTR) return 1; status = mmio_readw(mcp6x_spibar + 0x530); msg_pdbg("SPI control is 0x%04x, req=%i, gnt=%i\n", status, (status >> MCP6X_SPI_REQUEST) & 0x1, (status >> MCP6X_SPI_GRANT) & 0x1); mcp_gpiostate = status & 0xff; struct mcp6x_spi_data *data = calloc(1, sizeof(*data)); if (!data) { msg_perr("Unable to allocate space for SPI master data\n"); return 1; } data->spibar = mcp6x_spibar; data->gpiostate = mcp_gpiostate; if (register_shutdown(mcp6x_shutdown, data)) { free(data); return 1; } if (register_spi_bitbang_master(&bitbang_spi_master_mcp6x, data)) { /* This should never happen. */ msg_perr("MCP6X bitbang SPI master init failed!\n"); return 1; } return 0; }