/* * This file is part of the flashrom project. * * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Carl-Daniel Hailfinger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <strings.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "flash.h" #include "programmer.h" #include "spi.h" /* Change this to #define if you want to test without a serial implementation */ #undef FAKE_COMMUNICATION struct buspirate_speeds { const char *name; const int speed; }; #define BP_DEFAULTBAUD 115200 #ifndef FAKE_COMMUNICATION static int buspirate_serialport_setup(char *dev) { /* 115200bps, 8 databits, no parity, 1 stopbit */ sp_fd = sp_openserport(dev, BP_DEFAULTBAUD); if (sp_fd == SER_INV_FD) return 1; return 0; } #else #define buspirate_serialport_setup(...) 0 #define serialport_shutdown(...) 0 #define serialport_write(...) 0 #define serialport_read(...) 0 #define sp_flush_incoming(...) 0 #endif struct bp_spi_data { unsigned char *commbuf; int commbufsize; }; static int buspirate_commbuf_grow(int bufsize, unsigned char **bp_commbuf, int *bp_commbufsize) { unsigned char *tmpbuf; /* Never shrink. realloc() calls are expensive. */ if (bufsize <= *bp_commbufsize) return 0; tmpbuf = realloc(*bp_commbuf, bufsize); if (!tmpbuf) { /* Keep the existing buffer because memory is already tight. */ msg_perr("Out of memory!\n"); return ERROR_OOM; } *bp_commbuf = tmpbuf; *bp_commbufsize = bufsize; return 0; } static int buspirate_sendrecv(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int writecnt, unsigned int readcnt) { unsigned int i; int ret = 0; msg_pspew("%s: write %i, read %i ", __func__, writecnt, readcnt); if (!writecnt && !readcnt) { msg_perr("Zero length command!\n"); return 1; } if (writecnt) msg_pspew("Sending"); for (i = 0; i < writecnt; i++) msg_pspew(" 0x%02x", buf[i]); #ifdef FAKE_COMMUNICATION /* Placate the caller for now. */ if (readcnt) { buf[0] = 0x01; memset(buf + 1, 0xff, readcnt - 1); } ret = 0; #else if (writecnt) ret = serialport_write(buf, writecnt); if (ret) return ret; if (readcnt) ret = serialport_read(buf, readcnt); if (ret) return ret; #endif if (readcnt) msg_pspew(", receiving"); for (i = 0; i < readcnt; i++) msg_pspew(" 0x%02x", buf[i]); msg_pspew("\n"); return 0; } static int buspirate_wait_for_string(unsigned char *buf, const char *key) { unsigned int keylen = strlen(key); int ret; ret = buspirate_sendrecv(buf, 0, keylen); while (!ret) { if (!memcmp(buf, key, keylen)) return 0; memmove(buf, buf + 1, keylen - 1); ret = buspirate_sendrecv(buf + keylen - 1, 0, 1); } return ret; } static int buspirate_spi_shutdown(void *data) { struct bp_spi_data *bp_data = data; unsigned char *const bp_commbuf = bp_data->commbuf; int ret = 0, ret2 = 0; /* No need to allocate a buffer here, we know that bp_commbuf is at least DEFAULT_BUFSIZE big. */ /* Exit raw SPI mode (enter raw bitbang mode) */ bp_commbuf[0] = 0x00; if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 1, 0))) goto out_shutdown; if ((ret = buspirate_wait_for_string(bp_commbuf, "BBIO"))) goto out_shutdown; if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 0, 1))) goto out_shutdown; msg_pdbg("Raw bitbang mode version %c\n", bp_commbuf[0]); if (bp_commbuf[0] != '1') { msg_perr("Can't handle raw bitbang mode version %c!\n", bp_commbuf[0]); ret = 1; goto out_shutdown; } /* Reset Bus Pirate (return to user terminal) */ bp_commbuf[0] = 0x0f; ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 1, 0); out_shutdown: /* Shut down serial port communication */ ret2 = serialport_shutdown(NULL); /* Keep the oldest error, it is probably the best indicator. */ if (ret2 && !ret) ret = ret2; free(bp_commbuf); if (ret) msg_pdbg("Bus Pirate shutdown failed.\n"); else msg_pdbg("Bus Pirate shutdown completed.\n"); free(data); return ret; } static struct spi_master spi_master_buspirate = { .features = SPI_MASTER_4BA, .max_data_read = MAX_DATA_UNSPECIFIED, .max_data_write = MAX_DATA_UNSPECIFIED, .command = NULL, .read = default_spi_read, .write_256 = default_spi_write_256, .shutdown = buspirate_spi_shutdown, }; static const struct buspirate_speeds spispeeds[] = { {"30k", 0x0}, {"125k", 0x1}, {"250k", 0x2}, {"1M", 0x3}, {"2M", 0x4}, {"2.6M", 0x5}, {"4M", 0x6}, {"8M", 0x7}, {NULL, 0x0} }; static const struct buspirate_speeds serialspeeds[] = { {"115200", 115200}, {"230400", 230400}, {"250000", 250000}, {"2000000", 2000000}, {"2M", 2000000}, {NULL, 0} }; static int buspirate_spi_send_command_v1(const struct flashctx *flash, unsigned int writecnt, unsigned int readcnt, const unsigned char *writearr, unsigned char *readarr) { unsigned int i = 0; int ret = 0; struct bp_spi_data *bp_data = flash->mst->spi.data; if (writecnt > 16 || readcnt > 16 || (readcnt + writecnt) > 16) return SPI_INVALID_LENGTH; /* 3 bytes extra for CS#, len, CS#. */ if (buspirate_commbuf_grow(writecnt + readcnt + 3, &bp_data->commbuf, &bp_data->commbufsize)) return ERROR_OOM; unsigned char *const bp_commbuf = bp_data->commbuf; /* Assert CS# */ bp_commbuf[i++] = 0x02; bp_commbuf[i++] = 0x10 | (writecnt + readcnt - 1); memcpy(bp_commbuf + i, writearr, writecnt); i += writecnt; memset(bp_commbuf + i, 0, readcnt); i += readcnt; /* De-assert CS# */ bp_commbuf[i++] = 0x03; ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, i, i); if (ret) { msg_perr("Bus Pirate communication error!\n"); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } if (bp_commbuf[0] != 0x01) { msg_perr("Protocol error while lowering CS#!\n"); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } if (bp_commbuf[1] != 0x01) { msg_perr("Protocol error while reading/writing SPI!\n"); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } if (bp_commbuf[i - 1] != 0x01) { msg_perr("Protocol error while raising CS#!\n"); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } /* Skip CS#, length, writearr. */ memcpy(readarr, bp_commbuf + 2 + writecnt, readcnt); return ret; } static int buspirate_spi_send_command_v2(const struct flashctx *flash, unsigned int writecnt, unsigned int readcnt, const unsigned char *writearr, unsigned char *readarr) { int i = 0, ret = 0; struct bp_spi_data *bp_data = flash->mst->spi.data; if (writecnt > 4096 || readcnt > 4096 || (readcnt + writecnt) > 4096) return SPI_INVALID_LENGTH; /* 5 bytes extra for command, writelen, readlen. * 1 byte extra for Ack/Nack. */ if (buspirate_commbuf_grow(max(writecnt + 5, readcnt + 1), &bp_data->commbuf, &bp_data->commbufsize)) return ERROR_OOM; unsigned char *const bp_commbuf = bp_data->commbuf; /* Combined SPI write/read. */ bp_commbuf[i++] = 0x04; bp_commbuf[i++] = (writecnt >> 8) & 0xff; bp_commbuf[i++] = writecnt & 0xff; bp_commbuf[i++] = (readcnt >> 8) & 0xff; bp_commbuf[i++] = readcnt & 0xff; memcpy(bp_commbuf + i, writearr, writecnt); ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, i + writecnt, 1 + readcnt); if (ret) { msg_perr("Bus Pirate communication error!\n"); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } if (bp_commbuf[0] != 0x01) { msg_perr("Protocol error while sending SPI write/read!\n"); return SPI_GENERIC_ERROR; } /* Skip Ack. */ memcpy(readarr, bp_commbuf + 1, readcnt); return ret; } #define BP_FWVERSION(a,b) ((a) << 8 | (b)) #define BP_HWVERSION(a,b) BP_FWVERSION(a,b) /** * The Bus Pirate's PIC microcontroller supports custom baud rates by manually specifying a * clock divisor that can be calculated with the formula (16000000 / (4 * baud)) - 1. */ #define BP_DIVISOR(baud) ((4000000/(baud)) - 1) static int buspirate_spi_init(const struct programmer_cfg *cfg) { char *tmp; char *dev; int i; int cnt; unsigned int fw_version_major = 0; unsigned int fw_version_minor = 0; unsigned int hw_version_major = 0; unsigned int hw_version_minor = 0; int spispeed = 0x7; int serialspeed_index = -1; int ret = 0; bool pullup = false; bool psu = false; unsigned char *bp_commbuf; int bp_commbufsize; dev = extract_programmer_param_str(cfg, "dev"); if (dev && !strlen(dev)) { free(dev); dev = NULL; } if (!dev) { msg_perr("No serial device given. Use flashrom -p buspirate_spi:dev=/dev/ttyUSB0\n"); return 1; } tmp = extract_programmer_param_str(cfg, "spispeed"); if (tmp) { for (i = 0; spispeeds[i].name; i++) { if (!strncasecmp(spispeeds[i].name, tmp, strlen(spispeeds[i].name))) { spispeed = spispeeds[i].speed; break; } } if (!spispeeds[i].name) msg_perr("Invalid SPI speed, using default.\n"); } free(tmp); /* Extract serialspeed parameter */ tmp = extract_programmer_param_str(cfg, "serialspeed"); if (tmp) { for (i = 0; serialspeeds[i].name; i++) { if (!strncasecmp(serialspeeds[i].name, tmp, strlen(serialspeeds[i].name))) { serialspeed_index = i; break; } } if (!serialspeeds[i].name) msg_perr("Invalid serial speed %s, using default.\n", tmp); } free(tmp); tmp = extract_programmer_param_str(cfg, "pullups"); if (tmp) { if (strcasecmp("on", tmp) == 0) pullup = true; else if (strcasecmp("off", tmp) == 0) ; // ignore else msg_perr("Invalid pullups state, not using them.\n"); } free(tmp); tmp = extract_programmer_param_str(cfg, "psus"); if (tmp) { if (strcasecmp("on", tmp) == 0) psu = true; else if (strcasecmp("off", tmp) == 0) ; // ignore else msg_perr("Invalid psus state, not enabling.\n"); } free(tmp); /* Default buffer size is 19: 16 bytes data, 3 bytes control. */ #define DEFAULT_BUFSIZE (16 + 3) bp_commbuf = malloc(DEFAULT_BUFSIZE); if (!bp_commbuf) { msg_perr("Out of memory!\n"); free(dev); return ERROR_OOM; } bp_commbufsize = DEFAULT_BUFSIZE; ret = buspirate_serialport_setup(dev); free(dev); if (ret) { free(bp_commbuf); return ret; } struct bp_spi_data *bp_data = calloc(1, sizeof(*bp_data)); if (!bp_data) { msg_perr("Unable to allocate space for SPI master data\n"); free(bp_commbuf); return 1; } bp_data->commbuf = bp_commbuf; bp_data->commbufsize = bp_commbufsize; /* This is the brute force version, but it should work. * It is likely to fail if a previous flashrom run was aborted during a write with the new SPI commands * in firmware v5.5 because that firmware may wait for up to 4096 bytes of input before responding to * 0x00 again. The obvious workaround (sending 4096 bytes of \0) may cause significant startup delays. */ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { /* Enter raw bitbang mode */ bp_commbuf[0] = 0x00; /* Send the command, don't read the response. */ ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 1, 0); if (ret) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; /* The old way to handle responses from a Bus Pirate already in BBIO mode was to flush any * response which came in over serial. Unfortunately that does not work reliably on Linux * with FTDI USB-serial. */ //sp_flush_incoming(); /* The Bus Pirate can't handle UART input buffer overflow in BBIO mode, and sending a sequence * of 0x00 too fast apparently triggers such an UART input buffer overflow. */ internal_sleep(10000); } /* We know that 20 commands of \0 should elicit at least one BBIO1 response. */ if ((ret = buspirate_wait_for_string(bp_commbuf, "BBIO"))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; /* Reset the Bus Pirate. */ bp_commbuf[0] = 0x0f; /* Send the command, don't read the response. */ if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 1, 0))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if ((ret = buspirate_wait_for_string(bp_commbuf, "irate "))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; /* Read the hardware version string. Last byte of the buffer is reserved for \0. */ for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_BUFSIZE - 1; i++) { if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf + i, 0, 1))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if (strchr("\r\n\t ", bp_commbuf[i])) break; } bp_commbuf[i] = '\0'; msg_pdbg("Detected Bus Pirate hardware "); if (bp_commbuf[0] != 'v') msg_pdbg("(unknown version number format)"); else if (!strchr("0123456789", bp_commbuf[1])) msg_pdbg("(unknown version number format)"); else { hw_version_major = strtoul((char *)bp_commbuf + 1, &tmp, 10); while ((*tmp != '\0') && !strchr("0123456789", *tmp)) tmp++; hw_version_minor = strtoul(tmp, NULL, 10); msg_pdbg("%u.%u", hw_version_major, hw_version_minor); } msg_pdbg2(" (\"%s\")", bp_commbuf); msg_pdbg("\n"); if ((ret = buspirate_wait_for_string(bp_commbuf, "irmware "))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; /* Read the firmware version string. Last byte of the buffer is reserved for \0. */ for (i = 0; i < DEFAULT_BUFSIZE - 1; i++) { if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf + i, 0, 1))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if (strchr("\r\n\t ", bp_commbuf[i])) break; } bp_commbuf[i] = '\0'; msg_pdbg("Detected Bus Pirate firmware "); if (bp_commbuf[0] != 'v') msg_pdbg("(unknown version number format)"); else if (!strchr("0123456789", bp_commbuf[1])) msg_pdbg("(unknown version number format)"); else { fw_version_major = strtoul((char *)bp_commbuf + 1, &tmp, 10); while ((*tmp != '\0') && !strchr("0123456789", *tmp)) tmp++; fw_version_minor = strtoul(tmp, NULL, 10); msg_pdbg("%u.%u", fw_version_major, fw_version_minor); } msg_pdbg2(" (\"%s\")", bp_commbuf); msg_pdbg("\n"); if ((ret = buspirate_wait_for_string(bp_commbuf, "HiZ>"))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; /* Tell the user about missing SPI binary mode in firmware 2.3 and older. */ if (BP_FWVERSION(fw_version_major, fw_version_minor) < BP_FWVERSION(2, 4)) { msg_pinfo("Bus Pirate firmware 2.3 and older does not support binary SPI access.\n"); msg_pinfo("Please upgrade to the latest firmware (at least 2.4).\n"); ret = SPI_PROGRAMMER_ERROR; goto init_err_cleanup_exit; } /* Use fast SPI mode in firmware 5.5 and newer. */ if (BP_FWVERSION(fw_version_major, fw_version_minor) >= BP_FWVERSION(5, 5)) { msg_pdbg("Using SPI command set v2.\n"); /* Sensible default buffer size. */ if (buspirate_commbuf_grow(260 + 5, &bp_commbuf, &bp_commbufsize)) { ret = ERROR_OOM; goto init_err_cleanup_exit; } bp_data->commbuf = bp_commbuf; bp_data->commbufsize = bp_commbufsize; spi_master_buspirate.max_data_read = 2048; spi_master_buspirate.max_data_write = 256; spi_master_buspirate.command = buspirate_spi_send_command_v2; } else { msg_pinfo("Bus Pirate firmware 5.4 and older does not support fast SPI access.\n"); msg_pinfo("Reading/writing a flash chip may take hours.\n"); msg_pinfo("It is recommended to upgrade to firmware 5.5 or newer.\n"); /* Sensible default buffer size. */ if (buspirate_commbuf_grow(16 + 3, &bp_commbuf, &bp_commbufsize)) { ret = ERROR_OOM; goto init_err_cleanup_exit; } bp_data->commbuf = bp_commbuf; bp_data->commbufsize = bp_commbufsize; spi_master_buspirate.max_data_read = 12; spi_master_buspirate.max_data_write = 12; spi_master_buspirate.command = buspirate_spi_send_command_v1; } /* Workaround for broken speed settings in firmware 6.1 and older. */ if (BP_FWVERSION(fw_version_major, fw_version_minor) < BP_FWVERSION(6, 2)) if (spispeed > 0x4) { msg_perr("Bus Pirate firmware 6.1 and older does not support SPI speeds above 2 MHz. " "Limiting speed to 2 MHz.\n"); msg_pinfo("It is recommended to upgrade to firmware 6.2 or newer.\n"); spispeed = 0x4; } /* This works because speeds numbering starts at 0 and is contiguous. */ msg_pdbg("SPI speed is %sHz\n", spispeeds[spispeed].name); /* Set 2M baud serial speed by default on hardware 3.0 and newer if a custom speed was not set */ if (serialspeed_index == -1 && BP_HWVERSION(hw_version_major, hw_version_minor) >= BP_HWVERSION(3, 0)) { serialspeed_index = ARRAY_SIZE(serialspeeds) - 2; msg_pdbg("Bus Pirate v3 or newer detected. Set serial speed to 2M baud.\n"); } /* Set custom serial speed if specified */ if (serialspeed_index != -1) { if (BP_FWVERSION(fw_version_major, fw_version_minor) < BP_FWVERSION(5, 5)) { /* This feature requires firmware 5.5 or newer */ msg_perr("Bus Pirate firmware 5.4 and older does not support custom serial speeds." "Using default speed of 115200 baud.\n"); } else if (serialspeeds[serialspeed_index].speed != BP_DEFAULTBAUD) { /* Set the serial speed to match the user's choice if it doesn't already */ if (BP_HWVERSION(hw_version_major, hw_version_minor) < BP_HWVERSION(3, 0)) msg_pwarn("Increased serial speeds may not work on older (<3.0) Bus Pirates." " Continue at your own risk.\n"); /* Enter baud rate configuration mode */ cnt = snprintf((char *)bp_commbuf, DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, "b\n"); if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, cnt, 0))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if ((ret = buspirate_wait_for_string(bp_commbuf, ">"))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; /* Enter manual clock divisor entry mode */ cnt = snprintf((char *)bp_commbuf, DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, "10\n"); if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, cnt, 0))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if ((ret = buspirate_wait_for_string(bp_commbuf, ">"))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; /* Set the clock divisor to the value calculated from the user's input */ cnt = snprintf((char *)bp_commbuf, DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, "%d\n", BP_DIVISOR(serialspeeds[serialspeed_index].speed)); if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, cnt, 0))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; sleep(1); /* Reconfigure the host's serial baud rate to the new value */ if ((ret = serialport_config(sp_fd, serialspeeds[serialspeed_index].speed))) { msg_perr("Unable to configure system baud rate to specified value."); goto init_err_cleanup_exit; } /* Return to the main prompt */ bp_commbuf[0] = ' '; if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 1, 0))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if ((ret = buspirate_wait_for_string(bp_commbuf, "HiZ>"))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; msg_pdbg("Serial speed is %d baud\n", serialspeeds[serialspeed_index].speed); } } /* Enter raw bitbang mode */ for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) { bp_commbuf[0] = 0x00; if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 1, 0))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; } if ((ret = buspirate_wait_for_string(bp_commbuf, "BBIO"))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 0, 1))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; msg_pdbg("Raw bitbang mode version %c\n", bp_commbuf[0]); if (bp_commbuf[0] != '1') { msg_perr("Can't handle raw bitbang mode version %c!\n", bp_commbuf[0]); ret = 1; goto init_err_cleanup_exit; } /* Enter raw SPI mode */ bp_commbuf[0] = 0x01; ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 1, 0); if (ret) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if ((ret = buspirate_wait_for_string(bp_commbuf, "SPI"))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if ((ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 0, 1))) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; msg_pdbg("Raw SPI mode version %c\n", bp_commbuf[0]); if (bp_commbuf[0] != '1') { msg_perr("Can't handle raw SPI mode version %c!\n", bp_commbuf[0]); ret = 1; goto init_err_cleanup_exit; } /* Initial setup (SPI peripherals config): Enable power, CS high, AUX */ bp_commbuf[0] = 0x40 | 0x0b; if (pullup) { bp_commbuf[0] |= (1 << 2); msg_pdbg("Enabling pull-up resistors.\n"); } if (psu) { bp_commbuf[0] |= (1 << 3); msg_pdbg("Enabling PSUs.\n"); } ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 1, 1); if (ret) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if (bp_commbuf[0] != 0x01) { msg_perr("Protocol error while setting power/CS/AUX(/Pull-up resistors)!\n"); ret = 1; goto init_err_cleanup_exit; } /* Set SPI speed */ bp_commbuf[0] = 0x60 | spispeed; ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 1, 1); if (ret) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if (bp_commbuf[0] != 0x01) { msg_perr("Protocol error while setting SPI speed!\n"); ret = 1; goto init_err_cleanup_exit; } /* Set SPI config: output type, idle, clock edge, sample */ bp_commbuf[0] = 0x80 | 0xa; if (pullup) { bp_commbuf[0] &= ~(1 << 3); msg_pdbg("Pull-ups enabled, so using HiZ pin output! (Open-Drain mode)\n"); } ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 1, 1); if (ret) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if (bp_commbuf[0] != 0x01) { msg_perr("Protocol error while setting SPI config!\n"); ret = 1; goto init_err_cleanup_exit; } /* De-assert CS# */ bp_commbuf[0] = 0x03; ret = buspirate_sendrecv(bp_commbuf, 1, 1); if (ret) goto init_err_cleanup_exit; if (bp_commbuf[0] != 0x01) { msg_perr("Protocol error while raising CS#!\n"); ret = 1; goto init_err_cleanup_exit; } return register_spi_master(&spi_master_buspirate, bp_data); init_err_cleanup_exit: buspirate_spi_shutdown(bp_data); return ret; } const struct programmer_entry programmer_buspirate_spi = { .name = "buspirate_spi", .type = OTHER, /* FIXME */ .devs.note = "Dangerous Prototypes Bus Pirate\n", .init = buspirate_spi_init, };