# Compiling from Source with meson (recommended) ## Dependencies: * C compiler (GCC | Clang) * * meson >=0.53.0 * * ninja * * pkg-config * * cmocka ** * system-headers *** * libpci *** * libusb1 >=1.0.9 *** * libftdi1 *** * libjaylink *** \* Compile time dependency \** For unit-testing only \*** Runtime / Programmer specific ## Build Options: * classic_cli=auto/enabled/disabled * classic_cli_default_programmer=<programmer_name>:<programmer_params> * classic_cli_print_wiki=auto/enabled/disabled * tests=auto/enabled/disabled * ich_descriptors_tool=auto/enabled/disabled * use_internal_dmi=true/false * programmer=... ## Configure ``` meson builddir -D<your_options> ``` - __builddir__ is the directory in which flashrom will be build - for all available options see `meson_options.txt` ## Compile ``` ninja -C builddir ``` ## Install ``` ninja -C builddir install ``` ## Run unit tests ``` ninja -C builddir test ``` ### Run unit tests with code coverage #### gcov Due to a bug in lcov, the html file will only be correct if lcov is not installed and gcovr is installed. See https://github.com/linux-test-project/lcov/issues/168 https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/6747 ``` meson setup buildcov -Db_coverage=true ninja -C buildcov test ninja -C buildcov coverage ``` #### llvm https://clang.llvm.org/docs/SourceBasedCodeCoverage.html ``` env CC=clang meson setup buildclangcov -Dllvm_cov=enabled ninja -C buildclangcov test ninja -C buildclangcov llvm-cov-tests ``` ## System specific information ### Ubuntu / Debian (Linux) * __linux-headers__ are version specific ``` apt-get install -y gcc meson ninja-build pkg-config libcmocka-dev \ linux-headers-generic libpci-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libftdi1-dev \ libjaylink-dev ``` ### ArchLinux / Manjaro * __libjaylink__ is not available through the package manager ``` pacman -S --noconfirm gcc meson ninja pkg-config cmocka \ pciutils libusb libftdi ``` ### NixOS / Nixpkgs ``` nix-shell <flashrom_source>/util/shell.nix ``` or ``` nix-shell -p meson ninja pkg-config cmocka pciutils libusb1 libftdi1 libjaylink ``` ### OpenSUSE ``` zypper install -y gcc meson ninja pkg-config libcmocka-devel \ pciutils-devel libusb-1_0-devel libftdi1-devel \ libjaylink-devel ``` ### Alpine ``` apk add build-base meson ninja pkgconf cmocka-dev pciutils-dev libusb-dev libftdi1-dev libjaylink-dev linux-headers ``` ### Freebsd / DragonFly BSD * Tests are not working yet and must be disabled with `-Dtests=disabled` * __libjaylink__ is not available through the package manager * __libusb1__ is part of the base system ``` pkg install pkgconf meson ninja cmocka libpci libftdi1 ``` ### OpenBSD * Tests are not working yet and must be disabled with `-Dtests=disabled` * __libjaylink__ is not available through the package manager ``` pkg_add install meson ninja pkg-config cmocka pciutils libusb1 libftdi1 ``` ### NetBSD * Tests are not working yet and must be disabled with `-Dtests=disabled` * __libjaylink__ is not available through the package manager * note: https://www.cambus.net/installing-ca-certificates-on-netbsd/ ``` pkgin install meson ninja pkg-config cmocka pciutils libusb1 libftdi1 ``` ### OpenIndiana (Illumos, Solaris, SunOS) * Tests are not working yet and must be disabled with `-Dtests=disabled` * __libpci__ missing, pciutils is build without it * __libftdi1__, __libjaylink__ is not available through the package manager * TODO: replace __build-essential__ with the default compiler ``` pkg install build-essential meson ninja cmocka libusb-1 ``` ### MacOS (Homebrew) * Tests are not working yet and must be disabled with `-Dtests=disabled` * Internal, PCI programmer not supported * __libjaylink__ is not available through the package manager ``` brew install meson ninja pkg-config cmocka libusb libftdi ```