path: root/src/map/fpga
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/map/fpga')
16 files changed, 6441 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpga.c b/src/map/fpga/fpga.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b107498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpga.c
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ FileName [fpga.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Command file for the FPGA package.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpga.c,v 1.4 2004/10/28 17:36:07 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+#include "main.h"
+static int Fpga_CommandReadLibrary( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char **argv );
+static int Fpga_CommandPrintLibrary( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char **argv );
+// the library file format should be as follows:
+# The area/delay of k-variable LUTs:
+# k area delay
+1 1 1
+2 2 2
+3 4 3
+4 8 4
+5 16 5
+6 32 6
+ Synopsis [Package initialization procedure.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_Init( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc )
+ // set the default library
+ //Fpga_LutLib_t s_LutLib = { "lutlib", 6, {0,1,2,4,8,16,32}, {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} };
+ Fpga_LutLib_t s_LutLib = { "lutlib", 5, {0,1,1,1,1,1}, {0,1,1,1,1,1} };
+ Abc_FrameSetLibLut( pAbc, Fpga_LutLibDup(&s_LutLib) );
+ Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "FPGA mapping", "read_lut", Fpga_CommandReadLibrary, 0 );
+ Cmd_CommandAdd( pAbc, "FPGA mapping", "print_lut", Fpga_CommandPrintLibrary, 0 );
+ Synopsis [Package ending procedure.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_End()
+ Fpga_LutLibFree( Abc_FrameReadLibLut(Abc_FrameGetGlobalFrame()) );
+ Synopsis [Command procedure to read LUT libraries.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CommandReadLibrary( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char **argv )
+ FILE * pFile;
+ FILE * pOut, * pErr;
+ Fpga_LutLib_t * pLib;
+ Abc_Ntk_t * pNet;
+ char * FileName;
+ int fVerbose;
+ int c;
+ pNet = Abc_FrameReadNet(pAbc);
+ pOut = Abc_FrameReadOut(pAbc);
+ pErr = Abc_FrameReadErr(pAbc);
+ // set the defaults
+ fVerbose = 1;
+ util_getopt_reset();
+ while ( (c = util_getopt(argc, argv, "vh")) != EOF )
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case 'v':
+ fVerbose ^= 1;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ goto usage;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto usage;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( argc != util_optind + 1 )
+ {
+ goto usage;
+ }
+ // get the input file name
+ FileName = argv[util_optind];
+ if ( (pFile = fopen( FileName, "r" )) == NULL )
+ {
+ fprintf( pErr, "Cannot open input file \"%s\". ", FileName );
+ if ( FileName = Extra_FileGetSimilarName( FileName, ".genlib", ".lib", ".gen", ".g", NULL ) )
+ fprintf( pErr, "Did you mean \"%s\"?", FileName );
+ fprintf( pErr, "\n" );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ fclose( pFile );
+ // set the new network
+ pLib = Fpga_LutLibCreate( FileName, fVerbose );
+ if ( pLib == NULL )
+ {
+ fprintf( pErr, "Reading LUT library has failed.\n" );
+ goto usage;
+ }
+ // replace the current library
+ Fpga_LutLibFree( Abc_FrameReadLibLut(Abc_FrameGetGlobalFrame()) );
+ Abc_FrameSetLibLut( Abc_FrameGetGlobalFrame(), pLib );
+ return 0;
+ fprintf( pErr, "\nusage: read_lut [-vh]\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t read the LUT library from the file\n" );
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t-v : toggles enabling of verbose output [default = %s]\n", (fVerbose? "yes" : "no") );
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t \n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t File format for a LUT library:\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t (the default library is shown)\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t \n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t # The area/delay of k-variable LUTs:\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t # k area delay\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t 1 1 1\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t 2 2 2\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t 3 4 3\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t 4 8 4\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t 5 16 5\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t 6 32 6\n");
+ return 1; /* error exit */
+ Synopsis [Command procedure to read LUT libraries.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CommandPrintLibrary( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char **argv )
+ FILE * pOut, * pErr;
+ Abc_Ntk_t * pNet;
+ int fVerbose;
+ int c;
+ pNet = Abc_FrameReadNet(pAbc);
+ pOut = Abc_FrameReadOut(pAbc);
+ pErr = Abc_FrameReadErr(pAbc);
+ // set the defaults
+ fVerbose = 1;
+ util_getopt_reset();
+ while ( (c = util_getopt(argc, argv, "vh")) != EOF )
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case 'v':
+ fVerbose ^= 1;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ goto usage;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto usage;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( argc != util_optind )
+ {
+ goto usage;
+ }
+ // set the new network
+ Fpga_LutLibPrint( Abc_FrameReadLibLut(Abc_FrameGetGlobalFrame()) );
+ return 0;
+ fprintf( pErr, "\nusage: read_print [-vh]\n");
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t print the current LUT library\n" );
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t-v : toggles enabling of verbose output [default = %s]\n", (fVerbose? "yes" : "no") );
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
+ return 1; /* error exit */
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpga.h b/src/map/fpga/fpga.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62a93a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpga.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ FileName [fpga.h]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 2.0: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Technology mapping for variable-size-LUT FPGAs.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpga.h,v 1.7 2004/09/30 21:18:09 satrajit Exp $]
+#ifndef __FPGA_H__
+#define __FPGA_H__
+/// INCLUDES ///
+// the maximum size of LUTs used for mapping
+#define FPGA_MAX_LUTSIZE 10
+typedef struct Fpga_ManStruct_t_ Fpga_Man_t;
+typedef struct Fpga_NodeStruct_t_ Fpga_Node_t;
+typedef struct Fpga_NodeVecStruct_t_ Fpga_NodeVec_t;
+typedef struct Fpga_CutStruct_t_ Fpga_Cut_t;
+typedef struct Fpga_LutLibStruct_t_ Fpga_LutLib_t;
+#define Fpga_IsComplement(p) (((int)((long) (p) & 01)))
+#define Fpga_Regular(p) ((Fpga_Node_t *)((unsigned)(p) & ~01))
+#define Fpga_Not(p) ((Fpga_Node_t *)((long)(p) ^ 01))
+#define Fpga_NotCond(p,c) ((Fpga_Node_t *)((long)(p) ^ (c)))
+#define Fpga_Ref(p)
+#define Fpga_Deref(p)
+#define Fpga_RecursiveDeref(p,c)
+/*=== fpgaCreate.c =============================================================*/
+extern Fpga_Man_t * Fpga_ManCreate( int nInputs, int nOutputs, int fVerbose );
+extern Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeCreate( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 );
+extern void Fpga_ManFree( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern void Fpga_ManPrintTimeStats( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_ManReadInputNum( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_ManReadOutputNum( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Node_t ** Fpga_ManReadInputs ( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Node_t ** Fpga_ManReadOutputs( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_ManReadConst1 ( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern float * Fpga_ManReadInputArrivals( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_ManReadVerbose( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern float * Fpga_ManReadLutAreas( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetTimeToMap( Fpga_Man_t * p, int Time );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetTimeToNet( Fpga_Man_t * p, int Time );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetTimeTotal( Fpga_Man_t * p, int Time );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetOutputNames( Fpga_Man_t * p, char ** ppNames );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetInputArrivals( Fpga_Man_t * p, float * pArrivals );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetTree( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fTree );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetPower( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fPower );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetAreaRecovery( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fAreaRecovery );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetResyn( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fResynthesis );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetDelayLimit( Fpga_Man_t * p, float DelayLimit );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetAreaLimit( Fpga_Man_t * p, float AreaLimit );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetTimeLimit( Fpga_Man_t * p, float TimeLimit );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetObeyFanoutLimits( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fObeyFanoutLimits );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetNumIterations( Fpga_Man_t * p, int nNumIterations );
+extern int Fpga_ManReadFanoutViolations( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetFanoutViolations( Fpga_Man_t * p, int nVio );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetChoiceNodeNum( Fpga_Man_t * p, int nChoiceNodes );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetChoiceNum( Fpga_Man_t * p, int nChoices );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetVerbose( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fVerbose );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetLatchNum( Fpga_Man_t * p, int nLatches );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetSequential( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fSequential );
+extern void Fpga_ManSetName( Fpga_Man_t * p, char * pFileName );
+extern int Fpga_LibReadLutMax( Fpga_LutLib_t * pLib );
+extern char * Fpga_NodeReadData0( Fpga_Node_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeReadData1( Fpga_Node_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_NodeReadNum( Fpga_Node_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_NodeReadLevel( Fpga_Node_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_NodeReadCuts( Fpga_Node_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_NodeReadCutBest( Fpga_Node_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeReadOne( Fpga_Node_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeReadTwo( Fpga_Node_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_NodeSetLevel( Fpga_Node_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+extern void Fpga_NodeSetData0( Fpga_Node_t * p, char * pData );
+extern void Fpga_NodeSetData1( Fpga_Node_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+extern void Fpga_NodeSetArrival( Fpga_Node_t * p, float Time );
+extern void Fpga_NodeSetNextE( Fpga_Node_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNextE );
+extern void Fpga_NodeSetRepr( Fpga_Node_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pRepr );
+extern int Fpga_NodeIsConst( Fpga_Node_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_NodeIsVar( Fpga_Node_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_NodeIsAnd( Fpga_Node_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_NodeComparePhase( Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 );
+extern int Fpga_CutReadLeavesNum( Fpga_Cut_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Node_t ** Fpga_CutReadLeaves( Fpga_Cut_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeAnd( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 );
+extern Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeOr( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 );
+extern Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeExor( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 );
+extern Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeMux( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Node_t * pNodeT, Fpga_Node_t * pNodeE );
+extern void Fpga_NodeSetChoice( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNodeOld, Fpga_Node_t * pNodeNew );
+extern void Fpga_ManStats( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+/*=== fpgaCore.c =============================================================*/
+extern int Fpga_Mapping( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+/*=== fpgaCut.c ===============================================================*/
+extern void Fpga_MappingCreatePiCuts( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_CutsCleanSign( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+/*=== fpgaCutUtils.c =============================================================*/
+extern void Fpga_CutCreateFromNode( Fpga_Man_t * p, int iRoot, int * pLeaves, int nLeaves );
+extern void Fpga_MappingSetUsedCuts( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+/*=== fpgaFraig.c =============================================================*/
+extern Fpga_Man_t * Fpga_ManDupFraig( Fraig_Man_t * pManFraig );
+extern Fpga_Man_t * Fpga_ManBalanceFraig( Fraig_Man_t * pManFraig, int * pInputArrivals );
+/*=== fpgaLib.c =============================================================*/
+extern Fpga_LutLib_t * Fpga_LutLibDup( Fpga_LutLib_t * p );
+/*=== fpgaTruth.c =============================================================*/
+extern void * Fpga_TruthsCutBdd( void * dd, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+/*=== fpgaUtil.c =============================================================*/
+extern int Fpga_ManCheckConsistency( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_ManCleanData0( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_CollectNodeTfo( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaCore.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaCore.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37726542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaCore.c
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+ FileName [fpgaCore.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Technology mapping for variable-size-LUT FPGAs.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaCore.c,v 1.7 2004/10/01 23:41:04 satrajit Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+//#include "res.h"
+static int Fpga_MappingPostProcess( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_Experiment( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_MappingCutsSeq( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_MappingLValues( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, int fVerbose );
+ Synopsis [Performs technology mapping for the given object graph.]
+ Description [The object graph is stored in the mapping manager.
+ First, all the AND-nodes, which fanout into the POs, are collected
+ in the DFS fashion. Next, three steps are performed: the k-feasible
+ cuts are computed for each node, the truth tables are computed for
+ each cut, and the delay-optimal matches are assigned for each node.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_Mapping( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ int clk;
+ // collect the nodes reachable from POs in the DFS order (including the choices)
+ p->vAnds = Fpga_MappingDfs( p, 1 );
+ Fpga_ManReportChoices( p ); // recomputes levels
+ Fpga_MappingSetChoiceLevels( p );
+ if ( p->fSequential )
+ {
+// Fpga_MappingCutsSeq( p );
+ Fpga_MappingCuts( p );
+//clk = clock();
+// Fpga_MappingLValues( p, p->fVerbose );
+//PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // compute the cuts of nodes in the DFS order
+ clk = clock();
+ Fpga_MappingCuts( p );
+ p->timeCuts = clock() - clk;
+// Fpga_MappingSortByLevel( p, p->vAnds, 1 );
+ // derive the truth tables
+ clk = clock();
+// Fpga_MappingTruths( p );
+ p->timeTruth = clock() - clk;
+ // match the truth tables to the supergates
+ clk = clock();
+ if ( !Fpga_MappingMatches( p, 1 ) )
+ return 0;
+ p->timeMatch = clock() - clk;
+ // perform area recovery
+ if ( p->fAreaRecovery )
+ {
+ clk = clock();
+ if ( !Fpga_MappingPostProcess( p ) )
+ return 0;
+ p->timeRecover = clock() - clk;
+ }
+ // perform resynthesis
+// if ( p->fResynthesis )
+// Res_Resynthesize( p, p->DelayLimit, p->AreaLimit, p->TimeLimit, 1 );
+ // print the AI-graph used for mapping
+ //Fpga_ManShow( p, "test" );
+ if ( p->fVerbose )
+ Fpga_MappingPrintOutputArrivals( p );
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis [Postprocesses the mapped network for area recovery.]
+ Description [This procedure assumes that the mapping is assigned.
+ It iterates the loop, in which the required times are computed and
+ the mapping is updated. It is conceptually similar to the paper:
+ V. Manohararajah, S. D. Brown, Z. G. Vranesic, Heuristics for area
+ minimization in LUT-based FGPA technology mapping. Proc. IWLS '04.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MappingPostProcess( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ float aAreaTotalPrev, aAreaTotalCur, aAreaTotalCur2;
+ float aSwitchTotalPrev, aSwitchTotalCur;
+ int Iter, clk;
+if ( p->fVerbose )
+printf( "Iteration %dD : Area = %11.1f ", 0, Fpga_MappingArea( p ) );
+PRT( "Time", p->timeMatch );
+// aAreaTotalCur = FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE;
+ aAreaTotalCur = Fpga_MappingSetRefsAndArea( p );
+ Iter = 1;
+ do {
+clk = clock();
+ // save the previous area flow
+ aAreaTotalPrev = aAreaTotalCur;
+ // compute the required times and the fanouts
+ Fpga_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
+ // remap topologically
+ Fpga_MappingMatches( p, 0 );
+ // get the resulting area
+ aAreaTotalCur = Fpga_MappingArea( p );
+if ( p->fVerbose )
+printf( "Iteration %dF : Area = %11.1f ", Iter++, aAreaTotalCur );
+PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );
+ if ( p->fPower )
+ aSwitchTotalCur = Fpga_MappingPrintSwitching( p );
+ // quit if this iteration reduced area flow by less than 1%
+ } while ( aAreaTotalPrev > 1.02 * aAreaTotalCur );
+ // compute the area of each cut
+ aAreaTotalCur = Fpga_MappingSetRefsAndArea( p );
+ // compute the required times and the fanouts
+ Fpga_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
+ // perform experiment
+ Fpga_Experiment( p );
+ // compute the area of each cut
+ aAreaTotalCur = Fpga_MappingSetRefsAndArea( p );
+ aAreaTotalCur2 = Fpga_MappingComputeCutAreas( p );
+ assert( aAreaTotalCur == aAreaTotalCur2 );
+// aAreaTotalCur = FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE;
+// Iter = 1;
+ do {
+clk = clock();
+ // save the previous area flow
+ aAreaTotalPrev = aAreaTotalCur;
+ // compute the required times and the fanouts
+ Fpga_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
+ // remap topologically
+ Fpga_MappingMatchesArea( p );
+ // get the resulting area
+ aAreaTotalCur = Fpga_MappingArea( p );
+if ( p->fVerbose )
+printf( "Iteration %dA : Area = %11.1f ", Iter++, aAreaTotalCur );
+PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );
+ if ( p->fPower )
+ {
+ aSwitchTotalPrev = aSwitchTotalCur;
+ aSwitchTotalCur = Fpga_MappingPrintSwitching( p );
+ }
+ // quit if this iteration reduced area flow by less than 1%
+ } while ( aAreaTotalPrev > 1.02 * aAreaTotalCur );
+ if ( p->fPower )
+ {
+ do {
+clk = clock();
+ // save the previous area flow
+ aAreaTotalPrev = aAreaTotalCur;
+ // compute the required times and the fanouts
+ Fpga_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
+ // remap topologically
+ Fpga_MappingMatchesSwitch( p );
+ // get the resulting area
+ aAreaTotalCur = Fpga_MappingArea( p );
+if ( p->fVerbose )
+printf( "Iteration %dS : Area = %11.1f ", Iter++, aAreaTotalCur );
+PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );
+ aSwitchTotalPrev = aSwitchTotalCur;
+ aSwitchTotalCur = Fpga_MappingPrintSwitching( p );
+ // quit if this iteration reduced area flow by less than 1%
+ } while ( aSwitchTotalPrev > 1.01 * aSwitchTotalCur );
+ }
+ // compute the area of each cut
+ aAreaTotalCur = Fpga_MappingSetRefsAndArea( p );
+ // compute the required times and the fanouts
+ Fpga_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
+ // perform experiment
+ Fpga_Experiment( p );
+ p->fAreaGlo = aAreaTotalCur;
+ return 1;
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaCreate.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaCreate.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc6577fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaCreate.c
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+ FileName [fpgaCreate.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Technology mapping for variable-size-LUT FPGAs.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaCreate.c,v 1.8 2004/09/30 21:18:09 satrajit Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+#include "main.h"
+static void Fpga_TableCreate( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+static void Fpga_TableResize( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+static Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_TableLookup( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 );
+// hash key for the structural hash table
+static inline unsigned Fpga_HashKey2( Fpga_Node_t * p0, Fpga_Node_t * p1, int TableSize ) { return ((unsigned)(p0) + (unsigned)(p1) * 12582917) % TableSize; }
+ Synopsis [Reads parameters of the mapping manager.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_ManReadInputNum( Fpga_Man_t * p ) { return p->nInputs; }
+int Fpga_ManReadOutputNum( Fpga_Man_t * p ) { return p->nOutputs; }
+Fpga_Node_t ** Fpga_ManReadInputs ( Fpga_Man_t * p ) { return p->pInputs; }
+Fpga_Node_t ** Fpga_ManReadOutputs( Fpga_Man_t * p ) { return p->pOutputs; }
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_ManReadConst1 ( Fpga_Man_t * p ) { return p->pConst1; }
+float * Fpga_ManReadInputArrivals( Fpga_Man_t * p ) { return p->pInputArrivals;}
+int Fpga_ManReadVerbose( Fpga_Man_t * p ) { return p->fVerbose; }
+float * Fpga_ManReadLutAreas( Fpga_Man_t * p ) { return p->pLutLib->pLutAreas; }
+void Fpga_ManSetTimeToMap( Fpga_Man_t * p, int Time ) { p->timeToMap = Time; }
+void Fpga_ManSetTimeToNet( Fpga_Man_t * p, int Time ) { p->timeToNet = Time; }
+void Fpga_ManSetTimeTotal( Fpga_Man_t * p, int Time ) { p->timeTotal = Time; }
+void Fpga_ManSetOutputNames( Fpga_Man_t * p, char ** ppNames ) { p->ppOutputNames = ppNames; }
+void Fpga_ManSetInputArrivals( Fpga_Man_t * p, float * pArrivals ) { p->pInputArrivals = pArrivals; }
+void Fpga_ManSetTree( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fTree ) { p->fTree = fTree; }
+void Fpga_ManSetPower( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fPower ) { p->fPower = fPower; }
+void Fpga_ManSetAreaRecovery( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fAreaRecovery ) { p->fAreaRecovery = fAreaRecovery;}
+void Fpga_ManSetResyn( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fResynthesis ) { p->fResynthesis = fResynthesis; }
+void Fpga_ManSetDelayLimit( Fpga_Man_t * p, float DelayLimit ) { p->DelayLimit = DelayLimit; }
+void Fpga_ManSetAreaLimit( Fpga_Man_t * p, float AreaLimit ) { p->AreaLimit = AreaLimit; }
+void Fpga_ManSetTimeLimit( Fpga_Man_t * p, float TimeLimit ) { p->TimeLimit = TimeLimit; }
+void Fpga_ManSetChoiceNodeNum( Fpga_Man_t * p, int nChoiceNodes ) { p->nChoiceNodes = nChoiceNodes; }
+void Fpga_ManSetChoiceNum( Fpga_Man_t * p, int nChoices ) { p->nChoices = nChoices; }
+void Fpga_ManSetVerbose( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fVerbose ) { p->fVerbose = fVerbose; }
+void Fpga_ManSetLatchNum( Fpga_Man_t * p, int nLatches ) { p->nLatches = nLatches; }
+void Fpga_ManSetSequential( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fSequential ) { p->fSequential = fSequential; }
+void Fpga_ManSetName( Fpga_Man_t * p, char * pFileName ) { p->pFileName = pFileName; }
+ Synopsis [Reads the parameters of the LUT library.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_LibReadLutMax( Fpga_LutLib_t * pLib ) { return pLib->LutMax; }
+ Synopsis [Reads parameters of the mapping node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+char * Fpga_NodeReadData0( Fpga_Node_t * p ) { return p->pData0; }
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeReadData1( Fpga_Node_t * p ) { return p->pLevel; }
+int Fpga_NodeReadNum( Fpga_Node_t * p ) { return p->Num; }
+int Fpga_NodeReadLevel( Fpga_Node_t * p ) { return Fpga_Regular(p)->Level; }
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_NodeReadCuts( Fpga_Node_t * p ) { return p->pCuts; }
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_NodeReadCutBest( Fpga_Node_t * p ) { return p->pCutBest; }
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeReadOne( Fpga_Node_t * p ) { return p->p1; }
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeReadTwo( Fpga_Node_t * p ) { return p->p2; }
+void Fpga_NodeSetData0( Fpga_Node_t * p, char * pData ) { p->pData0 = pData; }
+void Fpga_NodeSetData1( Fpga_Node_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode ) { p->pLevel = pNode; }
+void Fpga_NodeSetNextE( Fpga_Node_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNextE ) { p->pNextE = pNextE; }
+void Fpga_NodeSetRepr( Fpga_Node_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pRepr ) { p->pRepr = pRepr; }
+ Synopsis [Checks the type of the node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_NodeIsConst( Fpga_Node_t * p ) { return (Fpga_Regular(p))->Num == -1; }
+int Fpga_NodeIsVar( Fpga_Node_t * p ) { return (Fpga_Regular(p))->p1 == NULL && (Fpga_Regular(p))->Num >= 0; }
+int Fpga_NodeIsAnd( Fpga_Node_t * p ) { return (Fpga_Regular(p))->p1 != NULL; }
+int Fpga_NodeComparePhase( Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 ) { assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(p1) ); assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(p2) ); return p1->fInv ^ p2->fInv; }
+ Synopsis [Reads parameters from the cut.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CutReadLeavesNum( Fpga_Cut_t * p ) { return p->nLeaves; }
+Fpga_Node_t ** Fpga_CutReadLeaves( Fpga_Cut_t * p ) { return p->ppLeaves; }
+ Synopsis [Create the mapping manager.]
+ Description [The number of inputs and outputs is assumed to be
+ known is advance. It is much simpler to have them fixed upfront.
+ When it comes to representing the object graph in the form of
+ AIG, the resulting manager is similar to the regular AIG manager,
+ except that it does not use reference counting (and therefore
+ does not have garbage collections). It does have table resizing.
+ The data structure is more flexible to represent additional
+ information needed for mapping.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Man_t * Fpga_ManCreate( int nInputs, int nOutputs, int fVerbose )
+ Fpga_Man_t * p;
+ int i;
+ // start the manager
+ p = ALLOC( Fpga_Man_t, 1 );
+ memset( p, 0, sizeof(Fpga_Man_t) );
+ p->pLutLib = Abc_FrameReadLibLut(Abc_FrameGetGlobalFrame());
+ p->nVarsMax = p->pLutLib->LutMax;
+ p->fVerbose = fVerbose;
+ p->fAreaRecovery = 1;
+ p->fTree = 0;
+ p->fRefCount = 1;
+ p->fEpsilon = (float)0.00001;
+ Fpga_TableCreate( p );
+//if ( p->fVerbose )
+// printf( "Node = %d (%d) bytes. Cut = %d bytes.\n", sizeof(Fpga_Node_t), FPGA_NUM_BYTES(sizeof(Fpga_Node_t)), sizeof(Fpga_Cut_t) );
+ p->mmNodes = Extra_MmFixedStart( FPGA_NUM_BYTES(sizeof(Fpga_Node_t)) );
+ p->mmCuts = Extra_MmFixedStart( sizeof(Fpga_Cut_t) );
+ assert( p->nVarsMax > 0 );
+ Fpga_MappingSetupTruthTables( p->uTruths );
+ // make sure the constant node will get index -1
+ p->nNodes = -1;
+ // create the constant node
+ p->pConst1 = Fpga_NodeCreate( p, NULL, NULL );
+ p->vNodesAll = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( 100 );
+ // create the PI nodes
+ p->nInputs = nInputs;
+ p->pInputs = ALLOC( Fpga_Node_t *, nInputs );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nInputs; i++ )
+ p->pInputs[i] = Fpga_NodeCreate( p, NULL, NULL );
+ // create the place for the output nodes
+ p->nOutputs = nOutputs;
+ p->pOutputs = ALLOC( Fpga_Node_t *, nOutputs );
+ memset( p->pOutputs, 0, sizeof(Fpga_Node_t *) * nOutputs );
+ return p;
+ Synopsis [Deallocates the mapping manager.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_ManFree( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+// Fpga_ManStats( p );
+// int i;
+// for ( i = 0; i < p->vNodesAll->nSize; i++ )
+// Fpga_NodeVecFree( p->vNodesAll->pArray[i]->vFanouts );
+// Fpga_NodeVecFree( p->pConst1->vFanouts );
+ if ( p->vAnds )
+ Fpga_NodeVecFree( p->vAnds );
+ if ( p->vNodesAll )
+ Fpga_NodeVecFree( p->vNodesAll );
+ Extra_MmFixedStop( p->mmNodes, 0 );
+ Extra_MmFixedStop( p->mmCuts, 0 );
+ FREE( p->pInputArrivals );
+ FREE( p->pInputs );
+ FREE( p->pOutputs );
+ FREE( p->pBins );
+// FREE( p->ppOutputNames );
+ if ( p->pSimInfo )
+ {
+ FREE( p->pSimInfo[0] );
+ FREE( p->pSimInfo );
+ }
+ FREE( p );
+ Synopsis [Prints runtime statistics of the mapping manager.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_ManPrintTimeStats( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ extern char * pNetName;
+ extern int TotalLuts;
+// FILE * pTable;
+ pTable = fopen( "stats.txt", "a+" );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%s ", pNetName );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%.0f ", p->fRequiredGlo );
+// fprintf( pTable, "%.0f ", p->fAreaGlo );//+ (float)nOutputInvs );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%.0f ", (float)TotalLuts );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%4.2f\n", (float)(p->timeTotal-p->timeToMap)/(float)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) );
+ fclose( pTable );
+// printf( "N-canonical = %d. Matchings = %d. ", p->nCanons, p->nMatches );
+// printf( "Choice nodes = %d. Choices = %d.\n", p->nChoiceNodes, p->nChoices );
+ PRT( "ToMap", p->timeToMap );
+ PRT( "Cuts ", p->timeCuts );
+ PRT( "Match", p->timeMatch );
+ PRT( "Area ", p->timeRecover );
+ PRT( "ToNet", p->timeToNet );
+ PRT( "TOTAL", p->timeTotal );
+ if ( p->time1 ) { PRT( "time1", p->time1 ); }
+ if ( p->time2 ) { PRT( "time2", p->time2 ); }
+ Synopsis [Creates a new node.]
+ Description [This procedure should be called to create the constant
+ node and the PI nodes first.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeCreate( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ // create the node
+ pNode = (Fpga_Node_t *)Extra_MmFixedEntryFetch( p->mmNodes );
+ memset( pNode, 0, sizeof(Fpga_Node_t) );
+ // set very large required time
+ pNode->tRequired = FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE;
+ pNode->aEstFanouts = -1;
+ pNode->p1 = p1;
+ pNode->p2 = p2;
+ // set the number of this node
+ pNode->Num = p->nNodes++;
+ // place to store the fanouts
+// pNode->vFanouts = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( 5 );
+ // store this node in the internal array
+ if ( pNode->Num >= 0 )
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( p->vNodesAll, pNode );
+ else
+ pNode->fInv = 1;
+ // set the level of this node
+ if ( p1 )
+ {
+ // create the fanout info
+ Fpga_NodeAddFaninFanout( Fpga_Regular(p1), pNode );
+ Fpga_NodeAddFaninFanout( Fpga_Regular(p2), pNode );
+ // compute the level
+ pNode->Level = 1 + FPGA_MAX(Fpga_Regular(p1)->Level, Fpga_Regular(p2)->Level);
+ pNode->fInv = Fpga_NodeIsSimComplement(p1) & Fpga_NodeIsSimComplement(p2);
+ }
+ // reference the inputs (will be used to compute the number of fanouts)
+ if ( p->fRefCount )
+ {
+ if ( p1 ) Fpga_NodeRef(p1);
+ if ( p2 ) Fpga_NodeRef(p2);
+ }
+ return pNode;
+ Synopsis [Create the unique table of AND gates.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_TableCreate( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ assert( pMan->pBins == NULL );
+ pMan->nBins = Cudd_Prime(50000);
+ pMan->pBins = ALLOC( Fpga_Node_t *, pMan->nBins );
+ memset( pMan->pBins, 0, sizeof(Fpga_Node_t *) * pMan->nBins );
+ pMan->nNodes = 0;
+ Synopsis [Looks up the AND2 node in the unique table.]
+ Description [This procedure implements one-level hashing. All the nodes
+ are hashed by their children. If the node with the same children was already
+ created, it is returned by the call to this procedure. If it does not exist,
+ this procedure creates a new node with these children. ]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_TableLookup( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pEnt;
+ unsigned Key;
+ if ( p1 == p2 )
+ return p1;
+ if ( p1 == Fpga_Not(p2) )
+ return Fpga_Not(pMan->pConst1);
+ if ( Fpga_NodeIsConst(p1) )
+ {
+ if ( p1 == pMan->pConst1 )
+ return p2;
+ return Fpga_Not(pMan->pConst1);
+ }
+ if ( Fpga_NodeIsConst(p2) )
+ {
+ if ( p2 == pMan->pConst1 )
+ return p1;
+ return Fpga_Not(pMan->pConst1);
+ }
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(p1)->Num > Fpga_Regular(p2)->Num )
+ pEnt = p1, p1 = p2, p2 = pEnt;
+ Key = Fpga_HashKey2( p1, p2, pMan->nBins );
+ for ( pEnt = pMan->pBins[Key]; pEnt; pEnt = pEnt->pNext )
+ if ( pEnt->p1 == p1 && pEnt->p2 == p2 )
+ return pEnt;
+ // resize the table
+ if ( pMan->nNodes >= 2 * pMan->nBins )
+ {
+ Fpga_TableResize( pMan );
+ Key = Fpga_HashKey2( p1, p2, pMan->nBins );
+ }
+ // create the new node
+ pEnt = Fpga_NodeCreate( pMan, p1, p2 );
+ // add the node to the corresponding linked list in the table
+ pEnt->pNext = pMan->pBins[Key];
+ pMan->pBins[Key] = pEnt;
+ return pEnt;
+ Synopsis [Resizes the table.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_TableResize( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ Fpga_Node_t ** pBinsNew;
+ Fpga_Node_t * pEnt, * pEnt2;
+ int nBinsNew, Counter, i, clk;
+ unsigned Key;
+clk = clock();
+ // get the new table size
+ nBinsNew = Cudd_Prime(2 * pMan->nBins);
+ // allocate a new array
+ pBinsNew = ALLOC( Fpga_Node_t *, nBinsNew );
+ memset( pBinsNew, 0, sizeof(Fpga_Node_t *) * nBinsNew );
+ // rehash the entries from the old table
+ Counter = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nBins; i++ )
+ for ( pEnt = pMan->pBins[i], pEnt2 = pEnt? pEnt->pNext: NULL; pEnt;
+ pEnt = pEnt2, pEnt2 = pEnt? pEnt->pNext: NULL )
+ {
+ Key = Fpga_HashKey2( pEnt->p1, pEnt->p2, nBinsNew );
+ pEnt->pNext = pBinsNew[Key];
+ pBinsNew[Key] = pEnt;
+ Counter++;
+ }
+ assert( Counter == pMan->nNodes - pMan->nInputs );
+ if ( pMan->fVerbose )
+ {
+// printf( "Increasing the unique table size from %6d to %6d. ", pMan->nBins, nBinsNew );
+// PRT( "Time", clock() - clk );
+ }
+ // replace the table and the parameters
+ free( pMan->pBins );
+ pMan->pBins = pBinsNew;
+ pMan->nBins = nBinsNew;
+ Synopsis [Elementary AND operation on the AIG.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeAnd( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ pNode = Fpga_TableLookup( p, p1, p2 );
+ return pNode;
+ Synopsis [Elementary OR operation on the AIG.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeOr( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ pNode = Fpga_Not( Fpga_TableLookup( p, Fpga_Not(p1), Fpga_Not(p2) ) );
+ return pNode;
+ Synopsis [Elementary EXOR operation on the AIG.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeExor( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * p1, Fpga_Node_t * p2 )
+ return Fpga_NodeMux( p, p1, Fpga_Not(p2), p2 );
+ Synopsis [Elementary MUX operation on the AIG.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeMux( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pC, Fpga_Node_t * pT, Fpga_Node_t * pE )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pAnd1, * pAnd2, * pRes;
+ pAnd1 = Fpga_TableLookup( p, pC, pT );
+ pAnd2 = Fpga_TableLookup( p, Fpga_Not(pC), pE );
+ pRes = Fpga_NodeOr( p, pAnd1, pAnd2 );
+ return pRes;
+ Synopsis [Sets the node to be equivalent to the given one.]
+ Description [This procedure is a work-around for the equivalence check.
+ Does not verify the equivalence. Use at the user's risk.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeSetChoice( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNodeOld, Fpga_Node_t * pNodeNew )
+ pNodeNew->pNextE = pNodeOld->pNextE;
+ pNodeOld->pNextE = pNodeNew;
+ pNodeNew->pRepr = pNodeOld;
+ Synopsis [Prints some interesting stats.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_ManStats( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ FILE * pTable;
+ pTable = fopen( "stats.txt", "a+" );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%s ", p->pFileName );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%4d ", p->nInputs - p->nLatches );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%4d ", p->nOutputs - p->nLatches );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%4d ", p->nLatches );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%7d ", p->vAnds->nSize );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%7d ", Fpga_CutCountAll(p) );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%2d\n", (int)p->fRequiredGlo );
+ fclose( pTable );
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaCut.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaCut.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..27079953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaCut.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@
+ FileName [fpgaCut.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Generic technology mapping engine.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaCut.c,v 1.3 2004/07/06 04:55:57 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+typedef struct Fpga_CutTableStrutct_t Fpga_CutTable_t;
+struct Fpga_CutTableStrutct_t
+ Fpga_Cut_t ** pBins; // the table used for linear probing
+ int nBins; // the size of the table
+ int * pCuts; // the array of cuts currently stored
+ int nCuts; // the number of cuts currently stored
+ Fpga_Cut_t ** pArray; // the temporary array of cuts
+ Fpga_Cut_t ** pCuts1; // the temporary array of cuts
+ Fpga_Cut_t ** pCuts2; // the temporary array of cuts
+// the largest number of cuts considered
+// the largest number of cuts used
+#define FPGA_CUTS_MAX_USE 200
+// primes used to compute the hash key
+static int s_HashPrimes[10] = { 109, 499, 557, 619, 631, 709, 797, 881, 907, 991 };
+static int bit_count[256] = {
+ 0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,
+ 1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,
+ 1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,
+ 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,
+ 1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,
+ 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,
+ 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,
+ 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,5,6,6,7,6,7,7,8
+#define FPGA_COUNT_ONES(u) (bit_count[(u)&255]+bit_count[((u)>>8)&255]+bit_count[((u)>>16)&255]+bit_count[(u)>>24])
+static Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutCompute( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_CutTable_t * pTable, Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+static void Fpga_CutFilter( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+static Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutMergeLists( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_CutTable_t * pTable, Fpga_Cut_t * pList1, Fpga_Cut_t * pList2, int fComp1, int fComp2, int fPivot1, int fPivot2 );
+static int Fpga_CutMergeTwo( Fpga_Cut_t * pCut1, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut2, Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[], int nNodesMax );
+static Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutUnionLists( Fpga_Cut_t * pList1, Fpga_Cut_t * pList2 );
+static int Fpga_CutBelongsToList( Fpga_Cut_t * pList, Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[], int nNodes );
+extern Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutAlloc( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_CutCountAll( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+static void Fpga_CutListPrint( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pRoot );
+static void Fpga_CutListPrint2( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pRoot );
+static void Fpga_CutPrint_( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, Fpga_Node_t * pRoot );
+static Fpga_CutTable_t * Fpga_CutTableStart( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+static void Fpga_CutTableStop( Fpga_CutTable_t * p );
+static unsigned Fpga_CutTableHash( Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[], int nNodes );
+static int Fpga_CutTableLookup( Fpga_CutTable_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[], int nNodes );
+static Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutTableConsider( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_CutTable_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[], int nNodes );
+static void Fpga_CutTableRestart( Fpga_CutTable_t * p );
+static int Fpga_CutSortCutsCompare( Fpga_Cut_t ** pC1, Fpga_Cut_t ** pC2 );
+static Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutSortCuts( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_CutTable_t * p, Fpga_Cut_t * pList );
+static int Fpga_CutList2Array( Fpga_Cut_t ** pArray, Fpga_Cut_t * pList );
+static Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutArray2List( Fpga_Cut_t ** pArray, int nCuts );
+// iterator through all the cuts of the list
+#define Fpga_ListForEachCut( pList, pCut ) \
+ for ( pCut = pList; \
+ pCut; \
+ pCut = pCut->pNext )
+#define Fpga_ListForEachCutSafe( pList, pCut, pCut2 ) \
+ for ( pCut = pList, \
+ pCut2 = pCut? pCut->pNext: NULL; \
+ pCut; \
+ pCut = pCut2, \
+ pCut2 = pCut? pCut->pNext: NULL )
+ Synopsis [Computes the cuts for each node in the object graph.]
+ Description [The cuts are computed in one sweep over the mapping graph.
+ First, the elementary cuts, which include the node itself, are assigned
+ to the PI nodes. The internal nodes are considered in the DFS order.
+ Each node is two-input AND-gate. So to compute the cuts at a node, we
+ need to merge the sets of cuts of its two predecessors. The merged set
+ contains only unique cuts with the number of inputs equal to k or less.
+ Finally, the elementary cut, composed of the node itself, is added to
+ the set of cuts for the node.
+ This procedure is pretty fast for 5-feasible cuts, but it dramatically
+ slows down on some "dense" networks when computing 6-feasible cuts.
+ The problem is that there are too many cuts in this case. We should
+ think how to heuristically trim the number of cuts in such cases,
+ to have reasonable runtime.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingCuts( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ ProgressBar * pProgress;
+ Fpga_CutTable_t * pTable;
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ int nCuts, nNodes, i;
+ // set the elementary cuts for the PI variables
+ assert( p->nVarsMax > 1 && p->nVarsMax < 7 );
+ Fpga_MappingCreatePiCuts( p );
+ // compute the cuts for the internal nodes
+ nNodes = p->vAnds->nSize;
+ pProgress = Extra_ProgressBarStart( stdout, nNodes );
+ pTable = Fpga_CutTableStart( p );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
+ {
+ Extra_ProgressBarUpdate( pProgress, i, "Cuts ..." );
+ pNode = p->vAnds->pArray[i];
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) )
+ continue;
+ Fpga_CutCompute( p, pTable, pNode );
+ }
+ Extra_ProgressBarStop( pProgress );
+ Fpga_CutTableStop( pTable );
+ // report the stats
+ if ( p->fVerbose )
+ {
+ nCuts = Fpga_CutCountAll(p);
+ printf( "Nodes = %6d. Total %d-feasible cuts = %d. Cuts per node = %.1f.\n",
+ p->nNodes, p->nVarsMax, nCuts, ((float)nCuts)/p->nNodes );
+ }
+ // print the cuts for the first primary output
+// Fpga_CutListPrint( p, Fpga_Regular(p->pOutputs[0]) );
+ Synopsis [Performs technology mapping for variable-size-LUTs.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingCreatePiCuts( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut;
+ int i;
+ // set the elementary cuts for the PI variables
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nInputs; i++ )
+ {
+ pCut = Fpga_CutAlloc( p );
+ pCut->nLeaves = 1;
+ pCut->ppLeaves[0] = p->pInputs[i];
+ pCut->uSign = (1 << (i%31));
+ p->pInputs[i]->pCuts = pCut;
+ p->pInputs[i]->pCutBest = pCut;
+ // set the input arrival times
+// p->pInputs[i]->pCut[1]->tArrival = p->pInputArrivals[i];
+ }
+ Synopsis [Computes the cuts for one node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutCompute( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_CutTable_t * pTable, Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pTemp;
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pList, * pList1, * pList2;
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut;
+ int fPivot1 = p->fTree && (Fpga_NodeReadRef(pNode->p1)>2);
+ int fPivot2 = p->fTree && (Fpga_NodeReadRef(pNode->p2)>2);
+ // if the cuts are computed return them
+ if ( pNode->pCuts )
+ return pNode->pCuts;
+ // compute the cuts for the children
+ pList1 = Fpga_Regular(pNode->p1)->pCuts;
+ pList2 = Fpga_Regular(pNode->p2)->pCuts;
+ // merge the lists
+ pList = Fpga_CutMergeLists( p, pTable, pList1, pList2,
+ Fpga_IsComplement(pNode->p1), Fpga_IsComplement(pNode->p2),
+ fPivot1, fPivot2 );
+ // if there are functionally equivalent nodes, union them with this list
+ assert( pList );
+ // only add to the list of cuts if the node is a representative one
+ if ( pNode->pRepr == NULL )
+ {
+ for ( pTemp = pNode->pNextE; pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNextE )
+ {
+ assert( pTemp->pCuts );
+ pList = Fpga_CutUnionLists( pList, pTemp->pCuts );
+ assert( pTemp->pCuts );
+ pList = Fpga_CutSortCuts( p, pTable, pList );
+ }
+ }
+ // add the new cut
+ pCut = Fpga_CutAlloc( p );
+ pCut->nLeaves = 1;
+ pCut->ppLeaves[0] = pNode;
+ pCut->uSign = (1 << (pNode->Num%31));
+ pCut->fLevel = (float)pCut->ppLeaves[0]->Level;
+ // append (it is important that the elementary cut is appended first)
+ pCut->pNext = pList;
+ // set at the node
+ pNode->pCuts = pCut;
+ // remove the dominated cuts
+ Fpga_CutFilter( p, pNode );
+ // set the phase correctly
+ if ( pNode->pRepr && Fpga_NodeComparePhase(pNode, pNode->pRepr) )
+ {
+ Fpga_ListForEachCut( pNode->pCuts, pCut )
+ pCut->Phase = 1;
+ }
+ {
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pPrev;
+ int i, Counter = 0;
+ for ( pCut = pNode->pCuts->pNext, pPrev = pNode->pCuts; pCut; pCut = pCut->pNext )
+ {
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ if ( pCut->ppLeaves[i]->Level >= pNode->Level )
+ break;
+ if ( i != pCut->nLeaves )
+ pPrev->pNext = pCut->pNext;
+ else
+ pPrev = pCut;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int i, Counter = 0;;
+ for ( pCut = pNode->pCuts->pNext; pCut; pCut = pCut->pNext )
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ Counter += (pCut->ppLeaves[i]->Level >= pNode->Level);
+ if ( Counter )
+ printf( " %d", Counter );
+ }
+ return pCut;
+ Synopsis [Filter the cuts using dominance.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_CutFilter( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pTemp, * pPrev, * pCut, * pCut2;
+ int i, k, Counter;
+ Counter = 0;
+ pPrev = pNode->pCuts;
+ Fpga_ListForEachCutSafe( pNode->pCuts->pNext, pCut, pCut2 )
+ {
+ // go through all the previous cuts up to pCut
+ for ( pTemp = pNode->pCuts->pNext; pTemp != pCut; pTemp = pTemp->pNext )
+ {
+ // check if every node in pTemp is contained in pCut
+ for ( i = 0; i < pTemp->nLeaves; i++ )
+ {
+ for ( k = 0; k < pCut->nLeaves; k++ )
+ if ( pTemp->ppLeaves[i] == pCut->ppLeaves[k] )
+ break;
+ if ( k == pCut->nLeaves ) // node i in pTemp is not contained in pCut
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( i == pTemp->nLeaves ) // every node in pTemp is contained in pCut
+ {
+ Counter++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( pTemp != pCut ) // pTemp contain pCut
+ {
+ pPrev->pNext = pCut->pNext; // skip pCut
+ // recycle pCut
+ Fpga_CutFree( p, pCut );
+ }
+ else
+ pPrev = pCut;
+ }
+// printf( "Dominated = %3d. \n", Counter );
+ Synopsis [Merges two lists of cuts.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutMergeLists( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_CutTable_t * pTable,
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pList1, Fpga_Cut_t * pList2, int fComp1, int fComp2, int fPivot1, int fPivot2 )
+ Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[6];
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pListNew, ** ppListNew, * pLists[7] = { NULL };
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, * pPrev, * pTemp1, * pTemp2;
+ int nNodes, Counter, i;
+ Fpga_Cut_t ** ppArray1, ** ppArray2, ** ppArray3;
+ int nCuts1, nCuts2, nCuts3, k, fComp3;
+ ppArray1 = pTable->pCuts1;
+ ppArray2 = pTable->pCuts2;
+ nCuts1 = Fpga_CutList2Array( ppArray1, pList1 );
+ nCuts2 = Fpga_CutList2Array( ppArray2, pList2 );
+ if ( fPivot1 )
+ nCuts1 = 1;
+ if ( fPivot2 )
+ nCuts2 = 1;
+ // swap the lists based on their length
+ if ( nCuts1 > nCuts2 )
+ {
+ ppArray3 = ppArray1;
+ ppArray1 = ppArray2;
+ ppArray2 = ppArray3;
+ nCuts3 = nCuts1;
+ nCuts1 = nCuts2;
+ nCuts2 = nCuts3;
+ fComp3 = fComp1;
+ fComp1 = fComp2;
+ fComp2 = fComp3;
+ }
+ // pList1 is shorter or equal length compared to pList2
+ // prepare the manager for the cut computation
+ Fpga_CutTableRestart( pTable );
+ // go through the cut pairs
+ Counter = 0;
+// for ( pTemp1 = pList1; pTemp1; pTemp1 = fPivot1? NULL: pTemp1->pNext )
+// for ( pTemp2 = pList2; pTemp2; pTemp2 = fPivot2? NULL: pTemp2->pNext )
+ for ( i = 0; i < nCuts1; i++ )
+ {
+ for ( k = 0; k <= i; k++ )
+ {
+ pTemp1 = ppArray1[i];
+ pTemp2 = ppArray2[k];
+ if ( pTemp1->nLeaves == p->nVarsMax && pTemp2->nLeaves == p->nVarsMax )
+ {
+ if ( pTemp1->ppLeaves[0] != pTemp2->ppLeaves[0] )
+ continue;
+ if ( pTemp1->ppLeaves[1] != pTemp2->ppLeaves[1] )
+ continue;
+ }
+ // check if k-feasible cut exists
+ nNodes = Fpga_CutMergeTwo( pTemp1, pTemp2, ppNodes, p->nVarsMax );
+ if ( nNodes == 0 )
+ continue;
+ // consider the cut for possible addition to the set of new cuts
+ pCut = Fpga_CutTableConsider( p, pTable, ppNodes, nNodes );
+ if ( pCut == NULL )
+ continue;
+ // add data to the cut
+ pCut->pOne = Fpga_CutNotCond( pTemp1, fComp1 );
+ pCut->pTwo = Fpga_CutNotCond( pTemp2, fComp2 );
+ // create the signature
+ pCut->uSign = pTemp1->uSign | pTemp2->uSign;
+ // add it to the corresponding list
+ pCut->pNext = pLists[pCut->nLeaves];
+ pLists[pCut->nLeaves] = pCut;
+ // count this cut and quit if limit is reached
+ Counter++;
+ if ( Counter == FPGA_CUTS_MAX_COMPUTE )
+ goto QUITS;
+ }
+ for ( k = 0; k < i; k++ )
+ {
+ pTemp1 = ppArray1[k];
+ pTemp2 = ppArray2[i];
+ if ( pTemp1->nLeaves == p->nVarsMax && pTemp2->nLeaves == p->nVarsMax )
+ {
+ if ( pTemp1->ppLeaves[0] != pTemp2->ppLeaves[0] )
+ continue;
+ if ( pTemp1->ppLeaves[1] != pTemp2->ppLeaves[1] )
+ continue;
+ }
+ // check if k-feasible cut exists
+ nNodes = Fpga_CutMergeTwo( pTemp1, pTemp2, ppNodes, p->nVarsMax );
+ if ( nNodes == 0 )
+ continue;
+ // consider the cut for possible addition to the set of new cuts
+ pCut = Fpga_CutTableConsider( p, pTable, ppNodes, nNodes );
+ if ( pCut == NULL )
+ continue;
+ // add data to the cut
+ pCut->pOne = Fpga_CutNotCond( pTemp1, fComp1 );
+ pCut->pTwo = Fpga_CutNotCond( pTemp2, fComp2 );
+ // create the signature
+ pCut->uSign = pTemp1->uSign | pTemp2->uSign;
+ // add it to the corresponding list
+ pCut->pNext = pLists[pCut->nLeaves];
+ pLists[pCut->nLeaves] = pCut;
+ // count this cut and quit if limit is reached
+ Counter++;
+ if ( Counter == FPGA_CUTS_MAX_COMPUTE )
+ goto QUITS;
+ }
+ }
+ // consider the rest of them
+ for ( i = nCuts1; i < nCuts2; i++ )
+ for ( k = 0; k < nCuts1; k++ )
+ {
+ pTemp1 = ppArray1[k];
+ pTemp2 = ppArray2[i];
+ if ( pTemp1->nLeaves == p->nVarsMax && pTemp2->nLeaves == p->nVarsMax )
+ {
+ if ( pTemp1->ppLeaves[0] != pTemp2->ppLeaves[0] )
+ continue;
+ if ( pTemp1->ppLeaves[1] != pTemp2->ppLeaves[1] )
+ continue;
+ if ( pTemp1->ppLeaves[2] != pTemp2->ppLeaves[2] )
+ continue;
+ }
+ // check if k-feasible cut exists
+ nNodes = Fpga_CutMergeTwo( pTemp1, pTemp2, ppNodes, p->nVarsMax );
+ if ( nNodes == 0 )
+ continue;
+ // consider the cut for possible addition to the set of new cuts
+ pCut = Fpga_CutTableConsider( p, pTable, ppNodes, nNodes );
+ if ( pCut == NULL )
+ continue;
+ // add data to the cut
+ pCut->pOne = Fpga_CutNotCond( pTemp1, fComp1 );
+ pCut->pTwo = Fpga_CutNotCond( pTemp2, fComp2 );
+ // create the signature
+ pCut->uSign = pTemp1->uSign | pTemp2->uSign;
+ // add it to the corresponding list
+ pCut->pNext = pLists[pCut->nLeaves];
+ pLists[pCut->nLeaves] = pCut;
+ // count this cut and quit if limit is reached
+ Counter++;
+ if ( Counter == FPGA_CUTS_MAX_COMPUTE )
+ goto QUITS;
+ }
+ // combine all the lists into one
+ pListNew = NULL;
+ ppListNew = &pListNew;
+ for ( i = 1; i <= p->nVarsMax; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( pLists[i] == NULL )
+ continue;
+ // find the last entry
+ for ( pPrev = pLists[i], pCut = pPrev->pNext; pCut;
+ pPrev = pCut, pCut = pCut->pNext );
+ // connect these lists
+ *ppListNew = pLists[i];
+ ppListNew = &pPrev->pNext;
+ }
+ *ppListNew = NULL;
+ // sort the cuts by arrival times and use only the first FPGA_CUTS_MAX_USE
+ pListNew = Fpga_CutSortCuts( p, pTable, pListNew );
+ return pListNew;
+ Synopsis [Merges two lists of cuts.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutMergeLists2( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_CutTable_t * pTable,
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pList1, Fpga_Cut_t * pList2, int fComp1, int fComp2, int fPivot1, int fPivot2 )
+ Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[6];
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pListNew, ** ppListNew, * pLists[7] = { NULL };
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, * pPrev, * pTemp1, * pTemp2;
+ int nNodes, Counter, i;
+ // prepare the manager for the cut computation
+ Fpga_CutTableRestart( pTable );
+ // go through the cut pairs
+ Counter = 0;
+ for ( pTemp1 = pList1; pTemp1; pTemp1 = fPivot1? NULL: pTemp1->pNext )
+ for ( pTemp2 = pList2; pTemp2; pTemp2 = fPivot2? NULL: pTemp2->pNext )
+ {
+ // check if k-feasible cut exists
+ nNodes = Fpga_CutMergeTwo( pTemp1, pTemp2, ppNodes, p->nVarsMax );
+ if ( nNodes == 0 )
+ continue;
+ // consider the cut for possible addition to the set of new cuts
+ pCut = Fpga_CutTableConsider( p, pTable, ppNodes, nNodes );
+ if ( pCut == NULL )
+ continue;
+ // add data to the cut
+ pCut->pOne = Fpga_CutNotCond( pTemp1, fComp1 );
+ pCut->pTwo = Fpga_CutNotCond( pTemp2, fComp2 );
+ // add it to the corresponding list
+ pCut->pNext = pLists[pCut->nLeaves];
+ pLists[pCut->nLeaves] = pCut;
+ // count this cut and quit if limit is reached
+ Counter++;
+ if ( Counter == FPGA_CUTS_MAX_COMPUTE )
+ goto QUITS;
+ }
+ // combine all the lists into one
+ pListNew = NULL;
+ ppListNew = &pListNew;
+ for ( i = 1; i <= p->nVarsMax; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( pLists[i] == NULL )
+ continue;
+ // find the last entry
+ for ( pPrev = pLists[i], pCut = pPrev->pNext; pCut;
+ pPrev = pCut, pCut = pCut->pNext );
+ // connect these lists
+ *ppListNew = pLists[i];
+ ppListNew = &pPrev->pNext;
+ }
+ *ppListNew = NULL;
+ // sort the cuts by arrival times and use only the first FPGA_CUTS_MAX_USE
+ pListNew = Fpga_CutSortCuts( p, pTable, pListNew );
+ return pListNew;
+ Synopsis [Merges two cuts.]
+ Description [Returns the number of nodes in the resulting cut, or 0 if the
+ cut is infeasible. Returns the resulting nodes in the array ppNodes[].]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CutMergeTwo( Fpga_Cut_t * pCut1, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut2, Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[], int nNodesMax )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNodeTemp;
+ int nTotal, i, k, min, Counter;
+ unsigned uSign;
+ // use quick prefiltering
+ uSign = pCut1->uSign | pCut2->uSign;
+ Counter = FPGA_COUNT_ONES(uSign);
+ if ( Counter > nNodesMax )
+ return 0;
+ // check the special case when at least of the cuts is the largest
+ if ( pCut1->nLeaves == nNodesMax )
+ {
+ if ( pCut2->nLeaves == nNodesMax )
+ {
+ // return 0 if the cuts are different
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodesMax; i++ )
+ if ( pCut1->ppLeaves[i] != pCut2->ppLeaves[i] )
+ return 0;
+ // return nNodesMax if they are the same
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodesMax; i++ )
+ ppNodes[i] = pCut1->ppLeaves[i];
+ return nNodesMax;
+ }
+ else if ( pCut2->nLeaves == nNodesMax - 1 )
+ {
+ // return 0 if the cuts are different
+ fMismatch = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodesMax; i++ )
+ if ( pCut1->ppLeaves[i] != pCut2->ppLeaves[i - fMismatch] )
+ {
+ if ( fMismatch == 1 )
+ return 0;
+ fMismatch = 1;
+ }
+ // return nNodesMax if they are the same
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodesMax; i++ )
+ ppNodes[i] = pCut1->ppLeaves[i];
+ return nNodesMax;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( pCut1->nLeaves == nNodesMax - 1 && pCut2->nLeaves == nNodesMax )
+ {
+ // return 0 if the cuts are different
+ fMismatch = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodesMax; i++ )
+ if ( pCut1->ppLeaves[i - fMismatch] != pCut2->ppLeaves[i] )
+ {
+ if ( fMismatch == 1 )
+ return 0;
+ fMismatch = 1;
+ }
+ // return nNodesMax if they are the same
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodesMax; i++ )
+ ppNodes[i] = pCut2->ppLeaves[i];
+ return nNodesMax;
+ }
+ // count the number of unique entries in pCut2
+ nTotal = pCut1->nLeaves;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut2->nLeaves; i++ )
+ {
+ // try to find this entry among the leaves of pCut1
+ for ( k = 0; k < pCut1->nLeaves; k++ )
+ if ( pCut2->ppLeaves[i] == pCut1->ppLeaves[k] )
+ break;
+ if ( k < pCut1->nLeaves ) // found
+ continue;
+ // we found a new entry to add
+ if ( nTotal == nNodesMax )
+ return 0;
+ ppNodes[nTotal++] = pCut2->ppLeaves[i];
+ }
+ // we know that the feasible cut exists
+ // add the starting entries
+ for ( k = 0; k < pCut1->nLeaves; k++ )
+ ppNodes[k] = pCut1->ppLeaves[k];
+ // selection-sort the entries
+ for ( i = 0; i < nTotal - 1; i++ )
+ {
+ min = i;
+ for ( k = i+1; k < nTotal; k++ )
+ if ( ppNodes[k] < ppNodes[min] )
+ min = k;
+ pNodeTemp = ppNodes[i];
+ ppNodes[i] = ppNodes[min];
+ ppNodes[min] = pNodeTemp;
+ }
+ return nTotal;
+ Synopsis [Computes the union of the two lists of cuts.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutUnionLists( Fpga_Cut_t * pList1, Fpga_Cut_t * pList2 )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pTemp, * pRoot;
+ // find the last cut in the first list
+ pRoot = pList1;
+ Fpga_ListForEachCut( pList1, pTemp )
+ pRoot = pTemp;
+ // attach the non-trival part of the second cut to the end of the first
+ assert( pRoot->pNext == NULL );
+ pRoot->pNext = pList2->pNext;
+ pList2->pNext = NULL;
+ return pList1;
+ Synopsis [Checks whether the given cut belongs to the list.]
+ Description [This procedure takes most of the runtime in the cut
+ computation.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CutBelongsToList( Fpga_Cut_t * pList, Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[], int nNodes )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pTemp;
+ int i;
+ for ( pTemp = pList; pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNext )
+ {
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
+ if ( pTemp->ppLeaves[i] != ppNodes[i] )
+ break;
+ if ( i == nNodes )
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Synopsis [Counts all the cuts.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CutCountAll( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut;
+ int i, nCuts;
+ // go through all the nodes in the unique table of the manager
+ nCuts = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nBins; i++ )
+ for ( pNode = pMan->pBins[i]; pNode; pNode = pNode->pNext )
+ for ( pCut = pNode->pCuts; pCut; pCut = pCut->pNext )
+ if ( pCut->nLeaves > 1 ) // skip the elementary cuts
+ nCuts++;
+ return nCuts;
+ Synopsis [Clean the signatures.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_CutsCleanSign( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut;
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nBins; i++ )
+ for ( pNode = pMan->pBins[i]; pNode; pNode = pNode->pNext )
+ for ( pCut = pNode->pCuts; pCut; pCut = pCut->pNext )
+ pCut->uSign = 0;
+ Synopsis [Prints the cuts in the list.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_CutListPrint( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pRoot )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pTemp;
+ int Counter;
+ for ( Counter = 0, pTemp = pRoot->pCuts; pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNext, Counter++ )
+ {
+ printf( "%2d : ", Counter + 1 );
+ Fpga_CutPrint_( pMan, pTemp, pRoot );
+ }
+ Synopsis [Prints the cuts in the list.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_CutListPrint2( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pRoot )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pTemp;
+ int Counter;
+ for ( Counter = 0, pTemp = pRoot->pCuts; pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNext, Counter++ )
+ {
+ printf( "%2d : ", Counter + 1 );
+ Fpga_CutPrint_( pMan, pTemp, pRoot );
+ }
+ Synopsis [Prints the cut.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_CutPrint_( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, Fpga_Node_t * pRoot )
+ int i;
+ printf( "(%3d) {", pRoot->Num );
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nVarsMax; i++ )
+ if ( pCut->ppLeaves[i] )
+ printf( " %3d", pCut->ppLeaves[i]->Num );
+ printf( " }\n" );
+ Synopsis [Starts the hash table to canonicize cuts.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_CutTable_t * Fpga_CutTableStart( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ Fpga_CutTable_t * p;
+ // allocate the table
+ p = ALLOC( Fpga_CutTable_t, 1 );
+ memset( p, 0, sizeof(Fpga_CutTable_t) );
+ p->nBins = Cudd_Prime( 10 * FPGA_CUTS_MAX_COMPUTE );
+ p->pBins = ALLOC( Fpga_Cut_t *, p->nBins );
+ memset( p->pBins, 0, sizeof(Fpga_Cut_t *) * p->nBins );
+ p->pCuts = ALLOC( int, 2 * FPGA_CUTS_MAX_COMPUTE );
+ p->pArray = ALLOC( Fpga_Cut_t *, 2 * FPGA_CUTS_MAX_COMPUTE );
+ p->pCuts1 = ALLOC( Fpga_Cut_t *, 2 * FPGA_CUTS_MAX_COMPUTE );
+ p->pCuts2 = ALLOC( Fpga_Cut_t *, 2 * FPGA_CUTS_MAX_COMPUTE );
+ return p;
+ Synopsis [Stops the hash table.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_CutTableStop( Fpga_CutTable_t * p )
+ free( p->pCuts1 );
+ free( p->pCuts2 );
+ free( p->pArray );
+ free( p->pBins );
+ free( p->pCuts );
+ free( p );
+ Synopsis [Computes the hash value of the cut.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+unsigned Fpga_CutTableHash( Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[], int nNodes )
+ unsigned uRes;
+ int i;
+ uRes = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
+ uRes += s_HashPrimes[i] * ppNodes[i]->Num;
+ return uRes;
+ Synopsis [Looks up the table for the available cut.]
+ Description [Returns -1 if the same cut is found. Returns the index
+ of the cell where the cut should be added, if it does not exist.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CutTableLookup( Fpga_CutTable_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[], int nNodes )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut;
+ unsigned Key;
+ int b, i;
+ Key = Fpga_CutTableHash(ppNodes, nNodes) % p->nBins;
+ for ( b = Key; p->pBins[b]; b = (b+1) % p->nBins )
+ {
+ pCut = p->pBins[b];
+ if ( pCut->nLeaves != nNodes )
+ continue;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
+ if ( pCut->ppLeaves[i] != ppNodes[i] )
+ break;
+ if ( i == nNodes )
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return b;
+ Synopsis [Starts the hash table to canonicize cuts.]
+ Description [Considers addition of the cut to the hash table.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutTableConsider( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_CutTable_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * ppNodes[], int nNodes )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut;
+ int Place, i;
+ // check the cut
+ Place = Fpga_CutTableLookup( p, ppNodes, nNodes );
+ if ( Place == -1 )
+ return NULL;
+ assert( nNodes > 0 );
+ // create the new cut
+ pCut = Fpga_CutAlloc( pMan );
+ pCut->nLeaves = nNodes;
+ pCut->fLevel = 0.0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
+ {
+ pCut->ppLeaves[i] = ppNodes[i];
+ pCut->fLevel += ppNodes[i]->Level;
+ }
+ pCut->fLevel /= nNodes;
+ // add the cut to the table
+ assert( p->pBins[Place] == NULL );
+ p->pBins[Place] = pCut;
+ // add the cut to the new list
+ p->pCuts[ p->nCuts++ ] = Place;
+ return pCut;
+ Synopsis [Prepares the table to be used with other cuts.]
+ Description [Restarts the table by cleaning the info about cuts stored
+ when the previous node was considered.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_CutTableRestart( Fpga_CutTable_t * p )
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nCuts; i++ )
+ {
+ assert( p->pBins[ p->pCuts[i] ] );
+ p->pBins[ p->pCuts[i] ] = NULL;
+ }
+ p->nCuts = 0;
+ Synopsis [Compares the cuts by the number of leaves and then by delay.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CutSortCutsCompare( Fpga_Cut_t ** pC1, Fpga_Cut_t ** pC2 )
+ if ( (*pC1)->nLeaves < (*pC2)->nLeaves )
+ return -1;
+ if ( (*pC1)->nLeaves > (*pC2)->nLeaves )
+ return 1;
+ if ( (*pC1)->fLevel > (*pC2)->fLevel )
+ return -1;
+ if ( (*pC1)->fLevel < (*pC2)->fLevel )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ Synopsis [Sorts the cuts by average arrival time.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutSortCuts( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_CutTable_t * p, Fpga_Cut_t * pList )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pListNew;
+ int nCuts, i;
+ // move the cuts from the list into the array
+ nCuts = Fpga_CutList2Array( p->pCuts1, pList );
+ assert( nCuts <= FPGA_CUTS_MAX_COMPUTE );
+ // sort the cuts
+ qsort( (void *)p->pCuts1, nCuts, sizeof(Fpga_Cut_t *),
+ (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Fpga_CutSortCutsCompare );
+ // move them back into the list
+ if ( nCuts > FPGA_CUTS_MAX_USE - 1 )
+ {
+// printf( "*" );
+ // free the remaining cuts
+ for ( i = FPGA_CUTS_MAX_USE - 1; i < nCuts; i++ )
+ Extra_MmFixedEntryRecycle( pMan->mmCuts, (char *)p->pCuts1[i] );
+ // update the number of cuts
+ nCuts = FPGA_CUTS_MAX_USE - 1;
+ }
+ pListNew = Fpga_CutArray2List( p->pCuts1, nCuts );
+ return pListNew;
+ Synopsis [Moves the nodes from the list into the array.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CutList2Array( Fpga_Cut_t ** pArray, Fpga_Cut_t * pList )
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; pList; pList = pList->pNext, i++ )
+ pArray[i] = pList;
+ return i;
+ Synopsis [Moves the nodes from the array into the list.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutArray2List( Fpga_Cut_t ** pArray, int nCuts )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pListNew, ** ppListNew;
+ int i;
+ pListNew = NULL;
+ ppListNew = &pListNew;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nCuts; i++ )
+ {
+ // connect these lists
+ *ppListNew = pArray[i];
+ ppListNew = &pArray[i]->pNext;
+//printf( " %d(%.2f)", pArray[i]->nLeaves, pArray[i]->fLevel );
+ }
+//printf( "\n" );
+ *ppListNew = NULL;
+ return pListNew;
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaCutUtils.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaCutUtils.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abe703a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaCutUtils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+ FileName [fpgaCutUtils.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Generic technology mapping engine.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaCutUtils.h,v 1.0 2003/09/08 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+ Synopsis [Allocates the cut.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutAlloc( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut;
+ pCut = (Fpga_Cut_t *)Extra_MmFixedEntryFetch( p->mmCuts );
+ memset( pCut, 0, sizeof(Fpga_Cut_t) );
+ return pCut;
+ Synopsis [Duplicates the cut.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutDup( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Cut_t * pCutOld )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCutNew;
+ int i;
+ pCutNew = Fpga_CutAlloc( p );
+ pCutNew->pRoot = pCutOld->pRoot;
+ pCutNew->nLeaves = pCutOld->nLeaves;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCutOld->nLeaves; i++ )
+ pCutNew->ppLeaves[i] = pCutOld->ppLeaves[i];
+ return pCutNew;
+ Synopsis [Deallocates the cut.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_CutFree( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ if ( pCut )
+ Extra_MmFixedEntryRecycle( p->mmCuts, (char *)pCut );
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_CutPrint( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pRoot, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ int i;
+ printf( "CUT: Delay = %4.2f. Area = %4.2f. Nodes = %d -> {",
+ pCut->tArrival, pCut->aFlow, pRoot->Num );
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ printf( " %d", pCut->ppLeaves[i]->Num );
+ printf( " } \n" );
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutCreateSimple( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut;
+ pCut = Fpga_CutAlloc( p );
+ pCut->pRoot = pNode;
+ pCut->nLeaves = 1;
+ pCut->ppLeaves[0] = pNode;
+ pCut->uSign = FPGA_SEQ_SIGN(pCut->ppLeaves[0]);
+ return pCut;
+ synopsis [Computes the exact area associated with the cut.]
+ description []
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+float Fpga_CutGetRootArea( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ return p->pLutLib->pLutAreas[pCut->nLeaves];
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutListAppend( Fpga_Cut_t * pSetAll, Fpga_Cut_t * pSets )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pPrev, * pTemp;
+ if ( pSetAll == NULL )
+ return pSets;
+ if ( pSets == NULL )
+ return pSetAll;
+ // find the last one
+ for ( pTemp = pSets; pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNext )
+ pPrev = pTemp;
+ // append all the end of the current set
+ assert( pPrev->pNext == NULL );
+ pPrev->pNext = pSetAll;
+ return pSets;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_CutListRecycle( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Cut_t * pSetList, Fpga_Cut_t * pSave )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pNext, * pTemp;
+ for ( pTemp = pSetList, pNext = pTemp? pTemp->pNext : NULL;
+ pTemp;
+ pTemp = pNext, pNext = pNext? pNext->pNext : NULL )
+ if ( pTemp != pSave )
+ Extra_MmFixedEntryRecycle( p->mmCuts, (char *)pTemp );
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CutListCount( Fpga_Cut_t * pSets )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pTemp;
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0, pTemp = pSets; pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNext, i++ );
+ return i;
+#if 0
+ synopsis [Removes the fanouts of the cut.]
+ description []
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+void Fpga_CutRemoveFanouts( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vFanouts;
+ int i, k;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ {
+ vFanouts = pCut->ppLeaves[i]->vFanouts;
+ for ( k = 0; k < vFanouts->nSize; k++ )
+ if ( vFanouts->pArray[k] == pNode )
+ break;
+ assert( k != vFanouts->nSize );
+ for ( k++; k < vFanouts->nSize; k++ )
+ vFanouts->pArray[k-1] = vFanouts->pArray[k];
+ vFanouts->nSize--;
+ }
+ synopsis [Removes the fanouts of the cut.]
+ description []
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+void Fpga_CutInsertFanouts( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( pCut->ppLeaves[i]->vFanouts, pNode );
+ Synopsis [Computes the arrival time and the area flow of the cut.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_CutGetParameters( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pFaninCut;
+ int i;
+ pCut->tArrival = -FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE;
+ pCut->aFlow = pMan->pLutLib->pLutAreas[pCut->nLeaves];
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ {
+ pFaninCut = pCut->ppLeaves[i]->pCutBest;
+ if ( pCut->tArrival < pFaninCut->tArrival )
+ pCut->tArrival = pFaninCut->tArrival;
+ // if the fanout count is not set, assume it to be 1
+ if ( pCut->ppLeaves[i]->nRefs == 0 )
+ pCut->aFlow += pFaninCut->aFlow;
+ else
+// pCut->aFlow += pFaninCut->aFlow / pCut->ppLeaves[i]->nRefs;
+ pCut->aFlow += pFaninCut->aFlow / pCut->ppLeaves[i]->aEstFanouts;
+ }
+ pCut->tArrival += pMan->pLutLib->pLutDelays[pCut->nLeaves];
+ synopsis [Computes the area flow of the cut.]
+ description []
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+float Fpga_CutGetAreaFlow( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCutFanin;
+ int i;
+ pCut->aFlow = pMan->pLutLib->pLutAreas[pCut->nLeaves];
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ {
+ // get the cut implementing this phase of the fanin
+ pCutFanin = pCut->ppLeaves[i]->pCutBest;
+ assert( pCutFanin );
+ pCut->aFlow += pCutFanin->aFlow / pCut->ppLeaves[i]->nRefs;
+ }
+ return pCut->aFlow;
+ synopsis [Computes the exact area associated with the cut.]
+ description []
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+float Fpga_CutGetAreaRefed( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ float aResult, aResult2;
+ if ( pCut->nLeaves == 1 )
+ return 0;
+ aResult = Fpga_CutDeref( pMan, NULL, pCut, 0 );
+ aResult2 = Fpga_CutRef( pMan, NULL, pCut, 0 );
+ assert( aResult == aResult2 );
+ return aResult;
+ synopsis [Computes the exact area associated with the cut.]
+ description []
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+float Fpga_CutGetAreaDerefed( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ float aResult, aResult2;
+ if ( pCut->nLeaves == 1 )
+ return 0;
+ aResult2 = Fpga_CutRef( pMan, NULL, pCut, 0 );
+ aResult = Fpga_CutDeref( pMan, NULL, pCut, 0 );
+ assert( aResult == aResult2 );
+ return aResult;
+ synopsis [References the cut.]
+ description [This procedure is similar to the procedure NodeReclaim.]
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+float Fpga_CutRef( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, int fFanouts )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNodeChild;
+ float aArea;
+ int i;
+ // deref the fanouts
+// if ( fFanouts )
+// Fpga_CutInsertFanouts( pMan, pNode, pCut );
+ // start the area of this cut
+ aArea = pMan->pLutLib->pLutAreas[pCut->nLeaves];
+ // go through the children
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ {
+ pNodeChild = pCut->ppLeaves[i];
+ assert( pNodeChild->nRefs >= 0 );
+ if ( pNodeChild->nRefs++ > 0 )
+ continue;
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNodeChild) )
+ continue;
+ aArea += Fpga_CutRef( pMan, pNodeChild, pNodeChild->pCutBest, fFanouts );
+ }
+ return aArea;
+ synopsis [Dereferences the cut.]
+ description [This procedure is similar to the procedure NodeRecusiveDeref.]
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+float Fpga_CutDeref( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, int fFanouts )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNodeChild;
+ float aArea;
+ int i;
+ // deref the fanouts
+// if ( fFanouts )
+// Fpga_CutRemoveFanouts( pMan, pNode, pCut );
+ // start the area of this cut
+ aArea = pMan->pLutLib->pLutAreas[pCut->nLeaves];
+ // go through the children
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ {
+ pNodeChild = pCut->ppLeaves[i];
+ assert( pNodeChild->nRefs > 0 );
+ if ( --pNodeChild->nRefs > 0 )
+ continue;
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNodeChild) )
+ continue;
+ aArea += Fpga_CutDeref( pMan, pNodeChild, pNodeChild->pCutBest, fFanouts );
+ }
+ return aArea;
+ synopsis [Computes the exact area associated with the cut.]
+ description []
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+float Fpga_CutGetSwitchDerefed( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ float aResult, aResult2;
+ if ( pCut->nLeaves == 1 )
+ return 0;
+ aResult2 = Fpga_CutRefSwitch( pMan, pNode, pCut, 0 );
+ aResult = Fpga_CutDerefSwitch( pMan, pNode, pCut, 0 );
+// assert( aResult == aResult2 );
+ return aResult;
+ synopsis [References the cut.]
+ description [This procedure is similar to the procedure NodeReclaim.]
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+float Fpga_CutRefSwitch( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, int fFanouts )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNodeChild;
+ float aArea;
+ int i;
+ // deref the fanouts
+// if ( fFanouts )
+// Fpga_CutInsertFanouts( pMan, pNode, pCut );
+ // start the area of this cut
+ aArea = pNode->SwitchProb;
+ // go through the children
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ {
+ pNodeChild = pCut->ppLeaves[i];
+ assert( pNodeChild->nRefs >= 0 );
+ if ( pNodeChild->nRefs++ > 0 )
+ continue;
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNodeChild) )
+ {
+ aArea += pNodeChild->SwitchProb;
+ continue;
+ }
+ aArea += Fpga_CutRefSwitch( pMan, pNodeChild, pNodeChild->pCutBest, fFanouts );
+ }
+ return aArea;
+ synopsis [Dereferences the cut.]
+ description [This procedure is similar to the procedure NodeRecusiveDeref.]
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+float Fpga_CutDerefSwitch( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, int fFanouts )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNodeChild;
+ float aArea;
+ int i;
+ // deref the fanouts
+// if ( fFanouts )
+// Fpga_CutRemoveFanouts( pMan, pNode, pCut );
+ // start the area of this cut
+ aArea = pNode->SwitchProb;
+ // go through the children
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ {
+ pNodeChild = pCut->ppLeaves[i];
+ assert( pNodeChild->nRefs > 0 );
+ if ( --pNodeChild->nRefs > 0 )
+ continue;
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNodeChild) )
+ {
+ aArea += pNodeChild->SwitchProb;
+ continue;
+ }
+ aArea += Fpga_CutDerefSwitch( pMan, pNodeChild, pNodeChild->pCutBest, fFanouts );
+ }
+ return aArea;
+ Synopsis [Sets the used cuts to be the currently selected ones.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingSetUsedCuts( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->vNodesAll->nSize; i++ )
+ if ( pMan->vNodesAll->pArray[i]->pCutOld )
+ {
+ pMan->vNodesAll->pArray[i]->pCutBest = pMan->vNodesAll->pArray[i]->pCutOld;
+ pMan->vNodesAll->pArray[i]->pCutOld = NULL;
+ }
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaFanout.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaFanout.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50809f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaFanout.c
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ FileName [fpgaFanout.c]
+ PackageName [FRAIG: Functionally reduced AND-INV graphs.]
+ Synopsis [Procedures to manipulate fanouts of the FRAIG nodes.]
+ Author [Alan Mishchenko <>]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaFanout.c,v 1.1 2005/01/23 06:59:41 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+ Synopsis [Add the fanout to the node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeAddFaninFanout( Fpga_Node_t * pFanin, Fpga_Node_t * pFanout )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pPivot;
+ // pFanins is a fanin of pFanout
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pFanin) );
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pFanout) );
+ assert( Fpga_Regular(pFanout->p1) == pFanin || Fpga_Regular(pFanout->p2) == pFanin );
+ pPivot = pFanin->pFanPivot;
+ if ( pPivot == NULL )
+ {
+ pFanin->pFanPivot = pFanout;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(pPivot->p1) == pFanin )
+ {
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(pFanout->p1) == pFanin )
+ {
+ pFanout->pFanFanin1 = pPivot->pFanFanin1;
+ pPivot->pFanFanin1 = pFanout;
+ }
+ else // if ( Fpga_Regular(pFanout->p2) == pFanin )
+ {
+ pFanout->pFanFanin2 = pPivot->pFanFanin1;
+ pPivot->pFanFanin1 = pFanout;
+ }
+ }
+ else // if ( Fpga_Regular(pPivot->p2) == pFanin )
+ {
+ assert( Fpga_Regular(pPivot->p2) == pFanin );
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(pFanout->p1) == pFanin )
+ {
+ pFanout->pFanFanin1 = pPivot->pFanFanin2;
+ pPivot->pFanFanin2 = pFanout;
+ }
+ else // if ( Fpga_Regular(pFanout->p2) == pFanin )
+ {
+ pFanout->pFanFanin2 = pPivot->pFanFanin2;
+ pPivot->pFanFanin2 = pFanout;
+ }
+ }
+ Synopsis [Add the fanout to the node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeRemoveFaninFanout( Fpga_Node_t * pFanin, Fpga_Node_t * pFanoutToRemove )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pFanout, * pFanout2, ** ppFanList;
+ // start the linked list of fanouts
+ ppFanList = &pFanin->pFanPivot;
+ // go through the fanouts
+ Fpga_NodeForEachFanoutSafe( pFanin, pFanout, pFanout2 )
+ {
+ // skip the fanout-to-remove
+ if ( pFanout == pFanoutToRemove )
+ continue;
+ // add useful fanouts to the list
+ *ppFanList = pFanout;
+ ppFanList = Fpga_NodeReadNextFanoutPlace( pFanin, pFanout );
+ }
+ *ppFanList = NULL;
+ Synopsis [Returns the number of fanouts of a node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_NodeGetFanoutNum( Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pFanout;
+ int Counter = 0;
+ Fpga_NodeForEachFanout( pNode, pFanout )
+ Counter++;
+ return Counter;
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaGENERIC.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaGENERIC.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f272c1b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaGENERIC.c
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ FileName [fpga__.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Generic technology mapping engine.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - September 8, 2003.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpga__.h,v 1.0 2003/09/08 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaInt.h b/src/map/fpga/fpgaInt.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0fea9ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaInt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ FileName [fpgaInt.h]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 2.0: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Technology mapping for variable-size-LUT FPGAs.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaInt.h,v 1.8 2004/09/30 21:18:10 satrajit Exp $]
+#ifndef __FPGA_INT_H__
+#define __FPGA_INT_H__
+/// INCLUDES ///
+//#include "leaks.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "extra.h"
+#include "fraig.h"
+#include "fpga.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define inline __inline // compatible with MS VS 6.0
+// the maximum number of cut leaves (currently does not work for 7)
+#define FPGA_MAX_LEAVES 6
+// the bit masks
+#define FPGA_MASK(n) ((~((unsigned)0)) >> (32-(n)))
+#define FPGA_FULL (~((unsigned)0))
+#define FPGA_NO_VAR (-9999.0)
+#define FPGA_NUM_BYTES(n) (((n)/16 + (((n)%16) > 0))*16)
+// maximum/minimum operators
+#define FPGA_MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b))? (a) : (b))
+#define FPGA_MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b))? (a) : (b))
+// the small and large numbers (min/max float are 1.17e-38/3.40e+38)
+#define FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE ((float)1.0e+20)
+#define FPGA_FLOAT_SMALL ((float)1.0e-20)
+#define FPGA_INT_LARGE (10000000)
+// the macro to compute the signature
+#define FPGA_SEQ_SIGN(p) (1 << (((unsigned)p)%31));
+// internal macros to work with cuts
+#define Fpga_CutIsComplement(p) (((int)((long) (p) & 01)))
+#define Fpga_CutRegular(p) ((Fpga_Cut_t *)((unsigned)(p) & ~01))
+#define Fpga_CutNot(p) ((Fpga_Cut_t *)((long)(p) ^ 01))
+#define Fpga_CutNotCond(p,c) ((Fpga_Cut_t *)((long)(p) ^ (c)))
+// the cut nodes
+#define Fpga_SeqIsComplement( p ) (((int)((long) (p) & 01)))
+#define Fpga_SeqRegular( p ) ((Fpga_Node_t *)((unsigned)(p) & ~015))
+#define Fpga_SeqIndex( p ) ((((unsigned)(p)) >> 1) & 07)
+#define Fpga_SeqIndexCreate( p, Ind ) (((unsigned)(p)) | (1 << (((unsigned)(Ind)) & 07)))
+// internal macros for referencing of nodes
+#define Fpga_NodeReadRef(p) ((Fpga_Regular(p))->nRefs)
+#define Fpga_NodeRef(p) ((Fpga_Regular(p))->nRefs++)
+// returns the complemented attribute of the node
+#define Fpga_NodeIsSimComplement(p) (Fpga_IsComplement(p)? !(Fpga_Regular(p)->fInv) : (p)->fInv)
+// generating random unsigned (#define RAND_MAX 0x7fff)
+#define FPGA_RANDOM_UNSIGNED ((((unsigned)rand()) << 24) ^ (((unsigned)rand()) << 12) ^ ((unsigned)rand()))
+// outputs the runtime in seconds
+#define PRT(a,t) printf("%s = ", (a)); printf("%6.2f sec\n", (float)(t)/(float)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC))
+// the mapping manager
+struct Fpga_ManStruct_t_
+ // the mapping graph
+ Fpga_Node_t ** pBins; // the table of nodes hashed by their children
+ int nBins; // the size of the table
+ Fpga_Node_t ** pInputs; // the array of inputs
+ int nInputs; // the number of inputs
+ Fpga_Node_t ** pOutputs; // the array of outputs
+ int nOutputs; // the number of outputs
+ int nNodes; // the total number of nodes
+ Fpga_Node_t * pConst1; // the constant 1 node
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vAnds; // the array of pointer to nodes by number
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodesAll; // the array of pointer to nodes by number
+ int nLatches; // the number of latches in the circuit
+ // info about the original circuit
+ char * pFileName; // the file name
+ char ** ppOutputNames; // the primary output names
+ float * pInputArrivals;// the PI arrival times
+ // mapping parameters
+ int nVarsMax; // the max number of variables
+ int fTree; // the flag to enable tree mapping
+ int fPower; // the flag to enable power optimization
+ int fAreaRecovery; // the flag to use area flow as the first parameter
+ int fVerbose; // the verbosiness flag
+ int fRefCount; // enables reference counting
+ int fSequential; // use sequential mapping
+ int nTravIds;
+ // support of choice nodes
+ int nChoiceNodes; // the number of choice nodes
+ int nChoices; // the number of all choices
+ int nCanons;
+ int nMatches;
+ // the supergate library
+ Fpga_LutLib_t * pLutLib; // the current LUT library
+ unsigned uTruths[6][2]; // the elementary truth tables
+ // the memory managers
+ Extra_MmFixed_t * mmNodes; // the memory manager for nodes
+ Extra_MmFixed_t * mmCuts; // the memory manager for cuts
+ // simulation info from the FRAIG manager
+ int nSimRounds; // the number of words in the simulation info
+ unsigned ** pSimInfo; // the simulation info for each PI
+ // resynthesis parameters
+ int fResynthesis; // the resynthesis flag
+ float fRequiredGlo; // the global required times
+ float fRequiredShift;// the shift of the required times
+ float fRequiredStart;// the starting global required times
+ float fRequiredGain; // the reduction in delay
+ float fAreaGlo; // the total area
+ float fAreaGain; // the reduction in area
+ float fEpsilon; // the epsilon used to compare floats
+ float fDelayWindow; // the delay window for delay-oriented resynthesis
+ float DelayLimit; // for resynthesis
+ float AreaLimit; // for resynthesis
+ float TimeLimit; // for resynthesis
+ // runtime statistics
+ int timeToMap; // time to transfer to the mapping structure
+ int timeCuts; // time to compute k-feasible cuts
+ int timeTruth; // time to compute the truth table for each cut
+ int timeMatch; // time to perform matching for each node
+ int timeRecover; // time to perform area recovery
+ int timeToNet; // time to transfer back to the network
+ int timeTotal; // the total mapping time
+ int time1; // time to transfer to the mapping structure
+ int time2; // time to transfer to the mapping structure
+// the LUT library
+struct Fpga_LutLibStruct_t_
+ char * pName; // the name of the LUT library
+ int LutMax; // the maximum LUT size
+ float pLutAreas[FPGA_MAX_LUTSIZE+1]; // the areas of LUTs
+ float pLutDelays[FPGA_MAX_LUTSIZE+1];// the delays of LUTs
+// the mapping node
+struct Fpga_NodeStruct_t_
+ // general information about the node
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNext; // the next node in the hash table
+ Fpga_Node_t * pLevel; // the next node in the linked list by level
+ int Num; // the unique number of this node
+ int NumA; // the unique number of this node
+ short Num2; // the temporary number of this node
+ short nRefs; // the number of references (fanouts) of the given node
+ unsigned fMark0 : 1; // the mark used for traversals
+ unsigned fMark1 : 1; // the mark used for traversals
+ unsigned fInv : 1; // the complemented attribute for the equivalent nodes
+ unsigned Value : 2; // the value of the nodes
+ unsigned fUsed : 1; // the flag indicating that the node is used in the mapping
+ unsigned fTemp : 1; // unused
+ unsigned Level :11; // the level of the given node
+ unsigned uData :14; // used to mark the fanins, for which resynthesis was tried
+ int TravId;
+ // the successors of this node
+ Fpga_Node_t * p1; // the first child
+ Fpga_Node_t * p2; // the second child
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNextE; // the next functionally equivalent node
+ Fpga_Node_t * pRepr; // the representative of the functionally equivalent class
+// Fpga_NodeVec_t * vFanouts; // the array of fanouts of the node
+ // representation of node's fanouts
+ Fpga_Node_t * pFanPivot; // the first fanout of this node
+ Fpga_Node_t * pFanFanin1; // the next fanout of p1
+ Fpga_Node_t * pFanFanin2; // the next fanout of p2
+ // the delay information
+ float tRequired; // the best area flow
+ float aEstFanouts; // the fanout estimation
+ float SwitchProb; // the probability of switching
+ int LValue; // the l-value of the node
+ short nLatches1; // the number of latches on the first edge
+ short nLatches2; // the number of latches on the second edge
+ // cut information
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCutBest; // the best mapping
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCutOld; // the old mapping
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCuts; // mapping choices for the node (elementary comes first)
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCutsN; // mapping choices for the node (elementary comes first)
+ // misc information
+ char * pData0; // temporary storage for the corresponding network node
+// the cuts used for matching
+struct Fpga_CutStruct_t_
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pOne; // the father of this cut
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pTwo; // the mother of this cut
+ Fpga_Node_t * pRoot; // the root of the cut
+ Fpga_Node_t * ppLeaves[FPGA_MAX_LEAVES+1]; // the leaves of this cut
+ float fLevel; // the average level of the fanins
+ unsigned uSign; // signature for quick comparison
+ char fMark; // the mark to denote visited cut
+ char Phase; // the mark to denote complemented cut
+ char nLeaves; // the number of leaves of this cut
+ char nVolume; // the volume of this cut
+ float tArrival; // the arrival time
+ float aFlow; // the area flow of the cut
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pNext; // the pointer to the next cut in the list
+// the vector of nodes
+struct Fpga_NodeVecStruct_t_
+ Fpga_Node_t ** pArray; // the array of nodes
+ int nSize; // the number of entries in the array
+ int nCap; // the number of allocated entries
+// getting hold of the next fanout of the node
+#define Fpga_NodeReadNextFanout( pNode, pFanout ) \
+ ( ( pFanout == NULL )? NULL : \
+ ((Fpga_Regular((pFanout)->p1) == (pNode))? \
+ (pFanout)->pFanFanin1 : (pFanout)->pFanFanin2) )
+// getting hold of the place where the next fanout will be attached
+#define Fpga_NodeReadNextFanoutPlace( pNode, pFanout ) \
+ ( (Fpga_Regular((pFanout)->p1) == (pNode))? \
+ &(pFanout)->pFanFanin1 : &(pFanout)->pFanFanin2 )
+// iterator through the fanouts of the node
+#define Fpga_NodeForEachFanout( pNode, pFanout ) \
+ for ( pFanout = (pNode)->pFanPivot; pFanout; \
+ pFanout = Fpga_NodeReadNextFanout(pNode, pFanout) )
+// safe iterator through the fanouts of the node
+#define Fpga_NodeForEachFanoutSafe( pNode, pFanout, pFanout2 ) \
+ for ( pFanout = (pNode)->pFanPivot, \
+ pFanout2 = Fpga_NodeReadNextFanout(pNode, pFanout); \
+ pFanout; \
+ pFanout = pFanout2, \
+ pFanout2 = Fpga_NodeReadNextFanout(pNode, pFanout) )
+/*=== fpgaCut.c ===============================================================*/
+extern void Fpga_MappingCuts( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_MappingCreatePiCuts( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_CutCountAll( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+/*=== fpgaCutUtils.c ===============================================================*/
+extern Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutAlloc( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutDup( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Cut_t * pCutOld );
+extern void Fpga_CutFree( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+extern void Fpga_CutPrint( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pRoot, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+extern Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutCreateSimple( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+extern float Fpga_CutGetRootArea( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+extern Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_CutListAppend( Fpga_Cut_t * pSetAll, Fpga_Cut_t * pSets );
+extern void Fpga_CutListRecycle( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Cut_t * pSetList, Fpga_Cut_t * pSave );
+extern int Fpga_CutListCount( Fpga_Cut_t * pSets );
+extern void Fpga_CutRemoveFanouts( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+extern void Fpga_CutInsertFanouts( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+extern float Fpga_CutGetAreaRefed( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+extern float Fpga_CutGetAreaDerefed( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+extern float Fpga_CutRef( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, int fFanouts );
+extern float Fpga_CutDeref( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, int fFanouts );
+extern float Fpga_CutGetSwitchDerefed( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+extern float Fpga_CutRefSwitch( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, int fFanouts );
+extern float Fpga_CutDerefSwitch( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, int fFanouts );
+extern float Fpga_CutGetAreaFlow( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+extern void Fpga_CutGetParameters( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+/*=== fraigFanout.c =============================================================*/
+extern void Fpga_NodeAddFaninFanout( Fpga_Node_t * pFanin, Fpga_Node_t * pFanout );
+extern void Fpga_NodeRemoveFaninFanout( Fpga_Node_t * pFanin, Fpga_Node_t * pFanoutToRemove );
+extern int Fpga_NodeGetFanoutNum( Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+/*=== fpgaLib.c ============================================================*/
+extern Fpga_LutLib_t * Fpga_LutLibCreate( char * FileName, int fVerbose );
+extern void Fpga_LutLibFree( Fpga_LutLib_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_LutLibPrint( Fpga_LutLib_t * pLutLib );
+extern int Fpga_LutLibDelaysAreDiscrete( Fpga_LutLib_t * pLutLib );
+/*=== fpgaMatch.c ===============================================================*/
+extern int Fpga_MappingMatches( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fDelayOriented );
+extern int Fpga_MappingMatchesArea( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_MappingMatchesSwitch( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+/*=== fpgaShow.c =============================================================*/
+extern void Fpga_MappingShow( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, char * pFileName );
+extern void Fpga_MappingShowNodes( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t ** ppRoots, int nRoots, char * pFileName );
+/*=== fpgaTime.c ===============================================================*/
+extern float Fpga_TimeCutComputeArrival( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+extern float Fpga_TimeCutComputeArrival_rec( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut );
+extern float Fpga_TimeComputeArrivalMax( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_TimeComputeRequired( Fpga_Man_t * p, float fRequired );
+extern void Fpga_TimePropagateRequired( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes );
+/*=== fpgaTruth.c ===============================================================*/
+extern void Fpga_MappingTruths( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+/*=== fpgaVec.c =============================================================*/
+extern Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( int nCap );
+extern void Fpga_NodeVecFree( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p );
+extern Fpga_Node_t ** Fpga_NodeVecReadArray( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p );
+extern int Fpga_NodeVecReadSize( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_NodeVecGrow( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, int nCapMin );
+extern void Fpga_NodeVecShrink( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, int nSizeNew );
+extern void Fpga_NodeVecClear( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_NodeVecPush( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * Entry );
+extern int Fpga_NodeVecPushUnique( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * Entry );
+extern Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeVecPop( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_NodeVecWriteEntry( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, int i, Fpga_Node_t * Entry );
+extern Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeVecReadEntry( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, int i );
+extern void Fpga_NodeVecSortByLevel( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_SortNodesByArrivalTimes( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_NodeVecUnion( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, Fpga_NodeVec_t * p1, Fpga_NodeVec_t * p2 );
+extern void Fpga_NodeVecPushOrder( Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, int fIncreasing );
+extern void Fpga_NodeVecReverse( Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes );
+/*=== fpgaUtils.c ===============================================================*/
+extern Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_MappingDfs( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, int fCollectEquiv );
+extern Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_MappingDfsNodes( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t ** ppNodes, int nNodes, int fEquiv );
+extern Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_MappingDfsCutsNode( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+//extern Sat_IntVec_t * Fpga_MappingDfsNodesSat( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t ** ppNodes, int nNodes );
+extern Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_MappingDfsCuts( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern int Fpga_CountLevels( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern int Fpga_CountLevelsNodes( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t ** ppRoots, int nRoots );
+extern void Fpga_MappingMarkUsed( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern float Fpga_MappingGetAreaFlow( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern float Fpga_MappingArea( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern float Fpga_MappingComputeCutAreas( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern float Fpga_MappingSetRefsAndArea( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern int Fpga_MappingCountLevels( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern void Fpga_MappingUnmark( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern void Fpga_MappingUnmark_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+extern void Fpga_MappingMark_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+extern void Fpga_MappedMark_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+extern void Fpga_MappedUnmark_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+extern void Fpga_MappingPrintOutputArrivals( Fpga_Man_t * p );
+extern void Fpga_MappingSetupTruthTables( unsigned uTruths[][2] );
+extern void Fpga_MappingSetupMask( unsigned uMask[], int nVarsMax );
+extern void Fpga_MappingSortByLevel( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes, int fIncreasing );
+extern Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_DfsLim( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, int nLevels );
+extern Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_MappingLevelize( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes );
+extern float Fpga_MappingPrintSwitching( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern int Fpga_GetMaxLevel( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern void Fpga_ManReportChoices( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+extern void Fpga_MappingSetChoiceLevels( Fpga_Man_t * pMan );
+/*=== CUDD package.c ===============================================================*/
+extern unsigned int Cudd_Prime( unsigned int p );
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaLib.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaLib.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fd8e281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaLib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ FileName [fpgaLib.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Technology mapping for variable-size-LUT FPGAs.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaLib.c,v 1.4 2005/01/23 06:59:41 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+ Synopsis [Reads the description of LUTs from the LUT library file.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_LutLib_t * Fpga_LutLibCreate( char * FileName, int fVerbose )
+ char pBuffer[1000], * pToken;
+ Fpga_LutLib_t * p;
+ FILE * pFile;
+ int i;
+ pFile = fopen( FileName, "r" );
+ if ( pFile == NULL )
+ {
+ printf( "Cannot open LUT library file \"%s\".\n", FileName );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ p = ALLOC( Fpga_LutLib_t, 1 );
+ memset( p, 0, sizeof(Fpga_LutLib_t) );
+ p->pName = util_strsav( FileName );
+ i = 1;
+ while ( fgets( pBuffer, 1000, pFile ) != NULL )
+ {
+ pToken = strtok( pBuffer, " \t\n" );
+ if ( pToken == NULL )
+ continue;
+ if ( pToken[0] == '#' )
+ continue;
+ if ( i != atoi(pToken) )
+ {
+ printf( "Error in the LUT library file \"%s\".\n", FileName );
+ free( p );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pToken = strtok( NULL, " \t\n" );
+ p->pLutAreas[i] = (float)atof(pToken);
+ pToken = strtok( NULL, " \t\n" );
+ p->pLutDelays[i] = (float)atof(pToken);
+ if ( i == FPGA_MAX_LUTSIZE )
+ {
+ printf( "Skipping LUTs of size more than %d.\n", i );
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ p->LutMax = i-1;
+ if ( p->LutMax > FPGA_MAX_LEAVES )
+ {
+ p->LutMax = FPGA_MAX_LEAVES;
+ printf( "Warning: LUTs with more than %d input will not be used.\n", FPGA_MAX_LEAVES );
+ }
+ return p;
+ Synopsis [Duplicates the LUT library.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_LutLib_t * Fpga_LutLibDup( Fpga_LutLib_t * p )
+ Fpga_LutLib_t * pNew;
+ pNew = ALLOC( Fpga_LutLib_t, 1 );
+ *pNew = *p;
+ pNew->pName = util_strsav( pNew->pName );
+ return pNew;
+ Synopsis [Frees the LUT library.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_LutLibFree( Fpga_LutLib_t * pLutLib )
+ if ( pLutLib == NULL )
+ return;
+ FREE( pLutLib->pName );
+ FREE( pLutLib );
+ Synopsis [Prints the LUT library.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_LutLibPrint( Fpga_LutLib_t * pLutLib )
+ int i;
+ printf( "# The area/delay of k-variable LUTs:\n" );
+ printf( "# k area delay\n" );
+ for ( i = 1; i <= pLutLib->LutMax; i++ )
+ printf( "%d %7.2f %7.2f\n", i, pLutLib->pLutAreas[i], pLutLib->pLutDelays[i] );
+ Synopsis [Returns 1 if the delays are discrete.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_LutLibDelaysAreDiscrete( Fpga_LutLib_t * pLutLib )
+ float Delay;
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 1; i <= pLutLib->LutMax; i++ )
+ {
+ Delay = pLutLib->pLutDelays[i];
+ if ( ((float)((int)Delay)) != Delay )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaMatch.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaMatch.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8668ce4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaMatch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+ FileName [fpgaMatch.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Technology mapping for variable-size-LUT FPGAs.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaMatch.c,v 1.7 2004/09/30 21:18:10 satrajit Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+static int Fpga_MatchNode( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, int fDelayOriented );
+static int Fpga_MatchNodeArea( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+static int Fpga_MatchNodeSwitch( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+static Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_MappingAreaWithoutNode( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pFanout, Fpga_Node_t * pNodeNo );
+static int Fpga_MappingMatchesAreaArray( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes );
+ Synopsis [Finds the best delay assignment of LUTs.]
+ Description [This procedure iterates through all the nodes
+ of the object graph reachable from the POs and assigns the best
+ match to each of them. If the flag fDelayOriented is set to 1, it
+ tries to minimize the arrival time and uses the area flow as a
+ tie-breaker. If the flag is set to 0, it considers all the cuts,
+ whose arrival times matches the required time at the node, and
+ minimizes the area flow using the arrival time as a tie-breaker.
+ Before this procedure is called, the required times should be set
+ and the fanout counts should be computed. In the first iteration,
+ the required times are set to very large number (by NodeCreate)
+ and the fanout counts are set to the number of fanouts in the AIG.
+ In the following iterations, the required times are set by the
+ backward traversal, while the fanouts are estimated approximately.
+ If the arrival times of the PI nodes are given, they should be
+ assigned to the PIs after the cuts are computed and before this
+ procedure is called for the first time.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MappingMatches( Fpga_Man_t * p, int fDelayOriented )
+ ProgressBar * pProgress;
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ int i, nNodes;
+ // assign the arrival times of the PIs
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nInputs; i++ )
+ p->pInputs[i]->pCutBest->tArrival = p->pInputArrivals[i];
+ // match LUTs with nodes in the topological order
+ nNodes = p->vAnds->nSize;
+ pProgress = Extra_ProgressBarStart( stdout, nNodes );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = p->vAnds->pArray[i];
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) )
+ continue;
+ // skip a secondary node
+ if ( pNode->pRepr )
+ continue;
+ // match the node
+ Fpga_MatchNode( p, pNode, fDelayOriented );
+ Extra_ProgressBarUpdate( pProgress, i, "Matches ..." );
+ }
+ Extra_ProgressBarStop( pProgress );
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis [Computes the best matching for one node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MatchNode( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, int fDelayOriented )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, * pCutBestOld;
+ int clk;
+ // make sure that at least one cut other than the trivial is present
+ if ( pNode->pCuts->pNext == NULL )
+ {
+ printf( "\nError: A node in the mapping graph does not have feasible cuts.\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // estimate the fanouts of the node
+ if ( pNode->aEstFanouts < 0 )
+ pNode->aEstFanouts = (float)pNode->nRefs;
+ else
+ pNode->aEstFanouts = (float)((2.0 * pNode->aEstFanouts + pNode->nRefs) / 3.0);
+// pNode->aEstFanouts = (float)pNode->nRefs;
+ pCutBestOld = pNode->pCutBest;
+ pNode->pCutBest = NULL;
+ for ( pCut = pNode->pCuts->pNext; pCut; pCut = pCut->pNext )
+ {
+ // compute the arrival time of the cut and its area flow
+clk = clock();
+ Fpga_CutGetParameters( p, pCut );
+//p->time2 += clock() - clk;
+ // drop the cut if it does not meet the required times
+ if ( pCut->tArrival > pNode->tRequired )
+ continue;
+ // if no cut is assigned, use the current one
+ if ( pNode->pCutBest == NULL )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCut;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // choose the best cut using one of the two criteria:
+ // (1) delay oriented mapping (first traversal), delay first, area-flow as a tie-breaker
+ // (2) area recovery (subsequent traversals), area-flow first, delay as a tie-breaker
+ if ( (fDelayOriented &&
+ (pNode->pCutBest->tArrival > pCut->tArrival ||
+ pNode->pCutBest->tArrival == pCut->tArrival && pNode->pCutBest->aFlow > pCut->aFlow)) ||
+ (!fDelayOriented &&
+ (pNode->pCutBest->aFlow > pCut->aFlow ||
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow == pCut->aFlow && pNode->pCutBest->tArrival > pCut->tArrival)) )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCut;
+ }
+ }
+ // make sure the match is found
+ if ( pNode->pCutBest == NULL )
+ {
+ if ( pCutBestOld == NULL )
+ {
+// printf( "\nError: Could not match a node in the object graph.\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCutBestOld;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis [Finds the best area assignment of LUTs.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MappingMatchesArea( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ ProgressBar * pProgress;
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ int i, nNodes;
+ // assign the arrival times of the PIs
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nInputs; i++ )
+ p->pInputs[i]->pCutBest->tArrival = p->pInputArrivals[i];
+ // match LUTs with nodes in the topological order
+ nNodes = p->vAnds->nSize;
+ pProgress = Extra_ProgressBarStart( stdout, nNodes );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = p->vAnds->pArray[i];
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) )
+ continue;
+ // skip a secondary node
+ if ( pNode->pRepr )
+ continue;
+ // match the node
+ Fpga_MatchNodeArea( p, pNode );
+ Extra_ProgressBarUpdate( pProgress, i, "Matches ..." );
+ }
+ Extra_ProgressBarStop( pProgress );
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis [Finds the best area assignment of LUTs.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MappingMatchesAreaArray( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ int i;
+ // match LUTs with nodes in the topological order
+ for ( i = 0; i < vNodes->nSize; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = vNodes->pArray[i];
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) )
+ continue;
+ // skip a secondary node
+ if ( pNode->pRepr )
+ continue;
+ // match the node
+ if ( !Fpga_MatchNodeArea( p, pNode ) )
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis [Computes the best matching for one node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MatchNodeArea( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, * pCutBestOld;
+ float aAreaCutBest;
+ int clk;
+ // make sure that at least one cut other than the trivial is present
+ if ( pNode->pCuts->pNext == NULL )
+ {
+ printf( "\nError: A node in the mapping graph does not have feasible cuts.\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // remember the old cut
+ pCutBestOld = pNode->pCutBest;
+ // deref the old cut
+ if ( pNode->nRefs )
+ aAreaCutBest = Fpga_CutDeref( p, pNode, pNode->pCutBest, 0 );
+ // search for a better cut
+ pNode->pCutBest = NULL;
+ for ( pCut = pNode->pCuts->pNext; pCut; pCut = pCut->pNext )
+ {
+ // compute the arrival time of the cut and its area flow
+clk = clock();
+ pCut->tArrival = Fpga_TimeCutComputeArrival( p, pCut );
+//p->time2 += clock() - clk;
+ // drop the cut if it does not meet the required times
+ if ( pCut->tArrival > pNode->tRequired )
+ continue;
+ // get the area of this cut
+ pCut->aFlow = Fpga_CutGetAreaDerefed( p, pCut );
+ // if no cut is assigned, use the current one
+ if ( pNode->pCutBest == NULL )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCut;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // choose the best cut as follows: exact area first, delay as a tie-breaker
+ if ( pNode->pCutBest->aFlow > pCut->aFlow ||
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow == pCut->aFlow && pNode->pCutBest->tArrival > pCut->tArrival )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCut;
+ }
+ }
+ // make sure the match is found
+ if ( pNode->pCutBest == NULL )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCutBestOld;
+ // insert the new cut
+ if ( pNode->nRefs )
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow = Fpga_CutRef( p, pNode, pNode->pCutBest, 0 );
+// printf( "\nError: Could not match a node in the object graph.\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // insert the new cut
+ // make sure the area selected is not worse then the original area
+ if ( pNode->nRefs )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow = Fpga_CutRef( p, pNode, pNode->pCutBest, 0 );
+ assert( pNode->pCutBest->aFlow <= aAreaCutBest );
+// assert( pNode->tRequired < FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE );
+ }
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis [Finds the best area assignment of LUTs.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MappingMatchesSwitch( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ ProgressBar * pProgress;
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ int i, nNodes;
+ // assign the arrival times of the PIs
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nInputs; i++ )
+ p->pInputs[i]->pCutBest->tArrival = p->pInputArrivals[i];
+ // match LUTs with nodes in the topological order
+ nNodes = p->vAnds->nSize;
+ pProgress = Extra_ProgressBarStart( stdout, nNodes );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = p->vAnds->pArray[i];
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) )
+ continue;
+ // skip a secondary node
+ if ( pNode->pRepr )
+ continue;
+ // match the node
+ Fpga_MatchNodeSwitch( p, pNode );
+ Extra_ProgressBarUpdate( pProgress, i, "Matches ..." );
+ }
+ Extra_ProgressBarStop( pProgress );
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis [Computes the best matching for one node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MatchNodeSwitch( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, * pCutBestOld;
+ float aAreaCutBest;
+ int clk;
+ // make sure that at least one cut other than the trivial is present
+ if ( pNode->pCuts->pNext == NULL )
+ {
+ printf( "\nError: A node in the mapping graph does not have feasible cuts.\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // remember the old cut
+ pCutBestOld = pNode->pCutBest;
+ // deref the old cut
+ if ( pNode->nRefs )
+ aAreaCutBest = Fpga_CutDerefSwitch( p, pNode, pNode->pCutBest, 0 );
+ // search for a better cut
+ pNode->pCutBest = NULL;
+ for ( pCut = pNode->pCuts->pNext; pCut; pCut = pCut->pNext )
+ {
+ // compute the arrival time of the cut and its area flow
+clk = clock();
+ pCut->tArrival = Fpga_TimeCutComputeArrival( p, pCut );
+//p->time2 += clock() - clk;
+ // drop the cut if it does not meet the required times
+ if ( pCut->tArrival > pNode->tRequired )
+ continue;
+ // get the area of this cut
+ pCut->aFlow = Fpga_CutGetSwitchDerefed( p, pNode, pCut );
+ // if no cut is assigned, use the current one
+ if ( pNode->pCutBest == NULL )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCut;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // choose the best cut as follows: exact area first, delay as a tie-breaker
+ if ( pNode->pCutBest->aFlow > pCut->aFlow ||
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow == pCut->aFlow && pNode->pCutBest->tArrival > pCut->tArrival )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCut;
+ }
+ }
+ // make sure the match is found
+ if ( pNode->pCutBest == NULL )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCutBestOld;
+ // insert the new cut
+ if ( pNode->nRefs )
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow = Fpga_CutRefSwitch( p, pNode, pNode->pCutBest, 0 );
+// printf( "\nError: Could not match a node in the object graph.\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // insert the new cut
+ // make sure the area selected is not worse then the original area
+ if ( pNode->nRefs )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow = Fpga_CutRefSwitch( p, pNode, pNode->pCutBest, 0 );
+ assert( pNode->pCutBest->aFlow <= aAreaCutBest );
+// assert( pNode->tRequired < FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE );
+ }
+ return 1;
+#if 0
+ synopsis [References the cut.]
+ description [This procedure is similar to the procedure NodeReclaim.]
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+void Fpga_Experiment( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ int Counter[10] = {0};
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nOutputs; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = Fpga_Regular(p->pOutputs[i]);
+ pNode->vFanouts = NULL;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->vAnds->nSize; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = p->vAnds->pArray[i];
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) )
+ continue;
+ if ( pNode->vFanouts == NULL )
+ continue;
+ if ( pNode->vFanouts->nSize >= 10 )
+ continue;
+ Counter[pNode->vFanouts->nSize]++;
+ }
+ printf( "Fanout stats: " );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
+ printf( " %d=%d", i, Counter[i] );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ printf( "Area before = %4.2f.\n", Fpga_MappingArea(p) );
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->vAnds->nSize; i++ )
+ {
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodesTfo;
+ float AreaBefore;
+ pNode = p->vAnds->pArray[i];
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) )
+ continue;
+ if ( pNode->vFanouts == NULL )
+ continue;
+ if ( pNode->vFanouts->nSize != 1 && pNode->vFanouts->nSize != 2 && pNode->vFanouts->nSize != 3 )
+ continue;
+// assert( pNode->nRefs > 0 );
+ if ( pNode->nRefs == 0 )
+ continue;
+ AreaBefore = pNode->pCutBest->aFlow;
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow = FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE;
+ Fpga_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( p );
+ vNodesTfo = Fpga_CollectNodeTfo( p, pNode );
+ if ( Fpga_MappingMatchesAreaArray( p, vNodesTfo ) == 0 )
+ printf( "attempt failed\n" );
+ else
+ printf( "attempt succeeded\n" );
+ Fpga_NodeVecFree( vNodesTfo );
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow = AreaBefore;
+// break;
+ }
+ printf( "Area after = %4.2f.\n", Fpga_MappingArea(p) );
+// printf( "AREA GAIN = %4.2f (%.2f %%)\n", GainTotal, 100.0 * GainTotal / Fpga_MappingArea(p) );
+ synopsis [References the cut.]
+ description [This procedure is similar to the procedure NodeReclaim.]
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+void Fpga_Experiment2( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ int Counter[10] = {0};
+ Fpga_Cut_t * ppCutsNew[10];
+ Fpga_Cut_t * ppCutsOld[10];
+ Fpga_Node_t * pFanout, * pNode;
+ float Gain, Loss, GainTotal, Area1, Area2;
+ int i, k;
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nOutputs; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = Fpga_Regular(p->pOutputs[i]);
+ pNode->vFanouts = NULL;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->vAnds->nSize; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = p->vAnds->pArray[i];
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) )
+ continue;
+ if ( pNode->vFanouts == NULL )
+ continue;
+ if ( pNode->vFanouts->nSize >= 10 )
+ continue;
+ Counter[pNode->vFanouts->nSize]++;
+ }
+ printf( "Fanout stats: " );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
+ printf( " %d=%d", i, Counter[i] );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ printf( "Area before = %4.2f.\n", Fpga_MappingArea(p) );
+ GainTotal = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->vAnds->nSize; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = p->vAnds->pArray[i];
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) )
+ continue;
+ if ( pNode->vFanouts == NULL )
+ continue;
+ if ( pNode->vFanouts->nSize != 2 )//&& pNode->vFanouts->nSize != 2 && pNode->vFanouts->nSize != 3 )
+ continue;
+ assert( pNode->nRefs > 0 );
+ // for all fanouts, find the best cut without this node
+ for ( k = 0; k < pNode->vFanouts->nSize; k++ )
+ {
+ pFanout = pNode->vFanouts->pArray[k];
+ ppCutsOld[k] = pFanout->pCutBest;
+ ppCutsNew[k] = Fpga_MappingAreaWithoutNode( p, pFanout, pNode );
+ if ( ppCutsNew[k] == NULL )
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( k != pNode->vFanouts->nSize )
+ {
+ printf( "Node %4d: Skipped.\n", pNode->Num );
+ continue;
+ }
+ // compute the area after replacing all the cuts
+ Gain = 0;
+ for ( k = 0; k < pNode->vFanouts->nSize; k++ )
+ {
+ pFanout = pNode->vFanouts->pArray[k];
+ // deref old cut
+ Area1 = Fpga_MatchAreaDeref( p, ppCutsOld[k] );
+ // assign new cut
+ pFanout->pCutBest = ppCutsNew[k];
+ // ref new cut
+ Area2 = Fpga_MatchAreaRef( p, ppCutsNew[k] );
+ // compute the gain
+ Gain += Area1 - Area2;
+ }
+ printf( "%d ", pNode->nRefs );
+ // undo the whole thing
+ Loss = 0;
+ for ( k = 0; k < pNode->vFanouts->nSize; k++ )
+ {
+ pFanout = pNode->vFanouts->pArray[k];
+ // deref old cut
+ Area1 = Fpga_MatchAreaDeref( p, ppCutsNew[k] );
+ // assign new cut
+ pFanout->pCutBest = ppCutsOld[k];
+ // ref new cut
+ Area2 = Fpga_MatchAreaRef( p, ppCutsOld[k] );
+ // compute the gain
+ Loss += Area2 - Area1;
+ }
+ assert( Gain == Loss );
+ printf( "Node %4d: Fanouts = %d. Cut area = %4.2f. Gain = %4.2f.\n",
+ pNode->Num, pNode->nRefs, pNode->pCutBest->aFlow, Gain );
+ if ( Gain > 0 )
+ GainTotal += Gain;
+ }
+ printf( "Area after = %4.2f.\n", Fpga_MappingArea(p) );
+ printf( "AREA GAIN = %4.2f (%.2f %%)\n", GainTotal, 100.0 * GainTotal / Fpga_MappingArea(p) );
+ synopsis [Computes the loss of area when node is not allowed.]
+ description [Returning FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE means it does not exist.]
+ sideeffects []
+ seealso []
+Fpga_Cut_t * Fpga_MappingAreaWithoutNode( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Node_t * pNodeNo )
+ Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, * pCutBestOld, * pCutRes;
+ float aAreaCutBest;
+ int i, clk;
+ // make sure that at least one cut other than the trivial is present
+ if ( pNode->pCuts->pNext == NULL )
+ {
+ printf( "\nError: A node in the mapping graph does not have feasible cuts.\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ assert( pNode->nRefs > 0 );
+ // remember the old cut
+ pCutBestOld = pNode->pCutBest;
+ // deref the old cut
+ aAreaCutBest = Fpga_MatchAreaDeref( p, pNode->pCutBest );
+ // search for a better cut
+ pNode->pCutBest = NULL;
+ for ( pCut = pNode->pCuts->pNext; pCut; pCut = pCut->pNext )
+ {
+ // compute the arrival time of the cut and its area flow
+clk = clock();
+ Fpga_MatchCutGetArrTime( p, pCut );
+//p->time2 += clock() - clk;
+ // drop the cut if it does not meet the required times
+ if ( pCut->tArrival > pNode->tRequired )
+ continue;
+ // skip the cut if it contains the no-node
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ if ( pCut->ppLeaves[i] == pNodeNo )
+ break;
+ if ( i != pCut->nLeaves )
+ continue;
+ // get the area of this cut
+ pCut->aFlow = Fpga_MatchAreaCount( p, pCut );
+ // if no cut is assigned, use the current one
+ if ( pNode->pCutBest == NULL )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCut;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // choose the best cut as follows: exact area first, delay as a tie-breaker
+ if ( pNode->pCutBest->aFlow > pCut->aFlow ||
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow == pCut->aFlow && pNode->pCutBest->tArrival > pCut->tArrival )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCut;
+ }
+ }
+ // make sure the match is found
+ if ( pNode->pCutBest == NULL )
+ {
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCutBestOld;
+ // insert the new cut
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow = Fpga_MatchAreaRef( p, pNode->pCutBest );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pCutRes = pNode->pCutBest;
+ pNode->pCutBest = pCutBestOld;
+ // insert the new cut
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow = Fpga_MatchAreaRef( p, pNode->pCutBest );
+ // make sure the area selected is not worse then the original area
+ assert( pNode->pCutBest->aFlow == aAreaCutBest );
+ assert( pNode->tRequired < FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE );
+ return pCutRes;
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaTime.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaTime.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df98faa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaTime.c
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ FileName [fpgaTime.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Technology mapping for variable-size-LUT FPGAs.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaTime.c,v 1.1 2005/01/23 06:59:42 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+ Synopsis [Computes the arrival times of the cut.]
+ Description [Computes the maximum arrival time of the cut leaves and
+ adds the delay of the LUT.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+float Fpga_TimeCutComputeArrival( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ int i;
+ float tArrival;
+ tArrival = -FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ if ( tArrival < pCut->ppLeaves[i]->pCutBest->tArrival )
+ tArrival = pCut->ppLeaves[i]->pCutBest->tArrival;
+ tArrival += pMan->pLutLib->pLutDelays[pCut->nLeaves];
+ return tArrival;
+ Synopsis [Computes the arrival times of the cut recursively.]
+ Description [When computing the arrival time for the previously unused
+ cuts, their arrival time may be incorrect because their fanins have
+ incorrect arrival time. This procedure is called to fix this problem.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+float Fpga_TimeCutComputeArrival_rec( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ if ( pCut->ppLeaves[i]->nRefs == 0 )
+ Fpga_TimeCutComputeArrival_rec( pMan, pCut->ppLeaves[i]->pCutBest );
+ return Fpga_TimeCutComputeArrival( pMan, pCut );
+ Synopsis [Computes the maximum arrival times.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+float Fpga_TimeComputeArrivalMax( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ float fRequired;
+ int i;
+ // get the critical PO arrival time
+ fRequired = -FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE;
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nOutputs; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( Fpga_NodeIsConst(p->pOutputs[i]) )
+ continue;
+ fRequired = FPGA_MAX( fRequired, Fpga_Regular(p->pOutputs[i])->pCutBest->tArrival );
+ }
+ return fRequired;
+ Synopsis [Computes the required times of all nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_TimeComputeRequiredGlobal( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ p->fRequiredGlo = Fpga_TimeComputeArrivalMax( p );
+ Fpga_TimeComputeRequired( p, p->fRequiredGlo );
+ Synopsis [Computes the required times of all nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_TimeComputeRequired( Fpga_Man_t * p, float fRequired )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes;
+ int i;
+ // clean the required times and the fanout counts for all nodes
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->vAnds->nSize; i++ )
+ p->vAnds->pArray[i]->tRequired = FPGA_FLOAT_LARGE;
+ // set the required times for the POs
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nOutputs; i++ )
+ Fpga_Regular(p->pOutputs[i])->tRequired = fRequired;
+ // collect nodes reachable from POs in the DFS order through the best cuts
+ vNodes = Fpga_MappingDfsCuts( p );
+ Fpga_TimePropagateRequired( p, vNodes );
+ Fpga_NodeVecFree( vNodes );
+ Synopsis [Computes the required times of the given nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_TimePropagateRequired( Fpga_Man_t * p, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode, * pChild;
+ float fRequired;
+ int i, k;
+ // sorts the nodes in the decreasing order of levels
+ Fpga_MappingSortByLevel( p, vNodes, 0 );
+ // go through the nodes in the reverse topological order
+ for ( k = 0; k < vNodes->nSize; k++ )
+ {
+ pNode = vNodes->pArray[k];
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ continue;
+ // get the required time for children
+ fRequired = pNode->tRequired - p->pLutLib->pLutDelays[pNode->pCutBest->nLeaves];
+ // update the required time of the children
+ for ( i = 0; i < pNode->pCutBest->nLeaves; i++ )
+ {
+ pChild = pNode->pCutBest->ppLeaves[i];
+ pChild->tRequired = FPGA_MIN( pChild->tRequired, fRequired );
+ }
+ }
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaTruth.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaTruth.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17c6385c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaTruth.c
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ FileName [fpgaTruth.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Technology mapping for variable-size-LUT FPGAs.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaTruth.c,v 1.4 2005/01/23 06:59:42 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+#include "cudd.h"
+ Synopsis [Recursively derives the truth table for the cut.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+DdNode * Fpga_TruthsCutBdd_rec( DdManager * dd, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vVisited )
+ DdNode * bFunc, * bFunc0, * bFunc1;
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pCut) );
+ // if the cut is visited, return the result
+ if ( pCut->uSign )
+ return (DdNode *)pCut->uSign;
+ // compute the functions of the children
+ bFunc0 = Fpga_TruthsCutBdd_rec( dd, Fpga_CutRegular(pCut->pOne), vVisited ); Cudd_Ref( bFunc0 );
+ bFunc0 = Cudd_NotCond( bFunc0, Fpga_CutIsComplement(pCut->pOne) );
+ bFunc1 = Fpga_TruthsCutBdd_rec( dd, Fpga_CutRegular(pCut->pTwo), vVisited ); Cudd_Ref( bFunc1 );
+ bFunc1 = Cudd_NotCond( bFunc1, Fpga_CutIsComplement(pCut->pTwo) );
+ // get the function of the cut
+ bFunc = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, bFunc0, bFunc1 ); Cudd_Ref( bFunc );
+ bFunc = Cudd_NotCond( bFunc, pCut->Phase );
+ Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bFunc0 );
+ Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bFunc1 );
+ assert( pCut->uSign == 0 );
+ pCut->uSign = (unsigned)bFunc;
+ // add this cut to the visited list
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( vVisited, (Fpga_Node_t *)pCut );
+ return bFunc;
+ Synopsis [Derives the truth table for one cut.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void * Fpga_TruthsCutBdd( void * dd, Fpga_Cut_t * pCut )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vVisited;
+ DdNode * bFunc;
+ int i;
+ assert( pCut->nLeaves > 1 );
+ // set the leaf variables
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ pCut->ppLeaves[i]->pCuts->uSign = (unsigned)Cudd_bddIthVar( dd, i );
+ // recursively compute the function
+ vVisited = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( 10 );
+ bFunc = Fpga_TruthsCutBdd_rec( dd, pCut, vVisited ); Cudd_Ref( bFunc );
+ // clean the intermediate BDDs
+ for ( i = 0; i < pCut->nLeaves; i++ )
+ pCut->ppLeaves[i]->pCuts->uSign = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < vVisited->nSize; i++ )
+ {
+ pCut = (Fpga_Cut_t *)vVisited->pArray[i];
+ Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, (DdNode*)pCut->uSign );
+ pCut->uSign = 0;
+ }
+ Fpga_NodeVecFree( vVisited );
+ Cudd_Deref( bFunc );
+ return bFunc;
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaUtils.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaUtils.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5b2cb32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaUtils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1289 @@
+ FileName [fpgaUtils.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Technology mapping for variable-size-LUT FPGAs.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaUtils.c,v 1.3 2004/07/06 04:55:58 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+static void Fpga_MappingDfs_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes, int fCollectEquiv );
+static void Fpga_MappingDfsCuts_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes );
+static float Fpga_MappingArea_rec( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes );
+static int Fpga_MappingCountLevels_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+static void Fpga_MappingMarkUsed_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+static int Fpga_MappingCompareOutputDelay( int * pOut1, int * pOut2 );
+static float Fpga_MappingSetRefsAndArea_rec( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode );
+static Fpga_Man_t * s_pMan = NULL;
+static void Fpga_DfsLim_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode, int Level, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes );
+static int Fpga_CollectNodeTfo_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Node_t * pPivot, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vVisited, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vTfo );
+ Synopsis [Computes the DFS ordering of the nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_MappingDfs( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, int fCollectEquiv )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes;
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ int i;
+ // start the array
+ vNodes = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( 100 );
+ // collect the PIs
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nInputs; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = pMan->pInputs[i];
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( vNodes, pNode );
+ pNode->fMark0 = 1;
+ }
+ // perform the traversal
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappingDfs_rec( Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]), vNodes, fCollectEquiv );
+ for ( i = 0; i < vNodes->nSize; i++ )
+ vNodes->pArray[i]->fMark0 = 0;
+// for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+// Fpga_MappingUnmark_rec( Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]) );
+ return vNodes;
+ Synopsis [Recursively computes the DFS ordering of the nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingDfs_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes, int fCollectEquiv )
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( pNode->fMark0 )
+ return;
+ // visit the transitive fanin
+ if ( Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ {
+ Fpga_MappingDfs_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p1), vNodes, fCollectEquiv );
+ Fpga_MappingDfs_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p2), vNodes, fCollectEquiv );
+ }
+ // visit the equivalent nodes
+ if ( fCollectEquiv && pNode->pNextE )
+ Fpga_MappingDfs_rec( pNode->pNextE, vNodes, fCollectEquiv );
+ // make sure the node is not visited through the equivalent nodes
+ assert( pNode->fMark0 == 0 );
+ // mark the node as visited
+ pNode->fMark0 = 1;
+ // add the node to the list
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( vNodes, pNode );
+ Synopsis [Computes the DFS ordering of the nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_MappingDfsNodes( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t ** ppNodes, int nNodes, int fEquiv )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes;
+ int i;
+ // perform the traversal
+ vNodes = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( 200 );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappingDfs_rec( ppNodes[i], vNodes, fEquiv );
+ for ( i = 0; i < vNodes->nSize; i++ )
+ vNodes->pArray[i]->fMark0 = 0;
+ return vNodes;
+ Synopsis [Computes the number of logic levels not counting PIs/POs.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CountLevels( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ int i, LevelsMax, LevelsCur;
+ // perform the traversal
+ LevelsMax = -1;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ {
+ LevelsCur = Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i])->Level;
+ if ( LevelsMax < LevelsCur )
+ LevelsMax = LevelsCur;
+ }
+ return LevelsMax;
+ Synopsis [Computes the number of logic levels not counting PIs/POs.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CountLevelsNodes( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t ** ppRoots, int nRoots )
+ int i, LevelsMax, LevelsCur;
+ // perform the traversal
+ LevelsMax = -1;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nRoots; i++ )
+ {
+ LevelsCur = Fpga_Regular(ppRoots[i])->Level;
+ if ( LevelsMax < LevelsCur )
+ LevelsMax = LevelsCur;
+ }
+ return LevelsMax;
+ Synopsis [Computes the DFS ordering of the nodes visible in current mapping.]
+ Description [The node is visible if it appears as a root of one of the best
+ cuts (that is cuts selected for the current mapping).]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_MappingDfsCuts( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes;
+ int i;
+ // perform the traversal
+ vNodes = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( 100 );
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappingDfsCuts_rec( Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]), vNodes );
+ for ( i = 0; i < vNodes->nSize; i++ )
+ vNodes->pArray[i]->fMark0 = 0;
+ return vNodes;
+ Synopsis [Computes the DFS ordering of the nodes visible in current mapping.]
+ Description [The node is visible if it appears as a root of one of the best
+ cuts (that is cuts selected for the current mapping).]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_MappingDfsCutsNode( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes;
+ int i;
+ // perform the traversal
+ vNodes = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( 100 );
+ Fpga_MappingDfsCuts_rec( pNode, vNodes );
+ for ( i = 0; i < vNodes->nSize; i++ )
+ vNodes->pArray[i]->fMark0 = 0;
+ return vNodes;
+ Synopsis [Recursively computes the DFS ordering of the nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingDfsCuts_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes )
+ int i;
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ return;
+ if ( pNode->fMark0 )
+ return;
+ assert( pNode->pCutBest != NULL );
+ // visit the transitive fanin of the selected cut
+ for ( i = 0; i < pNode->pCutBest->nLeaves; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappingDfsCuts_rec( pNode->pCutBest->ppLeaves[i], vNodes );
+ // make sure the node is not visited through the fanin nodes
+ assert( pNode->fMark0 == 0 );
+ // mark the node as visited
+ pNode->fMark0 = 1;
+ // add the node to the list
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( vNodes, pNode );
+ Synopsis [Marks the nodes used in the mapping.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingMarkUsed( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappingMarkUsed_rec( Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]) );
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingMarkUsed_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ int i;
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( pNode->fUsed )
+ return;
+ pNode->fUsed = 1;
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ return;
+ assert( pNode->pCutBest != NULL );
+ // visit the transitive fanin of the selected cut
+ for ( i = 0; i < pNode->pCutBest->nLeaves; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappingMarkUsed_rec( pNode->pCutBest->ppLeaves[i] );
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+float Fpga_MappingGetAreaFlow( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ float aFlowFlowTotal = 0;
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nOutputs; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( Fpga_NodeIsConst(p->pOutputs[i]) )
+ continue;
+ aFlowFlowTotal += Fpga_Regular(p->pOutputs[i])->pCutBest->aFlow;
+ }
+ return aFlowFlowTotal;
+ Synopsis [Computes the area of the current mapping.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+float Fpga_MappingArea( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes;
+ float aTotal;
+ int i;
+ // perform the traversal
+ aTotal = 0;
+ vNodes = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( 100 );
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ {
+ aTotal += Fpga_MappingArea_rec( pMan, Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]), vNodes );
+ // add the area for single-input nodes (if any) at the POs
+// if ( Fpga_NodeIsVar(pMan->pOutputs[i]) || Fpga_IsComplement(pMan->pOutputs[i]) )
+// aTotal += pMan->pLutLib->pLutAreas[1];
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < vNodes->nSize; i++ )
+ vNodes->pArray[i]->fMark0 = 0;
+ Fpga_NodeVecFree( vNodes );
+ return aTotal;
+ Synopsis [Recursively computes the DFS ordering of the nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+float Fpga_MappingArea_rec( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes )
+ float aArea;
+ int i;
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ return 0;
+ if ( pNode->fMark0 )
+ return 0;
+ assert( pNode->pCutBest != NULL );
+ // visit the transitive fanin of the selected cut
+ aArea = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pNode->pCutBest->nLeaves; i++ )
+ aArea += Fpga_MappingArea_rec( pMan, pNode->pCutBest->ppLeaves[i], vNodes );
+ // make sure the node is not visited through the fanin nodes
+ assert( pNode->fMark0 == 0 );
+ // mark the node as visited
+ pNode->fMark0 = 1;
+ // add the node to the list
+ aArea += pMan->pLutLib->pLutAreas[pNode->pCutBest->nLeaves];
+ // add the node to the list
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( vNodes, pNode );
+ return aArea;
+ Synopsis [Sets the correct reference counts for the mapping.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+float Fpga_MappingComputeCutAreas( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes;
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ float Area = 0;
+ int i;
+ // collect nodes reachable from POs in the DFS order through the best cuts
+ vNodes = Fpga_MappingDfsCuts( pMan );
+ for ( i = 0; i < vNodes->nSize; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = vNodes->pArray[i];
+ pNode->pCutBest->aFlow = Fpga_CutGetAreaRefed( pMan, pNode->pCutBest );
+ Area += pMan->pLutLib->pLutAreas[pNode->pCutBest->nLeaves];
+ }
+ Fpga_NodeVecFree( vNodes );
+ return Area;
+ Synopsis [Sets the correct reference counts for the mapping.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+float Fpga_MappingSetRefsAndArea( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ float aArea;
+ int i;
+ // clean all references
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->vNodesAll->nSize; i++ )
+ pMan->vNodesAll->pArray[i]->nRefs = 0;
+ // collect nodes reachable from POs in the DFS order through the best cuts
+ aArea = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]);
+ if ( pNode == pMan->pConst1 )
+ continue;
+ aArea += Fpga_MappingSetRefsAndArea_rec( pMan, pNode );
+ pNode->nRefs++;
+ }
+ return aArea;
+ Synopsis [Recursively computes the DFS ordering of the nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+float Fpga_MappingSetRefsAndArea_rec( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ float aArea;
+ int i;
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( pNode->nRefs++ )
+ return 0;
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ return 0;
+ assert( pNode->pCutBest != NULL );
+ // visit the transitive fanin of the selected cut
+ aArea = pMan->pLutLib->pLutAreas[pNode->pCutBest->nLeaves];
+ for ( i = 0; i < pNode->pCutBest->nLeaves; i++ )
+ aArea += Fpga_MappingSetRefsAndArea_rec( pMan, pNode->pCutBest->ppLeaves[i] );
+ return aArea;
+ Synopsis [Computes the number of logic levels not counting PIs/POs.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects [Note that this procedure will reassign the levels assigned
+ originally by NodeCreate() because it counts the number of levels with
+ choices differently!]
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MappingCountLevels( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ int i, LevelsMax, LevelsCur;
+ // perform the traversal
+ LevelsMax = -1;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ {
+ LevelsCur = Fpga_MappingCountLevels_rec( Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]) );
+ if ( LevelsMax < LevelsCur )
+ LevelsMax = LevelsCur;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappingUnmark_rec( Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]) );
+ return LevelsMax;
+ Synopsis [Recursively computes the number of logic levels.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MappingCountLevels_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ int Level1, Level2;
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ {
+ pNode->Level = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( pNode->fMark0 )
+ return pNode->Level;
+ pNode->fMark0 = 1;
+ // visit the transitive fanin
+ Level1 = Fpga_MappingCountLevels_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p1) );
+ Level2 = Fpga_MappingCountLevels_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p2) );
+ // set the number of levels
+ pNode->Level = 1 + ((Level1>Level2)? Level1: Level2);
+ return pNode->Level;
+ Synopsis [Unmarks the nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingUnmark( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappingUnmark_rec( Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]) );
+ Synopsis [Recursively unmarks the nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingUnmark_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( pNode->fMark0 == 0 )
+ return;
+ pNode->fMark0 = 0;
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ return;
+ Fpga_MappingUnmark_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p1) );
+ Fpga_MappingUnmark_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p2) );
+ // visit the equivalent nodes
+ if ( pNode->pNextE )
+ Fpga_MappingUnmark_rec( pNode->pNextE );
+ Synopsis [Recursively unmarks the nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingMark_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( pNode->fMark0 == 1 )
+ return;
+ pNode->fMark0 = 1;
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ return;
+ Fpga_MappingMark_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p1) );
+ Fpga_MappingMark_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p2) );
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappedMark_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ int i;
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( pNode->fMark0 == 1 )
+ return;
+ pNode->fMark0 = 1;
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ return;
+ assert( pNode->pCutBest != NULL );
+ // visit the transitive fanin of the selected cut
+ for ( i = 0; i < pNode->pCutBest->nLeaves; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappedMark_rec( pNode->pCutBest->ppLeaves[i] );
+ Synopsis [Recursively unmarks the nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappedUnmark_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ int i;
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( pNode->fMark0 == 0 )
+ return;
+ pNode->fMark0 = 0;
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ return;
+ assert( pNode->pCutBest != NULL );
+ // visit the transitive fanin of the selected cut
+ for ( i = 0; i < pNode->pCutBest->nLeaves; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappedUnmark_rec( pNode->pCutBest->ppLeaves[i] );
+ Synopsis [Prints a bunch of latest arriving outputs.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingPrintOutputArrivals( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ int fCompl, Limit, i;
+ int * pSorted;
+ // sort outputs by arrival time
+ s_pMan = p;
+ pSorted = ALLOC( int, p->nOutputs );
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nOutputs; i++ )
+ pSorted[i] = i;
+ qsort( (void *)pSorted, p->nOutputs, sizeof(int),
+ (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Fpga_MappingCompareOutputDelay );
+ assert( Fpga_MappingCompareOutputDelay( pSorted, pSorted + p->nOutputs - 1 ) <= 0 );
+ s_pMan = NULL;
+ // print the latest outputs
+ Limit = (p->nOutputs > 5)? 5 : p->nOutputs;
+ for ( i = 0; i < Limit; i++ )
+ {
+ // get the i-th latest output
+ pNode = Fpga_Regular(p->pOutputs[pSorted[i]]);
+ fCompl = Fpga_IsComplement(p->pOutputs[pSorted[i]]);
+ // print out the best arrival time
+ printf( "Output %20s : ", p->ppOutputNames[pSorted[i]] );
+ printf( "Delay = %8.2f ", (double)pNode->pCutBest->tArrival );
+ if ( fCompl )
+ printf( "NEG" );
+ else
+ printf( "POS" );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ }
+ free( pSorted );
+ Synopsis [Compares the outputs by their arrival times.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MappingCompareOutputDelay( int * pOut1, int * pOut2 )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode1 = Fpga_Regular(s_pMan->pOutputs[*pOut1]);
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode2 = Fpga_Regular(s_pMan->pOutputs[*pOut2]);
+ float pTime1 = pNode1->pCutBest? pNode1->pCutBest->tArrival : 0;
+ float pTime2 = pNode2->pCutBest? pNode2->pCutBest->tArrival : 0;
+ if ( pTime1 > pTime2 )
+ return -1;
+ if ( pTime1 < pTime2 )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ Synopsis [Sets up the truth tables.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingSetupTruthTables( unsigned uTruths[][2] )
+ int m, v;
+ // set up the truth tables
+ for ( m = 0; m < 32; m++ )
+ for ( v = 0; v < 5; v++ )
+ if ( m & (1 << v) )
+ uTruths[v][0] |= (1 << m);
+ // make adjustments for the case of 6 variables
+ for ( v = 0; v < 5; v++ )
+ uTruths[v][1] = uTruths[v][0];
+ uTruths[5][0] = 0;
+ uTruths[5][1] = FPGA_FULL;
+ Synopsis [Sets up the mask.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingSetupMask( unsigned uMask[], int nVarsMax )
+ if ( nVarsMax == 6 )
+ uMask[0] = uMask[1] = FPGA_FULL;
+ else
+ {
+ uMask[0] = FPGA_MASK(1 << nVarsMax);
+ uMask[1] = 0;
+ }
+ Synopsis [Verify one useful property.]
+ Description [This procedure verifies one useful property. After
+ the FRAIG construction with choice nodes is over, each primary node
+ should have fanins that are primary nodes. The primary nodes is the
+ one that does not have pNode->pRepr set to point to another node.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_ManCheckConsistency( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * pVec;
+ int i;
+ pVec = Fpga_MappingDfs( p, 0 );
+ for ( i = 0; i < pVec->nSize; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = pVec->pArray[i];
+ if ( Fpga_NodeIsVar(pNode) )
+ {
+ if ( pNode->pRepr )
+ printf( "Primary input %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
+ }
+ else if ( Fpga_NodeIsConst(pNode) )
+ {
+ if ( pNode->pRepr )
+ printf( "Constant 1 %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( pNode->pRepr )
+ printf( "Internal node %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p1)->pRepr )
+ printf( "Internal node %d has first fanin that is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p2)->pRepr )
+ printf( "Internal node %d has second fanin that is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
+ }
+ }
+ Fpga_NodeVecFree( pVec );
+ return 1;
+ Synopsis [Compares the supergates by their level.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CompareNodesByLevelDecreasing( Fpga_Node_t ** ppS1, Fpga_Node_t ** ppS2 )
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(*ppS1)->Level > Fpga_Regular(*ppS2)->Level )
+ return -1;
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(*ppS1)->Level < Fpga_Regular(*ppS2)->Level )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ Synopsis [Compares the supergates by their level.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CompareNodesByLevelIncreasing( Fpga_Node_t ** ppS1, Fpga_Node_t ** ppS2 )
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(*ppS1)->Level < Fpga_Regular(*ppS2)->Level )
+ return -1;
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(*ppS1)->Level > Fpga_Regular(*ppS2)->Level )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ Synopsis [Orders the nodes in the decreasing order of levels.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingSortByLevel( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes, int fIncreasing )
+ if ( fIncreasing )
+ qsort( (void *)vNodes->pArray, vNodes->nSize, sizeof(Fpga_Node_t *),
+ (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Fpga_CompareNodesByLevelIncreasing );
+ else
+ qsort( (void *)vNodes->pArray, vNodes->nSize, sizeof(Fpga_Node_t *),
+ (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Fpga_CompareNodesByLevelDecreasing );
+// assert( Fpga_CompareNodesByLevel( vNodes->pArray, vNodes->pArray + vNodes->nSize - 1 ) <= 0 );
+ Synopsis [Computes the limited DFS ordering for one node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_DfsLim( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, int nLevels )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes;
+ int i;
+ // perform the traversal
+ vNodes = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( 100 );
+ Fpga_DfsLim_rec( pNode, nLevels, vNodes );
+ for ( i = 0; i < vNodes->nSize; i++ )
+ vNodes->pArray[i]->fMark0 = 0;
+ return vNodes;
+ Synopsis [Recursively computes the DFS ordering of the nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_DfsLim_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode, int Level, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes )
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( pNode->fMark0 )
+ return;
+ pNode->fMark0 = 1;
+ // visit the transitive fanin
+ Level--;
+ if ( Level > 0 && Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ {
+ Fpga_DfsLim_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p1), Level, vNodes );
+ Fpga_DfsLim_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p2), Level, vNodes );
+ }
+ // add the node to the list
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( vNodes, pNode );
+ Synopsis [Computes the limited DFS ordering for one node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_ManCleanData0( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->vNodesAll->nSize; i++ )
+ pMan->vNodesAll->pArray[i]->pData0 = 0;
+ Synopsis [Collects the TFO of the node.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_CollectNodeTfo( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vVisited, * vTfo;
+ int i;
+ // perform the traversal
+ vVisited = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( 100 );
+ vTfo = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( 100 );
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ Fpga_CollectNodeTfo_rec( Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]), pNode, vVisited, vTfo );
+ for ( i = 0; i < vVisited->nSize; i++ )
+ vVisited->pArray[i]->fMark0 = vVisited->pArray[i]->fMark1 = 0;
+ Fpga_NodeVecFree( vVisited );
+ return vTfo;
+ Synopsis [Collects the TFO of the node.]
+ Description [Returns 1 if the node should be collected.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_CollectNodeTfo_rec( Fpga_Node_t * pNode, Fpga_Node_t * pPivot, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vVisited, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vTfo )
+ int Ret1, Ret2;
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ // skip visited nodes
+ if ( pNode->fMark0 )
+ return pNode->fMark1;
+ pNode->fMark0 = 1;
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( vVisited, pNode );
+ // return the pivot node
+ if ( pNode == pPivot )
+ {
+ pNode->fMark1 = 1;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( pNode->Level < pPivot->Level )
+ {
+ pNode->fMark1 = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // visit the transitive fanin
+ assert( Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) );
+ Ret1 = Fpga_CollectNodeTfo_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p1), pPivot, vVisited, vTfo );
+ Ret2 = Fpga_CollectNodeTfo_rec( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p2), pPivot, vVisited, vTfo );
+ if ( Ret1 || Ret2 )
+ {
+ pNode->fMark1 = 1;
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( vTfo, pNode );
+ }
+ else
+ pNode->fMark1 = 0;
+ return pNode->fMark1;
+ Synopsis [Levelizes the nodes accessible from the POs.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_MappingLevelize( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * vLevels;
+ Fpga_Node_t ** ppNodes;
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ int nNodes, nLevelsMax, i;
+ // reassign the levels (this may be necessary for networks which choices)
+ ppNodes = vNodes->pArray;
+ nNodes = vNodes->nSize;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = ppNodes[i];
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ {
+ pNode->Level = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ pNode->Level = 1 + FPGA_MAX( Fpga_Regular(pNode->p1)->Level, Fpga_Regular(pNode->p2)->Level );
+ }
+ // get the max levels
+ nLevelsMax = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ nLevelsMax = FPGA_MAX( nLevelsMax, (int)Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i])->Level );
+ nLevelsMax++;
+ // allocate storage for levels
+ vLevels = Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( nLevelsMax );
+ for ( i = 0; i < nLevelsMax; i++ )
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( vLevels, NULL );
+ // go through the nodes and add them to the levels
+ for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = ppNodes[i];
+ pNode->pLevel = NULL;
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ continue;
+ // attach the node to this level
+ pNode->pLevel = Fpga_NodeVecReadEntry( vLevels, pNode->Level );
+ Fpga_NodeVecWriteEntry( vLevels, pNode->Level, pNode );
+ }
+ return vLevels;
+ Synopsis [Prints the switching activity changes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+float Fpga_MappingPrintSwitching( Fpga_Man_t * p )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode;
+ float SwitchTotal = 0.0;
+ int nNodes = 0;
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->vNodesAll->nSize; i++ )
+ {
+ // skip primary inputs
+ pNode = p->vNodesAll->pArray[i];
+// if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd( pNode ) )
+// continue;
+ // skip a secondary node
+ if ( pNode->pRepr )
+ continue;
+ // count the switching nodes
+ if ( pNode->nRefs > 0 )
+ {
+ SwitchTotal += pNode->SwitchProb;
+ nNodes++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( p->fVerbose )
+ printf( "Total switching = %10.2f. Average switching = %6.4f.\n", SwitchTotal, SwitchTotal/nNodes );
+ return SwitchTotal;
+ Synopsis [Sets up the mask.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_GetMaxLevel( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ int nLevelMax, i;
+ nLevelMax = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ nLevelMax = nLevelMax > (int)Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i])->Level?
+ nLevelMax : (int)Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i])->Level;
+ return nLevelMax;
+ Synopsis [Analyses choice nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( Fpga_Man_t * pMan, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, int fMaximum )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pTemp;
+ int Level1, Level2, LevelE;
+ assert( !Fpga_IsComplement(pNode) );
+ if ( !Fpga_NodeIsAnd(pNode) )
+ return pNode->Level;
+ // skip the visited node
+ if ( pNode->TravId == pMan->nTravIds )
+ return pNode->Level;
+ pNode->TravId = pMan->nTravIds;
+ // compute levels of the children nodes
+ Level1 = Fpga_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( pMan, Fpga_Regular(pNode->p1), fMaximum );
+ Level2 = Fpga_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( pMan, Fpga_Regular(pNode->p2), fMaximum );
+ pNode->Level = 1 + FPGA_MAX( Level1, Level2 );
+ if ( pNode->pNextE )
+ {
+ LevelE = Fpga_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( pMan, pNode->pNextE, fMaximum );
+ if ( fMaximum )
+ {
+ if ( pNode->Level < (unsigned)LevelE )
+ pNode->Level = LevelE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( pNode->Level > (unsigned)LevelE )
+ pNode->Level = LevelE;
+ }
+ // set the level of all equivalent nodes to be the same minimum
+ if ( pNode->pRepr == NULL ) // the primary node
+ for ( pTemp = pNode->pNextE; pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNextE )
+ pTemp->Level = pNode->Level;
+ }
+ return pNode->Level;
+ Synopsis [Resets the levels of the nodes in the choice graph.]
+ Description [Makes the level of the choice nodes to be equal to the
+ maximum of the level of the nodes in the equivalence class. This way
+ sorting by level leads to the reverse topological order, which is
+ needed for the required time computation.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_MappingSetChoiceLevels( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ int i;
+ pMan->nTravIds++;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( pMan, Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]), 1 );
+ Synopsis [Reports statistics on choice nodes.]
+ Description [The number of choice nodes is the number of primary nodes,
+ which has pNextE set to a pointer. The number of choices is the number
+ of entries in the equivalent-node lists of the primary nodes.]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_ManReportChoices( Fpga_Man_t * pMan )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode, * pTemp;
+ int nChoiceNodes, nChoices;
+ int i, LevelMax1, LevelMax2;
+ // report the number of levels
+ LevelMax1 = Fpga_GetMaxLevel( pMan );
+ pMan->nTravIds++;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nOutputs; i++ )
+ Fpga_MappingUpdateLevel_rec( pMan, Fpga_Regular(pMan->pOutputs[i]), 0 );
+ LevelMax2 = Fpga_GetMaxLevel( pMan );
+ // report statistics about choices
+ nChoiceNodes = nChoices = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < pMan->vAnds->nSize; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode = pMan->vAnds->pArray[i];
+ if ( pNode->pRepr == NULL && pNode->pNextE != NULL )
+ { // this is a choice node = the primary node that has equivalent nodes
+ nChoiceNodes++;
+ for ( pTemp = pNode; pTemp; pTemp = pTemp->pNextE )
+ nChoices++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( pMan->fVerbose )
+ {
+ printf( "Maximum level: Original = %d. Reduced due to choices = %d.\n", LevelMax1, LevelMax2 );
+ printf( "Choice stats: Choice nodes = %d. Total choices = %d.\n", nChoiceNodes, nChoices );
+ }
+ {
+ FILE * pTable;
+ pTable = fopen( "stats_choice.txt", "a+" );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%s ", pMan->pFileName );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%4d ", LevelMax1 );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%4d ", pMan->vAnds->nSize - pMan->nInputs );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%4d ", LevelMax2 );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%7d ", nChoiceNodes );
+ fprintf( pTable, "%7d ", nChoices + nChoiceNodes );
+ fprintf( pTable, "\n" );
+ fclose( pTable );
+ }
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/fpgaVec.c b/src/map/fpga/fpgaVec.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8c6b983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/fpgaVec.c
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ FileName [fpgaVec.c]
+ PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
+ Synopsis [Technology mapping for variable-size-LUT FPGAs.]
+ Author [MVSIS Group]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - August 18, 2004.]
+ Revision [$Id: fpgaVec.c,v 1.3 2005/01/23 06:59:42 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "fpgaInt.h"
+static int Fpga_NodeVecCompareLevels( Fpga_Node_t ** pp1, Fpga_Node_t ** pp2 );
+ Synopsis [Allocates a vector with the given capacity.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_NodeVec_t * Fpga_NodeVecAlloc( int nCap )
+ Fpga_NodeVec_t * p;
+ p = ALLOC( Fpga_NodeVec_t, 1 );
+ if ( nCap > 0 && nCap < 16 )
+ nCap = 16;
+ p->nSize = 0;
+ p->nCap = nCap;
+ p->pArray = p->nCap? ALLOC( Fpga_Node_t *, p->nCap ) : NULL;
+ return p;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeVecFree( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p )
+ FREE( p->pArray );
+ FREE( p );
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Node_t ** Fpga_NodeVecReadArray( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p )
+ return p->pArray;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_NodeVecReadSize( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p )
+ return p->nSize;
+ Synopsis [Resizes the vector to the given capacity.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeVecGrow( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, int nCapMin )
+ if ( p->nCap >= nCapMin )
+ return;
+ p->pArray = REALLOC( Fpga_Node_t *, p->pArray, nCapMin );
+ p->nCap = nCapMin;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeVecShrink( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, int nSizeNew )
+ assert( p->nSize >= nSizeNew );
+ p->nSize = nSizeNew;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeVecClear( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p )
+ p->nSize = 0;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeVecPush( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * Entry )
+ if ( p->nSize == p->nCap )
+ {
+ if ( p->nCap < 16 )
+ Fpga_NodeVecGrow( p, 16 );
+ else
+ Fpga_NodeVecGrow( p, 2 * p->nCap );
+ }
+ p->pArray[p->nSize++] = Entry;
+ Synopsis [Add the element while ensuring uniqueness.]
+ Description [Returns 1 if the element was found, and 0 if it was new. ]
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_NodeVecPushUnique( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, Fpga_Node_t * Entry )
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < p->nSize; i++ )
+ if ( p->pArray[i] == Entry )
+ return 1;
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( p, Entry );
+ return 0;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeVecPop( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p )
+ return p->pArray[--p->nSize];
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeVecWriteEntry( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, int i, Fpga_Node_t * Entry )
+ assert( i >= 0 && i < p->nSize );
+ p->pArray[i] = Entry;
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Fpga_Node_t * Fpga_NodeVecReadEntry( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, int i )
+ assert( i >= 0 && i < p->nSize );
+ return p->pArray[i];
+ Synopsis [Comparison procedure for two nodes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_NodeVecCompareLevels( Fpga_Node_t ** pp1, Fpga_Node_t ** pp2 )
+ int Level1 = Fpga_Regular(*pp1)->Level;
+ int Level2 = Fpga_Regular(*pp2)->Level;
+ if ( Level1 < Level2 )
+ return -1;
+ if ( Level1 > Level2 )
+ return 1;
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(*pp1)->Num < Fpga_Regular(*pp2)->Num )
+ return -1;
+ if ( Fpga_Regular(*pp1)->Num > Fpga_Regular(*pp2)->Num )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ Synopsis [Sorting the entries by their integer value.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeVecSortByLevel( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p )
+ qsort( (void *)p->pArray, p->nSize, sizeof(Fpga_Node_t *),
+ (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Fpga_NodeVecCompareLevels );
+ Synopsis [Compares the arrival times.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+int Fpga_NodeVecCompareArrivals( Fpga_Node_t ** ppS1, Fpga_Node_t ** ppS2 )
+ if ( (*ppS1)->pCutBest->tArrival < (*ppS2)->pCutBest->tArrival )
+ return -1;
+ if ( (*ppS1)->pCutBest->tArrival > (*ppS2)->pCutBest->tArrival )
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ Synopsis [Orders the nodes in the increasing order of the arrival times.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_SortNodesByArrivalTimes( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p )
+ qsort( (void *)p->pArray, p->nSize, sizeof(Fpga_Node_t *),
+ (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Fpga_NodeVecCompareArrivals );
+// assert( Fpga_CompareNodesByLevel( p->pArray, p->pArray + p->nSize - 1 ) <= 0 );
+ Synopsis [Computes the union of nodes in two arrays.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeVecUnion( Fpga_NodeVec_t * p, Fpga_NodeVec_t * p1, Fpga_NodeVec_t * p2 )
+ int i;
+ Fpga_NodeVecClear( p );
+ for ( i = 0; i < p1->nSize; i++ )
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( p, p1->pArray[i] );
+ for ( i = 0; i < p2->nSize; i++ )
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( p, p2->pArray[i] );
+ Synopsis [Inserts a new node in the order by arrival times.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeVecPushOrder( Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes, Fpga_Node_t * pNode, int fIncreasing )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode1, * pNode2;
+ int i;
+ Fpga_NodeVecPush( vNodes, pNode );
+ // find the place of the node
+ for ( i = vNodes->nSize-1; i > 0; i-- )
+ {
+ pNode1 = vNodes->pArray[i ];
+ pNode2 = vNodes->pArray[i-1];
+ if ( fIncreasing && pNode1->pCutBest->tArrival >= pNode2->pCutBest->tArrival ||
+ !fIncreasing && pNode1->pCutBest->tArrival <= pNode2->pCutBest->tArrival )
+ break;
+ vNodes->pArray[i ] = pNode2;
+ vNodes->pArray[i-1] = pNode1;
+ }
+ Synopsis [Inserts a new node in the order by arrival times.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Fpga_NodeVecReverse( Fpga_NodeVec_t * vNodes )
+ Fpga_Node_t * pNode1, * pNode2;
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < vNodes->nSize/2; i++ )
+ {
+ pNode1 = vNodes->pArray[i];
+ pNode2 = vNodes->pArray[vNodes->nSize-1-i];
+ vNodes->pArray[i] = pNode2;
+ vNodes->pArray[vNodes->nSize-1-i] = pNode1;
+ }
+/// END OF FILE ///
diff --git a/src/map/fpga/module.make b/src/map/fpga/module.make
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..409e4b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/fpga/module.make
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SRC += src/map/fpga/fpga.c \
+ src/map/fpga/fpgaCore.c \
+ src/map/fpga/fpgaCreate.c \
+ src/map/fpga/fpgaCut.c \
+ src/map/fpga/fpgaCutUtils.c \
+ src/map/fpga/fpgaFanout.c \
+ src/map/fpga/fpgaLib.c \
+ src/map/fpga/fpgaMatch.c \
+ src/map/fpga/fpgaTime.c \
+ src/map/fpga/fpgaTruth.c \
+ src/map/fpga/fpgaUtils.c \
+ src/map/fpga/fpgaVec.c