path: root/src/aig/int/intCtrex.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/aig/int/intCtrex.c')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/aig/int/intCtrex.c b/src/aig/int/intCtrex.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e417ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/aig/int/intCtrex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ FileName [intCtrex.c]
+ SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
+ PackageName [Interpolation engine.]
+ Synopsis [Counter-example generation after disproving the property.]
+ Author [Alan Mishchenko]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 24, 2008.]
+ Revision [$Id: intCtrex.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
+#include "intInt.h"
+#include "ssw.h"
+ Synopsis [Unroll the circuit the given number of timeframes.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+Aig_Man_t * Inter_ManFramesBmc( Aig_Man_t * pAig, int nFrames )
+ Aig_Man_t * pFrames;
+ Aig_Obj_t * pObj, * pObjLi, * pObjLo;
+ int i, f;
+ assert( Saig_ManRegNum(pAig) > 0 );
+ assert( Saig_ManPoNum(pAig) == 1 );
+ pFrames = Aig_ManStart( Aig_ManNodeNum(pAig) * nFrames );
+ // map the constant node
+ Aig_ManConst1(pAig)->pData = Aig_ManConst1( pFrames );
+ // create variables for register outputs
+ Saig_ManForEachLo( pAig, pObj, i )
+ pObj->pData = Aig_ManConst0( pFrames );
+ // add timeframes
+ for ( f = 0; f < nFrames; f++ )
+ {
+ // create PI nodes for this frame
+ Saig_ManForEachPi( pAig, pObj, i )
+ pObj->pData = Aig_ObjCreatePi( pFrames );
+ // add internal nodes of this frame
+ Aig_ManForEachNode( pAig, pObj, i )
+ pObj->pData = Aig_And( pFrames, Aig_ObjChild0Copy(pObj), Aig_ObjChild1Copy(pObj) );
+ if ( f == nFrames - 1 )
+ break;
+ // transfer to register outputs
+ Saig_ManForEachLiLo( pAig, pObjLi, pObjLo, i )
+ pObjLo->pData = pObjLi->pData = Aig_ObjChild0Copy(pObjLi);
+ }
+ // create POs for the output of the last frame
+ pObj = Aig_ManPo( pAig, 0 );
+ Aig_ObjCreatePo( pFrames, Aig_ObjChild0Copy(pObj) );
+ Aig_ManCleanup( pFrames );
+ return pFrames;
+ Synopsis [Run the SAT solver on the unrolled instance.]
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void * Inter_ManGetCounterExample( Aig_Man_t * pAig, int nFrames, int fVerbose )
+ int nConfLimit = 1000000;
+ Ssw_Cex_t * pCtrex = NULL;
+ Aig_Man_t * pFrames;
+ sat_solver * pSat;
+ Cnf_Dat_t * pCnf;
+ int status, clk = clock();
+ Vec_Int_t * vCiIds;
+ // create timeframes
+ assert( Saig_ManPoNum(pAig) == 1 );
+ pFrames = Inter_ManFramesBmc( pAig, nFrames );
+ // derive CNF
+ pCnf = Cnf_Derive( pFrames, 0 );
+ Cnf_DataTranformPolarity( pCnf, 0 );
+ vCiIds = Cnf_DataCollectPiSatNums( pCnf, pFrames );
+ Aig_ManStop( pFrames );
+ // convert into SAT solver
+ pSat = Cnf_DataWriteIntoSolver( pCnf, 1, 0 );
+ Cnf_DataFree( pCnf );
+ if ( pSat == NULL )
+ {
+ Vec_IntFree( vCiIds );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // simplify the problem
+ status = sat_solver_simplify(pSat);
+ if ( status == 0 )
+ {
+ Vec_IntFree( vCiIds );
+ sat_solver_delete( pSat );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // solve the miter
+ status = sat_solver_solve( pSat, NULL, NULL, (sint64)nConfLimit, (sint64)0, (sint64)0, (sint64)0 );
+ // if the problem is SAT, get the counterexample
+ if ( status == l_True )
+ {
+ int i, * pModel = Sat_SolverGetModel( pSat, vCiIds->pArray, vCiIds->nSize );
+ pCtrex = Ssw_SmlAllocCounterExample( Saig_ManRegNum(pAig), Saig_ManPiNum(pAig), nFrames );
+ pCtrex->iFrame = nFrames - 1;
+ pCtrex->iPo = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < Vec_IntSize(vCiIds); i++ )
+ if ( pModel[i] )
+ Aig_InfoSetBit( pCtrex->pData, Saig_ManRegNum(pAig) + i );
+ free( pModel );
+ }
+ // free the sat_solver
+ sat_solver_delete( pSat );
+ Vec_IntFree( vCiIds );
+ // verify counter-example
+ status = Ssw_SmlRunCounterExample( pAig, pCtrex );
+ if ( status == 0 )
+ printf( "Inter_ManGetCounterExample(): Counter-example verification has FAILED.\n" );
+ // report the results
+ if ( fVerbose )
+ {
+ PRT( "Total ctrex generation time", clock() - clk );
+ }
+ return pCtrex;
+/// END OF FILE ///