path: root/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 1855 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..891a918b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,1855 @@
+from pyabc import *
+import redirect
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+import math
+global G_C,G_T,latches_before_abs,latches_before_pba,n_pos_before,x_factor
+The functions that are currently available from module _abc are:
+int n_ands();
+int n_pis();
+int n_pos();
+int n_latches();
+int n_bmc_frames();
+int prob_status(); 1 = unsat, 0 = sat, -1 = unsolved
+int run_command(char* cmd);
+bool has_comb_model();
+bool has_seq_model();
+bool is_true_cex();
+bool is_valid_cex();
+ return 1 if the number of PIs in the current network and in the current counter-example are equal
+int n_cex_pis();
+ return the number of PIs in the current counter-example
+int n_cex_regs();
+ return the number of flops in the current counter-example
+int cex_po();
+ returns the zero-based output PO number that is SAT by cex
+int cex_frame();
+ return the zero-based frame number where the outputs is SAT
+The last four APIs return -1, if the counter-example is not defined.
+#global variables
+stackno_gabs = stackno_gore = stackno_greg= 0
+RESULT = ('SAT' , 'SAT', 'UNSAT', 'UNDECIDED but reduced', 'UNDECIDED, no reduction', 'UNDCIDED but reduced' )
+Sat_reg = 0
+Sat_true = 1
+Unsat = 2
+Undecided_reduction = 3
+Undecided_no_reduction = 4
+Error = 5
+Restart = 6
+xfi = x_factor = 1 #set this to higher for larger problems or if you want to try harder during abstraction
+max_bmc = -1
+last_time = 0
+# Function definitions:
+# simple functions: ________________________________________________________________________
+# set_globals, abc, q, x, has_any_model, is_sat, is_unsat, push, pop
+def p():
+ return prove()
+def ps():
+ print_circuit_stats()
+def n_real_inputs():
+ """This gives the number of 'real' inputs. This is determined by trimming away inputs that
+ have no connection to the logic. This is done by the ABC alias 'trm', which changes the current
+ circuit. In some applications we do not want to change the circuit, but just to know how may inputs
+ would go away if we did this. So the current circuit is saved and then restored afterwards."""
+ abc('w; logic; trim; st'%f_name)
+ n = n_pis()
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ return n
+def long(t):
+ if t<20:
+ t = t
+ else:
+ t = 20+(t-20)/3
+ return max(10,t)
+def rif():
+ """Not used"""
+ global f_name
+ print 'Type in the name of the aig file to be read in'
+ s = raw_input()
+ if s[-5:] == '.blif':
+ f_name = s[:-5]
+ else:
+ f_name = s
+ s = s+'.blif'
+ run_command(s)
+ x('st;constr -i')
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ a = n_ands()
+ f = max(1,30000/a)
+ f = min (f,16)
+ x('scorr -c -F %d'%f)
+ x('fold')
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ x('w'%f_name)
+def abc(cmd):
+ abc_redirect_all(cmd)
+def abc_redirect( cmd, dst = redirect.null_file, src = sys.stdout ):
+ """This is our main way of calling an ABC function. Redirect, means that we suppress any output from ABC"""
+ with redirect.redirect( dst, src ):
+ return run_command( cmd )
+def abc_redirect_all( cmd ):
+ """This is our main way of calling an ABC function. Redirect, means that we suppress any output from ABC, including error printouts"""
+ with redirect.redirect( redirect.null_file, sys.stdout ):
+ with redirect.redirect( redirect.null_file, sys.stderr ):
+ return run_command( cmd )
+def set_globals():
+ """This sets global parameters that are used to limit the resources used by all the operations
+ bmc, interpolation BDDs, abstract etc. There is a global factor 'x_factor' that can
+ control all of the various resource limiting parameters"""
+ global G_C,G_T,x_factor
+ nl=n_latches()
+ na=n_ands()
+ np = n_pis()
+ #G_C = min(500000,(3*na+500*(nl+np)))
+ G_C = x_factor * min(100000,(3*na+500*(nl+np)))
+ #G_T = min(250,G_C/2000)
+ G_T = x_factor * min(75,G_C/2000)
+ G_T = max(1,G_T)
+ #print('Global values: BMC conflicts = %d, Max time = %d sec.'%(G_C,G_T))
+def a():
+ """this puts the system into direct abc input mode"""
+ print "Entering ABC direct-input mode. Type q to quit ABC-mode"
+ n = 0
+ while True:
+ print ' abc %d> '%n,
+ n = n+1
+ s = raw_input()
+ if s == "q":
+ break
+ run_command(s)
+def set_fname(name):
+ """ Another way to set an f_name, but currently this is not used"""
+ global f_name
+ s = name
+ if s[-4:] == '.aig':
+ f_name = s[:-4]
+ else:
+ f_name = s
+ s = s+'.aig'
+ #read in file
+ run_command(s)
+ #print_circuit_stats()
+def read_file_quiet(fname=None):
+ """This is the main program used for reading in a new circuit. The global file name is stored (f_name)
+ Sometimes we want to know the initial starting name. The file name can have the .aig extension left off
+ and it will assume that the .aig extension is implied. This should not be used for .blif files.
+ Any time we want to process a new circuit, we should use this since otherwise we would not have the
+ correct f_name."""
+ global max_bmc, f_name, d_name, initial_f_name, x_factor, init_initial_f_name
+ x_factor = 1
+ max_bmc = -1
+ if fname is None:
+ print 'Type in the name of the aig file to be read in'
+ s = raw_input()
+ else:
+ s = fname
+ if s[-4:] == '.aig':
+ f_name = s[:-4]
+ else:
+ f_name = s
+ s = s+'.aig'
+ run_command(s)
+ initial_f_name = f_name
+ init_initial_f_name = f_name
+def read_file():
+ read_file_quiet()
+ print_circuit_stats()
+def rf():
+ read_file()
+##def read_file():
+## """This is the main program used for reading in a new circuit. The global file name is stored (f_name)
+## Sometimes we want to know the initial starting name. The file name can have the .aig extension left off
+## and it will assume that the .aig extension is implied. This should not be used for .blif files.
+## Any time we want to process a new circuit, we should use this since otherwise we would not have the
+## correct f_name."""
+## global max_bmc, f_name, d_name, initial_f_name, x_factor
+## x_factor = 1
+## max_bmc = -1
+## print 'Type in the name of the aig file to be read in'
+## s = raw_input()
+## if s[-4:] == '.aig':
+## f_name = s[:-4]
+## else:
+## f_name = s
+## s = s+'.aig'
+## run_command(s)
+## initial_f_name = f_name
+## print_circuit_stats()
+##def rf():
+## """just an alias for read_file"""
+## read_file()
+def write_file(s):
+ """this is the main method for writing the current circuit to an AIG file on disk.
+ It manages the name of the file, by giving an extension (s). The file name 'f_name'
+ keeps increasing as more extensions are written. A typical sequence is
+ name, name_smp, name_smp_abs, name_smp_abs_spec, name_smp_abs_spec_final"""
+ global f_name
+ """Writes out the current file as an aig file using f_name appended with argument"""
+ f_name = '%s_%s'%(f_name,s)
+ ss = ''%(f_name)
+ print 'WRITING %s: '%ss,
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ abc('w '+ss)
+def wf():
+ """Not used"""
+ print 'input type of file to be written'
+ s = raw_input()
+ write_file(s)
+def bmc_depth():
+ """ Finds the number of BMC frames that the latest operation has used. The operation could be BMC, reachability
+ interpolation, abstract, speculate. max_bmc is continually increased. It reflects the maximum depth of any version of the circuit
+ including abstract ones, for which it is known that there is not cex out to that depth."""
+ global max_bmc
+ b = n_bmc_frames()
+ max_bmc = max(b,max_bmc)
+ return max_bmc
+def set_max_bmc(b):
+ """ Keeps increasing max_bmc which is the maximum number of time frames for
+ which the current circuit is known to be UNSAT for"""
+ global max_bmc
+ max_bmc = max(b,max_bmc)
+def print_circuit_stats():
+ """Stardard way of outputting statistice about the current circuit"""
+ global max_bmc
+ i = n_pis()
+ o = n_pos()
+ l = n_latches()
+ a = n_ands()
+ b = max(max_bmc,bmc_depth())
+ c = cex_frame()
+ if b>= 0:
+ if c>=0:
+ print 'PIs = %d, POs = %d, FF = %d, ANDs = %d, max depth = %d, CEX depth = %d'%(i,o,l,a,b,c)
+ else:
+ print 'PIs = %d, POs = %d, FF = %d, ANDs = %d, max depth = %d'%(i,o,l,a,b)
+ else:
+ if c>=0:
+ print 'PIs = %d, POs = %d, FF = %d, ANDs = %d, CEX depth = %d'%(i,o,l,a,c)
+ else:
+ print 'PIs = %d, POs = %d, FF = %d, ANDs = %d'%(i,o,l,a)
+def q():
+ exit()
+def x(s):
+ """execute an ABC command"""
+ print "RUNNING: ", s
+ run_command(s)
+def has_any_model():
+ """ check if a satisfying assignment has been found"""
+ res = has_comb_model() or has_seq_model()
+ return res
+def is_unsat():
+ if prob_status() == 1:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def is_sat():
+ if prob_status() == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def wc(file):
+ """writes <file> so that costraints are preserved explicitly"""
+ abc('&get;&w %s'%file)
+def rc(file):
+ """reads <file> so that if constraints are explicit, it will preserve them"""
+ abc('&r %s;&put'%file)
+##def push(file):
+## """ saves <file>.aig in stack_x"""
+## global stackno_gabs, stackno_gsrm, stackno_greg
+## if 'gabs' in file:
+## snm = 'gabs'
+## elif 'gsrm' in file:
+## snm = 'gsrm'
+## elif 'x' in file:
+## snm = 'greg'
+## else:
+## print 'wrong file name'
+## return
+## print snm
+## sn = 'stackno_%s'%snm
+## print sn
+## exec 'sn += sn'
+## print sn, eval(sn)
+## run_command("r"%file)
+## run_command("w"%(file,eval(sn)))
+##def pop(file):
+## """ reads top <file>.aig in stack_1 and saves it in <file>.aig"""
+## global stackno_gabs, stackno_gsrm, stackno_greg
+## if 'gabs' in file:
+## sn = 'gabs'
+## if 'gsrm' in file:
+## sn = 'gsrm'
+## if 'x' in file:
+## sn = 'greg'
+## else:
+## print 'wrong file name'
+## return
+## run_command("r"%(file,eval(sn)))
+## run_command("w"%file)
+## os.remove(""%(file,eval(sn)))
+## exec 'sn = sn-1'
+## # need to protect against wrong stack count
+def fast_int(n):
+ """This is used to eliminate easy-to-prove outputs. Arg n is conflict limit to be used
+ in the interpolation routine. Typically n = 1 or 10"""
+ n_po = n_pos()
+ abc('int -k -C %d'%n)
+ print 'Reduced POs from %d to %d'%(n_po,n_pos())
+def refine_with_cex():
+ """Refines the greg (which contains the original problem with the set of FF's that have been abstracted).
+ This generates a new abstraction (gabs) and modifies the greg file to reflect which regs are in the
+ current abstraction"""
+ global f_name
+ print 'CEX in frame %d for output %d'%(cex_frame(),cex_po())
+ abc('&r; &abs_refine; &w'%(f_name,f_name))
+ return
+def generate_abs(n):
+ """generates an abstracted model (gabs) from the greg file. The gabs file is automatically
+ generated in the & space by &abs_derive. We store it away using the f_name of the problem
+ being solved at the moment. The f_name keeps changing with an extension given by the latest
+ operation done - e.g. smp, abs, spec, final, group. """
+ global f_name
+ #we have a cex and we use this generate a new gabs file
+ abc('&r; &abs_derive; &put; w'%(f_name,f_name)) # do we still need the gabs file
+ if n == 1:
+ print 'New abstraction: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ return
+#more complex functions: ________________________________________________________
+#, abstract, pba, speculate, final_verify, dprove3
+def simplify():
+ """Our standard simplification of logic routine. What it does depende on the problem size.
+ For large problems, we use the &methods which use a simple circuit based SAT solver. Also problem
+ size dictates the level of k-step induction done in 'scorr' The stongest simplification is done if
+ n_ands < 20000. Then it used the clause based solver and k-step induction where |k| depends
+ on the problem size """
+ # set_globals()
+## print 'simplify initial ',
+## ps()
+ abc('w')
+ n=n_ands()
+ abc('scl')
+ if n > 30000:
+ abc('&get;&scl;&put')
+ n = n_ands()
+ if n < 100000:
+ abc("&dc2;&put;dr;&get;&lcorr;&dc2;&put;dr;&get;&scorr;&fraig;&dc2;&put;dr")
+ run_command('ps')
+ print '.',
+ n = n_ands()
+ if n<45000:
+ abc("&get;&scorr -F 2;&put;dc2rs")
+ print '.',
+ #ps()
+ else:
+ abc("dc2rs")
+ print '.',
+ #ps()
+ n = n_ands()
+ n = n_ands()
+ if n <= 30000:
+ print '.',
+ #ps()
+ if n > 15000:
+ abc("dc2rs")
+ print '.',
+ else:
+ abc("scorr -F 2;dc2rs")
+ print '.',
+ #ps()
+ n = max(1,n_ands())
+ ps()
+ if n < 20000:
+ m = int(min( 60000/n, 16))
+ #print 'm = %d'%m
+ if m >= 4:
+ j = 4
+ while j <= m:
+ set_size()
+ #print 'j - %d'%j
+ abc('scl;dr;dc2;scorr -C 5000 -F %d'%j)
+ if check_size() == 1:
+ break
+ j = 2*j
+ #ps()
+ continue
+ print '.',
+def iterate_simulation(latches_before):
+ """Subroutine of 'abstract' which does the refinement of the abstracted model,
+ using counterexamples found by simulation. Simulation is controlled by the amount
+ of memory it might use. At first wide but shallow simulation is done, bollowed by
+ successively more narrow but deeper simulation"""
+ global x_factor, f_name
+## print 'RUNNING simulation iteratively'
+ f = 5
+ w = 255
+ for k in range(9):
+ f = min(f *2, 3500)
+ w = max(((w+1)/2)-1,1)
+ print '.',
+ abc('sim -m -F %d -W %d'%(f,w))
+ if not is_sat():
+ continue
+ while True:
+ refine_with_cex()
+ if is_sat():
+ print 'cex failed to refine abstraction '
+ return Sat_true
+ generate_abs(0)
+ latches_after = n_latches()
+ print 'Latches increased to %d'%latches_after
+ if latches_after >= .99*latches_before:
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ print "No reduction!."
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ abc('sim -m -F %d -W %d'%(f,w))
+ if not is_sat():
+ break
+def iterate_abstraction_refinement(latches_before,NBF):
+ """Subroutine of 'abstract' which does the refinement of the abstracted model,
+ using counterexamples found by BMC or BDD reachability"""
+ global x_factor, f_name
+ if NBF == -1:
+ F = 2000
+ else:
+ F = 2*NBF
+ print '\nIterating BMC or BDD reachability'
+ reach_sw = 0
+ always_reach = 0
+ cexf = 0
+ reach_failed = 0
+ while True:
+ #print 'Generating problem abstraction'
+ generate_abs(1)
+ set_globals()
+ latches_after = n_latches()
+ if latches_after >= .98*latches_before:
+## print 'No reduction'
+## abc('r &'%f_name)
+ break
+ ri = n_real_inputs() # No. of inputs after trm
+ nlri = n_latches()+ri
+ #reach_allowed = ((nlri<150) or (((cexf>250))&(nlri<300)))
+ reach_allowed = ((nlri<75) or (((cexf>250))&(nlri<300)))
+ t = max(1,G_T)
+ if not F == -1:
+ F = int(1.5*max_bmc)
+ if (((reach_allowed or (reach_sw ==1)) and not reach_failed)):
+ #cmd = 'reach -B 200000 -F 3500 -T %f'%t
+ #cmd = 'reachx -e %d -t %d'%(int(long(t)),max(10,int(t)))
+ cmd = 'reachx -t %d'%max(10,int(t))
+ reach_sw = 1
+ else:
+ reach_sw = 0
+ cmd = 'bmc3 -C %d -T %f -F %d'%(G_C,t,F)
+ print 'RUNNING %s'%cmd
+ abc(cmd)
+ if prob_status() == 1:
+ print 'Reachability went to %d frames, '%n_bmc_frames()
+ print 'UNSAT'
+ return Unsat
+ cexf = cex_frame()
+ set_max_bmc(cexf -1)
+ if ((not is_sat()) and (reach_sw == 1)):
+ reach_failed = 1 # if ever reach failed, then we should not try it again on more refined models
+ if is_sat():
+ set_max_bmc(cex_frame()-1)
+ refine_with_cex() # if cex can't refine, status is set to Sat_true
+ if is_sat():
+ print 'cex did not refine. Implies true_sat'
+ return Sat_true
+ else:
+ print "No CEX found in %d frames"%n_bmc_frames()
+ if reach_sw == 0:
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ latches_after = n_latches()
+ if latches_after >= .98*latches_before:
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ print "No reduction!"
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ else:
+ print 'Latches reduced from %d to %d'%(latches_before, n_latches())
+ return Undecided_reduction
+def abstract():
+ """ abstracts using N Een's method 3 - cex/proof based abstraction. The result is further refined using
+ simulation, BMC or BDD reachability"""
+ global G_C, G_T, latches_before_abs, x_factor
+ set_globals()
+ latches_before_abs = n_latches()
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ print 'Start: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ c = 1.5*G_C
+ #c = 20000
+ t = max(1,1.25*G_T)
+ method = 3
+ if n_ands() > 100000:
+ method = 0
+ s = min(max(3,c/30000),10) # stability between 3 and 10
+ if max_bmc == -1:
+ time = max(1,.01*G_T)
+ abc('bmc3 -C %d -T %f -F 165'%(.01*G_C, time))
+ set_max_bmc(bmc_depth())
+ f = min(250,1.5*max_bmc)
+ f = max(20, f)
+ f = 10*f
+ if not method == 0:
+ b = 10
+ b = max(b,max_bmc+2)
+ b = b*2**(x_factor-1)
+ b = 2*b
+ print 'Neen abstraction params: Bob = %d, Method #%d, %d conflicts, %d stable, %d sec., %d frames'%(b,method,c/3,s,t,f)
+ abc('&get; &abs_newstart -v -B %f -A %d -C %d -S %d -V %f -F %d'%(b,method,c/3,s,t,f))
+ else:
+ abc('&get;&abs_start -v -C 500000 -R 1')
+ #abc('w')
+ if is_sat():
+ print 'Found true counterexample in frame %d'%cex_frame()
+ return Sat_true
+ NBF = bmc_depth()
+ print 'Abstraction good to %d frames'%n_bmc_frames()
+ set_max_bmc(NBF)
+ abc('&w; &abs_derive; &put; w'%(f_name,f_name))
+ print 'First abstraction: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ latches_after = n_latches()
+ #if latches_before_abs == latches_after:
+ if latches_after >= .98*latches_before_abs:
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ print "No reduction!"
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ # refinement loop
+ if (n_ands() + n_latches() + n_pis()) < 15000:
+ print 'Running simulation iteratively'
+ for i in range(5):
+ result = iterate_simulation(latches_before_abs)
+ if result == Restart:
+ return result
+ if result == Sat_true:
+ return result
+ result = iterate_abstraction_refinement(latches_before_abs, NBF)
+ #if the result is 'Restart' we return and the calling routine increase
+ #x_factor to try one more time.
+ return result
+def absv(n,v):
+ """This is a version of 'abstract' which can control the methods used in Een's abstraction code (method = n)
+ as well as whether we want to view the output of this (v = 1)"""
+ global G_C, G_T, latches_before_abs, x_factor
+ #input_x_factor()
+ #x_factor = 3
+ set_globals()
+ latches_before_abs = n_latches()
+ print 'Start: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ c = 1.5*G_C
+ t = max(1,1.25*G_T)
+ s = min(max(3,c/30000),10) # stability between 3 and 10
+ if max_bmc == -1:
+ time = max(1,.01*G_T)
+ abc('bmc3 -C %d -T %f -F 165'%(.01*G_C, time))
+ set_max_bmc(bmc_depth())
+ f = min(250,1.5*max_bmc)
+ f = max(20, f)
+ f = 10*f
+ b = x_factor*20
+ if not n == 0:
+ b = 10
+ b = max(b,max_bmc+2)
+ b = b*2**(x_factor-1)
+ b = 2*b
+ print 'Neen abstraction params: Method #%d, %d conflicts, %d stable, %f sec.'%(n,c/3,s,t)
+ if v == 1:
+ run_command('&get; &abs_newstart -v -B %f -A %d -C %d -S %d -V %f'%(b,n,c/3,s,t))
+ else:
+ abc('&get; &abs_newstart -v -B %f -A %d -C %d -S %d -T %f'%(b,n,c/3,s,t))
+ set_max_bmc(n_bmc_frames())
+ print 'Abstraction good to %d'%n_bmc_frames()
+ abc('&w; &abs_derive; &put; w'%(f_name,f_name))
+ print 'Final abstraction: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ latches_after = n_latches()
+ if latches_after >= .98*latches_before_abs:
+ print "No reduction!"
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ return Undecided_reduction
+def spec():
+ """Main speculative reduction routine. Finds candidate sequential equivalences and refines them by simulation, BMC, or reachability
+ using any cex found. """
+ input_x_factor()
+ global G_C,G_T,n_pos_before, x_factor, n_latches_before
+ set_globals()
+ n_pos_before = n_pos()
+ n_latches_before = n_latches()
+ set_globals()
+ t = max(1,.5*G_T)
+ r = max(1,int(t))
+ print 'Running &equiv2 with C = %d, T = %f sec., F = %d -S 1 -R %d'%(G_C,t,200,r)
+ abc("&get; &equiv2 -C %d -F 200 -T %f -S 1 -R %d; &semi -F 50; &speci -F 20 -C 1000;&srm; r; w; &w"%((G_C),t,r,f_name,f_name))
+ print 'Initial speculation: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ print 'Speculation good to %d frames'%n_bmc_frames()
+ return
+def speculate():
+ """Main speculative reduction routine. Finds candidate sequential equivalences and refines them by simulation, BMC, or reachability
+ using any cex found. """
+ global G_C,G_T,n_pos_before, x_factor, n_latches_before
+ set_globals()
+ n_pos_before = n_pos()
+ def refine_with_cex():
+ """Refines the gore file to reflect equivalences that go away because of cex"""
+ global f_name
+ print 'CEX in frame %d for output %d'%(cex_frame(),cex_po())
+ abc('&r; &resim -m; &w'%(f_name,f_name))
+ #abc('&r; &equiv2 -vx ; &w'%(f_name,f_name))
+ return
+ def generate_srm(n):
+ """generates a speculated reduced model (srm) from the gore file"""
+ global f_name
+ pos = n_pos()
+ ab = n_ands()
+ abc('&r; &srm ; r; w'%(f_name,f_name)) #do we still need to write the gsrm file
+ if n == 0:
+ if ((pos == n_pos()) and (ab == n_ands())):
+ print 'Failed to refine'
+ return 'failed'
+ if n == 1:
+ print 'Spec. Red. Miter: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ return 'OK'
+ def run_simulation(n):
+ f = 5
+ w = (256/n)-1
+ for k in range(9):
+ f = min(f * 2, 3500)
+ w = max(((w+1)/2)-1,1)
+ print '.',
+ #generate_srm(0)
+ abc('sim -m -F %d -W %d'%(f,w))
+ if not is_sat():
+ continue
+ if cex_po() < n_pos_before:
+ print 'Sim found true cex: Output = %d, Frame = %d'%(cex_po(),cex_frame())
+ return Sat_true
+ refine_with_cex()
+ if n_pos_before == n_pos():
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ while True:
+ result = generate_srm(0)
+ if result == 'failed':
+ return Sat_true
+ abc('sim -m -F %d -W %d'%(f,w))
+ if not is_sat():
+ break
+ if cex_po() < n_pos_before:
+ print 'Sim found true cex: Output = %d, Frame = %d'%(cex_po(),cex_frame())
+ return Sat_true
+ refine_with_cex()
+ if n_pos_before == n_pos():
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ n_pos_before = n_pos()
+ n_latches_before = n_latches()
+ set_globals()
+ t = max(1,.5*G_T)
+ r = max(1,int(t))
+ print 'Running &equiv2 with C = %d, T = %f sec., F = %d -S 1 -R %d'%(G_C,t,200,r)
+ abc("&get; &equiv2 -C %d -F 200 -T %f -S 1 -R %d; &semi -F 50; &speci -F 20 -C 1000;&srm; r; w; &w"%((G_C),t,r,f_name,f_name))
+ print 'Initial speculation: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ print 'Speculation good to %d frames'%n_bmc_frames()
+ #simplify()
+ if n_pos_before == n_pos():
+ print 'No new outputs. Quitting speculate'
+ return Undecided_no_reduction # return result is unknown
+ if is_sat():
+ #print '\nWARNING: if an abstraction was done, need to refine it further\n'
+ return Sat_true
+ k = n_ands() + n_latches() + n_pis()
+ n = 0
+ if k < 15000:
+ n = 1
+ elif k < 30000:
+ n = 2
+ elif k < 60000:
+ n = 4
+ elif k < 120000:
+ n = 8
+ if n > 0: # simulation can run out of memory for too large designs, so be careful
+ print 'RUNNING simulation iteratively'
+ for i in range(5):
+ result = run_simulation(n)
+ if result == Sat_true:
+ return result
+ simp_sw = 1
+ int_sw = 1
+ reach_sw = 0
+ cexf = 0
+ reach_failed = 0
+ init = 1
+ print '\nIterating BMC or BDD reachability'
+ while True: # now try real hard to get the last cex.
+ set_globals()
+ if not init:
+ set_size()
+ result = generate_srm(1)
+ if check_size() == True:
+ print 'Failed to refine'
+ return Error
+ if result == 'failed':
+ return Sat_true
+ if simp_sw == 1:
+ na = n_ands()
+ simplify()
+ if n_ands() > .7*na: #if not significant reduction, stop simplification
+ simp_sw = 0
+ if n_latches() == 0:
+ return check_sat()
+ init = 0 # make it so that next time it is not the first time through
+ time = max(1,G_T/(5*n_pos()))
+ if int_sw ==1:
+ npo = n_pos()
+ if n_pos() > .5*npo: # if not sufficient reduction, turn this off
+ int_sw = 0
+ if is_sat(): #if fast interpolation found a cex
+ cexf = cex_frame()
+ set_max_bmc(cexf - 1)
+ if cex_po() < n_pos_before:
+ print 'Int found true cex: Output = %d, Frame = %d'%(cex_po(),cex_frame())
+ return Sat_true
+ refine_with_cex()
+ if n_pos_before == n_pos():
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ if is_sat():
+ print '1. cex failed to refine abstraction'
+ return Sat_true
+ continue
+ else:
+ if n_latches() == 0:
+ return check_sat()
+ ri = n_real_inputs() #seeing how many inputs would trm get rid of
+ nlri = n_latches() + ri
+ reach_allowed = ((nlri<75) or (((cexf>250)) and (nlri<300)))
+ if (((reach_allowed or (reach_sw == 1)) and not reach_failed)):
+ t = max(1,1.2*G_T)
+ f = max(3500, 2*max_bmc)
+ cmd = 'reachx -t %d'%max(10,int(t))
+ reach_sw = 1
+ else:
+ t = max(1,1.5*G_T)
+ if max_bmc == -1:
+ f = 200
+ else:
+ f = max_bmc
+ f = int(1.5*f)
+ cmd = 'bmc3 -C %d -T %f -F %f'%(1.5*G_C,1.2*t,f)
+ reach_sw = 0
+ print 'Running %s'%cmd
+ abc(cmd)
+ if is_sat():
+ cexf = cex_frame()
+ set_max_bmc(cexf - 1)
+ #This is a temporary fix since reachx always reports cex_ps = 0
+ if ((cex_po() < n_pos_before) and (cmd[:3] == 'bmc')):
+ print 'BMC found true cex: Output = %d, Frame = %d'%(cex_po(),cex_frame())
+ return Sat_true
+ #End of temporary fix
+ refine_with_cex()#change the number of equivalences
+ if n_pos_before == n_pos():
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ continue
+ else:
+ set_max_bmc(bmc_depth())
+ print 'No cex found in %d frames'%n_bmc_frames()
+ if reach_sw == 0:
+ break
+ else:
+ if prob_status() == 1:
+ print 'Reachability converged in %d frames'%n_bmc_frames()
+ return Unsat
+ reach_failed = 1
+ init = 1
+ continue
+ if n_pos_before == n_pos():
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ else:
+ return Undecided_reduction
+def set_size():
+ """Stores the problem size of the current design. Size is defined as (PIs, POs, ANDS, FF, max_bmc)"""
+ global npi, npo, nands, nff, nmd
+ npi = n_pis()
+ npo = n_pos()
+ nands = n_ands()
+ nff = n_latches()
+ nmd = max_bmc
+def check_size():
+ """Assumes the problem size has been set by set_size before some operation. This checks if the size was changed
+ Size is defined as (PIs, POs, ANDS, FF, max_bmc)
+ Returns TRUE is size is the same"""
+ global npi, npo, nands, nff, nmd
+ result = ((npi == n_pis()) and (npo == n_pos()) and (nands == n_ands()) and (nff == n_latches()) and (nmd == max_bmc))
+## if result == 1:
+## print 'Size unchanged'
+ return result
+def inferior_size():
+ """Assumes the problem size has been set by set_size beore some operation.
+ This checks if the new size is inferior (larger) to the old one
+ Size is defined as (PIs, POs, ANDS, FF)"""
+ global npi, npo, nands, nff
+ result = ((npi < n_pis()) or (npo < n_pos()) or (nands < n_ands()) )
+ return result
+def quick_verify(n):
+ """Low resource version of final_verify n = 1 means to do an initial simplification first"""
+ abc('trm')
+ if n == 1:
+ simplify()
+ if n_latches == 0:
+ return check_sat()
+ abc('trm')
+ print 'After trimming: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ #try_rpm()
+ set_globals()
+ if is_sat():
+ return Sat_true
+ c = max(G_C/10, 1000)
+ t = max(1,.4*G_T)
+ print 'RUNNING interpolation with %d conflicts, max %d sec and 100 frames'%(c,t)
+ abc('int -v -F 100 -C %d -T %f'%(c,t))
+ status = get_status()
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ print 'Interpolation went to %d frames, '%n_bmc_frames(),
+ print RESULT[status]
+ return status
+ N = bmc_depth()
+ L = n_latches()
+ I = n_real_inputs()
+ if ( ((I+L<200)&(N>100)) or (I+L<125) or L < 51 ): #heuristic that if bmc went deep, then reachability might also
+ t = max(1,.4*G_T)
+ cmd = 'reachx -t %d'%max(10,int(t))
+ print 'Running %s'%cmd
+ abc(cmd)
+ status = get_status()
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ print 'Reachability went to %d frames, '%n_bmc_frames()
+ print RESULT[status]
+ return status
+ print 'BDD reachability aborted'
+ simplify() #why is this here
+ if n_latches() == 0:
+ print 'Simplified to 0 FF'
+ return check_sat()
+ set_max_bmc(bmc_depth()) # doesn't do anything
+ print 'No success, max_depth = %d'%max_bmc
+ return Undecided_reduction
+def get_status():
+ """this simply translates the problem status encoding done by ABC (-1,0,1)=(undecided,SAT,UNSAT) into the status code used by our python code."""
+ status = prob_status() #interrogates ABC for the current status of the problem.
+ # 0 = SAT
+ if status == 1:
+ status = Unsat
+ if status == -1: #undecided
+ status = Undecided_no_reduction
+ return status
+def try_rpm():
+ """rpm is a cheap way of doing reparameterization and is an abstraction method, so may introduce false cex's.
+ It finds a minimum cut between the PIs and the main sequential logic and replaces this cut by free inputs.
+ A quick BMC is then done, and if no cex is found, we assume the abstraction is valid. Otherwise we revert back
+ to the original problem before rpm was tried."""
+ global x_factor
+ if n_ands() > 30000:
+ return
+ set_globals()
+ pis_before = n_pis()
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ abc('rpm')
+ result = 0
+ if n_pis() < .5*pis_before:
+ bmc_before = bmc_depth()
+ #print 'running quick bmc to see if rpm is OK'
+ t = max(1,.1*G_T)
+ abc('bmc3 -C %d, -T %f'%(.1*G_C, t))
+ if is_sat(): #rpm made it sat by bmc test, so undo rpm
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ else:
+ abc('trm')
+ print 'WARNING: rpm reduced PIs to %d. May make SAT.'%n_pis()
+ result = 1
+ else:
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ return result
+def final_verify():
+ """This is the final method for verifying anything is nothing else has worked. It first tries BDD reachability
+ if the problem is small enough. If this aborts or if the problem is too large, then interpolation is called."""
+ global x_factor
+ set_globals()
+## simplify()
+## if n_latches() == 0:
+## return check_sat()
+## abc('trm')
+ #rpm_result = try_rpm()
+ set_globals()
+ N = bmc_depth()
+ L = n_latches()
+ I = n_real_inputs()
+ #try_induction(G_C)
+ if ( ((I+L<250)&(N>100)) or (I+L<200) or (L<51) ): #heuristic that if bmc went deep, then reachability might also
+ t = max(1,1.5*G_T)
+ #cmd = 'reach -v -B 1000000 -F 10000 -T %f'%t
+ #cmd = 'reachx -e %d'%int(long(t))
+ #cmd = 'reachx -e %d -t %d'%(int(long(t)),max(10,int(t)))
+ cmd = 'reachx -t %d'%max(10,int(t))
+ print 'Running %s'%cmd
+ abc(cmd)
+ status = get_status()
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ print 'Reachability went to %d frames, '%n_bmc_frames(),
+ print RESULT[status]
+ return status
+ print 'BDD reachability aborted'
+ #f = max(100,bmc_depth())
+ c = max(G_C/5, 1000)
+ t = max(1,G_T)
+ print '\nRUNNING interpolation with %d conflicts, %d sec, max 100 frames'%(c,t)
+ abc('int -v -F 100 -C %d -T %f'%(c,t))
+ status = get_status()
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ print 'Interpolation went to %d frames, '%n_bmc_frames(),
+ print RESULT[status]
+ return status
+ simplify()
+ if n_latches() == 0:
+ return check_sat()
+ print 'Undecided'
+ return Undecided_reduction
+def check_sat():
+ """This is called if all the FF have disappeared, but there is still some logic left. In this case,
+ the remaining logic may be UNSAT, which is usually the case, but this has to be proved. The ABC command 'dsat' is used fro combinational problems"""
+## if n_ands() == 0:
+## return Unsat
+ abc('dsat -C %d'%G_C)
+ if is_sat():
+ return Sat_true
+ elif is_unsat():
+ return Unsat
+ else:
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+def try_era(s):
+ """era is explicit state enumeration that ABC has. It only works if the number of PIs is small,
+ but there are cases where it works and nothing else does"""
+ if n_pis() > 12:
+ return
+ cmd = '&get;&era -mv -S %d;&put'%s
+ print 'Running %s'%cmd
+ run_command(cmd)
+def try_induction(C):
+ """Sometimes proving the property directly using induction works but not very often.
+ For 'ind' to work, it must have only 1 output, so all outputs are or'ed together temporarily"""
+ return Undecided_reduction
+ print '\nTrying induction'
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ abc('orpos; ind -uv -C %d -F 10'%C)
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ status = prob_status()
+ if not status == 1:
+ return Undecided_reduction
+ print 'Induction succeeded'
+ return Unsat
+def final_verify_recur(K):
+ """During prove we make backups as we go. These backups have increasing abstractions done, which can cause
+ non-verification by allowing false counterexamples. If an abstraction fails with a cex, we can back up to
+ the previous design before the last abstraction and try to proceed from there. K is the backup number we
+ start with and this decreases as the backups fails. For each backup, we just try final_verify.
+ If ever we back up to 0, which is the backup just after simplify, we then try speculate on this. This often works
+ well if the problem is a SEC problem where there are a lot of equivalences across the two designs."""
+ for j in range(K):
+ i = K-(j+1)
+ if i == 0: #don't try final verify on original
+ status = 3
+ break
+ print '\nVerifying backup number %d:'%i,
+ abc('r'%(initial_f_name,i))
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ status = final_verify()
+ if status >= Unsat:
+ return status
+ if i > 0:
+ print 'SAT returned, trying less abstract backup'
+ continue
+ break
+ if ((i == 0) and (status > Unsat) and (n_ands() > 0)):
+ print '\nTrying speculate on initial backup number %d:'%i,
+ abc('r'%(initial_f_name,i))
+ ps()
+ if n_ands() < 20000:
+ status = speculate()
+ if ((status <= Unsat) or (status == Error)):
+ return status
+ status = final_verify()
+ if status == Unsat:
+ return status
+ else:
+ return Undecided_reduction
+def pre_simp():
+ """This uses a set of simplification algorithms which preprocesses a design.
+ Includes forward retiming, quick simp, signal correspondence with constraints, trimming away
+ PIs, and strong simplify"""
+ set_globals()
+ #print 'trying forward'
+ try_forward()
+ #print 'trying quick simp'
+ quick_simp()
+ #print 'trying_scorr_constr'
+ status = try_scorr_constr()
+ #status = 3
+ #print 'trying trm'
+ if ((n_ands() > 0) or (n_latches()>0)):
+ abc('trm')
+ print 'Forward, quick_simp, scorr_constr,: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ status = process_status(status)
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ return status
+ simplify()
+ print 'Simplify: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ if n_latches() == 0:
+ return check_sat()
+ try_phase()
+ if n_latches() == 0:
+ return check_sat()
+ #abc('trm')
+ if ((n_ands() > 0) or (n_latches()>0)):
+ abc('trm')
+ status = process_status(status)
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ return status
+ status = try_scorr_constr()
+ abc('trm')
+ return process_status(status)
+def try_scorr_constr():
+ set_size()
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ status = scorr_constr()
+ if inferior_size():
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ return status
+def process(status):
+ """Checks if there are no FF and if so checks if the remaining combinational
+ problem is UNSAT"""
+ if n_latches() == 0:
+ return check_sat()
+ return status
+def try_phase():
+ """Tries phase abstraction. ABC returns the maximum clock phase it found using n_phases.
+ Then unnrolling is tried up to that phase and the unrolled model is quickly
+ simplified (with retiming to see if there is a significant reduction.
+ If not, then revert back to original"""
+ n = n_phases()
+ if ((n == 1) or (n_ands() > 30000)):
+ return
+ print 'Number of possible phases = %d'%n
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ na = n_ands()
+ nl = n_latches()
+ ni = n_pis()
+ no = n_pos()
+ cost_init = (1*n_pis())+(2*n_latches())+.05*n_ands()
+ cost_min = cost_init
+ cost = cost_init
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ for j in range(4):
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ p = 2**(j+1)
+ if p > n:
+ break
+ abc('phase -F %d'%p)
+ if na == n_ands():
+ break
+ abc('scl;rw')
+ if n_latches() > nl: #why would this ever happen
+ break
+ #print_circuit_stats()
+ abc('rw;lcorr;trm')
+ #print_circuit_stats()
+ cost = (1*n_pis())+(2*n_latches())+.05*n_ands()
+ if cost < cost_min:
+ cost_min = cost
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ else:
+ break
+ if cost < cost_init:
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ simplify()
+ abc('trm')
+ print 'Phase abstraction obtained :',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ return
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ return
+def try_forward():
+ """Attempts most forward retiming, and latch correspondence there. If attempt fails to help simplify, then we revert back to the original design
+ This can be effective for equivalence checking problems where synthesis used retiming"""
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ if n_ands() < 30000:
+ abc('dr')
+ abc('lcorr')
+ nl = n_latches()
+ na = n_ands()
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ abc('dr -m')
+ abc('lcorr')
+ abc('dr')
+ if ((n_latches() <= nl) and (n_ands() < na)):
+ print 'Forward retiming reduced size to: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ return
+ else:
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ return
+ return
+def quick_simp():
+ """A few quick ways to simplify a problem before more expensive methods are applied.
+ Uses & commands if problem is large. These commands use the new circuit based SAT solver"""
+ na = n_ands()
+ if na < 30000:
+ abc('scl;rw')
+ elif na < 80000:
+ abc('&get;&scl;&put;rw')
+def scorr_constr():
+ #return Undecided_no_reduction #temporarily disable the for the moment
+ """Extracts implicit constraints and uses them in signal correspondence
+ Constraints that are found are folded back when done"""
+ na = max(1,n_ands())
+ if ((na > 40000) or n_pos()>1):
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ f = 40000/na
+ f = min(f,16)
+ n_pos_before = n_pos()
+ f = 1 #temporary until bug fixed.
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ if n_ands() < 3000:
+ cmd = 'unfold -a -F 2'
+ else:
+ cmd = 'unfold'
+ abc(cmd)
+ if ((n_ands() > na) or (n_pos() == 1)):
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ print 'Number of constraints = %d'%(n_pos() - n_pos_before)
+ abc('scorr -c -F %dd'%f)
+ if n_pos_before == 1:
+ #abc('cone -s -O 0') #don't fold constraints back in
+ abc('fold')
+ else:
+ abc('fold')
+## abc('fold')
+ return Undecided_no_reduction
+def process_status(status):
+ """ if there are no FF, the problem is combinational and we still have to check if UNSAT"""
+ if n_latches() == 0:
+ return check_sat()
+ return status
+def input_x_factor():
+ """Sets the global x_factor according to user input"""
+ global x_factor, xfi
+ print 'Type in x_factor:',
+ xfi = x_factor = input()
+ print 'x_factor set to %f'%x_factor
+def prove(a):
+ """Proves all the outputs together. If ever an abstraction was done then if SAT is returned,
+ we make RESULT return "undecided".
+ if a = 0 we skip the first quick_verify"""
+ global x_factor,xfi,f_name
+ x = time.clock()
+ max_bmc = -1
+ K = 0
+ print 'Initial: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ x_factor = xfi
+ print 'x_factor = %f'%x_factor
+ print '\nRunning pre_simp'
+ set_globals()
+ status = pre_simp()
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+ if n_ands() == 0:
+ abc('bmc3 -T 2')
+ if is_sat():
+ return 'SAT'
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('smp')
+ abc('w'%(initial_f_name,K))
+ K = K +1
+ set_globals()
+ if ((n_ands() < 30000) and (a == 1) and (n_latches() < 300)):
+ print '\nRunning quick_verify'
+ status = quick_verify(0)
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ if not status == Unsat:
+ print 'CEX in frame %d'%cex_frame()
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+ if n_ands() == 0:
+ abc('bmc3 -T 2')
+ if is_sat():
+ return 'SAT'
+ print'\nRunning abstract'
+ nl_b = n_latches()
+ status = abstract()
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('abs')
+ status = process_status(status)
+ if ((status <= Unsat) or status == Error):
+ if status < Unsat:
+ print 'CEX in frame %d'%cex_frame()
+## status = final_verify_recur(K)
+## write_file('final')
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+ abc('w'%(initial_f_name,K))
+ K = K +1
+ if status == Undecided_reduction:
+ print '\nRunning quick_verify'
+ status = quick_verify(1)
+ status = process_status(status)
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ if status < Unsat:
+ print 'CEX in frame %d'%cex_frame()
+ #print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ status = final_verify_recur(K-1)
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('final')
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+ if n_ands() > 20000:
+ print 'Speculation skipped because too large'
+ K = 2
+ elif n_ands() == 0:
+ print 'Speculation skipped because no and nodes'
+ K = 2
+ else:
+ print '\nRunning speculate'
+ status = speculate()
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('spec')
+ status = process_status(status)
+ if status == Unsat:
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+ if ((status < Unsat) or (status == Error)):
+ print 'CEX in frame %d'%cex_frame()
+ K = K-1 #if spec found a true cex, then result of abstract was wrong
+ else:
+ abc('w'%(initial_f_name,K))
+ K = K +1
+ status = final_verify_recur(K)
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('final')
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+def prove_g_pos(a):
+ """Proves the outputs clustered by a parameter a.
+ a is the disallowed increase in latch support Clusters must be contiguous
+ If a = 0 then outputs are proved individually. Clustering is done from last to first
+ Output 0 is attempted to be proved inductively using other outputs as constraints.
+ Proved outputs are removed if all the outputs have not been proved.
+ If ever one of the proofs returns SAT, we stop and do not try any other outputs."""
+ global f_name, max_bmc,x_factor
+ x = time.clock()
+ #input_x_factor()
+ init_f_name = f_name
+ #fast_int(1)
+ print 'Beginning prove_g_pos'
+ result = prove_all_ind()
+ print 'Number of outputs reduced to %d by induction and fast interpolation'%n_pos()
+ print '\n************Trying second level prove****************\n'
+ try_rpm()
+ result = prove(0)
+ #result = prove_0_ind()
+ if result == 'UNSAT':
+ print 'Second prove returned UNSAT'
+ return result
+ if result == 'SAT':
+ print 'CEX found'
+ return result
+ print '\n********** Proving each output separately ************'
+ result = prove_all_ind()
+ print 'Number of outputs reduced to %d by induction and fast interpolation'%n_pos()
+ f_name = init_f_name
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ n = n_pos()
+ print 'Number of outputs = %d'%n
+ #count = 0
+ pos_proved = []
+ J = 0
+ jnext = n-1
+ while jnext >= 0:
+ max_bmc = -1
+ f_name = init_f_name
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ #Do in reverse order
+ jnext_old = jnext
+ if a == 0: # do not group
+ extract(jnext,jnext)
+ jnext = jnext -1
+ else:
+ jnext = group(a,jnext)
+ if jnext_old > jnext+1:
+ print '\nProving outputs [%d-%d]'%(jnext + 1,jnext_old)
+ else:
+ print '\nProving output %d'%(jnext_old)
+ #ps()
+ #fast_int(1)
+ f_name = f_name + '_%d'%jnext_old
+ result = prove_1()
+ if result == 'UNSAT':
+ if jnext_old > jnext+1:
+ print '\n******** PROVED OUTPUTS [%d-%d] ******** \n\n'%(jnext+1,jnext_old)
+ else:
+ print '\n******** PROVED OUTPUT %d ******** \n\n'%(jnext_old)
+ pos_proved = pos_proved + range(jnext +1,jnext_old+1)
+ continue
+ if result == 'SAT':
+ print 'One of output in (%d to %d) is SAT'%(jnext + 1,jnext_old)
+ return result
+ else:
+ print '\n******** UNDECIDED on OUTPUTS %d thru %d ******** \n\n'%(jnext+1,jnext_old)
+ f_name = init_f_name
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ if not len(pos_proved) == n:
+ print 'Eliminating %d proved outputs'%(len(pos_proved))
+ remove(pos_proved)
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('group')
+ result = 'UNDECIDED'
+ else:
+ print 'Proved all outputs. The problem is proved UNSAT'
+ result = 'UNSAT'
+ print 'Total time for prove_g_pos = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return result
+def prove_pos():
+ """Proves the outputs clustered by a parameter a.
+ a is the disallowed increase in latch support Clusters must be contiguous
+ If a = 0 then outputs are proved individually. Clustering is done from last to first
+ Output 0 is attempted to be proved inductively using other outputs as constraints.
+ Proved outputs are removed if all the outputs have not been proved.
+ If ever one of the proofs returns SAT, we stop and do not try any other outputs."""
+ global f_name, max_bmc,x_factor
+ a=0
+ x = time.clock()
+ #input_x_factor()
+ init_f_name = f_name
+ #fast_int(1)
+ print 'Beginning prove_g_pos'
+ result = prove_all_ind()
+ print 'Number of outputs reduced to %d by induction and fast interpolation'%n_pos()
+ print '\n********** Proving each output separately ************'
+ f_name = init_f_name
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ n = n_pos()
+ print 'Number of outputs = %d'%n
+ #count = 0
+ pos_proved = []
+ J = 0
+ jnext = n-1
+ while jnext >= 0:
+ max_bmc = -1
+ f_name = init_f_name
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ #Do in reverse order
+ jnext_old = jnext
+ if a == 0: # do not group
+ extract(jnext,jnext)
+ jnext = jnext -1
+ else:
+ jnext = group(a,jnext)
+ if jnext_old > jnext+1:
+ print '\nProving outputs [%d-%d]'%(jnext + 1,jnext_old)
+ else:
+ print '\nProving output %d'%(jnext_old)
+ #ps()
+ #fast_int(1)
+ f_name = f_name + '_%d'%jnext_old
+ result = prove_1()
+ if result == 'UNSAT':
+ if jnext_old > jnext+1:
+ print '\n******** PROVED OUTPUTS [%d-%d] ******** \n\n'%(jnext+1,jnext_old)
+ else:
+ print '\n******** PROVED OUTPUT %d ******** \n\n'%(jnext_old)
+ pos_proved = pos_proved + range(jnext +1,jnext_old+1)
+ continue
+ if result == 'SAT':
+ print 'One of output in (%d to %d) is SAT'%(jnext + 1,jnext_old)
+ return result
+ else:
+ print '\n******** UNDECIDED on OUTPUTS %d thru %d ******** \n\n'%(jnext+1,jnext_old)
+ f_name = init_f_name
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ if not len(pos_proved) == n:
+ print 'Eliminating %d proved outputs'%(len(pos_proved))
+ remove(pos_proved)
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('group')
+ result = 'UNDECIDED'
+ else:
+ print 'Proved all outputs. The problem is proved UNSAT'
+ result = 'UNSAT'
+ print 'Total time for prove_g_pos = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return result
+def prove_g_pos_split():
+ """like prove_g_pos but quits when any output is undecided"""
+ global f_name, max_bmc,x_factor
+ x = time.clock()
+ #input_x_factor()
+ init_f_name = f_name
+ #fast_int(1)
+ print 'Beginning prove_g_pos_split'
+ result = prove_all_ind()
+ print 'Number of outputs reduced to %d by induction and fast interpolation'%n_pos()
+ try_rpm()
+ print '\n********** Proving each output separately ************'
+ f_name = init_f_name
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ n = n_pos()
+ print 'Number of outputs = %d'%n
+ pos_proved = []
+ J = 0
+ jnext = n-1
+ while jnext >= 0:
+ max_bmc = -1
+ f_name = init_f_name
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ jnext_old = jnext
+ extract(jnext,jnext)
+ jnext = jnext -1
+ print '\nProving output %d'%(jnext_old)
+ f_name = f_name + '_%d'%jnext_old
+ result = prove_1()
+ if result == 'UNSAT':
+ if jnext_old > jnext+1:
+ print '\n******** PROVED OUTPUTS [%d-%d] ******** \n\n'%(jnext+1,jnext_old)
+ else:
+ print '\n******** PROVED OUTPUT %d ******** \n\n'%(jnext_old)
+ pos_proved = pos_proved + range(jnext +1,jnext_old+1)
+ continue
+ if result == 'SAT':
+ print 'One of output in (%d to %d) is SAT'%(jnext + 1,jnext_old)
+ return result
+ else:
+ print '\n******** UNDECIDED on OUTPUTS %d thru %d ******** \n\n'%(jnext+1,jnext_old)
+ print 'Eliminating %d proved outputs'%(len(pos_proved))
+ # remove outputs proved and return
+ f_name = init_f_name
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ remove(pos_proved)
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('group')
+ return 'UNDECIDED'
+ f_name = init_f_name
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ if not len(pos_proved) == n:
+ print 'Eliminating %d proved outputs'%(len(pos_proved))
+ remove(pos_proved)
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('group')
+ result = 'UNDECIDED'
+ else:
+ print 'Proved all outputs. The problem is proved UNSAT'
+ result = 'UNSAT'
+ print 'Total time = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return result
+def group(a,n):
+ """Groups together outputs beginning at output n and any contiguous preceeding output
+ that does not increase the latch support by a or more"""
+ global f_name, max_bmc
+ nlt = n_latches()
+ extract(n,n)
+ nli = n_latches()
+ if n == 0:
+ return n-1
+ for J in range(1,n+1):
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ j = n-J
+ #print 'trying %d to %d'%(j,n)
+ extract(j,n)
+ #print 'n_latches = %d'%n_latches()
+ #if n_latches() >= nli + (nlt - nli)/2:
+ if n_latches() == nli:
+ continue
+ if n_latches() > nli+a:
+ break
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+## if j == 1:
+## j = j-1
+ print 'extracting [%d-%d]'%(j,n)
+ extract(j,n)
+ ps()
+ return j-1
+def extract(n1,n2):
+ """Extracts outputs n1 through n2"""
+ no = n_pos()
+ if n2 > no:
+ return 'range exceeds number of POs'
+ abc('cone -s -O %d -R %d'%(n1, 1+n2-n1))
+ abc('scl')
+def prove_0_ind():
+ """Uses all other outputs as constraints to try to prove output 0 by induction"""
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ #ps()
+ abc('constr -N %d'%(n_pos()-1))
+ #ps()
+ abc('fold')
+ #ps()
+ abc('ind -u -C 1000000 -F 20')
+ status = get_status()
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ return status
+def remove(list):
+ """Removes outputs in list as well as easy output proved by fast interpolation"""
+ zero(list)
+ abc('scl')
+ fast_int(1)
+def zero(list):
+ """Zeros out POs in list"""
+ for j in list:
+ run_command('zeropo -N %d'%j)
+def sp():
+ """Alias for super_prove"""
+ print 'Executing super_prove'
+ result = super_prove()
+ return result
+def super_prove():
+ """Main proof technique now. Does original prove and if after speculation there are multiple output left
+ if will try to prove each output separately, in reverse order. It will quit at the first output that fails
+ to be proved, or any output that is proved SAT"""
+ global max_bmc, init_initial_f_name, initial_f_name
+ init_initial_f_name = initial_f_name
+ if x_factor > 1:
+ print 'x_factor = %d'%x_factor
+ input_x_factor()
+ max_bmc = -1
+ x = time.clock()
+ result = prove(0)
+ k = 1
+ print result
+ if not result[:3] == 'UND':
+ print 'Total time taken by super_prove = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return result
+ if n_pos() > 1:
+ result = prove_g_pos(0)
+ print result
+ if result == 'UNSAT':
+ print 'Total time taken by super_prove = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return result
+ if result == 'SAT':
+ k = 0 #Don't try to prove UNSAT on an abstraction that had SAT
+ # should go back to backup 1 since probably spec was bad.
+ y = time.clock()
+ result = BMC_VER_result(k)
+ print 'Total time taken by last gasp verification = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - y)
+ print 'Total time for %s = %f sec.'%(init_initial_f_name,(time.clock() - x))
+ return result
+def reachm(t):
+ run_command('&get;&reach -vcs -T %d;&put'%t)
+def BMC_VER_result(n):
+ global init_initial_f_name
+ #print init_initial_f_name
+ if n == 0:
+ print '\nTrying proof on initial simplified and abstracted circuit\n'
+ abc('r'%init_initial_f_name)
+ ps()
+ x = time.clock()
+ result = 5
+ N = 0
+ T = 150
+ if (n_pis()+n_latches() < 250):
+ print ' Trying deep Reachability'
+ run_command('reachx -t 150')
+ #run_command('&get;&reach -vcs -T %d'%T)
+ result = get_status()
+ if result == Unsat:
+ return 'UNSAT'
+ if ((result < Unsat) and (n == 0)):
+ N = 1
+ if ((result >= Unsat) and (N == 0)):
+ print 'Trying deep interpolation'
+ run_command('int -v -F 30000 -C 1000000 -T %d'%T)
+ result = get_status()
+ if result == Unsat:
+ return 'UNSAT'
+## try_split()
+## if n_pos() > 1:
+## result = prove_g_pos_split()
+## if result[:5] == 'UNSAT':
+## return result
+ #ps()
+ abc('r'%init_initial_f_name)
+ ps()
+ if N == 1:
+ print '\nTrying deep interpolation on initial simplified circuit\n'
+ run_command('int -v -F 30000 -C 1000000 -T %d'%T)
+ result = get_status()
+ if result == Unsat:
+ return 'UNSAT'
+ if result < Unsat:
+ return 'SAT'
+ print '\nTrying deep BMC on initial simplified circuit\n'
+ run_command('bmc3 -v -T %d -F 200000 -C 1000000'%T)
+ result = get_status()
+ if result < Unsat:
+ result = 'SAT'
+ print ' CEX found in frame %d'%cex_frame()
+ else:
+ result = 'UNDECIDED'
+ print 'Additional time taken by BMC/ability = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return result
+def try_split():
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ na = n_ands()
+ split(3)
+ if n_ands()> 2*na:
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+def time_diff():
+ global last_time
+ new_time = time.clock()
+ diff = new_time - last_time
+ last_time = new_time
+ result = 'Lapsed time = %.2f sec.'%diff
+ return result
+def prove_all_ind():
+ """Tries to prove output k by induction, using outputs > k as constraints. Removes proved outputs from POs."""
+ abc('w'%f_name)
+ plist = []
+ for j in range(n_pos()):
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ extract(j,n_pos())
+ abc('constr -N %d'%(n_pos()-1))
+ abc('fold')
+ n = max(1,n_ands())
+ f = max(1,min(40000/n,16))
+ f = int(f)
+ abc('ind -u -C 10000 -F %d'%f)
+ status = get_status()
+ if status == Unsat:
+ plist = plist + [j]
+ print '%d'%j,
+ print '\nOutputs proved inductively = ',
+ print plist
+ abc('r'%f_name)
+ remove(plist) #remove the outputs proved
+ return status
+def split(n):
+ abc('orpos;&get')
+ abc('&posplit -v -N %d;&put;dc2;trm'%n)
+def keep_splitting():
+ for j in range(5):
+ split(5+j)
+ no = n_pos()
+ status = prove_g_pos_split(0)
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ return status
+ if no == n_pos():
+ return Undecided
+def drill(n):
+ run_command('&get; &reach -vcs -H 5 -S %d -T 50 -C 40'%n)
+def prove_1():
+ """Proves all the outputs together. If ever an abstraction was done then if SAT is returned,
+ we make RESULT return "undecided".
+ """
+ a = 1
+ global x_factor,xfi,f_name
+ x = time.clock()
+ max_bmc = -1
+ K = 0
+ print 'Initial: ',
+ print_circuit_stats()
+ x_factor = xfi
+ print 'x_factor = %f'%x_factor
+ print '\nRunning pre_simp'
+ set_globals()
+ status = pre_simp()
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('smp')
+ abc('w'%(initial_f_name,K))
+ K = K +1
+ set_globals()
+ if ((n_ands() < 30000) and (a == 1) and (n_latches() < 300)):
+ print '\nRunning quick_verify'
+ status = quick_verify(0)
+ if status <= Unsat:
+ if not status == Unsat:
+ print 'CEX in frame %d'%cex_frame()
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+ print'\nRunning abstract'
+ nl_b = n_latches()
+ status = abstract()
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('abs')
+ status = process_status(status)
+ if ((status <= Unsat) or status == Error):
+ if status < Unsat:
+ print 'CEX in frame %d'%cex_frame()
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+ abc('w'%(initial_f_name,K))
+ status = final_verify_recur(2)
+ abc('trm')
+ write_file('final')
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return RESULT[status]
+def qprove():
+ global x_factor
+ x = time.clock()
+ x_factor = 3
+ print '\n*********pre_simp**********\n'
+ pre_simp()
+ print '\n*********absv**********\n'
+ result = absv(3,1)
+ x_factor = 2
+ print '\n*********absv**********\n'
+ result = absv(3,1)
+ print '\n*********speculate**********\n'
+ result = speculate()
+ if result <= Unsat:
+ return RESULT[result]
+ print '\n*********absv**********\n'
+ result = absv(3,1)
+ print '\n*********prove_pos**********\n'
+ result = prove_pos()
+ if result == 'UNDECIDED':
+ print '\n*********BMC_VER_result**********\n'
+ result = BMC_VER_result(1)
+ print 'Time for proof = %f sec.'%(time.clock() - x)
+ return result