path: root/src/sat/bmc/bmcICheck.c
diff options
authorAlan Mishchenko <>2013-11-05 19:37:46 -0800
committerAlan Mishchenko <>2013-11-05 19:37:46 -0800
commit66b6593513bee13732999d4b2216d7a411003ce0 (patch)
tree264e477a1c33ed89305f65c893c56bc59d4da47d /src/sat/bmc/bmcICheck.c
parente3560904ec9a9bd225237b113f75f18d7182c2a2 (diff)
Specialized inductive check.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sat/bmc/bmcICheck.c')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sat/bmc/bmcICheck.c b/src/sat/bmc/bmcICheck.c
index 17408e78..13ab1038 100644
--- a/src/sat/bmc/bmcICheck.c
+++ b/src/sat/bmc/bmcICheck.c
@@ -293,6 +293,145 @@ void Bmc_PerformICheck( Gia_Man_t * p, int nFramesMax, int nTimeOut, int fEmpty,
Vec_IntFree( vUsed );
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Bmc_PerformISearchOne( Gia_Man_t * p, int nFramesMax, int nTimeOut, int fReverse, int fVerbose, Vec_Int_t * vLits )
+ int fUseOldCnf = 0;
+ Gia_Man_t * pMiter, * pTemp;
+ Cnf_Dat_t * pCnf;
+ sat_solver * pSat;
+// Vec_Int_t * vLits;
+ int i, Iter, status;
+ int nLitsUsed;
+ abctime clkStart = Abc_Clock();
+ assert( nFramesMax > 0 );
+ assert( Gia_ManRegNum(p) > 0 );
+ // create miter
+ pTemp = Gia_ManDup( p );
+ pMiter = Gia_ManMiter( p, pTemp, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 );
+ Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
+ assert( Gia_ManPoNum(pMiter) == 2 * Gia_ManPoNum(p) );
+ assert( Gia_ManRegNum(pMiter) == 2 * Gia_ManRegNum(p) );
+ // derive CNF
+ if ( fUseOldCnf )
+ pCnf = Cnf_DeriveGiaRemapped( pMiter );
+ else
+ {
+ pMiter = Jf_ManDeriveCnf( pTemp = pMiter, 0 );
+ Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
+ pCnf = (Cnf_Dat_t *)pMiter->pData; pMiter->pData = NULL;
+ }
+ // collect positive literals
+ vLits = Vec_IntAlloc( Gia_ManCoNum(p) );
+ for ( i = 0; i < Gia_ManRegNum(p); i++ )
+ Vec_IntPush( vLits, Abc_Var2Lit(i, 0) );
+ // derive SAT solver
+ pSat = Bmc_DeriveSolver( p, pMiter, pCnf, nFramesMax, nTimeOut, fVerbose );
+ status = sat_solver_solve( pSat, Vec_IntArray(vLits), Vec_IntArray(vLits) + Vec_IntSize(vLits), (ABC_INT64_T)0, (ABC_INT64_T)0, (ABC_INT64_T)0, (ABC_INT64_T)0 );
+ if ( status == l_True )
+ {
+ printf( "I = %4d : ", nFramesMax );
+ printf( "Problem is satisfiable.\n" );
+ sat_solver_delete( pSat );
+ Cnf_DataFree( pCnf );
+ Gia_ManStop( pMiter );
+ return;
+ }
+ assert( status == l_False );
+ // count the number of positive literals
+ nLitsUsed = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < Gia_ManRegNum(p); i++ )
+ if ( !Abc_LitIsCompl(Vec_IntEntry(vLits, i)) )
+ nLitsUsed++;
+ // try removing variables
+ for ( Iter = 0; Iter < Gia_ManRegNum(p); Iter++ )
+ {
+ i = fReverse ? Gia_ManRegNum(p) - 1 - Iter : Iter;
+ if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(Vec_IntEntry(vLits, i)) )
+ continue;
+ Vec_IntWriteEntry( vLits, i, Abc_LitNot(Vec_IntEntry(vLits, i)) );
+ status = sat_solver_solve( pSat, Vec_IntArray(vLits), Vec_IntArray(vLits) + Vec_IntSize(vLits), (ABC_INT64_T)0, (ABC_INT64_T)0, (ABC_INT64_T)0, (ABC_INT64_T)0 );
+ if ( status == l_Undef )
+ {
+ printf( "Timeout reached after %d seconds.\n", nTimeOut );
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( status == l_True )
+ Vec_IntWriteEntry( vLits, i, Abc_LitNot(Vec_IntEntry(vLits, i)) );
+ else if ( status == l_False )
+ nLitsUsed--;
+ else assert( 0 );
+ // report the results
+ //printf( "Round %d: ", o );
+ printf( "I = %4d : AIG =%8d. SAT vars =%8d. SAT conf =%8d. S =%6d. (%6.2f %%) ",
+ i, (nFramesMax+1) * Gia_ManAndNum(pMiter),
+ Gia_ManRegNum(p) + Gia_ManCoNum(p) + sat_solver_nvars(pSat),
+ sat_solver_nconflicts(pSat), nLitsUsed, 100.0 * nLitsUsed / Gia_ManRegNum(p) );
+ ABC_PRTr( "Time", Abc_Clock() - clkStart );
+ fflush( stdout );
+ }
+ // report the results
+ //printf( "Round %d: ", o );
+ printf( "M = %4d : AIG =%8d. SAT vars =%8d. SAT conf =%8d. S =%6d. (%6.2f %%) ",
+ nFramesMax, (nFramesMax+1) * Gia_ManAndNum(pMiter),
+ Gia_ManRegNum(p) + Gia_ManCoNum(p) + sat_solver_nvars(pSat),
+ sat_solver_nconflicts(pSat), nLitsUsed, 100.0 * nLitsUsed / Gia_ManRegNum(p) );
+ Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - clkStart );
+ fflush( stdout );
+ // cleanup
+ sat_solver_delete( pSat );
+ Cnf_DataFree( pCnf );
+ Gia_ManStop( pMiter );
+// Vec_IntFree( vLits );
+void Bmc_PerformISearch( Gia_Man_t * p, int nFramesMax, int nTimeOut, int fReverse, int fDump, int fVerbose )
+ Vec_Int_t * vLits;
+ int i, f;
+ printf( "Solving M-inductiveness for design %s with %d AND nodes and %d flip-flops:\n",
+ Gia_ManName(p), Gia_ManAndNum(p), Gia_ManRegNum(p) );
+ fflush( stdout );
+ // collect positive literals
+ vLits = Vec_IntAlloc( Gia_ManCoNum(p) );
+ for ( i = 0; i < Gia_ManRegNum(p); i++ )
+ Vec_IntPush( vLits, Abc_Var2Lit(i, 0) );
+ for ( f = 1; f < nFramesMax; f++ )
+ Bmc_PerformISearchOne( p, f, nTimeOut, fReverse, fVerbose, vLits );
+ // dump the numbers of the flops
+ if ( fDump )
+ {
+ int nLitsUsed = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < Gia_ManRegNum(p); i++ )
+ if ( !Abc_LitIsCompl(Vec_IntEntry(vLits, i)) )
+ nLitsUsed++;
+ printf( "The set contains %d (out of %d) next-state functions with 0-based numbers:\n", nLitsUsed, Gia_ManRegNum(p) );
+ for ( i = 0; i < Gia_ManRegNum(p); i++ )
+ if ( !Abc_LitIsCompl(Vec_IntEntry(vLits, i)) )
+ printf( "%d ", i );
+ printf( "\n" );
+ }
+ Vec_IntFree( vLits );
/// END OF FILE ///