path: root/src/misc/espresso
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authorAlan Mishchenko <>2008-01-30 08:01:00 -0800
committerAlan Mishchenko <>2008-01-30 08:01:00 -0800
commit4d30a1e4f1edecff86d5066ce4653a370e59e5e1 (patch)
tree366355938a4af0a92f848841ac65374f338d691b /src/misc/espresso
parent6537f941887b06e588d3acfc97b5fdf48875cc4e (diff)
Version abc80130
Diffstat (limited to 'src/misc/espresso')
48 files changed, 0 insertions, 15246 deletions
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/cofactor.c b/src/misc/espresso/cofactor.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b851a639..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/cofactor.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
- The cofactor of a cover against a cube "c" is a cover formed by the
- cofactor of each cube in the cover against c. The cofactor of two
- cubes is null if they are distance 1 or more apart. If they are
- distance zero apart, the cofactor is the restriction of the cube
- to the minterms of c.
- The cube list contains the following information:
- T[0] = pointer to a cube identifying the variables that have
- been cofactored against
- T[1] = pointer to just beyond the sentinel (i.e., T[n] in this case)
- T[2]
- .
- . = pointers to cubes
- .
- T[n-2]
- T[n-1] = NULL pointer (sentinel)
- Cofactoring involves repeated application of "cdist0" to check if a
- cube of the cover intersects the cofactored cube. This can be
- slow, especially for the recursive descent of the espresso
- routines. Therefore, a special cofactor routine "scofactor" is
- provided which assumes the cofactor is only in a single variable.
-/* cofactor -- compute the cofactor of a cover with respect to a cube */
-pcube *cofactor(T, c)
-IN pcube *T;
-IN register pcube c;
- pcube temp = cube.temp[0], *Tc_save, *Tc, *T1;
- register pcube p;
- int listlen;
- listlen = CUBELISTSIZE(T) + 5;
- /* Allocate a new list of cube pointers (max size is previous size) */
- Tc_save = Tc = ALLOC(pcube, listlen);
- /* pass on which variables have been cofactored against */
- *Tc++ = set_or(new_cube(), T[0], set_diff(temp, cube.fullset, c));
- Tc++;
- /* Loop for each cube in the list, determine suitability, and save */
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (p != c) {
-#ifdef NO_INLINE
- if (! cdist0(p, c)) goto false;
- {register int w,last;register unsigned int x;if((last=cube.inword)!=-1)
- {x=p[last]&c[last];if(~(x|x>>1)&cube.inmask)goto false;for(w=1;w<last;w++)
- {x=p[w]&c[w];if(~(x|x>>1)&DISJOINT)goto false;}}}{register int w,var,last;
- register pcube mask;for(var=cube.num_binary_vars;var<cube.num_vars;var++){
- mask=cube.var_mask[var];last=cube.last_word[var];for(w=cube.first_word[var
- ];w<=last;w++)if(p[w]&c[w]&mask[w])goto nextvar;goto false;nextvar:;}}
- *Tc++ = p;
- false: ;
- }
- }
- *Tc++ = (pcube) NULL; /* sentinel */
- Tc_save[1] = (pcube) Tc; /* save pointer to last */
- return Tc_save;
- scofactor -- compute the cofactor of a cover with respect to a cube,
- where the cube is "active" in only a single variable.
- This routine has been optimized for speed.
-pcube *scofactor(T, c, var)
-IN pcube *T, c;
-IN int var;
- pcube *Tc, *Tc_save;
- register pcube p, mask = cube.temp[1], *T1;
- register int first = cube.first_word[var], last = cube.last_word[var];
- int listlen;
- listlen = CUBELISTSIZE(T) + 5;
- /* Allocate a new list of cube pointers (max size is previous size) */
- Tc_save = Tc = ALLOC(pcube, listlen);
- /* pass on which variables have been cofactored against */
- *Tc++ = set_or(new_cube(), T[0], set_diff(mask, cube.fullset, c));
- Tc++;
- /* Setup for the quick distance check */
- (void) set_and(mask, cube.var_mask[var], c);
- /* Loop for each cube in the list, determine suitability, and save */
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; )
- if (p != c) {
- register int i = first;
- do
- if (p[i] & mask[i]) {
- *Tc++ = p;
- break;
- }
- while (++i <= last);
- }
- *Tc++ = (pcube) NULL; /* sentinel */
- Tc_save[1] = (pcube) Tc; /* save pointer to last */
- return Tc_save;
-void massive_count(T)
-IN pcube *T;
- int *count = cdata.part_zeros;
- pcube *T1;
- /* Clear the column counts (count of # zeros in each column) */
- { register int i;
- for(i = cube.size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- count[i] = 0;
- }
- /* Count the number of zeros in each column */
- { register int i, *cnt;
- register unsigned int val;
- register pcube p, cof = T[0], full = cube.fullset;
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; )
- for(i = LOOP(p); i > 0; i--)
- if (val = full[i] & ~ (p[i] | cof[i])) {
- cnt = count + ((i-1) << LOGBPI);
-#if BPI == 32
- if (val & 0xFF000000) {
- if (val & 0x80000000) cnt[31]++;
- if (val & 0x40000000) cnt[30]++;
- if (val & 0x20000000) cnt[29]++;
- if (val & 0x10000000) cnt[28]++;
- if (val & 0x08000000) cnt[27]++;
- if (val & 0x04000000) cnt[26]++;
- if (val & 0x02000000) cnt[25]++;
- if (val & 0x01000000) cnt[24]++;
- }
- if (val & 0x00FF0000) {
- if (val & 0x00800000) cnt[23]++;
- if (val & 0x00400000) cnt[22]++;
- if (val & 0x00200000) cnt[21]++;
- if (val & 0x00100000) cnt[20]++;
- if (val & 0x00080000) cnt[19]++;
- if (val & 0x00040000) cnt[18]++;
- if (val & 0x00020000) cnt[17]++;
- if (val & 0x00010000) cnt[16]++;
- }
- if (val & 0xFF00) {
- if (val & 0x8000) cnt[15]++;
- if (val & 0x4000) cnt[14]++;
- if (val & 0x2000) cnt[13]++;
- if (val & 0x1000) cnt[12]++;
- if (val & 0x0800) cnt[11]++;
- if (val & 0x0400) cnt[10]++;
- if (val & 0x0200) cnt[ 9]++;
- if (val & 0x0100) cnt[ 8]++;
- }
- if (val & 0x00FF) {
- if (val & 0x0080) cnt[ 7]++;
- if (val & 0x0040) cnt[ 6]++;
- if (val & 0x0020) cnt[ 5]++;
- if (val & 0x0010) cnt[ 4]++;
- if (val & 0x0008) cnt[ 3]++;
- if (val & 0x0004) cnt[ 2]++;
- if (val & 0x0002) cnt[ 1]++;
- if (val & 0x0001) cnt[ 0]++;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Perform counts for each variable:
- * cdata.var_zeros[var] = number of zeros in the variable
- * cdata.parts_active[var] = number of active parts for each variable
- * cdata.vars_active = number of variables which are active
- * cdata.vars_unate = number of variables which are active and unate
- *
- * best -- the variable which is best for splitting based on:
- * mostactive -- most # active parts in any variable
- * mostzero -- most # zeros in any variable
- * mostbalanced -- minimum over the maximum # zeros / part / variable
- */
- { register int var, i, lastbit, active, maxactive;
- int best = -1, mostactive = 0, mostzero = 0, mostbalanced = 32000;
- cdata.vars_unate = cdata.vars_active = 0;
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- if (var < cube.num_binary_vars) { /* special hack for binary vars */
- i = count[var*2];
- lastbit = count[var*2 + 1];
- active = (i > 0) + (lastbit > 0);
- cdata.var_zeros[var] = i + lastbit;
- maxactive = MAX(i, lastbit);
- } else {
- maxactive = active = cdata.var_zeros[var] = 0;
- lastbit = cube.last_part[var];
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= lastbit; i++) {
- cdata.var_zeros[var] += count[i];
- active += (count[i] > 0);
- if (active > maxactive) maxactive = active;
- }
- }
- /* first priority is to maximize the number of active parts */
- /* for binary case, this will usually select the output first */
- if (active > mostactive)
- best = var, mostactive = active, mostzero = cdata.var_zeros[best],
- mostbalanced = maxactive;
- else if (active == mostactive)
- /* secondary condition is to maximize the number zeros */
- /* for binary variables, this is the same as minimum # of 2's */
- if (cdata.var_zeros[var] > mostzero)
- best = var, mostzero = cdata.var_zeros[best],
- mostbalanced = maxactive;
- else if (cdata.var_zeros[var] == mostzero)
- /* third condition is to pick a balanced variable */
- /* for binary vars, this means roughly equal # 0's and 1's */
- if (maxactive < mostbalanced)
- best = var, mostbalanced = maxactive;
- cdata.parts_active[var] = active;
- cdata.is_unate[var] = (active == 1);
- cdata.vars_active += (active > 0);
- cdata.vars_unate += (active == 1);
- }
- = best;
- }
-int binate_split_select(T, cleft, cright, debug_flag)
-IN pcube *T;
-IN register pcube cleft, cright;
-IN int debug_flag;
- int best =;
- register int i, lastbit = cube.last_part[best], halfbit = 0;
- register pcube cof=T[0];
- /* Create the cubes to cofactor against */
- (void) set_diff(cleft, cube.fullset, cube.var_mask[best]);
- (void) set_diff(cright, cube.fullset, cube.var_mask[best]);
- for(i = cube.first_part[best]; i <= lastbit; i++)
- if (! is_in_set(cof,i))
- halfbit++;
- for(i = cube.first_part[best], halfbit = halfbit/2; halfbit > 0; i++)
- if (! is_in_set(cof,i))
- halfbit--, set_insert(cleft, i);
- for(; i <= lastbit; i++)
- if (! is_in_set(cof,i))
- set_insert(cright, i);
- if (debug & debug_flag) {
- (void) printf("BINATE_SPLIT_SELECT: split against %d\n", best);
- if (verbose_debug)
- (void) printf("cl=%s\ncr=%s\n", pc1(cleft), pc2(cright));
- }
- return best;
-pcube *cube1list(A)
-pcover A;
- register pcube last, p, *plist, *list;
- list = plist = ALLOC(pcube, A->count + 3);
- *plist++ = new_cube();
- plist++;
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- *plist++ = p;
- }
- *plist++ = NULL; /* sentinel */
- list[1] = (pcube) plist;
- return list;
-pcube *cube2list(A, B)
-pcover A, B;
- register pcube last, p, *plist, *list;
- list = plist = ALLOC(pcube, A->count + B->count + 3);
- *plist++ = new_cube();
- plist++;
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- *plist++ = p;
- }
- foreach_set(B, last, p) {
- *plist++ = p;
- }
- *plist++ = NULL;
- list[1] = (pcube) plist;
- return list;
-pcube *cube3list(A, B, C)
-pcover A, B, C;
- register pcube last, p, *plist, *list;
- plist = ALLOC(pcube, A->count + B->count + C->count + 3);
- list = plist;
- *plist++ = new_cube();
- plist++;
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- *plist++ = p;
- }
- foreach_set(B, last, p) {
- *plist++ = p;
- }
- foreach_set(C, last, p) {
- *plist++ = p;
- }
- *plist++ = NULL;
- list[1] = (pcube) plist;
- return list;
-pcover cubeunlist(A1)
-pcube *A1;
- register int i;
- register pcube p, pdest, cof = A1[0];
- register pcover A;
- A = new_cover(CUBELISTSIZE(A1));
- for(i = 2; (p = A1[i]) != NULL; i++) {
- pdest = GETSET(A, i-2);
- INLINEset_or(pdest, p, cof);
- }
- A->count = CUBELISTSIZE(A1);
- return A;
-pcube *T;
- register pcube *Tdest;
- register int i, ncubes;
- (void) set_copy(cube.temp[0], T[0]); /* retrieve cofactor */
- ncubes = CUBELISTSIZE(T);
- qsort((char *) (T+2), ncubes, sizeof(pset), (int (*)()) d1_order);
- Tdest = T+2;
- /* *Tdest++ = T[2]; */
- for(i = 3; i < ncubes; i++) {
- if (d1_order(&T[i-1], &T[i]) != 0) {
- *Tdest++ = T[i];
- }
- }
- *Tdest++ = NULL; /* sentinel */
- Tdest[1] = (pcube) Tdest; /* save pointer to last */
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/cols.c b/src/misc/espresso/cols.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ec3797e6..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/cols.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-//#include "port.h"
-#include "sparse_int.h"
- * allocate a new col vector
- */
-sm_col *
- register sm_col *pcol;
- if (sm_col_freelist == NIL(sm_col)) {
- pcol = ALLOC(sm_col, 1);
- } else {
- pcol = sm_col_freelist;
- sm_col_freelist = pcol->next_col;
- }
- pcol = ALLOC(sm_col, 1);
- pcol->col_num = 0;
- pcol->length = 0;
- pcol->first_row = pcol->last_row = NIL(sm_element);
- pcol->next_col = pcol->prev_col = NIL(sm_col);
- pcol->flag = 0;
- pcol->user_word = NIL(char); /* for our user ... */
- return pcol;
- * free a col vector -- for FAST_AND_LOOSE, this is real cheap for cols;
- * however, freeing a rowumn must still walk down the rowumn discarding
- * the elements one-by-one; that is the only use for the extra '-DCOLS'
- * compile flag ...
- */
-register sm_col *pcol;
-#if defined(FAST_AND_LOOSE) && ! defined(COLS)
- if (pcol->first_row != NIL(sm_element)) {
- /* Add the linked list of col items to the free list */
- pcol->last_row->next_row = sm_element_freelist;
- sm_element_freelist = pcol->first_row;
- }
- /* Add the col to the free list of cols */
- pcol->next_col = sm_col_freelist;
- sm_col_freelist = pcol;
- register sm_element *p, *pnext;
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0; p = pnext) {
- pnext = p->next_row;
- sm_element_free(p);
- }
- FREE(pcol);
- * duplicate an existing col
- */
-sm_col *
-register sm_col *pcol;
- register sm_col *pnew;
- register sm_element *p;
- pnew = sm_col_alloc();
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0; p = p->next_row) {
- (void) sm_col_insert(pnew, p->row_num);
- }
- return pnew;
- * insert an element into a col vector
- */
-sm_element *
-sm_col_insert(pcol, row)
-register sm_col *pcol;
-register int row;
- register sm_element *test, *element;
- /* get a new item, save its address */
- sm_element_alloc(element);
- test = element;
- sorted_insert(sm_element, pcol->first_row, pcol->last_row, pcol->length,
- next_row, prev_row, row_num, row, test);
- /* if item was not used, free it */
- if (element != test) {
- sm_element_free(element);
- }
- /* either way, return the current new value */
- return test;
- * remove an element from a col vector
- */
-sm_col_remove(pcol, row)
-register sm_col *pcol;
-register int row;
- register sm_element *p;
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0 && p->row_num < row; p = p->next_row)
- ;
- if (p != 0 && p->row_num == row) {
- dll_unlink(p, pcol->first_row, pcol->last_row,
- next_row, prev_row, pcol->length);
- sm_element_free(p);
- }
- * find an element (if it is in the col vector)
- */
-sm_element *
-sm_col_find(pcol, row)
-sm_col *pcol;
-int row;
- register sm_element *p;
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0 && p->row_num < row; p = p->next_row)
- ;
- if (p != 0 && p->row_num == row) {
- return p;
- } else {
- return NIL(sm_element);
- }
- * return 1 if col p2 contains col p1; 0 otherwise
- */
-sm_col_contains(p1, p2)
-sm_col *p1, *p2;
- register sm_element *q1, *q2;
- q1 = p1->first_row;
- q2 = p2->first_row;
- while (q1 != 0) {
- if (q2 == 0 || q1->row_num < q2->row_num) {
- return 0;
- } else if (q1->row_num == q2->row_num) {
- q1 = q1->next_row;
- q2 = q2->next_row;
- } else {
- q2 = q2->next_row;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- * return 1 if col p1 and col p2 share an element in common
- */
-sm_col_intersects(p1, p2)
-sm_col *p1, *p2;
- register sm_element *q1, *q2;
- q1 = p1->first_row;
- q2 = p2->first_row;
- if (q1 == 0 || q2 == 0) return 0;
- for(;;) {
- if (q1->row_num < q2->row_num) {
- if ((q1 = q1->next_row) == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- } else if (q1->row_num > q2->row_num) {
- if ((q2 = q2->next_row) == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- * compare two cols, lexical ordering
- */
-sm_col_compare(p1, p2)
-sm_col *p1, *p2;
- register sm_element *q1, *q2;
- q1 = p1->first_row;
- q2 = p2->first_row;
- while(q1 != 0 && q2 != 0) {
- if (q1->row_num != q2->row_num) {
- return q1->row_num - q2->row_num;
- }
- q1 = q1->next_row;
- q2 = q2->next_row;
- }
- if (q1 != 0) {
- return 1;
- } else if (q2 != 0) {
- return -1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- * return the intersection
- */
-sm_col *
-sm_col_and(p1, p2)
-sm_col *p1, *p2;
- register sm_element *q1, *q2;
- register sm_col *result;
- result = sm_col_alloc();
- q1 = p1->first_row;
- q2 = p2->first_row;
- if (q1 == 0 || q2 == 0) return result;
- for(;;) {
- if (q1->row_num < q2->row_num) {
- if ((q1 = q1->next_row) == 0) {
- return result;
- }
- } else if (q1->row_num > q2->row_num) {
- if ((q2 = q2->next_row) == 0) {
- return result;
- }
- } else {
- (void) sm_col_insert(result, q1->row_num);
- if ((q1 = q1->next_row) == 0) {
- return result;
- }
- if ((q2 = q2->next_row) == 0) {
- return result;
- }
- }
- }
-sm_col_hash(pcol, modulus)
-sm_col *pcol;
-int modulus;
- register int sum;
- register sm_element *p;
- sum = 0;
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0; p = p->next_row) {
- sum = (sum*17 + p->row_num) % modulus;
- }
- return sum;
- * remove an element from a col vector (given a pointer to the element)
- */
-sm_col_remove_element(pcol, p)
-register sm_col *pcol;
-register sm_element *p;
- dll_unlink(p, pcol->first_row, pcol->last_row,
- next_row, prev_row, pcol->length);
- sm_element_free(p);
-sm_col_print(fp, pcol)
-FILE *fp;
-sm_col *pcol;
- sm_element *p;
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0; p = p->next_row) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, " %d", p->row_num);
- }
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/compl.c b/src/misc/espresso/compl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f1c6606..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/compl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,680 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- * module: compl.c
- * purpose: compute the complement of a multiple-valued function
- *
- * The "unate recursive paradigm" is used. After a set of special
- * cases are examined, the function is split on the "most active
- * variable". These two halves are complemented recursively, and then
- * the results are merged.
- *
- * Changes (from Version 2.1 to Version 2.2)
- * 1. Minor bug in compl_lifting -- cubes in the left half were
- * not marked as active, so that when merging a leaf from the left
- * hand side, the active flags were essentially random. This led
- * to minor impredictability problem, but never affected the
- * accuracy of the results.
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-#define USE_COMPL_LIFT 0
-#define NO_LIFTING 3
-static bool compl_special_cases();
-static pcover compl_merge();
-static void compl_d1merge();
-static pcover compl_cube();
-static void compl_lift();
-static void compl_lift_onset();
-static void compl_lift_onset_complex();
-static bool simp_comp_special_cases();
-static bool simplify_special_cases();
-/* complement -- compute the complement of T */
-pcover complement(T)
-pcube *T; /* T will be disposed of */
- register pcube cl, cr;
- register int best;
- pcover Tbar, Tl, Tr;
- int lifting;
- static int compl_level = 0;
- if (debug & COMPL)
- debug_print(T, "COMPLEMENT", compl_level++);
- if (compl_special_cases(T, &Tbar) == MAYBE) {
- /* Allocate space for the partition cubes */
- cl = new_cube();
- cr = new_cube();
- best = binate_split_select(T, cl, cr, COMPL);
- /* Complement the left and right halves */
- Tl = complement(scofactor(T, cl, best));
- Tr = complement(scofactor(T, cr, best));
- if (Tr->count*Tl->count > (Tr->count+Tl->count)*CUBELISTSIZE(T)) {
- } else {
- lifting = USE_COMPL_LIFT;
- }
- Tbar = compl_merge(T, Tl, Tr, cl, cr, best, lifting);
- free_cube(cl);
- free_cube(cr);
- free_cubelist(T);
- }
- if (debug & COMPL)
- debug1_print(Tbar, "exit COMPLEMENT", --compl_level);
- return Tbar;
-static bool compl_special_cases(T, Tbar)
-pcube *T; /* will be disposed if answer is determined */
-pcover *Tbar; /* returned only if answer determined */
- register pcube *T1, p, ceil, cof=T[0];
- pcover A, ceil_compl;
- /* Check for no cubes in the cover */
- if (T[2] == NULL) {
- *Tbar = sf_addset(new_cover(1), cube.fullset);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Check for only a single cube in the cover */
- if (T[3] == NULL) {
- *Tbar = compl_cube(set_or(cof, cof, T[2]));
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Check for a row of all 1's (implies complement is null) */
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (full_row(p, cof)) {
- *Tbar = new_cover(0);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* Check for a column of all 0's which can be factored out */
- ceil = set_save(cof);
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- INLINEset_or(ceil, ceil, p);
- }
- if (! setp_equal(ceil, cube.fullset)) {
- ceil_compl = compl_cube(ceil);
- (void) set_or(cof, cof, set_diff(ceil, cube.fullset, ceil));
- set_free(ceil);
- *Tbar = sf_append(complement(T), ceil_compl);
- return TRUE;
- }
- set_free(ceil);
- /* Collect column counts, determine unate variables, etc. */
- massive_count(T);
- /* If single active variable not factored out above, then tautology ! */
- if (cdata.vars_active == 1) {
- *Tbar = new_cover(0);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- /* Check for unate cover */
- } else if (cdata.vars_unate == cdata.vars_active) {
- A = map_cover_to_unate(T);
- free_cubelist(T);
- A = unate_compl(A);
- *Tbar = map_unate_to_cover(A);
- sf_free(A);
- return TRUE;
- /* Not much we can do about it */
- } else {
- return MAYBE;
- }
- * compl_merge -- merge the two cofactors around the splitting
- * variable
- *
- * The merge operation involves intersecting each cube of the left
- * cofactor with cl, and intersecting each cube of the right cofactor
- * with cr. The union of these two covers is the merged result.
- *
- * In order to reduce the number of cubes, a distance-1 merge is
- * performed (note that two cubes can only combine distance-1 in the
- * splitting variable). Also, a simple expand is performed in the
- * splitting variable (simple implies the covering check for the
- * expansion is not full containment, but single-cube containment).
- */
-static pcover compl_merge(T1, L, R, cl, cr, var, lifting)
-pcube *T1; /* Original ON-set */
-pcover L, R; /* Complement from each recursion branch */
-register pcube cl, cr; /* cubes used for cofactoring */
-int var; /* splitting variable */
-int lifting; /* whether to perform lifting or not */
- register pcube p, last, pt;
- pcover T, Tbar;
- pcube *L1, *R1;
- if (debug & COMPL) {
- (void) printf("compl_merge: left %d, right %d\n", L->count, R->count);
- (void) printf("%s (cl)\n%s (cr)\nLeft is\n", pc1(cl), pc2(cr));
- cprint(L);
- (void) printf("Right is\n");
- cprint(R);
- }
- /* Intersect each cube with the cofactored cube */
- foreach_set(L, last, p) {
- INLINEset_and(p, p, cl);
- }
- foreach_set(R, last, p) {
- INLINEset_and(p, p, cr);
- }
- /* Sort the arrays for a distance-1 merge */
- (void) set_copy(cube.temp[0], cube.var_mask[var]);
- qsort((char *) (L1 = sf_list(L)), L->count, sizeof(pset), (int (*)()) d1_order);
- qsort((char *) (R1 = sf_list(R)), R->count, sizeof(pset), (int (*)()) d1_order);
- /* Perform distance-1 merge */
- compl_d1merge(L1, R1);
- /* Perform lifting */
- switch(lifting) {
- T = cubeunlist(T1);
- compl_lift_onset(L1, T, cr, var);
- compl_lift_onset(R1, T, cl, var);
- free_cover(T);
- break;
- T = cubeunlist(T1);
- compl_lift_onset_complex(L1, T, var);
- compl_lift_onset_complex(R1, T, var);
- free_cover(T);
- break;
- compl_lift(L1, R1, cr, var);
- compl_lift(R1, L1, cl, var);
- break;
- case NO_LIFTING:
- break;
- default:
- ;
- }
- FREE(L1);
- FREE(R1);
- /* Re-create the merged cover */
- Tbar = new_cover(L->count + R->count);
- pt = Tbar->data;
- foreach_set(L, last, p) {
- INLINEset_copy(pt, p);
- Tbar->count++;
- pt += Tbar->wsize;
- }
- foreach_active_set(R, last, p) {
- INLINEset_copy(pt, p);
- Tbar->count++;
- pt += Tbar->wsize;
- }
- if (debug & COMPL) {
- (void) printf("Result %d\n", Tbar->count);
- if (verbose_debug)
- cprint(Tbar);
- }
- free_cover(L);
- free_cover(R);
- return Tbar;
- * compl_lift_simple -- expand in the splitting variable using single
- * cube containment against the other recursion branch to check
- * validity of the expansion, and expanding all (or none) of the
- * splitting variable.
- */
-static void compl_lift(A1, B1, bcube, var)
-pcube *A1, *B1, bcube;
-int var;
- register pcube a, b, *B2, lift=cube.temp[4], liftor=cube.temp[5];
- pcube mask = cube.var_mask[var];
- (void) set_and(liftor, bcube, mask);
- /* for each cube in the first array ... */
- for(; (a = *A1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (TESTP(a, ACTIVE)) {
- /* create a lift of this cube in the merging coord */
- (void) set_merge(lift, bcube, a, mask);
- /* for each cube in the second array */
- for(B2 = B1; (b = *B2++) != NULL; ) {
- INLINEsetp_implies(lift, b, /* when_false => */ continue);
- /* when_true => fall through to next statement */
- /* cube of A1 was contained by some cube of B1, so raise */
- INLINEset_or(a, a, liftor);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- * compl_lift_onset -- expand in the splitting variable using a
- * distance-1 check against the original on-set; expand all (or
- * none) of the splitting variable. Each cube of A1 is expanded
- * against the original on-set T.
- */
-static void compl_lift_onset(A1, T, bcube, var)
-pcube *A1;
-pcover T;
-pcube bcube;
-int var;
- register pcube a, last, p, lift=cube.temp[4], mask=cube.var_mask[var];
- /* for each active cube from one branch of the complement */
- for(; (a = *A1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (TESTP(a, ACTIVE)) {
- /* create a lift of this cube in the merging coord */
- INLINEset_and(lift, bcube, mask); /* isolate parts to raise */
- INLINEset_or(lift, a, lift); /* raise these parts in a */
- /* for each cube in the ON-set, check for intersection */
- foreach_set(T, last, p) {
- if (cdist0(p, lift)) {
- goto nolift;
- }
- }
- INLINEset_copy(a, lift); /* save the raising */
-nolift : ;
- }
- }
- * compl_lift_complex -- expand in the splitting variable, but expand all
- * parts which can possibly expand.
- * T is the original ON-set
- * A1 is either the left or right cofactor
- */
-static void compl_lift_onset_complex(A1, T, var)
-pcube *A1; /* array of pointers to new result */
-pcover T; /* original ON-set */
-int var; /* which variable we split on */
- register int dist;
- register pcube last, p, a, xlower;
- /* for each cube in the complement */
- xlower = new_cube();
- for(; (a = *A1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (TESTP(a, ACTIVE)) {
- /* Find which parts of the splitting variable are forced low */
- INLINEset_clear(xlower, cube.size);
- foreach_set(T, last, p) {
- if ((dist = cdist01(p, a)) < 2) {
- if (dist == 0) {
- fatal("compl: ON-set and OFF-set are not orthogonal");
- } else {
- (void) force_lower(xlower, p, a);
- }
- }
- }
- (void) set_diff(xlower, cube.var_mask[var], xlower);
- (void) set_or(a, a, xlower);
- free_cube(xlower);
- }
- }
- * compl_d1merge -- distance-1 merge in the splitting variable
- */
-static void compl_d1merge(L1, R1)
-register pcube *L1, *R1;
- register pcube pl, pr;
- /* Find equal cubes between the two cofactors */
- for(pl = *L1, pr = *R1; (pl != NULL) && (pr != NULL); )
- switch (d1_order(L1, R1)) {
- case 1:
- pr = *(++R1); break; /* advance right pointer */
- case -1:
- pl = *(++L1); break; /* advance left pointer */
- case 0:
- INLINEset_or(pl, pl, pr);
- pr = *(++R1);
- default:
- ;
- }
-/* compl_cube -- return the complement of a single cube (De Morgan's law) */
-static pcover compl_cube(p)
-register pcube p;
- register pcube diff=cube.temp[7], pdest, mask, full=cube.fullset;
- int var;
- pcover R;
- /* Allocate worst-case size cover (to avoid checking overflow) */
- R = new_cover(cube.num_vars);
- /* Compute bit-wise complement of the cube */
- INLINEset_diff(diff, full, p);
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- mask = cube.var_mask[var];
- /* If the bit-wise complement is not empty in var ... */
- if (! setp_disjoint(diff, mask)) {
- pdest = GETSET(R, R->count++);
- INLINEset_merge(pdest, diff, full, mask);
- }
- }
- return R;
-/* simp_comp -- quick simplification of T */
-void simp_comp(T, Tnew, Tbar)
-pcube *T; /* T will be disposed of */
-pcover *Tnew;
-pcover *Tbar;
- register pcube cl, cr;
- register int best;
- pcover Tl, Tr, Tlbar, Trbar;
- int lifting;
- static int simplify_level = 0;
- if (debug & COMPL)
- debug_print(T, "SIMPCOMP", simplify_level++);
- if (simp_comp_special_cases(T, Tnew, Tbar) == MAYBE) {
- /* Allocate space for the partition cubes */
- cl = new_cube();
- cr = new_cube();
- best = binate_split_select(T, cl, cr, COMPL);
- /* Complement the left and right halves */
- simp_comp(scofactor(T, cl, best), &Tl, &Tlbar);
- simp_comp(scofactor(T, cr, best), &Tr, &Trbar);
- lifting = USE_COMPL_LIFT;
- *Tnew = compl_merge(T, Tl, Tr, cl, cr, best, lifting);
- lifting = USE_COMPL_LIFT;
- *Tbar = compl_merge(T, Tlbar, Trbar, cl, cr, best, lifting);
- /* All of this work for nothing ? Let's hope not ... */
- if ((*Tnew)->count > CUBELISTSIZE(T)) {
- sf_free(*Tnew);
- *Tnew = cubeunlist(T);
- }
- free_cube(cl);
- free_cube(cr);
- free_cubelist(T);
- }
- if (debug & COMPL) {
- debug1_print(*Tnew, "exit SIMPCOMP (new)", simplify_level);
- debug1_print(*Tbar, "exit SIMPCOMP (compl)", simplify_level);
- simplify_level--;
- }
-static bool simp_comp_special_cases(T, Tnew, Tbar)
-pcube *T; /* will be disposed if answer is determined */
-pcover *Tnew; /* returned only if answer determined */
-pcover *Tbar; /* returned only if answer determined */
- register pcube *T1, p, ceil, cof=T[0];
- pcube last;
- pcover A;
- /* Check for no cubes in the cover (function is empty) */
- if (T[2] == NULL) {
- *Tnew = new_cover(1);
- *Tbar = sf_addset(new_cover(1), cube.fullset);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Check for only a single cube in the cover */
- if (T[3] == NULL) {
- (void) set_or(cof, cof, T[2]);
- *Tnew = sf_addset(new_cover(1), cof);
- *Tbar = compl_cube(cof);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Check for a row of all 1's (function is a tautology) */
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (full_row(p, cof)) {
- *Tnew = sf_addset(new_cover(1), cube.fullset);
- *Tbar = new_cover(1);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* Check for a column of all 0's which can be factored out */
- ceil = set_save(cof);
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- INLINEset_or(ceil, ceil, p);
- }
- if (! setp_equal(ceil, cube.fullset)) {
- p = new_cube();
- (void) set_diff(p, cube.fullset, ceil);
- (void) set_or(cof, cof, p);
- set_free(p);
- simp_comp(T, Tnew, Tbar);
- /* Adjust the ON-set */
- A = *Tnew;
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- INLINEset_and(p, p, ceil);
- }
- /* Compute the new complement */
- *Tbar = sf_append(*Tbar, compl_cube(ceil));
- set_free(ceil);
- return TRUE;
- }
- set_free(ceil);
- /* Collect column counts, determine unate variables, etc. */
- massive_count(T);
- /* If single active variable not factored out above, then tautology ! */
- if (cdata.vars_active == 1) {
- *Tnew = sf_addset(new_cover(1), cube.fullset);
- *Tbar = new_cover(1);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- /* Check for unate cover */
- } else if (cdata.vars_unate == cdata.vars_active) {
- /* Make the cover minimum by single-cube containment */
- A = cubeunlist(T);
- *Tnew = sf_contain(A);
- /* Now form a minimum representation of the complement */
- A = map_cover_to_unate(T);
- A = unate_compl(A);
- *Tbar = map_unate_to_cover(A);
- sf_free(A);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- /* Not much we can do about it */
- } else {
- return MAYBE;
- }
-/* simplify -- quick simplification of T */
-pcover simplify(T)
-pcube *T; /* T will be disposed of */
- register pcube cl, cr;
- register int best;
- pcover Tbar, Tl, Tr;
- int lifting;
- static int simplify_level = 0;
- if (debug & COMPL) {
- debug_print(T, "SIMPLIFY", simplify_level++);
- }
- if (simplify_special_cases(T, &Tbar) == MAYBE) {
- /* Allocate space for the partition cubes */
- cl = new_cube();
- cr = new_cube();
- best = binate_split_select(T, cl, cr, COMPL);
- /* Complement the left and right halves */
- Tl = simplify(scofactor(T, cl, best));
- Tr = simplify(scofactor(T, cr, best));
- lifting = USE_COMPL_LIFT;
- Tbar = compl_merge(T, Tl, Tr, cl, cr, best, lifting);
- /* All of this work for nothing ? Let's hope not ... */
- if (Tbar->count > CUBELISTSIZE(T)) {
- sf_free(Tbar);
- Tbar = cubeunlist(T);
- }
- free_cube(cl);
- free_cube(cr);
- free_cubelist(T);
- }
- if (debug & COMPL) {
- debug1_print(Tbar, "exit SIMPLIFY", --simplify_level);
- }
- return Tbar;
-static bool simplify_special_cases(T, Tnew)
-pcube *T; /* will be disposed if answer is determined */
-pcover *Tnew; /* returned only if answer determined */
- register pcube *T1, p, ceil, cof=T[0];
- pcube last;
- pcover A;
- /* Check for no cubes in the cover */
- if (T[2] == NULL) {
- *Tnew = new_cover(0);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Check for only a single cube in the cover */
- if (T[3] == NULL) {
- *Tnew = sf_addset(new_cover(1), set_or(cof, cof, T[2]));
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Check for a row of all 1's (implies function is a tautology) */
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (full_row(p, cof)) {
- *Tnew = sf_addset(new_cover(1), cube.fullset);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* Check for a column of all 0's which can be factored out */
- ceil = set_save(cof);
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- INLINEset_or(ceil, ceil, p);
- }
- if (! setp_equal(ceil, cube.fullset)) {
- p = new_cube();
- (void) set_diff(p, cube.fullset, ceil);
- (void) set_or(cof, cof, p);
- free_cube(p);
- A = simplify(T);
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- INLINEset_and(p, p, ceil);
- }
- *Tnew = A;
- set_free(ceil);
- return TRUE;
- }
- set_free(ceil);
- /* Collect column counts, determine unate variables, etc. */
- massive_count(T);
- /* If single active variable not factored out above, then tautology ! */
- if (cdata.vars_active == 1) {
- *Tnew = sf_addset(new_cover(1), cube.fullset);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- /* Check for unate cover */
- } else if (cdata.vars_unate == cdata.vars_active) {
- A = cubeunlist(T);
- *Tnew = sf_contain(A);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- /* Not much we can do about it */
- } else {
- return MAYBE;
- }
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/contain.c b/src/misc/espresso/contain.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 180dceb6..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/contain.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- contain.c -- set containment routines
- These are complex routines for performing containment over a
- family of sets, but they have the advantage of being much faster
- than a straightforward n*n routine.
- First the cubes are sorted by size, and as a secondary key they are
- sorted so that if two cubes are equal they end up adjacent. We can
- than quickly remove equal cubes from further consideration by
- comparing each cube to its neighbor. Finally, because the cubes
- are sorted by size, we need only check cubes which are larger (or
- smaller) than a given cube for containment.
-#include "espresso.h"
- sf_contain -- perform containment on a set family (delete sets which
- are contained by some larger set in the family). No assumptions are
- made about A, and the result will be returned in decreasing order of
- set size.
-pset_family sf_contain(A)
-INOUT pset_family A; /* disposes of A */
- int cnt;
- pset *A1;
- pset_family R;
- A1 = sf_sort(A, descend); /* sort into descending order */
- cnt = rm_equal(A1, descend); /* remove duplicates */
- cnt = rm_contain(A1); /* remove contained sets */
- R = sf_unlist(A1, cnt, A->sf_size); /* recreate the set family */
- sf_free(A);
- return R;
- sf_rev_contain -- perform containment on a set family (delete sets which
- contain some smaller set in the family). No assumptions are made about
- A, and the result will be returned in increasing order of set size
-pset_family sf_rev_contain(A)
-INOUT pset_family A; /* disposes of A */
- int cnt;
- pset *A1;
- pset_family R;
- A1 = sf_sort(A, ascend); /* sort into ascending order */
- cnt = rm_equal(A1, ascend); /* remove duplicates */
- cnt = rm_rev_contain(A1); /* remove containing sets */
- R = sf_unlist(A1, cnt, A->sf_size); /* recreate the set family */
- sf_free(A);
- return R;
- sf_ind_contain -- perform containment on a set family (delete sets which
- are contained by some larger set in the family). No assumptions are
- made about A, and the result will be returned in decreasing order of
- set size. Also maintains a set of row_indices to track which rows
- disappear and how the rows end up permuted.
-pset_family sf_ind_contain(A, row_indices)
-INOUT pset_family A; /* disposes of A */
-INOUT int *row_indices; /* updated with the new values */
- int cnt;
- pset *A1;
- pset_family R;
- A1 = sf_sort(A, descend); /* sort into descending order */
- cnt = rm_equal(A1, descend); /* remove duplicates */
- cnt = rm_contain(A1); /* remove contained sets */
- R = sf_ind_unlist(A1, cnt, A->sf_size, row_indices, A->data);
- sf_free(A);
- return R;
-/* sf_dupl -- delete duplicate sets in a set family */
-pset_family sf_dupl(A)
-INOUT pset_family A; /* disposes of A */
- register int cnt;
- register pset *A1;
- pset_family R;
- A1 = sf_sort(A, descend); /* sort the set family */
- cnt = rm_equal(A1, descend); /* remove duplicates */
- R = sf_unlist(A1, cnt, A->sf_size); /* recreate the set family */
- sf_free(A);
- return R;
- sf_union -- form the contained union of two set families (delete
- sets which are contained by some larger set in the family). A and
- B are assumed already sorted in decreasing order of set size (and
- the SIZE field is assumed to contain the set size), and the result
- will be returned sorted likewise.
-pset_family sf_union(A, B)
-INOUT pset_family A, B; /* disposes of A and B */
- int cnt;
- pset_family R;
- pset *A1 = sf_list(A), *B1 = sf_list(B), *E1;
- E1 = ALLOC(pset, MAX(A->count, B->count) + 1);
- cnt = rm2_equal(A1, B1, E1, descend);
- cnt += rm2_contain(A1, B1) + rm2_contain(B1, A1);
- R = sf_merge(A1, B1, E1, cnt, A->sf_size);
- sf_free(A); sf_free(B);
- return R;
- dist_merge -- consider all sets to be "or"-ed with "mask" and then
- delete duplicates from the set family.
-pset_family dist_merge(A, mask)
-INOUT pset_family A; /* disposes of A */
-IN pset mask; /* defines variables to mask out */
- pset *A1;
- int cnt;
- pset_family R;
- (void) set_copy(cube.temp[0], mask);
- A1 = sf_sort(A, d1_order);
- cnt = d1_rm_equal(A1, d1_order);
- R = sf_unlist(A1, cnt, A->sf_size);
- sf_free(A);
- return R;
- d1merge -- perform an efficient distance-1 merge of cubes of A
-pset_family d1merge(A, var)
-INOUT pset_family A; /* disposes of A */
-IN int var;
- return dist_merge(A, cube.var_mask[var]);
-/* d1_rm_equal -- distance-1 merge (merge cubes which are equal under a mask) */
-int d1_rm_equal(A1, compare)
-register pset *A1; /* array of set pointers */
-int (*compare)(); /* comparison function */
- register int i, j, dest;
- dest = 0;
- if (A1[0] != (pcube) NULL) {
- for(i = 0, j = 1; A1[j] != (pcube) NULL; j++)
- if ( (*compare)(&A1[i], &A1[j]) == 0) {
- /* if sets are equal (under the mask) merge them */
- (void) set_or(A1[i], A1[i], A1[j]);
- } else {
- /* sets are unequal, so save the set i */
- A1[dest++] = A1[i];
- i = j;
- }
- A1[dest++] = A1[i];
- }
- A1[dest] = (pcube) NULL;
- return dest;
-/* rm_equal -- scan a sorted array of set pointers for duplicate sets */
-int rm_equal(A1, compare)
-INOUT pset *A1; /* updated in place */
-IN int (*compare)();
- register pset *p, *pdest = A1;
- if (*A1 != NULL) { /* If more than one set */
- for(p = A1+1; *p != NULL; p++)
- if ((*compare)(p, p-1) != 0)
- *pdest++ = *(p-1);
- *pdest++ = *(p-1);
- *pdest = NULL;
- }
- return pdest - A1;
-/* rm_contain -- perform containment over a sorted array of set pointers */
-int rm_contain(A1)
-INOUT pset *A1; /* updated in place */
- register pset *pa, *pb, *pcheck, a, b;
- pset *pdest = A1;
- int last_size = -1;
- /* Loop for all cubes of A1 */
- for(pa = A1; (a = *pa++) != NULL; ) {
- /* Update the check pointer if the size has changed */
- if (SIZE(a) != last_size)
- last_size = SIZE(a), pcheck = pdest;
- for(pb = A1; pb != pcheck; ) {
- b = *pb++;
- INLINEsetp_implies(a, b, /* when_false => */ continue);
- goto lnext1;
- }
- /* set a was not contained by some larger set, so save it */
- *pdest++ = a;
- lnext1: ;
- }
- *pdest = NULL;
- return pdest - A1;
-/* rm_rev_contain -- perform rcontainment over a sorted array of set pointers */
-int rm_rev_contain(A1)
-INOUT pset *A1; /* updated in place */
- register pset *pa, *pb, *pcheck, a, b;
- pset *pdest = A1;
- int last_size = -1;
- /* Loop for all cubes of A1 */
- for(pa = A1; (a = *pa++) != NULL; ) {
- /* Update the check pointer if the size has changed */
- if (SIZE(a) != last_size)
- last_size = SIZE(a), pcheck = pdest;
- for(pb = A1; pb != pcheck; ) {
- b = *pb++;
- INLINEsetp_implies(b, a, /* when_false => */ continue);
- goto lnext1;
- }
- /* the set a did not contain some smaller set, so save it */
- *pdest++ = a;
- lnext1: ;
- }
- *pdest = NULL;
- return pdest - A1;
-/* rm2_equal -- check two sorted arrays of set pointers for equal cubes */
-int rm2_equal(A1, B1, E1, compare)
-INOUT register pset *A1, *B1; /* updated in place */
-OUT pset *E1;
-IN int (*compare)();
- register pset *pda = A1, *pdb = B1, *pde = E1;
- /* Walk through the arrays advancing pointer to larger cube */
- for(; *A1 != NULL && *B1 != NULL; )
- switch((*compare)(A1, B1)) {
- case -1: /* "a" comes before "b" */
- *pda++ = *A1++; break;
- case 0: /* equal cubes */
- *pde++ = *A1++; B1++; break;
- case 1: /* "a" is to follow "b" */
- *pdb++ = *B1++; break;
- }
- /* Finish moving down the pointers of A and B */
- while (*A1 != NULL)
- *pda++ = *A1++;
- while (*B1 != NULL)
- *pdb++ = *B1++;
- *pda = *pdb = *pde = NULL;
- return pde - E1;
-/* rm2_contain -- perform containment between two arrays of set pointers */
-int rm2_contain(A1, B1)
-INOUT pset *A1; /* updated in place */
-IN pset *B1; /* unchanged */
- register pset *pa, *pb, a, b, *pdest = A1;
- /* for each set in the first array ... */
- for(pa = A1; (a = *pa++) != NULL; ) {
- /* for each set in the second array which is larger ... */
- for(pb = B1; (b = *pb++) != NULL && SIZE(b) > SIZE(a); ) {
- INLINEsetp_implies(a, b, /* when_false => */ continue);
- /* set was contained in some set of B, so don't save pointer */
- goto lnext1;
- }
- /* set wasn't contained in any set of B, so save the pointer */
- *pdest++ = a;
- lnext1: ;
- }
- *pdest = NULL; /* sentinel */
- return pdest - A1; /* # elements in A1 */
-/* sf_sort -- sort the sets of A */
-pset *sf_sort(A, compare)
-IN pset_family A;
-IN int (*compare)();
- register pset p, last, *pdest, *A1;
- /* Create a single array pointing to each cube of A */
- pdest = A1 = ALLOC(pset, A->count + 1);
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- PUTSIZE(p, set_ord(p)); /* compute the set size */
- *pdest++ = p; /* save the pointer */
- }
- *pdest = NULL; /* Sentinel -- never seen by sort */
- /* Sort cubes by size */
- qsort((char *) A1, A->count, sizeof(pset), compare);
- return A1;
-/* sf_list -- make a list of pointers to the sets in a set family */
-pset *sf_list(A)
-IN register pset_family A;
- register pset p, last, *pdest, *A1;
- /* Create a single array pointing to each cube of A */
- pdest = A1 = ALLOC(pset, A->count + 1);
- foreach_set(A, last, p)
- *pdest++ = p; /* save the pointer */
- *pdest = NULL; /* Sentinel */
- return A1;
-/* sf_unlist -- make a set family out of a list of pointers to sets */
-pset_family sf_unlist(A1, totcnt, size)
-IN pset *A1;
-IN int totcnt, size;
- register pset pr, p, *pa;
- pset_family R = sf_new(totcnt, size);
- R->count = totcnt;
- for(pr = R->data, pa = A1; (p = *pa++) != NULL; pr += R->wsize)
- INLINEset_copy(pr, p);
- FREE(A1);
- return R;
-/* sf_ind_unlist -- make a set family out of a list of pointers to sets */
-pset_family sf_ind_unlist(A1, totcnt, size, row_indices, pfirst)
-IN pset *A1;
-IN int totcnt, size;
-INOUT int *row_indices;
-IN register pset pfirst;
- register pset pr, p, *pa;
- register int i, *new_row_indices;
- pset_family R = sf_new(totcnt, size);
- R->count = totcnt;
- new_row_indices = ALLOC(int, totcnt);
- for(pr = R->data, pa = A1, i=0; (p = *pa++) != NULL; pr += R->wsize, i++) {
- INLINEset_copy(pr, p);
- new_row_indices[i] = row_indices[(p - pfirst)/R->wsize];
- }
- for(i = 0; i < totcnt; i++)
- row_indices[i] = new_row_indices[i];
- FREE(new_row_indices);
- FREE(A1);
- return R;
-/* sf_merge -- merge three sorted lists of set pointers */
-pset_family sf_merge(A1, B1, E1, totcnt, size)
-INOUT pset *A1, *B1, *E1; /* will be disposed of */
-IN int totcnt, size;
- register pset pr, ps, *pmin, *pmid, *pmax;
- pset_family R;
- pset *temp[3], *swap;
- int i, j, n;
- /* Allocate the result set_family */
- R = sf_new(totcnt, size);
- R->count = totcnt;
- pr = R->data;
- /* Quick bubble sort to order the top member of the three arrays */
- n = 3; temp[0] = A1; temp[1] = B1; temp[2] = E1;
- for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
- for(j = i+1; j < n; j++)
- if (desc1(*temp[i], *temp[j]) > 0) {
- swap = temp[j];
- temp[j] = temp[i];
- temp[i] = swap;
- }
- pmin = temp[0]; pmid = temp[1]; pmax = temp[2];
- /* Save the minimum element, then update pmin, pmid, pmax */
- while (*pmin != (pset) NULL) {
- ps = *pmin++;
- INLINEset_copy(pr, ps);
- pr += R->wsize;
- if (desc1(*pmin, *pmax) > 0) {
- swap = pmax; pmax = pmin; pmin = pmid; pmid = swap;
- } else if (desc1(*pmin, *pmid) > 0) {
- swap = pmin; pmin = pmid; pmid = swap;
- }
- }
- FREE(A1);
- FREE(B1);
- FREE(E1);
- return R;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/cubehack.c b/src/misc/espresso/cubehack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e1724fc..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/cubehack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source: /vol/opua/opua2/sis/sis-1.1/common/src/sis/node/RCS/cubehack.c,v $
- * $Author: sis $
- * $Revision: 1.2 $
- * $Date: 1992/05/06 18:57:41 $
- *
- */
-#include "sis.h"
-#include "node_int.h"
-#ifdef lint
-struct cube_struct cube;
-bool summary;
-bool trace;
-bool remove_essential;
-bool force_irredundant;
-bool unwrap_onset;
-bool single_expand;
-bool pos;
-bool recompute_onset;
-bool use_super_gasp;
-bool use_random_order;
-#include "espresso.h"
-int n;
- if (cube.fullset != 0 && cube.num_binary_vars == n)
- return;
- if (cube.fullset != 0) {
- setdown_cube();
- FREE(cube.part_size);
- }
- cube.num_binary_vars = cube.num_vars = n;
- cube.part_size = ALLOC(int, n);
- cube_setup();
-int n;
- register int q, i;
- static int called_before = 0;
- /* check if the cube is already just the right size */
- if (cube.fullset != 0 && cube.num_binary_vars == n && cube.num_vars == n)
- return;
- /* We can't handle more than 100 inputs */
- if (n > 100) {
- cautious_define_cube_size(n);
- called_before = 0;
- return;
- }
- if (cube.fullset == 0 || ! called_before) {
- cautious_define_cube_size(100);
- called_before = 1;
- }
- cube.num_vars = n;
- cube.num_binary_vars = n;
- cube.num_mv_vars = 0;
- cube.output = -1;
- cube.size = n * 2;
- /* first_part, last_part, first_word, last_word, part_size OKAY */
- /* cube.sparse is OKAY */
- /* need to completely re-make cube.fullset and cube.binary_mask */
- (void) set_fill(cube.fullset, n*2);
- (void) set_fill(cube.binary_mask, n*2);
- /* need to resize each set in cube.var_mask and cube.temp */
- q = cube.fullset[0];
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_vars; i++)
- cube.var_mask[i][0] = q;
- for(i = 0; i < CUBE_TEMP; i++)
- cube.temp[i][0] = q;
- /* need to resize cube.emptyset and cube.mv_mask */
- cube.emptyset[0] = q;
- cube.mv_mask[0] = q;
- /* need to reset the inword and inmask */
- if (cube.num_binary_vars != 0) {
- cube.inword = cube.last_word[cube.num_binary_vars - 1];
- cube.inmask = cube.binary_mask[cube.inword] & DISJOINT;
- } else {
- cube.inword = -1;
- cube.inmask = 0;
- }
- /* cdata (entire structure) is OKAY */
- if (cube.num_binary_vars > 100) {
- if (cube.fullset != 0) {
- setdown_cube();
- FREE(cube.part_size);
- }
- } else {
- cube.num_vars = cube.num_binary_vars = 100;
- if (cube.fullset != 0) {
- setdown_cube();
- FREE(cube.part_size);
- }
- }
- summary = FALSE;
- trace = FALSE;
- remove_essential = TRUE;
- force_irredundant = TRUE;
- unwrap_onset = TRUE;
- single_expand = FALSE;
- pos = FALSE;
- recompute_onset = FALSE;
- use_super_gasp = FALSE;
- use_random_order = FALSE;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/cubestr.c b/src/misc/espresso/cubestr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 77389e73..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/cubestr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- Module: cubestr.c -- routines for managing the global cube structure
-#include "espresso.h"
- cube_setup -- assume that the fields "num_vars", "num_binary_vars", and
- part_size[num_binary_vars .. num_vars-1] are setup, and initialize the
- rest of cube and cdata.
- If a part_size is < 0, then the field size is abs(part_size) and the
- field read from the input is symbolic.
-void cube_setup()
- register int i, var;
- register pcube p;
- if (cube.num_binary_vars < 0 || cube.num_vars < cube.num_binary_vars)
- fatal("cube size is silly, error in .i/.o or .mv");
- cube.num_mv_vars = cube.num_vars - cube.num_binary_vars;
- cube.output = cube.num_mv_vars > 0 ? cube.num_vars - 1 : -1;
- cube.size = 0;
- cube.first_part = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- cube.last_part = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- cube.first_word = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- cube.last_word = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- if (var < cube.num_binary_vars)
- cube.part_size[var] = 2;
- cube.first_part[var] = cube.size;
- cube.first_word[var] = WHICH_WORD(cube.size);
- cube.size += ABS(cube.part_size[var]);
- cube.last_part[var] = cube.size - 1;
- cube.last_word[var] = WHICH_WORD(cube.size - 1);
- }
- cube.var_mask = ALLOC(pset, cube.num_vars);
- cube.sparse = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- cube.binary_mask = new_cube();
- cube.mv_mask = new_cube();
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- p = cube.var_mask[var] = new_cube();
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++)
- set_insert(p, i);
- if (var < cube.num_binary_vars) {
- INLINEset_or(cube.binary_mask, cube.binary_mask, p);
- cube.sparse[var] = 0;
- } else {
- INLINEset_or(cube.mv_mask, cube.mv_mask, p);
- cube.sparse[var] = 1;
- }
- }
- if (cube.num_binary_vars == 0)
- cube.inword = -1;
- else {
- cube.inword = cube.last_word[cube.num_binary_vars - 1];
- cube.inmask = cube.binary_mask[cube.inword] & DISJOINT;
- }
- cube.temp = ALLOC(pset, CUBE_TEMP);
- for(i = 0; i < CUBE_TEMP; i++)
- cube.temp[i] = new_cube();
- cube.fullset = set_fill(new_cube(), cube.size);
- cube.emptyset = new_cube();
- cdata.part_zeros = ALLOC(int, cube.size);
- cdata.var_zeros = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- cdata.parts_active = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- cdata.is_unate = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- setdown_cube -- free memory allocated for the cube/cdata structs
- (free's all but the part_size array)
- (I wanted to call this cube_setdown, but that violates the 8-character
- external routine limit on the IBM !)
-void setdown_cube()
- register int i, var;
- FREE(cube.first_part);
- FREE(cube.last_part);
- FREE(cube.first_word);
- FREE(cube.last_word);
- FREE(cube.sparse);
- free_cube(cube.binary_mask);
- free_cube(cube.mv_mask);
- free_cube(cube.fullset);
- free_cube(cube.emptyset);
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++)
- free_cube(cube.var_mask[var]);
- FREE(cube.var_mask);
- for(i = 0; i < CUBE_TEMP; i++)
- free_cube(cube.temp[i]);
- FREE(cube.temp);
- FREE(cdata.part_zeros);
- FREE(cdata.var_zeros);
- FREE(cdata.parts_active);
- FREE(cdata.is_unate);
- cube.first_part = cube.last_part = (int *) NULL;
- cube.first_word = cube.last_word = (int *) NULL;
- cube.sparse = (int *) NULL;
- cube.binary_mask = cube.mv_mask = (pcube) NULL;
- cube.fullset = cube.emptyset = (pcube) NULL;
- cube.var_mask = cube.temp = (pcube *) NULL;
- cdata.part_zeros = cdata.var_zeros = cdata.parts_active = (int *) NULL;
- cdata.is_unate = (bool *) NULL;
-void save_cube_struct()
- temp_cube_save = cube; /* structure copy ! */
- temp_cdata_save = cdata; /* "" */
- cube.first_part = cube.last_part = (int *) NULL;
- cube.first_word = cube.last_word = (int *) NULL;
- cube.part_size = (int *) NULL;
- cube.binary_mask = cube.mv_mask = (pcube) NULL;
- cube.fullset = cube.emptyset = (pcube) NULL;
- cube.var_mask = cube.temp = (pcube *) NULL;
- cdata.part_zeros = cdata.var_zeros = cdata.parts_active = (int *) NULL;
- cdata.is_unate = (bool *) NULL;
-void restore_cube_struct()
- cube = temp_cube_save; /* structure copy ! */
- cdata = temp_cdata_save; /* "" */
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/cvrin.c b/src/misc/espresso/cvrin.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7790b38b..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/cvrin.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,810 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- module: cvrin.c
- purpose: cube and cover input routines
-#include "espresso.h"
-static bool line_length_error;
-static int lineno;
-void skip_line(fpin, fpout, echo)
-register FILE *fpin, *fpout;
-register bool echo;
- register int ch;
- while ((ch=getc(fpin)) != EOF && ch != '\n')
- if (echo)
- putc(ch, fpout);
- if (echo)
- putc('\n', fpout);
- lineno++;
-char *get_word(fp, word)
-register FILE *fp;
-register char *word;
- register int ch, i = 0;
- while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF && isspace(ch))
- ;
- word[i++] = ch;
- while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF && ! isspace(ch))
- word[i++] = ch;
- word[i++] = '\0';
- return word;
- * Yes, I know this routine is a mess
- */
-void read_cube(fp, PLA)
-register FILE *fp;
- register int var, i;
- pcube cf = cube.temp[0], cr = cube.temp[1], cd = cube.temp[2];
- bool savef = FALSE, saved = FALSE, saver = FALSE;
- char token[256]; /* for kiss read hack */
- int varx, first, last, offset; /* for kiss read hack */
- set_clear(cf, cube.size);
- /* Loop and read binary variables */
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++)
- switch(getc(fp)) {
- case EOF:
- goto bad_char;
- case '\n':
- if (! line_length_error)
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "product term(s) %s\n",
- "span more than one line (warning only)");
- line_length_error = TRUE;
- lineno++;
- var--;
- break;
- case ' ': case '|': case '\t':
- var--;
- break;
- case '2': case '-':
- set_insert(cf, var*2+1);
- case '0':
- set_insert(cf, var*2);
- break;
- case '1':
- set_insert(cf, var*2+1);
- break;
- case '?':
- break;
- default:
- goto bad_char;
- }
- /* Loop for the all but one of the multiple-valued variables */
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars-1; var++)
- /* Read a symbolic multiple-valued variable */
- if (cube.part_size[var] < 0) {
- (void) fscanf(fp, "%s", token);
- if (equal(token, "-") || equal(token, "ANY")) {
- if (kiss && var == cube.num_vars - 2) {
- /* leave it empty */
- } else {
- /* make it full */
- set_or(cf, cf, cube.var_mask[var]);
- }
- } else if (equal(token, "~")) {
- ;
- /* leave it empty ... (?) */
- } else {
- if (kiss && var == cube.num_vars - 2)
- varx = var - 1, offset = ABS(cube.part_size[var-1]);
- else
- varx = var, offset = 0;
- /* Find the symbolic label in the label table */
- first = cube.first_part[varx];
- last = cube.last_part[varx];
- for(i = first; i <= last; i++)
- if (PLA->label[i] == (char *) NULL) {
- PLA->label[i] = util_strsav(token); /* add new label */
- set_insert(cf, i+offset);
- break;
- } else if (equal(PLA->label[i], token)) {
- set_insert(cf, i+offset); /* use column i */
- break;
- }
- if (i > last) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr,
-"declared size of variable %d (counting from variable 0) is too small\n", var);
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- } else for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++)
- switch (getc(fp)) {
- case EOF:
- goto bad_char;
- case '\n':
- if (! line_length_error)
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "product term(s) %s\n",
- "span more than one line (warning only)");
- line_length_error = TRUE;
- lineno++;
- i--;
- break;
- case ' ': case '|': case '\t':
- i--;
- break;
- case '1':
- set_insert(cf, i);
- case '0':
- break;
- default:
- goto bad_char;
- }
- /* Loop for last multiple-valued variable */
- if (kiss) {
- saver = savef = TRUE;
- (void) set_xor(cr, cf, cube.var_mask[cube.num_vars - 2]);
- } else
- set_copy(cr, cf);
- set_copy(cd, cf);
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++)
- switch (getc(fp)) {
- case EOF:
- goto bad_char;
- case '\n':
- if (! line_length_error)
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "product term(s) %s\n",
- "span more than one line (warning only)");
- line_length_error = TRUE;
- lineno++;
- i--;
- break;
- case ' ': case '|': case '\t':
- i--;
- break;
- case '4': case '1':
- if (PLA->pla_type & F_type)
- set_insert(cf, i), savef = TRUE;
- break;
- case '3': case '0':
- if (PLA->pla_type & R_type)
- set_insert(cr, i), saver = TRUE;
- break;
- case '2': case '-':
- if (PLA->pla_type & D_type)
- set_insert(cd, i), saved = TRUE;
- case '~':
- break;
- default:
- goto bad_char;
- }
- if (savef) PLA->F = sf_addset(PLA->F, cf);
- if (saved) PLA->D = sf_addset(PLA->D, cd);
- if (saver) PLA->R = sf_addset(PLA->R, cr);
- return;
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "(warning): input line #%d ignored\n", lineno);
- skip_line(fp, stdout, TRUE);
- return;
-void parse_pla(fp, PLA)
-IN FILE *fp;
- int i, var, ch, np, last;
- char word[256];
- lineno = 1;
- line_length_error = FALSE;
- switch(ch = getc(fp)) {
- case EOF:
- return;
- case '\n':
- lineno++;
- case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\r':
- break;
- case '#':
- (void) ungetc(ch, fp);
- skip_line(fp, stdout, echo_comments);
- break;
- case '.':
- /* .i gives the cube input size (binary-functions only) */
- if (equal(get_word(fp, word), "i")) {
- if (cube.fullset != NULL) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "extra .i ignored\n");
- skip_line(fp, stdout, /* echo */ FALSE);
- } else {
- if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &cube.num_binary_vars) != 1)
- fatal("error reading .i");
- cube.num_vars = cube.num_binary_vars + 1;
- cube.part_size = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- }
- /* .o gives the cube output size (binary-functions only) */
- } else if (equal(word, "o")) {
- if (cube.fullset != NULL) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "extra .o ignored\n");
- skip_line(fp, stdout, /* echo */ FALSE);
- } else {
- if (cube.part_size == NULL)
- fatal(".o cannot appear before .i");
- if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &(cube.part_size[cube.num_vars-1]))!=1)
- fatal("error reading .o");
- cube_setup();
- PLA_labels(PLA);
- }
- /* .mv gives the cube size for a multiple-valued function */
- } else if (equal(word, "mv")) {
- if (cube.fullset != NULL) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "extra .mv ignored\n");
- skip_line(fp, stdout, /* echo */ FALSE);
- } else {
- if (cube.part_size != NULL)
- fatal("cannot mix .i and .mv");
- if (fscanf(fp,"%d %d",
- &cube.num_vars,&cube.num_binary_vars) != 2)
- fatal("error reading .mv");
- if (cube.num_binary_vars < 0)
-fatal("num_binary_vars (second field of .mv) cannot be negative");
- if (cube.num_vars < cube.num_binary_vars)
- fatal(
-"num_vars (1st field of .mv) must exceed num_binary_vars (2nd field of .mv)");
- cube.part_size = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- for(var=cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++)
- if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &(cube.part_size[var])) != 1)
- fatal("error reading .mv");
- cube_setup();
- PLA_labels(PLA);
- }
- /* .p gives the number of product terms -- we ignore it */
- } else if (equal(word, "p"))
- (void) fscanf(fp, "%d", &np);
- /* .e and .end specify the end of the file */
- else if (equal(word, "e") || equal(word,"end")) {
- if (cube.fullset == NULL) {
- /* fatal("unknown PLA size, need .i/.o or .mv");*/
- } else if (PLA->F == NULL) {
- PLA->F = new_cover(10);
- PLA->D = new_cover(10);
- PLA->R = new_cover(10);
- }
- return;
- }
- /* .kiss turns on the kiss-hack option */
- else if (equal(word, "kiss"))
- kiss = TRUE;
- /* .type specifies a logical type for the PLA */
- else if (equal(word, "type")) {
- (void) get_word(fp, word);
- for(i = 0; pla_types[i].key != 0; i++)
- if (equal(pla_types[i].key + 1, word)) {
- PLA->pla_type = pla_types[i].value;
- break;
- }
- if (pla_types[i].key == 0)
- fatal("unknown type in .type command");
- /* parse the labels */
- } else if (equal(word, "ilb")) {
- if (cube.fullset == NULL)
- fatal("PLA size must be declared before .ilb or .ob");
- if (PLA->label == NULL)
- PLA_labels(PLA);
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++) {
- (void) get_word(fp, word);
- i = cube.first_part[var];
- PLA->label[i+1] = util_strsav(word);
- PLA->label[i] = ALLOC(char, strlen(word) + 6);
- (void) sprintf(PLA->label[i], "", word);
- }
- } else if (equal(word, "ob")) {
- if (cube.fullset == NULL)
- fatal("PLA size must be declared before .ilb or .ob");
- if (PLA->label == NULL)
- PLA_labels(PLA);
- var = cube.num_vars - 1;
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- (void) get_word(fp, word);
- PLA->label[i] = util_strsav(word);
- }
- /* .label assigns labels to multiple-valued variables */
- } else if (equal(word, "label")) {
- if (cube.fullset == NULL)
- fatal("PLA size must be declared before .label");
- if (PLA->label == NULL)
- PLA_labels(PLA);
- if (fscanf(fp, "var=%d", &var) != 1)
- fatal("Error reading labels");
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- (void) get_word(fp, word);
- PLA->label[i] = util_strsav(word);
- }
- } else if (equal(word, "symbolic")) {
- symbolic_t *newlist, *p1;
- if (read_symbolic(fp, PLA, word, &newlist)) {
- if (PLA->symbolic == NIL(symbolic_t)) {
- PLA->symbolic = newlist;
- } else {
- for(p1=PLA->symbolic;p1->next!=NIL(symbolic_t);
- p1=p1->next){
- }
- p1->next = newlist;
- }
- } else {
- fatal("error reading .symbolic");
- }
- } else if (equal(word, "symbolic-output")) {
- symbolic_t *newlist, *p1;
- if (read_symbolic(fp, PLA, word, &newlist)) {
- if (PLA->symbolic_output == NIL(symbolic_t)) {
- PLA->symbolic_output = newlist;
- } else {
- for(p1=PLA->symbolic_output;p1->next!=NIL(symbolic_t);
- p1=p1->next){
- }
- p1->next = newlist;
- }
- } else {
- fatal("error reading .symbolic-output");
- }
- /* .phase allows a choice of output phases */
- } else if (equal(word, "phase")) {
- if (cube.fullset == NULL)
- fatal("PLA size must be declared before .phase");
- if (PLA->phase != NULL) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "extra .phase ignored\n");
- skip_line(fp, stdout, /* echo */ FALSE);
- } else {
- do ch = getc(fp); while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t');
- (void) ungetc(ch, fp);
- PLA->phase = set_save(cube.fullset);
- last = cube.last_part[cube.num_vars - 1];
- for(i=cube.first_part[cube.num_vars - 1]; i <= last; i++)
- if ((ch = getc(fp)) == '0')
- set_remove(PLA->phase, i);
- else if (ch != '1')
- fatal("only 0 or 1 allowed in phase description");
- }
- /* .pair allows for bit-pairing input variables */
- } else if (equal(word, "pair")) {
- int j;
- if (PLA->pair != NULL) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "extra .pair ignored\n");
- } else {
- ppair pair;
- PLA->pair = pair = ALLOC(pair_t, 1);
- if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &(pair->cnt)) != 1)
- fatal("syntax error in .pair");
- pair->var1 = ALLOC(int, pair->cnt);
- pair->var2 = ALLOC(int, pair->cnt);
- for(i = 0; i < pair->cnt; i++) {
- (void) get_word(fp, word);
- if (word[0] == '(') (void) strcpy(word, word+1);
- if (label_index(PLA, word, &var, &j)) {
- pair->var1[i] = var+1;
- } else {
- fatal("syntax error in .pair");
- }
- (void) get_word(fp, word);
- if (word[strlen(word)-1] == ')') {
- word[strlen(word)-1]='\0';
- }
- if (label_index(PLA, word, &var, &j)) {
- pair->var2[i] = var+1;
- } else {
- fatal("syntax error in .pair");
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (echo_unknown_commands)
- printf("%c%s ", ch, word);
- skip_line(fp, stdout, echo_unknown_commands);
- }
- break;
- default:
- (void) ungetc(ch, fp);
- if (cube.fullset == NULL) {
-/* fatal("unknown PLA size, need .i/.o or .mv");*/
- if (echo_comments)
- putchar('#');
- skip_line(fp, stdout, echo_comments);
- break;
- }
- if (PLA->F == NULL) {
- PLA->F = new_cover(10);
- PLA->D = new_cover(10);
- PLA->R = new_cover(10);
- }
- read_cube(fp, PLA);
- }
- goto loop;
- read_pla -- read a PLA from a file
- Input stops when ".e" is encountered in the input file, or upon reaching
- end of file.
- Returns the PLA in the variable PLA after massaging the "symbolic"
- representation into a positional cube notation of the ON-set, OFF-set,
- and the DC-set.
- needs_dcset and needs_offset control the computation of the OFF-set
- and DC-set (i.e., if either needs to be computed, then it will be
- computed via complement only if the corresponding option is TRUE.)
- pla_type specifies the interpretation to be used when reading the
- PLA.
- The phase of the output functions is adjusted according to the
- global option "pos" or according to an imbedded .phase option in
- the input file. Note that either phase option implies that the
- OFF-set be computed regardless of whether the caller needs it
- explicitly or not.
- Bit pairing of the binary variables is performed according to an
- imbedded .pair option in the input file.
- The global cube structure also reflects the sizes of the PLA which
- was just read. If these fields have already been set, then any
- subsequent PLA must conform to these sizes.
- The global flags trace and summary control the output produced
- during the read.
- Returns a status code as a result:
- EOF (-1) : End of file reached before any data was read
- > 0 : Operation successful
-int read_pla(fp, needs_dcset, needs_offset, pla_type, PLA_return)
-IN FILE *fp;
-IN bool needs_dcset, needs_offset;
-IN int pla_type;
-OUT pPLA *PLA_return;
- int i, second, third;
- long time;
- cost_t cost;
- /* Allocate and initialize the PLA structure */
- PLA = *PLA_return = new_PLA();
- PLA->pla_type = pla_type;
- /* Read the pla */
- time = ptime();
- parse_pla(fp, PLA);
- /* Check for nothing on the file -- implies reached EOF */
- if (PLA->F == NULL) {
- return EOF;
- }
- /* This hack merges the next-state field with the outputs */
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_vars; i++) {
- cube.part_size[i] = ABS(cube.part_size[i]);
- }
- if (kiss) {
- third = cube.num_vars - 3;
- second = cube.num_vars - 2;
- if (cube.part_size[third] != cube.part_size[second]) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr," with .kiss option, third to last and second\n");
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "to last variables must be the same size.\n");
- return EOF;
- }
- for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[second]; i++) {
- PLA->label[i + cube.first_part[second]] =
- util_strsav(PLA->label[i + cube.first_part[third]]);
- }
- cube.part_size[second] += cube.part_size[cube.num_vars-1];
- cube.num_vars--;
- setdown_cube();
- cube_setup();
- }
- if (trace) {
- totals(time, READ_TIME, PLA->F, &cost);
- }
- /* Decide how to break PLA into ON-set, OFF-set and DC-set */
- time = ptime();
- if (pos || PLA->phase != NULL || PLA->symbolic_output != NIL(symbolic_t)) {
- needs_offset = TRUE;
- }
- if (needs_offset && (PLA->pla_type==F_type || PLA->pla_type==FD_type)) {
- free_cover(PLA->R);
- PLA->R = complement(cube2list(PLA->F, PLA->D));
- } else if (needs_dcset && PLA->pla_type == FR_type) {
- pcover X;
- free_cover(PLA->D);
- /* hack, why not? */
- X = d1merge(sf_join(PLA->F, PLA->R), cube.num_vars - 1);
- PLA->D = complement(cube1list(X));
- free_cover(X);
- } else if (PLA->pla_type == R_type || PLA->pla_type == DR_type) {
- free_cover(PLA->F);
- PLA->F = complement(cube2list(PLA->D, PLA->R));
- }
- if (trace) {
- totals(time, COMPL_TIME, PLA->R, &cost);
- }
- /* Check for phase rearrangement of the functions */
- if (pos) {
- pcover onset = PLA->F;
- PLA->F = PLA->R;
- PLA->R = onset;
- PLA->phase = new_cube();
- set_diff(PLA->phase, cube.fullset, cube.var_mask[cube.num_vars-1]);
- } else if (PLA->phase != NULL) {
- (void) set_phase(PLA);
- }
- /* Setup minimization for two-bit decoders */
- if (PLA->pair != (ppair) NULL) {
- set_pair(PLA);
- }
- if (PLA->symbolic != NIL(symbolic_t)) {
- EXEC(map_symbolic(PLA), "MAP-INPUT ", PLA->F);
- }
- if (PLA->symbolic_output != NIL(symbolic_t)) {
- EXEC(map_output_symbolic(PLA), "MAP-OUTPUT ", PLA->F);
- if (needs_offset) {
- free_cover(PLA->R);
-EXECUTE(PLA->R=complement(cube2list(PLA->F,PLA->D)), COMPL_TIME, PLA->R, cost);
- }
- }
- return 1;
-void PLA_summary(PLA)
- int var, i;
- symbolic_list_t *p2;
- symbolic_t *p1;
- printf("# PLA is %s", PLA->filename);
- if (cube.num_binary_vars == cube.num_vars - 1)
- printf(" with %d inputs and %d outputs\n",
- cube.num_binary_vars, cube.part_size[cube.num_vars - 1]);
- else {
- printf(" with %d variables (%d binary, mv sizes",
- cube.num_vars, cube.num_binary_vars);
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++)
- printf(" %d", cube.part_size[var]);
- printf(")\n");
- }
- printf("# ON-set cost is %s\n", print_cost(PLA->F));
- printf("# OFF-set cost is %s\n", print_cost(PLA->R));
- printf("# DC-set cost is %s\n", print_cost(PLA->D));
- if (PLA->phase != NULL)
- printf("# phase is %s\n", pc1(PLA->phase));
- if (PLA->pair != NULL) {
- printf("# two-bit decoders:");
- for(i = 0; i < PLA->pair->cnt; i++)
- printf(" (%d %d)", PLA->pair->var1[i], PLA->pair->var2[i]);
- printf("\n");
- }
- if (PLA->symbolic != NIL(symbolic_t)) {
- for(p1 = PLA->symbolic; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1->next) {
- printf("# symbolic: ");
- for(p2=p1->symbolic_list; p2!=NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2=p2->next) {
- printf(" %d", p2->variable);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- if (PLA->symbolic_output != NIL(symbolic_t)) {
- for(p1 = PLA->symbolic_output; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1->next) {
- printf("# output symbolic: ");
- for(p2=p1->symbolic_list; p2!=NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2=p2->next) {
- printf(" %d", p2->pos);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- (void) fflush(stdout);
-pPLA new_PLA()
- PLA = ALLOC(PLA_t, 1);
- PLA->F = PLA->D = PLA->R = (pcover) NULL;
- PLA->phase = (pcube) NULL;
- PLA->pair = (ppair) NULL;
- PLA->label = (char **) NULL;
- PLA->filename = (char *) NULL;
- PLA->pla_type = 0;
- PLA->symbolic = NIL(symbolic_t);
- PLA->symbolic_output = NIL(symbolic_t);
- return PLA;
- int i;
- PLA->label = ALLOC(char *, cube.size);
- for(i = 0; i < cube.size; i++)
- PLA->label[i] = (char *) NULL;
-void free_PLA(PLA)
- symbolic_list_t *p2, *p2next;
- symbolic_t *p1, *p1next;
- int i;
- if (PLA->F != (pcover) NULL)
- free_cover(PLA->F);
- if (PLA->R != (pcover) NULL)
- free_cover(PLA->R);
- if (PLA->D != (pcover) NULL)
- free_cover(PLA->D);
- if (PLA->phase != (pcube) NULL)
- free_cube(PLA->phase);
- if (PLA->pair != (ppair) NULL) {
- FREE(PLA->pair->var1);
- FREE(PLA->pair->var2);
- FREE(PLA->pair);
- }
- if (PLA->label != NULL) {
- for(i = 0; i < cube.size; i++)
- if (PLA->label[i] != NULL)
- FREE(PLA->label[i]);
- FREE(PLA->label);
- }
- if (PLA->filename != NULL) {
- FREE(PLA->filename);
- }
- for(p1 = PLA->symbolic; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1next) {
- for(p2 = p1->symbolic_list; p2 != NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2 = p2next) {
- p2next = p2->next;
- FREE(p2);
- }
- p1next = p1->next;
- FREE(p1);
- }
- PLA->symbolic = NIL(symbolic_t);
- for(p1 = PLA->symbolic_output; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1next) {
- for(p2 = p1->symbolic_list; p2 != NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2 = p2next) {
- p2next = p2->next;
- FREE(p2);
- }
- p1next = p1->next;
- FREE(p1);
- }
- PLA->symbolic_output = NIL(symbolic_t);
-int read_symbolic(fp, PLA, word, retval)
-FILE *fp;
-char *word; /* scratch string for words */
-symbolic_t **retval;
- symbolic_list_t *listp, *prev_listp;
- symbolic_label_t *labelp, *prev_labelp;
- symbolic_t *newlist;
- int i, var;
- newlist = ALLOC(symbolic_t, 1);
- newlist->next = NIL(symbolic_t);
- newlist->symbolic_list = NIL(symbolic_list_t);
- newlist->symbolic_list_length = 0;
- newlist->symbolic_label = NIL(symbolic_label_t);
- newlist->symbolic_label_length = 0;
- prev_listp = NIL(symbolic_list_t);
- prev_labelp = NIL(symbolic_label_t);
- for(;;) {
- (void) get_word(fp, word);
- if (equal(word, ";"))
- break;
- if (label_index(PLA, word, &var, &i)) {
- listp = ALLOC(symbolic_list_t, 1);
- listp->variable = var;
- listp->pos = i;
- listp->next = NIL(symbolic_list_t);
- if (prev_listp == NIL(symbolic_list_t)) {
- newlist->symbolic_list = listp;
- } else {
- prev_listp->next = listp;
- }
- prev_listp = listp;
- newlist->symbolic_list_length++;
- } else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- for(;;) {
- (void) get_word(fp, word);
- if (equal(word, ";"))
- break;
- labelp = ALLOC(symbolic_label_t, 1);
- labelp->label = util_strsav(word);
- labelp->next = NIL(symbolic_label_t);
- if (prev_labelp == NIL(symbolic_label_t)) {
- newlist->symbolic_label = labelp;
- } else {
- prev_labelp->next = labelp;
- }
- prev_labelp = labelp;
- newlist->symbolic_label_length++;
- }
- *retval = newlist;
- return TRUE;
-int label_index(PLA, word, varp, ip)
-char *word;
-int *varp;
-int *ip;
- int var, i;
- if (PLA->label == NIL(char *) || PLA->label[0] == NIL(char)) {
- if (sscanf(word, "%d", varp) == 1) {
- *ip = *varp;
- return TRUE;
- }
- } else {
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[var]; i++) {
- if (equal(PLA->label[cube.first_part[var]+i], word)) {
- *varp = var;
- *ip = i;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/cvrm.c b/src/misc/espresso/cvrm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d42d6e3..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/cvrm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- module: cvrm.c
- Purpose: miscellaneous cover manipulation
- a) verify two covers are equal, check consistency of a cover
- b) unravel a multiple-valued cover into minterms
- c) sort covers
-#include "espresso.h"
-static void cb_unravel(c, start, end, startbase, B1)
-IN register pcube c;
-IN int start, end;
-IN pcube startbase;
-INOUT pcover B1;
- pcube base = cube.temp[0], p, last;
- int expansion, place, skip, var, size, offset;
- register int i, j, k, n;
- /* Determine how many cubes it will blow up into, and create a mask
- for those parts that have only a single coordinate
- */
- expansion = 1;
- (void) set_copy(base, startbase);
- for(var = start; var <= end; var++) {
- if ((size = set_dist(c, cube.var_mask[var])) < 2) {
- (void) set_or(base, base, cube.var_mask[var]);
- } else {
- expansion *= size;
- }
- }
- (void) set_and(base, c, base);
- /* Add the unravelled sets starting at the last element of B1 */
- offset = B1->count;
- B1->count += expansion;
- foreach_remaining_set(B1, last, GETSET(B1, offset-1), p) {
- INLINEset_copy(p, base);
- }
- place = expansion;
- for(var = start; var <= end; var++) {
- if ((size = set_dist(c, cube.var_mask[var])) > 1) {
- skip = place;
- place = place / size;
- n = 0;
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- if (is_in_set(c, i)) {
- for(j = n; j < expansion; j += skip) {
- for(k = 0; k < place; k++) {
- p = GETSET(B1, j+k+offset);
- (void) set_insert(p, i);
- }
- }
- n += place;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-pcover unravel_range(B, start, end)
-IN pcover B;
-IN int start, end;
- pcover B1;
- int var, total_size, expansion, size;
- register pcube p, last, startbase = cube.temp[1];
- /* Create the starting base for those variables not being unravelled */
- (void) set_copy(startbase, cube.emptyset);
- for(var = 0; var < start; var++)
- (void) set_or(startbase, startbase, cube.var_mask[var]);
- for(var = end+1; var < cube.num_vars; var++)
- (void) set_or(startbase, startbase, cube.var_mask[var]);
- /* Determine how many cubes it will blow up into */
- total_size = 0;
- foreach_set(B, last, p) {
- expansion = 1;
- for(var = start; var <= end; var++)
- if ((size = set_dist(p, cube.var_mask[var])) >= 2)
- if ((expansion *= size) > 1000000)
- fatal("unreasonable expansion in unravel");
- total_size += expansion;
- }
- /* We can now allocate a cover of exactly the correct size */
- B1 = new_cover(total_size);
- foreach_set(B, last, p) {
- cb_unravel(p, start, end, startbase, B1);
- }
- free_cover(B);
- return B1;
-pcover unravel(B, start)
-IN pcover B;
-IN int start;
- return unravel_range(B, start, cube.num_vars-1);
-/* lex_sort -- sort cubes in a standard lexical fashion */
-pcover lex_sort(T)
-pcover T;
- pcover T1 = sf_unlist(sf_sort(T, lex_order), T->count, T->sf_size);
- free_cover(T);
- return T1;
-/* size_sort -- sort cubes by their size */
-pcover size_sort(T)
-pcover T;
- pcover T1 = sf_unlist(sf_sort(T, descend), T->count, T->sf_size);
- free_cover(T);
- return T1;
-/* mini_sort -- sort cubes according to the heuristics of mini */
-pcover mini_sort(F, compare)
-pcover F;
-int (*compare)();
- register int *count, cnt, n = cube.size, i;
- register pcube p, last;
- pcover F_sorted;
- pcube *F1;
- /* Perform a column sum over the set family */
- count = sf_count(F);
- /* weight is "inner product of the cube and the column sums" */
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- cnt = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
- if (is_in_set(p, i))
- cnt += count[i];
- PUTSIZE(p, cnt);
- }
- FREE(count);
- /* use qsort to sort the array */
- qsort((char *) (F1 = sf_list(F)), F->count, sizeof(pcube), compare);
- F_sorted = sf_unlist(F1, F->count, F->sf_size);
- free_cover(F);
- return F_sorted;
-/* sort_reduce -- Espresso strategy for ordering the cubes before reduction */
-pcover sort_reduce(T)
-IN pcover T;
- register pcube p, last, largest = NULL;
- register int bestsize = -1, size, n = cube.num_vars;
- pcover T_sorted;
- pcube *T1;
- if (T->count == 0)
- return T;
- /* find largest cube */
- foreach_set(T, last, p)
- if ((size = set_ord(p)) > bestsize)
- largest = p, bestsize = size;
- foreach_set(T, last, p)
- PUTSIZE(p, ((n - cdist(largest,p)) << 7) + MIN(set_ord(p),127));
- qsort((char *) (T1 = sf_list(T)), T->count, sizeof(pcube), (int (*)()) descend);
- T_sorted = sf_unlist(T1, T->count, T->sf_size);
- free_cover(T);
- return T_sorted;
-pcover random_order(F)
-register pcover F;
- pset temp;
- register int i, k;
-#ifdef RANDOM
- long random();
- temp = set_new(F->sf_size);
- for(i = F->count - 1; i > 0; i--) {
- /* Choose a random number between 0 and i */
-#ifdef RANDOM
- k = random() % i;
- /* this is not meant to be really used; just provides an easy
- "out" if random() and srandom() aren't around
- */
- k = (i*23 + 997) % i;
- /* swap sets i and k */
- (void) set_copy(temp, GETSET(F, k));
- (void) set_copy(GETSET(F, k), GETSET(F, i));
- (void) set_copy(GETSET(F, i), temp);
- }
- set_free(temp);
- return F;
- * cubelist_partition -- take a cubelist T and see if it has any components;
- * if so, return cubelist's of the two partitions A and B; the return value
- * is the size of the partition; if not, A and B
- * are undefined and the return value is 0
- */
-int cubelist_partition(T, A, B, comp_debug)
-pcube *T; /* a list of cubes */
-pcube **A, **B; /* cubelist of partition and remainder */
-unsigned int comp_debug;
- register pcube *T1, p, seed, cof;
- pcube *A1, *B1;
- bool change;
- int count, numcube;
- numcube = CUBELISTSIZE(T);
- /* Mark all cubes -- covered cubes belong to the partition */
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- }
- /*
- * Extract a partition from the cubelist T; start with the first cube as a
- * seed, and then pull in all cubes which share a variable with the seed;
- * iterate until no new cubes are brought into the partition.
- */
- seed = set_save(T[2]);
- cof = T[0];
- count = 1;
- do {
- change = FALSE;
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (! TESTP(p, COVERED) && ccommon(p, seed, cof)) {
- INLINEset_and(seed, seed, p);
- change = TRUE;
- count++;
- }
- }
- } while (change);
- set_free(seed);
- if (comp_debug) {
- (void) printf("COMPONENT_REDUCTION: split into %d %d\n",
- count, numcube - count);
- }
- if (count != numcube) {
- /* Allocate and setup the cubelist's for the two partitions */
- *A = A1 = ALLOC(pcube, numcube+3);
- *B = B1 = ALLOC(pcube, numcube+3);
- (*A)[0] = set_save(T[0]);
- (*B)[0] = set_save(T[0]);
- A1 = *A + 2;
- B1 = *B + 2;
- /* Loop over the cubes in T and distribute to A and B */
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (TESTP(p, COVERED)) {
- *A1++ = p;
- } else {
- *B1++ = p;
- }
- }
- /* Stuff needed at the end of the cubelist's */
- *A1++ = NULL;
- (*A)[1] = (pcube) A1;
- *B1++ = NULL;
- (*B)[1] = (pcube) B1;
- }
- return numcube - count;
- * quick cofactor against a single output function
- */
-pcover cof_output(T, i)
-pcover T;
-register int i;
- pcover T1;
- register pcube p, last, pdest, mask;
- mask = cube.var_mask[cube.output];
- T1 = new_cover(T->count);
- foreach_set(T, last, p) {
- if (is_in_set(p, i)) {
- pdest = GETSET(T1, T1->count++);
- INLINEset_or(pdest, p, mask);
- RESET(pdest, PRIME);
- }
- }
- return T1;
- * quick intersection against a single output function
- */
-pcover uncof_output(T, i)
-pcover T;
-int i;
- register pcube p, last, mask;
- if (T == NULL) {
- return T;
- }
- mask = cube.var_mask[cube.output];
- foreach_set(T, last, p) {
- INLINEset_diff(p, p, mask);
- set_insert(p, i);
- }
- return T;
- * A generic routine to perform an operation for each output function
- *
- * func() is called with a PLA for each output function (with the output
- * part effectively removed).
- * func1() is called after reforming the equivalent output function
- *
- * Each function returns TRUE if process is to continue
- */
-foreach_output_function(PLA, func, func1)
-int (*func)();
-int (*func1)();
- pPLA PLA1;
- int i;
- /* Loop for each output function */
- for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[cube.output]; i++) {
- /* cofactor on the output part */
- PLA1 = new_PLA();
- PLA1->F = cof_output(PLA->F, i + cube.first_part[cube.output]);
- PLA1->R = cof_output(PLA->R, i + cube.first_part[cube.output]);
- PLA1->D = cof_output(PLA->D, i + cube.first_part[cube.output]);
- /* Call a routine to do something with the cover */
- if ((*func)(PLA1, i) == 0) {
- free_PLA(PLA1);
- return;
- }
- /* intersect with the particular output part again */
- PLA1->F = uncof_output(PLA1->F, i + cube.first_part[cube.output]);
- PLA1->R = uncof_output(PLA1->R, i + cube.first_part[cube.output]);
- PLA1->D = uncof_output(PLA1->D, i + cube.first_part[cube.output]);
- /* Call a routine to do something with the final result */
- if ((*func1)(PLA1, i) == 0) {
- free_PLA(PLA1);
- return;
- }
- /* Cleanup for next go-around */
- free_PLA(PLA1);
- }
-static pcover Fmin;
-static pcube phase;
- * minimize each output function individually
- */
-void so_espresso(PLA, strategy)
-int strategy;
- Fmin = new_cover(PLA->F->count);
- if (strategy == 0) {
- foreach_output_function(PLA, so_do_espresso, so_save);
- } else {
- foreach_output_function(PLA, so_do_exact, so_save);
- }
- sf_free(PLA->F);
- PLA->F = Fmin;
- * minimize each output function, choose function or complement based on the
- * one with the fewer number of terms
- */
-void so_both_espresso(PLA, strategy)
-int strategy;
- phase = set_save(cube.fullset);
- Fmin = new_cover(PLA->F->count);
- if (strategy == 0) {
- foreach_output_function(PLA, so_both_do_espresso, so_both_save);
- } else {
- foreach_output_function(PLA, so_both_do_exact, so_both_save);
- }
- sf_free(PLA->F);
- PLA->F = Fmin;
- PLA->phase = phase;
-int so_do_espresso(PLA, i)
-int i;
- char word[32];
- /* minimize the single-output function (on-set) */
- skip_make_sparse = 1;
- (void) sprintf(word, "ESPRESSO-POS(%d)", i);
- EXEC_S(PLA->F = espresso(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R), word, PLA->F);
- return 1;
-int so_do_exact(PLA, i)
-int i;
- char word[32];
- /* minimize the single-output function (on-set) */
- skip_make_sparse = 1;
- (void) sprintf(word, "EXACT-POS(%d)", i);
- EXEC_S(PLA->F = minimize_exact(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R, 1), word, PLA->F);
- return 1;
-int so_save(PLA, i)
-int i;
- Fmin = sf_append(Fmin, PLA->F); /* disposes of PLA->F */
- PLA->F = NULL;
- return 1;
-int so_both_do_espresso(PLA, i)
-int i;
- char word[32];
- /* minimize the single-output function (on-set) */
- (void) sprintf(word, "ESPRESSO-POS(%d)", i);
- skip_make_sparse = 1;
- EXEC_S(PLA->F = espresso(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R), word, PLA->F);
- /* minimize the single-output function (off-set) */
- (void) sprintf(word, "ESPRESSO-NEG(%d)", i);
- skip_make_sparse = 1;
- EXEC_S(PLA->R = espresso(PLA->R, PLA->D, PLA->F), word, PLA->R);
- return 1;
-int so_both_do_exact(PLA, i)
-int i;
- char word[32];
- /* minimize the single-output function (on-set) */
- (void) sprintf(word, "EXACT-POS(%d)", i);
- skip_make_sparse = 1;
- EXEC_S(PLA->F = minimize_exact(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R, 1), word, PLA->F);
- /* minimize the single-output function (off-set) */
- (void) sprintf(word, "EXACT-NEG(%d)", i);
- skip_make_sparse = 1;
- EXEC_S(PLA->R = minimize_exact(PLA->R, PLA->D, PLA->F, 1), word, PLA->R);
- return 1;
-int so_both_save(PLA, i)
-int i;
- if (PLA->F->count > PLA->R->count) {
- sf_free(PLA->F);
- PLA->F = PLA->R;
- PLA->R = NULL;
- i += cube.first_part[cube.output];
- set_remove(phase, i);
- } else {
- sf_free(PLA->R);
- PLA->R = NULL;
- }
- Fmin = sf_append(Fmin, PLA->F);
- PLA->F = NULL;
- return 1;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/cvrmisc.c b/src/misc/espresso/cvrmisc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f3de195..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/cvrmisc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-/* cost -- compute the cost of a cover */
-void cover_cost(F, cost)
-IN pcover F;
-INOUT pcost cost;
- register pcube p, last;
- pcube *T;
- int var;
- /* use the routine used by cofactor to decide splitting variables */
- massive_count(T = cube1list(F));
- free_cubelist(T);
- cost->cubes = F->count;
- cost->total = cost->in = cost->out = cost->mv = cost->primes = 0;
- /* Count transistors (zeros) for each binary variable (inputs) */
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++)
- cost->in += cdata.var_zeros[var];
- /* Count transistors for each mv variable based on sparse/dense */
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars - 1; var++)
- if (cube.sparse[var])
- cost->mv += F->count * cube.part_size[var] - cdata.var_zeros[var];
- else
- cost->mv += cdata.var_zeros[var];
- /* Count the transistors (ones) for the output variable */
- if (cube.num_binary_vars != cube.num_vars) {
- var = cube.num_vars - 1;
- cost->out = F->count * cube.part_size[var] - cdata.var_zeros[var];
- }
- /* Count the number of nonprime cubes */
- foreach_set(F, last, p)
- cost->primes += TESTP(p, PRIME) != 0;
- /* Count the total number of literals */
- cost->total = cost->in + cost->out + cost->mv;
-/* fmt_cost -- return a string which reports the "cost" of a cover */
-char *fmt_cost(cost)
-IN pcost cost;
- static char s[200];
- if (cube.num_binary_vars == cube.num_vars - 1)
- (void) sprintf(s, "c=%d(%d) in=%d out=%d tot=%d",
- cost->cubes, cost->cubes - cost->primes, cost->in,
- cost->out, cost->total);
- else
- (void) sprintf(s, "c=%d(%d) in=%d mv=%d out=%d",
- cost->cubes, cost->cubes - cost->primes, cost->in,
- cost->mv, cost->out);
- return s;
-char *print_cost(F)
-IN pcover F;
- cost_t cost;
- cover_cost(F, &cost);
- return fmt_cost(&cost);
-/* copy_cost -- copy a cost function from s to d */
-void copy_cost(s, d)
-pcost s, d;
- d->cubes = s->cubes;
- d->in = s->in;
- d->out = s->out;
- d->mv = s->mv;
- d->total = s->total;
- d->primes = s->primes;
-/* size_stamp -- print single line giving the size of a cover */
-void size_stamp(T, name)
-IN pcover T;
-IN char *name;
- (void) printf("# %s\tCost is %s\n", name, print_cost(T));
- (void) fflush(stdout);
-/* print_trace -- print a line reporting size and time after a function */
-void print_trace(T, name, time)
-pcover T;
-char *name;
-long time;
- (void) printf("# %s\tTime was %s, cost is %s\n",
- name, print_time(time), print_cost(T));
- (void) fflush(stdout);
-/* totals -- add time spent in the function into the totals */
-void totals(time, i, T, cost)
-long time;
-int i;
-pcover T;
-pcost cost;
- time = ptime() - time;
- total_time[i] += time;
- total_calls[i]++;
- cover_cost(T, cost);
- if (trace) {
- (void) printf("# %s\tTime was %s, cost is %s\n",
- total_name[i], print_time(time), fmt_cost(cost));
- (void) fflush(stdout);
- }
-/* fatal -- report fatal error message and take a dive */
-void fatal(s)
-char *s;
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "espresso: %s\n", s);
- exit(1);
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/cvrout.c b/src/misc/espresso/cvrout.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bd1c53b..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/cvrout.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- module: cvrout.c
- purpose: cube and cover output routines
-#include "espresso.h"
-void fprint_pla(fp, PLA, output_type)
-IN int output_type;
- int num;
- register pcube last, p;
- if ((output_type & CONSTRAINTS_type) != 0) {
- output_symbolic_constraints(fp, PLA, 0);
- output_type &= ~ CONSTRAINTS_type;
- if (output_type == 0) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if ((output_type & SYMBOLIC_CONSTRAINTS_type) != 0) {
- output_symbolic_constraints(fp, PLA, 1);
- output_type &= ~ SYMBOLIC_CONSTRAINTS_type;
- if (output_type == 0) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (output_type == PLEASURE_type) {
- pls_output(PLA);
- } else if (output_type == EQNTOTT_type) {
- eqn_output(PLA);
- } else if (output_type == KISS_type) {
- kiss_output(fp, PLA);
- } else {
- fpr_header(fp, PLA, output_type);
- num = 0;
- if (output_type & F_type) num += (PLA->F)->count;
- if (output_type & D_type) num += (PLA->D)->count;
- if (output_type & R_type) num += (PLA->R)->count;
- (void) fprintf(fp, ".p %d\n", num);
- /* quick patch 01/17/85 to support TPLA ! */
- if (output_type == F_type) {
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last, p) {
- print_cube(fp, p, "01");
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp, ".e\n");
- } else {
- if (output_type & F_type) {
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last, p) {
- print_cube(fp, p, "~1");
- }
- }
- if (output_type & D_type) {
- foreach_set(PLA->D, last, p) {
- print_cube(fp, p, "~2");
- }
- }
- if (output_type & R_type) {
- foreach_set(PLA->R, last, p) {
- print_cube(fp, p, "~0");
- }
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp, ".end\n");
- }
- }
-void fpr_header(fp, PLA, output_type)
-FILE *fp;
-int output_type;
- register int i, var;
- int first, last;
- /* .type keyword gives logical type */
- if (output_type != F_type) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, ".type ");
- if (output_type & F_type) putc('f', fp);
- if (output_type & D_type) putc('d', fp);
- if (output_type & R_type) putc('r', fp);
- putc('\n', fp);
- }
- /* Check for binary or multiple-valued labels */
- if (cube.num_mv_vars <= 1) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, ".i %d\n", cube.num_binary_vars);
- if (cube.output != -1)
- (void) fprintf(fp, ".o %d\n", cube.part_size[cube.output]);
- } else {
- (void) fprintf(fp, ".mv %d %d", cube.num_vars, cube.num_binary_vars);
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++)
- (void) fprintf(fp, " %d", cube.part_size[var]);
- (void) fprintf(fp, "\n");
- }
- /* binary valued labels */
- if (PLA->label != NIL(char *) && PLA->label[1] != NIL(char)
- && cube.num_binary_vars > 0) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, ".ilb");
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++)
- /* see (NIL) OUTLABELS comment below */
- if(INLABEL(var) == NIL(char)){
- (void) fprintf(fp, " (null)");
- }
- else{
- (void) fprintf(fp, " %s", INLABEL(var));
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
- }
- /* output-part (last multiple-valued variable) labels */
- if (PLA->label != NIL(char *) &&
- PLA->label[cube.first_part[cube.output]] != NIL(char)
- && cube.output != -1) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, ".ob");
- for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[cube.output]; i++)
- /* (NIL) OUTLABELS caused espresso to segfault under solaris */
- if(OUTLABEL(i) == NIL(char)){
- (void) fprintf(fp, " (null)");
- }
- else{
- (void) fprintf(fp, " %s", OUTLABEL(i));
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
- }
- /* multiple-valued labels */
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars-1; var++) {
- first = cube.first_part[var];
- last = cube.last_part[var];
- if (PLA->label != NULL && PLA->label[first] != NULL) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, ".label var=%d", var);
- for(i = first; i <= last; i++) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, " %s", PLA->label[i]);
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
- }
- }
- if (PLA->phase != (pcube) NULL) {
- first = cube.first_part[cube.output];
- last = cube.last_part[cube.output];
- (void) fprintf(fp, "#.phase ");
- for(i = first; i <= last; i++)
- putc(is_in_set(PLA->phase,i) ? '1' : '0', fp);
- (void) fprintf(fp, "\n");
- }
-void pls_output(PLA)
- register pcube last, p;
- (void) printf(".option unmerged\n");
- makeup_labels(PLA);
- pls_label(PLA, stdout);
- pls_group(PLA, stdout);
- (void) printf(".p %d\n", PLA->F->count);
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last, p) {
- print_expanded_cube(stdout, p, PLA->phase);
- }
- (void) printf(".end\n");
-void pls_group(PLA, fp)
-FILE *fp;
- int var, i, col, len;
- (void) fprintf(fp, "\");
- col = 6;
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars-1; var++) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, " ("), col += 2;
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- len = strlen(PLA->label[i]);
- if (col + len > 75)
- (void) fprintf(fp, " \\\n"), col = 0;
- else if (i != 0)
- putc(' ', fp), col += 1;
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%s", PLA->label[i]), col += len;
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp, ")"), col += 1;
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp, "\n");
-void pls_label(PLA, fp)
-FILE *fp;
- int var, i, col, len;
- (void) fprintf(fp, ".label");
- col = 6;
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++)
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- len = strlen(PLA->label[i]);
- if (col + len > 75)
- (void) fprintf(fp, " \\\n"), col = 0;
- else
- putc(' ', fp), col += 1;
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%s", PLA->label[i]), col += len;
- }
- eqntott output mode -- output algebraic equations
-void eqn_output(PLA)
- register pcube p, last;
- register int i, var, col, len;
- int x;
- bool firstand, firstor;
- if (cube.output == -1)
- fatal("Cannot have no-output function for EQNTOTT output mode");
- if (cube.num_mv_vars != 1)
- fatal("Must have binary-valued function for EQNTOTT output mode");
- makeup_labels(PLA);
- /* Write a single equation for each output */
- for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[cube.output]; i++) {
- (void) printf("%s = ", OUTLABEL(i));
- col = strlen(OUTLABEL(i)) + 3;
- firstor = TRUE;
- /* Write product terms for each cube in this output */
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last, p)
- if (is_in_set(p, i + cube.first_part[cube.output])) {
- if (firstor)
- (void) printf("("), col += 1;
- else
- (void) printf(" | ("), col += 4;
- firstor = FALSE;
- firstand = TRUE;
- /* print out a product term */
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++)
- if ((x=GETINPUT(p, var)) != DASH) {
- len = strlen(INLABEL(var));
- if (col+len > 72)
- (void) printf("\n "), col = 4;
- if (! firstand)
- (void) printf("&"), col += 1;
- firstand = FALSE;
- if (x == ZERO)
- (void) printf("!"), col += 1;
- (void) printf("%s", INLABEL(var)), col += len;
- }
- (void) printf(")"), col += 1;
- }
- (void) printf(";\n\n");
- }
-char *fmt_cube(c, out_map, s)
-register pcube c;
-register char *out_map, *s;
- register int i, var, last, len = 0;
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++) {
- s[len++] = "?01-" [GETINPUT(c, var)];
- }
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars - 1; var++) {
- s[len++] = ' ';
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- s[len++] = "01" [is_in_set(c, i) != 0];
- }
- }
- if (cube.output != -1) {
- last = cube.last_part[cube.output];
- s[len++] = ' ';
- for(i = cube.first_part[cube.output]; i <= last; i++) {
- s[len++] = out_map [is_in_set(c, i) != 0];
- }
- }
- s[len] = '\0';
- return s;
-void print_cube(fp, c, out_map)
-register FILE *fp;
-register pcube c;
-register char *out_map;
- register int i, var, ch;
- int last;
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++) {
- ch = "?01-" [GETINPUT(c, var)];
- putc(ch, fp);
- }
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars - 1; var++) {
- putc(' ', fp);
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- ch = "01" [is_in_set(c, i) != 0];
- putc(ch, fp);
- }
- }
- if (cube.output != -1) {
- last = cube.last_part[cube.output];
- putc(' ', fp);
- for(i = cube.first_part[cube.output]; i <= last; i++) {
- ch = out_map [is_in_set(c, i) != 0];
- putc(ch, fp);
- }
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
-void print_expanded_cube(fp, c, phase)
-register FILE *fp;
-register pcube c;
-pcube phase;
- register int i, var, ch;
- char *out_map;
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++) {
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- ch = "~1" [is_in_set(c, i) != 0];
- putc(ch, fp);
- }
- }
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars - 1; var++) {
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- ch = "1~" [is_in_set(c, i) != 0];
- putc(ch, fp);
- }
- }
- if (cube.output != -1) {
- var = cube.num_vars - 1;
- putc(' ', fp);
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- if (phase == (pcube) NULL || is_in_set(phase, i)) {
- out_map = "~1";
- } else {
- out_map = "~0";
- }
- ch = out_map[is_in_set(c, i) != 0];
- putc(ch, fp);
- }
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
-char *pc1(c) pcube c;
-{static char s1[256];return fmt_cube(c, "01", s1);}
-char *pc2(c) pcube c;
-{static char s2[256];return fmt_cube(c, "01", s2);}
-void debug_print(T, name, level)
-pcube *T;
-char *name;
-int level;
- register pcube *T1, p, temp;
- register int cnt;
- temp = new_cube();
- if (verbose_debug && level == 0)
- (void) printf("\n");
- (void) printf("%s[%d]: ord(T)=%d\n", name, level, cnt);
- if (verbose_debug) {
- (void) printf("cofactor=%s\n", pc1(T[0]));
- for(T1 = T+2, cnt = 1; (p = *T1++) != (pcube) NULL; cnt++)
- (void) printf("%4d. %s\n", cnt, pc1(set_or(temp, p, T[0])));
- }
- free_cube(temp);
-void debug1_print(T, name, num)
-pcover T;
-char *name;
-int num;
- register int cnt = 1;
- register pcube p, last;
- if (verbose_debug && num == 0)
- (void) printf("\n");
- (void) printf("%s[%d]: ord(T)=%d\n", name, num, T->count);
- if (verbose_debug)
- foreach_set(T, last, p)
- (void) printf("%4d. %s\n", cnt++, pc1(p));
-void cprint(T)
-pcover T;
- register pcube p, last;
- foreach_set(T, last, p)
- (void) printf("%s\n", pc1(p));
-int makeup_labels(PLA)
- int var, i, ind;
- if (PLA->label == (char **) NULL)
- PLA_labels(PLA);
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++)
- for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[var]; i++) {
- ind = cube.first_part[var] + i;
- if (PLA->label[ind] == (char *) NULL) {
- PLA->label[ind] = ALLOC(char, 15);
- if (var < cube.num_binary_vars)
- if ((i % 2) == 0)
- (void) sprintf(PLA->label[ind], "", var);
- else
- (void) sprintf(PLA->label[ind], "v%d", var);
- else
- (void) sprintf(PLA->label[ind], "v%d.%d", var, i);
- }
- }
-kiss_output(fp, PLA)
-FILE *fp;
- register pset last, p;
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last, p) {
- kiss_print_cube(fp, PLA, p, "~1");
- }
- foreach_set(PLA->D, last, p) {
- kiss_print_cube(fp, PLA, p, "~2");
- }
-kiss_print_cube(fp, PLA, p, out_string)
-FILE *fp;
-pcube p;
-char *out_string;
- register int i, var;
- int part, x;
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++) {
- x = "?01-" [GETINPUT(p, var)];
- putc(x, fp);
- }
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars - 1; var++) {
- putc(' ', fp);
- if (setp_implies(cube.var_mask[var], p)) {
- putc('-', fp);
- } else {
- part = -1;
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- if (is_in_set(p, i)) {
- if (part != -1) {
- fatal("more than 1 part in a symbolic variable\n");
- }
- part = i;
- }
- }
- if (part == -1) {
- putc('~', fp); /* no parts, hope its an output ... */
- } else {
- (void) fputs(PLA->label[part], fp);
- }
- }
- }
- if ((var = cube.output) != -1) {
- putc(' ', fp);
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- x = out_string [is_in_set(p, i) != 0];
- putc(x, fp);
- }
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
-output_symbolic_constraints(fp, PLA, output_symbolic)
-FILE *fp;
-int output_symbolic;
- pset_family A;
- register int i, j;
- int size, var, npermute, *permute, *weight, noweight;
- if ((cube.num_vars - cube.num_binary_vars) <= 1) {
- return;
- }
- makeup_labels(PLA);
- for(var=cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars-1; var++) {
- /* pull out the columns for variable "var" */
- npermute = cube.part_size[var];
- permute = ALLOC(int, npermute);
- for(i=0; i < npermute; i++) {
- permute[i] = cube.first_part[var] + i;
- }
- A = sf_permute(sf_save(PLA->F), permute, npermute);
- FREE(permute);
- /* Delete the singletons and the full sets */
- noweight = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < A->count; i++) {
- size = set_ord(GETSET(A,i));
- if (size == 1 || size == A->sf_size) {
- sf_delset(A, i--);
- noweight++;
- }
- }
- /* Count how many times each is duplicated */
- weight = ALLOC(int, A->count);
- for(i = 0; i < A->count; i++) {
- }
- for(i = 0; i < A->count; i++) {
- weight[i] = 0;
- if (! TESTP(GETSET(A,i), COVERED)) {
- weight[i] = 1;
- for(j = i+1; j < A->count; j++) {
- if (setp_equal(GETSET(A,i), GETSET(A,j))) {
- weight[i]++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Print out the contraints */
- if (! output_symbolic) {
- (void) fprintf(fp,
- "# Symbolic constraints for variable %d (Numeric form)\n", var);
- (void) fprintf(fp, "# unconstrained weight = %d\n", noweight);
- (void) fprintf(fp, "num_codes=%d\n", cube.part_size[var]);
- for(i = 0; i < A->count; i++) {
- if (weight[i] > 0) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, "weight=%d: ", weight[i]);
- for(j = 0; j < A->sf_size; j++) {
- if (is_in_set(GETSET(A,i), j)) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, " %d", j);
- }
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp, "\n");
- }
- }
- } else {
- (void) fprintf(fp,
- "# Symbolic constraints for variable %d (Symbolic form)\n", var);
- for(i = 0; i < A->count; i++) {
- if (weight[i] > 0) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, "# w=%d: (", weight[i]);
- for(j = 0; j < A->sf_size; j++) {
- if (is_in_set(GETSET(A,i), j)) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, " %s",
- PLA->label[cube.first_part[var]+j]);
- }
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp, " )\n");
- }
- }
- FREE(weight);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/dominate.c b/src/misc/espresso/dominate.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a930d453..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/dominate.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "mincov_int.h"
-sm_matrix *A;
- register sm_row *prow, *prow1;
- register sm_col *pcol, *least_col;
- register sm_element *p, *pnext;
- int rowcnt;
- rowcnt = A->nrows;
- /* Check each row against all other rows */
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row) {
- /* Among all columns with a 1 in this row, choose smallest */
- least_col = sm_get_col(A, prow->first_col->col_num);
- for(p = prow->first_col->next_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- pcol = sm_get_col(A, p->col_num);
- if (pcol->length < least_col->length) {
- least_col = pcol;
- }
- }
- /* Only check for containment against rows in this column */
- for(p = least_col->first_row; p != 0; p = pnext) {
- pnext = p->next_row;
- prow1 = sm_get_row(A, p->row_num);
- if ((prow1->length > prow->length) ||
- (prow1->length == prow->length &&
- prow1->row_num > prow->row_num)) {
- if (sm_row_contains(prow, prow1)) {
- sm_delrow(A, prow1->row_num);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return rowcnt - A->nrows;
-sm_col_dominance(A, weight)
-sm_matrix *A;
-int *weight;
- register sm_row *prow;
- register sm_col *pcol, *pcol1;
- register sm_element *p;
- sm_row *least_row;
- sm_col *next_col;
- int colcnt;
- colcnt = A->ncols;
- /* Check each column against all other columns */
- for(pcol = A->first_col; pcol != 0; pcol = next_col) {
- next_col = pcol->next_col;
- /* Check all rows to find the one with fewest elements */
- least_row = sm_get_row(A, pcol->first_row->row_num);
- for(p = pcol->first_row->next_row; p != 0; p = p->next_row) {
- prow = sm_get_row(A, p->row_num);
- if (prow->length < least_row->length) {
- least_row = prow;
- }
- }
- /* Only check for containment against columns in this row */
- for(p = least_row->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- pcol1 = sm_get_col(A, p->col_num);
- if (weight != 0 && weight[pcol1->col_num] > weight[pcol->col_num])
- continue;
- if ((pcol1->length > pcol->length) ||
- (pcol1->length == pcol->length &&
- pcol1->col_num > pcol->col_num)) {
- if (sm_col_contains(pcol, pcol1)) {
- sm_delcol(A, pcol->col_num);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return colcnt - A->ncols;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/equiv.c b/src/misc/espresso/equiv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ba898a70..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/equiv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
- int i, j, ipart, jpart, some_equiv;
- pcover *R, *F;
- some_equiv = FALSE;
- makeup_labels(PLA);
- F = ALLOC(pcover, cube.part_size[cube.output]);
- R = ALLOC(pcover, cube.part_size[cube.output]);
- for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[cube.output]; i++) {
- ipart = cube.first_part[cube.output] + i;
- R[i] = cof_output(PLA->R, ipart);
- F[i] = complement(cube1list(R[i]));
- }
- for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[cube.output]-1; i++) {
- for(j = i+1; j < cube.part_size[cube.output]; j++) {
- ipart = cube.first_part[cube.output] + i;
- jpart = cube.first_part[cube.output] + j;
- if (check_equiv(F[i], F[j])) {
- (void) printf("# Outputs %d and %d (%s and %s) are equivalent\n",
- i, j, PLA->label[ipart], PLA->label[jpart]);
- some_equiv = TRUE;
- } else if (check_equiv(F[i], R[j])) {
- (void) printf("# Outputs %d and NOT %d (%s and %s) are equivalent\n",
- i, j, PLA->label[ipart], PLA->label[jpart]);
- some_equiv = TRUE;
- } else if (check_equiv(R[i], F[j])) {
- (void) printf("# Outputs NOT %d and %d (%s and %s) are equivalent\n",
- i, j, PLA->label[ipart], PLA->label[jpart]);
- some_equiv = TRUE;
- } else if (check_equiv(R[i], R[j])) {
- (void) printf("# Outputs NOT %d and NOT %d (%s and %s) are equivalent\n",
- i, j, PLA->label[ipart], PLA->label[jpart]);
- some_equiv = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- if (! some_equiv) {
- (void) printf("# No outputs are equivalent\n");
- }
- for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[cube.output]; i++) {
- free_cover(F[i]);
- free_cover(R[i]);
- }
- FREE(F);
- FREE(R);
-int check_equiv(f1, f2)
-pcover f1, f2;
- register pcube *f1list, *f2list;
- register pcube p, last;
- f1list = cube1list(f1);
- foreach_set(f2, last, p) {
- if (! cube_is_covered(f1list, p)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- free_cubelist(f1list);
- f2list = cube1list(f2);
- foreach_set(f1, last, p) {
- if (! cube_is_covered(f2list, p)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- free_cubelist(f2list);
- return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/espresso.c b/src/misc/espresso/espresso.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f05d43f..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/espresso.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- * Module: espresso.c
- * Purpose: The main espresso algorithm
- *
- * Returns a minimized version of the ON-set of a function
- *
- * The following global variables affect the operation of Espresso:
- *
- * trace
- * print trace information as the minimization progresses
- *
- * remove_essential
- * remove essential primes
- *
- * single_expand
- * if true, stop after first expand/irredundant
- *
- * LAST_GASP or SUPER_GASP strategy:
- * use_super_gasp
- * uses the super_gasp strategy rather than last_gasp
- *
- * SETUP strategy:
- * recompute_onset
- * recompute onset using the complement before starting
- *
- * unwrap_onset
- * unwrap the function output part before first expand
- *
- * MAKE_SPARSE strategy:
- * force_irredundant
- * iterates make_sparse to force a minimal solution (used
- * indirectly by make_sparse)
- *
- * skip_make_sparse
- * skip the make_sparse step (used by opo only)
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-pcover espresso(F, D1, R)
-pcover F, D1, R;
- pcover E, D, Fsave;
- pset last, p;
- cost_t cost, best_cost;
- Fsave = sf_save(F); /* save original function */
- D = sf_save(D1); /* make a scratch copy of D */
- /* Setup has always been a problem */
- if (recompute_onset) {
- EXEC(E = simplify(cube1list(F)), "SIMPLIFY ", E);
- free_cover(F);
- F = E;
- }
- cover_cost(F, &cost);
- if (unwrap_onset && (cube.part_size[cube.num_vars - 1] > 1)
- && (cost.out != cost.cubes*cube.part_size[cube.num_vars-1])
- && (cost.out < 5000))
- EXEC(F = sf_contain(unravel(F, cube.num_vars - 1)), "SETUP ", F);
- /* Initial expand and irredundant */
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- }
- EXECUTE(F = expand(F, R, FALSE), EXPAND_TIME, F, cost);
- EXECUTE(F = irredundant(F, D), IRRED_TIME, F, cost);
- if (! single_expand) {
- if (remove_essential) {
- EXECUTE(E = essential(&F, &D), ESSEN_TIME, E, cost);
- } else {
- E = new_cover(0);
- }
- cover_cost(F, &cost);
- do {
- /* Repeat inner loop until solution becomes "stable" */
- do {
- copy_cost(&cost, &best_cost);
- EXECUTE(F = reduce(F, D), REDUCE_TIME, F, cost);
- EXECUTE(F = expand(F, R, FALSE), EXPAND_TIME, F, cost);
- EXECUTE(F = irredundant(F, D), IRRED_TIME, F, cost);
- } while (cost.cubes < best_cost.cubes);
- /* Perturb solution to see if we can continue to iterate */
- copy_cost(&cost, &best_cost);
- if (use_super_gasp) {
- F = super_gasp(F, D, R, &cost);
- if (cost.cubes >= best_cost.cubes)
- break;
- } else {
- F = last_gasp(F, D, R, &cost);
- }
- } while (cost.cubes < best_cost.cubes ||
- (cost.cubes == best_cost.cubes && <;
- /* Append the essential cubes to F */
- F = sf_append(F, E); /* disposes of E */
- if (trace) size_stamp(F, "ADJUST ");
- }
- /* Free the D which we used */
- free_cover(D);
- /* Attempt to make the PLA matrix sparse */
- if (! skip_make_sparse) {
- F = make_sparse(F, D1, R);
- }
- /*
- * Check to make sure function is actually smaller !!
- * This can only happen because of the initial unravel. If we fail,
- * then run the whole thing again without the unravel.
- */
- if (Fsave->count < F->count) {
- free_cover(F);
- F = Fsave;
- unwrap_onset = FALSE;
- goto begin;
- } else {
- free_cover(Fsave);
- }
- return F;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/espresso.h b/src/misc/espresso/espresso.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c7a8646..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/espresso.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,782 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- * espresso.h -- header file for Espresso-mv
- */
-//#include "port.h"
-//#include "utility.h"
-#include "sparse.h"
-#include "mincov.h"
-#include "util_hack.h" // added
-#define ptime() util_cpu_time()
-#define print_time(t) util_print_time(t)
-#ifdef IBM_WATC
-#define void int
-#include "short.h"
-#ifdef IBMPC /* set default options for IBM/PC */
-#define NO_INLINE
-#define BPI 16
-/*-----THIS USED TO BE set.h----- */
- * set.h -- definitions for packed arrays of bits
- *
- * This header file describes the data structures which comprise a
- * facility for efficiently implementing packed arrays of bits
- * (otherwise known as sets, cf. Pascal).
- *
- * A set is a vector of bits and is implemented here as an array of
- * unsigned integers. The low order bits of set[0] give the index of
- * the last word of set data. The higher order bits of set[0] are
- * used to store data associated with the set. The set data is
- * contained in elements set[1] ... set[LOOP(set)] as a packed bit
- * array.
- *
- * A family of sets is a two-dimensional matrix of bits and is
- * implemented with the data type "set_family".
- *
- * BPI == 32 and BPI == 16 have been tested and work.
- */
-/* Define host machine characteristics of "unsigned int" */
-#ifndef BPI
-#define BPI 32 /* # bits per integer */
-#if BPI == 32
-#define LOGBPI 5 /* log(BPI)/log(2) */
-#define LOGBPI 4 /* log(BPI)/log(2) */
-/* Define the set type */
-typedef unsigned int *pset;
-/* Define the set family type -- an array of sets */
-typedef struct set_family {
- int wsize; /* Size of each set in 'ints' */
- int sf_size; /* User declared set size */
- int capacity; /* Number of sets allocated */
- int count; /* The number of sets in the family */
- int active_count; /* Number of "active" sets */
- pset data; /* Pointer to the set data */
- struct set_family *next; /* For garbage collection */
-} set_family_t, *pset_family;
-/* Macros to set and test single elements */
-#define WHICH_WORD(element) (((element) >> LOGBPI) + 1)
-#define WHICH_BIT(element) ((element) & (BPI-1))
-/* # of ints needed to allocate a set with "size" elements */
-#if BPI == 32
-#define SET_SIZE(size) ((size) <= BPI ? 2 : (WHICH_WORD((size)-1) + 1))
-#define SET_SIZE(size) ((size) <= BPI ? 3 : (WHICH_WORD((size)-1) + 2))
- * Three fields are maintained in the first word of the set
- * LOOP is the index of the last word used for set data
- * LOOPCOPY is the index of the last word in the set
- * SIZE is available for general use (e.g., recording # elements in set)
- * NELEM retrieves the number of elements in the set
- */
-#define LOOP(set) (set[0] & 0x03ff)
-#define PUTLOOP(set, i) (set[0] &= ~0x03ff, set[0] |= (i))
-#if BPI == 32
-#define LOOPCOPY(set) LOOP(set)
-#define SIZE(set) (set[0] >> 16)
-#define PUTSIZE(set, size) (set[0] &= 0xffff, set[0] |= ((size) << 16))
-#define LOOPCOPY(set) (LOOP(set) + 1)
-#define SIZE(set) (set[LOOP(set)+1])
-#define PUTSIZE(set, size) ((set[LOOP(set)+1]) = (size))
-#define NELEM(set) (BPI * LOOP(set))
-#define LOOPINIT(size) ((size <= BPI) ? 1 : WHICH_WORD((size)-1))
- * FLAGS store general information about the set
- */
-#define SET(set, flag) (set[0] |= (flag))
-#define RESET(set, flag) (set[0] &= ~ (flag))
-#define TESTP(set, flag) (set[0] & (flag))
-/* Flag definitions are ... */
-#define PRIME 0x8000 /* cube is prime */
-#define NONESSEN 0x4000 /* cube cannot be essential prime */
-#define ACTIVE 0x2000 /* cube is still active */
-#define REDUND 0x1000 /* cube is redundant(at this point) */
-#define COVERED 0x0800 /* cube has been covered */
-#define RELESSEN 0x0400 /* cube is relatively essential */
-/* Most efficient way to look at all members of a set family */
-#define foreach_set(R, last, p)\
- for(p=R->data,last=p+R->count*R->wsize;p<last;p+=R->wsize)
-#define foreach_remaining_set(R, last, pfirst, p)\
- for(p=pfirst+R->wsize,last=R->data+R->count*R->wsize;p<last;p+=R->wsize)
-#define foreach_active_set(R, last, p)\
- foreach_set(R,last,p) if (TESTP(p, ACTIVE))
-/* Another way that also keeps the index of the current set member in i */
-#define foreachi_set(R, i, p)\
- for(p=R->data,i=0;i<R->count;p+=R->wsize,i++)
-#define foreachi_active_set(R, i, p)\
- foreachi_set(R,i,p) if (TESTP(p, ACTIVE))
-/* Looping over all elements in a set:
- * foreach_set_element(pset p, int i, unsigned val, int base) {
- * .
- * .
- * .
- * }
- */
-#define foreach_set_element(p, i, val, base) \
- for(i = LOOP(p); i > 0; ) \
- for(val = p[i], base = --i << LOGBPI; val != 0; base++, val >>= 1) \
- if (val & 1)
-/* Return a pointer to a given member of a set family */
-#define GETSET(family, index) ((family)->data + (family)->wsize * (index))
-/* Allocate and deallocate sets */
-#define set_new(size) set_clear(ALLOC(unsigned int, SET_SIZE(size)), size)
-#define set_full(size) set_fill(ALLOC(unsigned int, SET_SIZE(size)), size)
-#define set_save(r) set_copy(ALLOC(unsigned int, SET_SIZE(NELEM(r))), r)
-#define set_free(r) FREE(r)
-/* Check for set membership, remove set element and insert set element */
-#define is_in_set(set, e) (set[WHICH_WORD(e)] & (1 << WHICH_BIT(e)))
-#define set_remove(set, e) (set[WHICH_WORD(e)] &= ~ (1 << WHICH_BIT(e)))
-#define set_insert(set, e) (set[WHICH_WORD(e)] |= 1 << WHICH_BIT(e))
-/* Inline code substitution for those places that REALLY need it on a VAX */
-#ifdef NO_INLINE
-#define INLINEset_copy(r, a) (void) set_copy(r,a)
-#define INLINEset_clear(r, size) (void) set_clear(r, size)
-#define INLINEset_fill(r, size) (void) set_fill(r, size)
-#define INLINEset_and(r, a, b) (void) set_and(r, a, b)
-#define INLINEset_or(r, a, b) (void) set_or(r, a, b)
-#define INLINEset_diff(r, a, b) (void) set_diff(r, a, b)
-#define INLINEset_ndiff(r, a, b, f) (void) set_ndiff(r, a, b, f)
-#define INLINEset_xor(r, a, b) (void) set_xor(r, a, b)
-#define INLINEset_xnor(r, a, b, f) (void) set_xnor(r, a, b, f)
-#define INLINEset_merge(r, a, b, mask) (void) set_merge(r, a, b, mask)
-#define INLINEsetp_implies(a, b, when_false) \
- if (! setp_implies(a,b)) when_false
-#define INLINEsetp_disjoint(a, b, when_false) \
- if (! setp_disjoint(a,b)) when_false
-#define INLINEsetp_equal(a, b, when_false) \
- if (! setp_equal(a,b)) when_false
-#define INLINEset_copy(r, a)\
- {register int i_=LOOPCOPY(a); do r[i_]=a[i_]; while (--i_>=0);}
-#define INLINEset_clear(r, size)\
- {register int i_=LOOPINIT(size); *r=i_; do r[i_] = 0; while (--i_ > 0);}
-#define INLINEset_fill(r, size)\
- {register int i_=LOOPINIT(size); *r=i_; \
- r[i_]=((unsigned int)(~0))>>(i_*BPI-size); while(--i_>0) r[i_]=~0;}
-#define INLINEset_and(r, a, b)\
- {register int i_=LOOP(a); PUTLOOP(r,i_);\
- do r[i_] = a[i_] & b[i_]; while (--i_>0);}
-#define INLINEset_or(r, a, b)\
- {register int i_=LOOP(a); PUTLOOP(r,i_);\
- do r[i_] = a[i_] | b[i_]; while (--i_>0);}
-#define INLINEset_diff(r, a, b)\
- {register int i_=LOOP(a); PUTLOOP(r,i_);\
- do r[i_] = a[i_] & ~ b[i_]; while (--i_>0);}
-#define INLINEset_ndiff(r, a, b, fullset)\
- {register int i_=LOOP(a); PUTLOOP(r,i_);\
- do r[i_] = fullset[i_] & (a[i_] | ~ b[i_]); while (--i_>0);}
-#ifdef IBM_WATC
-#define INLINEset_xor(r, a, b) (void) set_xor(r, a, b)
-#define INLINEset_xnor(r, a, b, f) (void) set_xnor(r, a, b, f)
-#define INLINEset_xor(r, a, b)\
- {register int i_=LOOP(a); PUTLOOP(r,i_);\
- do r[i_] = a[i_] ^ b[i_]; while (--i_>0);}
-#define INLINEset_xnor(r, a, b, fullset)\
- {register int i_=LOOP(a); PUTLOOP(r,i_);\
- do r[i_] = fullset[i_] & ~ (a[i_] ^ b[i_]); while (--i_>0);}
-#define INLINEset_merge(r, a, b, mask)\
- {register int i_=LOOP(a); PUTLOOP(r,i_);\
- do r[i_] = (a[i_]&mask[i_]) | (b[i_]&~mask[i_]); while (--i_>0);}
-#define INLINEsetp_implies(a, b, when_false)\
- {register int i_=LOOP(a); do if (a[i_]&~b[i_]) break; while (--i_>0);\
- if (i_ != 0) when_false;}
-#define INLINEsetp_disjoint(a, b, when_false)\
- {register int i_=LOOP(a); do if (a[i_]&b[i_]) break; while (--i_>0);\
- if (i_ != 0) when_false;}
-#define INLINEsetp_equal(a, b, when_false)\
- {register int i_=LOOP(a); do if (a[i_]!=b[i_]) break; while (--i_>0);\
- if (i_ != 0) when_false;}
-#if BPI == 32
-#define count_ones(v)\
- (bit_count[v & 255] + bit_count[(v >> 8) & 255]\
- + bit_count[(v >> 16) & 255] + bit_count[(v >> 24) & 255])
-#define count_ones(v) (bit_count[v & 255] + bit_count[(v >> 8) & 255])
-/* Table for efficient bit counting */
-extern int bit_count[256];
-/*----- END OF set.h ----- */
-/* Define a boolean type */
-#define bool int
-#define FALSE 0
-#define TRUE 1
-#define MAYBE 2
-#define print_bool(x) ((x) == 0 ? "FALSE" : ((x) == 1 ? "TRUE" : "MAYBE"))
-/* Map many cube/cover types/routines into equivalent set types/routines */
-#define pcube pset
-#define new_cube() set_new(cube.size)
-#define free_cube(r) set_free(r)
-#define pcover pset_family
-#define new_cover(i) sf_new(i, cube.size)
-#define free_cover(r) sf_free(r)
-#define free_cubelist(T) FREE(T[0]); FREE(T);
-/* cost_t describes the cost of a cover */
-typedef struct cost_struct {
- int cubes; /* number of cubes in the cover */
- int in; /* transistor count, binary-valued variables */
- int out; /* transistor count, output part */
- int mv; /* transistor count, multiple-valued vars */
- int total; /* total number of transistors */
- int primes; /* number of prime cubes */
-} cost_t, *pcost;
-/* pair_t describes bit-paired variables */
-typedef struct pair_struct {
- int cnt;
- int *var1;
- int *var2;
-} pair_t, *ppair;
-/* symbolic_list_t describes a single ".symbolic" line */
-typedef struct symbolic_list_struct {
- int variable;
- int pos;
- struct symbolic_list_struct *next;
-} symbolic_list_t;
-/* symbolic_list_t describes a single ".symbolic" line */
-typedef struct symbolic_label_struct {
- char *label;
- struct symbolic_label_struct *next;
-} symbolic_label_t;
-/* symbolic_t describes a linked list of ".symbolic" lines */
-typedef struct symbolic_struct {
- symbolic_list_t *symbolic_list; /* linked list of items */
- int symbolic_list_length; /* length of symbolic_list list */
- symbolic_label_t *symbolic_label; /* linked list of new names */
- int symbolic_label_length; /* length of symbolic_label list */
- struct symbolic_struct *next;
-} symbolic_t;
-/* PLA_t stores the logical representation of a PLA */
-typedef struct {
- pcover F, D, R; /* on-set, off-set and dc-set */
- char *filename; /* filename */
- int pla_type; /* logical PLA format */
- pcube phase; /* phase to split into on-set and off-set */
- ppair pair; /* how to pair variables */
- char **label; /* labels for the columns */
- symbolic_t *symbolic; /* allow binary->symbolic mapping */
- symbolic_t *symbolic_output;/* allow symbolic output mapping */
-} PLA_t, *pPLA;
-#define equal(a,b) (strcmp(a,b) == 0)
-/* This is a hack which I wish I hadn't done, but too painful to change */
-#define CUBELISTSIZE(T) (((pcube *) T[1] - T) - 3)
-/* For documentation purposes */
-#define IN
-#define OUT
-#define INOUT
-/* The pla_type field describes the input and output format of the PLA */
-#define F_type 1
-#define D_type 2
-#define R_type 4
-#define PLEASURE_type 8 /* output format */
-#define EQNTOTT_type 16 /* output format algebraic eqns */
-#define KISS_type 128 /* output format kiss */
-#define CONSTRAINTS_type 256 /* output the constraints (numeric) */
-#define SYMBOLIC_CONSTRAINTS_type 512 /* output the constraints (symbolic) */
-#define FD_type (F_type | D_type)
-#define FR_type (F_type | R_type)
-#define DR_type (D_type | R_type)
-#define FDR_type (F_type | D_type | R_type)
-/* Definitions for the debug variable */
-#define COMPL 0x0001
-#define ESSEN 0x0002
-#define EXPAND 0x0004
-#define EXPAND1 0x0008
-#define GASP 0x0010
-#define IRRED 0x0020
-#define REDUCE 0x0040
-#define REDUCE1 0x0080
-#define SPARSE 0x0100
-#define TAUT 0x0200
-#define EXACT 0x0400
-#define MINCOV 0x0800
-#define MINCOV1 0x1000
-#define SHARP 0x2000
-#define IRRED1 0x4000
-#define VERSION\
- "UC Berkeley, Espresso Version #2.3, Release date 01/31/88"
-/* Define constants used for recording program statistics */
-#define TIME_COUNT 16
-#define READ_TIME 0
-#define COMPL_TIME 1
-#define ONSET_TIME 2
-#define ESSEN_TIME 3
-#define EXPAND_TIME 4
-#define IRRED_TIME 5
-#define REDUCE_TIME 6
-#define GEXPAND_TIME 7
-#define GIRRED_TIME 8
-#define GREDUCE_TIME 9
-#define PRIMES_TIME 10
-#define MINCOV_TIME 11
-#define MV_REDUCE_TIME 12
-#define RAISE_IN_TIME 13
-#define VERIFY_TIME 14
-#define WRITE_TIME 15
-/* For those who like to think about PLAs, macros to get at inputs/outputs */
-#define NUMINPUTS cube.num_binary_vars
-#define NUMOUTPUTS cube.part_size[cube.num_vars - 1]
-#define POSITIVE_PHASE(pos)\
- (is_in_set(PLA->phase, cube.first_part[cube.output]+pos) != 0)
-#define INLABEL(var) PLA->label[cube.first_part[var] + 1]
-#define OUTLABEL(pos) PLA->label[cube.first_part[cube.output] + pos]
-#define GETINPUT(c, pos)\
- ((c[WHICH_WORD(2*pos)] >> WHICH_BIT(2*pos)) & 3)
-#define GETOUTPUT(c, pos)\
- (is_in_set(c, cube.first_part[cube.output] + pos) != 0)
-#define PUTINPUT(c, pos, value)\
- c[WHICH_WORD(2*pos)] = (c[WHICH_WORD(2*pos)] & ~(3 << WHICH_BIT(2*pos)))\
- | (value << WHICH_BIT(2*pos))
-#define PUTOUTPUT(c, pos, value)\
- c[WHICH_WORD(pos)] = (c[WHICH_WORD(pos)] & ~(1 << WHICH_BIT(pos)))\
- | (value << WHICH_BIT(pos))
-#define TWO 3
-#define DASH 3
-#define ONE 2
-#define ZERO 1
-#define EXEC(fct, name, S)\
- {long t=ptime();fct;if(trace)print_trace(S,name,ptime()-t);}
-#define EXEC_S(fct, name, S)\
- {long t=ptime();fct;if(summary)print_trace(S,name,ptime()-t);}
-#define EXECUTE(fct,i,S,cost)\
- {long t=ptime();fct;totals(t,i,S,&(cost));}
- * Global Variable Declarations
- */
-extern unsigned int debug; /* debug parameter */
-extern bool verbose_debug; /* -v: whether to print a lot */
-extern char *total_name[TIME_COUNT]; /* basic function names */
-extern long total_time[TIME_COUNT]; /* time spent in basic fcts */
-extern int total_calls[TIME_COUNT]; /* # calls to each fct */
-extern bool echo_comments; /* turned off by -eat option */
-extern bool echo_unknown_commands; /* always true ?? */
-extern bool force_irredundant; /* -nirr command line option */
-extern bool skip_make_sparse;
-extern bool kiss; /* -kiss command line option */
-extern bool pos; /* -pos command line option */
-extern bool print_solution; /* -x command line option */
-extern bool recompute_onset; /* -onset command line option */
-extern bool remove_essential; /* -ness command line option */
-extern bool single_expand; /* -fast command line option */
-extern bool summary; /* -s command line option */
-extern bool trace; /* -t command line option */
-extern bool unwrap_onset; /* -nunwrap command line option */
-extern bool use_random_order; /* -random command line option */
-extern bool use_super_gasp; /* -strong command line option */
-extern char *filename; /* filename PLA was read from */
-extern bool debug_exact_minimization; /* dumps info for -do exact */
- * pla_types are the input and output types for reading/writing a PLA
- */
-struct pla_types_struct {
- char *key;
- int value;
- * The cube structure is a global structure which contains information
- * on how a set maps into a cube -- i.e., number of parts per variable,
- * number of variables, etc. Also, many fields are pre-computed to
- * speed up various primitive operations.
- */
-#define CUBE_TEMP 10
-struct cube_struct {
- int size; /* set size of a cube */
- int num_vars; /* number of variables in a cube */
- int num_binary_vars; /* number of binary variables */
- int *first_part; /* first element of each variable */
- int *last_part; /* first element of each variable */
- int *part_size; /* number of elements in each variable */
- int *first_word; /* first word for each variable */
- int *last_word; /* last word for each variable */
- pset binary_mask; /* Mask to extract binary variables */
- pset mv_mask; /* mask to get mv parts */
- pset *var_mask; /* mask to extract a variable */
- pset *temp; /* an array of temporary sets */
- pset fullset; /* a full cube */
- pset emptyset; /* an empty cube */
- unsigned int inmask; /* mask to get odd word of binary part */
- int inword; /* which word number for above */
- int *sparse; /* should this variable be sparse? */
- int num_mv_vars; /* number of multiple-valued variables */
- int output; /* which variable is "output" (-1 if none) */
-struct cdata_struct {
- int *part_zeros; /* count of zeros for each element */
- int *var_zeros; /* count of zeros for each variable */
- int *parts_active; /* number of "active" parts for each var */
- bool *is_unate; /* indicates given var is unate */
- int vars_active; /* number of "active" variables */
- int vars_unate; /* number of unate variables */
- int best; /* best "binate" variable */
-extern struct pla_types_struct pla_types[];
-extern struct cube_struct cube, temp_cube_save;
-extern struct cdata_struct cdata, temp_cdata_save;
-#ifdef lint
-#define DISJOINT 0x5555
-#if BPI == 32
-#define DISJOINT 0x55555555
-#define DISJOINT 0x5555
-/* function declarations */
-/* cofactor.c */ extern int binate_split_select();
-/* cofactor.c */ extern pcover cubeunlist();
-/* cofactor.c */ extern pcube *cofactor();
-/* cofactor.c */ extern pcube *cube1list();
-/* cofactor.c */ extern pcube *cube2list();
-/* cofactor.c */ extern pcube *cube3list();
-/* cofactor.c */ extern pcube *scofactor();
-/* cofactor.c */ extern void massive_count();
-/* compl.c */ extern pcover complement();
-/* compl.c */ extern pcover simplify();
-/* compl.c */ extern void simp_comp();
-/* contain.c */ extern int d1_rm_equal();
-/* contain.c */ extern int rm2_contain();
-/* contain.c */ extern int rm2_equal();
-/* contain.c */ extern int rm_contain();
-/* contain.c */ extern int rm_equal();
-/* contain.c */ extern int rm_rev_contain();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset *sf_list();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset *sf_sort();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset_family d1merge();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset_family dist_merge();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset_family sf_contain();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset_family sf_dupl();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset_family sf_ind_contain();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset_family sf_ind_unlist();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset_family sf_merge();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset_family sf_rev_contain();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset_family sf_union();
-/* contain.c */ extern pset_family sf_unlist();
-/* cubestr.c */ extern void cube_setup();
-/* cubestr.c */ extern void restore_cube_struct();
-/* cubestr.c */ extern void save_cube_struct();
-/* cubestr.c */ extern void setdown_cube();
-/* cvrin.c */ extern PLA_labels();
-/* cvrin.c */ extern char *get_word();
-/* cvrin.c */ extern int label_index();
-/* cvrin.c */ extern int read_pla();
-/* cvrin.c */ extern int read_symbolic();
-/* cvrin.c */ extern pPLA new_PLA();
-/* cvrin.c */ extern void PLA_summary();
-/* cvrin.c */ extern void free_PLA();
-/* cvrin.c */ extern void parse_pla();
-/* cvrin.c */ extern void read_cube();
-/* cvrin.c */ extern void skip_line();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern foreach_output_function();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern int cubelist_partition();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern int so_both_do_espresso();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern int so_both_do_exact();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern int so_both_save();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern int so_do_espresso();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern int so_do_exact();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern int so_save();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern pcover cof_output();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern pcover lex_sort();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern pcover mini_sort();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern pcover random_order();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern pcover size_sort();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern pcover sort_reduce();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern pcover uncof_output();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern pcover unravel();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern pcover unravel_range();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern void so_both_espresso();
-/* cvrm.c */ extern void so_espresso();
-/* cvrmisc.c */ extern char *fmt_cost();
-/* cvrmisc.c */ extern char *print_cost();
-/* cvrmisc.c */ extern char *strsav();
-/* cvrmisc.c */ extern void copy_cost();
-/* cvrmisc.c */ extern void cover_cost();
-/* cvrmisc.c */ extern void fatal();
-/* cvrmisc.c */ extern void print_trace();
-/* cvrmisc.c */ extern void size_stamp();
-/* cvrmisc.c */ extern void totals();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern char *fmt_cube();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern char *fmt_expanded_cube();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern char *pc1();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern char *pc2();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern char *pc3();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern int makeup_labels();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern kiss_output();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern kiss_print_cube();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern output_symbolic_constraints();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void cprint();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void debug1_print();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void debug_print();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void eqn_output();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void fpr_header();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void fprint_pla();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void pls_group();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void pls_label();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void pls_output();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void print_cube();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void print_expanded_cube();
-/* cvrout.c */ extern void sf_debug_print();
-/* equiv.c */ extern find_equiv_outputs();
-/* equiv.c */ extern int check_equiv();
-/* espresso.c */ extern pcover espresso();
-/* essen.c */ extern bool essen_cube();
-/* essen.c */ extern pcover cb_consensus();
-/* essen.c */ extern pcover cb_consensus_dist0();
-/* essen.c */ extern pcover essential();
-/* exact.c */ extern pcover minimize_exact();
-/* exact.c */ extern pcover minimize_exact_literals();
-/* expand.c */ extern bool feasibly_covered();
-/* expand.c */ extern int most_frequent();
-/* expand.c */ extern pcover all_primes();
-/* expand.c */ extern pcover expand();
-/* expand.c */ extern pcover find_all_primes();
-/* expand.c */ extern void elim_lowering();
-/* expand.c */ extern void essen_parts();
-/* expand.c */ extern void essen_raising();
-/* expand.c */ extern void expand1();
-/* expand.c */ extern void mincov();
-/* expand.c */ extern void select_feasible();
-/* expand.c */ extern void setup_BB_CC();
-/* gasp.c */ extern pcover expand_gasp();
-/* gasp.c */ extern pcover irred_gasp();
-/* gasp.c */ extern pcover last_gasp();
-/* gasp.c */ extern pcover super_gasp();
-/* gasp.c */ extern void expand1_gasp();
-/* getopt.c */ extern int util_getopt();
-/* hack.c */ extern find_dc_inputs();
-/* hack.c */ extern find_inputs();
-/* hack.c */ extern form_bitvector();
-/* hack.c */ extern map_dcset();
-/* hack.c */ extern map_output_symbolic();
-/* hack.c */ extern map_symbolic();
-/* hack.c */ extern pcover map_symbolic_cover();
-/* hack.c */ extern symbolic_hack_labels();
-/* irred.c */ extern bool cube_is_covered();
-/* irred.c */ extern bool taut_special_cases();
-/* irred.c */ extern bool tautology();
-/* irred.c */ extern pcover irredundant();
-/* irred.c */ extern void mark_irredundant();
-/* irred.c */ extern void irred_split_cover();
-/* irred.c */ extern sm_matrix *irred_derive_table();
-/* map.c */ extern pset minterms();
-/* map.c */ extern void explode();
-/* map.c */ extern void map();
-/* opo.c */ extern output_phase_setup();
-/* opo.c */ extern pPLA set_phase();
-/* opo.c */ extern pcover opo();
-/* opo.c */ extern pcube find_phase();
-/* opo.c */ extern pset_family find_covers();
-/* opo.c */ extern pset_family form_cover_table();
-/* opo.c */ extern pset_family opo_leaf();
-/* opo.c */ extern pset_family opo_recur();
-/* opo.c */ extern void opoall();
-/* opo.c */ extern void phase_assignment();
-/* opo.c */ extern void repeated_phase_assignment();
-/* pair.c */ extern generate_all_pairs();
-/* pair.c */ extern int **find_pairing_cost();
-/* pair.c */ extern int find_best_cost();
-/* pair.c */ extern int greedy_best_cost();
-/* pair.c */ extern int minimize_pair();
-/* pair.c */ extern int pair_free();
-/* pair.c */ extern pair_all();
-/* pair.c */ extern pcover delvar();
-/* pair.c */ extern pcover pairvar();
-/* pair.c */ extern ppair pair_best_cost();
-/* pair.c */ extern ppair pair_new();
-/* pair.c */ extern ppair pair_save();
-/* pair.c */ extern print_pair();
-/* pair.c */ extern void find_optimal_pairing();
-/* pair.c */ extern void set_pair();
-/* pair.c */ extern void set_pair1();
-/* primes.c */ extern pcover primes_consensus();
-/* reduce.c */ extern bool sccc_special_cases();
-/* reduce.c */ extern pcover reduce();
-/* reduce.c */ extern pcube reduce_cube();
-/* reduce.c */ extern pcube sccc();
-/* reduce.c */ extern pcube sccc_cube();
-/* reduce.c */ extern pcube sccc_merge();
-/* set.c */ extern bool set_andp();
-/* set.c */ extern bool set_orp();
-/* set.c */ extern bool setp_disjoint();
-/* set.c */ extern bool setp_empty();
-/* set.c */ extern bool setp_equal();
-/* set.c */ extern bool setp_full();
-/* set.c */ extern bool setp_implies();
-/* set.c */ extern char *pbv1();
-/* set.c */ extern char *ps1();
-/* set.c */ extern int *sf_count();
-/* set.c */ extern int *sf_count_restricted();
-/* set.c */ extern int bit_index();
-/* set.c */ extern int set_dist();
-/* set.c */ extern int set_ord();
-/* set.c */ extern void set_adjcnt();
-/* set.c */ extern pset set_and();
-/* set.c */ extern pset set_clear();
-/* set.c */ extern pset set_copy();
-/* set.c */ extern pset set_diff();
-/* set.c */ extern pset set_fill();
-/* set.c */ extern pset set_merge();
-/* set.c */ extern pset set_or();
-/* set.c */ extern pset set_xor();
-/* set.c */ extern pset sf_and();
-/* set.c */ extern pset sf_or();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_active();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_addcol();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_addset();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_append();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_bm_read();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_compress();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_copy();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_copy_col();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_delc();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_delcol();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_inactive();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_join();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_new();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_permute();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_read();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_save();
-/* set.c */ extern pset_family sf_transpose();
-/* set.c */ extern void set_write();
-/* set.c */ extern void sf_bm_print();
-/* set.c */ extern void sf_cleanup();
-/* set.c */ extern void sf_delset();
-/* set.c */ extern void sf_free();
-/* set.c */ extern void sf_print();
-/* set.c */ extern void sf_write();
-/* setc.c */ extern bool ccommon();
-/* setc.c */ extern bool cdist0();
-/* setc.c */ extern bool full_row();
-/* setc.c */ extern int ascend();
-/* setc.c */ extern int cactive();
-/* setc.c */ extern int cdist();
-/* setc.c */ extern int cdist01();
-/* setc.c */ extern int cvolume();
-/* setc.c */ extern int d1_order();
-/* setc.c */ extern int d1_order_size();
-/* setc.c */ extern int desc1();
-/* setc.c */ extern int descend();
-/* setc.c */ extern int lex_order();
-/* setc.c */ extern int lex_order1();
-/* setc.c */ extern pset force_lower();
-/* setc.c */ extern void consensus();
-/* sharp.c */ extern pcover cb1_dsharp();
-/* sharp.c */ extern pcover cb_dsharp();
-/* sharp.c */ extern pcover cb_recur_dsharp();
-/* sharp.c */ extern pcover cb_recur_sharp();
-/* sharp.c */ extern pcover cb_sharp();
-/* sharp.c */ extern pcover cv_dsharp();
-/* sharp.c */ extern pcover cv_intersect();
-/* sharp.c */ extern pcover cv_sharp();
-/* sharp.c */ extern pcover dsharp();
-/* sharp.c */ extern pcover make_disjoint();
-/* sharp.c */ extern pcover sharp();
-/* sminterf.c */pset do_sm_minimum_cover();
-/* sparse.c */ extern pcover make_sparse();
-/* sparse.c */ extern pcover mv_reduce();
-#if !defined(__osf__) && !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(__hpux)
-/* ucbqsort.c */ extern qsort();
-/* ucbqsort.c */ extern qst();
-/* unate.c */ extern pcover find_all_minimal_covers_petrick();
-/* unate.c */ extern pcover map_cover_to_unate();
-/* unate.c */ extern pcover map_unate_to_cover();
-/* unate.c */ extern pset_family exact_minimum_cover();
-/* unate.c */ extern pset_family gen_primes();
-/* unate.c */ extern pset_family unate_compl();
-/* unate.c */ extern pset_family unate_complement();
-/* unate.c */ extern pset_family unate_intersect();
-/* verify.c */ extern PLA_permute();
-/* verify.c */ extern bool PLA_verify();
-/* verify.c */ extern bool check_consistency();
-/* verify.c */ extern bool verify();
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/essen.c b/src/misc/espresso/essen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a46295d..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/essen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- module: essen.c
- purpose: Find essential primes in a multiple-valued function
-#include "espresso.h"
- essential -- return a cover consisting of the cubes of F which are
- essential prime implicants (with respect to F u D); Further, remove
- these cubes from the ON-set F, and add them to the OFF-set D.
- Sometimes EXPAND can determine that a cube is not an essential prime.
- If so, it will set the "NONESSEN" flag in the cube.
- We count on IRREDUNDANT to have set the flag RELESSEN to indicate
- that a prime was relatively essential (i.e., covers some minterm
- not contained in any other prime in the current cover), or to have
- reset the flag to indicate that a prime was relatively redundant
- (i.e., all minterms covered by other primes in the current cover).
- Of course, after executing irredundant, all of the primes in the
- cover are relatively essential, but we can mark the primes which
- were redundant at the start of irredundant and avoid an extra check
- on these primes for essentiality.
-pcover essential(Fp, Dp)
-IN pcover *Fp, *Dp;
- register pcube last, p;
- pcover E, F = *Fp, D = *Dp;
- /* set all cubes in F active */
- (void) sf_active(F);
- /* Might as well start out with some cubes in E */
- E = new_cover(10);
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- /* don't test a prime which EXPAND says is nonessential */
- if (! TESTP(p, NONESSEN)) {
- /* only test a prime which was relatively essential */
- if (TESTP(p, RELESSEN)) {
- /* Check essentiality */
- if (essen_cube(F, D, p)) {
- if (debug & ESSEN)
- printf("ESSENTIAL: %s\n", pc1(p));
- E = sf_addset(E, p);
- F->active_count--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- *Fp = sf_inactive(F); /* delete the inactive cubes from F */
- *Dp = sf_join(D, E); /* add the essentials to D */
- sf_free(D);
- return E;
- essen_cube -- check if a single cube is essential or not
- The prime c is essential iff
- consensus((F u D) # c, c) u D
- does not contain c.
-bool essen_cube(F, D, c)
-IN pcover F, D;
-IN pcube c;
- pcover H, FD;
- pcube *H1;
- bool essen;
- /* Append F and D together, and take the sharp-consensus with c */
- FD = sf_join(F, D);
- H = cb_consensus(FD, c);
- free_cover(FD);
- /* Add the don't care set, and see if this covers c */
- H1 = cube2list(H, D);
- essen = ! cube_is_covered(H1, c);
- free_cubelist(H1);
- free_cover(H);
- return essen;
- * cb_consensus -- compute consensus(T # c, c)
- */
-pcover cb_consensus(T, c)
-register pcover T;
-register pcube c;
- register pcube temp, last, p;
- register pcover R;
- R = new_cover(T->count*2);
- temp = new_cube();
- foreach_set(T, last, p) {
- if (p != c) {
- switch (cdist01(p, c)) {
- case 0:
- /* distance-0 needs special care */
- R = cb_consensus_dist0(R, p, c);
- break;
- case 1:
- /* distance-1 is easy because no sharping required */
- consensus(temp, p, c);
- R = sf_addset(R, temp);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- set_free(temp);
- return R;
- * form the sharp-consensus for p and c when they intersect
- * What we are forming is consensus(p # c, c).
- */
-pcover cb_consensus_dist0(R, p, c)
-pcover R;
-register pcube p, c;
- int var;
- bool got_one;
- register pcube temp, mask;
- register pcube p_diff_c=cube.temp[0], p_and_c=cube.temp[1];
- /* If c contains p, then this gives us no information for essential test */
- if (setp_implies(p, c)) {
- return R;
- }
- /* For the multiple-valued variables */
- temp = new_cube();
- got_one = FALSE;
- INLINEset_diff(p_diff_c, p, c);
- INLINEset_and(p_and_c, p, c);
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- /* Check if c(var) is contained in p(var) -- if so, no news */
- mask = cube.var_mask[var];
- if (! setp_disjoint(p_diff_c, mask)) {
- INLINEset_merge(temp, c, p_and_c, mask);
- R = sf_addset(R, temp);
- got_one = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* if no cube so far, add one for the intersection */
- if (! got_one && cube.num_binary_vars > 0) {
- /* Add a single cube for the intersection of p and c */
- INLINEset_and(temp, p, c);
- R = sf_addset(R, temp);
- }
- set_free(temp);
- return R;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/exact.c b/src/misc/espresso/exact.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b1943636..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/exact.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-static void dump_irredundant();
-static pcover do_minimize();
- * minimize_exact -- main entry point for exact minimization
- *
- * Global flags which affect this routine are:
- *
- * debug
- * skip_make_sparse
- */
-minimize_exact(F, D, R, exact_cover)
-pcover F, D, R;
-int exact_cover;
- return do_minimize(F, D, R, exact_cover, /*weighted*/ 0);
-minimize_exact_literals(F, D, R, exact_cover)
-pcover F, D, R;
-int exact_cover;
- return do_minimize(F, D, R, exact_cover, /*weighted*/ 1);
-static pcover
-do_minimize(F, D, R, exact_cover, weighted)
-pcover F, D, R;
-int exact_cover;
-int weighted;
- pcover newF, E, Rt, Rp;
- pset p, last;
- int heur, level, *weights, i;
- sm_matrix *table;
- sm_row *cover;
- sm_element *pe;
- int debug_save = debug;
- if (debug & EXACT) {
- debug |= (IRRED | MINCOV);
- }
-#if defined(sun) || defined(bsd4_2) /* hack ... */
- if (debug & MINCOV) {
- setlinebuf(stdout);
- }
- level = (debug & MINCOV) ? 4 : 0;
- heur = ! exact_cover;
- /* Generate all prime implicants */
- EXEC(F = primes_consensus(cube2list(F, D)), "PRIMES ", F);
- /* Setup the prime implicant table */
- EXEC(irred_split_cover(F, D, &E, &Rt, &Rp), "ESSENTIALS ", E);
- EXEC(table = irred_derive_table(D, E, Rp), "PI-TABLE ", Rp);
- /* Solve either a weighted or nonweighted covering problem */
- if (weighted) {
- /* correct only for all 2-valued variables */
- weights = ALLOC(int, F->count);
- foreach_set(Rp, last, p) {
- weights[SIZE(p)] = cube.size - set_ord(p);
- /* We have added the 0's in the output part instead of the 1's.
- This loop corrects the literal count. */
- for (i = cube.first_part[cube.output];
- i <= cube.last_part[cube.output]; i++) {
- is_in_set(p, i) ? weights[SIZE(p)]++ : weights[SIZE(p)]--;
- }
- }
- } else {
- weights = NIL(int);
- }
- EXEC(cover=sm_minimum_cover(table,weights,heur,level), "MINCOV ", F);
- if (weights != 0) {
- FREE(weights);
- }
- if (debug & EXACT) {
- dump_irredundant(E, Rt, Rp, table);
- }
- /* Form the result cover */
- newF = new_cover(100);
- foreach_set(E, last, p) {
- newF = sf_addset(newF, p);
- }
- sm_foreach_row_element(cover, pe) {
- newF = sf_addset(newF, GETSET(F, pe->col_num));
- }
- free_cover(E);
- free_cover(Rt);
- free_cover(Rp);
- sm_free(table);
- sm_row_free(cover);
- free_cover(F);
- /* Attempt to make the results more sparse */
- debug &= ~ (IRRED | SHARP | MINCOV);
- if (! skip_make_sparse && R != 0) {
- newF = make_sparse(newF, D, R);
- }
- debug = debug_save;
- return newF;
-static void
-dump_irredundant(E, Rt, Rp, table)
-pcover E, Rt, Rp;
-sm_matrix *table;
- FILE *fp_pi_table, *fp_primes;
- pset last, p;
- char *file;
- if (filename == 0 || strcmp(filename, "(stdin)") == 0) {
- fp_pi_table = fp_primes = stdout;
- } else {
- file = ALLOC(char, strlen(filename)+20);
- (void) sprintf(file, "%s.primes", filename);
- if ((fp_primes = fopen(file, "w")) == NULL) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "espresso: Unable to open %s\n", file);
- fp_primes = stdout;
- }
- (void) sprintf(file, "%s.pi", filename);
- if ((fp_pi_table = fopen(file, "w")) == NULL) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "espresso: Unable to open %s\n", file);
- fp_pi_table = stdout;
- }
- FREE(file);
- }
- PLA = new_PLA();
- PLA_labels(PLA);
- fpr_header(fp_primes, PLA, F_type);
- free_PLA(PLA);
- (void) fprintf(fp_primes, "# Essential primes are\n");
- foreach_set(E, last, p) {
- (void) fprintf(fp_primes, "%s\n", pc1(p));
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp_primes, "# Totally redundant primes are\n");
- foreach_set(Rt, last, p) {
- (void) fprintf(fp_primes, "%s\n", pc1(p));
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp_primes, "# Partially redundant primes are\n");
- foreach_set(Rp, last, p) {
- (void) fprintf(fp_primes, "%s\n", pc1(p));
- }
- if (fp_primes != stdout) {
- (void) fclose(fp_primes);
- }
- sm_write(fp_pi_table, table);
- if (fp_pi_table != stdout) {
- (void) fclose(fp_pi_table);
- }
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/expand.c b/src/misc/espresso/expand.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2765d71c..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/expand.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,693 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- module: expand.c
- purpose: Perform the Espresso-II Expansion Step
- The idea is to take each nonprime cube of the on-set and expand it
- into a prime implicant such that we can cover as many other cubes
- of the on-set. If no cube of the on-set can be covered, then we
- expand each cube into a large prime implicant by transforming the
- problem into a minimum covering problem which is solved by the
- heuristics of minimum_cover.
- These routines revolve around having a representation of the
- OFF-set. (In contrast to the Espresso-II manuscript, we do NOT
- require an "unwrapped" version of the OFF-set).
- Some conventions on variable names:
- SUPER_CUBE is the supercube of all cubes which can be covered
- by an expansion of the cube being expanded
- OVEREXPANDED_CUBE is the cube which would result from expanding
- all parts which can expand individually of the cube being expanded
- RAISE is the current expansion of the current cube
- FREESET is the set of parts which haven't been raised or lowered yet.
- INIT_LOWER is a set of parts to be removed from the free parts before
- starting the expansion
-#include "espresso.h"
- expand -- expand each nonprime cube of F into a prime implicant
- If nonsparse is true, only the non-sparse variables will be expanded;
- this is done by forcing all of the sparse variables out of the free set.
-pcover expand(F, R, nonsparse)
-INOUT pcover F;
-IN pcover R;
-IN bool nonsparse; /* expand non-sparse variables only */
- register pcube last, p;
- int var, num_covered;
- bool change;
- /* Order the cubes according to "chewing-away from the edges" of mini */
- if (use_random_order)
- F = random_order(F);
- else
- F = mini_sort(F, ascend);
- /* Allocate memory for variables needed by expand1() */
- RAISE = new_cube();
- FREESET = new_cube();
- INIT_LOWER = new_cube();
- SUPER_CUBE = new_cube();
- OVEREXPANDED_CUBE = new_cube();
- /* Setup the initial lowering set (differs only for nonsparse) */
- if (nonsparse)
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++)
- if (cube.sparse[var])
- (void) set_or(INIT_LOWER, INIT_LOWER, cube.var_mask[var]);
- /* Mark all cubes as not covered, and maybe essential */
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- }
- /* Try to expand each nonprime and noncovered cube */
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- /* do not expand if PRIME or if covered by previous expansion */
- if (! TESTP(p, PRIME) && ! TESTP(p, COVERED)) {
- /* expand the cube p, result is RAISE */
- INIT_LOWER, &num_covered, p);
- if (debug & EXPAND)
- printf("EXPAND: %s (covered %d)\n", pc1(p), num_covered);
- (void) set_copy(p, RAISE);
- SET(p, PRIME);
- RESET(p, COVERED); /* not really necessary */
- /* See if we generated an inessential prime */
- if (num_covered == 0 && ! setp_equal(p, OVEREXPANDED_CUBE)) {
- }
- }
- }
- /* Delete any cubes of F which became covered during the expansion */
- F->active_count = 0;
- change = FALSE;
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- if (TESTP(p, COVERED)) {
- change = TRUE;
- } else {
- F->active_count++;
- }
- }
- if (change)
- F = sf_inactive(F);
- free_cube(RAISE);
- free_cube(FREESET);
- free_cube(INIT_LOWER);
- free_cube(SUPER_CUBE);
- return F;
- expand1 -- Expand a single cube against the OFF-set
- INIT_LOWER, num_covered, c)
-pcover BB; /* Blocking matrix (OFF-set) */
-pcover CC; /* Covering matrix (ON-set) */
-pcube RAISE; /* The current parts which have been raised */
-pcube FREESET; /* The current parts which are free */
-pcube OVEREXPANDED_CUBE; /* Overexpanded cube of c */
-pcube SUPER_CUBE; /* Supercube of all cubes of CC we cover */
-pcube INIT_LOWER; /* Parts to initially remove from FREESET */
-int *num_covered; /* Number of cubes of CC which are covered */
-pcube c; /* The cube to be expanded */
- int bestindex;
- if (debug & EXPAND1)
- printf("\nEXPAND1: \t%s\n", pc1(c));
- /* initialize BB and CC */
- SET(c, PRIME); /* don't try to cover ourself */
- setup_BB_CC(BB, CC);
- /* initialize count of # cubes covered, and the supercube of them */
- *num_covered = 0;
- (void) set_copy(SUPER_CUBE, c);
- /* Initialize the lowering, raising and unassigned sets */
- (void) set_copy(RAISE, c);
- (void) set_diff(FREESET, cube.fullset, RAISE);
- /* If some parts are forced into lowering set, remove them */
- if (! setp_empty(INIT_LOWER)) {
- (void) set_diff(FREESET, FREESET, INIT_LOWER);
- elim_lowering(BB, CC, RAISE, FREESET);
- }
- /* Determine what can be raised, and return the over-expanded cube */
- essen_parts(BB, CC, RAISE, FREESET);
- /* While there are still cubes which can be covered, cover them ! */
- if (CC->active_count > 0) {
- select_feasible(BB, CC, RAISE, FREESET, SUPER_CUBE, num_covered);
- }
- /* While there are still cubes covered by the overexpanded cube ... */
- while (CC->active_count > 0) {
- bestindex = most_frequent(CC, FREESET);
- set_insert(RAISE, bestindex);
- set_remove(FREESET, bestindex);
- essen_parts(BB, CC, RAISE, FREESET);
- }
- /* Finally, when all else fails, choose the largest possible prime */
- /* We will loop only if we decide unravelling OFF-set is too expensive */
- while (BB->active_count > 0) {
- mincov(BB, RAISE, FREESET);
- }
- /* Raise any remaining free coordinates */
- (void) set_or(RAISE, RAISE, FREESET);
- essen_parts -- determine which parts are forced into the lowering
- set to insure that the cube be orthognal to the OFF-set.
- If any cube of the OFF-set is distance 1 from the raising cube,
- then we must lower all parts of the conflicting variable. (If the
- cube is distance 0, we detect this error here.)
- If there are essentially lowered parts, we can remove from consideration
- any cubes of the OFF-set which are more than distance 1 from the
- overexpanded cube of RAISE.
-void essen_parts(BB, CC, RAISE, FREESET)
-pcover BB, CC;
- register pcube p, r = RAISE;
- pcube lastp, xlower = cube.temp[0];
- int dist;
- (void) set_copy(xlower, cube.emptyset);
- foreach_active_set(BB, lastp, p) {
-#ifdef NO_INLINE
- if ((dist = cdist01(p, r)) > 1) goto exit_if;
- {register int w,last;register unsigned int x;dist=0;if((last=cube.inword)!=-1)
-dist+=count_ones(x))>1)goto exit_if;}}}{register int w,var,last;register pcube
-w]&mask[w])goto nextvar;if(++dist>1)goto exit_if;nextvar:;}}
- if (dist == 0) {
- fatal("ON-set and OFF-set are not orthogonal");
- } else {
- (void) force_lower(xlower, p, r);
- BB->active_count--;
- }
-exit_if: ;
- }
- if (! setp_empty(xlower)) {
- (void) set_diff(FREESET, FREESET, xlower);/* remove from free set */
- elim_lowering(BB, CC, RAISE, FREESET);
- }
- if (debug & EXPAND1)
- printf("ESSEN_PARTS:\tRAISE=%s FREESET=%s\n", pc1(RAISE), pc2(FREESET));
- essen_raising -- determine which parts may always be added to
- the raising set without restricting further expansions
- General rule: if some part is not blocked by any cube of BB, then
- this part can always be raised.
-void essen_raising(BB, RAISE, FREESET)
-register pcover BB;
- register pcube last, p, xraise = cube.temp[0];
- /* Form union of all cubes of BB, and then take complement wrt FREESET */
- (void) set_copy(xraise, cube.emptyset);
- foreach_active_set(BB, last, p)
- INLINEset_or(xraise, xraise, p);
- (void) set_diff(xraise, FREESET, xraise);
- (void) set_or(RAISE, RAISE, xraise); /* add to raising set */
- (void) set_diff(FREESET, FREESET, xraise); /* remove from free set */
- if (debug & EXPAND1)
- printf("ESSEN_RAISING:\tRAISE=%s FREESET=%s\n",
- pc1(RAISE), pc2(FREESET));
- elim_lowering -- after removing parts from FREESET, we can reduce the
- size of both BB and CC.
- We mark as inactive any cube of BB which does not intersect the
- overexpanded cube (i.e., RAISE + FREESET). Likewise, we remove
- from CC any cube which is not covered by the overexpanded cube.
-void elim_lowering(BB, CC, RAISE, FREESET)
-pcover BB, CC;
- register pcube p, r = set_or(cube.temp[0], RAISE, FREESET);
- pcube last;
- /*
- * Remove sets of BB which are orthogonal to future expansions
- */
- foreach_active_set(BB, last, p) {
-#ifdef NO_INLINE
- if (! cdist0(p, r))
- {register int w,lastw;register unsigned int x;if((lastw=cube.inword)!=-1){x=p[
-lastw]&r[lastw];if(~(x|x>>1)&cube.inmask)goto false;for(w=1;w<lastw;w++){x=p[w]
-&r[w];if(~(x|x>>1)&DISJOINT)goto false;}}}{register int w,var,lastw;register
-pcube mask;for(var=cube.num_binary_vars;var<cube.num_vars;var++){mask=cube.
-if(p[w]&r[w]&mask[w])goto nextvar;goto false;nextvar:;}}continue;false:
- BB->active_count--, RESET(p, ACTIVE);
- }
- /*
- * Remove sets of CC which cannot be covered by future expansions
- */
- if (CC != (pcover) NULL) {
- foreach_active_set(CC, last, p) {
-#ifdef NO_INLINE
- if (! setp_implies(p, r))
- INLINEsetp_implies(p, r, /* when false => */ goto false1);
- /* when true => go to end of loop */ continue;
- false1:
- CC->active_count--, RESET(p, ACTIVE);
- }
- }
- most_frequent -- When all else fails, select a reasonable part to raise
- The active cubes of CC are the cubes which are covered by the
- overexpanded cube of the original cube (however, we know that none
- of them can actually be covered by a feasible expansion of the
- original cube). We resort to the MINI strategy of selecting to
- raise the part which will cover the same part in the most cubes of CC.
-int most_frequent(CC, FREESET)
-pcover CC;
-pcube FREESET;
- register int i, best_part, best_count, *count;
- register pset p, last;
- /* Count occurences of each variable */
- count = ALLOC(int, cube.size);
- for(i = 0; i < cube.size; i++)
- count[i] = 0;
- if (CC != (pcover) NULL)
- foreach_active_set(CC, last, p)
- set_adjcnt(p, count, 1);
- /* Now find which free part occurs most often */
- best_count = best_part = -1;
- for(i = 0; i < cube.size; i++)
- if (is_in_set(FREESET,i) && count[i] > best_count) {
- best_part = i;
- best_count = count[i];
- }
- FREE(count);
- if (debug & EXPAND1)
- printf("MOST_FREQUENT:\tbest=%d FREESET=%s\n", best_part, pc2(FREESET));
- return best_part;
- setup_BB_CC -- set up the blocking and covering set families;
- Note that the blocking family is merely the set of cubes of R, and
- that CC is the set of cubes of F which might possibly be covered
- (i.e., nonprime cubes, and cubes not already covered)
-void setup_BB_CC(BB, CC)
-register pcover BB, CC;
- register pcube p, last;
- /* Create the block and cover set families */
- BB->active_count = BB->count;
- foreach_set(BB, last, p)
- if (CC != (pcover) NULL) {
- CC->active_count = CC->count;
- foreach_set(CC, last, p)
- CC->active_count--, RESET(p, ACTIVE);
- else
- }
- select_feasible -- Determine if there are cubes which can be covered,
- and if so, raise those parts necessary to cover as many as possible.
- We really don't check to maximize the number that can be covered;
- instead, we check, for each fcc, how many other fcc remain fcc
- after expanding to cover the fcc. (Essentially one-level lookahead).
-void select_feasible(BB, CC, RAISE, FREESET, SUPER_CUBE, num_covered)
-pcover BB, CC;
-int *num_covered;
- register pcube p, last, bestfeas, *feas;
- register int i, j;
- pcube *feas_new_lower;
- int bestcount, bestsize, count, size, numfeas, lastfeas;
- pcover new_lower;
- /* Start out with all cubes covered by the over-expanded cube as
- * the "possibly" feasibly-covered cubes (pfcc)
- */
- feas = ALLOC(pcube, CC->active_count);
- numfeas = 0;
- foreach_active_set(CC, last, p)
- feas[numfeas++] = p;
- /* Setup extra cubes to record parts forced low after a covering */
- feas_new_lower = ALLOC(pcube, CC->active_count);
- new_lower = new_cover(numfeas);
- for(i = 0; i < numfeas; i++)
- feas_new_lower[i] = GETSET(new_lower, i);
- /* Find the essentially raised parts -- this might cover some cubes
- for us, without having to find out if they are fcc or not
- */
- essen_raising(BB, RAISE, FREESET);
- /* Now check all "possibly" feasibly covered cubes to check feasibility */
- lastfeas = numfeas;
- numfeas = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < lastfeas; i++) {
- p = feas[i];
- /* Check active because essen_parts might have removed it */
- if (TESTP(p, ACTIVE)) {
- /* See if the cube is already covered by RAISE --
- * this can happen because of essen_raising() or because of
- * the previous "loop"
- */
- if (setp_implies(p, RAISE)) {
- (*num_covered) += 1;
- (void) set_or(SUPER_CUBE, SUPER_CUBE, p);
- CC->active_count--;
- /* otherwise, test if it is feasibly covered */
- } else if (feasibly_covered(BB,p,RAISE,feas_new_lower[numfeas])) {
- feas[numfeas] = p; /* save the fcc */
- numfeas++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (debug & EXPAND1)
- printf("SELECT_FEASIBLE: started with %d pfcc, ended with %d fcc\n",
- lastfeas, numfeas);
- /* Exit here if there are no feasibly covered cubes */
- if (numfeas == 0) {
- FREE(feas);
- FREE(feas_new_lower);
- free_cover(new_lower);
- return;
- }
- /* Now find which is the best feasibly covered cube */
- bestcount = 0;
- bestsize = 9999;
- for(i = 0; i < numfeas; i++) {
- size = set_dist(feas[i], FREESET); /* # of newly raised parts */
- count = 0; /* # of other cubes which remain fcc after raising */
-#define NEW
-#ifdef NEW
- for(j = 0; j < numfeas; j++)
- if (setp_disjoint(feas_new_lower[i], feas[j]))
- count++;
- for(j = 0; j < numfeas; j++)
- if (setp_implies(feas[j], feas[i]))
- count++;
- if (count > bestcount) {
- bestcount = count;
- bestfeas = feas[i];
- bestsize = size;
- } else if (count == bestcount && size < bestsize) {
- bestfeas = feas[i];
- bestsize = size;
- }
- }
- /* Add the necessary parts to the raising set */
- (void) set_or(RAISE, RAISE, bestfeas);
- (void) set_diff(FREESET, FREESET, RAISE);
- if (debug & EXPAND1)
- printf("FEASIBLE: \tRAISE=%s FREESET=%s\n", pc1(RAISE), pc2(FREESET));
- essen_parts(BB, CC, RAISE, FREESET);
- goto loop;
- feasibly_covered -- determine if the cube c is feasibly covered
- (i.e., if it is possible to raise all of the necessary variables
- while still insuring orthogonality with R). Also, if c is feasibly
- covered, then compute the new set of parts which are forced into
- the lowering set.
-bool feasibly_covered(BB, c, RAISE, new_lower)
-pcover BB;
-pcube c, RAISE, new_lower;
- register pcube p, r = set_or(cube.temp[0], RAISE, c);
- int dist;
- pcube lastp;
- set_copy(new_lower, cube.emptyset);
- foreach_active_set(BB, lastp, p) {
-#ifdef NO_INLINE
- if ((dist = cdist01(p, r)) > 1) goto exit_if;
- {register int w,last;register unsigned int x;dist=0;if((last=cube.inword)!=-1)
-dist+=count_ones(x))>1)goto exit_if;}}}{register int w,var,last;register pcube
-w]&mask[w])goto nextvar;if(++dist>1)goto exit_if;nextvar:;}}
- if (dist == 0)
- return FALSE;
- else
- (void) force_lower(new_lower, p, r);
- exit_if: ;
- }
- return TRUE;
- mincov -- transform the problem of expanding a cube to a maximally-
- large prime implicant into the problem of selecting a minimum
- cardinality cover over a family of sets.
- When we get to this point, we must unravel the remaining off-set.
- This may be painful.
-void mincov(BB, RAISE, FREESET)
-pcover BB;
- int expansion, nset, var, dist;
- pset_family B;
- register pcube xraise=cube.temp[0], xlower, p, last, plower;
-#if defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) || defined(__SVR4)
- dist = rand() % set_ord(FREESET);
- dist = random() % set_ord(FREESET);
- for(var = 0; var < cube.size && dist >= 0; var++) {
- if (is_in_set(FREESET, var)) {
- dist--;
- }
- }
- set_insert(RAISE, var);
- set_remove(FREESET, var);
- (void) essen_parts(BB, /*CC*/ (pcover) NULL, RAISE, FREESET);
- /* Create B which are those cubes which we must avoid intersecting */
- B = new_cover(BB->active_count);
- foreach_active_set(BB, last, p) {
- plower = set_copy(GETSET(B, B->count++), cube.emptyset);
- (void) force_lower(plower, p, RAISE);
- }
- /* Determine how many sets it will blow up into after the unravel */
- nset = 0;
- foreach_set(B, last, p) {
- expansion = 1;
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- if ((dist=set_dist(p, cube.var_mask[var])) > 1) {
- expansion *= dist;
- if (expansion > 500) goto heuristic_mincov;
- }
- }
- nset += expansion;
- if (nset > 500) goto heuristic_mincov;
- }
- B = unravel(B, cube.num_binary_vars);
- xlower = do_sm_minimum_cover(B);
- /* Add any remaining free parts to the raising set */
- (void) set_or(RAISE, RAISE, set_diff(xraise, FREESET, xlower));
- (void) set_copy(FREESET, cube.emptyset); /* free set is empty */
- BB->active_count = 0; /* BB satisfied */
- if (debug & EXPAND1) {
- printf("MINCOV: \tRAISE=%s FREESET=%s\n", pc1(RAISE), pc2(FREESET));
- }
- sf_free(B);
- set_free(xlower);
- return;
- sf_free(B);
- /* most_frequent will pick first free part */
- set_insert(RAISE, most_frequent(/*CC*/ (pcover) NULL, FREESET));
- (void) set_diff(FREESET, FREESET, RAISE);
- essen_parts(BB, /*CC*/ (pcover) NULL, RAISE, FREESET);
- return;
- find_all_primes -- find all of the primes which cover the
- currently reduced BB
-pcover find_all_primes(BB, RAISE, FREESET)
-pcover BB;
-register pcube RAISE, FREESET;
- register pset last, p, plower;
- pset_family B, B1;
- if (BB->active_count == 0) {
- B1 = new_cover(1);
- p = GETSET(B1, B1->count++);
- (void) set_copy(p, RAISE);
- SET(p, PRIME);
- } else {
- B = new_cover(BB->active_count);
- foreach_active_set(BB, last, p) {
- plower = set_copy(GETSET(B, B->count++), cube.emptyset);
- (void) force_lower(plower, p, RAISE);
- }
- B = sf_rev_contain(unravel(B, cube.num_binary_vars));
- B1 = exact_minimum_cover(B);
- foreach_set(B1, last, p) {
- INLINEset_diff(p, FREESET, p);
- INLINEset_or(p, p, RAISE);
- SET(p, PRIME);
- }
- free_cover(B);
- }
- return B1;
- all_primes -- foreach cube in F, generate all of the primes
- which cover the cube.
-pcover all_primes(F, R)
-pcover F, R;
- register pcube last, p, RAISE, FREESET;
- pcover Fall_primes, B1;
- FREESET = new_cube();
- RAISE = new_cube();
- Fall_primes = new_cover(F->count);
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- if (TESTP(p, PRIME)) {
- Fall_primes = sf_addset(Fall_primes, p);
- } else {
- /* Setup for call to essential parts */
- (void) set_copy(RAISE, p);
- (void) set_diff(FREESET, cube.fullset, RAISE);
- setup_BB_CC(R, /* CC */ (pcover) NULL);
- essen_parts(R, /* CC */ (pcover) NULL, RAISE, FREESET);
- /* Find all of the primes, and add them to the prime set */
- B1 = find_all_primes(R, RAISE, FREESET);
- Fall_primes = sf_append(Fall_primes, B1);
- }
- }
- set_free(RAISE);
- set_free(FREESET);
- return Fall_primes;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/gasp.c b/src/misc/espresso/gasp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aa3254d3..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/gasp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- module: gasp.c
- The "last_gasp" heuristic computes the reduction of each cube in
- the cover (without replacement) and then performs an expansion of
- these cubes. The cubes which expand to cover some other cube are
- added to the original cover and irredundant finds a minimal subset.
- If one of the reduced cubes expands to cover some other reduced
- cube, then the new prime thus generated is a candidate for reducing
- the size of the cover.
- super_gasp is a variation on this strategy which extracts a minimal
- subset from the set of all prime implicants which cover all
- maximally reduced cubes.
-#include "espresso.h"
- * reduce_gasp -- compute the maximal reduction of each cube of F
- *
- * If a cube does not reduce, it remains prime; otherwise, it is marked
- * as nonprime. If the cube is redundant (should NEVER happen here) we
- * just crap out ...
- *
- * A cover with all of the cubes of F is returned. Those that did
- * reduce are marked "NONPRIME"; those that reduced are marked "PRIME".
- * The cubes are in the same order as in F.
- */
-static pcover reduce_gasp(F, D)
-pcover F, D;
- pcube p, last, cunder, *FD;
- pcover G;
- G = new_cover(F->count);
- FD = cube2list(F, D);
- /* Reduce cubes of F without replacement */
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- cunder = reduce_cube(FD, p);
- if (setp_empty(cunder)) {
- fatal("empty reduction in reduce_gasp, shouldn't happen");
- } else if (setp_equal(cunder, p)) {
- SET(cunder, PRIME); /* just to make sure */
- G = sf_addset(G, p); /* it did not reduce ... */
- } else {
- RESET(cunder, PRIME); /* it reduced ... */
- G = sf_addset(G, cunder);
- }
- if (debug & GASP) {
- printf("REDUCE_GASP: %s reduced to %s\n", pc1(p), pc2(cunder));
- }
- free_cube(cunder);
- }
- free_cubelist(FD);
- return G;
- * expand_gasp -- expand each nonprime cube of F into a prime implicant
- *
- * The gasp strategy differs in that only those cubes which expand to
- * cover some other cube are saved; also, all cubes are expanded
- * regardless of whether they become covered or not.
- */
-pcover expand_gasp(F, D, R, Foriginal)
-INOUT pcover F;
-IN pcover D;
-IN pcover R;
-IN pcover Foriginal;
- int c1index;
- pcover G;
- /* Try to expand each nonprime and noncovered cube */
- G = new_cover(10);
- for(c1index = 0; c1index < F->count; c1index++) {
- expand1_gasp(F, D, R, Foriginal, c1index, &G);
- }
- G = sf_dupl(G);
- G = expand(G, R, /*nonsparse*/ FALSE); /* Make them prime ! */
- return G;
- * expand1 -- Expand a single cube against the OFF-set, using the gasp strategy
- */
-void expand1_gasp(F, D, R, Foriginal, c1index, G)
-pcover F; /* reduced cubes of ON-set */
-pcover D; /* DC-set */
-pcover R; /* OFF-set */
-pcover Foriginal; /* ON-set before reduction (same order as F) */
-int c1index; /* which index of F (or Freduced) to be checked */
-pcover *G;
- register int c2index;
- register pcube p, last, c2under;
- pcube RAISE, FREESET, temp, *FD, c2essential;
- pcover F1;
- if (debug & EXPAND1) {
- printf("\nEXPAND1_GASP: \t%s\n", pc1(GETSET(F, c1index)));
- }
- RAISE = new_cube();
- FREESET = new_cube();
- temp = new_cube();
- /* Initialize the OFF-set */
- R->active_count = R->count;
- foreach_set(R, last, p) {
- }
- /* Initialize the reduced ON-set, all nonprime cubes become active */
- F->active_count = F->count;
- foreachi_set(F, c2index, c2under) {
- if (c1index == c2index || TESTP(c2under, PRIME)) {
- F->active_count--;
- RESET(c2under, ACTIVE);
- } else {
- SET(c2under, ACTIVE);
- }
- }
- /* Initialize the raising and unassigned sets */
- (void) set_copy(RAISE, GETSET(F, c1index));
- (void) set_diff(FREESET, cube.fullset, RAISE);
- /* Determine parts which must be lowered */
- essen_parts(R, F, RAISE, FREESET);
- /* Determine parts which can always be raised */
- essen_raising(R, RAISE, FREESET);
- /* See which, if any, of the reduced cubes we can cover */
- foreachi_set(F, c2index, c2under) {
- if (TESTP(c2under, ACTIVE)) {
- /* See if this cube can be covered by an expansion */
- if (setp_implies(c2under, RAISE) ||
- feasibly_covered(R, c2under, RAISE, temp)) {
- /* See if c1under can expanded to cover c2 reduced against
- * (F - c1) u c1under; if so, c2 can definitely be removed !
- */
- /* Copy F and replace c1 with c1under */
- F1 = sf_save(Foriginal);
- (void) set_copy(GETSET(F1, c1index), GETSET(F, c1index));
- /* Reduce c2 against ((F - c1) u c1under) */
- FD = cube2list(F1, D);
- c2essential = reduce_cube(FD, GETSET(F1, c2index));
- free_cubelist(FD);
- sf_free(F1);
- /* See if c2essential is covered by an expansion of c1under */
- if (feasibly_covered(R, c2essential, RAISE, temp)) {
- (void) set_or(temp, RAISE, c2essential);
- RESET(temp, PRIME); /* cube not prime */
- *G = sf_addset(*G, temp);
- }
- set_free(c2essential);
- }
- }
- }
- free_cube(RAISE);
- free_cube(FREESET);
- free_cube(temp);
-/* irred_gasp -- Add new primes to F and find an irredundant subset */
-pcover irred_gasp(F, D, G)
-pcover F, D, G; /* G is disposed of */
- if (G->count != 0)
- F = irredundant(sf_append(F, G), D);
- else
- free_cover(G);
- return F;
-/* last_gasp */
-pcover last_gasp(F, D, R, cost)
-pcover F, D, R;
-cost_t *cost;
- pcover G, G1;
- EXECUTE(G = reduce_gasp(F, D), GREDUCE_TIME, G, *cost);
- EXECUTE(G1 = expand_gasp(G, D, R, F), GEXPAND_TIME, G1, *cost);
- free_cover(G);
- EXECUTE(F = irred_gasp(F, D, G1), GIRRED_TIME, F, *cost);
- return F;
-/* super_gasp */
-pcover super_gasp(F, D, R, cost)
-pcover F, D, R;
-cost_t *cost;
- pcover G, G1;
- EXECUTE(G = reduce_gasp(F, D), GREDUCE_TIME, G, *cost);
- EXECUTE(G1 = all_primes(G, R), GEXPAND_TIME, G1, *cost);
- free_cover(G);
- EXEC(G = sf_dupl(sf_append(F, G1)), "NEWPRIMES", G);
- EXECUTE(F = irredundant(G, D), IRRED_TIME, F, *cost);
- return F;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/gimpel.c b/src/misc/espresso/gimpel.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 648bb64a..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/gimpel.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "mincov_int.h"
- * check for:
- *
- * c1 c2 rest
- * -- -- ---
- * 1 1 0 0 0 0 <-- primary row
- * 1 0 S1 <-- secondary row
- * 0 1 T1
- * 0 1 T2
- * 0 1 Tn
- * 0 0 R
- */
-gimpel_reduce(A, select, weight, lb, bound, depth, stats, best)
-sm_matrix *A;
-solution_t *select;
-int *weight;
-int lb;
-int bound;
-int depth;
-stats_t *stats;
-solution_t **best;
- register sm_row *prow, *save_sec;
- register sm_col *c1, *c2;
- register sm_element *p, *p1;
- int c1_col_num, c2_col_num, primary_row_num, secondary_row_num;
- int reduce_it;
- reduce_it = 0;
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row) {
- if (prow->length == 2) {
- c1 = sm_get_col(A, prow->first_col->col_num);
- c2 = sm_get_col(A, prow->last_col->col_num);
- if (c1->length == 2) {
- reduce_it = 1;
- } else if (c2->length == 2) {
- c1 = sm_get_col(A, prow->last_col->col_num);
- c2 = sm_get_col(A, prow->first_col->col_num);
- reduce_it = 1;
- }
- if (reduce_it) {
- primary_row_num = prow->row_num;
- secondary_row_num = c1->first_row->row_num;
- if (secondary_row_num == primary_row_num) {
- secondary_row_num = c1->last_row->row_num;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (reduce_it) {
- c1_col_num = c1->col_num;
- c2_col_num = c2->col_num;
- save_sec = sm_row_dup(sm_get_row(A, secondary_row_num));
- sm_row_remove(save_sec, c1_col_num);
- for(p = c2->first_row; p != 0; p = p->next_row) {
- if (p->row_num != primary_row_num) {
- /* merge rows S1 and T */
- for(p1 = save_sec->first_col; p1 != 0; p1 = p1->next_col) {
- (void) sm_insert(A, p->row_num, p1->col_num);
- }
- }
- }
- sm_delcol(A, c1_col_num);
- sm_delcol(A, c2_col_num);
- sm_delrow(A, primary_row_num);
- sm_delrow(A, secondary_row_num);
- stats->gimpel_count++;
- stats->gimpel++;
- *best = sm_mincov(A, select, weight, lb-1, bound-1, depth, stats);
- stats->gimpel--;
- if (*best != NIL(solution_t)) {
- /* is secondary row covered ? */
- if (sm_row_intersects(save_sec, (*best)->row)) {
- /* yes, actually select c2 */
- solution_add(*best, weight, c2_col_num);
- } else {
- solution_add(*best, weight, c1_col_num);
- }
- }
- sm_row_free(save_sec);
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/globals.c b/src/misc/espresso/globals.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d04771e9..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/globals.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
- * Global Variable Declarations
- */
-unsigned int debug; /* debug parameter */
-bool verbose_debug; /* -v: whether to print a lot */
-char *total_name[TIME_COUNT]; /* basic function names */
-long total_time[TIME_COUNT]; /* time spent in basic fcts */
-int total_calls[TIME_COUNT]; /* # calls to each fct */
-bool echo_comments; /* turned off by -eat option */
-bool echo_unknown_commands; /* always true ?? */
-bool force_irredundant; /* -nirr command line option */
-bool skip_make_sparse;
-bool kiss; /* -kiss command line option */
-bool pos; /* -pos command line option */
-bool print_solution; /* -x command line option */
-bool recompute_onset; /* -onset command line option */
-bool remove_essential; /* -ness command line option */
-bool single_expand; /* -fast command line option */
-bool summary; /* -s command line option */
-bool trace; /* -t command line option */
-bool unwrap_onset; /* -nunwrap command line option */
-bool use_random_order; /* -random command line option */
-bool use_super_gasp; /* -strong command line option */
-char *filename; /* filename PLA was read from */
-struct pla_types_struct pla_types[] = {
- "-f", F_type,
- "-r", R_type,
- "-d", D_type,
- "-fd", FD_type,
- "-fr", FR_type,
- "-dr", DR_type,
- "-fdr", FDR_type,
- "-fc", F_type | CONSTRAINTS_type,
- "-rc", R_type | CONSTRAINTS_type,
- "-dc", D_type | CONSTRAINTS_type,
- "-fdc", FD_type | CONSTRAINTS_type,
- "-frc", FR_type | CONSTRAINTS_type,
- "-drc", DR_type | CONSTRAINTS_type,
- "-fdrc", FDR_type | CONSTRAINTS_type,
- "-pleasure", PLEASURE_type,
- "-eqn", EQNTOTT_type,
- "-eqntott", EQNTOTT_type,
- "-kiss", KISS_type,
- "-cons", CONSTRAINTS_type,
- "-scons", SYMBOLIC_CONSTRAINTS_type,
- 0, 0
-struct cube_struct cube, temp_cube_save;
-struct cdata_struct cdata, temp_cdata_save;
-int bit_count[256] = {
- 0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,
- 1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,
- 1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,
- 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,
- 1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,
- 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,
- 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,
- 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,5,6,6,7,6,7,7,8
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/hack.c b/src/misc/espresso/hack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 927f5341..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/hack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,641 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
- int var, i;
- pcover Tplus, Tminus, Tplusbar, Tminusbar;
- pcover newf, term1, term2, dcset, dcsetbar;
- pcube cplus, cminus, last, p;
- if (PLA->label == NIL(char *) || PLA->label[0] == NIL(char))
- return;
- /* try to find a binary variable named "DONT_CARE" */
- var = -1;
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars * 2; i++) {
- if (strncmp(PLA->label[i], "DONT_CARE", 9) == 0 ||
- strncmp(PLA->label[i], "DONTCARE", 8) == 0 ||
- strncmp(PLA->label[i], "dont_care", 9) == 0 ||
- strncmp(PLA->label[i], "dontcare", 8) == 0) {
- var = i/2;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (var == -1) {
- return;
- }
- /* form the cofactor cubes for the don't-care variable */
- cplus = set_save(cube.fullset);
- cminus = set_save(cube.fullset);
- set_remove(cplus, var*2);
- set_remove(cminus, var*2 + 1);
- /* form the don't-care set */
- EXEC(simp_comp(cofactor(cube1list(PLA->F), cplus), &Tplus, &Tplusbar),
- "simpcomp+", Tplus);
- EXEC(simp_comp(cofactor(cube1list(PLA->F), cminus), &Tminus, &Tminusbar),
- "simpcomp-", Tminus);
- EXEC(term1 = cv_intersect(Tplus, Tminusbar), "term1 ", term1);
- EXEC(term2 = cv_intersect(Tminus, Tplusbar), "term2 ", term2);
- EXEC(dcset = sf_union(term1, term2), "union ", dcset);
- EXEC(simp_comp(cube1list(dcset), &PLA->D, &dcsetbar), "simplify", PLA->D);
- EXEC(newf = cv_intersect(PLA->F, dcsetbar), "separate ", PLA->F);
- free_cover(PLA->F);
- PLA->F = newf;
- free_cover(Tplus);
- free_cover(Tminus);
- free_cover(Tplusbar);
- free_cover(Tminusbar);
- free_cover(dcsetbar);
- /* remove any cubes dependent on the DONT_CARE variable */
- (void) sf_active(PLA->F);
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last, p) {
- if (! is_in_set(p, var*2) || ! is_in_set(p, var*2+1)) {
- }
- }
- PLA->F = sf_inactive(PLA->F);
- /* resize the cube and delete the don't-care variable */
- setdown_cube();
- for(i = 2*var+2; i < cube.size; i++) {
- PLA->label[i-2] = PLA->label[i];
- }
- for(i = var+1; i < cube.num_vars; i++) {
- cube.part_size[i-1] = cube.part_size[i];
- }
- cube.num_binary_vars--;
- cube.num_vars--;
- cube_setup();
- PLA->F = sf_delc(PLA->F, 2*var, 2*var+1);
- PLA->D = sf_delc(PLA->D, 2*var, 2*var+1);
- pset_family newF, newD;
- pset compress;
- symbolic_t *p1;
- symbolic_list_t *p2;
- int i, bit, tot_size, base, old_size;
- /* Remove the DC-set from the ON-set (is this necessary ??) */
- if (PLA->D->count > 0) {
- sf_free(PLA->F);
- PLA->F = complement(cube2list(PLA->D, PLA->R));
- }
- /* tot_size = width added for all symbolic variables */
- tot_size = 0;
- for(p1=PLA->symbolic_output; p1!=NIL(symbolic_t); p1=p1->next) {
- for(p2=p1->symbolic_list; p2!=NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2=p2->next) {
- if (p2->pos<0 || p2->pos>=cube.part_size[cube.output]) {
- fatal("symbolic-output index out of range");
-/* } else if (p2->variable != cube.output) {
- fatal("symbolic-output label must be an output");*/
- }
- }
- tot_size += 1 << p1->symbolic_list_length;
- }
- /* adjust the indices to skip over new outputs */
- for(p1=PLA->symbolic_output; p1!=NIL(symbolic_t); p1=p1->next) {
- for(p2=p1->symbolic_list; p2!=NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2=p2->next) {
- p2->pos += tot_size;
- }
- }
- /* resize the cube structure -- add enough for the one-hot outputs */
- old_size = cube.size;
- cube.part_size[cube.output] += tot_size;
- setdown_cube();
- cube_setup();
- /* insert space in the output part for the one-hot output */
- base = cube.first_part[cube.output];
- PLA->F = sf_addcol(PLA->F, base, tot_size);
- PLA->D = sf_addcol(PLA->D, base, tot_size);
- PLA->R = sf_addcol(PLA->R, base, tot_size);
- /* do the real work */
- for(p1=PLA->symbolic_output; p1!=NIL(symbolic_t); p1=p1->next) {
- newF = new_cover(100);
- newD = new_cover(100);
- find_inputs(NIL(set_family_t), PLA, p1->symbolic_list, base, 0,
- &newF, &newD);
- * Not sure what this means
- find_dc_inputs(PLA, p1->symbolic_list,
- base, 1 << p1->symbolic_list_length, &newF, &newD);
- */
- free_cover(PLA->F);
- PLA->F = newF;
- * retain OLD DC-set -- but we've lost the don't-care arc information
- * (it defaults to branch to the zero state)
- free_cover(PLA->D);
- PLA->D = newD;
- */
- free_cover(newD);
- base += 1 << p1->symbolic_list_length;
- }
- /* delete the old outputs, and resize the cube */
- compress = set_full(newF->sf_size);
- for(p1=PLA->symbolic_output; p1!=NIL(symbolic_t); p1=p1->next) {
- for(p2=p1->symbolic_list; p2!=NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2=p2->next) {
- bit = cube.first_part[cube.output] + p2->pos;
- set_remove(compress, bit);
- }
- }
- cube.part_size[cube.output] -= newF->sf_size - set_ord(compress);
- setdown_cube();
- cube_setup();
- PLA->F = sf_compress(PLA->F, compress);
- PLA->D = sf_compress(PLA->D, compress);
- if (cube.size != PLA->F->sf_size) fatal("error");
- /* Quick minimization */
- PLA->F = sf_contain(PLA->F);
- PLA->D = sf_contain(PLA->D);
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_vars; i++) {
- PLA->F = d1merge(PLA->F, i);
- PLA->D = d1merge(PLA->D, i);
- }
- PLA->F = sf_contain(PLA->F);
- PLA->D = sf_contain(PLA->D);
- free_cover(PLA->R);
- PLA->R = new_cover(0);
- symbolic_hack_labels(PLA, PLA->symbolic_output,
- compress, cube.size, old_size, tot_size);
- set_free(compress);
-find_inputs(A, PLA, list, base, value, newF, newD)
-pcover A;
-symbolic_list_t *list;
-int base, value;
-pcover *newF, *newD;
- pcover S, S1;
- register pset last, p;
- /*
- * A represents th 'input' values for which the outputs assume
- * the integer value 'value
- */
- if (list == NIL(symbolic_list_t)) {
- /*
- * Simulate these inputs against the on-set; then, insert into the
- * new on-set a 1 in the proper position
- */
- S = cv_intersect(A, PLA->F);
- foreach_set(S, last, p) {
- set_insert(p, base + value);
- }
- *newF = sf_append(*newF, S);
- /*
- * 'simulate' these inputs against the don't-care set
- S = cv_intersect(A, PLA->D);
- *newD = sf_append(*newD, S);
- */
- } else {
- /* intersect and recur with the OFF-set */
- S = cof_output(PLA->R, cube.first_part[cube.output] + list->pos);
- if (A != NIL(set_family_t)) {
- S1 = cv_intersect(A, S);
- free_cover(S);
- S = S1;
- }
- find_inputs(S, PLA, list->next, base, value*2, newF, newD);
- free_cover(S);
- /* intersect and recur with the ON-set */
- S = cof_output(PLA->F, cube.first_part[cube.output] + list->pos);
- if (A != NIL(set_family_t)) {
- S1 = cv_intersect(A, S);
- free_cover(S);
- S = S1;
- }
- find_inputs(S, PLA, list->next, base, value*2 + 1, newF, newD);
- free_cover(S);
- }
-#if 0
-find_dc_inputs(PLA, list, base, maxval, newF, newD)
-symbolic_list_t *list;
-int base, maxval;
-pcover *newF, *newD;
- pcover A, S, S1;
- symbolic_list_t *p2;
- register pset p, last;
- register int i;
- /* painfully find the points for which the symbolic output is dc */
- A = NIL(set_family_t);
- for(p2=list; p2!=NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2=p2->next) {
- S = cof_output(PLA->D, cube.first_part[cube.output] + p2->pos);
- if (A == NIL(set_family_t)) {
- A = S;
- } else {
- S1 = cv_intersect(A, S);
- free_cover(S);
- free_cover(A);
- A = S1;
- }
- }
- S = cv_intersect(A, PLA->F);
- *newF = sf_append(*newF, S);
- S = cv_intersect(A, PLA->D);
- foreach_set(S, last, p) {
- for(i = base; i < base + maxval; i++) {
- set_insert(p, i);
- }
- }
- *newD = sf_append(*newD, S);
- free_cover(A);
- symbolic_t *p1;
- symbolic_list_t *p2;
- int var, base, num_vars, num_binary_vars, *new_part_size;
- int new_size, size_added, num_deleted_vars, num_added_vars, newvar;
- pset compress;
- /* Verify legal values are in the symbolic lists */
- for(p1 = PLA->symbolic; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1->next) {
- for(p2=p1->symbolic_list; p2!=NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2=p2->next) {
- if (p2->variable < 0 || p2->variable >= cube.num_binary_vars) {
- fatal(".symbolic requires binary variables");
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * size_added = width added for all symbolic variables
- * num_deleted_vars = # binary variables to be deleted
- * num_added_vars = # new mv variables
- * compress = a cube which will be used to compress the set families
- */
- size_added = 0;
- num_added_vars = 0;
- for(p1 = PLA->symbolic; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1->next) {
- size_added += 1 << p1->symbolic_list_length;
- num_added_vars++;
- }
- compress = set_full(PLA->F->sf_size + size_added);
- for(p1 = PLA->symbolic; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1->next) {
- for(p2=p1->symbolic_list; p2!=NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2=p2->next) {
- set_remove(compress, p2->variable*2);
- set_remove(compress, p2->variable*2+1);
- }
- }
- num_deleted_vars = ((PLA->F->sf_size + size_added) - set_ord(compress))/2;
- /* compute the new cube constants */
- num_vars = cube.num_vars - num_deleted_vars + num_added_vars;
- num_binary_vars = cube.num_binary_vars - num_deleted_vars;
- new_size = cube.size - num_deleted_vars*2 + size_added;
- new_part_size = ALLOC(int, num_vars);
- new_part_size[num_vars-1] = cube.part_size[cube.num_vars-1];
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars-1; var++) {
- new_part_size[var-num_deleted_vars] = cube.part_size[var];
- }
- /* re-size the covers, opening room for the new mv variables */
- base = cube.first_part[cube.output];
- PLA->F = sf_addcol(PLA->F, base, size_added);
- PLA->D = sf_addcol(PLA->D, base, size_added);
- PLA->R = sf_addcol(PLA->R, base, size_added);
- /* compute the values for the new mv variables */
- newvar = (cube.num_vars - 1) - num_deleted_vars;
- for(p1 = PLA->symbolic; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1->next) {
- PLA->F = map_symbolic_cover(PLA->F, p1->symbolic_list, base);
- PLA->D = map_symbolic_cover(PLA->D, p1->symbolic_list, base);
- PLA->R = map_symbolic_cover(PLA->R, p1->symbolic_list, base);
- base += 1 << p1->symbolic_list_length;
- new_part_size[newvar++] = 1 << p1->symbolic_list_length;
- }
- /* delete the binary variables which disappear */
- PLA->F = sf_compress(PLA->F, compress);
- PLA->D = sf_compress(PLA->D, compress);
- PLA->R = sf_compress(PLA->R, compress);
- symbolic_hack_labels(PLA, PLA->symbolic, compress,
- new_size, cube.size, size_added);
- setdown_cube();
- FREE(cube.part_size);
- cube.num_vars = num_vars;
- cube.num_binary_vars = num_binary_vars;
- cube.part_size = new_part_size;
- cube_setup();
- set_free(compress);
-pcover map_symbolic_cover(T, list, base)
-pcover T;
-symbolic_list_t *list;
-int base;
- pset last, p;
- foreach_set(T, last, p) {
- form_bitvector(p, base, 0, list);
- }
- return T;
-form_bitvector(p, base, value, list)
-pset p; /* old cube, looking at binary variables */
-int base; /* where in mv cube the new variable starts */
-int value; /* current value for this recursion */
-symbolic_list_t *list; /* current place in the symbolic list */
- if (list == NIL(symbolic_list_t)) {
- set_insert(p, base + value);
- } else {
- switch(GETINPUT(p, list->variable)) {
- case ZERO:
- form_bitvector(p, base, value*2, list->next);
- break;
- case ONE:
- form_bitvector(p, base, value*2+1, list->next);
- break;
- case TWO:
- form_bitvector(p, base, value*2, list->next);
- form_bitvector(p, base, value*2+1, list->next);
- break;
- default:
- fatal("bad cube in form_bitvector");
- }
- }
-symbolic_hack_labels(PLA, list, compress, new_size, old_size, size_added)
-symbolic_t *list;
-pset compress;
-int new_size, old_size, size_added;
- int i, base;
- char **oldlabel;
- symbolic_t *p1;
- symbolic_label_t *p3;
- /* hack with the labels */
- if ((oldlabel = PLA->label) == NIL(char *))
- return;
- PLA->label = ALLOC(char *, new_size);
- for(i = 0; i < new_size; i++) {
- PLA->label[i] = NIL(char);
- }
- /* copy the binary variable labels and unchanged mv variable labels */
- base = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < cube.first_part[cube.output]; i++) {
- if (is_in_set(compress, i)) {
- PLA->label[base++] = oldlabel[i];
- } else {
- if (oldlabel[i] != NIL(char)) {
- FREE(oldlabel[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- /* add the user-defined labels for the symbolic outputs */
- for(p1 = list; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1->next) {
- p3 = p1->symbolic_label;
- for(i = 0; i < (1 << p1->symbolic_list_length); i++) {
- if (p3 == NIL(symbolic_label_t)) {
- PLA->label[base+i] = ALLOC(char, 10);
- (void) sprintf(PLA->label[base+i], "X%d", i);
- } else {
- PLA->label[base+i] = p3->label;
- p3 = p3->next;
- }
- }
- base += 1 << p1->symbolic_list_length;
- }
- /* copy the labels for the binary outputs which remain */
- for(i = cube.first_part[cube.output]; i < old_size; i++) {
- if (is_in_set(compress, i + size_added)) {
- PLA->label[base++] = oldlabel[i];
- } else {
- if (oldlabel[i] != NIL(char)) {
- FREE(oldlabel[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- FREE(oldlabel);
-static pcover fsm_simplify(F)
-pcover F;
- pcover D, R;
- D = new_cover(0);
- R = complement(cube1list(F));
- F = espresso(F, D, R);
- free_cover(D);
- free_cover(R);
- return F;
-disassemble_fsm(PLA, verbose_mode)
-int verbose_mode;
- int nin, nstates, nout;
- int before, after, present_state, next_state, i, j;
- pcube next_state_mask, present_state_mask, state_mask, p, p1, last;
- pcover go_nowhere, F, tF;
- /* We make the DISGUSTING assumption that the first 'n' outputs have
- * been created by .symbolic-output, and represent a one-hot encoding
- * of the next state. 'n' is the size of the second-to-last multiple-
- * valued variable (i.e., before the outputs
- */
- if (cube.num_vars - cube.num_binary_vars != 2) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr,
- "use .symbolic and .symbolic-output to specify\n");
- (void) fprintf(stderr,
- "the present state and next state field information\n");
- fatal("disassemble_pla: need two multiple-valued variables\n");
- }
- nin = cube.num_binary_vars;
- nstates = cube.part_size[cube.num_binary_vars];
- nout = cube.part_size[cube.num_vars - 1];
- if (nout < nstates) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr,
- "use .symbolic and .symbolic-output to specify\n");
- (void) fprintf(stderr,
- "the present state and next state field information\n");
- fatal("disassemble_pla: # outputs < # states\n");
- }
- present_state = cube.first_part[cube.num_binary_vars];
- present_state_mask = new_cube();
- for(i = 0; i < nstates; i++) {
- set_insert(present_state_mask, i + present_state);
- }
- next_state = cube.first_part[cube.num_binary_vars+1];
- next_state_mask = new_cube();
- for(i = 0; i < nstates; i++) {
- set_insert(next_state_mask, i + next_state);
- }
- state_mask = set_or(new_cube(), next_state_mask, present_state_mask);
- F = new_cover(10);
- /*
- * check for arcs which go from ANY state to state #i
- */
- for(i = 0; i < nstates; i++) {
- tF = new_cover(10);
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last, p) {
- if (setp_implies(present_state_mask, p)) { /* from any state ! */
- if (is_in_set(p, next_state + i)) {
- tF = sf_addset(tF, p);
- }
- }
- }
- before = tF->count;
- if (before > 0) {
- tF = fsm_simplify(tF);
- /* don't allow the next state to disappear ... */
- foreach_set(tF, last, p) {
- set_insert(p, next_state + i);
- }
- after = tF->count;
- F = sf_append(F, tF);
- if (verbose_mode) {
- printf("# state EVERY to %d, before=%d after=%d\n",
- i, before, after);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * some 'arcs' may NOT have a next state -- handle these
- * we must unravel the present state part
- */
- go_nowhere = new_cover(10);
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last, p) {
- if (setp_disjoint(p, next_state_mask)) { /* no next state !! */
- go_nowhere = sf_addset(go_nowhere, p);
- }
- }
- before = go_nowhere->count;
- go_nowhere = unravel_range(go_nowhere,
- cube.num_binary_vars, cube.num_binary_vars);
- after = go_nowhere->count;
- F = sf_append(F, go_nowhere);
- if (verbose_mode) {
- printf("# state ANY to NOWHERE, before=%d after=%d\n", before, after);
- }
- /*
- * minimize cover for all arcs from state #i to state #j
- */
- for(i = 0; i < nstates; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j < nstates; j++) {
- tF = new_cover(10);
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last, p) {
- /* not EVERY state */
- if (! setp_implies(present_state_mask, p)) {
- if (is_in_set(p, present_state + i)) {
- if (is_in_set(p, next_state + j)) {
- p1 = set_save(p);
- set_diff(p1, p1, state_mask);
- set_insert(p1, present_state + i);
- set_insert(p1, next_state + j);
- tF = sf_addset(tF, p1);
- set_free(p1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- before = tF->count;
- if (before > 0) {
- tF = fsm_simplify(tF);
- /* don't allow the next state to disappear ... */
- foreach_set(tF, last, p) {
- set_insert(p, next_state + j);
- }
- after = tF->count;
- F = sf_append(F, tF);
- if (verbose_mode) {
- printf("# state %d to %d, before=%d after=%d\n",
- i, j, before, after);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- free_cube(state_mask);
- free_cube(present_state_mask);
- free_cube(next_state_mask);
- free_cover(PLA->F);
- PLA->F = F;
- free_cover(PLA->D);
- PLA->D = new_cover(0);
- setdown_cube();
- FREE(cube.part_size);
- cube.num_binary_vars = nin;
- cube.num_vars = nin + 3;
- cube.part_size = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- cube.part_size[cube.num_binary_vars] = nstates;
- cube.part_size[cube.num_binary_vars+1] = nstates;
- cube.part_size[cube.num_binary_vars+2] = nout - nstates;
- cube_setup();
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last, p) {
- kiss_print_cube(stdout, PLA, p, "~1");
- }
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/indep.c b/src/misc/espresso/indep.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 10b363a0..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/indep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "mincov_int.h"
-static sm_matrix *build_intersection_matrix();
-#if 0
- * verify that all rows in 'indep' are actually independent !
- */
-static int
-verify_indep_set(A, indep)
-sm_matrix *A;
-sm_row *indep;
- register sm_row *prow, *prow1;
- register sm_element *p, *p1;
- for(p = indep->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- prow = sm_get_row(A, p->col_num);
- for(p1 = p->next_col; p1 != 0; p1 = p1->next_col) {
- prow1 = sm_get_row(A, p1->col_num);
- if (sm_row_intersects(prow, prow1)) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
-solution_t *
-sm_maximal_independent_set(A, weight)
-sm_matrix *A;
-int *weight;
- register sm_row *best_row, *prow;
- register sm_element *p;
- int least_weight;
- sm_row *save;
- sm_matrix *B;
- solution_t *indep;
- indep = solution_alloc();
- B = build_intersection_matrix(A);
- while (B->nrows > 0) {
- /* Find the row which is disjoint from a maximum number of rows */
- best_row = B->first_row;
- for(prow = B->first_row->next_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row) {
- if (prow->length < best_row->length) {
- best_row = prow;
- }
- }
- /* Find which element in this row has least weight */
- if (weight == NIL(int)) {
- least_weight = 1;
- } else {
- prow = sm_get_row(A, best_row->row_num);
- least_weight = weight[prow->first_col->col_num];
- for(p = prow->first_col->next_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- if (weight[p->col_num] < least_weight) {
- least_weight = weight[p->col_num];
- }
- }
- }
- indep->cost += least_weight;
- (void) sm_row_insert(indep->row, best_row->row_num);
- /* Discard the rows which intersect this row */
- save = sm_row_dup(best_row);
- for(p = save->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- sm_delrow(B, p->col_num);
- sm_delcol(B, p->col_num);
- }
- sm_row_free(save);
- }
- sm_free(B);
- if (! verify_indep_set(A, indep->row)) {
- fail("sm_maximal_independent_set: row set is not independent");
- }
- return indep;
-static sm_matrix *
-sm_matrix *A;
- register sm_row *prow, *prow1;
- register sm_element *p, *p1;
- register sm_col *pcol;
- sm_matrix *B;
- /* Build row-intersection matrix */
- B = sm_alloc();
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row) {
- /* Clear flags on all rows we can reach from row 'prow' */
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- pcol = sm_get_col(A, p->col_num);
- for(p1 = pcol->first_row; p1 != 0; p1 = p1->next_row) {
- prow1 = sm_get_row(A, p1->row_num);
- prow1->flag = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Now record which rows can be reached */
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- pcol = sm_get_col(A, p->col_num);
- for(p1 = pcol->first_row; p1 != 0; p1 = p1->next_row) {
- prow1 = sm_get_row(A, p1->row_num);
- if (! prow1->flag) {
- prow1->flag = 1;
- (void) sm_insert(B, prow->row_num, prow1->row_num);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return B;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/irred.c b/src/misc/espresso/irred.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 384e698f..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/irred.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-static void fcube_is_covered();
-static void ftautology();
-static bool ftaut_special_cases();
-static int Rp_current;
- * irredundant -- Return a minimal subset of F
- */
-irredundant(F, D)
-pcover F, D;
- mark_irredundant(F, D);
- return sf_inactive(F);
- * mark_irredundant -- find redundant cubes, and mark them "INACTIVE"
- */
-mark_irredundant(F, D)
-pcover F, D;
- pcover E, Rt, Rp;
- pset p, p1, last;
- sm_matrix *table;
- sm_row *cover;
- sm_element *pe;
- /* extract a minimum cover */
- irred_split_cover(F, D, &E, &Rt, &Rp);
- table = irred_derive_table(D, E, Rp);
- cover = sm_minimum_cover(table, NIL(int), /* heuristic */ 1, /* debug */ 0);
- /* mark the cubes for the result */
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- }
- foreach_set(E, last, p) {
- p1 = GETSET(F, SIZE(p));
- assert(setp_equal(p1, p));
- SET(p1, ACTIVE);
- SET(p1, RELESSEN); /* for essen(), mark as rel. ess. */
- }
- sm_foreach_row_element(cover, pe) {
- p1 = GETSET(F, pe->col_num);
- SET(p1, ACTIVE);
- }
- if (debug & IRRED) {
- printf("# IRRED: F=%d E=%d R=%d Rt=%d Rp=%d Rc=%d Final=%d Bound=%d\n",
- F->count, E->count, Rt->count+Rp->count, Rt->count, Rp->count,
- cover->length, E->count + cover->length, 0);
- }
- free_cover(E);
- free_cover(Rt);
- free_cover(Rp);
- sm_free(table);
- sm_row_free(cover);
- * irred_split_cover -- find E, Rt, and Rp from the cover F, D
- *
- * E -- relatively essential cubes
- * Rt -- totally redundant cubes
- * Rp -- partially redundant cubes
- */
-irred_split_cover(F, D, E, Rt, Rp)
-pcover F, D;
-pcover *E, *Rt, *Rp;
- register pcube p, last;
- register int index;
- pcover R;
- pcube *FD, *ED;
- /* number the cubes of F -- these numbers track into E, Rp, Rt, etc. */
- index = 0;
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- PUTSIZE(p, index);
- index++;
- }
- *E = new_cover(10);
- *Rt = new_cover(10);
- *Rp = new_cover(10);
- R = new_cover(10);
- /* Split F into E and R */
- FD = cube2list(F, D);
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- if (cube_is_covered(FD, p)) {
- R = sf_addset(R, p);
- } else {
- *E = sf_addset(*E, p);
- }
- if (debug & IRRED1) {
- (void) printf("IRRED1: zr=%d ze=%d to-go=%d time=%s\n",
- R->count, (*E)->count, F->count - (R->count + (*E)->count),
- print_time(ptime()));
- }
- }
- free_cubelist(FD);
- /* Split R into Rt and Rp */
- ED = cube2list(*E, D);
- foreach_set(R, last, p) {
- if (cube_is_covered(ED, p)) {
- *Rt = sf_addset(*Rt, p);
- } else {
- *Rp = sf_addset(*Rp, p);
- }
- if (debug & IRRED1) {
- (void) printf("IRRED1: zr=%d zrt=%d to-go=%d time=%s\n",
- (*Rp)->count, (*Rt)->count,
- R->count - ((*Rp)->count +(*Rt)->count), print_time(ptime()));
- }
- }
- free_cubelist(ED);
- free_cover(R);
- * irred_derive_table -- given the covers D, E and the set of
- * partially redundant primes Rp, build a covering table showing
- * possible selections of primes to cover Rp.
- */
-sm_matrix *
-irred_derive_table(D, E, Rp)
-pcover D, E, Rp;
- register pcube last, p, *list;
- sm_matrix *table;
- int size_last_dominance, i;
- /* Mark each cube in DE as not part of the redundant set */
- foreach_set(D, last, p) {
- }
- foreach_set(E, last, p) {
- }
- /* Mark each cube in Rp as partially redundant */
- foreach_set(Rp, last, p) {
- SET(p, REDUND); /* belongs to redundant set */
- }
- /* For each cube in Rp, find ways to cover its minterms */
- list = cube3list(D, E, Rp);
- table = sm_alloc();
- size_last_dominance = 0;
- i = 0;
- foreach_set(Rp, last, p) {
- Rp_current = SIZE(p);
- fcube_is_covered(list, p, table);
- RESET(p, REDUND); /* can now consider this cube redundant */
- if (debug & IRRED1) {
- (void) printf("IRRED1: %d of %d to-go=%d, table=%dx%d time=%s\n",
- i, Rp->count, Rp->count - i,
- table->nrows, table->ncols, print_time(ptime()));
- }
- /* try to keep memory limits down by reducing table as we go along */
- if (table->nrows - size_last_dominance > 1000) {
- (void) sm_row_dominance(table);
- size_last_dominance = table->nrows;
- if (debug & IRRED1) {
- (void) printf("IRRED1: delete redundant rows, now %dx%d\n",
- table->nrows, table->ncols);
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- free_cubelist(list);
- return table;
-/* cube_is_covered -- determine if a cubelist "covers" a single cube */
-cube_is_covered(T, c)
-pcube *T, c;
- return tautology(cofactor(T,c));
-/* tautology -- answer the tautology question for T */
-pcube *T; /* T will be disposed of */
- register pcube cl, cr;
- register int best, result;
- static int taut_level = 0;
- if (debug & TAUT) {
- debug_print(T, "TAUTOLOGY", taut_level++);
- }
- if ((result = taut_special_cases(T)) == MAYBE) {
- cl = new_cube();
- cr = new_cube();
- best = binate_split_select(T, cl, cr, TAUT);
- result = tautology(scofactor(T, cl, best)) &&
- tautology(scofactor(T, cr, best));
- free_cubelist(T);
- free_cube(cl);
- free_cube(cr);
- }
- if (debug & TAUT) {
- printf("exit TAUTOLOGY[%d]: %s\n", --taut_level, print_bool(result));
- }
- return result;
- * taut_special_cases -- check special cases for tautology
- */
-pcube *T; /* will be disposed if answer is determined */
- register pcube *T1, *Tsave, p, ceil=cube.temp[0], temp=cube.temp[1];
- pcube *A, *B;
- int var;
- /* Check for a row of all 1's which implies tautology */
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (full_row(p, T[0])) {
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* Check for a column of all 0's which implies no tautology */
- INLINEset_copy(ceil, T[0]);
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- INLINEset_or(ceil, ceil, p);
- }
- if (! setp_equal(ceil, cube.fullset)) {
- free_cubelist(T);
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Collect column counts, determine unate variables, etc. */
- massive_count(T);
- /* If function is unate (and no row of all 1's), then no tautology */
- if (cdata.vars_unate == cdata.vars_active) {
- free_cubelist(T);
- return FALSE;
- /* If active in a single variable (and no column of 0's) then tautology */
- } else if (cdata.vars_active == 1) {
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- /* Check for unate variables, and reduce cover if there are any */
- } else if (cdata.vars_unate != 0) {
- /* Form a cube "ceil" with full variables in the unate variables */
- (void) set_copy(ceil, cube.emptyset);
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- if (cdata.is_unate[var]) {
- INLINEset_or(ceil, ceil, cube.var_mask[var]);
- }
- }
- /* Save only those cubes that are "full" in all unate variables */
- for(Tsave = T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != 0; ) {
- if (setp_implies(ceil, set_or(temp, p, T[0]))) {
- *Tsave++ = p;
- }
- }
- *Tsave++ = NULL;
- T[1] = (pcube) Tsave;
- if (debug & TAUT) {
- printf("UNATE_REDUCTION: %d unate variables, reduced to %d\n",
- cdata.vars_unate, CUBELISTSIZE(T));
- }
- goto start;
- /* Check for component reduction */
- } else if (cdata.var_zeros[] < CUBELISTSIZE(T) / 2) {
- if (cubelist_partition(T, &A, &B, debug & TAUT) == 0) {
- return MAYBE;
- } else {
- free_cubelist(T);
- if (tautology(A)) {
- free_cubelist(B);
- return TRUE;
- } else {
- return tautology(B);
- }
- }
- }
- /* We tried as hard as we could, but must recurse from here on */
- return MAYBE;
-/* fcube_is_covered -- determine exactly how a cubelist "covers" a cube */
-static void
-fcube_is_covered(T, c, table)
-pcube *T, c;
-sm_matrix *table;
- ftautology(cofactor(T,c), table);
-/* ftautology -- find ways to make a tautology */
-static void
-ftautology(T, table)
-pcube *T; /* T will be disposed of */
-sm_matrix *table;
- register pcube cl, cr;
- register int best;
- static int ftaut_level = 0;
- if (debug & TAUT) {
- debug_print(T, "FIND_TAUTOLOGY", ftaut_level++);
- }
- if (ftaut_special_cases(T, table) == MAYBE) {
- cl = new_cube();
- cr = new_cube();
- best = binate_split_select(T, cl, cr, TAUT);
- ftautology(scofactor(T, cl, best), table);
- ftautology(scofactor(T, cr, best), table);
- free_cubelist(T);
- free_cube(cl);
- free_cube(cr);
- }
- if (debug & TAUT) {
- (void) printf("exit FIND_TAUTOLOGY[%d]: table is %d by %d\n",
- --ftaut_level, table->nrows, table->ncols);
- }
-static bool
-ftaut_special_cases(T, table)
-pcube *T; /* will be disposed if answer is determined */
-sm_matrix *table;
- register pcube *T1, *Tsave, p, temp = cube.temp[0], ceil = cube.temp[1];
- int var, rownum;
- /* Check for a row of all 1's in the essential cubes */
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != 0; ) {
- if (! TESTP(p, REDUND)) {
- if (full_row(p, T[0])) {
- /* subspace is covered by essentials -- no new rows for table */
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Collect column counts, determine unate variables, etc. */
- massive_count(T);
- /* If function is unate, find the rows of all 1's */
- if (cdata.vars_unate == cdata.vars_active) {
- /* find which nonessentials cover this subspace */
- rownum = table->last_row ? table->last_row->row_num+1 : 0;
- (void) sm_insert(table, rownum, Rp_current);
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != 0; ) {
- if (TESTP(p, REDUND)) {
- /* See if a redundant cube covers this leaf */
- if (full_row(p, T[0])) {
- (void) sm_insert(table, rownum, (int) SIZE(p));
- }
- }
- }
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- /* Perform unate reduction if there are any unate variables */
- } else if (cdata.vars_unate != 0) {
- /* Form a cube "ceil" with full variables in the unate variables */
- (void) set_copy(ceil, cube.emptyset);
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- if (cdata.is_unate[var]) {
- INLINEset_or(ceil, ceil, cube.var_mask[var]);
- }
- }
- /* Save only those cubes that are "full" in all unate variables */
- for(Tsave = T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != 0; ) {
- if (setp_implies(ceil, set_or(temp, p, T[0]))) {
- *Tsave++ = p;
- }
- }
- *Tsave++ = 0;
- T[1] = (pcube) Tsave;
- if (debug & TAUT) {
- printf("UNATE_REDUCTION: %d unate variables, reduced to %d\n",
- cdata.vars_unate, CUBELISTSIZE(T));
- }
- goto start;
- }
- /* Not much we can do about it */
- return MAYBE;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/main.c b/src/misc/espresso/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a511c0e..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,746 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- * Main driver for espresso
- *
- * Old style -do xxx, -out xxx, etc. are still supported.
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-#include "main.h" /* table definitions for options */
-static FILE *last_fp;
-static int input_type = FD_type;
-main(argc, argv)
-int argc;
-char *argv[];
- int i, j, first, last, strategy, out_type, option;
- pcover F, Fold, Dold;
- pset last1, p;
- cost_t cost;
- bool error, exact_cover;
- long start;
- extern char *util_optarg;
- extern int util_optind;
- start = ptime();
- error = FALSE;
- init_runtime();
-#ifdef RANDOM
- srandom(314973);
- option = 0; /* default -D: ESPRESSO */
- out_type = F_type; /* default -o: default is ON-set only */
- debug = 0; /* default -d: no debugging info */
- verbose_debug = FALSE; /* default -v: not verbose */
- print_solution = TRUE; /* default -x: print the solution (!) */
- summary = FALSE; /* default -s: no summary */
- trace = FALSE; /* default -t: no trace information */
- strategy = 0; /* default -S: strategy number */
- first = -1; /* default -R: select range */
- last = -1;
- remove_essential = TRUE; /* default -e: */
- force_irredundant = TRUE;
- unwrap_onset = TRUE;
- single_expand = FALSE;
- pos = FALSE;
- recompute_onset = FALSE;
- use_super_gasp = FALSE;
- use_random_order = FALSE;
- kiss = FALSE;
- echo_comments = TRUE;
- echo_unknown_commands = TRUE;
- exact_cover = FALSE; /* for -qm option, the default */
- backward_compatibility_hack(&argc, argv, &option, &out_type);
- /* parse command line options*/
- while ((i = util_getopt(argc, argv, "D:S:de:o:r:stv:x")) != EOF) {
- switch(i) {
- case 'D': /* -Dcommand invokes a subcommand */
- for(j = 0; option_table[j].name != 0; j++) {
- if (strcmp(util_optarg, option_table[j].name) == 0) {
- option = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (option_table[j].name == 0) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad subcommand \"%s\"\n",
- argv[0], util_optarg);
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- case 'o': /* -ooutput selects and output option */
- for(j = 0; pla_types[j].key != 0; j++) {
- if (strcmp(util_optarg, pla_types[j].key+1) == 0) {
- out_type = pla_types[j].value;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (pla_types[j].key == 0) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad output type \"%s\"\n",
- argv[0], util_optarg);
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- case 'e': /* -eespresso selects an option for espresso */
- for(j = 0; esp_opt_table[j].name != 0; j++) {
- if (strcmp(util_optarg, esp_opt_table[j].name) == 0) {
- *(esp_opt_table[j].variable) = esp_opt_table[j].value;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (esp_opt_table[j].name == 0) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad espresso option \"%s\"\n",
- argv[0], util_optarg);
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- case 'd': /* -d turns on (softly) all debug switches */
- debug = debug_table[0].value;
- trace = TRUE;
- summary = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'v': /* -vdebug invokes a debug option */
- verbose_debug = TRUE;
- for(j = 0; debug_table[j].name != 0; j++) {
- if (strcmp(util_optarg, debug_table[j].name) == 0) {
- debug |= debug_table[j].value;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (debug_table[j].name == 0) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad debug type \"%s\"\n",
- argv[0], util_optarg);
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- case 't':
- trace = TRUE;
- break;
- case 's':
- summary = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'x': /* -x suppress printing of results */
- print_solution = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'S': /* -S sets a strategy for several cmds */
- strategy = atoi(util_optarg);
- break;
- case 'r': /* -r selects range (outputs or vars) */
- if (sscanf(util_optarg, "%d-%d", &first, &last) < 2) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad output range \"%s\"\n",
- argv[0], util_optarg);
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /* provide version information and summaries */
- if (summary || trace) {
- /* echo command line and arguments */
- printf("#");
- for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
- printf(" %s", argv[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf("# %s\n", VERSION);
- }
- /* the remaining arguments are argv[util_optind ... argc-1] */
- PLA = PLA1 = NIL(PLA_t);
- switch(option_table[option].num_plas) {
- case 2:
- if (util_optind+2 < argc) fatal("trailing arguments on command line");
- getPLA(util_optind++, argc, argv, option, &PLA, out_type);
- getPLA(util_optind++, argc, argv, option, &PLA1, out_type);
- break;
- case 1:
- if (util_optind+1 < argc) fatal("trailing arguments on command line");
- getPLA(util_optind++, argc, argv, option, &PLA, out_type);
- break;
- }
- if (util_optind < argc) fatal("trailing arguments on command line");
- if (summary || trace) {
- if (PLA != NIL(PLA_t)) PLA_summary(PLA);
- if (PLA1 != NIL(PLA_t)) PLA_summary(PLA1);
- }
- * Now a case-statement to decide what to do
- */
- switch(option_table[option].key) {
-/******************** Espresso operations ********************/
- Fold = sf_save(PLA->F);
- PLA->F = espresso(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R);
- EXECUTE(error=verify(PLA->F,Fold,PLA->D), VERIFY_TIME, PLA->F, cost);
- if (error) {
- print_solution = FALSE;
- PLA->F = Fold;
- (void) check_consistency(PLA);
- } else {
- free_cover(Fold);
- }
- break;
- int pla_type;
- do {
- EXEC(PLA->F=espresso(PLA->F,PLA->D,PLA->R),"ESPRESSO ",PLA->F);
- if (print_solution) {
- fprint_pla(stdout, PLA, out_type);
- (void) fflush(stdout);
- }
- pla_type = PLA->pla_type;
- free_PLA(PLA);
- setdown_cube();
- FREE(cube.part_size);
- } while (read_pla(last_fp, TRUE, TRUE, pla_type, &PLA) != EOF);
- exit(0);
- }
- case KEY_simplify:
- EXEC(PLA->F = simplify(cube1list(PLA->F)), "SIMPLIFY ", PLA->F);
- break;
- case KEY_so: /* minimize all functions as single-output */
- if (strategy < 0 || strategy > 1) {
- strategy = 0;
- }
- so_espresso(PLA, strategy);
- break;
- case KEY_so_both: /* minimize all functions as single-output */
- if (strategy < 0 || strategy > 1) {
- strategy = 0;
- }
- so_both_espresso(PLA, strategy);
- break;
- case KEY_expand: /* execute expand */
- break;
- case KEY_irred: /* extract minimal irredundant subset */
- EXECUTE(PLA->F = irredundant(PLA->F, PLA->D), IRRED_TIME, PLA->F, cost);
- break;
- case KEY_reduce: /* perform reduction */
- EXECUTE(PLA->F = reduce(PLA->F, PLA->D), REDUCE_TIME, PLA->F, cost);
- break;
- case KEY_essen: /* check for essential primes */
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last1, p) {
- }
- EXECUTE(F = essential(&(PLA->F), &(PLA->D)), ESSEN_TIME, PLA->F, cost);
- free_cover(F);
- break;
- case KEY_super_gasp:
- PLA->F = super_gasp(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R, &cost);
- break;
- case KEY_gasp:
- PLA->F = last_gasp(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R, &cost);
- break;
- case KEY_make_sparse: /* make_sparse step of Espresso */
- PLA->F = make_sparse(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R);
- break;
- case KEY_exact:
- exact_cover = TRUE;
- case KEY_qm:
- Fold = sf_save(PLA->F);
- PLA->F = minimize_exact(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R, exact_cover);
- EXECUTE(error=verify(PLA->F,Fold,PLA->D), VERIFY_TIME, PLA->F, cost);
- if (error) {
- print_solution = FALSE;
- PLA->F = Fold;
- (void) check_consistency(PLA);
- }
- free_cover(Fold);
- break;
- case KEY_primes: /* generate all prime implicants */
- EXEC(PLA->F = primes_consensus(cube2list(PLA->F, PLA->D)),
- "PRIMES ", PLA->F);
- break;
- case KEY_map: /* print out a Karnaugh map of function */
- map(PLA->F);
- print_solution = FALSE;
- break;
-/******************** Output phase and bit pairing ********************/
- case KEY_opo: /* sasao output phase assignment */
- phase_assignment(PLA, strategy);
- break;
- case KEY_opoall: /* try all phase assignments (!) */
- if (first < 0 || first >= cube.part_size[cube.output]) {
- first = 0;
- }
- if (last < 0 || last >= cube.part_size[cube.output]) {
- last = cube.part_size[cube.output] - 1;
- }
- opoall(PLA, first, last, strategy);
- break;
- case KEY_pair: /* find an optimal pairing */
- find_optimal_pairing(PLA, strategy);
- break;
- case KEY_pairall: /* try all pairings !! */
- pair_all(PLA, strategy);
- break;
-/******************** Simple cover operations ********************/
- case KEY_echo: /* echo the PLA */
- break;
- case KEY_taut: /* tautology check */
- printf("ON-set is%sa tautology\n",
- tautology(cube1list(PLA->F)) ? " " : " not ");
- print_solution = FALSE;
- break;
- case KEY_contain: /* single cube containment */
- PLA->F = sf_contain(PLA->F);
- break;
- case KEY_intersect: /* cover intersection */
- PLA->F = cv_intersect(PLA->F, PLA1->F);
- break;
- case KEY_union: /* cover union */
- PLA->F = sf_union(PLA->F, PLA1->F);
- break;
- case KEY_disjoint: /* make cover disjoint */
- PLA->F = make_disjoint(PLA->F);
- break;
- case KEY_dsharp: /* cover disjoint-sharp */
- PLA->F = cv_dsharp(PLA->F, PLA1->F);
- break;
- case KEY_sharp: /* cover sharp */
- PLA->F = cv_sharp(PLA->F, PLA1->F);
- break;
- case KEY_lexsort: /* lexical sort order */
- PLA->F = lex_sort(PLA->F);
- break;
- case KEY_stats: /* print info on size */
- if (! summary) PLA_summary(PLA);
- print_solution = FALSE;
- break;
- case KEY_minterms: /* explode into minterms */
- if (first < 0 || first >= cube.num_vars) {
- first = 0;
- }
- if (last < 0 || last >= cube.num_vars) {
- last = cube.num_vars - 1;
- }
- PLA->F = sf_dupl(unravel_range(PLA->F, first, last));
- break;
- case KEY_d1merge: /* distance-1 merge */
- if (first < 0 || first >= cube.num_vars) {
- first = 0;
- }
- if (last < 0 || last >= cube.num_vars) {
- last = cube.num_vars - 1;
- }
- for(i = first; i <= last; i++) {
- PLA->F = d1merge(PLA->F, i);
- }
- break;
- case KEY_d1merge_in: /* distance-1 merge inputs only */
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++) {
- PLA->F = d1merge(PLA->F, i);
- }
- break;
- case KEY_PLA_verify: /* check two PLAs for equivalence */
- EXECUTE(error = PLA_verify(PLA, PLA1), VERIFY_TIME, PLA->F, cost);
- if (error) {
- printf("PLA comparison failed; the PLA's are not equivalent\n");
- exit(1);
- } else {
- printf("PLA's compared equal\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- break; /* silly */
- case KEY_verify: /* check two covers for equivalence */
- Fold = PLA->F; Dold = PLA->D; F = PLA1->F;
- EXECUTE(error=verify(F, Fold, Dold), VERIFY_TIME, PLA->F, cost);
- if (error) {
- printf("PLA comparison failed; the PLA's are not equivalent\n");
- exit(1);
- } else {
- printf("PLA's compared equal\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- break; /* silly */
- case KEY_check: /* check consistency */
- (void) check_consistency(PLA);
- print_solution = FALSE;
- break;
- case KEY_mapdc: /* compute don't care set */
- map_dcset(PLA);
- out_type = FD_type;
- break;
- case KEY_equiv:
- find_equiv_outputs(PLA);
- print_solution = FALSE;
- break;
- case KEY_separate: /* remove PLA->D from PLA->F */
- PLA->F = complement(cube2list(PLA->D, PLA->R));
- break;
- case KEY_xor: {
- pcover T1 = cv_intersect(PLA->F, PLA1->R);
- pcover T2 = cv_intersect(PLA1->F, PLA->R);
- free_cover(PLA->F);
- PLA->F = sf_contain(sf_join(T1, T2));
- free_cover(T1);
- free_cover(T2);
- break;
- }
- case KEY_fsm: {
- disassemble_fsm(PLA, summary);
- print_solution = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- case KEY_test: {
- pcover T, E;
- T = sf_join(PLA->D, PLA->R);
- E = new_cover(10);
- sf_free(PLA->F);
- EXECUTE(PLA->F = complement(cube1list(T)), COMPL_TIME, PLA->F, cost);
- EXECUTE(PLA->F = expand(PLA->F, T, FALSE), EXPAND_TIME, PLA->F, cost);
- EXECUTE(PLA->F = irredundant(PLA->F, E), IRRED_TIME, PLA->F, cost);
- sf_free(T);
- T = sf_join(PLA->F, PLA->R);
- EXECUTE(PLA->D = expand(PLA->D, T, FALSE), EXPAND_TIME, PLA->D, cost);
- EXECUTE(PLA->D = irredundant(PLA->D, E), IRRED_TIME, PLA->D, cost);
- sf_free(T);
- sf_free(E);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Print a runtime summary if trace mode enabled */
- if (trace) {
- runtime();
- }
- /* Print total runtime */
- if (summary || trace) {
- print_trace(PLA->F, option_table[option].name, ptime()-start);
- }
- /* Output the solution */
- if (print_solution) {
- EXECUTE(fprint_pla(stdout, PLA, out_type), WRITE_TIME, PLA->F, cost);
- }
- /* Crash and burn if there was a verify error */
- if (error) {
- fatal("cover verification failed");
- }
- /* cleanup all used memory */
- free_PLA(PLA);
- FREE(cube.part_size);
- setdown_cube(); /* free the cube/cdata structure data */
- sf_cleanup(); /* free unused set structures */
- sm_cleanup(); /* sparse matrix cleanup */
- exit(0);
-getPLA(opt, argc, argv, option, PLA, out_type)
-int opt;
-int argc;
-char *argv[];
-int option;
-int out_type;
- FILE *fp;
- int needs_dcset, needs_offset;
- char *fname;
- if (opt >= argc) {
- fp = stdin;
- fname = "(stdin)";
- } else {
- fname = argv[opt];
- if (strcmp(fname, "-") == 0) {
- fp = stdin;
- } else if ((fp = fopen(argv[opt], "r")) == NULL) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to open %s\n", argv[0], fname);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if (option_table[option].key == KEY_echo) {
- needs_dcset = (out_type & D_type) != 0;
- needs_offset = (out_type & R_type) != 0;
- } else {
- needs_dcset = option_table[option].needs_dcset;
- needs_offset = option_table[option].needs_offset;
- }
- if (read_pla(fp, needs_dcset, needs_offset, input_type, PLA) == EOF) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to find PLA on file %s\n", argv[0], fname);
- exit(1);
- }
- (*PLA)->filename = util_strsav(fname);
- filename = (*PLA)->filename;
-/* (void) fclose(fp);*/
-/* hackto support -Dmany */
- last_fp = fp;
- int i;
- long total = 1, temp;
- for(i = 0; i < TIME_COUNT; i++) {
- total += total_time[i];
- }
- for(i = 0; i < TIME_COUNT; i++) {
- if (total_calls[i] != 0) {
- temp = 100 * total_time[i];
- printf("# %s\t%2d call(s) for %s (%2ld.%01ld%%)\n",
- total_name[i], total_calls[i], print_time(total_time[i]),
- temp/total, (10 * (temp%total)) / total);
- }
- }
- total_name[READ_TIME] = "READ ";
- total_name[WRITE_TIME] = "WRITE ";
- total_name[COMPL_TIME] = "COMPL ";
- total_name[REDUCE_TIME] = "REDUCE ";
- total_name[EXPAND_TIME] = "EXPAND ";
- total_name[ESSEN_TIME] = "ESSEN ";
- total_name[IRRED_TIME] = "IRRED ";
- total_name[GREDUCE_TIME] = "REDUCE_GASP";
- total_name[GEXPAND_TIME] = "EXPAND_GASP";
- total_name[GIRRED_TIME] = "IRRED_GASP ";
- total_name[MV_REDUCE_TIME] ="MV_REDUCE ";
- total_name[RAISE_IN_TIME] = "RAISE_IN ";
- total_name[VERIFY_TIME] = "VERIFY ";
- total_name[PRIMES_TIME] = "PRIMES ";
- total_name[MINCOV_TIME] = "MINCOV ";
- int i, col;
- printf(" ");
- col = 16;
- for(i = 0; option_table[i].name != 0; i++) {
- if ((col + strlen(option_table[i].name) + 1) > 76) {
- printf(",\n ");
- col = 16;
- } else if (i != 0) {
- printf(", ");
- }
- printf("%s", option_table[i].name);
- col += strlen(option_table[i].name) + 2;
- }
- printf("\n");
- printf("%s\n\n", VERSION);
- printf("SYNOPSIS: espresso [options] [file]\n\n");
- printf(" -d Enable debugging\n");
- printf(" -e[opt] Select espresso option:\n");
- printf(" fast, ness, nirr, nunwrap, onset, pos, strong,\n");
- printf(" eat, eatdots, kiss, random\n");
- printf(" -o[type] Select output format:\n");
- printf(" f, fd, fr, fdr, pleasure, eqntott, kiss, cons\n");
- printf(" -rn-m Select range for subcommands:\n");
- printf(" d1merge: first and last variables (0 ... m-1)\n");
- printf(" minterms: first and last variables (0 ... m-1)\n");
- printf(" opoall: first and last outputs (0 ... m-1)\n");
- printf(" -s Provide short execution summary\n");
- printf(" -t Provide longer execution trace\n");
- printf(" -x Suppress printing of solution\n");
- printf(" -v[type] Verbose debugging detail (-v '' for all)\n");
- printf(" -D[cmd] Execute subcommand 'cmd':\n");
- subcommands();
- printf(" -Sn Select strategy for subcommands:\n");
- printf(" opo: bit2=exact bit1=repeated bit0=skip sparse\n");
- printf(" opoall: 0=minimize, 1=exact\n");
- printf(" pair: 0=algebraic, 1=strongd, 2=espresso, 3=exact\n");
- printf(" pairall: 0=minimize, 1=exact, 2=opo\n");
- printf(" so_espresso: 0=minimize, 1=exact\n");
- printf(" so_both: 0=minimize, 1=exact\n");
- * Hack for backward compatibility (ACK! )
- */
-backward_compatibility_hack(argc, argv, option, out_type)
-int *argc;
-char **argv;
-int *option;
-int *out_type;
- int i, j;
- /* Scan the argument list for something to do (default is ESPRESSO) */
- *option = 0;
- for(i = 1; i < (*argc)-1; i++) {
- if (strcmp(argv[i], "-do") == 0) {
- for(j = 0; option_table[j].name != 0; j++)
- if (strcmp(argv[i+1], option_table[j].name) == 0) {
- *option = j;
- delete_arg(argc, argv, i+1);
- delete_arg(argc, argv, i);
- break;
- }
- if (option_table[j].name == 0) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr,
- "espresso: bad keyword \"%s\" following -do\n",argv[i+1]);
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- for(i = 1; i < (*argc)-1; i++) {
- if (strcmp(argv[i], "-out") == 0) {
- for(j = 0; pla_types[j].key != 0; j++)
- if (strcmp(pla_types[j].key+1, argv[i+1]) == 0) {
- *out_type = pla_types[j].value;
- delete_arg(argc, argv, i+1);
- delete_arg(argc, argv, i);
- break;
- }
- if (pla_types[j].key == 0) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr,
- "espresso: bad keyword \"%s\" following -out\n",argv[i+1]);
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- for(i = 1; i < (*argc); i++) {
- if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
- for(j = 0; esp_opt_table[j].name != 0; j++) {
- if (strcmp(argv[i]+1, esp_opt_table[j].name) == 0) {
- delete_arg(argc, argv, i);
- *(esp_opt_table[j].variable) = esp_opt_table[j].value;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (check_arg(argc, argv, "-fdr")) input_type = FDR_type;
- if (check_arg(argc, argv, "-fr")) input_type = FR_type;
- if (check_arg(argc, argv, "-f")) input_type = F_type;
-/* delete_arg -- delete an argument from the argument list */
-delete_arg(argc, argv, num)
-int *argc, num;
-register char *argv[];
- register int i;
- (*argc)--;
- for(i = num; i < *argc; i++) {
- argv[i] = argv[i+1];
- }
-/* check_arg -- scan argv for an argument, and return TRUE if found */
-bool check_arg(argc, argv, s)
-int *argc;
-register char *argv[], *s;
- register int i;
- for(i = 1; i < *argc; i++) {
- if (strcmp(argv[i], s) == 0) {
- delete_arg(argc, argv, i);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/main.h b/src/misc/espresso/main.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 00657f39..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/main.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-enum keys {
- KEY_ESPRESSO, KEY_PLA_verify, KEY_check, KEY_contain, KEY_d1merge,
- KEY_disjoint, KEY_dsharp, KEY_echo, KEY_essen, KEY_exact, KEY_expand,
- KEY_gasp, KEY_intersect, KEY_irred, KEY_lexsort, KEY_make_sparse,
- KEY_map, KEY_mapdc, KEY_minterms, KEY_opo, KEY_opoall,
- KEY_pair, KEY_pairall, KEY_primes, KEY_qm, KEY_reduce, KEY_sharp,
- KEY_simplify, KEY_so, KEY_so_both, KEY_stats, KEY_super_gasp, KEY_taut,
- KEY_test, KEY_equiv, KEY_union, KEY_verify, KEY_MANY_ESPRESSO,
- KEY_separate, KEY_xor, KEY_d1merge_in, KEY_fsm,
- KEY_unknown
-/* Lookup table for program options */
-struct {
- char *name;
- enum keys key;
- int num_plas;
- bool needs_offset;
- bool needs_dcset;
-} option_table [] = {
- /* ways to minimize functions */
- "ESPRESSO", KEY_ESPRESSO, 1, TRUE, TRUE, /* must be first */
- "exact", KEY_exact, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "qm", KEY_qm, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "single_output", KEY_so, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "so", KEY_so, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "so_both", KEY_so_both, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "simplify", KEY_simplify, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
- "echo", KEY_echo, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
- /* output phase assignment and assignment of inputs to two-bit decoders */
- "opo", KEY_opo, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "opoall", KEY_opoall, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "pair", KEY_pair, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "pairall", KEY_pairall, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- /* Ways to check covers */
- "check", KEY_check, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "stats", KEY_stats, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
- "verify", KEY_verify, 2, FALSE, TRUE,
- "PLAverify", KEY_PLA_verify, 2, FALSE, TRUE,
- /* hacks */
- "equiv", KEY_equiv, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "map", KEY_map, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
- "mapdc", KEY_mapdc, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
- "fsm", KEY_fsm, 1, FALSE, TRUE,
- /* the basic boolean operations on covers */
- "contain", KEY_contain, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
- "d1merge", KEY_d1merge, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
- "d1merge_in", KEY_d1merge_in, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
- "disjoint", KEY_disjoint, 1, TRUE, FALSE,
- "dsharp", KEY_dsharp, 2, FALSE, FALSE,
- "intersect", KEY_intersect, 2, FALSE, FALSE,
- "minterms", KEY_minterms, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
- "primes", KEY_primes, 1, FALSE, TRUE,
- "separate", KEY_separate, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "sharp", KEY_sharp, 2, FALSE, FALSE,
- "union", KEY_union, 2, FALSE, FALSE,
- "xor", KEY_xor, 2, TRUE, TRUE,
- /* debugging only -- call each step of the espresso algorithm */
- "essen", KEY_essen, 1, FALSE, TRUE,
- "expand", KEY_expand, 1, TRUE, FALSE,
- "gasp", KEY_gasp, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "irred", KEY_irred, 1, FALSE, TRUE,
- "make_sparse", KEY_make_sparse, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "reduce", KEY_reduce, 1, FALSE, TRUE,
- "taut", KEY_taut, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
- "super_gasp", KEY_super_gasp, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- "lexsort", KEY_lexsort, 1, FALSE, FALSE,
- "test", KEY_test, 1, TRUE, TRUE,
- 0, KEY_unknown, 0, FALSE, FALSE /* must be last */
-struct {
- char *name;
- int value;
-} debug_table[] = {
- "compl", COMPL, "essen", ESSEN,
- "expand", EXPAND, "expand1", EXPAND1|EXPAND,
- "irred", IRRED, "irred1", IRRED1|IRRED,
- "reduce", REDUCE, "reduce1", REDUCE1|REDUCE,
- "mincov", MINCOV, "mincov1", MINCOV1|MINCOV,
- "sparse", SPARSE, "sharp", SHARP,
- "taut", TAUT, "gasp", GASP,
- "exact", EXACT,
- 0,
-struct {
- char *name;
- int *variable;
- int value;
-} esp_opt_table[] = {
- "eat", &echo_comments, FALSE,
- "eatdots", &echo_unknown_commands, FALSE,
- "fast", &single_expand, TRUE,
- "kiss", &kiss, TRUE,
- "ness", &remove_essential, FALSE,
- "nirr", &force_irredundant, FALSE,
- "nunwrap", &unwrap_onset, FALSE,
- "onset", &recompute_onset, TRUE,
- "pos", &pos, TRUE,
- "random", &use_random_order, TRUE,
- "strong", &use_super_gasp, TRUE,
- 0,
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/map.c b/src/misc/espresso/map.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ccf264c..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/map.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-static pcube Gcube;
-static pset Gminterm;
-pset minterms(T)
-pcover T;
- int size, var;
- register pcube last;
- size = 1;
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++)
- size *= cube.part_size[var];
- Gminterm = set_new(size);
- foreach_set(T, last, Gcube)
- explode(cube.num_vars-1, 0);
- return Gminterm;
-void explode(var, z)
-int var, z;
- int i, last = cube.last_part[var];
- for(i=cube.first_part[var], z *= cube.part_size[var]; i<=last; i++, z++)
- if (is_in_set(Gcube, i))
- if (var == 0)
- set_insert(Gminterm, z);
- else
- explode(var-1, z);
-static int mapindex[16][16] = {
- 0, 1, 3, 2, 16, 17, 19, 18, 80, 81, 83, 82, 64, 65, 67, 66,
- 4, 5, 7, 6, 20, 21, 23, 22, 84, 85, 87, 86, 68, 69, 71, 70,
- 12, 13, 15, 14, 28, 29, 31, 30, 92, 93, 95, 94, 76, 77, 79, 78,
- 8, 9, 11, 10, 24, 25, 27, 26, 88, 89, 91, 90, 72, 73, 75, 74,
- 32, 33, 35, 34, 48, 49, 51, 50, 112,113,115,114, 96, 97, 99, 98,
- 36, 37, 39, 38, 52, 53, 55, 54, 116,117,119,118, 100,101,103,102,
- 44, 45, 47, 46, 60, 61, 63, 62, 124,125,127,126, 108,109,111,110,
- 40, 41, 43, 42, 56, 57, 59, 58, 120,121,123,122, 104,105,107,106,
- 160,161,163,162, 176,177,179,178, 240,241,243,242, 224,225,227,226,
- 164,165,167,166, 180,181,183,182, 244,245,247,246, 228,229,231,230,
- 172,173,175,174, 188,189,191,190, 252,253,255,254, 236,237,239,238,
- 168,169,171,170, 184,185,187,186, 248,249,251,250, 232,233,235,234,
- 128,129,131,130, 144,145,147,146, 208,209,211,210, 192,193,195,194,
- 132,133,135,134, 148,149,151,150, 212,213,215,214, 196,197,199,198,
- 140,141,143,142, 156,157,159,158, 220,221,223,222, 204,205,207,206,
- 136,137,139,138, 152,153,155,154, 216,217,219,218, 200,201,203,202
-#define POWER2(n) (1 << n)
-void map(T)
-pcover T;
- int j, k, l, other_input_offset, output_offset, outnum, ind;
- int largest_input_ind, numout;
- char c;
- pset m;
- bool some_output;
- m = minterms(T);
- largest_input_ind = POWER2(cube.num_binary_vars);
- numout = cube.part_size[cube.num_vars-1];
- for(outnum = 0; outnum < numout; outnum++) {
- output_offset = outnum * largest_input_ind;
- printf("\n\nOutput space # %d\n", outnum);
- for(l = 0; l <= MAX(cube.num_binary_vars - 8, 0); l++) {
- other_input_offset = l * 256;
- for(k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
- some_output = FALSE;
- for(j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
- ind = mapindex[k][j] + other_input_offset;
- if (ind < largest_input_ind) {
- c = is_in_set(m, ind+output_offset) ? '1' : '.';
- putchar(c);
- some_output = TRUE;
- }
- if ((j+1)%4 == 0)
- putchar(' ');
- if ((j+1)%8 == 0)
- printf(" ");
- }
- if (some_output)
- putchar('\n');
- if ((k+1)%4 == 0) {
- if (k != 15 && mapindex[k+1][0] >= largest_input_ind)
- break;
- putchar('\n');
- }
- if ((k+1)%8 == 0)
- putchar('\n');
- }
- }
- }
- set_free(m);
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/matrix.c b/src/misc/espresso/matrix.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 747fe54f..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/matrix.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-//#include "port.h"
-#include "sparse_int.h"
- * free-lists are only used if 'FAST_AND_LOOSE' is set; this is because
- * we lose the debugging capability of libmm_t which trashes objects when
- * they are free'd. However, FAST_AND_LOOSE is much faster if matrices
- * are created and freed frequently.
- */
-sm_element *sm_element_freelist;
-sm_row *sm_row_freelist;
-sm_col *sm_col_freelist;
-sm_matrix *
- register sm_matrix *A;
- A = ALLOC(sm_matrix, 1);
- A->rows = NIL(sm_row *);
- A->cols = NIL(sm_col *);
- A->nrows = A->ncols = 0;
- A->rows_size = A->cols_size = 0;
- A->first_row = A->last_row = NIL(sm_row);
- A->first_col = A->last_col = NIL(sm_col);
- A->user_word = NIL(char); /* for our user ... */
- return A;
-sm_matrix *
-sm_alloc_size(row, col)
-int row, col;
- register sm_matrix *A;
- A = sm_alloc();
- sm_resize(A, row, col);
- return A;
-sm_matrix *A;
- register sm_row *prow;
- if (A->first_row != 0) {
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row) {
- /* add the elements to the free list of elements */
- prow->last_col->next_col = sm_element_freelist;
- sm_element_freelist = prow->first_col;
- }
- /* Add the linked list of rows to the row-free-list */
- A->last_row->next_row = sm_row_freelist;
- sm_row_freelist = A->first_row;
- /* Add the linked list of cols to the col-free-list */
- A->last_col->next_col = sm_col_freelist;
- sm_col_freelist = A->first_col;
- }
- register sm_row *prow, *pnext_row;
- register sm_col *pcol, *pnext_col;
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = pnext_row) {
- pnext_row = prow->next_row;
- sm_row_free(prow);
- }
- for(pcol = A->first_col; pcol != 0; pcol = pnext_col) {
- pnext_col = pcol->next_col;
- pcol->first_row = pcol->last_row = NIL(sm_element);
- sm_col_free(pcol);
- }
- /* Free the arrays to map row/col numbers into pointers */
- FREE(A->rows);
- FREE(A->cols);
- FREE(A);
-sm_matrix *
-sm_matrix *A;
- register sm_row *prow;
- register sm_element *p;
- register sm_matrix *B;
- B = sm_alloc();
- if (A->last_row != 0) {
- sm_resize(B, A->last_row->row_num, A->last_col->col_num);
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row) {
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- (void) sm_insert(B, p->row_num, p->col_num);
- }
- }
- }
- return B;
-sm_resize(A, row, col)
-register sm_matrix *A;
-int row, col;
- register int i, new_size;
- if (row >= A->rows_size) {
- new_size = MAX(A->rows_size*2, row+1);
- A->rows = REALLOC(sm_row *, A->rows, new_size);
- for(i = A->rows_size; i < new_size; i++) {
- A->rows[i] = NIL(sm_row);
- }
- A->rows_size = new_size;
- }
- if (col >= A->cols_size) {
- new_size = MAX(A->cols_size*2, col+1);
- A->cols = REALLOC(sm_col *, A->cols, new_size);
- for(i = A->cols_size; i < new_size; i++) {
- A->cols[i] = NIL(sm_col);
- }
- A->cols_size = new_size;
- }
- * insert -- insert a value into the matrix
- */
-sm_element *
-sm_insert(A, row, col)
-register sm_matrix *A;
-register int row, col;
- register sm_row *prow;
- register sm_col *pcol;
- register sm_element *element;
- sm_element *save_element;
- if (row >= A->rows_size || col >= A->cols_size) {
- sm_resize(A, row, col);
- }
- prow = A->rows[row];
- if (prow == NIL(sm_row)) {
- prow = A->rows[row] = sm_row_alloc();
- prow->row_num = row;
- sorted_insert(sm_row, A->first_row, A->last_row, A->nrows,
- next_row, prev_row, row_num, row, prow);
- }
- pcol = A->cols[col];
- if (pcol == NIL(sm_col)) {
- pcol = A->cols[col] = sm_col_alloc();
- pcol->col_num = col;
- sorted_insert(sm_col, A->first_col, A->last_col, A->ncols,
- next_col, prev_col, col_num, col, pcol);
- }
- /* get a new item, save its address */
- sm_element_alloc(element);
- save_element = element;
- /* insert it into the row list */
- sorted_insert(sm_element, prow->first_col, prow->last_col,
- prow->length, next_col, prev_col, col_num, col, element);
- /* if it was used, also insert it into the column list */
- if (element == save_element) {
- sorted_insert(sm_element, pcol->first_row, pcol->last_row,
- pcol->length, next_row, prev_row, row_num, row, element);
- } else {
- /* otherwise, it was already in matrix -- free element we allocated */
- sm_element_free(save_element);
- }
- return element;
-sm_element *
-sm_find(A, rownum, colnum)
-sm_matrix *A;
-int rownum, colnum;
- sm_row *prow;
- sm_col *pcol;
- prow = sm_get_row(A, rownum);
- if (prow == NIL(sm_row)) {
- return NIL(sm_element);
- } else {
- pcol = sm_get_col(A, colnum);
- if (pcol == NIL(sm_col)) {
- return NIL(sm_element);
- }
- if (prow->length < pcol->length) {
- return sm_row_find(prow, colnum);
- } else {
- return sm_col_find(pcol, rownum);
- }
- }
-sm_remove(A, rownum, colnum)
-sm_matrix *A;
-int rownum, colnum;
- sm_remove_element(A, sm_find(A, rownum, colnum));
-sm_remove_element(A, p)
-register sm_matrix *A;
-register sm_element *p;
- register sm_row *prow;
- register sm_col *pcol;
- if (p == 0) return;
- /* Unlink the element from its row */
- prow = sm_get_row(A, p->row_num);
- dll_unlink(p, prow->first_col, prow->last_col,
- next_col, prev_col, prow->length);
- /* if no more elements in the row, discard the row header */
- if (prow->first_col == NIL(sm_element)) {
- sm_delrow(A, p->row_num);
- }
- /* Unlink the element from its column */
- pcol = sm_get_col(A, p->col_num);
- dll_unlink(p, pcol->first_row, pcol->last_row,
- next_row, prev_row, pcol->length);
- /* if no more elements in the column, discard the column header */
- if (pcol->first_row == NIL(sm_element)) {
- sm_delcol(A, p->col_num);
- }
- sm_element_free(p);
-sm_delrow(A, i)
-sm_matrix *A;
-int i;
- register sm_element *p, *pnext;
- sm_col *pcol;
- sm_row *prow;
- prow = sm_get_row(A, i);
- if (prow != NIL(sm_row)) {
- /* walk across the row */
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = pnext) {
- pnext = p->next_col;
- /* unlink the item from the column (and delete it) */
- pcol = sm_get_col(A, p->col_num);
- sm_col_remove_element(pcol, p);
- /* discard the column if it is now empty */
- if (pcol->first_row == NIL(sm_element)) {
- sm_delcol(A, pcol->col_num);
- }
- }
- /* discard the row -- we already threw away the elements */
- A->rows[i] = NIL(sm_row);
- dll_unlink(prow, A->first_row, A->last_row,
- next_row, prev_row, A->nrows);
- prow->first_col = prow->last_col = NIL(sm_element);
- sm_row_free(prow);
- }
-sm_delcol(A, i)
-sm_matrix *A;
-int i;
- register sm_element *p, *pnext;
- sm_row *prow;
- sm_col *pcol;
- pcol = sm_get_col(A, i);
- if (pcol != NIL(sm_col)) {
- /* walk down the column */
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0; p = pnext) {
- pnext = p->next_row;
- /* unlink the element from the row (and delete it) */
- prow = sm_get_row(A, p->row_num);
- sm_row_remove_element(prow, p);
- /* discard the row if it is now empty */
- if (prow->first_col == NIL(sm_element)) {
- sm_delrow(A, prow->row_num);
- }
- }
- /* discard the column -- we already threw away the elements */
- A->cols[i] = NIL(sm_col);
- dll_unlink(pcol, A->first_col, A->last_col,
- next_col, prev_col, A->ncols);
- pcol->first_row = pcol->last_row = NIL(sm_element);
- sm_col_free(pcol);
- }
-sm_copy_row(dest, dest_row, prow)
-register sm_matrix *dest;
-int dest_row;
-sm_row *prow;
- register sm_element *p;
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- (void) sm_insert(dest, dest_row, p->col_num);
- }
-sm_copy_col(dest, dest_col, pcol)
-register sm_matrix *dest;
-int dest_col;
-sm_col *pcol;
- register sm_element *p;
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0; p = p->next_row) {
- (void) sm_insert(dest, dest_col, p->row_num);
- }
-sm_row *
-sm_matrix *A;
- register sm_row *large_row, *prow;
- register int max_length;
- max_length = 0;
- large_row = NIL(sm_row);
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row) {
- if (prow->length > max_length) {
- max_length = prow->length;
- large_row = prow;
- }
- }
- return large_row;
-sm_col *
-sm_matrix *A;
- register sm_col *large_col, *pcol;
- register int max_length;
- max_length = 0;
- large_col = NIL(sm_col);
- for(pcol = A->first_col; pcol != 0; pcol = pcol->next_col) {
- if (pcol->length > max_length) {
- max_length = pcol->length;
- large_col = pcol;
- }
- }
- return large_col;
-sm_matrix *A;
- register sm_row *prow;
- register int num;
- num = 0;
- sm_foreach_row(A, prow) {
- num += prow->length;
- }
- return num;
-sm_read(fp, A)
-FILE *fp;
-sm_matrix **A;
- int i, j, err;
- *A = sm_alloc();
- while (! feof(fp)) {
- err = fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &i, &j);
- if (err == EOF) {
- return 1;
- } else if (err != 2) {
- return 0;
- }
- (void) sm_insert(*A, i, j);
- }
- return 1;
-sm_read_compressed(fp, A)
-FILE *fp;
-sm_matrix **A;
- int i, j, k, nrows, ncols;
- unsigned long x;
- *A = sm_alloc();
- if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &nrows, &ncols) != 2) {
- return 0;
- }
- sm_resize(*A, nrows, ncols);
- for(i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
- if (fscanf(fp, "%lx", &x) != 1) {
- return 0;
- }
- for(j = 0; j < ncols; j += 32) {
- if (fscanf(fp, "%lx", &x) != 1) {
- return 0;
- }
- for(k = j; x != 0; x >>= 1, k++) {
- if (x & 1) {
- (void) sm_insert(*A, i, k);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
-sm_write(fp, A)
-FILE *fp;
-sm_matrix *A;
- register sm_row *prow;
- register sm_element *p;
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row) {
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", p->row_num, p->col_num);
- }
- }
-sm_print(fp, A)
-FILE *fp;
-sm_matrix *A;
- register sm_row *prow;
- register sm_col *pcol;
- int c;
- if (A->last_col->col_num >= 100) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, " ");
- for(pcol = A->first_col; pcol != 0; pcol = pcol->next_col) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%d", (pcol->col_num / 100)%10);
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
- }
- if (A->last_col->col_num >= 10) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, " ");
- for(pcol = A->first_col; pcol != 0; pcol = pcol->next_col) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%d", (pcol->col_num / 10)%10);
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp, " ");
- for(pcol = A->first_col; pcol != 0; pcol = pcol->next_col) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%d", pcol->col_num % 10);
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
- (void) fprintf(fp, " ");
- for(pcol = A->first_col; pcol != 0; pcol = pcol->next_col) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, "-");
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%3d:", prow->row_num);
- for(pcol = A->first_col; pcol != 0; pcol = pcol->next_col) {
- c = sm_row_find(prow, pcol->col_num) ? '1' : '.';
- putc(c, fp);
- }
- putc('\n', fp);
- }
-sm_dump(A, s, max)
-sm_matrix *A;
-char *s;
-int max;
- FILE *fp = stdout;
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%s %d rows by %d cols\n", s, A->nrows, A->ncols);
- if (A->nrows < max) {
- sm_print(fp, A);
- }
- register sm_element *p, *pnext;
- register sm_row *prow, *pnextrow;
- register sm_col *pcol, *pnextcol;
- for(p = sm_element_freelist; p != 0; p = pnext) {
- pnext = p->next_col;
- FREE(p);
- }
- sm_element_freelist = 0;
- for(prow = sm_row_freelist; prow != 0; prow = pnextrow) {
- pnextrow = prow->next_row;
- FREE(prow);
- }
- sm_row_freelist = 0;
- for(pcol = sm_col_freelist; pcol != 0; pcol = pnextcol) {
- pnextcol = pcol->next_col;
- FREE(pcol);
- }
- sm_col_freelist = 0;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/mincov.c b/src/misc/espresso/mincov.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ee18a3f1..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/mincov.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "mincov_int.h"
- * mincov.c
- */
-#define USE_GIMPEL
-#define USE_INDEP_SET
-static int select_column();
-static void select_essential();
-static int verify_cover();
-#define fail(why) {\
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: file %s, line %d\n%s\n",\
- __FILE__, __LINE__, why);\
- (void) fflush(stdout);\
- abort();\
-sm_row *
-sm_minimum_cover(A, weight, heuristic, debug_level)
-sm_matrix *A;
-int *weight;
-int heuristic; /* set to 1 for a heuristic covering */
-int debug_level; /* how deep in the recursion to provide info */
- stats_t stats;
- solution_t *best, *select;
- sm_row *prow, *sol;
- sm_col *pcol;
- sm_matrix *dup_A;
- int nelem, bound;
- double sparsity;
- /* Avoid sillyness */
- if (A->nrows <= 0) {
- return sm_row_alloc(); /* easy to cover */
- }
- /* Initialize debugging structure */
- stats.start_time = util_cpu_time();
- stats.debug = debug_level > 0;
- stats.max_print_depth = debug_level;
- stats.max_depth = -1;
- stats.nodes = 0;
- stats.component = stats.comp_count = 0;
- stats.gimpel = stats.gimpel_count = 0;
- stats.no_branching = heuristic != 0;
- stats.lower_bound = -1;
- /* Check the matrix sparsity */
- nelem = 0;
- sm_foreach_row(A, prow) {
- nelem += prow->length;
- }
- sparsity = (double) nelem / (double) (A->nrows * A->ncols);
- /* Determine an upper bound on the solution */
- bound = 1;
- sm_foreach_col(A, pcol) {
- bound += WEIGHT(weight, pcol->col_num);
- }
- /* Perform the covering */
- select = solution_alloc();
- dup_A = sm_dup(A);
- best = sm_mincov(dup_A, select, weight, 0, bound, 0, &stats);
- sm_free(dup_A);
- solution_free(select);
- if (stats.debug) {
- if (stats.no_branching) {
- (void) printf("**** heuristic covering ...\n");
- (void) printf("lower bound = %d\n", stats.lower_bound);
- }
- (void) printf("matrix = %d by %d with %d elements (%4.3f%%)\n",
- A->nrows, A->ncols, nelem, sparsity * 100.0);
- (void) printf("cover size = %d elements\n", best->row->length);
- (void) printf("cover cost = %d\n", best->cost);
- (void) printf("time = %s\n",
- util_print_time(util_cpu_time() - stats.start_time));
- (void) printf("components = %d\n", stats.comp_count);
- (void) printf("gimpel = %d\n", stats.gimpel_count);
- (void) printf("nodes = %d\n", stats.nodes);
- (void) printf("max_depth = %d\n", stats.max_depth);
- }
- sol = sm_row_dup(best->row);
- if (! verify_cover(A, sol)) {
- fail("mincov: internal error -- cover verification failed\n");
- }
- solution_free(best);
- return sol;
- * Find the best cover for 'A' (given that 'select' already selected);
- *
- * - abort search if a solution cannot be found which beats 'bound'
- *
- * - if any solution meets 'lower_bound', then it is the optimum solution
- * and can be returned without further work.
- */
-solution_t *
-sm_mincov(A, select, weight, lb, bound, depth, stats)
-sm_matrix *A;
-solution_t *select;
-int *weight;
-int lb;
-int bound;
-int depth;
-stats_t *stats;
- sm_matrix *A1, *A2, *L, *R;
- sm_element *p;
- solution_t *select1, *select2, *best, *best1, *best2, *indep;
- int pick, lb_new, debug;
- /* Start out with some debugging information */
- stats->nodes++;
- if (depth > stats->max_depth) stats->max_depth = depth;
- debug = stats->debug && (depth <= stats->max_print_depth);
- /* Apply row dominance, column dominance, and select essentials */
- select_essential(A, select, weight, bound);
- if (select->cost >= bound) {
- return NIL(solution_t);
- }
- /* See if gimpel's reduction technique applies ... */
-#ifdef USE_GIMPEL
- if ( weight == NIL(int)) { /* hack until we fix it */
- if (gimpel_reduce(A, select, weight, lb, bound, depth, stats, &best)) {
- return best;
- }
- }
- /* Determine bound from here to final solution using independent-set */
- indep = sm_maximal_independent_set(A, weight);
- /* make sure the lower bound is monotonically increasing */
- lb_new = MAX(select->cost + indep->cost, lb);
- pick = select_column(A, weight, indep);
- solution_free(indep);
- lb_new = select->cost + (A->nrows > 0);
- pick = select_column(A, weight, NIL(solution_t));
- if (depth == 0) {
- stats->lower_bound = lb_new + stats->gimpel;
- }
- if (debug) {
- (void) printf("ABSMIN[%2d]%s", depth, stats->component ? "*" : " ");
- (void) printf(" %3dx%3d sel=%3d bnd=%3d lb=%3d %12s ",
- A->nrows, A->ncols, select->cost + stats->gimpel,
- bound + stats->gimpel, lb_new + stats->gimpel,
- util_print_time(util_cpu_time()-stats->start_time));
- }
- /* Check for bounding based on no better solution possible */
- if (lb_new >= bound) {
- if (debug) (void) printf("bounded\n");
- best = NIL(solution_t);
- /* Check for new best solution */
- } else if (A->nrows == 0) {
- best = solution_dup(select);
- if (debug) (void) printf("BEST\n");
- if (stats->debug && stats->component == 0) {
- (void) printf("new 'best' solution %d at level %d (time is %s)\n",
- best->cost + stats->gimpel, depth,
- util_print_time(util_cpu_time() - stats->start_time));
- }
- /* Check for a partition of the problem */
- } else if (sm_block_partition(A, &L, &R)) {
- /* Make L the smaller problem */
- if (L->ncols > R->ncols) {
- A1 = L;
- L = R;
- R = A1;
- }
- if (debug) (void) printf("comp %d %d\n", L->nrows, R->nrows);
- stats->comp_count++;
- /* Solve problem for L */
- select1 = solution_alloc();
- stats->component++;
- best1 = sm_mincov(L, select1, weight, 0,
- bound-select->cost, depth+1, stats);
- stats->component--;
- solution_free(select1);
- sm_free(L);
- /* Add best solution to the selected set */
- if (best1 == NIL(solution_t)) {
- best = NIL(solution_t);
- } else {
- for(p = best1->row->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- solution_add(select, weight, p->col_num);
- }
- solution_free(best1);
- /* recur for the remaining block */
- best = sm_mincov(R, select, weight, lb_new, bound, depth+1, stats);
- }
- sm_free(R);
- /* We've tried as hard as possible, but now we must split and recur */
- } else {
- if (debug) (void) printf("pick=%d\n", pick);
- /* Assume we choose this column to be in the covering set */
- A1 = sm_dup(A);
- select1 = solution_dup(select);
- solution_accept(select1, A1, weight, pick);
- best1 = sm_mincov(A1, select1, weight, lb_new, bound, depth+1, stats);
- solution_free(select1);
- sm_free(A1);
- /* Update the upper bound if we found a better solution */
- if (best1 != NIL(solution_t) && bound > best1->cost) {
- bound = best1->cost;
- }
- /* See if this is a heuristic covering (no branching) */
- if (stats->no_branching) {
- return best1;
- }
- /* Check for reaching lower bound -- if so, don't actually branch */
- if (best1 != NIL(solution_t) && best1->cost == lb_new) {
- return best1;
- }
- /* Now assume we cannot have that column */
- A2 = sm_dup(A);
- select2 = solution_dup(select);
- solution_reject(select2, A2, weight, pick);
- best2 = sm_mincov(A2, select2, weight, lb_new, bound, depth+1, stats);
- solution_free(select2);
- sm_free(A2);
- best = solution_choose_best(best1, best2);
- }
- return best;
-static int
-select_column(A, weight, indep)
-sm_matrix *A;
-int *weight;
-solution_t *indep;
- register sm_col *pcol;
- register sm_row *prow, *indep_cols;
- register sm_element *p, *p1;
- double w, best;
- int best_col;
- indep_cols = sm_row_alloc();
- if (indep != NIL(solution_t)) {
- /* Find which columns are in the independent sets */
- for(p = indep->row->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- prow = sm_get_row(A, p->col_num);
- for(p1 = prow->first_col; p1 != 0; p1 = p1->next_col) {
- (void) sm_row_insert(indep_cols, p1->col_num);
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* select out of all columns */
- sm_foreach_col(A, pcol) {
- (void) sm_row_insert(indep_cols, pcol->col_num);
- }
- }
- /* Find the best column */
- best_col = -1;
- best = -1;
- /* Consider only columns which are in some independent row */
- sm_foreach_row_element(indep_cols, p1) {
- pcol = sm_get_col(A, p1->col_num);
- /* Compute the total 'value' of all things covered by the column */
- w = 0.0;
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0; p = p->next_row) {
- prow = sm_get_row(A, p->row_num);
- w += 1.0 / ((double) prow->length - 1.0);
- }
- /* divide this by the relative cost of choosing this column */
- w = w / (double) WEIGHT(weight, pcol->col_num);
- /* maximize this ratio */
- if (w > best) {
- best_col = pcol->col_num;
- best = w;
- }
- }
- sm_row_free(indep_cols);
- return best_col;
-static void
-select_essential(A, select, weight, bound)
-sm_matrix *A;
-solution_t *select;
-int *weight;
-int bound; /* must beat this solution */
- register sm_element *p;
- register sm_row *prow, *essen;
- int delcols, delrows, essen_count;
- do {
- /* Check for dominated columns */
- delcols = sm_col_dominance(A, weight);
- /* Find the rows with only 1 element (the essentials) */
- essen = sm_row_alloc();
- sm_foreach_row(A, prow) {
- if (prow->length == 1) {
- (void) sm_row_insert(essen, prow->first_col->col_num);
- }
- }
- /* Select all of the elements */
- sm_foreach_row_element(essen, p) {
- solution_accept(select, A, weight, p->col_num);
- /* Make sure solution still looks good */
- if (select->cost >= bound) {
- sm_row_free(essen);
- return;
- }
- }
- essen_count = essen->length;
- sm_row_free(essen);
- /* Check for dominated rows */
- delrows = sm_row_dominance(A);
- } while (delcols > 0 || delrows > 0 || essen_count > 0);
-static int
-verify_cover(A, cover)
-sm_matrix *A;
-sm_row *cover;
- sm_row *prow;
- sm_foreach_row(A, prow) {
- if (! sm_row_intersects(prow, cover)) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/mincov.h b/src/misc/espresso/mincov.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 95310774..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/mincov.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-/* exported */
-extern sm_row *sm_minimum_cover();
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/mincov_int.h b/src/misc/espresso/mincov_int.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e81850f2..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/mincov_int.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-//#include "port.h"
-//#include "utility.h"
-#include "sparse.h"
-#include "mincov.h"
-#include "util_hack.h" // added
-typedef struct stats_struct stats_t;
-struct stats_struct {
- int debug; /* 1 if debugging is enabled */
- int max_print_depth; /* dump stats for levels up to this level */
- int max_depth; /* deepest the recursion has gone */
- int nodes; /* total nodes visited */
- int component; /* currently solving a component */
- int comp_count; /* number of components detected */
- int gimpel_count; /* number of times Gimpel reduction applied */
- int gimpel; /* currently inside Gimpel reduction */
- long start_time; /* cpu time when the covering started */
- int no_branching;
- int lower_bound;
-typedef struct solution_struct solution_t;
-struct solution_struct {
- sm_row *row;
- int cost;
-extern solution_t *solution_alloc();
-extern void solution_free();
-extern solution_t *solution_dup();
-extern void solution_accept();
-extern void solution_reject();
-extern void solution_add();
-extern solution_t *solution_choose_best();
-extern solution_t *sm_maximal_independent_set();
-extern solution_t *sm_mincov();
-extern int gimpel_reduce();
-#define WEIGHT(weight, col) (weight == NIL(int) ? 1 : weight[col])
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/module.make b/src/misc/espresso/module.make
deleted file mode 100644
index 53ce982a..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/module.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-SRC += src/misc/espresso/cofactor.c \
- src/misc/espresso/cols.c \
- src/misc/espresso/compl.c \
- src/misc/espresso/contain.c \
- src/misc/espresso/cubehack.c \
- src/misc/espresso/cubestr.c \
- src/misc/espresso/cvrin.c \
- src/misc/espresso/cvrm.c \
- src/misc/espresso/cvrmisc.c \
- src/misc/espresso/cvrout.c \
- src/misc/espresso/dominate.c \
- src/misc/espresso/equiv.c \
- src/misc/espresso/espresso.c \
- src/misc/espresso/essen.c \
- src/misc/espresso/exact.c \
- src/misc/espresso/expand.c \
- src/misc/espresso/gasp.c \
- src/misc/espresso/gimpel.c \
- src/misc/espresso/globals.c \
- src/misc/espresso/hack.c \
- src/misc/espresso/indep.c \
- src/misc/espresso/irred.c \
- src/misc/espresso/map.c \
- src/misc/espresso/matrix.c \
- src/misc/espresso/mincov.c \
- src/misc/espresso/opo.c \
- src/misc/espresso/pair.c \
- src/misc/espresso/part.c \
- src/misc/espresso/primes.c \
- src/misc/espresso/reduce.c \
- src/misc/espresso/rows.c \
- src/misc/espresso/set.c \
- src/misc/espresso/setc.c \
- src/misc/espresso/sharp.c \
- src/misc/espresso/sminterf.c \
- src/misc/espresso/solution.c \
- src/misc/espresso/sparse.c \
- src/misc/espresso/unate.c \
- src/misc/espresso/verify.c
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/opo.c b/src/misc/espresso/opo.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8daa0771..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/opo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
- * Phase assignment technique (T. Sasao):
- *
- * 1. create a function with 2*m outputs which implements the
- * original function and its complement for each output
- *
- * 2. minimize this function
- *
- * 3. choose the minimum number of prime implicants from the
- * result of step 2 which are needed to realize either a function
- * or its complement for each output
- *
- * Step 3 is performed in a rather crude way -- by simply multiplying
- * out a large expression of the form:
- *
- * I = (ab + cdef)(acd + bgh) ...
- *
- * which is a product of m expressions where each expression has two
- * product terms -- one representing which primes are needed for the
- * function, and one representing which primes are needed for the
- * complement. The largest product term resulting shows which primes
- * to keep to implement one function or the other for each output.
- * For problems with many outputs, this may grind to a
- * halt.
- *
- * Untried: form complement of I and use unate_complement ...
- *
- * I have unsuccessfully tried several modifications to the basic
- * algorithm. The first is quite simple: use Sasao's technique, but
- * only commit to a single output at a time (rather than all
- * outputs). The goal would be that the later minimizations can "take
- * into account" the partial assignment at each step. This is
- * expensive (m+1 minimizations rather than 2), and the results are
- * discouraging.
- *
- * The second modification is rather complicated. The result from the
- * minimization in step 2 is guaranteed to be minimal. Hence, for
- * each output, the set of primes with a 1 in that output are both
- * necessary and sufficient to implement the function. Espresso
- * achieves the minimality using the routine MAKE_SPARSE. The
- * modification is to prevent MAKE_SPARSE from running. Hence, there
- * are potentially many subsets of the set of primes with a 1 in a
- * column which can be used to implement that output. We use
- * IRREDUNDANT to enumerate all possible subsets and then proceed as
- * before.
- */
-static int opo_no_make_sparse;
-static int opo_repeated;
-static int opo_exact;
-static void minimize();
-void phase_assignment(PLA, opo_strategy)
-int opo_strategy;
- opo_no_make_sparse = opo_strategy % 2;
- skip_make_sparse = opo_no_make_sparse;
- opo_repeated = (opo_strategy / 2) % 2;
- opo_exact = (opo_strategy / 4) % 2;
- /* Determine a phase assignment */
- if (PLA->phase != NULL) {
- FREE(PLA->phase);
- }
- if (opo_repeated) {
- PLA->phase = set_save(cube.fullset);
- repeated_phase_assignment(PLA);
- } else {
- PLA->phase = find_phase(PLA, 0, (pcube) NULL);
- }
- /* Now minimize with this assignment */
- skip_make_sparse = FALSE;
- (void) set_phase(PLA);
- minimize(PLA);
- * repeated_phase_assignment -- an alternate strategy which commits
- * to a single phase assignment a step at a time. Performs m + 1
- * minimizations !
- */
-void repeated_phase_assignment(PLA)
- int i;
- pcube phase;
- for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[cube.output]; i++) {
- /* Find best assignment for all undecided outputs */
- phase = find_phase(PLA, i, PLA->phase);
- /* Commit for only a single output ... */
- if (! is_in_set(phase, cube.first_part[cube.output] + i)) {
- set_remove(PLA->phase, cube.first_part[cube.output] + i);
- }
- if (trace || summary) {
- printf("\nOPO loop for output #%d\n", i);
- printf("PLA->phase is %s\n", pc1(PLA->phase));
- printf("phase is %s\n", pc1(phase));
- }
- set_free(phase);
- }
- * find_phase -- find a phase assignment for the PLA for all outputs starting
- * with output number first_output.
- */
-pcube find_phase(PLA, first_output, phase1)
-int first_output;
-pcube phase1;
- pcube phase;
- pPLA PLA1;
- phase = set_save(cube.fullset);
- /* setup the double-phase characteristic function, resize the cube */
- PLA1 = new_PLA();
- PLA1->F = sf_save(PLA->F);
- PLA1->R = sf_save(PLA->R);
- PLA1->D = sf_save(PLA->D);
- if (phase1 != NULL) {
- PLA1->phase = set_save(phase1);
- (void) set_phase(PLA1);
- }
- EXEC_S(output_phase_setup(PLA1, first_output), "OPO-SETUP ", PLA1->F);
- /* minimize the double-phase function */
- minimize(PLA1);
- /* set the proper phases according to what gives a minimum solution */
- EXEC_S(PLA1->F = opo(phase, PLA1->F, PLA1->D, PLA1->R, first_output),
- "OPO ", PLA1->F);
- free_PLA(PLA1);
- /* set the cube structure to reflect the old size */
- setdown_cube();
- cube.part_size[cube.output] -=
- (cube.part_size[cube.output] - first_output) / 2;
- cube_setup();
- return phase;
- * opo -- multiply the expression out to determine a minimum subset of
- * primes.
- */
-pcover opo(phase, T, D, R, first_output)
-pcube phase;
-pcover T, D, R;
-int first_output;
- int offset, output, i, last_output, ind;
- pset pdest, select, p, p1, last, last1, not_covered, tmp;
- pset_family temp, T1, T2;
- /* must select all primes for outputs [0 .. first_output-1] */
- select = set_full(T->count);
- for(output = 0; output < first_output; output++) {
- ind = cube.first_part[cube.output] + output;
- foreachi_set(T, i, p) {
- if (is_in_set(p, ind)) {
- set_remove(select, i);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Recursively perform the intersections */
- offset = (cube.part_size[cube.output] - first_output) / 2;
- last_output = first_output + offset - 1;
- temp = opo_recur(T, D, select, offset, first_output, last_output);
- /* largest set is on top -- select primes which are inferred from it */
- pdest = temp->data;
- T1 = new_cover(T->count);
- foreachi_set(T, i, p) {
- if (! is_in_set(pdest, i)) {
- T1 = sf_addset(T1, p);
- }
- }
- set_free(select);
- sf_free(temp);
- /* finding phases is difficult -- see which functions are not covered */
- T2 = complement(cube1list(T1));
- not_covered = new_cube();
- tmp = new_cube();
- foreach_set(T, last, p) {
- foreach_set(T2, last1, p1) {
- if (cdist0(p, p1)) {
- (void) set_or(not_covered, not_covered, set_and(tmp, p, p1));
- }
- }
- }
- free_cover(T);
- free_cover(T2);
- set_free(tmp);
- /* Now reflect the phase choice in a single cube */
- for(output = first_output; output <= last_output; output++) {
- ind = cube.first_part[cube.output] + output;
- if (is_in_set(not_covered, ind)) {
- if (is_in_set(not_covered, ind + offset)) {
- fatal("error in output phase assignment");
- } else {
- set_remove(phase, ind);
- }
- }
- }
- set_free(not_covered);
- return T1;
-pset_family opo_recur(T, D, select, offset, first, last)
-pcover T, D;
-pcube select;
-int offset, first, last;
- static int level = 0;
- int middle;
- pset_family sl, sr, temp;
- level++;
- if (first == last) {
-#if 0
- if (opo_no_make_sparse) {
- temp = form_cover_table(T, D, select, first, first + offset);
- } else {
- temp = opo_leaf(T, select, first, first + offset);
- }
- temp = opo_leaf(T, select, first, first + offset);
- } else {
- middle = (first + last) / 2;
- sl = opo_recur(T, D, select, offset, first, middle);
- sr = opo_recur(T, D, select, offset, middle+1, last);
- temp = unate_intersect(sl, sr, level == 1);
- if (trace) {
- printf("# OPO[%d]: %4d = %4d x %4d, time = %s\n", level - 1,
- temp->count, sl->count, sr->count, print_time(ptime()));
- (void) fflush(stdout);
- }
- free_cover(sl);
- free_cover(sr);
- }
- level--;
- return temp;
-pset_family opo_leaf(T, select, out1, out2)
-register pcover T;
-pset select;
-int out1, out2;
- register pset_family temp;
- register pset p, pdest;
- register int i;
- out1 += cube.first_part[cube.output];
- out2 += cube.first_part[cube.output];
- /* Allocate space for the result */
- temp = sf_new(2, T->count);
- /* Find which primes are needed for the ON-set of this fct */
- pdest = GETSET(temp, temp->count++);
- (void) set_copy(pdest, select);
- foreachi_set(T, i, p) {
- if (is_in_set(p, out1)) {
- set_remove(pdest, i);
- }
- }
- /* Find which primes are needed for the OFF-set of this fct */
- pdest = GETSET(temp, temp->count++);
- (void) set_copy(pdest, select);
- foreachi_set(T, i, p) {
- if (is_in_set(p, out2)) {
- set_remove(pdest, i);
- }
- }
- return temp;
-#if 0
-pset_family form_cover_table(F, D, select, f, fbar)
-pcover F, D;
-pset select;
-int f, fbar; /* indices of f and fbar in the output part */
- register int i;
- register pcube p;
- pset_family f_table, fbar_table;
- /* setup required for fcube_is_covered */
- Rp_size = F->count;
- Rp_start = set_new(Rp_size);
- foreachi_set(F, i, p) {
- PUTSIZE(p, i);
- }
- foreachi_set(D, i, p) {
- }
- f_table = find_covers(F, D, select, f);
- fbar_table = find_covers(F, D, select, fbar);
- f_table = sf_append(f_table, fbar_table);
- set_free(Rp_start);
- return f_table;
-pset_family find_covers(F, D, select, n)
-pcover F, D;
-register pset select;
-int n;
- register pset p, last, new;
- pcover F1;
- pcube *Flist;
- pset_family f_table, table;
- int i;
- n += cube.first_part[cube.output];
- /* save cubes in this output, and remove the output variable */
- F1 = new_cover(F->count);
- foreach_set(F, last, p)
- if (is_in_set(p, n)) {
- new = GETSET(F1, F1->count++);
- set_or(new, p, cube.var_mask[cube.output]);
- PUTSIZE(new, SIZE(p));
- SET(new, REDUND);
- }
- /* Find ways (sop form) to fail to cover output indexed by n */
- Flist = cube2list(F1, D);
- table = sf_new(10, Rp_size);
- foreach_set(F1, last, p) {
- set_fill(Rp_start, Rp_size);
- set_remove(Rp_start, SIZE(p));
- table = sf_append(table, fcube_is_covered(Flist, p));
- }
- set_fill(Rp_start, Rp_size);
- foreach_set(table, last, p) {
- set_diff(p, Rp_start, p);
- }
- /* complement this to get possible ways to cover the function */
- for(i = 0; i < Rp_size; i++) {
- if (! is_in_set(select, i)) {
- p = set_new(Rp_size);
- set_insert(p, i);
- table = sf_addset(table, p);
- set_free(p);
- }
- }
- f_table = unate_compl(table);
- /* what a pain, but we need bitwise complement of this */
- set_fill(Rp_start, Rp_size);
- foreach_set(f_table, last, p) {
- set_diff(p, Rp_start, p);
- }
- free_cubelist(Flist);
- sf_free(F1);
- return f_table;
- * Take a PLA (ON-set, OFF-set and DC-set) and create the
- * "double-phase characteristic function" which is merely a new
- * function which has twice as many outputs and realizes both the
- * function and the complement.
- *
- * The cube structure is assumed to represent the PLA upon entering.
- * It will be modified to represent the double-phase function upon
- * exit.
- *
- * Only the outputs numbered starting with "first_output" are
- * duplicated in the output part
- */
-output_phase_setup(PLA, first_output)
-int first_output;
- pcover F, R, D;
- pcube mask, mask1, last;
- int first_part, offset;
- bool save;
- register pcube p, pr, pf;
- register int i, last_part;
- if (cube.output == -1)
- fatal("output_phase_setup: must have an output");
- F = PLA->F;
- D = PLA->D;
- R = PLA->R;
- first_part = cube.first_part[cube.output] + first_output;
- last_part = cube.last_part[cube.output];
- offset = cube.part_size[cube.output] - first_output;
- /* Change the output size, setup the cube structure */
- setdown_cube();
- cube.part_size[cube.output] += offset;
- cube_setup();
- /* Create a mask to select that part of the cube which isn't changing */
- mask = set_save(cube.fullset);
- for(i = first_part; i < cube.size; i++)
- set_remove(mask, i);
- mask1 = set_save(mask);
- for(i = cube.first_part[cube.output]; i < first_part; i++) {
- set_remove(mask1, i);
- }
- PLA->F = new_cover(F->count + R->count);
- PLA->R = new_cover(F->count + R->count);
- PLA->D = new_cover(D->count);
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- pf = GETSET(PLA->F, (PLA->F)->count++);
- pr = GETSET(PLA->R, (PLA->R)->count++);
- INLINEset_and(pf, mask, p);
- INLINEset_and(pr, mask1, p);
- for(i = first_part; i <= last_part; i++)
- if (is_in_set(p, i))
- set_insert(pf, i);
- save = FALSE;
- for(i = first_part; i <= last_part; i++)
- if (is_in_set(p, i))
- save = TRUE, set_insert(pr, i+offset);
- if (! save) PLA->R->count--;
- }
- foreach_set(R, last, p) {
- pf = GETSET(PLA->F, (PLA->F)->count++);
- pr = GETSET(PLA->R, (PLA->R)->count++);
- INLINEset_and(pf, mask1, p);
- INLINEset_and(pr, mask, p);
- save = FALSE;
- for(i = first_part; i <= last_part; i++)
- if (is_in_set(p, i))
- save = TRUE, set_insert(pf, i+offset);
- if (! save) PLA->F->count--;
- for(i = first_part; i <= last_part; i++)
- if (is_in_set(p, i))
- set_insert(pr, i);
- }
- foreach_set(D, last, p) {
- pf = GETSET(PLA->D, (PLA->D)->count++);
- INLINEset_and(pf, mask, p);
- for(i = first_part; i <= last_part; i++)
- if (is_in_set(p, i)) {
- set_insert(pf, i);
- set_insert(pf, i+offset);
- }
- }
- free_cover(F);
- free_cover(D);
- free_cover(R);
- set_free(mask);
- set_free(mask1);
- * set_phase -- given a "cube" which describes which phases of the output
- * are to be implemented, compute the appropriate on-set and off-set
- */
-pPLA set_phase(PLA)
- pcover F1, R1;
- register pcube last, p, outmask;
- register pcube temp=cube.temp[0], phase=PLA->phase, phase1=cube.temp[1];
- outmask = cube.var_mask[cube.num_vars - 1];
- set_diff(phase1, outmask, phase);
- set_or(phase1, set_diff(temp, cube.fullset, outmask), phase1);
- F1 = new_cover((PLA->F)->count + (PLA->R)->count);
- R1 = new_cover((PLA->F)->count + (PLA->R)->count);
- foreach_set(PLA->F, last, p) {
- if (! setp_disjoint(set_and(temp, p, phase), outmask))
- set_copy(GETSET(F1, F1->count++), temp);
- if (! setp_disjoint(set_and(temp, p, phase1), outmask))
- set_copy(GETSET(R1, R1->count++), temp);
- }
- foreach_set(PLA->R, last, p) {
- if (! setp_disjoint(set_and(temp, p, phase), outmask))
- set_copy(GETSET(R1, R1->count++), temp);
- if (! setp_disjoint(set_and(temp, p, phase1), outmask))
- set_copy(GETSET(F1, F1->count++), temp);
- }
- free_cover(PLA->F);
- free_cover(PLA->R);
- PLA->F = F1;
- PLA->R = R1;
- return PLA;
-#define POW2(x) (1 << (x))
-void opoall(PLA, first_output, last_output, opo_strategy)
-int first_output, last_output;
-int opo_strategy;
- pcover F, D, R, best_F, best_D, best_R;
- int i, j, ind, num;
- pcube bestphase;
- opo_exact = opo_strategy;
- if (PLA->phase != NULL) {
- set_free(PLA->phase);
- }
- bestphase = set_save(cube.fullset);
- best_F = sf_save(PLA->F);
- best_D = sf_save(PLA->D);
- best_R = sf_save(PLA->R);
- for(i = 0; i < POW2(last_output - first_output + 1); i++) {
- /* save the initial PLA covers */
- F = sf_save(PLA->F);
- D = sf_save(PLA->D);
- R = sf_save(PLA->R);
- /* compute the phase cube for this iteration */
- PLA->phase = set_save(cube.fullset);
- num = i;
- for(j = last_output; j >= first_output; j--) {
- if (num % 2 == 0) {
- ind = cube.first_part[cube.output] + j;
- set_remove(PLA->phase, ind);
- }
- num /= 2;
- }
- /* set the phase and minimize */
- (void) set_phase(PLA);
- printf("# phase is %s\n", pc1(PLA->phase));
- summary = TRUE;
- minimize(PLA);
- /* see if this is the best so far */
- if (PLA->F->count < best_F->count) {
- /* save new best solution */
- set_copy(bestphase, PLA->phase);
- sf_free(best_F);
- sf_free(best_D);
- sf_free(best_R);
- best_F = PLA->F;
- best_D = PLA->D;
- best_R = PLA->R;
- } else {
- /* throw away the solution */
- free_cover(PLA->F);
- free_cover(PLA->D);
- free_cover(PLA->R);
- }
- set_free(PLA->phase);
- /* restore the initial PLA covers */
- PLA->F = F;
- PLA->D = D;
- PLA->R = R;
- }
- /* one more minimization to restore the best answer */
- PLA->phase = bestphase;
- sf_free(PLA->F);
- sf_free(PLA->D);
- sf_free(PLA->R);
- PLA->F = best_F;
- PLA->D = best_D;
- PLA->R = best_R;
-static void minimize(PLA)
- if (opo_exact) {
- EXEC_S(PLA->F = minimize_exact(PLA->F,PLA->D,PLA->R,1), "EXACT", PLA->F);
- } else {
- EXEC_S(PLA->F = espresso(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R), "ESPRESSO ",PLA->F);
- }
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/pair.c b/src/misc/espresso/pair.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a8077176..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/pair.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,675 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-void set_pair(PLA)
- set_pair1(PLA, TRUE);
-void set_pair1(PLA, adjust_labels)
-bool adjust_labels;
- int i, var, *paired, newvar;
- int old_num_vars, old_num_binary_vars, old_size, old_mv_start;
- int *new_part_size, new_num_vars, new_num_binary_vars, new_mv_start;
- ppair pair = PLA->pair;
- char scratch[1000], **oldlabel, *var1, *var1bar, *var2, *var2bar;
- if (adjust_labels)
- makeup_labels(PLA);
- /* Check the pair structure for valid entries and see which binary
- variables are left unpaired
- */
- paired = ALLOC(bool, cube.num_binary_vars);
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++)
- paired[var] = FALSE;
- for(i = 0; i < pair->cnt; i++)
- if ((pair->var1[i] > 0 && pair->var1[i] <= cube.num_binary_vars) &&
- (pair->var2[i] > 0 && pair->var2[i] <= cube.num_binary_vars)) {
- paired[pair->var1[i]-1] = TRUE;
- paired[pair->var2[i]-1] = TRUE;
- } else
- fatal("can only pair binary-valued variables");
- PLA->F = delvar(pairvar(PLA->F, pair), paired);
- PLA->R = delvar(pairvar(PLA->R, pair), paired);
- PLA->D = delvar(pairvar(PLA->D, pair), paired);
- /* Now painfully adjust the cube size */
- old_size = cube.size;
- old_num_vars = cube.num_vars;
- old_num_binary_vars = cube.num_binary_vars;
- old_mv_start = cube.first_part[cube.num_binary_vars];
- /* Create the new cube.part_size vector and setup the cube structure */
- new_num_binary_vars = 0;
- for(var = 0; var < old_num_binary_vars; var++)
- new_num_binary_vars += (paired[var] == FALSE);
- new_num_vars = new_num_binary_vars + pair->cnt;
- new_num_vars += old_num_vars - old_num_binary_vars;
- new_part_size = ALLOC(int, new_num_vars);
- for(var = 0; var < pair->cnt; var++)
- new_part_size[new_num_binary_vars + var] = 4;
- for(var = 0; var < old_num_vars - old_num_binary_vars; var++)
- new_part_size[new_num_binary_vars + pair->cnt + var] =
- cube.part_size[old_num_binary_vars + var];
- setdown_cube();
- FREE(cube.part_size);
- cube.num_vars = new_num_vars;
- cube.num_binary_vars = new_num_binary_vars;
- cube.part_size = new_part_size;
- cube_setup();
- /* hack with the labels to get them correct */
- if (adjust_labels) {
- oldlabel = PLA->label;
- PLA->label = ALLOC(char *, cube.size);
- for(var = 0; var < pair->cnt; var++) {
- newvar = cube.num_binary_vars*2 + var*4;
- var1 = oldlabel[ (pair->var1[var]-1) * 2 + 1];
- var2 = oldlabel[ (pair->var2[var]-1) * 2 + 1];
- var1bar = oldlabel[ (pair->var1[var]-1) * 2];
- var2bar = oldlabel[ (pair->var2[var]-1) * 2];
- (void) sprintf(scratch, "%s+%s", var1bar, var2bar);
- PLA->label[newvar] = util_strsav(scratch);
- (void) sprintf(scratch, "%s+%s", var1bar, var2);
- PLA->label[newvar+1] = util_strsav(scratch);
- (void) sprintf(scratch, "%s+%s", var1, var2bar);
- PLA->label[newvar+2] = util_strsav(scratch);
- (void) sprintf(scratch, "%s+%s", var1, var2);
- PLA->label[newvar+3] = util_strsav(scratch);
- }
- /* Copy the old labels for the unpaired binary vars */
- i = 0;
- for(var = 0; var < old_num_binary_vars; var++) {
- if (paired[var] == FALSE) {
- PLA->label[2*i] = oldlabel[2*var];
- PLA->label[2*i+1] = oldlabel[2*var+1];
- oldlabel[2*var] = oldlabel[2*var+1] = (char *) NULL;
- i++;
- }
- }
- /* Copy the old labels for the remaining unpaired vars */
- new_mv_start = cube.num_binary_vars*2 + pair->cnt*4;
- for(i = old_mv_start; i < old_size; i++) {
- PLA->label[new_mv_start + i - old_mv_start] = oldlabel[i];
- oldlabel[i] = (char *) NULL;
- }
- /* free remaining entries in oldlabel */
- for(i = 0; i < old_size; i++)
- if (oldlabel[i] != (char *) NULL)
- FREE(oldlabel[i]);
- FREE(oldlabel);
- }
- /* the paired variables should not be sparse (cf. mv_reduce/raise_in)*/
- for(var = 0; var < pair->cnt; var++)
- cube.sparse[cube.num_binary_vars + var] = 0;
- FREE(paired);
-pcover pairvar(A, pair)
-pcover A;
-ppair pair;
- register pcube last, p;
- register int val, p1, p2, b1, b0;
- int insert_col, pairnum;
- insert_col = cube.first_part[cube.num_vars - 1];
- /* stretch the cover matrix to make room for the paired variables */
- A = sf_delcol(A, insert_col, -4*pair->cnt);
- /* compute the paired values */
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- for(pairnum = 0; pairnum < pair->cnt; pairnum++) {
- p1 = cube.first_part[pair->var1[pairnum] - 1];
- p2 = cube.first_part[pair->var2[pairnum] - 1];
- b1 = is_in_set(p, p2+1);
- b0 = is_in_set(p, p2);
- val = insert_col + pairnum * 4;
- if (/* a0 */ is_in_set(p, p1)) {
- if (b0)
- set_insert(p, val + 3);
- if (b1)
- set_insert(p, val + 2);
- }
- if (/* a1 */ is_in_set(p, p1+1)) {
- if (b0)
- set_insert(p, val + 1);
- if (b1)
- set_insert(p, val);
- }
- }
- }
- return A;
-/* delvar -- delete variables from A, minimize the number of column shifts */
-pcover delvar(A, paired)
-pcover A;
-bool paired[];
- bool run;
- int first_run, run_length, var, offset = 0;
- run = FALSE; run_length = 0;
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++)
- if (paired[var])
- if (run)
- run_length += cube.part_size[var];
- else {
- run = TRUE;
- first_run = cube.first_part[var];
- run_length = cube.part_size[var];
- }
- else
- if (run) {
- A = sf_delcol(A, first_run-offset, run_length);
- run = FALSE;
- offset += run_length;
- }
- if (run)
- A = sf_delcol(A, first_run-offset, run_length);
- return A;
- find_optimal_pairing -- find which binary variables should be paired
- to maximally reduce the number of terms
- This is essentially the technique outlined by T. Sasao in the
- Trans. on Comp., Oct 1984. We estimate the cost of pairing each
- pair individually using 1 of 4 strategies: (1) algebraic division
- of F by the pair (exactly T. Sasao technique); (2) strong division
- of F by the paired variables (using REDUCE/EXPAND/ IRREDUNDANT from
- espresso); (3) full minimization using espresso; (4) exact
- minimization. These are in order of both increasing accuracy and
- increasing difficulty (!)
- Once the n squared pairs have been evaluated, T. Sasao proposes a
- graph covering of nodes by disjoint edges. For now, I solve this
- problem exhaustively (complexity = (n-1)*(n-3)*...*3*1 for n
- variables when n is even). Note that solving this problem exactly
- is the same as evaluating the cost function for all possible
- pairings.
- n pairs
- 1, 2 1
- 3, 4 3
- 5, 6 15
- 7, 8 105
- 9,10 945
- 11,12 10,395
- 13,14 135,135
- 15,16 2,027,025
- 17,18 34,459,425
- 19,20 654,729,075
-void find_optimal_pairing(PLA, strategy)
-int strategy;
- int i, j, **cost_array;
- cost_array = find_pairing_cost(PLA, strategy);
- if (summary) {
- printf(" ");
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++)
- printf("%3d ", i+1);
- printf("\n");
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++) {
- printf("%3d ", i+1);
- for(j = 0; j < cube.num_binary_vars; j++)
- printf("%3d ", cost_array[i][j]);
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- if (cube.num_binary_vars <= 14) {
- PLA->pair = pair_best_cost(cost_array);
- } else {
- (void) greedy_best_cost(cost_array, &(PLA->pair));
- }
- printf("# ");
- print_pair(PLA->pair);
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++)
- FREE(cost_array[i]);
- FREE(cost_array);
- set_pair(PLA);
- EXEC_S(PLA->F=espresso(PLA->F,PLA->D,PLA->R),"ESPRESSO ",PLA->F);
-int **find_pairing_cost(PLA, strategy)
-int strategy;
- int var1, var2, **cost_array;
- int i, j, xnum_binary_vars, xnum_vars, *xpart_size, cost;
- pcover T, Fsave, Dsave, Rsave;
- pset mask;
-/* char *s;*/
- /* data is returned in the cost array */
- cost_array = ALLOC(int *, cube.num_binary_vars);
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++)
- cost_array[i] = ALLOC(int, cube.num_binary_vars);
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++)
- for(j = 0; j < cube.num_binary_vars; j++)
- cost_array[i][j] = 0;
- /* Setup the pair structure for pairing variables together */
- PLA->pair = pair_new(1);
- PLA->pair->cnt = 1;
- for(var1 = 0; var1 < cube.num_binary_vars-1; var1++) {
- for(var2 = var1+1; var2 < cube.num_binary_vars; var2++) {
- /* if anything but simple strategy, perform setup */
- if (strategy > 0) {
- /* save the original covers */
- Fsave = sf_save(PLA->F);
- Dsave = sf_save(PLA->D);
- Rsave = sf_save(PLA->R);
- /* save the original cube structure */
- xnum_binary_vars = cube.num_binary_vars;
- xnum_vars = cube.num_vars;
- xpart_size = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_vars; i++)
- xpart_size[i] = cube.part_size[i];
- /* pair two variables together */
- PLA->pair->var1[0] = var1 + 1;
- PLA->pair->var2[0] = var2 + 1;
- set_pair1(PLA, /* adjust_labels */ FALSE);
- }
- /* decide how to best estimate worth of this pairing */
- switch(strategy) {
- case 3:
- /*s = "exact minimization";*/
- PLA->F = minimize_exact(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R, 1);
- cost = Fsave->count - PLA->F->count;
- break;
- case 2:
- /*s = "full minimization";*/
- PLA->F = espresso(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R);
- cost = Fsave->count - PLA->F->count;
- break;
- case 1:
- /*s = "strong division";*/
- PLA->F = reduce(PLA->F, PLA->D);
- PLA->F = expand(PLA->F, PLA->R, FALSE);
- PLA->F = irredundant(PLA->F, PLA->D);
- cost = Fsave->count - PLA->F->count;
- break;
- case 0:
- /*s = "weak division";*/
- mask = new_cube();
- set_or(mask, cube.var_mask[var1], cube.var_mask[var2]);
- T = dist_merge(sf_save(PLA->F), mask);
- cost = PLA->F->count - T->count;
- sf_free(T);
- set_free(mask);
- }
- cost_array[var1][var2] = cost;
- if (strategy > 0) {
- /* restore the original cube structure -- free the new ones */
- setdown_cube();
- FREE(cube.part_size);
- cube.num_binary_vars = xnum_binary_vars;
- cube.num_vars = xnum_vars;
- cube.part_size = xpart_size;
- cube_setup();
- /* restore the original cover(s) -- free the new ones */
- sf_free(PLA->F);
- sf_free(PLA->D);
- sf_free(PLA->R);
- PLA->F = Fsave;
- PLA->D = Dsave;
- PLA->R = Rsave;
- }
- }
- }
- pair_free(PLA->pair);
- PLA->pair = NULL;
- return cost_array;
-static int best_cost;
-static int **cost_array;
-static ppair best_pair;
-static pset best_phase;
-static pPLA global_PLA;
-static pcover best_F, best_D, best_R;
-static int pair_minim_strategy;
-ppair pair;
- int i;
- printf("pair is");
- for(i = 0; i < pair->cnt; i++)
- printf (" (%d %d)", pair->var1[i], pair->var2[i]);
- printf("\n");
-int greedy_best_cost(cost_array_local, pair_p)
-int **cost_array_local;
-ppair *pair_p;
- int i, j, besti, bestj, maxcost, total_cost;
- pset cand;
- ppair pair;
- pair = pair_new(cube.num_binary_vars);
- cand = set_full(cube.num_binary_vars);
- total_cost = 0;
- while (set_ord(cand) >= 2) {
- maxcost = -1;
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_binary_vars; i++) {
- if (is_in_set(cand, i)) {
- for(j = i+1; j < cube.num_binary_vars; j++) {
- if (is_in_set(cand, j)) {
- if (cost_array_local[i][j] > maxcost) {
- maxcost = cost_array_local[i][j];
- besti = i;
- bestj = j;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pair->var1[pair->cnt] = besti+1;
- pair->var2[pair->cnt] = bestj+1;
- pair->cnt++;
- set_remove(cand, besti);
- set_remove(cand, bestj);
- total_cost += maxcost;
- }
- set_free(cand);
- *pair_p = pair;
- return total_cost;
-ppair pair_best_cost(cost_array_local)
-int **cost_array_local;
- ppair pair;
- pset candidate;
- best_cost = -1;
- best_pair = NULL;
- cost_array = cost_array_local;
- pair = pair_new(cube.num_binary_vars);
- candidate = set_full(cube.num_binary_vars);
- generate_all_pairs(pair, cube.num_binary_vars, candidate, find_best_cost);
- pair_free(pair);
- set_free(candidate);
- return best_pair;
-int find_best_cost(pair)
-register ppair pair;
- register int i, cost;
- cost = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < pair->cnt; i++)
- cost += cost_array[pair->var1[i]-1][pair->var2[i]-1];
- if (cost > best_cost) {
- best_cost = cost;
- best_pair = pair_save(pair, pair->cnt);
- }
- if ((debug & MINCOV) && trace) {
- printf("cost is %d ", cost);
- print_pair(pair);
- }
- pair_all: brute-force approach to try all possible pairings
- pair_strategy is:
- 2) for espresso
- 3) for minimize_exact
- 4) for phase assignment
-pair_all(PLA, pair_strategy)
-int pair_strategy;
- ppair pair;
- pset candidate;
- global_PLA = PLA;
- pair_minim_strategy = pair_strategy;
- best_cost = PLA->F->count + 1;
- best_pair = NULL;
- best_phase = NULL;
- best_F = best_D = best_R = NULL;
- pair = pair_new(cube.num_binary_vars);
- candidate = set_fill(set_new(cube.num_binary_vars), cube.num_binary_vars);
- generate_all_pairs(pair, cube.num_binary_vars, candidate, minimize_pair);
- pair_free(pair);
- set_free(candidate);
- PLA->pair = best_pair;
- PLA->phase = best_phase;
-/* not really necessary
- if (phase != NULL)
- (void) set_phase(PLA->phase);
- set_pair(PLA);
- printf("# ");
- print_pair(PLA->pair);
- sf_free(PLA->F);
- sf_free(PLA->D);
- sf_free(PLA->R);
- PLA->F = best_F;
- PLA->D = best_D;
- PLA->R = best_R;
- * minimize_pair -- called as each pair is generated
- */
-int minimize_pair(pair)
-ppair pair;
- pcover Fsave, Dsave, Rsave;
- int i, xnum_binary_vars, xnum_vars, *xpart_size;
- /* save the original covers */
- Fsave = sf_save(global_PLA->F);
- Dsave = sf_save(global_PLA->D);
- Rsave = sf_save(global_PLA->R);
- /* save the original cube structure */
- xnum_binary_vars = cube.num_binary_vars;
- xnum_vars = cube.num_vars;
- xpart_size = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- for(i = 0; i < cube.num_vars; i++)
- xpart_size[i] = cube.part_size[i];
- /* setup the paired variables */
- global_PLA->pair = pair;
- set_pair1(global_PLA, /* adjust_labels */ FALSE);
- /* call the minimizer */
- if (summary)
- print_pair(pair);
- switch(pair_minim_strategy) {
- case 2:
- EXEC_S(phase_assignment(global_PLA,0), "OPO ", global_PLA->F);
- if (summary)
- printf("# phase is %s\n", pc1(global_PLA->phase));
- break;
- case 1:
- EXEC_S(global_PLA->F = minimize_exact(global_PLA->F, global_PLA->D,
- global_PLA->R, 1), "EXACT ", global_PLA->F);
- break;
- case 0:
- EXEC_S(global_PLA->F = espresso(global_PLA->F, global_PLA->D,
- global_PLA->R), "ESPRESSO ", global_PLA->F);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* see if we have a new best solution */
- if (global_PLA->F->count < best_cost) {
- best_cost = global_PLA->F->count;
- best_pair = pair_save(pair, pair->cnt);
- best_phase = global_PLA->phase!=NULL?set_save(global_PLA->phase):NULL;
- if (best_F != NULL) sf_free(best_F);
- if (best_D != NULL) sf_free(best_D);
- if (best_R != NULL) sf_free(best_R);
- best_F = sf_save(global_PLA->F);
- best_D = sf_save(global_PLA->D);
- best_R = sf_save(global_PLA->R);
- }
- /* restore the original cube structure -- free the new ones */
- setdown_cube();
- FREE(cube.part_size);
- cube.num_binary_vars = xnum_binary_vars;
- cube.num_vars = xnum_vars;
- cube.part_size = xpart_size;
- cube_setup();
- /* restore the original cover(s) -- free the new ones */
- sf_free(global_PLA->F);
- sf_free(global_PLA->D);
- sf_free(global_PLA->R);
- global_PLA->F = Fsave;
- global_PLA->D = Dsave;
- global_PLA->R = Rsave;
- global_PLA->pair = NULL;
- global_PLA->phase = NULL;
-generate_all_pairs(pair, n, candidate, action)
-ppair pair;
-int n;
-pset candidate;
-int (*action)();
- int i, j;
- pset recur_candidate;
- ppair recur_pair;
- if (set_ord(candidate) < 2) {
- (*action)(pair);
- return;
- }
- recur_pair = pair_save(pair, n);
- recur_candidate = set_save(candidate);
- /* Find first variable still in the candidate set */
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
- if (is_in_set(candidate, i))
- break;
- /* Try all pairs of i with other variables */
- for(j = i+1; j < n; j++)
- if (is_in_set(candidate, j)) {
- /* pair (i j) -- remove from candidate set for future pairings */
- set_remove(recur_candidate, i);
- set_remove(recur_candidate, j);
- /* add to the pair array */
- recur_pair->var1[recur_pair->cnt] = i+1;
- recur_pair->var2[recur_pair->cnt] = j+1;
- recur_pair->cnt++;
- /* recur looking for the end ... */
- generate_all_pairs(recur_pair, n, recur_candidate, action);
- /* now break this pair, and restore candidate set */
- recur_pair->cnt--;
- set_insert(recur_candidate, i);
- set_insert(recur_candidate, j);
- }
- /* if odd, generate all pairs which do NOT include i */
- if ((set_ord(candidate) % 2) == 1) {
- set_remove(recur_candidate, i);
- generate_all_pairs(recur_pair, n, recur_candidate, action);
- }
- pair_free(recur_pair);
- set_free(recur_candidate);
-ppair pair_new(n)
-register int n;
- register ppair pair1;
- pair1 = ALLOC(pair_t, 1);
- pair1->cnt = 0;
- pair1->var1 = ALLOC(int, n);
- pair1->var2 = ALLOC(int, n);
- return pair1;
-ppair pair_save(pair, n)
-register ppair pair;
-register int n;
- register int k;
- register ppair pair1;
- pair1 = pair_new(n);
- pair1->cnt = pair->cnt;
- for(k = 0; k < pair->cnt; k++) {
- pair1->var1[k] = pair->var1[k];
- pair1->var2[k] = pair->var2[k];
- }
- return pair1;
-int pair_free(pair)
-register ppair pair;
- FREE(pair->var1);
- FREE(pair->var2);
- FREE(pair);
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/part.c b/src/misc/espresso/part.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 42843aeb..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/part.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "mincov_int.h"
-static int visit_col();
-static void
-copy_row(A, prow)
-register sm_matrix *A;
-register sm_row *prow;
- register sm_element *p;
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- (void) sm_insert(A, p->row_num, p->col_num);
- }
-static int
-visit_row(A, prow, rows_visited, cols_visited)
-sm_matrix *A;
-sm_row *prow;
-int *rows_visited;
-int *cols_visited;
- sm_element *p;
- sm_col *pcol;
- if (! prow->flag) {
- prow->flag = 1;
- (*rows_visited)++;
- if (*rows_visited == A->nrows) {
- return 1;
- }
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- pcol = sm_get_col(A, p->col_num);
- if (! pcol->flag) {
- if (visit_col(A, pcol, rows_visited, cols_visited)) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static int
-visit_col(A, pcol, rows_visited, cols_visited)
-sm_matrix *A;
-sm_col *pcol;
-int *rows_visited;
-int *cols_visited;
- sm_element *p;
- sm_row *prow;
- if (! pcol->flag) {
- pcol->flag = 1;
- (*cols_visited)++;
- if (*cols_visited == A->ncols) {
- return 1;
- }
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0; p = p->next_row) {
- prow = sm_get_row(A, p->row_num);
- if (! prow->flag) {
- if (visit_row(A, prow, rows_visited, cols_visited)) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-sm_block_partition(A, L, R)
-sm_matrix *A;
-sm_matrix **L, **R;
- int cols_visited, rows_visited;
- register sm_row *prow;
- register sm_col *pcol;
- /* Avoid the trivial case */
- if (A->nrows == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* Reset the visited flags for each row and column */
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row) {
- prow->flag = 0;
- }
- for(pcol = A->first_col; pcol != 0; pcol = pcol->next_col) {
- pcol->flag = 0;
- }
- cols_visited = rows_visited = 0;
- if (visit_row(A, A->first_row, &rows_visited, &cols_visited)) {
- /* we found all of the rows */
- return 0;
- } else {
- *L = sm_alloc();
- *R = sm_alloc();
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row) {
- if (prow->flag) {
- copy_row(*L, prow);
- } else {
- copy_row(*R, prow);
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/primes.c b/src/misc/espresso/primes.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e40da27..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/primes.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-static bool primes_consensus_special_cases();
-static pcover primes_consensus_merge();
-static pcover and_with_cofactor();
-/* primes_consensus -- generate primes using consensus */
-pcover primes_consensus(T)
-pcube *T; /* T will be disposed of */
- register pcube cl, cr;
- register int best;
- pcover Tnew, Tl, Tr;
- if (primes_consensus_special_cases(T, &Tnew) == MAYBE) {
- cl = new_cube();
- cr = new_cube();
- best = binate_split_select(T, cl, cr, COMPL);
- Tl = primes_consensus(scofactor(T, cl, best));
- Tr = primes_consensus(scofactor(T, cr, best));
- Tnew = primes_consensus_merge(Tl, Tr, cl, cr);
- free_cube(cl);
- free_cube(cr);
- free_cubelist(T);
- }
- return Tnew;
-static bool
-primes_consensus_special_cases(T, Tnew)
-pcube *T; /* will be disposed if answer is determined */
-pcover *Tnew; /* returned only if answer determined */
- register pcube *T1, p, ceil, cof=T[0];
- pcube last;
- pcover A;
- /* Check for no cubes in the cover */
- if (T[2] == NULL) {
- *Tnew = new_cover(0);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Check for only a single cube in the cover */
- if (T[3] == NULL) {
- *Tnew = sf_addset(new_cover(1), set_or(cof, cof, T[2]));
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Check for a row of all 1's (implies function is a tautology) */
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (full_row(p, cof)) {
- *Tnew = sf_addset(new_cover(1), cube.fullset);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* Check for a column of all 0's which can be factored out */
- ceil = set_save(cof);
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- INLINEset_or(ceil, ceil, p);
- }
- if (! setp_equal(ceil, cube.fullset)) {
- p = new_cube();
- (void) set_diff(p, cube.fullset, ceil);
- (void) set_or(cof, cof, p);
- free_cube(p);
- A = primes_consensus(T);
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- INLINEset_and(p, p, ceil);
- }
- *Tnew = A;
- set_free(ceil);
- return TRUE;
- }
- set_free(ceil);
- /* Collect column counts, determine unate variables, etc. */
- massive_count(T);
- /* If single active variable not factored out above, then tautology ! */
- if (cdata.vars_active == 1) {
- *Tnew = sf_addset(new_cover(1), cube.fullset);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- /* Check for unate cover */
- } else if (cdata.vars_unate == cdata.vars_active) {
- A = cubeunlist(T);
- *Tnew = sf_contain(A);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- /* Not much we can do about it */
- } else {
- return MAYBE;
- }
-static pcover
-primes_consensus_merge(Tl, Tr, cl, cr)
-pcover Tl, Tr;
-pcube cl, cr;
- register pcube pl, pr, lastl, lastr, pt;
- pcover T, Tsave;
- Tl = and_with_cofactor(Tl, cl);
- Tr = and_with_cofactor(Tr, cr);
- T = sf_new(500, Tl->sf_size);
- pt = T->data;
- Tsave = sf_contain(sf_join(Tl, Tr));
- foreach_set(Tl, lastl, pl) {
- foreach_set(Tr, lastr, pr) {
- if (cdist01(pl, pr) == 1) {
- consensus(pt, pl, pr);
- if (++T->count >= T->capacity) {
- Tsave = sf_union(Tsave, sf_contain(T));
- T = sf_new(500, Tl->sf_size);
- pt = T->data;
- } else {
- pt += T->wsize;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- free_cover(Tl);
- free_cover(Tr);
- Tsave = sf_union(Tsave, sf_contain(T));
- return Tsave;
-static pcover
-and_with_cofactor(A, cof)
-pset_family A;
-register pset cof;
- register pset last, p;
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- INLINEset_and(p, p, cof);
- if (cdist(p, cube.fullset) > 0) {
- } else {
- }
- }
- return sf_inactive(A);
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/reduce.c b/src/misc/espresso/reduce.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 00e4507f..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/reduce.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- module: reduce.c
- purpose: Perform the Espresso-II reduction step
- Reduction is a technique used to explore larger regions of the
- optimization space. We replace each cube of F with a smaller
- cube while still maintaining a cover of the same logic function.
-#include "espresso.h"
-static bool toggle = TRUE;
- reduce -- replace each cube in F with its reduction
- The reduction of a cube is the smallest cube contained in the cube
- which can replace the cube in the original cover without changing
- the cover. This is equivalent to the super cube of all of the
- essential points in the cube. This can be computed directly.
- The problem is that the order in which the cubes are reduced can
- greatly affect the final result. We alternate between two ordering
- strategies:
- (1) Order the cubes in ascending order of distance from the
- largest cube breaking ties by ordering cubes of equal distance
- in descending order of size (sort_reduce)
- (2) Order the cubes in descending order of the inner-product of
- the cube and the column sums (mini_sort)
- The real workhorse of this section is the routine SCCC which is
- used to find the Smallest Cube Containing the Complement of a cover.
- Reduction as proposed by Espresso-II takes a cube and computes its
- maximal reduction as the intersection between the cube and the
- smallest cube containing the complement of (F u D - {c}) cofactored
- against c.
- As usual, the unate-recursive paradigm is used to compute SCCC.
- The SCCC of a unate cover is trivial to compute, and thus we perform
- Shannon Cofactor expansion attempting to drive the cover to be unate
- as fast as possible.
-pcover reduce(F, D)
-INOUT pcover F;
-IN pcover D;
- register pcube last, p, cunder, *FD;
- /* Order the cubes */
- if (use_random_order)
- F = random_order(F);
- else {
- F = toggle ? sort_reduce(F) : mini_sort(F, descend);
- toggle = ! toggle;
- }
- /* Try to reduce each cube */
- FD = cube2list(F, D);
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- cunder = reduce_cube(FD, p); /* reduce the cube */
- if (setp_equal(cunder, p)) { /* see if it actually did */
- SET(p, ACTIVE); /* cube remains active */
- SET(p, PRIME); /* cube remains prime ? */
- } else {
- if (debug & REDUCE) {
- printf("REDUCE: %s to %s %s\n",
- pc1(p), pc2(cunder), print_time(ptime()));
- }
- set_copy(p, cunder); /* save reduced version */
- RESET(p, PRIME); /* cube is no longer prime */
- if (setp_empty(cunder))
- RESET(p, ACTIVE); /* if null, kill the cube */
- else
- SET(p, ACTIVE); /* cube is active */
- }
- free_cube(cunder);
- }
- free_cubelist(FD);
- /* Delete any cubes of F which reduced to the empty cube */
- return sf_inactive(F);
-/* reduce_cube -- find the maximal reduction of a cube */
-pcube reduce_cube(FD, p)
-IN pcube *FD, p;
- pcube cunder;
- cunder = sccc(cofactor(FD, p));
- return set_and(cunder, cunder, p);
-/* sccc -- find Smallest Cube Containing the Complement of a cover */
-pcube sccc(T)
-INOUT pcube *T; /* T will be disposed of */
- pcube r;
- register pcube cl, cr;
- register int best;
- static int sccc_level = 0;
- if (debug & REDUCE1) {
- debug_print(T, "SCCC", sccc_level++);
- }
- if (sccc_special_cases(T, &r) == MAYBE) {
- cl = new_cube();
- cr = new_cube();
- best = binate_split_select(T, cl, cr, REDUCE1);
- r = sccc_merge(sccc(scofactor(T, cl, best)),
- sccc(scofactor(T, cr, best)), cl, cr);
- free_cubelist(T);
- }
- if (debug & REDUCE1)
- printf("SCCC[%d]: result is %s\n", --sccc_level, pc1(r));
- return r;
-pcube sccc_merge(left, right, cl, cr)
-INOUT register pcube left, right; /* will be disposed of ... */
-INOUT register pcube cl, cr; /* will be disposed of ... */
- INLINEset_and(left, left, cl);
- INLINEset_and(right, right, cr);
- INLINEset_or(left, left, right);
- free_cube(right);
- free_cube(cl);
- free_cube(cr);
- return left;
- sccc_cube -- find the smallest cube containing the complement of a cube
- By DeMorgan's law and the fact that the smallest cube containing a
- cover is the "or" of the positional cubes, it is simple to see that
- the SCCC is the universe if the cube has more than two active
- variables. If there is only a single active variable, then the
- SCCC is merely the bitwise complement of the cube in that
- variable. A last special case is no active variables, in which
- case the SCCC is empty.
- This is "anded" with the incoming cube result.
-pcube sccc_cube(result, p)
-register pcube result, p;
- register pcube temp=cube.temp[0], mask;
- int var;
- if ((var = cactive(p)) >= 0) {
- mask = cube.var_mask[var];
- INLINEset_xor(temp, p, mask);
- INLINEset_and(result, result, temp);
- }
- return result;
- * sccc_special_cases -- check the special cases for sccc
- */
-bool sccc_special_cases(T, result)
-INOUT pcube *T; /* will be disposed if answer is determined */
-OUT pcube *result; /* returned only if answer determined */
- register pcube *T1, p, temp = cube.temp[1], ceil, cof = T[0];
- pcube *A, *B;
- /* empty cover => complement is universe => SCCC is universe */
- if (T[2] == NULL) {
- *result = set_save(cube.fullset);
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* row of 1's => complement is empty => SCCC is empty */
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- if (full_row(p, cof)) {
- *result = new_cube();
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* Collect column counts, determine unate variables, etc. */
- massive_count(T);
- /* If cover is unate (or single cube), apply simple rules to find SCCCU */
- if (cdata.vars_unate == cdata.vars_active || T[3] == NULL) {
- *result = set_save(cube.fullset);
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- (void) sccc_cube(*result, set_or(temp, p, cof));
- }
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Check for column of 0's (which can be easily factored( */
- ceil = set_save(cof);
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != NULL; ) {
- INLINEset_or(ceil, ceil, p);
- }
- if (! setp_equal(ceil, cube.fullset)) {
- *result = sccc_cube(set_save(cube.fullset), ceil);
- if (setp_equal(*result, cube.fullset)) {
- free_cube(ceil);
- } else {
- *result = sccc_merge(sccc(cofactor(T,ceil)),
- set_save(cube.fullset), ceil, *result);
- }
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- free_cube(ceil);
- /* Single active column at this point => tautology => SCCC is empty */
- if (cdata.vars_active == 1) {
- *result = new_cube();
- free_cubelist(T);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Check for components */
- if (cdata.var_zeros[] < CUBELISTSIZE(T)/2) {
- if (cubelist_partition(T, &A, &B, debug & REDUCE1) == 0) {
- return MAYBE;
- } else {
- free_cubelist(T);
- *result = sccc(A);
- ceil = sccc(B);
- (void) set_and(*result, *result, ceil);
- set_free(ceil);
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* Not much we can do about it */
- return MAYBE;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/rows.c b/src/misc/espresso/rows.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bf0c0baa..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/rows.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-//#include "port.h"
-#include "sparse_int.h"
- * allocate a new row vector
- */
-sm_row *
- register sm_row *prow;
- if (sm_row_freelist == NIL(sm_row)) {
- prow = ALLOC(sm_row, 1);
- } else {
- prow = sm_row_freelist;
- sm_row_freelist = prow->next_row;
- }
- prow = ALLOC(sm_row, 1);
- prow->row_num = 0;
- prow->length = 0;
- prow->first_col = prow->last_col = NIL(sm_element);
- prow->next_row = prow->prev_row = NIL(sm_row);
- prow->flag = 0;
- prow->user_word = NIL(char); /* for our user ... */
- return prow;
- * free a row vector -- for FAST_AND_LOOSE, this is real cheap for rows;
- * however, freeing a column must still walk down the column discarding
- * the elements one-by-one; that is the only use for the extra '-DCOLS'
- * compile flag ...
- */
-register sm_row *prow;
-#if defined(FAST_AND_LOOSE) && ! defined(COLS)
- if (prow->first_col != NIL(sm_element)) {
- /* Add the linked list of row items to the free list */
- prow->last_col->next_col = sm_element_freelist;
- sm_element_freelist = prow->first_col;
- }
- /* Add the row to the free list of rows */
- prow->next_row = sm_row_freelist;
- sm_row_freelist = prow;
- register sm_element *p, *pnext;
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = pnext) {
- pnext = p->next_col;
- sm_element_free(p);
- }
- FREE(prow);
- * duplicate an existing row
- */
-sm_row *
-register sm_row *prow;
- register sm_row *pnew;
- register sm_element *p;
- pnew = sm_row_alloc();
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- (void) sm_row_insert(pnew, p->col_num);
- }
- return pnew;
- * insert an element into a row vector
- */
-sm_element *
-sm_row_insert(prow, col)
-register sm_row *prow;
-register int col;
- register sm_element *test, *element;
- /* get a new item, save its address */
- sm_element_alloc(element);
- test = element;
- sorted_insert(sm_element, prow->first_col, prow->last_col, prow->length,
- next_col, prev_col, col_num, col, test);
- /* if item was not used, free it */
- if (element != test) {
- sm_element_free(element);
- }
- /* either way, return the current new value */
- return test;
- * remove an element from a row vector
- */
-sm_row_remove(prow, col)
-register sm_row *prow;
-register int col;
- register sm_element *p;
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0 && p->col_num < col; p = p->next_col)
- ;
- if (p != 0 && p->col_num == col) {
- dll_unlink(p, prow->first_col, prow->last_col,
- next_col, prev_col, prow->length);
- sm_element_free(p);
- }
- * find an element (if it is in the row vector)
- */
-sm_element *
-sm_row_find(prow, col)
-sm_row *prow;
-int col;
- register sm_element *p;
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0 && p->col_num < col; p = p->next_col)
- ;
- if (p != 0 && p->col_num == col) {
- return p;
- } else {
- return NIL(sm_element);
- }
- * return 1 if row p2 contains row p1; 0 otherwise
- */
-sm_row_contains(p1, p2)
-sm_row *p1, *p2;
- register sm_element *q1, *q2;
- q1 = p1->first_col;
- q2 = p2->first_col;
- while (q1 != 0) {
- if (q2 == 0 || q1->col_num < q2->col_num) {
- return 0;
- } else if (q1->col_num == q2->col_num) {
- q1 = q1->next_col;
- q2 = q2->next_col;
- } else {
- q2 = q2->next_col;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- * return 1 if row p1 and row p2 share an element in common
- */
-sm_row_intersects(p1, p2)
-sm_row *p1, *p2;
- register sm_element *q1, *q2;
- q1 = p1->first_col;
- q2 = p2->first_col;
- if (q1 == 0 || q2 == 0) return 0;
- for(;;) {
- if (q1->col_num < q2->col_num) {
- if ((q1 = q1->next_col) == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- } else if (q1->col_num > q2->col_num) {
- if ((q2 = q2->next_col) == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- * compare two rows, lexical ordering
- */
-sm_row_compare(p1, p2)
-sm_row *p1, *p2;
- register sm_element *q1, *q2;
- q1 = p1->first_col;
- q2 = p2->first_col;
- while(q1 != 0 && q2 != 0) {
- if (q1->col_num != q2->col_num) {
- return q1->col_num - q2->col_num;
- }
- q1 = q1->next_col;
- q2 = q2->next_col;
- }
- if (q1 != 0) {
- return 1;
- } else if (q2 != 0) {
- return -1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- * return the intersection
- */
-sm_row *
-sm_row_and(p1, p2)
-sm_row *p1, *p2;
- register sm_element *q1, *q2;
- register sm_row *result;
- result = sm_row_alloc();
- q1 = p1->first_col;
- q2 = p2->first_col;
- if (q1 == 0 || q2 == 0) return result;
- for(;;) {
- if (q1->col_num < q2->col_num) {
- if ((q1 = q1->next_col) == 0) {
- return result;
- }
- } else if (q1->col_num > q2->col_num) {
- if ((q2 = q2->next_col) == 0) {
- return result;
- }
- } else {
- (void) sm_row_insert(result, q1->col_num);
- if ((q1 = q1->next_col) == 0) {
- return result;
- }
- if ((q2 = q2->next_col) == 0) {
- return result;
- }
- }
- }
-sm_row_hash(prow, modulus)
-sm_row *prow;
-int modulus;
- register int sum;
- register sm_element *p;
- sum = 0;
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- sum = (sum*17 + p->col_num) % modulus;
- }
- return sum;
- * remove an element from a row vector (given a pointer to the element)
- */
-sm_row_remove_element(prow, p)
-register sm_row *prow;
-register sm_element *p;
- dll_unlink(p, prow->first_col, prow->last_col,
- next_col, prev_col, prow->length);
- sm_element_free(p);
-sm_row_print(fp, prow)
-FILE *fp;
-sm_row *prow;
- sm_element *p;
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, " %d", p->col_num);
- }
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/set.c b/src/misc/espresso/set.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fce88288..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/set.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,820 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- * set.c -- routines for maniuplating sets and set families
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-static pset_family set_family_garbage = NULL;
-static int intcpy(d, s, n)
-register unsigned int *d, *s;
-register long n;
- register int i;
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- *d++ = *s++;
- }
-/* bit_index -- find first bit (from LSB) in a word (MSB=bit n, LSB=bit 0) */
-int bit_index(a)
-register unsigned int a;
- register int i;
- if (a == 0)
- return -1;
- for(i = 0; (a & 1) == 0; a >>= 1, i++)
- ;
- return i;
-/* set_ord -- count number of elements in a set */
-int set_ord(a)
-register pset a;
- register int i, sum = 0;
- register unsigned int val;
- for(i = LOOP(a); i > 0; i--)
- if ((val = a[i]) != 0)
- sum += count_ones(val);
- return sum;
-/* set_dist -- distance between two sets (# elements in common) */
-int set_dist(a, b)
-register pset a, b;
- register int i, sum = 0;
- register unsigned int val;
- for(i = LOOP(a); i > 0; i--)
- if ((val = a[i] & b[i]) != 0)
- sum += count_ones(val);
- return sum;
-/* set_clear -- make "r" the empty set of "size" elements */
-pset set_clear(r, size)
-register pset r;
-int size;
- register int i = LOOPINIT(size);
- *r = i; do r[i] = 0; while (--i > 0);
- return r;
-/* set_fill -- make "r" the universal set of "size" elements */
-pset set_fill(r, size)
-register pset r;
-register int size;
- register int i = LOOPINIT(size);
- *r = i;
- r[i] = ~ (unsigned) 0;
- r[i] >>= i * BPI - size;
- while (--i > 0)
- r[i] = ~ (unsigned) 0;
- return r;
-/* set_copy -- copy set a into set r */
-pset set_copy(r, a)
-register pset r, a;
- register int i = LOOPCOPY(a);
- do r[i] = a[i]; while (--i >= 0);
- return r;
-/* set_and -- compute intersection of sets "a" and "b" */
-pset set_and(r, a, b)
-register pset r, a, b;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- PUTLOOP(r,i); do r[i] = a[i] & b[i]; while (--i > 0);
- return r;
-/* set_or -- compute union of sets "a" and "b" */
-pset set_or(r, a, b)
-register pset r, a, b;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- PUTLOOP(r,i); do r[i] = a[i] | b[i]; while (--i > 0);
- return r;
-/* set_diff -- compute difference of sets "a" and "b" */
-pset set_diff(r, a, b)
-register pset r, a, b;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- PUTLOOP(r,i); do r[i] = a[i] & ~b[i]; while (--i > 0);
- return r;
-/* set_xor -- compute exclusive-or of sets "a" and "b" */
-pset set_xor(r, a, b)
-register pset r, a, b;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
-#ifdef IBM_WATC
- PUTLOOP(r,i); do r[i] = (a[i]&~b[i]) | (~a[i]&b[i]); while (--i > 0);
- PUTLOOP(r,i); do r[i] = a[i] ^ b[i]; while (--i > 0);
- return r;
-/* set_merge -- compute "a" & "mask" | "b" & ~ "mask" */
-pset set_merge(r, a, b, mask)
-register pset r, a, b, mask;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- PUTLOOP(r,i); do r[i] = (a[i]&mask[i]) | (b[i]&~mask[i]); while (--i > 0);
- return r;
-/* set_andp -- compute intersection of sets "a" and "b" , TRUE if nonempty */
-bool set_andp(r, a, b)
-register pset r, a, b;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- register unsigned int x = 0;
- PUTLOOP(r,i); do {r[i] = a[i] & b[i]; x |= r[i];} while (--i > 0);
- return x != 0;
-/* set_orp -- compute union of sets "a" and "b" , TRUE if nonempty */
-bool set_orp(r, a, b)
-register pset r, a, b;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- register unsigned int x = 0;
- PUTLOOP(r,i); do {r[i] = a[i] | b[i]; x |= r[i];} while (--i > 0);
- return x != 0;
-/* setp_empty -- check if the set "a" is empty */
-bool setp_empty(a)
-register pset a;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- do if (a[i]) return FALSE; while (--i > 0);
- return TRUE;
-/* setp_full -- check if the set "a" is the full set of "size" elements */
-bool setp_full(a, size)
-register pset a;
-register int size;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- register unsigned int test;
- test = ~ (unsigned) 0;
- test >>= i * BPI - size;
- if (a[i] != test)
- return FALSE;
- while (--i > 0)
- if (a[i] != (~(unsigned) 0))
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
-/* setp_equal -- check if the set "a" equals set "b" */
-bool setp_equal(a, b)
-register pset a, b;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- do if (a[i] != b[i]) return FALSE; while (--i > 0);
- return TRUE;
-/* setp_disjoint -- check if intersection of "a" and "b" is empty */
-bool setp_disjoint(a, b)
-register pset a, b;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- do if (a[i] & b[i]) return FALSE; while (--i > 0);
- return TRUE;
-/* setp_implies -- check if "a" implies "b" ("b" contains "a") */
-bool setp_implies(a, b)
-register pset a, b;
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- do if (a[i] & ~b[i]) return FALSE; while (--i > 0);
- return TRUE;
-/* sf_or -- form the "or" of all sets in a set family */
-pset sf_or(A)
-pset_family A;
- register pset or, last, p;
- or = set_new(A->sf_size);
- foreach_set(A, last, p)
- INLINEset_or(or, or, p);
- return or;
-/* sf_and -- form the "and" of all sets in a set family */
-pset sf_and(A)
-pset_family A;
- register pset and, last, p;
- and = set_fill(set_new(A->sf_size), A->sf_size);
- foreach_set(A, last, p)
- INLINEset_and(and, and, p);
- return and;
-/* sf_active -- make all members of the set family active */
-pset_family sf_active(A)
-pset_family A;
- register pset p, last;
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- }
- A->active_count = A->count;
- return A;
-/* sf_inactive -- remove all inactive cubes in a set family */
-pset_family sf_inactive(A)
-pset_family A;
- register pset p, last, pdest;
- pdest = A->data;
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- if (TESTP(p, ACTIVE)) {
- if (pdest != p) {
- INLINEset_copy(pdest, p);
- }
- pdest += A->wsize;
- } else {
- A->count--;
- }
- }
- return A;
-/* sf_copy -- copy a set family */
-pset_family sf_copy(R, A)
-pset_family R, A;
- R->sf_size = A->sf_size;
- R->wsize = A->wsize;
-/*R->capacity = A->count;*/
-/*R->data = REALLOC(unsigned int, R->data, (long) R->capacity * R->wsize);*/
- R->count = A->count;
- R->active_count = A->active_count;
- intcpy(R->data, A->data, (long) A->wsize * A->count);
- return R;
-/* sf_join -- join A and B into a single set_family */
-pset_family sf_join(A, B)
-pset_family A, B;
- pset_family R;
- long asize = A->count * A->wsize;
- long bsize = B->count * B->wsize;
- if (A->sf_size != B->sf_size) fatal("sf_join: sf_size mismatch");
- R = sf_new(A->count + B->count, A->sf_size);
- R->count = A->count + B->count;
- R->active_count = A->active_count + B->active_count;
- intcpy(R->data, A->data, asize);
- intcpy(R->data + asize, B->data, bsize);
- return R;
-/* sf_append -- append the sets of B to the end of A, and dispose of B */
-pset_family sf_append(A, B)
-pset_family A, B;
- long asize = A->count * A->wsize;
- long bsize = B->count * B->wsize;
- if (A->sf_size != B->sf_size) fatal("sf_append: sf_size mismatch");
- A->capacity = A->count + B->count;
- A->data = REALLOC(unsigned int, A->data, (long) A->capacity * A->wsize);
- intcpy(A->data + asize, B->data, bsize);
- A->count += B->count;
- A->active_count += B->active_count;
- sf_free(B);
- return A;
-/* sf_new -- allocate "num" sets of "size" elements each */
-pset_family sf_new(num, size)
-int num, size;
- pset_family A;
- if (set_family_garbage == NULL) {
- A = ALLOC(set_family_t, 1);
- } else {
- A = set_family_garbage;
- set_family_garbage = A->next;
- }
- A->sf_size = size;
- A->wsize = SET_SIZE(size);
- A->capacity = num;
- A->data = ALLOC(unsigned int, (long) A->capacity * A->wsize);
- A->count = 0;
- A->active_count = 0;
- return A;
-/* sf_save -- create a duplicate copy of a set family */
-pset_family sf_save(A)
-register pset_family A;
- return sf_copy(sf_new(A->count, A->sf_size), A);
-/* sf_free -- free the storage allocated for a set family */
-void sf_free(A)
-pset_family A;
- FREE(A->data);
- A->next = set_family_garbage;
- set_family_garbage = A;
-/* sf_cleanup -- free all of the set families from the garbage list */
-void sf_cleanup()
- register pset_family p, pnext;
- for(p = set_family_garbage; p != (pset_family) NULL; p = pnext) {
- pnext = p->next;
- FREE(p);
- }
- set_family_garbage = (pset_family) NULL;
-/* sf_addset -- add a set to the end of a set family */
-pset_family sf_addset(A, s)
-pset_family A;
-pset s;
- register pset p;
- if (A->count >= A->capacity) {
- A->capacity = A->capacity + A->capacity/2 + 1;
- A->data = REALLOC(unsigned int, A->data, (long) A->capacity * A->wsize);
- }
- p = GETSET(A, A->count++);
- INLINEset_copy(p, s);
- return A;
-/* sf_delset -- delete a set from a set family */
-void sf_delset(A, i)
-pset_family A;
-int i;
-{ (void) set_copy(GETSET(A,i), GETSET(A, --A->count));}
-/* sf_print -- print a set_family as a set (list the element numbers) */
-void sf_print(A)
-pset_family A;
- char *ps1();
- register pset p;
- register int i;
- foreachi_set(A, i, p)
- printf("A[%d] = %s\n", i, ps1(p));
-/* sf_bm_print -- print a set_family as a bit-matrix */
-void sf_bm_print(A)
-pset_family A;
- char *pbv1();
- register pset p;
- register int i;
- foreachi_set(A, i, p)
- printf("[%4d] %s\n", i, pbv1(p, A->sf_size));
-/* sf_write -- output a set family in an unintelligable manner */
-void sf_write(fp, A)
-FILE *fp;
-pset_family A;
- register pset p, last;
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", A->count, A->sf_size);
- foreach_set(A, last, p)
- set_write(fp, p);
- (void) fflush(fp);
-/* sf_read -- read a set family written by sf_write */
-pset_family sf_read(fp)
-FILE *fp;
- int i, j;
- register pset p, last;
- pset_family A;
- (void) fscanf(fp, "%d %d\n", &i, &j);
- A = sf_new(i, j);
- A->count = i;
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- (void) fscanf(fp, "%x", p);
- for(j = 1; j <= LOOP(p); j++)
- (void) fscanf(fp, "%x", p+j);
- }
- return A;
-/* set_write -- output a set in an unintelligable manner */
-void set_write(fp, a)
-register FILE *fp;
-register pset a;
- register int n = LOOP(a), j;
- for(j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
- (void) fprintf(fp, "%x ", a[j]);
- if ((j+1) % 8 == 0 && j != n)
- (void) fprintf(fp, "\n\t");
- }
- (void) fprintf(fp, "\n");
-/* sf_bm_read -- read a set family written by sf_bm_print (almost) */
-pset_family sf_bm_read(fp)
-FILE *fp;
- int i, j, rows, cols;
- register pset pdest;
- pset_family A;
- (void) fscanf(fp, "%d %d\n", &rows, &cols);
- A = sf_new(rows, cols);
- for(i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- pdest = GETSET(A, A->count++);
- (void) set_clear(pdest, A->sf_size);
- for(j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
- switch(getc(fp)) {
- case '0':
- break;
- case '1':
- set_insert(pdest, j);
- break;
- default:
- fatal("Error reading set family");
- }
- }
- if (getc(fp) != '\n') {
- fatal("Error reading set family (at end of line)");
- }
- }
- return A;
-/* ps1 -- convert a set into a printable string */
-#define largest_string 120
-static char s1[largest_string];
-char *ps1(a)
-register pset a;
- register int i, num, l, len = 0, n = NELEM(a);
- char temp[20];
- bool first = TRUE;
- s1[len++] = '[';
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
- if (is_in_set(a,i)) {
- if (! first)
- s1[len++] = ',';
- first = FALSE; num = i;
- /* Generate digits (reverse order) */
- l = 0; do temp[l++] = num % 10 + '0'; while ((num /= 10) > 0);
- /* Copy them back in correct order */
- do s1[len++] = temp[--l]; while (l > 0);
- if (len > largest_string-15) {
- s1[len++] = '.'; s1[len++] = '.'; s1[len++] = '.';
- break;
- }
- }
- s1[len++] = ']';
- s1[len++] = '\0';
- return s1;
-/* pbv1 -- print bit-vector */
-char *pbv1(s, n)
-pset s;
-int n;
- register int i;
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
- s1[i] = is_in_set(s,i) ? '1' : '0';
- s1[n] = '\0';
- return s1;
-/* set_adjcnt -- adjust the counts for a set by "weight" */
-set_adjcnt(a, count, weight)
-register pset a;
-register int *count, weight;
- register int i, base;
- register unsigned int val;
- for(i = LOOP(a); i > 0; ) {
- for(val = a[i], base = --i << LOGBPI; val != 0; base++, val >>= 1) {
- if (val & 1) {
- count[base] += weight;
- }
- }
- }
-/* sf_count -- perform a column sum over a set family */
-int *sf_count(A)
-pset_family A;
- register pset p, last;
- register int i, base, *count;
- register unsigned int val;
- count = ALLOC(int, A->sf_size);
- for(i = A->sf_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- count[i] = 0;
- }
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- for(i = LOOP(p); i > 0; ) {
- for(val = p[i], base = --i << LOGBPI; val != 0; base++, val >>= 1) {
- if (val & 1) {
- count[base]++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return count;
-/* sf_count_restricted -- perform a column sum over a set family, restricting
- * to only the columns which are in r; also, the columns are weighted by the
- * number of elements which are in each row
- */
-int *sf_count_restricted(A, r)
-pset_family A;
-register pset r;
- register pset p;
- register int i, base, *count;
- register unsigned int val;
- int weight;
- pset last;
- count = ALLOC(int, A->sf_size);
- for(i = A->sf_size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- count[i] = 0;
- }
- /* Loop for each set */
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- weight = 1024 / (set_ord(p) - 1);
- for(i = LOOP(p); i > 0; ) {
- for(val=p[i]&r[i], base= --i<<LOGBPI; val!=0; base++, val >>= 1) {
- if (val & 1) {
- count[base] += weight;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return count;
- * sf_delc -- delete columns first ... last of A
- */
-pset_family sf_delc(A, first, last)
-pset_family A;
-int first, last;
- return sf_delcol(A, first, last-first + 1);
- * sf_addcol -- add columns to a set family; includes a quick check to see
- * if there is already enough room (and hence, can avoid copying)
- */
-pset_family sf_addcol(A, firstcol, n)
-pset_family A;
-int firstcol, n;
- int maxsize;
- /* Check if adding columns at the end ... */
- if (firstcol == A->sf_size) {
- /* If so, check if there is already enough room */
- maxsize = BPI * LOOPINIT(A->sf_size);
- if ((A->sf_size + n) <= maxsize) {
- A->sf_size += n;
- return A;
- }
- }
- return sf_delcol(A, firstcol, -n);
- * sf_delcol -- add/delete columns to/from a set family
- *
- * if n > 0 then n columns starting from firstcol are deleted if n < 0
- * then n blank columns are inserted starting at firstcol
- * (i.e., the first new column number is firstcol)
- *
- * This is done by copying columns in the array which is a relatively
- * slow operation.
- */
-pset_family sf_delcol(A, firstcol, n)
-pset_family A;
-register int firstcol, n;
- register pset p, last, pdest;
- register int i;
- pset_family B;
- B = sf_new(A->count, A->sf_size - n);
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- pdest = GETSET(B, B->count++);
- INLINEset_clear(pdest, B->sf_size);
- for(i = 0; i < firstcol; i++)
- if (is_in_set(p, i))
- set_insert(pdest, i);
- for(i = n > 0 ? firstcol + n : firstcol; i < A->sf_size; i++)
- if (is_in_set(p, i))
- set_insert(pdest, i - n);
- }
- sf_free(A);
- return B;
- * sf_copy_col -- copy column "srccol" from "src" to column "dstcol" of "dst"
- */
-pset_family sf_copy_col(dst, dstcol, src, srccol)
-pset_family dst, src;
-int dstcol, srccol;
- register pset last, p, pdest;
- register int word_test, word_set;
- unsigned int bit_set, bit_test;
- /* CHEAT! form these constants outside the loop */
- word_test = WHICH_WORD(srccol);
- bit_test = 1 << WHICH_BIT(srccol);
- word_set = WHICH_WORD(dstcol);
- bit_set = 1 << WHICH_BIT(dstcol);
- pdest = dst->data;
- foreach_set(src, last, p) {
- if ((p[word_test] & bit_test) != 0)
- pdest[word_set] |= bit_set;
- * equivalent code for this is ...
- * if (is_in_set(p, srccol)) set_insert(pdest, destcol);
- */
- pdest += dst->wsize;
- }
- return dst;
- * sf_compress -- delete columns from a matrix
- */
-pset_family sf_compress(A, c)
-pset_family A; /* will be freed */
-register pset c;
- register pset p;
- register int i, bcol;
- pset_family B;
- /* create a clean set family for the result */
- B = sf_new(A->count, set_ord(c));
- for(i = 0; i < A->count; i++) {
- p = GETSET(B, B->count++);
- INLINEset_clear(p, B->sf_size);
- }
- /* copy each column of A which has a 1 in c */
- bcol = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < A->sf_size; i++) {
- if (is_in_set(c, i)) {
- (void) sf_copy_col(B, bcol++, A, i);
- }
- }
- sf_free(A);
- return B;
- * sf_transpose -- transpose a bit matrix
- *
- * There are trickier ways of doing this, but this works.
- */
-pset_family sf_transpose(A)
-pset_family A;
- pset_family B;
- register pset p;
- register int i, j;
- B = sf_new(A->sf_size, A->count);
- B->count = A->sf_size;
- foreachi_set(B, i, p) {
- INLINEset_clear(p, B->sf_size);
- }
- foreachi_set(A, i, p) {
- for(j = 0; j < A->sf_size; j++) {
- if (is_in_set(p, j)) {
- set_insert(GETSET(B, j), i);
- }
- }
- }
- sf_free(A);
- return B;
- * sf_permute -- permute the columns of a set_family
- *
- * permute is an array of integers containing column numbers of A which
- * are to be retained.
- */
-pset_family sf_permute(A, permute, npermute)
-pset_family A;
-register int *permute, npermute;
- pset_family B;
- register pset p, last, pdest;
- register int j;
- B = sf_new(A->count, npermute);
- B->count = A->count;
- foreach_set(B, last, p)
- INLINEset_clear(p, npermute);
- pdest = B->data;
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- for(j = 0; j < npermute; j++)
- if (is_in_set(p, permute[j]))
- set_insert(pdest, j);
- pdest += B->wsize;
- }
- sf_free(A);
- return B;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/setc.c b/src/misc/espresso/setc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a6112ebc..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/setc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- setc.c -- massive bit-hacking for performing special "cube"-type
- operations on a set
- The basic trick used for binary valued variables is the following:
- If a[w] and b[w] contain a full word of binary variables, then:
- 1) to get the full word of their intersection, we use
- x = a[w] & b[w];
- 2) to see if the intersection is null in any variables, we examine
- x = ~(x | x >> 1) & DISJOINT;
- this will have a single 1 in each binary variable for which
- the intersection is null. In particular, if this is zero,
- then there are no disjoint variables; or, if this is nonzero,
- then there is at least one disjoint variable. A "count_ones"
- over x will tell in how many variables they have an null
- intersection.
- 3) to get a mask which selects the disjoint variables, we use
- (x | x << 1)
- this provides a selector which can be used to see where
- they have an null intersection
- cdist return distance between two cubes
- cdist0 return true if two cubes are distance 0 apart
- cdist01 return distance, or 2 if distance exceeds 1
- consensus compute consensus of two cubes distance 1 apart
- force_lower expand hack (for now), related to consensus
-#include "espresso.h"
-/* see if the cube has a full row of 1's (with respect to cof) */
-bool full_row(p, cof)
-IN register pcube p, cof;
- register int i = LOOP(p);
- do if ((p[i] | cof[i]) != cube.fullset[i]) return FALSE; while (--i > 0);
- return TRUE;
- cdist0 -- return TRUE if a and b are distance 0 apart
-bool cdist0(a, b)
-register pcube a, b;
- { /* Check binary variables */
- register int w, last; register unsigned int x;
- if ((last = cube.inword) != -1) {
- /* Check the partial word of binary variables */
- x = a[last] & b[last];
- if (~(x | x >> 1) & cube.inmask)
- return FALSE; /* disjoint in some variable */
- /* Check the full words of binary variables */
- for(w = 1; w < last; w++) {
- x = a[w] & b[w];
- if (~(x | x >> 1) & DISJOINT)
- return FALSE; /* disjoint in some variable */
- }
- }
- }
- { /* Check the multiple-valued variables */
- register int w, var, last; register pcube mask;
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- mask = cube.var_mask[var]; last = cube.last_word[var];
- for(w = cube.first_word[var]; w <= last; w++)
- if (a[w] & b[w] & mask[w])
- goto nextvar;
- return FALSE; /* disjoint in this variable */
- nextvar: ;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- cdist01 -- return the "distance" between two cubes (defined as the
- number of null variables in their intersection). If the distance
- exceeds 1, the value 2 is returned.
-int cdist01(a, b)
-register pset a, b;
- int dist = 0;
- { /* Check binary variables */
- register int w, last; register unsigned int x;
- if ((last = cube.inword) != -1) {
- /* Check the partial word of binary variables */
- x = a[last] & b[last];
- if (x = ~ (x | x >> 1) & cube.inmask)
- if ((dist = count_ones(x)) > 1)
- return 2;
- /* Check the full words of binary variables */
- for(w = 1; w < last; w++) {
- x = a[w] & b[w];
- if (x = ~ (x | x >> 1) & DISJOINT)
- if (dist == 1 || (dist += count_ones(x)) > 1)
- return 2;
- }
- }
- }
- { /* Check the multiple-valued variables */
- register int w, var, last; register pcube mask;
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- mask = cube.var_mask[var]; last = cube.last_word[var];
- for(w = cube.first_word[var]; w <= last; w++)
- if (a[w] & b[w] & mask[w])
- goto nextvar;
- if (++dist > 1)
- return 2;
- nextvar: ;
- }
- }
- return dist;
- cdist -- return the "distance" between two cubes (defined as the
- number of null variables in their intersection).
-int cdist(a, b)
-register pset a, b;
- int dist = 0;
- { /* Check binary variables */
- register int w, last; register unsigned int x;
- if ((last = cube.inword) != -1) {
- /* Check the partial word of binary variables */
- x = a[last] & b[last];
- if (x = ~ (x | x >> 1) & cube.inmask)
- dist = count_ones(x);
- /* Check the full words of binary variables */
- for(w = 1; w < last; w++) {
- x = a[w] & b[w];
- if (x = ~ (x | x >> 1) & DISJOINT)
- dist += count_ones(x);
- }
- }
- }
- { /* Check the multiple-valued variables */
- register int w, var, last; register pcube mask;
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- mask = cube.var_mask[var]; last = cube.last_word[var];
- for(w = cube.first_word[var]; w <= last; w++)
- if (a[w] & b[w] & mask[w])
- goto nextvar;
- dist++;
- nextvar: ;
- }
- }
- return dist;
- force_lower -- Determine which variables of a do not intersect b.
-pset force_lower(xlower, a, b)
-INOUT pset xlower;
-IN register pset a, b;
- { /* Check binary variables (if any) */
- register int w, last; register unsigned int x;
- if ((last = cube.inword) != -1) {
- /* Check the partial word of binary variables */
- x = a[last] & b[last];
- if (x = ~(x | x >> 1) & cube.inmask)
- xlower[last] |= (x | (x << 1)) & a[last];
- /* Check the full words of binary variables */
- for(w = 1; w < last; w++) {
- x = a[w] & b[w];
- if (x = ~(x | x >> 1) & DISJOINT)
- xlower[w] |= (x | (x << 1)) & a[w];
- }
- }
- }
- { /* Check the multiple-valued variables */
- register int w, var, last; register pcube mask;
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- mask = cube.var_mask[var]; last = cube.last_word[var];
- for(w = cube.first_word[var]; w <= last; w++)
- if (a[w] & b[w] & mask[w])
- goto nextvar;
- for(w = cube.first_word[var]; w <= last; w++)
- xlower[w] |= a[w] & mask[w];
- nextvar: ;
- }
- }
- return xlower;
- consensus -- multiple-valued consensus
- Although this looks very messy, the idea is to compute for r the
- "and" of the cubes a and b for each variable, unless the "and" is
- null in a variable, in which case the "or" of a and b is computed
- for this variable.
- Because we don't check how many variables are null in the
- intersection of a and b, the returned value for r really only
- represents the consensus when a and b are distance 1 apart.
-void consensus(r, a, b)
-INOUT pcube r;
-IN register pcube a, b;
- INLINEset_clear(r, cube.size);
- { /* Check binary variables (if any) */
- register int w, last; register unsigned int x;
- if ((last = cube.inword) != -1) {
- /* Check the partial word of binary variables */
- r[last] = x = a[last] & b[last];
- if (x = ~(x | x >> 1) & cube.inmask)
- r[last] |= (x | (x << 1)) & (a[last] | b[last]);
- /* Check the full words of binary variables */
- for(w = 1; w < last; w++) {
- r[w] = x = a[w] & b[w];
- if (x = ~(x | x >> 1) & DISJOINT)
- r[w] |= (x | (x << 1)) & (a[w] | b[w]);
- }
- }
- }
- { /* Check the multiple-valued variables */
- bool empty; int var; unsigned int x;
- register int w, last; register pcube mask;
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- mask = cube.var_mask[var];
- last = cube.last_word[var];
- empty = TRUE;
- for(w = cube.first_word[var]; w <= last; w++)
- if (x = a[w] & b[w] & mask[w])
- empty = FALSE, r[w] |= x;
- if (empty)
- for(w = cube.first_word[var]; w <= last; w++)
- r[w] |= mask[w] & (a[w] | b[w]);
- }
- }
- cactive -- return the index of the single active variable in
- the cube, or return -1 if there are none or more than 2.
-int cactive(a)
-register pcube a;
- int active = -1, dist = 0, bit_index();
- { /* Check binary variables */
- register int w, last;
- register unsigned int x;
- if ((last = cube.inword) != -1) {
- /* Check the partial word of binary variables */
- x = a[last];
- if (x = ~ (x & x >> 1) & cube.inmask) {
- if ((dist = count_ones(x)) > 1)
- return -1; /* more than 2 active variables */
- active = (last-1)*(BPI/2) + bit_index(x) / 2;
- }
- /* Check the full words of binary variables */
- for(w = 1; w < last; w++) {
- x = a[w];
- if (x = ~ (x & x >> 1) & DISJOINT) {
- if ((dist += count_ones(x)) > 1)
- return -1; /* more than 2 active variables */
- active = (w-1)*(BPI/2) + bit_index(x) / 2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- { /* Check the multiple-valued variables */
- register int w, var, last;
- register pcube mask;
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- mask = cube.var_mask[var];
- last = cube.last_word[var];
- for(w = cube.first_word[var]; w <= last; w++)
- if (mask[w] & ~ a[w]) {
- if (++dist > 1)
- return -1;
- active = var;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return active;
- ccommon -- return TRUE if a and b are share "active" variables
- active variables include variables that are empty;
-bool ccommon(a, b, cof)
-register pcube a, b, cof;
- { /* Check binary variables */
- int last;
- register int w;
- register unsigned int x, y;
- if ((last = cube.inword) != -1) {
- /* Check the partial word of binary variables */
- x = a[last] | cof[last];
- y = b[last] | cof[last];
- if (~(x & x>>1) & ~(y & y>>1) & cube.inmask)
- return TRUE;
- /* Check the full words of binary variables */
- for(w = 1; w < last; w++) {
- x = a[w] | cof[w];
- y = b[w] | cof[w];
- if (~(x & x>>1) & ~(y & y>>1) & DISJOINT)
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- { /* Check the multiple-valued variables */
- int var;
- register int w, last;
- register pcube mask;
- for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- mask = cube.var_mask[var]; last = cube.last_word[var];
- /* Check for some part missing from a */
- for(w = cube.first_word[var]; w <= last; w++)
- if (mask[w] & ~a[w] & ~cof[w]) {
- /* If so, check for some part missing from b */
- for(w = cube.first_word[var]; w <= last; w++)
- if (mask[w] & ~b[w] & ~cof[w])
- return TRUE; /* both active */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- These routines compare two sets (cubes) for the qsort() routine and
- return:
- -1 if set a is to precede set b
- 0 if set a and set b are equal
- 1 if set a is to follow set b
- Usually the SIZE field of the set is assumed to contain the size
- of the set (which will save recomputing the set size during the
- sort). For distance-1 merging, the global variable cube.temp[0] is
- a mask which mask's-out the merging variable.
-/* descend -- comparison for descending sort on set size */
-int descend(a, b)
-pset *a, *b;
- register pset a1 = *a, b1 = *b;
- if (SIZE(a1) > SIZE(b1)) return -1;
- else if (SIZE(a1) < SIZE(b1)) return 1;
- else {
- register int i = LOOP(a1);
- do
- if (a1[i] > b1[i]) return -1; else if (a1[i] < b1[i]) return 1;
- while (--i > 0);
- }
- return 0;
-/* ascend -- comparison for ascending sort on set size */
-int ascend(a, b)
-pset *a, *b;
- register pset a1 = *a, b1 = *b;
- if (SIZE(a1) > SIZE(b1)) return 1;
- else if (SIZE(a1) < SIZE(b1)) return -1;
- else {
- register int i = LOOP(a1);
- do
- if (a1[i] > b1[i]) return 1; else if (a1[i] < b1[i]) return -1;
- while (--i > 0);
- }
- return 0;
-/* lex_order -- comparison for "lexical" ordering of cubes */
-int lex_order(a, b)
-pset *a, *b;
- register pset a1 = *a, b1 = *b;
- register int i = LOOP(a1);
- do
- if (a1[i] > b1[i]) return -1; else if (a1[i] < b1[i]) return 1;
- while (--i > 0);
- return 0;
-/* d1_order -- comparison for distance-1 merge routine */
-int d1_order(a, b)
-pset *a, *b;
- register pset a1 = *a, b1 = *b, c1 = cube.temp[0];
- register int i = LOOP(a1);
- register unsigned int x1, x2;
- do
- if ((x1 = a1[i] | c1[i]) > (x2 = b1[i] | c1[i])) return -1;
- else if (x1 < x2) return 1;
- while (--i > 0);
- return 0;
-/* desc1 -- comparison (without indirection) for descending sort */
-/* also has effect of handling NULL pointers,and a NULL pointer has smallest
-order */
-int desc1(a, b)
-register pset a, b;
- if (a == (pset) NULL)
- return (b == (pset) NULL) ? 0 : 1;
- else if (b == (pset) NULL)
- return -1;
- if (SIZE(a) > SIZE(b)) return -1;
- else if (SIZE(a) < SIZE(b)) return 1;
- else {
- register int i = LOOP(a);
- do
- if (a[i] > b[i]) return -1; else if (a[i] < b[i]) return 1;
- while (--i > 0);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/sharp.c b/src/misc/espresso/sharp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 53435078..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/sharp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- sharp.c -- perform sharp, disjoint sharp, and intersection
-#include "espresso.h"
-long start_time;
-/* cv_sharp -- form the sharp product between two covers */
-pcover cv_sharp(A, B)
-pcover A, B;
- pcube last, p;
- pcover T;
- T = new_cover(0);
- foreach_set(A, last, p)
- T = sf_union(T, cb_sharp(p, B));
- return T;
-/* cb_sharp -- form the sharp product between a cube and a cover */
-pcover cb_sharp(c, T)
-pcube c;
-pcover T;
- if (T->count == 0) {
- T = sf_addset(new_cover(1), c);
- } else {
- start_time = ptime();
- T = cb_recur_sharp(c, T, 0, T->count-1, 0);
- }
- return T;
-/* recursive formulation to provide balanced merging */
-pcover cb_recur_sharp(c, T, first, last, level)
-pcube c;
-pcover T;
-int first, last, level;
- pcover temp, left, right;
- int middle;
- if (first == last) {
- temp = sharp(c, GETSET(T, first));
- } else {
- middle = (first + last) / 2;
- left = cb_recur_sharp(c, T, first, middle, level+1);
- right = cb_recur_sharp(c, T, middle+1, last, level+1);
- temp = cv_intersect(left, right);
- if ((debug & SHARP) && level < 4) {
- printf("# SHARP[%d]: %4d = %4d x %4d, time = %s\n",
- level, temp->count, left->count, right->count,
- print_time(ptime() - start_time));
- (void) fflush(stdout);
- }
- free_cover(left);
- free_cover(right);
- }
- return temp;
-/* sharp -- form the sharp product between two cubes */
-pcover sharp(a, b)
-pcube a, b;
- register int var;
- register pcube d=cube.temp[0], temp=cube.temp[1], temp1=cube.temp[2];
- pcover r = new_cover(cube.num_vars);
- if (cdist0(a, b)) {
- set_diff(d, a, b);
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- if (! setp_empty(set_and(temp, d, cube.var_mask[var]))) {
- set_diff(temp1, a, cube.var_mask[var]);
- set_or(GETSET(r, r->count++), temp, temp1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- r = sf_addset(r, a);
- }
- return r;
-pcover make_disjoint(A)
-pcover A;
- pcover R, new;
- register pset last, p;
- R = new_cover(0);
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- new = cb_dsharp(p, R);
- R = sf_append(R, new);
- }
- return R;
-/* cv_dsharp -- disjoint-sharp product between two covers */
-pcover cv_dsharp(A, B)
-pcover A, B;
- register pcube last, p;
- pcover T;
- T = new_cover(0);
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- T = sf_union(T, cb_dsharp(p, B));
- }
- return T;
-/* cb1_dsharp -- disjoint-sharp product between a cover and a cube */
-pcover cb1_dsharp(T, c)
-pcover T;
-pcube c;
- pcube last, p;
- pcover R;
- R = new_cover(T->count);
- foreach_set(T, last, p) {
- R = sf_union(R, dsharp(p, c));
- }
- return R;
-/* cb_dsharp -- disjoint-sharp product between a cube and a cover */
-pcover cb_dsharp(c, T)
-pcube c;
-pcover T;
- pcube last, p;
- pcover Y, Y1;
- if (T->count == 0) {
- Y = sf_addset(new_cover(1), c);
- } else {
- Y = new_cover(T->count);
- set_copy(GETSET(Y,Y->count++), c);
- foreach_set(T, last, p) {
- Y1 = cb1_dsharp(Y, p);
- free_cover(Y);
- Y = Y1;
- }
- }
- return Y;
-/* dsharp -- form the disjoint-sharp product between two cubes */
-pcover dsharp(a, b)
-pcube a, b;
- register pcube mask, diff, and, temp, temp1 = cube.temp[0];
- int var;
- pcover r;
- r = new_cover(cube.num_vars);
- if (cdist0(a, b)) {
- diff = set_diff(new_cube(), a, b);
- and = set_and(new_cube(), a, b);
- mask = new_cube();
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- /* check if position var of "a and not b" is not empty */
- if (! setp_disjoint(diff, cube.var_mask[var])) {
- /* coordinate var equals the difference between a and b */
- temp = GETSET(r, r->count++);
- (void) set_and(temp, diff, cube.var_mask[var]);
- /* coordinates 0 ... var-1 equal the intersection */
- INLINEset_and(temp1, and, mask);
- INLINEset_or(temp, temp, temp1);
- /* coordinates var+1 .. cube.num_vars equal a */
- set_or(mask, mask, cube.var_mask[var]);
- INLINEset_diff(temp1, a, mask);
- INLINEset_or(temp, temp, temp1);
- }
- }
- free_cube(diff);
- free_cube(and);
- free_cube(mask);
- } else {
- r = sf_addset(r, a);
- }
- return r;
-/* cv_intersect -- form the intersection of two covers */
-#define MAGIC 500 /* save 500 cubes before containment */
-pcover cv_intersect(A, B)
-pcover A, B;
- register pcube pi, pj, lasti, lastj, pt;
- pcover T, Tsave = NULL;
- /* How large should each temporary result cover be ? */
- T = new_cover(MAGIC);
- pt = T->data;
- /* Form pairwise intersection of each cube of A with each cube of B */
- foreach_set(A, lasti, pi) {
- foreach_set(B, lastj, pj) {
- if (cdist0(pi, pj)) {
- (void) set_and(pt, pi, pj);
- if (++T->count >= T->capacity) {
- if (Tsave == NULL)
- Tsave = sf_contain(T);
- else
- Tsave = sf_union(Tsave, sf_contain(T));
- T = new_cover(MAGIC);
- pt = T->data;
- } else
- pt += T->wsize;
- }
- }
- }
- if (Tsave == NULL)
- Tsave = sf_contain(T);
- else
- Tsave = sf_union(Tsave, sf_contain(T));
- return Tsave;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/sminterf.c b/src/misc/espresso/sminterf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 50a6db4e..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/sminterf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-pset_family A;
- sm_matrix *M;
- sm_row *sparse_cover;
- sm_element *pe;
- pset cover;
- register int i, base, rownum;
- register unsigned val;
- register pset last, p;
- M = sm_alloc();
- rownum = 0;
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- foreach_set_element(p, i, val, base) {
- (void) sm_insert(M, rownum, base);
- }
- rownum++;
- }
- sparse_cover = sm_minimum_cover(M, NIL(int), 1, 0);
- sm_free(M);
- cover = set_new(A->sf_size);
- sm_foreach_row_element(sparse_cover, pe) {
- set_insert(cover, pe->col_num);
- }
- sm_row_free(sparse_cover);
- return cover;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/solution.c b/src/misc/espresso/solution.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 26119185..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/solution.c
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@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#include "mincov_int.h"
-solution_t *
- solution_t *sol;
- sol = ALLOC(solution_t, 1);
- sol->cost = 0;
- sol->row = sm_row_alloc();
- return sol;
-solution_t *sol;
- sm_row_free(sol->row);
- FREE(sol);
-solution_t *
-solution_t *sol;
- solution_t *new_sol;
- new_sol = ALLOC(solution_t, 1);
- new_sol->cost = sol->cost;
- new_sol->row = sm_row_dup(sol->row);
- return new_sol;
-solution_add(sol, weight, col)
-solution_t *sol;
-int *weight;
-int col;
- (void) sm_row_insert(sol->row, col);
- sol->cost += WEIGHT(weight, col);
-solution_accept(sol, A, weight, col)
-solution_t *sol;
-sm_matrix *A;
-int *weight;
-int col;
- register sm_element *p, *pnext;
- sm_col *pcol;
- solution_add(sol, weight, col);
- /* delete rows covered by this column */
- pcol = sm_get_col(A, col);
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0; p = pnext) {
- pnext = p->next_row; /* grab it before it disappears */
- sm_delrow(A, p->row_num);
- }
-solution_reject(sol, A, weight, col)
-solution_t *sol;
-sm_matrix *A;
-int *weight;
-int col;
- sm_delcol(A, col);
-solution_t *
-solution_choose_best(best1, best2)
-solution_t *best1, *best2;
- if (best1 != NIL(solution_t)) {
- if (best2 != NIL(solution_t)) {
- if (best1->cost <= best2->cost) {
- solution_free(best2);
- return best1;
- } else {
- solution_free(best1);
- return best2;
- }
- } else {
- return best1;
- }
- } else {
- if (best2 != NIL(solution_t)) {
- return best2;
- } else {
- return NIL(solution_t);
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/sparse.c b/src/misc/espresso/sparse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 137ce7c1..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/sparse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- module: sparse.c
- make_sparse is a last-step cleanup to reduce the total number
- of literals in the cover.
- This is done by reducing the "sparse" variables (using a modified
- version of irredundant rather than reduce), followed by expanding
- the "dense" variables (using modified version of expand).
-#include "espresso.h"
-pcover make_sparse(F, D, R)
-pcover F, D, R;
- cost_t cost, best_cost;
- cover_cost(F, &best_cost);
- do {
- EXECUTE(F = mv_reduce(F, D), MV_REDUCE_TIME, F, cost);
- if ( ==
- break;
- copy_cost(&cost, &best_cost);
- EXECUTE(F = expand(F, R, TRUE), RAISE_IN_TIME, F, cost);
- if ( ==
- break;
- copy_cost(&cost, &best_cost);
- } while (force_irredundant);
- return F;
- mv_reduce -- perform an "optimal" reduction of the variables which
- we desire to be sparse
- This could be done using "reduce" and then saving just the desired
- part of the reduction. Instead, this version uses IRRED to find
- which cubes of an output are redundant. Note that this gets around
- the cube-ordering problem.
- In normal use, it is expected that the cover is irredundant and
- hence no cubes will be reduced to the empty cube (however, this is
- checked for and such cubes will be deleted)
-mv_reduce(F, D)
-pcover F, D;
- register int i, var;
- register pcube p, p1, last;
- int index;
- pcover F1, D1;
- pcube *F_cube_table;
- /* loop for each multiple-valued variable */
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- if (cube.sparse[var]) {
- /* loop for each part of the variable */
- for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
- /* remember mapping of F1 cubes back to F cubes */
- F_cube_table = ALLOC(pcube, F->count);
- /* 'cofactor' against part #i of variable #var */
- F1 = new_cover(F->count);
- foreach_set(F, last, p) {
- if (is_in_set(p, i)) {
- F_cube_table[F1->count] = p;
- p1 = GETSET(F1, F1->count++);
- (void) set_diff(p1, p, cube.var_mask[var]);
- set_insert(p1, i);
- }
- }
- /* 'cofactor' against part #i of variable #var */
- /* not really necessary -- just more efficient ? */
- D1 = new_cover(D->count);
- foreach_set(D, last, p) {
- if (is_in_set(p, i)) {
- p1 = GETSET(D1, D1->count++);
- (void) set_diff(p1, p, cube.var_mask[var]);
- set_insert(p1, i);
- }
- }
- mark_irredundant(F1, D1);
- /* now remove part i from cubes which are redundant */
- index = 0;
- foreach_set(F1, last, p1) {
- if (! TESTP(p1, ACTIVE)) {
- p = F_cube_table[index];
- /* don't reduce a variable which is full
- * (unless it is the output variable)
- */
- if (var == cube.num_vars-1 ||
- ! setp_implies(cube.var_mask[var], p)) {
- set_remove(p, i);
- }
- }
- index++;
- }
- free_cover(F1);
- free_cover(D1);
- FREE(F_cube_table);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Check if any cubes disappeared */
- (void) sf_active(F);
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- if (cube.sparse[var]) {
- foreach_active_set(F, last, p) {
- if (setp_disjoint(p, cube.var_mask[var])) {
- F->active_count--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (F->count != F->active_count) {
- F = sf_inactive(F);
- }
- return F;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/sparse.h b/src/misc/espresso/sparse.h
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index 212a32ed..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/sparse.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-#ifndef SPARSE_H
-#define SPARSE_H
- * sparse.h -- sparse matrix package header file
- */
-typedef struct sm_element_struct sm_element;
-typedef struct sm_row_struct sm_row;
-typedef struct sm_col_struct sm_col;
-typedef struct sm_matrix_struct sm_matrix;
- * sparse matrix element
- */
-struct sm_element_struct {
- int row_num; /* row number of this element */
- int col_num; /* column number of this element */
- sm_element *next_row; /* next row in this column */
- sm_element *prev_row; /* previous row in this column */
- sm_element *next_col; /* next column in this row */
- sm_element *prev_col; /* previous column in this row */
- char *user_word; /* user-defined word */
- * row header
- */
-struct sm_row_struct {
- int row_num; /* the row number */
- int length; /* number of elements in this row */
- int flag; /* user-defined word */
- sm_element *first_col; /* first element in this row */
- sm_element *last_col; /* last element in this row */
- sm_row *next_row; /* next row (in sm_matrix linked list) */
- sm_row *prev_row; /* previous row (in sm_matrix linked list) */
- char *user_word; /* user-defined word */
- * column header
- */
-struct sm_col_struct {
- int col_num; /* the column number */
- int length; /* number of elements in this column */
- int flag; /* user-defined word */
- sm_element *first_row; /* first element in this column */
- sm_element *last_row; /* last element in this column */
- sm_col *next_col; /* next column (in sm_matrix linked list) */
- sm_col *prev_col; /* prev column (in sm_matrix linked list) */
- char *user_word; /* user-defined word */
- * A sparse matrix
- */
-struct sm_matrix_struct {
- sm_row **rows; /* pointer to row headers (by row #) */
- int rows_size; /* alloc'ed size of above array */
- sm_col **cols; /* pointer to column headers (by col #) */
- int cols_size; /* alloc'ed size of above array */
- sm_row *first_row; /* first row (linked list of all rows) */
- sm_row *last_row; /* last row (linked list of all rows) */
- int nrows; /* number of rows */
- sm_col *first_col; /* first column (linked list of columns) */
- sm_col *last_col; /* last column (linked list of columns) */
- int ncols; /* number of columns */
- char *user_word; /* user-defined word */
-#define sm_get_col(A, colnum) \
- (((colnum) >= 0 && (colnum) < (A)->cols_size) ? \
- (A)->cols[colnum] : (sm_col *) 0)
-#define sm_get_row(A, rownum) \
- (((rownum) >= 0 && (rownum) < (A)->rows_size) ? \
- (A)->rows[rownum] : (sm_row *) 0)
-#define sm_foreach_row(A, prow) \
- for(prow = A->first_row; prow != 0; prow = prow->next_row)
-#define sm_foreach_col(A, pcol) \
- for(pcol = A->first_col; pcol != 0; pcol = pcol->next_col)
-#define sm_foreach_row_element(prow, p) \
- for(p = prow->first_col; p != 0; p = p->next_col)
-#define sm_foreach_col_element(pcol, p) \
- for(p = pcol->first_row; p != 0; p = p->next_row)
-#define sm_put(x, val) \
- (x->user_word = (char *) val)
-#define sm_get(type, x) \
- ((type) (x->user_word))
-extern sm_matrix *sm_alloc(), *sm_alloc_size(), *sm_dup();
-extern void sm_free(), sm_delrow(), sm_delcol(), sm_resize();
-extern void sm_write(), sm_print(), sm_dump(), sm_cleanup();
-extern void sm_copy_row(), sm_copy_col();
-extern void sm_remove(), sm_remove_element();
-extern sm_element *sm_insert(), *sm_find();
-extern sm_row *sm_longest_row();
-extern sm_col *sm_longest_col();
-extern int sm_read(), sm_read_compressed();
-extern sm_row *sm_row_alloc(), *sm_row_dup(), *sm_row_and();
-extern void sm_row_free(), sm_row_remove(), sm_row_print();
-extern sm_element *sm_row_insert(), *sm_row_find();
-extern int sm_row_contains(), sm_row_intersects();
-extern int sm_row_compare(), sm_row_hash();
-extern sm_col *sm_col_alloc(), *sm_col_dup(), *sm_col_and();
-extern void sm_col_free(), sm_col_remove(), sm_col_print();
-extern sm_element *sm_col_insert(), *sm_col_find();
-extern int sm_col_contains(), sm_col_intersects();
-extern int sm_col_compare(), sm_col_hash();
-extern int sm_row_dominance(), sm_col_dominance(), sm_block_partition();
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/sparse_int.h b/src/misc/espresso/sparse_int.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 49b2509a..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/sparse_int.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
-//#include "port.h"
-//#include "utility.h"
-#include "sparse.h"
-#include "util_hack.h" // added
- * sorted, double-linked list insertion
- *
- * type: object type
- *
- * first, last: fields (in header) to head and tail of the list
- * count: field (in header) of length of the list
- *
- * next, prev: fields (in object) to link next and previous objects
- * value: field (in object) which controls the order
- *
- * newval: value field for new object
- * e: an object to use if insertion needed (set to actual value used)
- */
-#define sorted_insert(type, first, last, count, next, prev, value, newval, e) \
- if (last == 0) { \
- e->value = newval; \
- first = e; \
- last = e; \
- e->next = 0; \
- e->prev = 0; \
- count++; \
- } else if (last->value < newval) { \
- e->value = newval; \
- last->next = e; \
- e->prev = last; \
- last = e; \
- e->next = 0; \
- count++; \
- } else if (first->value > newval) { \
- e->value = newval; \
- first->prev = e; \
- e->next = first; \
- first = e; \
- e->prev = 0; \
- count++; \
- } else { \
- type *p; \
- for(p = first; p->value < newval; p = p->next) \
- ; \
- if (p->value > newval) { \
- e->value = newval; \
- p = p->prev; \
- p->next->prev = e; \
- e->next = p->next; \
- p->next = e; \
- e->prev = p; \
- count++; \
- } else { \
- e = p; \
- } \
- }
- * double linked-list deletion
- */
-#define dll_unlink(p, first, last, next, prev, count) { \
- if (p->prev == 0) { \
- first = p->next; \
- } else { \
- p->prev->next = p->next; \
- } \
- if (p->next == 0) { \
- last = p->prev; \
- } else { \
- p->next->prev = p->prev; \
- } \
- count--; \
-extern sm_element *sm_element_freelist;
-extern sm_row *sm_row_freelist;
-extern sm_col *sm_col_freelist;
-#define sm_element_alloc(newobj) \
- if (sm_element_freelist == NIL(sm_element)) { \
- newobj = ALLOC(sm_element, 1); \
- } else { \
- newobj = sm_element_freelist; \
- sm_element_freelist = sm_element_freelist->next_col; \
- } \
- newobj->user_word = NIL(char); \
-#define sm_element_free(e) \
- (e->next_col = sm_element_freelist, sm_element_freelist = e)
-#define sm_element_alloc(newobj) \
- newobj = ALLOC(sm_element, 1); \
- newobj->user_word = NIL(char);
-#define sm_element_free(e) \
- FREE(e)
-extern void sm_row_remove_element();
-extern void sm_col_remove_element();
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/unate.c b/src/misc/espresso/unate.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bd71207f..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/unate.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- * unate.c -- routines for dealing with unate functions
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
-static pset_family abs_covered();
-static pset_family abs_covered_many();
-static int abs_select_restricted();
-pcover map_cover_to_unate(T)
-pcube *T;
- register unsigned int word_test, word_set, bit_test, bit_set;
- register pcube p, pA;
- pset_family A;
- pcube *T1;
- int ncol, i;
- A = sf_new(CUBELISTSIZE(T), cdata.vars_unate);
- A->count = CUBELISTSIZE(T);
- foreachi_set(A, i, p) {
- (void) set_clear(p, A->sf_size);
- }
- ncol = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < cube.size; i++) {
- if (cdata.part_zeros[i] > 0) {
- assert(ncol <= cdata.vars_unate);
- /* Copy a column from T to A */
- word_test = WHICH_WORD(i);
- bit_test = 1 << WHICH_BIT(i);
- word_set = WHICH_WORD(ncol);
- bit_set = 1 << WHICH_BIT(ncol);
- pA = A->data;
- for(T1 = T+2; (p = *T1++) != 0; ) {
- if ((p[word_test] & bit_test) == 0) {
- pA[word_set] |= bit_set;
- }
- pA += A->wsize;
- }
- ncol++;
- }
- }
- return A;
-pcover map_unate_to_cover(A)
-pset_family A;
- register int i, ncol, lp;
- register pcube p, pB;
- int var, nunate, *unate;
- pcube last;
- pset_family B;
- B = sf_new(A->count, cube.size);
- B->count = A->count;
- /* Find the unate variables */
- unate = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
- nunate = 0;
- for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
- if (cdata.is_unate[var]) {
- unate[nunate++] = var;
- }
- }
- /* Loop for each set of A */
- pB = B->data;
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- /* Initialize this set of B */
- INLINEset_fill(pB, cube.size);
- /* Now loop for the unate variables; if the part is in A,
- * then this variable of B should be a single 1 in the unate
- * part.
- */
- for(ncol = 0; ncol < nunate; ncol++) {
- if (is_in_set(p, ncol)) {
- lp = cube.last_part[unate[ncol]];
- for(i = cube.first_part[unate[ncol]]; i <= lp; i++) {
- if (cdata.part_zeros[i] == 0) {
- set_remove(pB, i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pB += B->wsize;
- }
- FREE(unate);
- return B;
- * unate_compl
- */
-pset_family unate_compl(A)
-pset_family A;
- register pset p, last;
- /* Make sure A is single-cube containment minimal */
-/* A = sf_rev_contain(A);*/
- foreach_set(A, last, p) {
- PUTSIZE(p, set_ord(p));
- }
- /* Recursively find the complement */
- A = unate_complement(A);
- /* Now, we can guarantee a minimal result by containing the result */
- A = sf_rev_contain(A);
- return A;
- * Assume SIZE(p) records the size of each set
- */
-pset_family unate_complement(A)
-pset_family A; /* disposes of A */
- pset_family Abar;
- register pset p, p1, restrict;
- register int i;
- int max_i, min_set_ord, j;
- /* Check for no sets in the matrix -- complement is the universe */
- if (A->count == 0) {
- sf_free(A);
- Abar = sf_new(1, A->sf_size);
- (void) set_clear(GETSET(Abar, Abar->count++), A->sf_size);
- /* Check for a single set in the maxtrix -- compute de Morgan complement */
- } else if (A->count == 1) {
- p = A->data;
- Abar = sf_new(A->sf_size, A->sf_size);
- for(i = 0; i < A->sf_size; i++) {
- if (is_in_set(p, i)) {
- p1 = set_clear(GETSET(Abar, Abar->count++), A->sf_size);
- set_insert(p1, i);
- }
- }
- sf_free(A);
- } else {
- /* Select splitting variable as the variable which belongs to a set
- * of the smallest size, and which has greatest column count
- */
- restrict = set_new(A->sf_size);
- min_set_ord = A->sf_size + 1;
- foreachi_set(A, i, p) {
- if (SIZE(p) < min_set_ord) {
- set_copy(restrict, p);
- min_set_ord = SIZE(p);
- } else if (SIZE(p) == min_set_ord) {
- set_or(restrict, restrict, p);
- }
- }
- /* Check for no data (shouldn't happen ?) */
- if (min_set_ord == 0) {
- A->count = 0;
- Abar = A;
- /* Check for "essential" columns */
- } else if (min_set_ord == 1) {
- Abar = unate_complement(abs_covered_many(A, restrict));
- sf_free(A);
- foreachi_set(Abar, i, p) {
- set_or(p, p, restrict);
- }
- /* else, recur as usual */
- } else {
- max_i = abs_select_restricted(A, restrict);
- /* Select those rows of A which are not covered by max_i,
- * recursively find all minimal covers of these rows, and
- * then add back in max_i
- */
- Abar = unate_complement(abs_covered(A, max_i));
- foreachi_set(Abar, i, p) {
- set_insert(p, max_i);
- }
- /* Now recur on A with all zero's on column max_i */
- foreachi_set(A, i, p) {
- if (is_in_set(p, max_i)) {
- set_remove(p, max_i);
- j = SIZE(p) - 1;
- PUTSIZE(p, j);
- }
- }
- Abar = sf_append(Abar, unate_complement(A));
- }
- set_free(restrict);
- }
- return Abar;
-pset_family exact_minimum_cover(T)
-IN pset_family T;
- register pset p, last, p1;
- register int i, n;
- int lev, lvl;
- pset nlast;
- pset_family temp;
- long start = ptime();
- struct {
- pset_family sf;
- int level;
- } stack[32]; /* 32 suffices for 2 ** 32 cubes ! */
- if (T->count <= 0)
- return sf_new(1, T->sf_size);
- for(n = T->count, lev = 0; n != 0; n >>= 1, lev++) ;
- /* A simple heuristic ordering */
- T = lex_sort(sf_save(T));
- /* Push a full set on the stack to get things started */
- n = 1;
- stack[0].sf = sf_new(1, T->sf_size);
- stack[0].level = lev;
- set_fill(GETSET(stack[0].sf, stack[0].sf->count++), T->sf_size);
- nlast = GETSET(T, T->count - 1);
- foreach_set(T, last, p) {
- /* "unstack" the set into a family */
- temp = sf_new(set_ord(p), T->sf_size);
- for(i = 0; i < T->sf_size; i++)
- if (is_in_set(p, i)) {
- p1 = set_fill(GETSET(temp, temp->count++), T->sf_size);
- set_remove(p1, i);
- }
- stack[n].sf = temp;
- stack[n++].level = lev;
- /* Pop the stack and perform (leveled) intersections */
- while (n > 1 && (stack[n-1].level==stack[n-2].level || p == nlast)) {
- temp = unate_intersect(stack[n-1].sf, stack[n-2].sf, FALSE);
- lvl = MIN(stack[n-1].level, stack[n-2].level) - 1;
- if (debug & MINCOV && lvl < 10) {
- printf("# EXACT_MINCOV[%d]: %4d = %4d x %4d, time = %s\n",
- lvl, temp->count, stack[n-1].sf->count,
- stack[n-2].sf->count, print_time(ptime() - start));
- (void) fflush(stdout);
- }
- sf_free(stack[n-2].sf);
- sf_free(stack[n-1].sf);
- stack[n-2].sf = temp;
- stack[n-2].level = lvl;
- n--;
- }
- }
- temp = stack[0].sf;
- p1 = set_fill(set_new(T->sf_size), T->sf_size);
- foreach_set(temp, last, p)
- INLINEset_diff(p, p1, p);
- set_free(p1);
- if (debug & MINCOV1) {
- printf("MINCOV: family of all minimal coverings is\n");
- sf_print(temp);
- }
- sf_free(T); /* this is the copy of T we made ... */
- return temp;
- * unate_intersect -- intersect two unate covers
- *
- * If largest_only is TRUE, then only the largest cube(s) are returned
- */
-#define MAGIC 500 /* save 500 cubes before containment */
-pset_family unate_intersect(A, B, largest_only)
-pset_family A, B;
-bool largest_only;
- register pset pi, pj, lasti, lastj, pt;
- pset_family T, Tsave;
- bool save;
- int maxord, ord;
- /* How large should each temporary result cover be ? */
- T = sf_new(MAGIC, A->sf_size);
- Tsave = NULL;
- maxord = 0;
- pt = T->data;
- /* Form pairwise intersection of each set of A with each cube of B */
- foreach_set(A, lasti, pi) {
- foreach_set(B, lastj, pj) {
- save = set_andp(pt, pi, pj);
- /* Check if we want the largest only */
- if (save && largest_only) {
- if ((ord = set_ord(pt)) > maxord) {
- /* discard Tsave and T */
- if (Tsave != NULL) {
- sf_free(Tsave);
- Tsave = NULL;
- }
- pt = T->data;
- T->count = 0;
- /* Re-create pt (which was just thrown away) */
- (void) set_and(pt, pi, pj);
- maxord = ord;
- } else if (ord < maxord) {
- save = FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (save) {
- if (++T->count >= T->capacity) {
- T = sf_contain(T);
- Tsave = (Tsave == NULL) ? T : sf_union(Tsave, T);
- T = sf_new(MAGIC, A->sf_size);
- pt = T->data;
- } else {
- pt += T->wsize;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Contain the final result and merge it into Tsave */
- T = sf_contain(T);
- Tsave = (Tsave == NULL) ? T : sf_union(Tsave, T);
- return Tsave;
- * abs_covered -- after selecting a new column for the selected set,
- * create a new matrix which is only those rows which are still uncovered
- */
-static pset_family
-abs_covered(A, pick)
-pset_family A;
-register int pick;
- register pset last, p, pdest;
- register pset_family Aprime;
- Aprime = sf_new(A->count, A->sf_size);
- pdest = Aprime->data;
- foreach_set(A, last, p)
- if (! is_in_set(p, pick)) {
- INLINEset_copy(pdest, p);
- Aprime->count++;
- pdest += Aprime->wsize;
- }
- return Aprime;
- * abs_covered_many -- after selecting many columns for ther selected set,
- * create a new matrix which is only those rows which are still uncovered
- */
-static pset_family
-abs_covered_many(A, pick_set)
-pset_family A;
-register pset pick_set;
- register pset last, p, pdest;
- register pset_family Aprime;
- Aprime = sf_new(A->count, A->sf_size);
- pdest = Aprime->data;
- foreach_set(A, last, p)
- if (setp_disjoint(p, pick_set)) {
- INLINEset_copy(pdest, p);
- Aprime->count++;
- pdest += Aprime->wsize;
- }
- return Aprime;
- * abs_select_restricted -- select the column of maximum column count which
- * also belongs to the set "restrict"; weight each column of a set as
- * 1 / (set_ord(p) - 1).
- */
-static int
-abs_select_restricted(A, restrict)
-pset_family A;
-pset restrict;
- register int i, best_var, best_count, *count;
- /* Sum the elements in these columns */
- count = sf_count_restricted(A, restrict);
- /* Find which variable has maximum weight */
- best_var = -1;
- best_count = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < A->sf_size; i++) {
- if (count[i] > best_count) {
- best_var = i;
- best_count = count[i];
- }
- }
- FREE(count);
- if (best_var == -1)
- fatal("abs_select_restricted: should not have best_var == -1");
- return best_var;
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/util_old.h b/src/misc/espresso/util_old.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5451cbe9..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/util_old.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source: /vol/opua/opua2/sis/sis-1.2/common/src/sis/util/RCS/util.h,v $
- * $Author: sis $
- * $Revision: 1.9 $
- * $Date: 1993/06/07 21:04:07 $
- *
- */
-#ifndef UTIL_H
-#define UTIL_H
-#if defined(_IBMR2)
-#ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE /* Argh! IBM strikes again */
-#ifndef _ALL_SOURCE
-#define _ALL_SOURCE /* Argh! IBM strikes again */
-#ifndef _ANSI_C_SOURCE
-#define _ANSI_C_SOURCE /* Argh! IBM strikes again */
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(sprite) || defined(_IBMR2) || defined(__osf__)
-#include <unistd.h>
-#if defined(_IBMR2) && !defined(__STDC__)
-#define _BSD
-#include "ansi.h" /* since some files don't include sis.h */
-/* This was taken out and defined at compile time in the SIS Makefile
- that uses the OctTools. When the OctTools are used, USE_MM is defined,
- because the OctTools contain libmm.a. Otherwise, USE_MM is not defined,
- since the mm package is not distributed with SIS, only with Oct. */
-/* #define USE_MM */ /* choose libmm.a as the memory allocator */
-#define NIL(type) ((type *) 0)
-#ifdef USE_MM
- * assumes the memory manager is libmm.a
- * - allows malloc(0) or realloc(obj, 0)
- * - catches out of memory (and calls MMout_of_memory())
- * - catch free(0) and realloc(0, size) in the macros
- */
-#define ALLOC(type, num) \
- ((type *) malloc(sizeof(type) * (num)))
-#define REALLOC(type, obj, num) \
- (obj) ? ((type *) realloc((char *) obj, sizeof(type) * (num))) : \
- ((type *) malloc(sizeof(type) * (num)))
-#define FREE(obj) \
- ((obj) ? (free((char *) (obj)), (obj) = 0) : 0)
- * enforce strict semantics on the memory allocator
- * - when in doubt, delete the '#define USE_MM' above
- */
-#define ALLOC(type, num) \
- ((type *) MMalloc((long) sizeof(type) * (long) (num)))
-#define REALLOC(type, obj, num) \
- ((type *) MMrealloc((char *) (obj), (long) sizeof(type) * (long) (num)))
-#define FREE(obj) \
- ((obj) ? (free((void *) (obj)), (obj) = 0) : 0)
-/* Ultrix (and SABER) have 'fixed' certain functions which used to be int */
-#if defined(ultrix) || defined(SABER) || defined(aiws) || defined(__hpux) || defined(__STDC__) || defined(apollo)
-#define VOID_HACK void
-#define VOID_HACK int
-/* No machines seem to have much of a problem with these */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-/* Some machines fail to define some functions in stdio.h */
-#if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(sprite) && !defined(_IBMR2) && !defined(__osf__)
-extern FILE *popen(), *tmpfile();
-extern int pclose();
-#ifndef clearerr /* is a macro on many machines, but not all */
-extern VOID_HACK clearerr();
-#ifndef rewind
-extern VOID_HACK rewind();
-#ifndef PORT_H
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#if defined(ultrix)
-#if defined(_SIZE_T_)
-#define ultrix4
-#if defined(SIGLOST)
-#define ultrix3
-#define ultrix2
-/* most machines don't give us a header file for these */
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(sprite) || defined(_IBMR2) || defined(__osf__) || defined(sunos4) || defined(__hpux)
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#if defined(__hpux)
-#include <errno.h> /* For perror() defininition */
-#endif /* __hpux */
-extern VOID_HACK abort(), free(), exit(), perror();
-extern char *getenv();
-#ifdef ultrix4
-extern void *malloc(), *realloc(), *calloc();
-extern char *malloc(), *realloc(), *calloc();
-#if defined(aiws)
-extern int sprintf();
-#ifndef _IBMR2
-extern char *sprintf();
-extern int system();
-extern double atof();
-#ifndef PORT_H
-#if defined(ultrix3) || defined(sunos4) || defined(_IBMR2) || defined(__STDC__)
-#define SIGNAL_FN void
-/* sequent, ultrix2, 4.3BSD (vax, hp), sunos3 */
-#define SIGNAL_FN int
-/* some call it strings.h, some call it string.h; others, also have memory.h */
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(sprite)
-#include <string.h>
-#if defined(ultrix4) || defined(__hpux)
-#include <strings.h>
-#if defined(_IBMR2) || defined(__osf__)
-/* ANSI C string.h -- 1/11/88 Draft Standard */
-/* ugly, awful hack */
-#ifndef PORT_H
-extern char *strcpy(), *strncpy(), *strcat(), *strncat(), *strerror();
-extern char *strpbrk(), *strtok(), *strchr(), *strrchr(), *strstr();
-extern int strcoll(), strxfrm(), strncmp(), strlen(), strspn(), strcspn();
-extern char *memmove(), *memccpy(), *memchr(), *memcpy(), *memset();
-extern int memcmp(), strcmp();
-/* a few extras */
-#if defined(__hpux)
-#define random() lrand48()
-#define srandom(a) srand48(a)
-#define bzero(a,b) memset(a, 0, b)
-#if !defined(__osf__) && !defined(linux)
-/* these are defined as macros in stdlib.h */
-extern VOID_HACK srandom();
-extern long random();
-/* code from sis-1.3 commented out below
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(sprite)
-#include <assert.h>
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-#define assert(ex) {\
- if (! (ex)) {\
- (void) fprintf(stderr,\
- "Assertion failed: file %s, line %d\n\"%s\"\n",\
- __FILE__, __LINE__, "ex");\
- (void) fflush(stdout);\
- abort();\
- }\
-#define assert(ex) {ex;}
- /* Sunil 5/3/97:
- sis-1.4: dont let the assert call go to the OS, since
- much of the code in SIS has actual computation done in
- the assert function. %$#$@@#! The OS version of assert
- will do nothing if NDEBUG is set. We cant let that happen...
- */
-# ifdef NDEBUG
-# define assert(ex) {ex;}
-# else
-# define assert(ex) {\
- if (! (ex)) {\
- (void) fprintf(stderr,\
- "Assertion failed: file %s, line %d\n\"%s\"\n",\
- __FILE__, __LINE__, "ex");\
- (void) fflush(stdout);\
- abort();\
- }\
-# endif
-#define fail(why) {\
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: file %s, line %d\n%s\n",\
- __FILE__, __LINE__, why);\
- (void) fflush(stdout);\
- abort();\
-#ifdef lint
-#undef putc /* correct lint '_flsbuf' bug */
-#undef ALLOC /* allow for lint -h flag */
-#undef REALLOC
-#define ALLOC(type, num) (((type *) 0) + (num))
-#define REALLOC(type, obj, num) ((obj) + (num))
-#if !defined(__osf__)
-#define MAXPATHLEN 1024
-/* These arguably do NOT belong in util.h */
-#ifndef ABS
-#define ABS(a) ((a) < 0 ? -(a) : (a))
-#ifndef MAX
-#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#ifndef MIN
-#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#ifndef USE_MM
-EXTERN void MMout_of_memory ARGS((long));
-EXTERN char *MMalloc ARGS((long));
-EXTERN char *MMrealloc ARGS((char *, long));
-EXTERN void MMfree ARGS((char *));
-EXTERN void util_print_cpu_stats ARGS((FILE *));
-EXTERN long util_cpu_time ARGS((void));
-EXTERN void util_getopt_reset ARGS((void));
-EXTERN int util_getopt ARGS((int, char **, char *));
-EXTERN char *util_path_search ARGS((char *));
-EXTERN char *util_file_search ARGS((char *, char *, char *));
-EXTERN int util_pipefork ARGS((char **, FILE **, FILE **, int *));
-EXTERN char *util_print_time ARGS((long));
-EXTERN int util_save_image ARGS((char *, char *));
-EXTERN char *util_strsav ARGS((char *));
-EXTERN int util_do_nothing ARGS((void));
-EXTERN char *util_tilde_expand ARGS((char *));
-EXTERN char *util_tempnam ARGS((char *, char *));
-EXTERN FILE *util_tmpfile ARGS((void));
-EXTERN long getSoftDataLimit();
-#define ptime() util_cpu_time()
-#define print_time(t) util_print_time(t)
-/* util_getopt() global variables (ack !) */
-extern int util_optind;
-extern char *util_optarg;
-#include <math.h>
-#ifndef HUGE_VAL
-#ifndef HUGE
-#define HUGE 8.9884656743115790e+307
-#define HUGE_VAL HUGE
-#ifndef MAXINT
-#define MAXINT (1 << 30)
-#include <varargs.h>
diff --git a/src/misc/espresso/verify.c b/src/misc/espresso/verify.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 64342787..00000000
--- a/src/misc/espresso/verify.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
- * Revision Control Information
- *
- * $Source$
- * $Author$
- * $Revision$
- * $Date$
- *
- */
- */
-#include "espresso.h"
- * verify -- check that all minterms of F are contained in (Fold u Dold)
- * and that all minterms of Fold are contained in (F u Dold).
- */
-bool verify(F, Fold, Dold)
-pcover F, Fold, Dold;
- pcube p, last, *FD;
- bool verify_error = FALSE;
- /* Make sure the function didn't grow too large */
- FD = cube2list(Fold, Dold);
- foreach_set(F, last, p)
- if (! cube_is_covered(FD, p)) {
- printf("some minterm in F is not covered by Fold u Dold\n");
- verify_error = TRUE;
- if (verbose_debug) printf("%s\n", pc1(p)); else break;
- }
- free_cubelist(FD);
- /* Make sure minimized function covers the original function */
- FD = cube2list(F, Dold);
- foreach_set(Fold, last, p)
- if (! cube_is_covered(FD, p)) {
- printf("some minterm in Fold is not covered by F u Dold\n");
- verify_error = TRUE;
- if (verbose_debug) printf("%s\n", pc1(p)); else break;
- }
- free_cubelist(FD);
- return verify_error;
- * PLA_verify -- verify that two PLA's are identical
- *
- * If names are given, row and column permutations are done to make
- * the comparison meaningful.
- *
- */
-bool PLA_verify(PLA1, PLA2)
- /* Check if both have names given; if so, attempt to permute to
- * match the names
- */
- if (PLA1->label != NULL && PLA1->label[0] != NULL &&
- PLA2->label != NULL && PLA2->label[0] != NULL) {
- PLA_permute(PLA1, PLA2);
- } else {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: cannot permute columns without names\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (PLA1->F->sf_size != PLA2->F->sf_size) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr, "PLA_verify: PLA's are not the same size\n");
- return TRUE;
- }
- return verify(PLA2->F, PLA1->F, PLA1->D);
- * Permute the columns of PLA1 so that they match the order of PLA2
- * Discard any columns of PLA1 which are not in PLA2
- * Association is strictly by the names of the columns of the cover.
- */
-PLA_permute(PLA1, PLA2)
- register int i, j, *permute, npermute;
- register char *labi;
- char **label;
- /* determine which columns of PLA1 to save, and place these in the list
- * "permute"; the order in this list is the final output order
- */
- npermute = 0;
- permute = ALLOC(int, PLA2->F->sf_size);
- for(i = 0; i < PLA2->F->sf_size; i++) {
- labi = PLA2->label[i];
- for(j = 0; j < PLA1->F->sf_size; j++) {
- if (strcmp(labi, PLA1->label[j]) == 0) {
- permute[npermute++] = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* permute columns */
- if (PLA1->F != NULL) {
- PLA1->F = sf_permute(PLA1->F, permute, npermute);
- }
- if (PLA1->R != NULL) {
- PLA1->R = sf_permute(PLA1->R, permute, npermute);
- }
- if (PLA1->D != NULL) {
- PLA1->D = sf_permute(PLA1->D, permute, npermute);
- }
- /* permute the labels */
- label = ALLOC(char *, cube.size);
- for(i = 0; i < npermute; i++) {
- label[i] = PLA1->label[permute[i]];
- }
- for(i = npermute; i < cube.size; i++) {
- label[i] = NULL;
- }
- FREE(PLA1->label);
- PLA1->label = label;
- FREE(permute);
- * check_consistency -- test that the ON-set, OFF-set and DC-set form
- * a partition of the boolean space.
- */
-bool check_consistency(PLA)
- bool verify_error = FALSE;
- pcover T;
- T = cv_intersect(PLA->F, PLA->D);
- if (T->count == 0)
- printf("ON-SET and DC-SET are disjoint\n");
- else {
- printf("Some minterm(s) belong to both the ON-SET and DC-SET !\n");
- if (verbose_debug)
- cprint(T);
- verify_error = TRUE;
- }
- (void) fflush(stdout);
- free_cover(T);
- T = cv_intersect(PLA->F, PLA->R);
- if (T->count == 0)
- printf("ON-SET and OFF-SET are disjoint\n");
- else {
- printf("Some minterm(s) belong to both the ON-SET and OFF-SET !\n");
- if (verbose_debug)
- cprint(T);
- verify_error = TRUE;
- }
- (void) fflush(stdout);
- free_cover(T);
- T = cv_intersect(PLA->D, PLA->R);
- if (T->count == 0)
- printf("DC-SET and OFF-SET are disjoint\n");
- else {
- printf("Some minterm(s) belong to both the OFF-SET and DC-SET !\n");
- if (verbose_debug)
- cprint(T);
- verify_error = TRUE;
- }
- (void) fflush(stdout);
- free_cover(T);
- if (tautology(cube3list(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R)))
- printf("Union of ON-SET, OFF-SET and DC-SET is the universe\n");
- else {
- T = complement(cube3list(PLA->F, PLA->D, PLA->R));
- printf("There are minterms left unspecified !\n");
- if (verbose_debug)
- cprint(T);
- verify_error = TRUE;
- free_cover(T);
- }
- (void) fflush(stdout);
- return verify_error;