path: root/src/map/if/if.h
diff options
authorAlan Mishchenko <>2006-11-22 08:01:00 -0800
committerAlan Mishchenko <>2006-11-22 08:01:00 -0800
commit6ad22b4d3b0446652919d95b15fefb374bddfac0 (patch)
treeeb525005c9827e844464c4e787c5907c7edc1d5c /src/map/if/if.h
parentda5e0785dfb98335bd49a13bf9e86e736fb931be (diff)
Version abc61122
Diffstat (limited to 'src/map/if/if.h')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/map/if/if.h b/src/map/if/if.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04e1541e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map/if/if.h
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ FileName [if.h]
+ SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
+ PackageName [FPGA mapping based on priority cuts.]
+ Synopsis [External declarations.]
+ Author [Alan Mishchenko]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - November 21, 2006.]
+ Revision [$Id: if.h,v 1.00 2006/11/21 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
+#ifndef __IF_H__
+#define __IF_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/// INCLUDES ///
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "vec.h"
+#include "mem.h"
+// the maximum size of LUTs used for mapping (should be the same as FPGA_MAX_LUTSIZE defined in "fpga.h"!!!)
+#define IF_MAX_LUTSIZE 32
+// object types
+typedef enum {
+ IF_NONE, // 0: non-existent object
+ IF_CONST1, // 1: constant 1
+ IF_PI, // 2: primary input
+ IF_PO, // 3: primary output
+ IF_AND, // 4: AND node
+ IF_BI, // 5: box input
+ IF_BO, // 6: box output
+ IF_BOX, // 7: box
+ IF_VOID // 8: unused object
+} Hop_Type_t;
+/// BASIC TYPES ///
+typedef struct If_Par_t_ If_Par_t;
+typedef struct If_Lib_t_ If_Lib_t;
+typedef struct If_Man_t_ If_Man_t;
+typedef struct If_Obj_t_ If_Obj_t;
+typedef struct If_Cut_t_ If_Cut_t;
+// parameters
+struct If_Par_t_
+ int Mode; // the mapping mode
+ int nLutSize; // the LUT size
+ If_Lib_t * pLutLib; // the LUT library
+ int nCutsMax; // the max number of cuts
+ int fVerbose; // the verbosity flag
+ int fSeq; // sequential mapping
+ int fLatchPaths; // reset timing on latch paths
+ int nLatches; // the number of latches
+ float DelayTarget; // delay target
+ float * pTimesArr; // arrival times
+ float * pTimesReq; // required times
+// the LUT library
+struct If_Lib_t_
+ char * pName; // the name of the LUT library
+ int LutMax; // the maximum LUT size
+ float pLutAreas[IF_MAX_LUTSIZE+1]; // the areas of LUTs
+ float pLutDelays[IF_MAX_LUTSIZE+1];// the delays of LUTs
+// manager
+struct If_Man_t_
+ // mapping parameters
+ If_Par_t * pPars;
+ // mapping nodes
+ If_Obj_t * pConst1; // the constant 1 node
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vPis; // the primary inputs
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vPos; // the primary outputs
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vObjs; // all objects
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vMapped; // objects used in the mapping
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vTemp; // temporary array
+ int nObjs[IF_VOID];// the number of objects by type
+ // various data
+ int nLevelMax; // the max number of AIG levels
+ float fEpsilon; // epsilon used for comparison
+ float RequiredGlo; // global required times
+ float AreaGlo; // global area
+ // memory management
+ Mem_Fixed_t * pMem; // memory manager
+ int nEntrySize; // the size of the entry
+ int nEntryBase; // the size of the entry minus cut leaf arrays
+ // temporary cut storage
+ int nCuts; // the number of cuts used
+ If_Cut_t ** ppCuts; // the storage space for cuts
+// priority cut
+struct If_Cut_t_
+ float Delay; // the delay of the cut
+ float Flow; // the area flow of the cut
+ float Area; // the area of the cut
+ If_Cut_t * pOne; // the parent cut
+ If_Cut_t * pTwo; // the parent cut
+ char fCompl0; // the complemented attribute
+ char fCompl1; // the complemented attribute
+ char Phase; // the complemented attribute
+ char nLeaves; // the number of leaves
+ int * pLeaves; // the array of fanins
+// node extension
+struct If_Obj_t_
+ unsigned Type : 4; // object
+ unsigned fCompl0 : 1; // complemented attribute
+ unsigned fCompl1 : 1; // complemented attribute
+ unsigned fPhase : 1; // phase of the node
+ unsigned fMark : 1; // multipurpose mark
+ unsigned Level : 24; // logic level of the node
+ int Id; // integer ID
+ int nRefs; // the number of references
+ short nCuts; // the number of cuts
+ short iCut; // the number of the best cut
+ If_Obj_t * pFanin0; // the first fanin
+ If_Obj_t * pFanin1; // the second fanin
+ If_Obj_t * pEquiv; // the choice node
+ float EstRefs; // estimated reference counter
+ float Required; // required time of the onde
+ void * pCopy; // used for duplication
+ If_Cut_t Cuts[0]; // the cuts of the node
+static inline If_Obj_t * If_ManConst1( If_Man_t * p ) { return p->pConst1; }
+static inline If_Obj_t * If_ManPi( If_Man_t * p, int i ) { return (If_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( p->vPis, i ); }
+static inline If_Obj_t * If_ManPo( If_Man_t * p, int i ) { return (If_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( p->vPos, i ); }
+static inline If_Obj_t * If_ManObj( If_Man_t * p, int i ) { return (If_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( p->vObjs, i ); }
+static inline If_Cut_t * If_ManCut( If_Man_t * p, int i ) { return p->ppCuts[i]; }
+static inline int If_ObjIsConst1( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == IF_CONST1; }
+static inline int If_ObjIsPi( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == IF_PI; }
+static inline int If_ObjIsPo( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == IF_PO; }
+static inline int If_ObjIsAnd( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == IF_AND; }
+static inline int If_ObjIsBi( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == IF_BI; }
+static inline int If_ObjIsBo( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == IF_BO; }
+static inline int If_ObjIsBox( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == IF_BOX; }
+static inline If_Obj_t * If_ObjFanin0( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->pFanin0; }
+static inline If_Obj_t * If_ObjFanin1( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->pFanin1; }
+static inline int If_ObjFaninC0( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->fCompl0; }
+static inline int If_ObjFaninC1( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->fCompl1; }
+static inline void * If_ObjCopy( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->pCopy; }
+static inline void If_ObjSetCopy( If_Obj_t * pObj, void * pCopy ) { pObj->pCopy = pCopy; }
+static inline void If_ObjSetChoice( If_Obj_t * pObj, If_Obj_t * pEqu ) { pObj->pEquiv = pEqu; }
+static inline If_Cut_t * If_ObjCut( If_Obj_t * pObj, int iCut ) { return pObj->Cuts + iCut; }
+static inline If_Cut_t * If_ObjCutTriv( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Cuts; }
+static inline If_Cut_t * If_ObjCutBest( If_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Cuts + pObj->iCut; }
+static inline void * If_CutData( If_Cut_t * pCut ) { return *(void **)pCut; }
+static inline void If_CutSetData( If_Cut_t * pCut, void * pData ) { *(void **)pCut = pData; }
+static inline float If_CutLutDelay( If_Man_t * p, If_Cut_t * pCut ) { return p->pPars->pLutLib? p->pPars->pLutLib->pLutDelays[pCut->nLeaves] : (float)1.0; }
+static inline float If_CutLutArea( If_Man_t * p, If_Cut_t * pCut ) { return p->pPars->pLutLib? p->pPars->pLutLib->pLutAreas[pCut->nLeaves] : (float)1.0; }
+#define IF_MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b))? (a) : (b))
+#define IF_MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b))? (a) : (b))
+// the small and large numbers (min/max float are 1.17e-38/3.40e+38)
+#define IF_FLOAT_LARGE ((float)1.0e+20)
+#define IF_FLOAT_SMALL ((float)1.0e-20)
+#define IF_INT_LARGE (10000000)
+// iterator over the primary inputs
+#define If_ManForEachPi( p, pObj, i ) \
+ Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vPis, pObj, i )
+// iterator over the primary outputs
+#define If_ManForEachPo( p, pObj, i ) \
+ Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vPos, pObj, i )
+// iterator over the latches
+#define If_ManForEachLatch( p, pObj, i ) \
+ Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart( p->vPos, pObj, i, p->pPars->nLatches )
+// iterator over all objects, including those currently not used
+#define If_ManForEachObj( p, pObj, i ) \
+ Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vObjs, pObj, i )
+// iterator over logic nodes (AND and EXOR gates)
+#define If_ManForEachNode( p, pObj, i ) \
+ If_ManForEachObj( p, pObj, i ) if ( pObj->Type != IF_AND ) {} else
+// iterator over cuts of the node
+#define If_ObjForEachCut( pObj, pCut, i ) \
+ for ( i = 0; (i < (int)(pObj)->nCuts) && ((pCut) = (pObj)->Cuts + i); i++ )
+// iterator over cuts of the node
+#define If_ObjForEachCutStart( pObj, pCut, i, Start ) \
+ for ( i = Start; (i < (int)(pObj)->nCuts) && ((pCut) = (pObj)->Cuts + i); i++ )
+// iterator leaves of the cut
+#define If_CutForEachLeaf( p, pCut, pLeaf, i ) \
+ for ( i = 0; (i < (int)(pCut)->nLeaves) && ((pLeaf) = If_ManObj(p, (pCut)->pLeaves[i])); i++ )
+/*=== ifMan.c ==========================================================*/
+extern If_Man_t * If_ManStart( If_Par_t * pPars );
+extern void If_ManStop( If_Man_t * p );
+extern If_Obj_t * If_ManCreatePi( If_Man_t * p );
+extern If_Obj_t * If_ManCreatePo( If_Man_t * p, If_Obj_t * pDriver, int fCompl0 );
+extern If_Obj_t * If_ManCreateAnd( If_Man_t * p, If_Obj_t * pFan0, int fCompl0, If_Obj_t * pFan1, int fCompl1 );
+/*=== ifMap.c ==========================================================*/
+extern int If_ManPerformMapping( If_Man_t * p );
+/*=== ifUtil.c ==========================================================*/
+extern float If_ManDelayMax( If_Man_t * p );
+extern void If_ManCleanNodeCopy( If_Man_t * p );
+extern void If_ManCleanCutData( If_Man_t * p );
+extern float If_ManScanMapping( If_Man_t * p );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/// END OF FILE ///