path: root/src/aig/nwk/nwk.h
diff options
authorAlan Mishchenko <>2008-03-30 08:01:00 -0700
committerAlan Mishchenko <>2008-03-30 08:01:00 -0700
commit2c7f6e39b84d29db096388459db7583c01b79b01 (patch)
tree7fd628f0ac0391c45d2f8c95483887a984b8789c /src/aig/nwk/nwk.h
parent93c3f16066b69c840dc636f827f5f3ca18749906 (diff)
Version abc80330
Diffstat (limited to 'src/aig/nwk/nwk.h')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/aig/nwk/nwk.h b/src/aig/nwk/nwk.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..295b3a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/aig/nwk/nwk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ FileName [nwk.h]
+ SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
+ PackageName [Logic network representation.]
+ Synopsis [External declarations.]
+ Author [Alan Mishchenko]
+ Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
+ Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
+ Revision [$Id: nwk.h,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
+#ifndef __NWK_H__
+#define __NWK_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/// INCLUDES ///
+#include "aig.h"
+#include "hop.h"
+#include "tim.h"
+#include "if.h"
+#include "bdc.h"
+/// BASIC TYPES ///
+typedef struct Nwk_Man_t_ Nwk_Man_t;
+typedef struct Nwk_Obj_t_ Nwk_Obj_t;
+// object types
+typedef enum {
+ NWK_OBJ_NONE, // 0: non-existant object
+ NWK_OBJ_CI, // 1: combinational input
+ NWK_OBJ_CO, // 2: combinational output
+ NWK_OBJ_NODE, // 3: logic node
+ NWK_OBJ_LATCH, // 4: register
+ NWK_OBJ_VOID // 5: unused object
+} Nwk_Type_t;
+struct Nwk_Man_t_
+ // models of this design
+ char * pName; // the name of this design
+ char * pSpec; // the name of input file
+ // node representation
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vCis; // the primary inputs of the extracted part
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vCos; // the primary outputs of the extracted part
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vObjs; // the objects in the topological order
+ int nObjs[NWK_OBJ_VOID]; // counter of objects of each type
+ int nFanioPlus; // the number of extra fanins/fanouts alloc by default
+ // functionality, timing, memory, etc
+ Hop_Man_t * pManHop; // the functionality representation
+ Tim_Man_t * pManTime; // the timing manager
+ If_Lib_t * pLutLib; // the LUT library
+ Aig_MmFlex_t * pMemObjs; // memory for objects
+ Vec_Ptr_t * vTemp; // array used for incremental updates
+ int nTravIds; // the counter of traversal IDs
+ int nRealloced; // the number of realloced nodes
+struct Nwk_Obj_t_
+ Nwk_Man_t * pMan; // the manager
+ Hop_Obj_t * pFunc; // functionality
+ void * pCopy; // temporary pointer
+ void * pNext; // temporary pointer
+ // node information
+ unsigned Type : 3; // object type
+ unsigned fCompl : 1; // complemented attribute
+ unsigned MarkA : 1; // temporary mark
+ unsigned MarkB : 1; // temporary mark
+ unsigned PioId : 26; // number of this node in the PI/PO list
+ int Id; // unique ID
+ int TravId; // traversal ID
+ // timing information
+ int Level; // the topological level
+ float tArrival; // the arrival time
+ float tRequired; // the required time
+ float tSlack; // the slack
+ // fanin/fanout representation
+ int nFanins; // the number of fanins
+ int nFanouts; // the number of fanouts
+ int nFanioAlloc; // the number of allocated fanins/fanouts
+ Nwk_Obj_t ** pFanio; // fanins/fanouts
+static inline int Nwk_ManCiNum( Nwk_Man_t * p ) { return p->nObjs[NWK_OBJ_CI]; }
+static inline int Nwk_ManCoNum( Nwk_Man_t * p ) { return p->nObjs[NWK_OBJ_CO]; }
+static inline int Nwk_ManNodeNum( Nwk_Man_t * p ) { return p->nObjs[NWK_OBJ_NODE]; }
+static inline int Nwk_ManLatchNum( Nwk_Man_t * p ) { return p->nObjs[NWK_OBJ_LATCH]; }
+static inline int Nwk_ManObjNumMax( Nwk_Man_t * p ) { return Vec_PtrSize(p->vObjs); }
+static inline Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ManCi( Nwk_Man_t * p, int i ) { return Vec_PtrEntry( p->vCis, i ); }
+static inline Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ManCo( Nwk_Man_t * p, int i ) { return Vec_PtrEntry( p->vCos, i ); }
+static inline Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ManObj( Nwk_Man_t * p, int i ) { return Vec_PtrEntry( p->vObjs, i ); }
+static inline int Nwk_ObjFaninNum( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->nFanins; }
+static inline int Nwk_ObjFanoutNum( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->nFanouts; }
+static inline Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ObjFanin0( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->pFanio[0]; }
+static inline Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ObjFanout0( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->pFanio[p->nFanins]; }
+static inline Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ObjFanin( Nwk_Obj_t * p, int i ) { return p->pFanio[i]; }
+static inline Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ObjFanout( Nwk_Obj_t * p, int i ) { return p->pFanio[p->nFanins+1]; }
+static inline int Nwk_ObjIsCi( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->Type == NWK_OBJ_CI; }
+static inline int Nwk_ObjIsCo( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->Type == NWK_OBJ_CO; }
+static inline int Nwk_ObjIsNode( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->Type == NWK_OBJ_NODE; }
+static inline int Nwk_ObjIsLatch( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->Type == NWK_OBJ_LATCH; }
+static inline int Nwk_ObjIsPi( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return Nwk_ObjIsCi(p) && (p->pMan->pManTime == NULL || Tim_ManBoxForCi(p->pMan->pManTime, p->PioId) == -1); }
+static inline int Nwk_ObjIsPo( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return Nwk_ObjIsCo(p) && (p->pMan->pManTime == NULL || Tim_ManBoxForCo(p->pMan->pManTime, p->PioId) == -1); }
+static inline float Nwk_ObjArrival( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->tArrival; }
+static inline float Nwk_ObjRequired( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->tRequired; }
+static inline float Nwk_ObjSlack( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->tSlack; }
+static inline void Nwk_ObjSetArrival( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj, float Time ) { pObj->tArrival = Time; }
+static inline void Nwk_ObjSetRequired( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj, float Time ) { pObj->tRequired = Time; }
+static inline void Nwk_ObjSetSlack( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj, float Time ) { pObj->tSlack = Time; }
+static inline int Nwk_ObjLevel( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Level; }
+static inline void Nwk_ObjSetLevel( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj, int Level ) { pObj->Level = Level; }
+static inline void Nwk_ObjSetTravId( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj, int TravId ) { pObj->TravId = TravId; }
+static inline void Nwk_ObjSetTravIdCurrent( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj ) { pObj->TravId = pObj->pMan->nTravIds; }
+static inline void Nwk_ObjSetTravIdPrevious( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj ) { pObj->TravId = pObj->pMan->nTravIds - 1; }
+static inline int Nwk_ObjIsTravIdCurrent( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->TravId == pObj->pMan->nTravIds; }
+static inline int Nwk_ObjIsTravIdPrevious( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->TravId == pObj->pMan->nTravIds - 1; }
+/// ITERATORS ///
+#define Nwk_ManForEachCi( p, pObj, i ) \
+ Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vCis, pObj, i )
+#define Nwk_ManForEachCo( p, pObj, i ) \
+ Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vCos, pObj, i )
+#define Nwk_ManForEachPi( p, pObj, i ) \
+ Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vCis, pObj, i ) \
+ if ( !Nwk_ObjIsPi(pObj) ) {} else
+#define Nwk_ManForEachPo( p, pObj, i ) \
+ Vec_PtrForEachEntry( p->vCos, pObj, i ) \
+ if ( !Nwk_ObjIsPo(pObj) ) {} else
+#define Nwk_ManForEachObj( p, pObj, i ) \
+ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize(p->vObjs)) && (((pObj) = Vec_PtrEntry(p->vObjs, i)), 1); i++ ) \
+ if ( pObj == NULL ) {} else
+#define Nwk_ManForEachNode( p, pObj, i ) \
+ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize(p->vObjs)) && (((pObj) = Vec_PtrEntry(p->vObjs, i)), 1); i++ ) \
+ if ( (pObj) == NULL || !Nwk_ObjIsNode(pObj) ) {} else
+#define Nwk_ManForEachLatch( p, pObj, i ) \
+ for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_PtrSize(p->vObjs)) && (((pObj) = Vec_PtrEntry(p->vObjs, i)), 1); i++ ) \
+ if ( (pObj) == NULL || !Nwk_ObjIsLatch(pObj) ) {} else
+#define Nwk_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pFanin, i ) \
+ for ( i = 0; (i < (int)(pObj)->nFanins) && ((pFanin) = (pObj)->pFanio[i]); i++ )
+#define Nwk_ObjForEachFanout( pObj, pFanout, i ) \
+ for ( i = 0; (i < (int)(pObj)->nFanouts) && ((pFanout) = (pObj)->pFanio[(pObj)->nFanins+i]); i++ )
+/*=== nwkBidec.c ==========================================================*/
+extern void Nwk_ManBidecResyn( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, int fVerbose );
+extern Hop_Obj_t * Nwk_NodeIfNodeResyn( Bdc_Man_t * p, Hop_Man_t * pHop, Hop_Obj_t * pRoot, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vTruth, unsigned * puCare );
+/*=== nwkDfs.c ==========================================================*/
+extern int Nwk_ManLevel( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern int Nwk_ManLevel2( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern Vec_Vec_t * Nwk_ManLevelize( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern Vec_Ptr_t * Nwk_ManDfs( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern Vec_Ptr_t * Nwk_ManDfsNodes( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, Nwk_Obj_t ** ppNodes, int nNodes );
+extern Vec_Ptr_t * Nwk_ManDfsReverse( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern Vec_Ptr_t * Nwk_ManSupportNodes( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, Nwk_Obj_t ** ppNodes, int nNodes );
+extern void Nwk_ManSupportSum( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern int Nwk_ObjMffcLabel( Nwk_Obj_t * pNode );
+/*=== nwkFanio.c ==========================================================*/
+extern void Nwk_ObjCollectFanins( Nwk_Obj_t * pNode, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes );
+extern void Nwk_ObjCollectFanouts( Nwk_Obj_t * pNode, Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes );
+extern void Nwk_ObjAddFanin( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj, Nwk_Obj_t * pFanin );
+extern void Nwk_ObjDeleteFanin( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj, Nwk_Obj_t * pFanin );
+extern void Nwk_ObjPatchFanin( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj, Nwk_Obj_t * pFaninOld, Nwk_Obj_t * pFaninNew );
+extern void Nwk_ObjReplace( Nwk_Obj_t * pNodeOld, Nwk_Obj_t * pNodeNew );
+/*=== nwkMan.c ============================================================*/
+extern Nwk_Man_t * Nwk_ManAlloc();
+extern void Nwk_ManFree( Nwk_Man_t * p );
+extern void Nwk_ManPrintStats( Nwk_Man_t * p, If_Lib_t * pLutLib );
+/*=== nwkMap.c ============================================================*/
+extern Nwk_Man_t * Nwk_MappingIf( Aig_Man_t * p, Tim_Man_t * pManTime, If_Par_t * pPars );
+/*=== nwkObj.c ============================================================*/
+extern Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ManCreateCi( Nwk_Man_t * pMan, int nFanouts );
+extern Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ManCreateCo( Nwk_Man_t * pMan );
+extern Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ManCreateNode( Nwk_Man_t * pMan, int nFanins, int nFanouts );
+extern Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ManCreateBox( Nwk_Man_t * pMan, int nFanins, int nFanouts );
+extern Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ManCreateLatch( Nwk_Man_t * pMan );
+extern void Nwk_ManDeleteNode( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj );
+extern void Nwk_ManDeleteNode_rec( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj );
+/*=== nwkTiming.c ============================================================*/
+extern float Nwk_ManDelayTraceLut( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, If_Lib_t * pLutLib );
+extern void Nwk_ManDelayTracePrint( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, If_Lib_t * pLutLib );
+extern void Nwk_ManUpdate( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj, Nwk_Obj_t * pObjNew, Vec_Vec_t * vLevels );
+extern void Nwk_ManVerifyLevel( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+/*=== nwkUtil.c ============================================================*/
+extern void Nwk_ManIncrementTravId( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern int Nwk_ManGetFaninMax( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern int Nwk_ManGetTotalFanins( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern int Nwk_ManPiNum( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern int Nwk_ManPoNum( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern int Nwk_ManGetAigNodeNum( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk );
+extern int Nwk_NodeCompareLevelsIncrease( Nwk_Obj_t ** pp1, Nwk_Obj_t ** pp2 );
+extern int Nwk_NodeCompareLevelsDecrease( Nwk_Obj_t ** pp1, Nwk_Obj_t ** pp2 );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/// END OF FILE ///