diff options
authorAlan Mishchenko <>2008-09-21 20:01:00 -0700
committerAlan Mishchenko <>2008-09-21 20:01:00 -0700
commit23c428ea097288df17fe3d008885690d9730f303 (patch)
parent4d71c114a3405f0a2c59a8467c82a8da3f785262 (diff)
Version abc80921_2
2 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/aig/int/intCore.c b/src/aig/int/intCore.c
index cc6c5f5b..8fe15cda 100644
--- a/src/aig/int/intCore.c
+++ b/src/aig/int/intCore.c
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ void Inter_ManSetDefaultParams( Inter_ManParams_t * p )
p->nFramesMax = 40; // the max number timeframes to unroll
p->nFramesK = 1; // the number of timeframes to use in induction
p->fRewrite = 0; // use additional rewriting to simplify timeframes
- p->fTransLoop = 0; // add transition into the init state under new PI var
+ p->fTransLoop = 1; // add transition into the init state under new PI var
p->fUsePudlak = 0; // use Pudluk interpolation procedure
p->fUseOther = 0; // use other undisclosed option
p->fUseMiniSat = 0; // use MiniSat-1.14p instead of internal proof engine
diff --git a/src/base/abci/abc.c b/src/base/abci/abc.c
index 09fd26ab..4944a43f 100644
--- a/src/base/abci/abc.c
+++ b/src/base/abci/abc.c
@@ -13890,7 +13890,7 @@ int Abc_CommandLcorr( Abc_Frame_t * pAbc, int argc, char ** argv )
nFramesP = 0;
nConfMax = 1000;
nVarsMax = 1000;
- fNewAlgor = 0;
+ fNewAlgor = 1;
fVerbose = 0;
while ( ( c = Extra_UtilGetopt( argc, argv, "PCSnvh" ) ) != EOF )
@@ -13981,7 +13981,7 @@ usage:
fprintf( pErr, "\t-P num : number of time frames to use as the prefix [default = %d]\n", nFramesP );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-C num : max conflict number when proving latch equivalence [default = %d]\n", nConfMax );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-S num : the max number of SAT variables [default = %d]\n", nVarsMax );
- fprintf( pErr, "\t-n : toggle new algorithm [default = %s]\n", fNewAlgor? "yes": "no" );
+ fprintf( pErr, "\t-n : toggle using new algorithm [default = %s]\n", fNewAlgor? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-v : toggle verbose output [default = %s]\n", fVerbose? "yes": "no" );
fprintf( pErr, "\t-h : print the command usage\n");
return 1;