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authorAlan Mishchenko <>2016-01-10 21:04:17 -0800
committerAlan Mishchenko <>2016-01-10 21:04:17 -0800
commit1bbf239843e2f9a0ef6283758977bbe2a6837bc4 (patch)
parentd6178631be82089dc65263cd10293211abad5924 (diff)
Experiments with SAT-based mapping.
2 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/aig/gia/giaOf.c b/src/aig/gia/giaOf.c
index 4ee92126..5a0b94e3 100644
--- a/src/aig/gia/giaOf.c
+++ b/src/aig/gia/giaOf.c
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "misc/vec/vecMem.h"
#include "misc/vec/vecWec.h"
#include "opt/dau/dau.h"
+#include "sat/bsat/satStore.h"
@@ -1499,6 +1500,159 @@ void Of_ManComputeBackwardDircon1( Of_Man_t * p )
+ Synopsis []
+ Description []
+ SideEffects []
+ SeeAlso []
+void Of_ManCreateSat( Of_Man_t * p, int nCutsAll, Vec_Int_t * vFirst, Vec_Int_t * vCutNum, Vec_Int_t * vBest )
+ Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
+ int * pCutSet, * pCut;
+ int i, k, v, c, Var, status, RetValue, nCutCount = 0;
+ Vec_Int_t * vLits = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
+ abctime clk = Abc_Clock();
+ // start solver
+ sat_solver * pSat = sat_solver_new();
+ sat_solver_setnvars( pSat, nCutsAll );
+ sat_solver_start_cardinality( pSat, Vec_IntSize(vBest) );
+ printf( "Setting candinality equal to %d.\n", pSat->nCard );
+ // set polarity
+// Vec_IntPop( vBest );
+// sat_solver_set_polarity( pSat, Vec_IntArray(vBest), Vec_IntSize(vBest) );
+ //Vec_IntPrint( vBest );
+ // mark CO drivers
+ Gia_ManForEachCo( p->pGia, pObj, i )
+ Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark0 = 1;
+ // add clauses
+ Gia_ManForEachAnd( p->pGia, pObj, i )
+ {
+ if ( pObj->fMark0 )
+ {
+ int iFirst = Vec_IntEntry(vFirst, i);
+ int nCuts = Vec_IntEntry(vCutNum, i);
+ Vec_IntClear( vLits );
+ for ( c = 0; c < nCuts; c++ )
+ Vec_IntPush( vLits, Abc_Var2Lit(iFirst + c, 0) );
+ RetValue = sat_solver_addclause( pSat, Vec_IntArray(vLits), Vec_IntLimit(vLits) );
+ assert( RetValue );
+ }
+ }
+ // unmark CO drivers
+ Gia_ManForEachCo( p->pGia, pObj, i )
+ Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark0 = 0;
+ // add clauses
+ Gia_ManForEachAnd( p->pGia, pObj, i )
+ {
+ pCutSet = Of_ObjCutSet(p, i);
+ Of_SetForEachCut( pCutSet, pCut, k )
+ {
+ Of_CutForEachVar( pCut, Var, v )
+ {
+ if ( Gia_ObjIsAnd(Gia_ManObj(p->pGia, Var)) )
+ {
+ int iFirst = Vec_IntEntry(vFirst, Var);
+ int nCuts = Vec_IntEntry(vCutNum, Var);
+ Vec_IntClear( vLits );
+ Vec_IntPush( vLits, Abc_Var2Lit(nCutCount, 1) );
+ for ( c = 0; c < nCuts; c++ )
+ Vec_IntPush( vLits, Abc_Var2Lit(iFirst + c, 0) );
+ RetValue = sat_solver_addclause( pSat, Vec_IntArray(vLits), Vec_IntLimit(vLits) );
+ assert( RetValue );
+ }
+ }
+ nCutCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ assert( nCutCount == nCutsAll );
+ // solve the problem
+ status = sat_solver_solve( pSat, NULL, NULL, 1000000, 0, 0, 0 );
+ if ( status == l_Undef )
+ printf( "Undecided. " );
+ if ( status == l_True )
+ printf( "Satisfiable. " );
+ if ( status == l_False )
+ printf( "Unsatisfiable. " );
+ Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
+ Sat_SolverPrintStats( stdout, pSat );
+ if ( status == l_True )
+ {
+ int nOnes = 0;
+ for ( v = 0; v < pSat->size; v++ )
+ {
+ printf( "%d", sat_solver_var_value(pSat, v) );
+ nOnes += sat_solver_var_value(pSat, v);
+ }
+ printf( " nOnes = %d\n", nOnes );
+ }
+ // cleanup
+ sat_solver_delete( pSat );
+ Vec_IntFree( vLits );
+void Of_ManPrintCuts( Of_Man_t * p )
+ int fVerbose = 0;
+ Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
+ int * pCutSet, * pCut, * pCutBest;
+ int i, k, v, Var, nCuts;
+ int nAndsAll = 0, nLutsAll = 0, nCutsAll = 0;
+ Vec_Int_t * vFirst = Vec_IntStartFull( Gia_ManObjNum(p->pGia) );
+ Vec_Int_t * vCutNum = Vec_IntStartFull( Gia_ManObjNum(p->pGia) );
+ Vec_Int_t * vBest = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
+ Gia_ManForEachAnd( p->pGia, pObj, i )
+ {
+ nAndsAll++;
+ // get the best cut
+ pCutBest = NULL;
+ if ( Of_ObjRefNum(p, i) )
+ pCutBest = Of_ObjCutBestP( p, i ), nLutsAll++;
+ // get the cutset
+ pCutSet = Of_ObjCutSet(p, i);
+ // count cuts
+ nCuts = 0;
+ Of_SetForEachCut( pCutSet, pCut, k )
+ nCuts++;
+ // save
+ Vec_IntWriteEntry( vFirst, i, nCutsAll );
+ Vec_IntWriteEntry( vCutNum, i, nCuts );
+ // print cuts
+ if ( fVerbose )
+ printf( "Node %d. Cuts %d.\n", i, nCuts );
+ Of_SetForEachCut( pCutSet, pCut, k )
+ {
+ if ( fVerbose )
+ {
+ printf( "{ " );
+ Of_CutForEachVar( pCut, Var, v )
+ printf( "%d ", Var );
+ printf( "} %s\n", pCutBest == pCut ? "best" :"" );
+ }
+ if ( pCutBest == pCut )
+ Vec_IntPush( vBest, nCutsAll );
+ nCutsAll++;
+ }
+ }
+ printf( "Total: Ands = %d. Luts = %d. Cuts = %d.\n", nAndsAll, nLutsAll, nCutsAll );
+ // create SAT problem
+ Of_ManCreateSat( p, nCutsAll, vFirst, vCutNum, vBest );
+ Vec_IntFree( vFirst );
+ Vec_IntFree( vCutNum );
+ Vec_IntFree( vBest );
Synopsis [Technology mappping.]
Description []
@@ -1659,6 +1813,7 @@ Gia_Man_t * Of_ManPerformMapping( Gia_Man_t * pGia, Jf_Par_t * pPars )
pNew = Of_ManDeriveMapping( p );
Gia_ManMappingVerify( pNew );
+// Of_ManPrintCuts( p );
Of_StoDelete( p );
if ( pCls != pGia )
Gia_ManStop( pCls );
diff --git a/src/sat/bsat/satSolver.h b/src/sat/bsat/satSolver.h
index f1738eb5..fc92e557 100644
--- a/src/sat/bsat/satSolver.h
+++ b/src/sat/bsat/satSolver.h
@@ -301,6 +301,15 @@ static inline void sat_solver_start_cardinality(sat_solver* s, int nSize)
s->nCard = nSize;
s->nCardClauses = 0;
+static void sat_solver_set_polarity(sat_solver* s, int * pVars, int nVars )
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < s->size; i++ )
+ s->polarity[i] = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nVars; i++ )
+ s->polarity[pVars[i]] = 1;
static inline int sat_solver_add_const( sat_solver * pSat, int iVar, int fCompl )
lit Lits[1];