html, body, #container {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
header, footer {
display: block;
@headerheight: 153px;
@footerheight: 25px;
#container {
//Set padding on container so that #main can take 100% height
//If we don't do it, the scrollbars will be too large.
padding: @headerheight 0 @footerheight;
header {
height: @headerheight;
//Substract #container padding
margin-top: -@headerheight;
#main {
height: 100%;
display: block;
overflow-y: auto;
footer {
//This starts at the beginning of the #container padding, all fine.
height: @footerheight;
line-height: @footerheight;