 * This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
 * the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
 *              http://ugfx.org/license.html

 * @file    src/gwin/gwin_container.h
 * @defgroup Container Container
 * @ingroup Containers
 * @details		A Container is a GWindow that supports child windows. It is also
 * 				a widget in its own right and therefore can accept user input directly.
 * @pre		GFX_USE_GWIN and GWIN_NEED_CONTAINERS must be set to TRUE in your gfxconf.h
 * @{


/* This file is included within "src/gwin/sys_defs.h" */

// Forward definition
struct GContainerObject;

 * @brief	The GWIN Container structure
 * @note	A container is a GWIN widget that can have children.
 * @note	Do not access the members directly. Treat it as a black-box and use the method functions.
 * @{
typedef GWidgetObject GContainerObject;
/** @} */

 * A comment/rant on the above structure:
 * We would really like the GWidgetObject member to be anonymous. While this is
 * allowed under the C11, C99, GNU and various other standards which have been
 * around forever - compiler support often requires special flags e.g
 * gcc requires the -fms-extensions flag (no wonder the language and compilers have
 * not really progressed in 30 years). As portability is a key requirement
 * we unfortunately won't use this useful feature in case we get a compiler that
 * won't support it even with special flags.

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

	 * @brief	Get the first child window
	 * @return	The first child or NULL if are no children windows
	 * @param[in] gh	The parent container or NULL to get the first top level window
	 * @api
	GHandle gwinGetFirstChild(GHandle gh);

	 * @brief	Get the next child window in the z-order
	 * @return	The next window or NULL if no more children
	 * @param[in] gh		The window to obtain the next sibling of.
	 * @note	This returns the next window under the current parent window.
	 * 			Unlike @p gwinGetNextWindow() it will only return windows that
	 * 			have the same parent as the supplied window.
	 * @api
	GHandle gwinGetSibling(GHandle gh);

	 * @brief	Get the inner width of a container window
	 * @return	The inner width of a container window or zero if this is not a container
	 * @param[in] gh		The window
	 * @api
	coord_t gwinGetInnerWidth(GHandle gh);

	 * @brief	Get the inner height of a container window
	 * @return	The inner height of a container window or zero if this is not a container
	 * @param[in] gh		The window
	 * @api
	coord_t gwinGetInnerHeight(GHandle gh);

	 * @brief	 Flags for gwinContainerCreate()
	 * @{
	#define GWIN_CONTAINER_BORDER		0x00000001
	/** @} */

	 * @brief   Create a simple container.
	 * @return  NULL if there is no resultant drawing area, otherwise a window handle.
	 * @param[in] g			The GDisplay to display this window on
	 * @param[in] gw		The GContainerObject structure to initialise. If this is NULL the structure is dynamically allocated.
	 * @param[in] pInit		The initialisation parameters
	 * @param[in] flags		Some flags, see notes
	 * @api
	GHandle gwinGContainerCreate(GDisplay *g, GContainerObject *gw, const GWidgetInit *pInit, uint32_t flags);
	#define gwinContainerCreate(gc, pInit, flags)			gwinGContainerCreate(GDISP, gc, pInit, flags)

	 * @brief				The custom draw routines for a simple container
	 * @details				These function may be passed to @p gwinSetCustomDraw() to get different frame drawing styles
	 * @param[in] gw		The widget object (in this case a frame)
	 * @param[in] param		A parameter passed in from the user
	 * @note				In your own custom drawing function you may optionally call these
	 * 						standard functions and then draw your extra details on top.
	 * @note				gwinContainerDraw_Std() will fill the client area with the background color.<br/>
	 * 						gwinContainerDraw_Transparent() will not fill the client area at all.<br/>
	 * 						gwinContainerDraw_Image() will tile the image throughout the client area.<br/>
	 * 						All these drawing functions draw the frame itself the same way.
	 * @note				The standard functions below ignore the param parameter except for @p gwinContainerDraw_Image().
	 * @note				The image custom draw function  @p gwinContainerDraw_Image() uses param to pass in the gdispImage pointer.
	 * 						The image must be already opened before calling  @p gwinSetCustomDraw().
	 * @api
	 * @{
	void gwinContainerDraw_Std(GWidgetObject *gw, void *param);
	void gwinContainerDraw_Transparent(GWidgetObject *gw, void *param);
	void gwinContainerDraw_Image(GWidgetObject *gw, void *param);
	/** @} */

#ifdef __cplusplus

/* Include extra container types */
#if GWIN_NEED_FRAME || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	#include "gwin_frame.h"

#endif /* _GCONTAINER_H */
/** @} */