 * This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
 * the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
 *              http://ugfx.io/license.html

 * @file    src/gfile/gfile.h
 * @brief   GFILE - File IO Routines header file.
 * @addtogroup GFILE
 * @brief	Module which contains operating system independent file I/O.
 * @{

#ifndef _GFILE_H
#define _GFILE_H

#include "../../gfx.h"

#if GFX_USE_GFILE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)

/* Type definitions                                                          */

 * @brief	A file pointer

typedef struct GFILE GFILE;
typedef struct gfileList gfileList;

extern GFILE *gfileStdIn;
extern GFILE *gfileStdErr;
extern GFILE *gfileStdOut;

/* External declarations.                                                    */

 * @brief					Check if file exists
 * @param[in] fname			The file name
 * @return					gTrue if file exists, gFalse otherwise
 * @api
gBool		gfileExists(const char *fname);

 * @brief					Delete file
 * @param[in] fname			The file name
 * @return					gTrue on success, gFalse otherwise
 * @api
gBool		gfileDelete(const char *fname);

 * @brief					Get the size of a file
 * @note					Please use @p gfileGetSize() if the file is opened
 * @param[in] fname			The file name
 * @return					File size on success, (gFileSize)-1 on error
 * @api
gFileSize	gfileGetFilesize(const char *fname);

 * @brief					Rename file
 * @param[in] oldname		The current file name
 * @param[in] newname		The new name of the file
 * @return					gTrue on success, gFalse otherwise
 * @api
gBool		gfileRename(const char *oldname, const char *newname);

 * @brief					Open file
 * @details					A file must be opened before it can be accessed
 * @details					The resulting GFILE will be used for all functions that access the file.
 * @param[in] fname			The file name
 * @param[in] mode			The mode.
 * @return					Valid GFILE on success, 0 otherwise
 * @note					The modes follow the c library fopen() standard.
 * 							The valid modes are:
 * 							<ul><li>r   - Open for read, the file must exist</li>
 * 								<li>w   - Open for write, the file is truncated if it exists</li>
 * 								<li>wx  - Open for write, the file must not exist</li>
 * 								<li>a   - Open for append, the file is truncated if it exists</li>
 * 								<li>ax  - Open for append, the file must not exists</li>
 * 							</ul>
 * 							The following flags can also be added to the above modes:<br/>
 * 							<ul><li>+   - Open for both read and write</li>
 * 								<li>b   - Open as a binary file rather than a text file</li>
 * 							</ul>
 * @note					Not all file-systems support all modes. For example, write
 * 							is not available with the ROM file-system. Similarly few platforms
 * 							distinguish between binary and text files.
 * @note					Even though binary vs. text is relevant only for a small number of platforms
 * 							the "b" flag should always be specified for binary files such as images.
 * 							This ensures portability to other platforms. The extra flag will be ignored
 * 							on platforms where it is not relevant.
 * @api
GFILE *		gfileOpen(const char *fname, const char *mode);

 * @brief					Close file
 * @details					Closes a file after is has been opened using @p gfileOpen()
 * @param[in] f				The file
 * @api
void		gfileClose(GFILE *f);

 * @brief					Read from file
 * @details					Reads a given amount of bytes from the file
 * @details					The read/write cursor will not be reset when calling this function
 * @param[in] f				The file
 * @param[out] buf			The buffer in which to save the content that has been read from the file
 * @param[in] len			Amount of bytes to read
 * @return					Amount of bytes read
 * @api
gMemSize	gfileRead(GFILE *f, void *buf, gMemSize len);

 * @brief					Write to file
 * @details					Write a given amount of bytes to the file
 * @details					The read/write cursor will not be reset when calling this function
 * @param[in] f				The file
 * @param[in] buf			The buffer which contains the content that will be written to the file
 * @param[in] len			Amount of bytes to write
 * @return					Amount of bytes written
 * @api
gMemSize	gfileWrite(GFILE *f, const void *buf, gMemSize len);

 * @brief					Get the current position of the read/write cursor
 * @param[in] f				The file
 * @return					The current position in the file
 * @api
gFileSize	gfileGetPos(GFILE *f);

 * @brief					Set the position of the read/write cursor
 * @param[in] f				The file
 * @param[in] pos			The position to which the cursor will be set
 * @return					gTrue on success, gFalse otherwise
 * @api
gBool		gfileSetPos(GFILE *f, gFileSize pos);

 * @brief					Get the size of file
 * @note					Please use @p gfileGetFilesize() if the file is not opened
 * @param[in] f				The file
 * @return					The size of the file
 * @api
gFileSize	gfileGetSize(GFILE *f);

 * @brief					Check for EOF
 * @details					Checks if the cursor is at the end of the file
 * @param[in] f				The file
 * @return					gTrue if EOF, gFalse otherwise
 * @api
gBool		gfileEOF(GFILE *f);

 * @brief					Mount a logical drive (aka partition)
 * @details					Not supported by every file system
 * @details					Currently just one drive at one is supported.
 * @param[in] fs			The file system (F for FatFS)
 * @param[in] drive			The logical drive prefix
 * @return					gTrue on success, gFalse otherwise
 * @api
gBool gfileMount(char fs, const char *drive);

 * @brief					Unmount a logical drive (aka partition)
 * @details					Does have no effect if @p gfileMount() as been called before hand
 * @param[in] fs			The file system (F for FatFS)
 * @param[in] drive			The logical drive prefix
 * @return					gTrue on success, gFalse otherwise
 * @api
gBool gfileUnmount(char fs, const char *drive);

 * @brief					Syncs the file object (flushes the buffer)
 * @details					Not supported by every file system
 * @param[in] f				The file
 * @return					gTrue on success, gFalse otherwise
 * @api
gBool gfileSync(GFILE *f);

	 * @brief				Open a file list
	 * @param[in] fs		The file system (F for FatFS)
	 * @param[in] path		Path information to pass to the file system
	 * @param[in] dirs		Pass gTrue to get directories only, gFalse to get files only
	 * @return				A pointer to a file list on success, NULL otherwise
	 * @note				The path parameter is handled in a file-system specific way. It could be
	 * 						treated as a directory name, it may be treated as a file pattern, or it
	 * 						may be ignored. Passing NULL will always return the full list of files
	 * 						in at least the top level directory.
	 * @note				For file systems that do not support directories, passing gTrue for dirs
	 * 						will return an error.
	 * @note				You must call @p gfileCloseFileList() when you have finished with the
	 * 						file list in order to free resources.
	 * @api
	gfileList *gfileOpenFileList(char fs, const char *path, gBool dirs);

	 * @brief				Get the next file in a file list.
	 * @param[in] pfl		Pointer to a file list returned by @p gfileOpenFileList()
	 * @return				A pointer to a file (or directory) name. Returns NULL if there are no more.
	 * @note				The file name may contain the full directory path or may not depending
	 * 						on how the file system treats directories.
	 * @note				The returned buffer may be destroyed by the next call to any of
	 * 						@p gfileOpenFileList(), @p gfileReadFileList() or @p gfileCloseFileList().
	 * 						Do not use this pointer after one of those calls.
	 * @api
	const char *gfileReadFileList(gfileList *pfl);

	 * @brief				Close a file list.
	 * @param[in] pfl		Pointer to a file list returned by @p gfileOpenFileList()
	 * @api
	void gfileCloseFileList(gfileList *pfl);

	 * @brief					Open file from a ChibiOS FileStream
	 * @param[in] FileStreamPtr	The BaseFileStream (ChibiOS V2) or FileStream (ChibiOS V3) to open as a GFILE
	 * @param[in] mode			The mode.
	 * @return					Valid GFILE on success, 0 otherwise
	 * @note					The modes are the same modes as in @p gfileOpen(). The
	 * 							open mode is NOT compared against the FileStream capabilities.
	 * @note					Supported operations are: read, write, getpos, setpos, eof and getsize
	 * @api
	GFILE *		gfileOpenChibiOSFileStream(void *FileStreamPtr, const char *mode);
	#define gfileOpenBaseFileStream(f,m)	gfileOpenChibiOSFileStream(f,m)

#if GFILE_NEED_MEMFS || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	 * @brief					Open file from a memory pointer
	 * @param[in] memptr		The pointer to the memory
	 * @param[in] mode			The mode.
	 * @return					Valid GFILE on success, 0 otherwise
	 * @note					The modes are the same modes as in @p gfileOpen(). Note there is
	 * 							no concept of file-size. Be careful not to overwrite other memory or
	 * 							to read from inaccessible sections of memory.
	 * @note					Supported operations are: read, write, getpos, setpos
	 * @api
	GFILE *		gfileOpenMemory(void *memptr, const char *mode);

#if GFILE_NEED_STRINGS || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	 * @brief					Open file from a null terminated C string
	 * @param[in] str			The pointer to the string or string buffer
	 * @param[in] mode			The mode
	 * @return					Valid GFILE on success, 0 otherwise
	 * @note					The modes are the same modes as in @p gfileOpen(). Note there is
	 * 							no concept of file-size. Be careful not to overwrite other memory or
	 * 							to read from inaccessible sections of memory.
	 * @note					Reading will return EOF when the NULL character is reached.
	 * @note					Writing will always place a NULL in the next character effectively terminating the
	 * 							string at the character just written.
	 * @note					Supported operations are: read, write, append, getpos, setpos
	 * @note					Be careful with setpos and getpos. They do not check for the end of the string.
	 * @note					Reading and Writing will read/write a maximum of one character at a time.
	 * @api
	GFILE *		gfileOpenString(char *str, const char *mode);

#if GFILE_NEED_PRINTG || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	#include <stdarg.h>

	int vfnprintg(GFILE *f, int maxlen, const char *fmt, va_list arg);
	int fnprintg(GFILE *f, int maxlen, const char *fmt, ...);
	#define vfprintg(f,m,a)			vfnprintg(f,0,m,a)
	#define fprintg(f,m,...)		fnprintg(f,0,m,__VA_ARGS__)
	#define vprintg(m,a)			vfnprintg(gfileStdOut,0,m,a)
	#define printg(m,...)			fnprintg(gfileStdOut,0,m,__VA_ARGS__)

		int vsnprintg(char *buf, int maxlen, const char *fmt, va_list arg);
		int snprintg(char *buf, int maxlen, const char *fmt, ...);
		#define vsprintg(s,m,a)		vsnprintg(s,0,m,a)
		#define sprintg(s,m,...)	snprintg(s,0,m,__VA_ARGS__)

#if GFILE_NEED_SCANG || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	#include <stdarg.h>

	int vfscang(GFILE *f, const char *fmt, va_list arg);
	int fscang(GFILE *f, const char *fmt, ...);
	#define vscang(f,a)			vfscang(gfileStdIn,f,a)
	#define scang(f,...)		fscang(gfileStdIn,f,__VA_ARGS__)

		int vsscang(const char *buf, const char *fmt, va_list arg);
		int sscang(const char *buf, const char *fmt, ...);

	// Needed routines and definitions
	size_t gstdioRead(void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count, GFILE *f);
	size_t gstdioWrite(const void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count, GFILE *f);
	int gstdioGetpos(GFILE *f, long *pos);
	int gstdioSeek(GFILE *f, size_t offset, int origin);
	#define SEEK_SET	0
	#define SEEK_CUR	1
	#define SEEK_END	2

	// Stdio emulation
	#define stdin					gfileStdIn
	#define stdout					gfileStdOut
	#define stderr					gfileStdErr
	#define FILENAME_MAX			256						// Use a relatively small number for an embedded platform
	#define L_tmpnam				FILENAME_MAX
	#define P_tmpdir				"/tmp/"
	#define FILE					GFILE
	#define fopen(n,m)				gfileOpen(n,m)
	#define fclose(f)				gfileClose(f)
	#define fread(p,sz,cnt,f)		gstdioRead(p,sz,cnt,f)
	#define fwrite(p,sz,cnt,f)		gstdioWrite(p,sz,cnt,f)
	#define fseek(f,ofs,org)		gstdioSeek(f,ofs,org)
	#define remove(n)				(!gfileDelete(n))
	#define rename(o,n)				(!gfileRename(o,n))
	#define fflush(f)				(0)
	#define ftell(f)				gfileGetPos(f)
	#define fpos_t					gFileSize
	#define fgetpos(f,pos)			gstdioGetpos(f,pos)
	#define fsetpos(f, pos)			(!gfileSetPos(f, *pos))
	#define rewind(f)				gfileSetPos(f, 0);
	#define feof(f)					gfileEOF(f)
	#define vfprintf(f,m,a)			vfnprintg(f,0,m,a)
	#define fprintf(f,m,...)		fnprintg(f,0,m,__VA_ARGS__)
	#define vprintf(m,a)			vfnprintg(gfileStdOut,0,m,a)
	#define printf(m,...)			fnprintg(gfileStdOut,0,m,__VA_ARGS__)
	#define vsnprintf(s,n,m,a)		vsnprintg(s,n,m,a)
	#define snprintf(s,n,m,...)		snprintg(s,n,m,__VA_ARGS__)
	#define vsprintf(s,m,a)			vsnprintg(s,0,m,a)
	#define sprintf(s,m,...)		snprintg(s,0,m,__VA_ARGS__)

	//void clearerr ( FILE * stream );
	//int ferror ( FILE * stream );
	//FILE * tmpfile ( void );		// Auto-deleting
	//char * tmpnam ( char * str );
	//char * mktemp (char *template);
	//FILE * freopen ( const char * filename, const char * mode, FILE * stream );
	//void perror (const char * str);

#endif /* GFX_USE_GFILE */

#endif /* _GFILE_H */
/** @} */