 * This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
 * the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
 *              http://ugfx.io/license.html

 * @file    src/gdriver/gdriver.h
 * @addtogroup GDRIVER
 * @brief		Module to support registering and unregistering of drivers
 * @details		GDRIVER provides a generalized way of defining and registering drivers.
 * @note		There are many different types of drivers and GDRIVER can handle any
 * 				type of driver defined by the uGFX system.
 * @note		GDRIVER supports multiple drivers for one type of device. eg a SSD1289 LCD
 * 				driver simultaneously with a framebuffer driver.
 * @note		GDRIVER supports multiple instances of a single driver. eg 2 SSD1289 LCD's.
 * @note		If there is only a single device of a particular type it will automatically
 *				register that device (it only needs to be included in the build, no special
 *				configuration is required)
 * @note		This module gdriver.h file is NOT included in the general gfx.h file.
 * 				Instead it is included in each driver type's driver API.
 * @pre			GFX_USE_GDRIVER must be set to GFXON in your gfxconf.h
 * @{

#ifndef _GDRIVER_H
#define _GDRIVER_H

#if GFX_USE_GDRIVER || defined(__DOXYGEN__)

/* Type definitions                                                          */

#define GDRIVER_TYPE_DISPLAY		'g'		// @< A graphics display
#define GDRIVER_TYPE_MOUSE			'm'		// @< A mouse
#define GDRIVER_TYPE_TOUCH			'm'		// @< A touch display (equivalent to a mouse)
#define GDRIVER_TYPE_TOGGLE			't'		// @< A toggle device eg GPIO pins, switches etc
#define GDRIVER_TYPE_DIAL			'd'		// @< A analog or digit dial (ranges in value from a minimum to a maximum)
#define GDRIVER_TYPE_KEYBOARD		'k'		// @< A keyboard
#define GDRIVER_TYPE_BLOCK			'b'		// @< A block device
#define GDRIVER_TYPE_STRING			's'		// @< A device that returns strings of data

 * @brief	All runtime driver structures start with this structure
 * @note	This structure (and any additional structure memory) is allocated
 * 			dynamically by the system for each driver instance.
typedef struct GDriver {
	struct GDriver *			driverchain;
	const struct GDriverVMT *	vmt;
} GDriver;

 * @brief	All driver VMT's start with this structure.
typedef struct GDriverVMT {
	gU16	type;																// @< What type of driver this is
	gU16	flags;																// @< Flags for the driver. Meaning is specific to each driver type.
	gU32	objsize;															// @< How big the runtime driver structure is
	gBool		(*init)(GDriver *driver, void *param, unsigned driverinstance, unsigned systeminstance);	// @< Initialise the driver. Returns gTrue if OK.
																					//		driverinstance is the instance 0..n of this driver.
																					//		systeminstance is the instance 0..n of this type of device.
																					//      The memory allocated is cleared before this call.
	void		(*postinit)(GDriver *driver);										// @< Called once the driver is registered.
	void		(*deinit)(GDriver *driver);											// @< De-initialise the driver
} GDriverVMT;

 * @brief	A definition that allows getting addresses of GDriverVMT structures to put into a list.
 * @note	eg. <code>
 * 				const MyDriverVMTtype a[1] = {{...}};
 * 				const MyDriverVMTtype b[1] = {{...}};
 * 				...
 * 				\#define DRIVER_LIST		a, b
 * 				extern GDriverVMTList	DRIVER_LIST;	// Now treated as single element arrays of GDriverVMT
 * 				const GDriverVMT const * mylist = { DRIVER_LIST };
 * 				</code>
typedef const struct GDriverVMT const	GDriverVMTList[1];

/* External declarations.                                                    */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

	 * @brief	Register a new driver instance.
	 * @return	The runtime driver structure or NULL if it fails.
	 * @param[in]	vmt		The driver's vmt
	 * @param[in]	param	An arbitrary paramater passed to the driver init routine.
	GDriver *gdriverRegister(const GDriverVMT *vmt, void *param);

	 * @brief	UnRegister a driver instance.
	 * @param[in]	driver	The driver instance's runtime structure
	void gdriverUnRegister(GDriver *driver);

	 * @brief	Get the driver for a particular instance of a type of device
	 * @return	The runtime driver structure or NULL if it fails.
	 * @param[in]	type		The type of driver to find
	 * @param[in]	instance	The instance (0..n) to find
	GDriver *gdriverGetInstance(gU16 type, unsigned instance);

	 * @brief	Get the count of instances of a type of device
	 * @return	The instance count.
	 * @note	Valid instance numbers are then 0 .. count-1
	 * @param[in]	type		The type of driver to find
	unsigned gdriverInstanceCount(gU16 type);

	 * @brief	Get the instance number for a device
	 * @return	The instance number or (unsigned)-1 if it fails.
	 * @param[in]	driver	The driver to find the instance number for
	unsigned gdriverGetDriverInstanceNumber(GDriver *driver);

	 * @brief	Get the next driver for a type of device
	 * @return	The runtime driver structure or NULL if there are no more.
	 * @param[in]	type		The type of driver to find
	 * @param[in]	driver		The last driver returned or NULL to start again
	GDriver *gdriverGetNext(gU16 type, GDriver *driver);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* GFX_USE_GDRIVER */

#endif /* _GDRIVER_H */
/** @} */