 * This file is subject to the terms of the GFX License. If a copy of
 * the license was not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at:
 *              http://ugfx.org/license.html

 * @file    include/gwin/progressbar.h
 * @brief   GWIN Graphic window subsystem header file.
 * @defgroup Progressbar Progressbar
 * @ingroup GWIN
 * @details		Create progressbars with different styles
 * @pre			GFX_USE_GWIN must be set to TRUE in your gfxconf.h
 * @pre			GWIN_NEED_PROGRESSBAR must be set to TRUE in your gfxconf.h
 * @{


// A progressbar window
typedef struct GProgressbarObject {
	GWidgetObject		w;
	coord_t				dpos;
	int					min;
	int					max;
	int					res;
	int					pos;
		GTimer			gt;
		delaytime_t		delay;
} GProgressbarObject;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @brief   Create a progressbar window.
 * @return  NULL if there is no resultant drawing area, otherwise a window handle.
 * @param[in] g			The GDisplay to display this window on
 * @param[in] gb		The GProgressbarObject structure to initialise. If this is NULL the structure is dynamically allocated.
 * @param[in] pInit		The initialization parameters to use
 * @note				The drawing color and the background color get set to the current defaults. If you haven't called
 * 						@p gwinSetDefaultColor() or @p gwinSetDefaultBgColor() then these are White and Black respectively.
 * @note				The font gets set to the current default font. If you haven't called @p gwinSetDefaultFont() then there
 * 						is no default font and text drawing operations will no nothing.
 * @note				A progressbar remembers its normal drawing state. If there is a window manager then it is automatically
 * 						redrawn if the window is moved or its visibility state is changed.
 * @note				The initial progressbar range is from 0 to 100 with an initial position of 0.
 * @note				A progressbar does not take any GINPUT inputs.
 * @api
GHandle gwinGProgressbarCreate(GDisplay *g, GProgressbarObject *gb, const GWidgetInit *pInit);
#define gwinProgressbarCreate(w, pInit)			gwinGProgressbarCreate(GDISP, w, pInit)

 * @brief   Set the progressbar range.
 * @param[in] gh		The window handle (must be a progressbar window)
 * @param[in] min		The minimum value
 * @param[in] max		The maximum value
 * @note				The defaults are 0 and 100
 * @note				Sets the position to the minimum value.
 * @note				The progressbar is not automatically drawn. Call gwinProgressbarDraw() after changing the range.
 * @api
void gwinProgressbarSetRange(GHandle gh, int min, int max);

 * @brief   Set the progressbar position.
 * @param[in] gh		The window handle (must be a progressbar window)
 * @param[in] pos		The new position
 * @note				If the new position is outside the progressbar range then the position
 * 						is set to the closest end of the range.
 * @note				The progressbar is not automatically drawn. Call gwinProgressbarDraw() after changing the position.
 * @api
void gwinProgressbarSetPosition(GHandle gh, int pos);

 * @brief	Set the resolution for the incrementation and decrementation of the progressbar
 * @note	Default is set to 1
 * @param[in] gh		The window handle (must be a progressbar window)
 * @param[in] res		The resolution to be set
 * @api
void gwinProgressbarSetResolution(GHandle gh, int res);

 * @brief	Increment the progressbar value
 * @details	Increments by the resolution set through gwinProgressbarSetResolution()
 * @param[in] gh		The window handle (must be a progressbar window)
 * @api
void gwinProgressbarIncrement(GHandle gh);

 * @brief	Decrement the progressbar value
 * @details Decrements by the resolution set through gwinProgressbarSetResolution()
 * @param[in] gh		The window handle (must be a progressbar window)
 * @api
void gwinProgressbarDecrement(GHandle gh);

 * @brief   Get the current progressbar position.
 * @return	The progressbar position
 * @param[in] gh		The window handle (must be a progressbar window)
 * @note				The use of a listener to get the progressbar position is recommended if you
 * 						want continuous updates on the progressbar position.
 * @api
#define gwinProgressbarGetPosition(gh)		(((GProgressbarObject *)(gh))->pos)

 * @brief	Automatically increments the progress bar
 * @note	The delay is generated using the GTIMER module which is based on software/virtual timer.
 *			Therefore, the delay is totally unprecise.
 * @note	The progressbar incrementation starts at the current level. It is not reset to the minimum value.
 * @note	An event is generated once the maximum value has been reached (ToDo)
 * @param[in] gh		The window handle (must be a progressbar window)
 * @param[in] delay		The incrementation delay (in milliseconds)
 * @api
void gwinProgressbarStart(GHandle gh, delaytime_t delay);

 * @brief	Some custom progressbar drawing routines
 * @details	These function may be passed to @p gwinSetCustomDraw() to get different progressbar drawing styles
 * @param[in] gw			The widget (which must be a progressbar)
 * @param[in] param			A parameter passed in from the user
 * @note				In your custom progressbar drawing function you may optionally call this
 * 						standard functions and then draw your extra details on top.
 * @note				The standard functions below ignore the param parameter except for @p gwinProgressbarDraw_Image().
 * @note				The image custom draw function  @p gwinProgressbarDraw_Image() uses param to pass in the gdispImage pointer.
 * 						The image must be already opened before calling  @p gwinSetCustomDraw(). The image is tiled to fill
 * 						the active area of the progressbar. The normal colors apply to the border and inactive area and the dividing line
 * 						between the active and inactive areas.
 * 						No checking is done to compare the dimensions of the progressbar to the size of the image.
 * 						Note text is drawn on top of the image.
 * @note				These custom drawing routines don't have to worry about setting clipping as the framework
 * 						sets clipping to the object window prior to calling these routines.
 * @api
 * @{
void gwinProgressbarDraw_Std(GWidgetObject *gw, void *param);
void gwinProgressbarDraw_Image(GWidgetObject *gw, void *param);
/* @} */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _GWIN_PROGRESSBAR_H */
/** @} */