/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, Joel Bodenmann aka Tectu <joel@unormal.org> * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, Andrew Hannam aka inmarket * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "gfx.h" #include "tasks.h" /** * This demo demonstrates many of the ugfx features. */ /** * The image files must be stored on a GFILE file-system. * Use either GFILE_NEED_NATIVEFS or GFILE_NEED_ROMFS (or both). * * The ROMFS uses the file "romfs_files.h" to describe the set of files in the ROMFS. */ /* Our custom yellow style */ static const GWidgetStyle YellowWidgetStyle = { Yellow, // window background //HTML2COLOR(0x800000), // focus - for text edit. // enabled color set { HTML2COLOR(0x0000FF), // text HTML2COLOR(0x404040), // edge HTML2COLOR(0xE0E0E0), // fill HTML2COLOR(0xE0E0E0) // progress - inactive area }, // disabled color set { HTML2COLOR(0xC0C0C0), // text HTML2COLOR(0x808080), // edge HTML2COLOR(0xE0E0E0), // fill HTML2COLOR(0xC0E0C0) // progress - active area }, // pressed color set { HTML2COLOR(0xFF00FF), // text HTML2COLOR(0x404040), // edge HTML2COLOR(0x808080), // fill HTML2COLOR(0x00E000), // progress - active area } }; /* The variables we need */ static font_t font; static GListener gl; static GHandle ghConsole; static GTimer FlashTimer; static GHandle ghTabset; static GHandle ghPgControls, ghPgSliders, ghPgLabels, ghPgRadios, ghPgLists, ghPgImages, ghPgBounce, ghPgMandelbrot; static GHandle ghButton1, ghButton2, ghButton3, ghButton4; static GHandle ghSlider1, ghSlider2, ghSlider3, ghSlider4; static GHandle ghCheckbox1, ghCheckbox2, ghCheckbox3, ghCheckDisableAll; static GHandle ghLabelSlider1, ghLabelSlider2, ghLabelSlider3, ghLabelSlider4, ghLabelRadio1; static GHandle ghRadio1, ghRadio2; static GHandle ghRadioBlack, ghRadioWhite, ghRadioYellow; static GHandle ghList1, ghList2, ghList3, ghList4; static GHandle ghImage1, ghImage2; static GHandle ghProgressbar1; static gdispImage imgYesNo; /* Some useful macros */ #define ScrWidth gdispGetWidth() #define ScrHeight gdispGetHeight() #define BUTTON_PADDING 20 #define TAB_HEIGHT 30 #define LABEL_HEIGHT 15 #define BUTTON_WIDTH 50 #define BUTTON_HEIGHT 30 #define LIST_WIDTH 75 #define LIST_HEIGHT 80 #define SLIDER_WIDTH 20 #define CHECKBOX_WIDTH 80 #define CHECKBOX_HEIGHT 20 #define RADIO_WIDTH 50 #define RADIO_HEIGHT 20 #define COLOR_WIDTH 80 #define DISABLEALL_WIDTH 100 #define GROUP_TABS 0 #define GROUP_YESNO 1 #define GROUP_COLORS 2 static void nextline(GWidgetInit *pwi) { pwi->g.x = 5; pwi->g.y += pwi->g.height+1; } static void setbtntext(GWidgetInit *pwi, coord_t maxwidth, char *txt) { pwi->text = txt; pwi->g.width = gdispGetStringWidth(pwi->text, font) + BUTTON_PADDING; if (pwi->g.x + pwi->g.width > maxwidth) nextline(pwi); } static void nextpos(GWidgetInit *pwi, coord_t maxwidth, coord_t nextwidth) { pwi->g.x += pwi->g.width+1; pwi->g.width = nextwidth; if (pwi->g.x + nextwidth > maxwidth) nextline(pwi); } /** * Create all the widgets. * With the exception of the Pages they are all initially visible. * * This routine is complicated by the fact that we want a dynamic * layout so it looks good on small and large displays. * It is tested to work on 320x272 as a minimum LCD size. */ static void createWidgets(void) { GWidgetInit wi; coord_t border, pagewidth; gwinWidgetClearInit(&wi); // Calculate page borders based on screen size border = ScrWidth < 450 ? 1 : 5; // Create the Tabs wi.g.show = TRUE; wi.g.x = border; wi.g.y = 0; wi.g.width = ScrWidth - 2*border; wi.g.height = ScrHeight-wi.g.y-border; ghTabset = gwinTabsetCreate(0, &wi, GWIN_TABSET_BORDER); ghPgControls = gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Controls", FALSE); ghPgSliders = gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Sliders", FALSE); ghPgRadios = gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Radios", FALSE); ghPgLists = gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Lists", FALSE); ghPgLabels = gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Labels", FALSE); ghPgImages = gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Images", FALSE); ghPgBounce = gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Bounce", FALSE); ghPgMandelbrot = gwinTabsetAddTab(ghTabset, "Mandelbrot", FALSE); pagewidth = gwinGetInnerWidth(ghTabset)/2; // Console - we apply some special colors before making it visible // We put the console on the tabset itself rather than a tab-page. // This makes it appear on every page :) wi.g.parent = ghTabset; wi.g.x = pagewidth; wi.g.width = pagewidth; ghConsole = gwinConsoleCreate(0, &wi.g); gwinSetColor(ghConsole, Black); gwinSetBgColor(ghConsole, HTML2COLOR(0xF0F0F0)); // Buttons wi.g.parent = ghPgControls; wi.g.width = BUTTON_WIDTH; wi.g.height = BUTTON_HEIGHT; wi.g.y = 5; wi.g.x = 5; setbtntext(&wi, pagewidth, "Button 1"); ghButton1 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi); wi.g.x += wi.g.width+3; setbtntext(&wi, pagewidth, "Button 2"); ghButton2 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi); wi.g.x += wi.g.width+3; setbtntext(&wi, pagewidth, "Button 3"); ghButton3 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi); wi.g.x += wi.g.width+3; setbtntext(&wi, pagewidth, "Button 4"); ghButton4 = gwinButtonCreate(0, &wi); nextline(&wi); wi.g.width = CHECKBOX_WIDTH; wi.g.height = CHECKBOX_HEIGHT; wi.text = "C1"; ghCheckbox1 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi); wi.customDraw = gwinCheckboxDraw_CheckOnRight; nextpos(&wi, pagewidth, CHECKBOX_WIDTH); wi.text = "C2"; ghCheckbox2 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi); wi.customDraw = gwinCheckboxDraw_Button; nextline(&wi); wi.text = "C3"; wi.g.width = BUTTON_WIDTH; wi.g.height = BUTTON_HEIGHT; ghCheckbox3 = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi); nextpos(&wi, pagewidth, DISABLEALL_WIDTH); wi.text = "Disable All"; wi.customDraw = 0; wi.g.height = CHECKBOX_HEIGHT; ghCheckDisableAll = gwinCheckboxCreate(0, &wi); // Horizontal Sliders wi.g.parent = ghPgSliders; wi.g.width = pagewidth - 10; wi.g.height = SLIDER_WIDTH; wi.g.x = 5; wi.g.y = 5; wi.text = "S1"; ghSlider1 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi); gwinSliderSetPosition(ghSlider1, 33); wi.g.y += wi.g.height + 1; wi.text = "S2"; ghSlider2 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi); gwinSliderSetPosition(ghSlider2, 86); // Progressbar wi.g.y += wi.g.height + 1; wi.text = "Progressbar 1"; ghProgressbar1 = gwinProgressbarCreate(0, &wi); gwinProgressbarSetResolution(ghProgressbar1, 10); // Vertical Sliders wi.g.y += wi.g.height + 5; wi.g.width = SLIDER_WIDTH; wi.g.height = gwinGetInnerHeight(ghPgSliders) - 5 - wi.g.y; wi.g.x = 5; wi.text = "S3"; ghSlider3 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi); gwinSliderSetPosition(ghSlider3, 13); wi.g.x += wi.g.width+1; wi.text = "S4"; ghSlider4 = gwinSliderCreate(0, &wi); gwinSliderSetPosition(ghSlider4, 76); // Labels wi.g.parent = ghPgLabels; wi.g.width = pagewidth-10; wi.g.height = LABEL_HEIGHT; wi.g.x = wi.g.y = 5; wi.text = "N/A"; ghLabelSlider1 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi); gwinLabelSetAttribute(ghLabelSlider1, 100, "Slider 1:"); wi.g.y += LABEL_HEIGHT + 2; ghLabelSlider2 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi); gwinLabelSetAttribute(ghLabelSlider2, 100, "Slider 2:"); wi.g.y += LABEL_HEIGHT + 2; ghLabelSlider3 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi); gwinLabelSetAttribute(ghLabelSlider3, 100, "Slider 3:"); wi.g.y += LABEL_HEIGHT + 2; ghLabelSlider4 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi); gwinLabelSetAttribute(ghLabelSlider4, 100, "Slider 4:"); wi.g.y += LABEL_HEIGHT + 2; ghLabelRadio1 = gwinLabelCreate(0, &wi); gwinLabelSetAttribute(ghLabelRadio1, 100, "RadioButton 1:"); // Radio Buttons wi.g.parent = ghPgRadios; wi.g.width = RADIO_WIDTH; wi.g.height = RADIO_HEIGHT; wi.g.y = 5; wi.g.x = 5; wi.text = "Yes"; ghRadio1 = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_YESNO); wi.g.x += wi.g.width; wi.text = "No"; if (wi.g.x + wi.g.width > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = 5; wi.g.y += RADIO_HEIGHT; } ghRadio2 = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_YESNO); gwinRadioPress(ghRadio1); wi.g.width = COLOR_WIDTH; wi.g.y += RADIO_HEIGHT+5; wi.g.x = 5; wi.text = "Black"; ghRadioBlack = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS); wi.g.x += wi.g.width; wi.text = "White"; if (wi.g.x + wi.g.width > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = 5; wi.g.y += RADIO_HEIGHT; } ghRadioWhite = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS); wi.g.x += wi.g.width; wi.text = "Yellow"; if (wi.g.x + wi.g.width > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = 5; wi.g.y += RADIO_HEIGHT; } ghRadioYellow = gwinRadioCreate(0, &wi, GROUP_COLORS); gwinRadioPress(ghRadioWhite); // Lists border = pagewidth < 10+2*LIST_WIDTH ? 2 : 5; wi.g.parent = ghPgLists; wi.g.width = LIST_WIDTH; wi.g.height = LIST_HEIGHT; wi.g.y = border; wi.g.x = border; wi.text = "L1"; ghList1 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 0", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 1", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 2", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 3", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 4", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 5", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 6", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 7", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 8", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 9", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 10", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 11", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 12", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList1, "Item 13", FALSE); wi.text = "L2"; wi.g.x += LIST_WIDTH+border; if (wi.g.x + LIST_WIDTH > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = border; wi.g.y += LIST_HEIGHT+border; } ghList2 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, TRUE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 0", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 1", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 2", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 3", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 4", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 5", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 6", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 7", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 8", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 9", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 10", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 11", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 12", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList2, "Item 13", FALSE); wi.text = "L3"; wi.g.x += LIST_WIDTH+border; if (wi.g.x + LIST_WIDTH > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = border; wi.g.y += LIST_HEIGHT+border; } ghList3 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, TRUE); gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 0", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 1", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 2", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList3, "Item 3", FALSE); gdispImageOpenFile(&imgYesNo, "image_yesno.gif"); gwinListItemSetImage(ghList3, 1, &imgYesNo); gwinListItemSetImage(ghList3, 3, &imgYesNo); wi.text = "L4"; wi.g.x += LIST_WIDTH+border; if (wi.g.x + LIST_WIDTH > pagewidth) { wi.g.x = border; wi.g.y += LIST_HEIGHT+border; } ghList4 = gwinListCreate(0, &wi, TRUE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 0", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 1", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 2", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 3", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 4", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 5", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 6", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 7", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 8", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 9", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 10", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 11", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 12", FALSE); gwinListAddItem(ghList4, "Item 13", FALSE); gwinListSetScroll(ghList4, scrollSmooth); // Image wi.g.parent = ghPgImages; wi.g.x = wi.g.y = 0; wi.g.width = pagewidth; wi.g.height = gwinGetInnerHeight(ghPgImages)/2; ghImage1 = gwinImageCreate(0, &wi.g); gwinImageOpenFile(ghImage1, "ugfx.gif"); wi.g.y += wi.g.height; ghImage2 = gwinImageCreate(0, &wi.g); gwinImageOpenFile(ghImage2, "chibios.gif"); } /** * Set the value of the labels */ static void setLabels(void) { char tmp[20]; // The sliders snprintg(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d%%", gwinSliderGetPosition(ghSlider1)); gwinSetText(ghLabelSlider1, tmp, TRUE); snprintg(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d%%", gwinSliderGetPosition(ghSlider2)); gwinSetText(ghLabelSlider2, tmp, TRUE); snprintg(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d%%", gwinSliderGetPosition(ghSlider3)); gwinSetText(ghLabelSlider3, tmp, TRUE); snprintg(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d%%", gwinSliderGetPosition(ghSlider4)); gwinSetText(ghLabelSlider4, tmp, TRUE); // The radio buttons if (gwinRadioIsPressed(ghRadio1)) gwinSetText(ghLabelRadio1, "Yes", TRUE); else if (gwinRadioIsPressed(ghRadio2)) gwinSetText(ghLabelRadio1, "No", TRUE); } /** * Control the progress bar auto-increment */ static void setProgressbar(bool_t onoff) { if (onoff) gwinProgressbarStart(ghProgressbar1, 500); else { gwinProgressbarStop(ghProgressbar1); // Stop the progress bar gwinProgressbarReset(ghProgressbar1); } } /** * Set the enabled state of every widget (except the tabs etc) */ static void setEnabled(bool_t ena) { //gwinSetEnabled(ghPgControls, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghPgSliders, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghPgLabels, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghPgRadios, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghPgLists, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghPgImages, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghPgBounce, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghPgMandelbrot, ena); // Checkboxes and Buttons we need to do individually so we don't disable the checkbox to re-enable everything gwinSetEnabled(ghButton1, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghButton2, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghButton3, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghButton4, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghCheckbox1, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghCheckbox2, ena); gwinSetEnabled(ghCheckbox3, ena); //gwinSetEnabled(ghCheckDisableAll, TRUE); } static void FlashOffFn(void *param) { (void) param; gwinNoFlash(ghCheckbox3); } int main(void) { GEvent * pe; // Initialize the display gfxInit(); // Set the widget defaults font = gdispOpenFont("*"); // Get the first defined font. gwinSetDefaultFont(font); gwinSetDefaultStyle(&WhiteWidgetStyle, FALSE); gdispClear(White); // Create the gwin windows/widgets createWidgets(); // Assign toggles and dials to specific buttons & sliders etc. #if GINPUT_NEED_TOGGLE gwinAttachToggle(ghButton1, 0, 0); gwinAttachToggle(ghButton2, 0, 1); #endif #if GINPUT_NEED_DIAL gwinAttachDial(ghSlider1, 0, 0); gwinAttachDial(ghSlider3, 0, 1); #endif // Make the console visible gwinShow(ghConsole); gwinClear(ghConsole); // We want to listen for widget events geventListenerInit(&gl); gwinAttachListener(&gl); gtimerInit(&FlashTimer); #if !GWIN_NEED_TABSET // Press the Tab we want visible gwinRadioPress(ghTabButtons); #endif while(1) { // Get an Event pe = geventEventWait(&gl, TIME_INFINITE); switch(pe->type) { case GEVENT_GWIN_BUTTON: gwinPrintf(ghConsole, "Button %s\n", gwinGetText(((GEventGWinButton *)pe)->gwin)); break; case GEVENT_GWIN_SLIDER: gwinPrintf(ghConsole, "Slider %s=%d\n", gwinGetText(((GEventGWinSlider *)pe)->gwin), ((GEventGWinSlider *)pe)->position); break; case GEVENT_GWIN_CHECKBOX: gwinPrintf(ghConsole, "Checkbox %s=%s\n", gwinGetText(((GEventGWinCheckbox *)pe)->gwin), ((GEventGWinCheckbox *)pe)->isChecked ? "Checked" : "UnChecked"); // If it is the Disable All checkbox then do that. if (((GEventGWinCheckbox *)pe)->gwin == ghCheckDisableAll) { gwinPrintf(ghConsole, "%s All\n", ((GEventGWinCheckbox *)pe)->isChecked ? "Disable" : "Enable"); setEnabled(!((GEventGWinCheckbox *)pe)->isChecked); // If it is the toggle button checkbox start the flash. } else if (((GEventGWinCheckbox *)pe)->gwin == ghCheckbox3) { gwinFlash(ghCheckbox3); gtimerStart(&FlashTimer, FlashOffFn, 0, FALSE, 3000); } break; case GEVENT_GWIN_LIST: gwinPrintf(ghConsole, "List %s Item %d %s\n", gwinGetText(((GEventGWinList *)pe)->gwin), ((GEventGWinList *)pe)->item, gwinListItemIsSelected(((GEventGWinList *)pe)->gwin, ((GEventGWinList *)pe)->item) ? "Selected" : "Unselected"); break; case GEVENT_GWIN_RADIO: gwinPrintf(ghConsole, "Radio Group %u=%s\n", ((GEventGWinRadio *)pe)->group, gwinGetText(((GEventGWinRadio *)pe)->gwin)); switch(((GEventGWinRadio *)pe)->group) { #if !GWIN_NEED_TABSET case GROUP_TABS: // Set control visibility depending on the tab selected setTab(((GEventGWinRadio *)pe)->gwin); // We show the state of some of the GUI elements here setProgressbar(((GEventGWinRadio *)pe)->gwin == ghTabProgressbar); if (((GEventGWinRadio *)pe)->gwin == ghTabLabels) setLabels(); break; #endif case GROUP_COLORS: { const GWidgetStyle *pstyle; gwinPrintf(ghConsole, "Change Color Scheme\n"); if (((GEventGWinRadio *)pe)->gwin == ghRadioYellow) pstyle = &YellowWidgetStyle; else if (((GEventGWinRadio *)pe)->gwin == ghRadioBlack) pstyle = &BlackWidgetStyle; else pstyle = &WhiteWidgetStyle; // Clear the screen to the new color gdispClear(pstyle->background); // Update the style on all controls gwinSetDefaultStyle(pstyle, TRUE); } break; } break; #if GWIN_NEED_TABSET case GEVENT_GWIN_TABSET: gwinPrintf(ghConsole, "TabPage %u (%s)\n", ((GEventGWinTabset *)pe)->nPage, gwinTabsetGetTitle(((GEventGWinTabset *)pe)->ghPage)); // We show the state of some of the GUI elements here setProgressbar(((GEventGWinTabset *)pe)->ghPage == ghPgSliders); doMandlebrot(ghPgMandelbrot, ((GEventGWinTabset *)pe)->ghPage == ghPgMandelbrot); doBounce(ghPgBounce, ((GEventGWinTabset *)pe)->ghPage == ghPgBounce); if (((GEventGWinTabset *)pe)->ghPage == ghPgLabels) setLabels(); break; #endif default: gwinPrintf(ghConsole, "Unknown %d\n", pe->type); break; } } return 0; }