<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SPC5-Config version="1.0.0">
  <application name="NASA OSAL Test Suite" version="1.0.0" standalone="true" locked="false">
    <description>Test specification for the NASA OSAL ChibiOS extension.</description>
    <component id="org.chibios.spc5.components.portable.generic_startup">
      <component id="org.chibios.spc5.components.portable.chibios_unitary_tests_engine" />
      <instance locked="false" id="org.chibios.spc5.components.portable.generic_startup" />
      <instance locked="false" id="org.chibios.spc5.components.portable.chibios_unitary_tests_engine">
            <value>NASA OSAL Test Suite.</value>
            <value><![CDATA[/* Copyright statement.*/]]></value>
            <value>Test suite for NASA OSAL implementation over ChibiOS/RT. The purpose of this suite is to perform unit tests on the OSAL module and to converge to 100% code coverage through successive improvements.</value>
            <value><![CDATA[#define TEST_SUITE_NAME                     "NASA OSAL over ChibiOS/RT Test Suite"

#define TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY                 200
#define TASKS_STACK_SIZE                    256

extern THD_WORKING_AREA(wa_test4, TASKS_STACK_SIZE);]]></value>
            <value><![CDATA[THD_WORKING_AREA(wa_test1, TASKS_STACK_SIZE);
THD_WORKING_AREA(wa_test4, TASKS_STACK_SIZE);]]></value>
            <type index="0">
              <value>Internal Tests</value>
              <value>Tasks Functionality</value>
              <value>This sequence tests the NASA OSAL over ChibiOS/RT functionalities related to threading.</value>
              <value />
              <value><![CDATA[#include "osapi.h"

static void test_task1(void) {


static void test_task2(void) {


static void test_task3(void) {


static void test_task4(void) {


static void delete_handler(void) {


static void test_task_delete(void) {

  (void) OS_TaskInstallDeleteHandler(delete_handler);
  while (!OS_TaskDeleteCheck()) {
    (void) OS_TaskDelay(1);
                  <value>OS_TaskCreate() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_TaskCreate() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_TaskCreate() is invoked with task_id set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_TaskCreate(NULL,                   /* Error.*/
                    "failing task",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");
test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TaskCreate() is invoked with task_name set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tid;

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                    NULL,                   /* Error.*/
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");
test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TaskCreate() is invoked with stack_pointer set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tid;

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                    "failing task",
                    (uint32 *)NULL,         /* Error.*/
                    sizeof wa_test1,
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");
test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TaskCreate() is invoked with a very long task name, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tid;

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                    "this is a very very long task name", /* Error.*/
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");
test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TaskCreate() is invoked with priority below and above allowed range, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tid;

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                    "failing task",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
                    0,                      /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_PRIORITY, "priority error not detected");
test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                   "failing task",
                   (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                   sizeof wa_test1,
                   256,                     /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_PRIORITY, "priority error not detected");
test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TaskCreate() is invoked with a stack size below minimum, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tid;

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                    "failing task",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    16,                     /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_INT_NUM, "stack insufficient size not detected");
test_assert_sequence("", "task executed");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TaskCreate() is invoked twice with duplicated name and then duplicated stack, an error is expected in both cases.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tid;

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                    "running task",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task creation failed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                    "running task",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test2,
                    sizeof wa_test2,
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TAKEN, "name conflict not detected");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                    "conflicting task",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NO_FREE_IDS, "stack conflict not detected");

err = OS_TaskWait(tid);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "wait failed");
test_assert_sequence("A", "task not executed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                    "running task",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task creation failed");

err = OS_TaskWait(tid);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "wait failed");
test_assert_sequence("A", "task not executed");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_TaskCreate() priority ordering</value>
                  <value>Four tasks are created at different priorities and in different order. The execution order must happen in order of priority regardless the creation order.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>Four tasks are created in priority order from low to high.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4;

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid4,
                    "running task 4",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test4,
                    sizeof wa_test4,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 0,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 4 creation failed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid3,
                    "running task 3",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test3,
                    sizeof wa_test3,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 1,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 3 creation failed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid2,
                    "running task 2",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test2,
                    sizeof wa_test2,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 2,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 2 creation failed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid1,
                    "running task 1",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 3,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 1 creation failed");]]></value>
                      <value>Tasks are made runnable atomically and their execution order tested.</value>
                      <value />
test_assert_sequence("ABCD", "task order violation");]]></value>
                      <value>Four tasks are created in priority order from high to low.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4;

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid1,
                    "running task 1",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 3,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 1 creation failed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid2,
                    "running task 2",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test2,
                    sizeof wa_test2,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 2,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 2 creation failed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid3,
                    "running task 3",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test3,
                    sizeof wa_test3,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 1,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 3 creation failed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid4,
                    "running task 4",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test4,
                    sizeof wa_test4,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 0,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 4 creation failed");]]></value>
                      <value>Tasks are made runnable atomically and their execution order tested.</value>
                      <value />
test_assert_sequence("ABCD", "task order violation");]]></value>
                      <value>Four tasks are created in an not ordered way.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4;

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid2,
                    "running task 2",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test2,
                    sizeof wa_test2,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 2,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 2 creation failed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid1,
                    "running task 1",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 3,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 1 creation failed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid4,
                    "running task 4",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test4,
                    sizeof wa_test4,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 0,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 4 creation failed");

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid3,
                    "running task 3",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test3,
                    sizeof wa_test3,
                    TASKS_BASE_PRIORITY - 1,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "task 3 creation failed");]]></value>
                      <value>Tasks are made runnable atomically and their execution order tested.</value>
                      <value />
test_assert_sequence("ABCD", "task order violation");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_TaskDelete() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_TaskDelete() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_TaskDelete() is invoked with task_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_TaskDelete((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "wrong task id not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_TaskDelete() and OS_TaskInstallDeleteHandler() functionality</value>
                  <value>OS_TaskDelete() and OS_TaskInstallDeleteHandler() are tested for functionality.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value><![CDATA[uint32 tid;]]></value>
                      <value>Creating a task executing an infinite loop.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                    "deletable task",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "deletable task creation failed");]]></value>
                      <value>Letting the task run for a while then deleting it. A check is performed on the correct execution of the delete handler.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

(void) OS_TaskDelay(50);
err = OS_TaskDelete(tid);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "delete failed");
test_assert_sequence("ABC", "events order violation");]]></value>
            <type index="0">
              <value>Internal Tests</value>
              <value>Queues Functionality</value>
              <value>This sequence tests the NASA OSAL over ChibiOS/RT functionalities related to queues</value>
              <value />
              <value><![CDATA[#include <string.h>

#include "osapi.h"

uint32 qid, tid;

#define MESSAGE_SIZE        20

static void test_task_writer(void) {
  unsigned i;
  int32 err;

  for (i = 0; i < WRITER_NUM_MESSAGES; i++) {
    err = OS_QueuePut(qid, "Hello World", 12, 0);
    if (err != OS_SUCCESS) {
                  <value>OS_QueueCreate() and OS_QueueDelete() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_QueueCreate() and OS_QueueDelete() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_QueueCreate() is invoked with queue_id set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_QueueCreate(NULL,                      /* Error.*/
                     "failing queue",
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_QueueCreate() is invoked with task_name set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 qid;

err = OS_QueueCreate(&qid,
                     NULL,                      /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_QueueCreate() is invoked with a very long task name, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 qid;

err = OS_QueueCreate(&qid,
                     "very very long queue name",   /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_QueueDelete() is invoked with queue_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_QueueDelete((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "wrong queue id not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_QueueCreate() is invoked twice with duplicated name, an error is expected, then the queue is deleted using OS_QueueDelete().</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 qid1, qid2;

err = OS_QueueCreate(&qid1, "my queue", 4, 128, 0);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "queue creation failed");

err = OS_QueueCreate(&qid2, "my queue", 4, 128, 0);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TAKEN, "name conflict not detected");

err = OS_QueueDelete(qid1);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "queue deletion failed");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_QueueGetIdByName() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_QueueGetIdByName() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_QueueGetIdByName() is invoked with queue_id set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_QueueGetIdByName(NULL, "queue");
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_QueueGetIdByName() is invoked with queue_name set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_QueueGetIdByName(&qid, NULL);
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_QueueGetIdByName() is invoked with a very long task name, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_QueueGetIdByName(&qid, "very very long queue name");
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_QueuePut() and OS_QueueGet() functionality</value>
                  <value>A task writes on a queue, the messages are retrieved on the other side in blocking mode.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value><![CDATA[qid = 0;
tid = 0;]]></value>
                    <value><![CDATA[if (qid != 0) {
  (void) OS_QueueDelete(qid);

if (tid != 0) {
  (void) OS_TaskWait(tid);
                    <value><![CDATA[uint32 tid;
unsigned i;]]></value>
                      <value>Creataing a queue with depth 4 and message size 20</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_QueueCreate(&qid, "test queue", 4, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "queue creation failed");]]></value>
                      <value>Creating the writer task.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_TaskCreate(&tid,
                    "writer task",
                    (uint32 *)wa_test1,
                    sizeof wa_test1,
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "writer task creation failed");]]></value>
                      <value>Reading messages from the writer task.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[for (i = 0; i < WRITER_NUM_MESSAGES; i++) {
  int32 err;
  char data[MESSAGE_SIZE];
  uint32 copied;

  err = OS_QueueGet(qid, data, MESSAGE_SIZE, &copied, OS_Milli2Ticks(200));
  test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "timed out");
  test_assert(strncmp(data, "Hello World", sizeof (data)) == 0,
              "wrong message");
                      <value>Waiting for task termination then checking for errors.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[(void) OS_TaskWait(tid);
tid = 0;
test_assert_sequence("", "queue write errors occurred");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_QueueGet() with timeout functionality</value>
                  <value>OS_QueueGet() timeout functionality is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value><![CDATA[qid = 0;
(void) OS_QueueCreate(&qid, "test queue", 2, MESSAGE_SIZE, 0);]]></value>
                    <value><![CDATA[if (qid != 0) {
                    <value><![CDATA[uint32 local_qid;
uint32 copied;
char data[MESSAGE_SIZE];]]></value>
                      <value>Retrieving the queue by name.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_QueueGetIdByName(&local_qid, "test queue");
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "queue not found");]]></value>
                      <value>Get operation with a one second timeout, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_QueueGet(qid, data, MESSAGE_SIZE, &copied, OS_Milli2Ticks(1000));
test_assert(err == OS_QUEUE_TIMEOUT, "unexpected error code");]]></value>
                      <value>Get operation in non-blocking mode, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_QueueGet(qid, data, MESSAGE_SIZE, &copied, OS_CHECK);
test_assert(err == OS_QUEUE_EMPTY, "unexpected error code");]]></value>
            <type index="0">
              <value>Internal Tests</value>
              <value>Timers Functionality</value>
              <value>This sequence tests the NASA OSAL over ChibiOS/RT functionalities related to timers</value>
              <value />
              <value><![CDATA[#include <string.h>

#include "osapi.h"

uint32 tmid;
uint32 cnt;

static void tmr_callback(uint32 timer_id) {


                  <value>OS_TimerCreate() and OS_TimerDelete() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_TimerCreate() and OS_TimerDelete() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_TimerCreate() is invoked with timer_id set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 accuracy;

err = OS_TimerCreate(NULL,                      /* Error.*/
                     "failing timer",
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TimerCreate() is invoked with timer_name set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tmid;
uint32 accuracy;

err = OS_TimerCreate(&tmid,
                     NULL,                      /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TimerCreate() is invoked with accuracy set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tmid;

err = OS_TimerCreate(&tmid,
                     "failing timer",
                     NULL,                      /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TimerCreate() is invoked with callback_ptr set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tmid;
uint32 accuracy;

err = OS_TimerCreate(&tmid,
                     "failing timer",
                     NULL);                     /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_TIMER_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TimerCreate() is invoked with a very long timer name, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tmid;
uint32 accuracy;

err = OS_TimerCreate(&tmid,
                     "very very long timer name",   /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TimerDelete() is invoked with timer_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_TimerDelete((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "wrong timer id not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TimerCreate() is invoked twice with duplicated name, an error is expected, then the queue is deleted using OS_TimerDelete().</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 tmid1, tmid2;
uint32 accuracy;

err = OS_TimerCreate(&tmid1, "my timer", &accuracy, tmr_callback);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "timer creation failed");

err = OS_TimerCreate(&tmid2, "my timer", &accuracy, tmr_callback);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TAKEN, "name conflict not detected");

err = OS_TimerDelete(tmid1);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "timer deletion failed");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_TimerSet() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_TimerSet() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_TimerSet() is invoked with timer_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_TimerSet((uint32)-1, 10, 10);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "invalid timer_id not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_TimerGetIdByName() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_TimerGetIdByName() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_TimerGetIdByName() is invoked with timer_id set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_TimerGetIdByName(NULL, "timer");
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TimerGetIdByName() is invoked with timer name set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_TimerGetIdByName(&tmid, NULL);
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_TimerGetIdByName() is invoked with a very long task name, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_TimerGetIdByName(&tmid, "very very long timer name");
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_TimerSet() one-shot functionality</value>
                  <value>A timer is tested in one-shot mode.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value><![CDATA[uint32 accuracy;

cnt = 0;
tmid = 0;
(void) OS_TimerCreate(&tmid, "test timer", &accuracy, tmr_callback);]]></value>
                    <value><![CDATA[if (tmid != 0) {
  (void) OS_TimerDelete(tmid);
                    <value><![CDATA[uint32 local_tmid;]]></value>
                      <value>Retrieving the timer by name.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_TimerGetIdByName(&local_tmid, "test timer");
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "timer not found");]]></value>
                      <value>Setting up the timer for a 70mS one-shot tick.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[uint32 err;

err = OS_TimerSet(local_tmid, 70000, 0);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "timer setup failed");]]></value>
                      <value>Waiting one second then counting the occurred ticks.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[(void) OS_TaskDelay(1000);
test_assert(cnt == 1, "wrong ticks");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_TimerSet() periodic functionality</value>
                  <value>A timer is tested in periodic mode.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value><![CDATA[uint32 accuracy;

cnt = 0;
tmid = 0;
(void) OS_TimerCreate(&tmid, "test timer", &accuracy, tmr_callback);]]></value>
                    <value><![CDATA[if (tmid != 0) {
  (void) OS_TimerSet(tmid, 0, 0);
  (void) OS_TimerDelete(tmid);
                    <value><![CDATA[uint32 local_tmid;]]></value>
                      <value>Retrieving the timer by name.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_TimerGetIdByName(&local_tmid, "test timer");
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "timer not found");]]></value>
                      <value>Setting up the timer for a 70mS periodic tick.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[uint32 err;

err = OS_TimerSet(local_tmid, 70000, 70000);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "timer setup failed");]]></value>
                      <value>Waiting one second then counting the occurred ticks.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[(void) OS_TaskDelay(1000);
test_assert(cnt == 14, "wrong ticks");]]></value>
                      <value>Stopping the timer.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[uint32 err;

err = OS_TimerSet(local_tmid, 0, 0);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "timer stop failed");]]></value>
            <type index="0">
              <value>Internal Tests</value>
              <value>Binary Semaphores Functionality</value>
              <value>This sequence tests the NASA OSAL over ChibiOS/RT functionalities related to binary semaphores.</value>
              <value />
              <value><![CDATA[#include "osapi.h"

uint32 bsid;]]></value>
                  <value>OS_BinSemCreate() and OS_BinSemDelete() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_BinSemCreate() and OS_BinSemDelete() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_BinSemCreate() is invoked with sem_id set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemCreate(NULL,                     /* Error.*/
                     "failing semaphore",
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_BinSemCreate() is invoked with sem_name set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemCreate(&bsid,
                     NULL,                      /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_BinSemCreate() is invoked with an invalid sem_initial_value, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemCreate(&bsid,
                     "failing semaphore",
                     2,                         /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_INT_NUM, "counter error not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_BinSemCreate() is invoked with a very long timer name, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[#if 0 /* Semaphore name currently not implemented.*/
int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemCreate(&bsid,
                     "very very long semaphore name",   /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");
                      <value>OS_BinSemDelete() is invoked with timer_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemDelete((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "wrong semaphore id not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_BinSemCreate() is invoked twice with duplicated name, an error is expected, then the queue is deleted using OS_BinSemDelete().</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 bsid1; /*, bsid2;*/

err = OS_BinSemCreate(&bsid1, "my semaphore", 0, 0);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "semaphore creation failed");

#if 0 /* Semaphore name currently not implemented.*/
err = OS_BinSemCreate(&bsid2, "my semaphore", 0, 0);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TAKEN, "name conflict not detected");

err = OS_BinSemDelete(bsid1);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "semaphore deletion failed");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_BinSemFlush() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_BinSemFlush() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_BinSemFlush() is invoked with sem_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemFlush((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "invalid sem_id not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_BinSemGive() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_BinSemGive() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_BinSemGive() is invoked with sem_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemGive((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "invalid sem_id not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_BinSemTake() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_BinSemTake() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_BinSemTake() is invoked with sem_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemTake((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "invalid sem_id not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_BinSemTimedWait() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_BinSemTimedWait() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value><![CDATA[bsid = 0;
(void) OS_BinSemCreate(&bsid, "test semaphore", 0, 0);]]></value>
                    <value><![CDATA[if (bsid > 0) {
  (void) OS_BinSemDelete(bsid);
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_BinSemTimedWait() is invoked with sem_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemTimedWait((uint32)-1, 1000);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "invalid sem_id not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_BinSemTimedWait() is invoked with msecs set to 0, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemTimedWait(bsid, 0);
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_INT_NUM, "invalid msec not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_BinSemGetIdByName() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_BinSemGetIdByName() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_BinSemGetIdByName() is invoked with sem_id set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemGetIdByName(NULL, "semaphore");
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_BinSemGetIdByName() is invoked with semaphore name set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemGetIdByName(&bsid, NULL);
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_BinSemGetIdByName() is invoked with a very long task name, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemGetIdByName(&bsid, "very very long semaphore name");
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_BinSemTimedWait() timeout functionality</value>
                  <value>OS_BinSemCreate() timeout functionality is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value><![CDATA[bsid = 0;
(void) OS_BinSemCreate(&bsid, "test semaphore", 0, 0);]]></value>
                    <value><![CDATA[if (bsid > 0) {
  (void) OS_BinSemDelete(bsid);
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_BinSemTimedWait() is invoked with timeout set to one second, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_BinSemTimedWait(bsid, 1000);
test_assert(err == OS_SEM_TIMEOUT, "unexpected error code");]]></value>
            <type index="0">
              <value>Internal Tests</value>
              <value>Counter Semaphores Functionality</value>
              <value>This sequence tests the NASA OSAL over ChibiOS/RT functionalities related to counter semaphores.</value>
              <value />
              <value><![CDATA[#include "osapi.h"

uint32 csid;]]></value>
                  <value>OS_CountSemCreate() and OS_CountSemDelete() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_CountSemCreate() and OS_CountSemDelete() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_CountSemCreate() is invoked with sem_id set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemCreate(NULL,                   /* Error.*/
                        "failing semaphore",
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_CountSemCreate() is invoked with sem_name set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemCreate(&csid,
                        NULL,                   /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_CountSemCreate() is invoked with an invalid sem_initial_value, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemCreate(&csid,
                        "failing semaphore",
                        (uint32)-1,              /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_INT_NUM, "counter error not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_CountSemCreate() is invoked with a very long timer name, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[#if 0 /* Semaphore name currently not implemented.*/
int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemCreate(&csid,
                        "very very long semaphore name",/* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");
                      <value>OS_CountSemDelete() is invoked with timer_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemDelete((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "wrong semaphore id not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_CountSemCreate() is invoked twice with duplicated name, an error is expected, then the queue is deleted using OS_CountSemDelete().</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 csid1; /*, csid2;*/

err = OS_CountSemCreate(&csid1, "my semaphore", 0, 0);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "semaphore creation failed");

#if 0 /* Semaphore name currently not implemented.*/
err = OS_CountSemCreate(&csid2, "my semaphore", 0, 0);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TAKEN, "name conflict not detected");

err = OS_CountSemDelete(csid1);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "semaphore deletion failed");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_CountSemGive() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_CountSemGive() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_CountSemGive() is invoked with sem_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemGive((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "invalid sem_id not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_CountSemTake() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_CountSemTake() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_CountSemTake() is invoked with sem_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemTake((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "invalid sem_id not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_CountSemTimedWait() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_CountSemTimedWait() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value><![CDATA[csid = 0;
(void) OS_CountSemCreate(&csid, "test semaphore", 0, 0);]]></value>
                    <value><![CDATA[if (csid > 0) {
  (void) OS_CountSemDelete(csid);
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_CountSemTimedWait() is invoked with sem_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemTimedWait((uint32)-1, 1000);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "invalid sem_id not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_CountSemTimedWait() is invoked with msecs set to 0, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemTimedWait(csid, 0);
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_INT_NUM, "invalid msec not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_CountSemGetIdByName() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_CountSemGetIdByName() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_CountSemGetIdByName() is invoked with sem_id set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemGetIdByName(NULL, "semaphore");
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_CountSemGetIdByName() is invoked with semaphore name set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemGetIdByName(&csid, NULL);
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_CountSemGetIdByName() is invoked with a very long task name, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemGetIdByName(&csid, "very very long semaphore name");
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_CountSemTimedWait() timeout functionality</value>
                  <value>OS_CountSemCreate() timeout functionality is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value><![CDATA[csid = 0;
(void) OS_CountSemCreate(&csid, "test semaphore", 0, 0);]]></value>
                    <value><![CDATA[if (csid > 0) {
  (void) OS_CountSemDelete(csid);
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_CountSemTimedWait() is invoked with timeout set to one second, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_CountSemTimedWait(csid, 1000);
test_assert(err == OS_SEM_TIMEOUT, "unexpected error code");]]></value>
            <type index="0">
              <value>Internal Tests</value>
              <value>Mutex Semaphores Functionality</value>
              <value>This sequence tests the NASA OSAL over ChibiOS/RT functionalities related to mutex semaphores.</value>
              <value />
              <value><![CDATA[#include "osapi.h"

uint32 msid;]]></value>
                  <value>OS_MutSemCreate() and OS_MutSemDelete() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_MutSemCreate() and OS_MutSemDelete() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_MutSemCreate() is invoked with sem_id set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_MutSemCreate(NULL,                     /* Error.*/
                     "failing semaphore",
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_MutSemCreate() is invoked with sem_name set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_MutSemCreate(&msid,
                     NULL,                      /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_MutSemCreate() is invoked with a very long timer name, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[#if 0 /* Semaphore name currently not implemented.*/
int32 err;

err = OS_MutSemCreate(&msid,
                     "very very long semaphore name",   /* Error.*/
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");
                      <value>OS_MutSemDelete() is invoked with timer_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_MutSemDelete((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "wrong semaphore id not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_MutSemCreate() is invoked twice with duplicated name, an error is expected, then the queue is deleted using OS_MutSemDelete().</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;
uint32 msid1; /*, msid2;*/

err = OS_MutSemCreate(&msid1, "my semaphore", 0);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "semaphore creation failed");

#if 0 /* Semaphore name currently not implemented.*/
err = OS_MutSemCreate(&msid2, "my semaphore", 0);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TAKEN, "name conflict not detected");

err = OS_MutSemDelete(msid1);
test_assert(err == OS_SUCCESS, "semaphore deletion failed");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_MutSemGive() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_MutSemGive() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_MutSemGive() is invoked with sem_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_MutSemGive((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "invalid sem_id not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_MutSemTake() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_MutSemTake() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_MutSemTake() is invoked with sem_id set to -1, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_MutSemTake((uint32)-1);
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_INVALID_ID, "invalid sem_id not detected");]]></value>
                  <value>OS_MutSemGetIdByName() errors</value>
                  <value>Parameters checking in OS_MutSemGetIdByName() is tested.</value>
                  <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                    <value />
                      <value>OS_MutSemGetIdByName() is invoked with sem_id set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_MutSemGetIdByName(NULL, "semaphore");
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_MutSemGetIdByName() is invoked with semaphore name set to NULL, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_MutSemGetIdByName(&msid, NULL);
test_assert(err == OS_INVALID_POINTER, "NULL not detected");]]></value>
                      <value>OS_MutSemGetIdByName() is invoked with a very long task name, an error is expected.</value>
                      <value />
                      <value><![CDATA[int32 err;

err = OS_MutSemGetIdByName(&msid, "very very long semaphore name");
test_assert(err == OS_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, "name limit not detected");]]></value>
    <exportedFeatures />