/* ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2016 Giovanni Di Sirio. This file is part of ChibiOS. ChibiOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ChibiOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* Concepts and parts of this file have been contributed by Leon Woestenberg. */ /** * @file chcond.c * @brief Condition Variables code. * * @addtogroup condvars * @details This module implements the Condition Variables mechanism. Condition * variables are an extensions to the mutex subsystem and cannot * work alone. * <h2>Operation mode</h2> * The condition variable is a synchronization object meant to be * used inside a zone protected by a mutex. Mutexes and condition * variables together can implement a Monitor construct. * @pre In order to use the condition variable APIs the @p CH_CFG_USE_CONDVARS * option must be enabled in @p chconf.h. * @{ */ #include "ch.h" #if (CH_CFG_USE_CONDVARS == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /*===========================================================================*/ /* Module local definitions. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Module exported variables. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Module local types. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Module local variables. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Module local functions. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Module exported functions. */ /*===========================================================================*/ /** * @brief Initializes s @p condition_variable_t structure. * * @param[out] cp pointer to a @p condition_variable_t structure * * @init */ void chCondObjectInit(condition_variable_t *cp) { chDbgCheck(cp != NULL); queue_init(&cp->queue); } /** * @brief Signals one thread that is waiting on the condition variable. * * @param[in] cp pointer to the @p condition_variable_t structure * * @api */ void chCondSignal(condition_variable_t *cp) { chDbgCheck(cp != NULL); chSysLock(); if (queue_notempty(&cp->queue)) { chSchWakeupS(queue_fifo_remove(&cp->queue), MSG_OK); } chSysUnlock(); } /** * @brief Signals one thread that is waiting on the condition variable. * @post This function does not reschedule so a call to a rescheduling * function must be performed before unlocking the kernel. Note that * interrupt handlers always reschedule on exit so an explicit * reschedule must not be performed in ISRs. * * @param[in] cp pointer to the @p condition_variable_t structure * * @iclass */ void chCondSignalI(condition_variable_t *cp) { chDbgCheckClassI(); chDbgCheck(cp != NULL); if (queue_notempty(&cp->queue)) { thread_t *tp = queue_fifo_remove(&cp->queue); tp->u.rdymsg = MSG_OK; (void) chSchReadyI(tp); } } /** * @brief Signals all threads that are waiting on the condition variable. * * @param[in] cp pointer to the @p condition_variable_t structure * * @api */ void chCondBroadcast(condition_variable_t *cp) { chSysLock(); chCondBroadcastI(cp); chSchRescheduleS(); chSysUnlock(); } /** * @brief Signals all threads that are waiting on the condition variable. * @post This function does not reschedule so a call to a rescheduling * function must be performed before unlocking the kernel. Note that * interrupt handlers always reschedule on exit so an explicit * reschedule must not be performed in ISRs. * * @param[in] cp pointer to the @p condition_variable_t structure * * @iclass */ void chCondBroadcastI(condition_variable_t *cp) { chDbgCheckClassI(); chDbgCheck(cp != NULL); /* Empties the condition variable queue and inserts all the threads into the ready list in FIFO order. The wakeup message is set to @p MSG_RESET in order to make a chCondBroadcast() detectable from a chCondSignal().*/ while (queue_notempty(&cp->queue)) { chSchReadyI(queue_fifo_remove(&cp->queue))->u.rdymsg = MSG_RESET; } } /** * @brief Waits on the condition variable releasing the mutex lock. * @details Releases the currently owned mutex, waits on the condition * variable, and finally acquires the mutex again. All the sequence * is performed atomically. * @pre The invoking thread <b>must</b> have at least one owned mutex. * * @param[in] cp pointer to the @p condition_variable_t structure * @return A message specifying how the invoking thread has been * released from the condition variable. * @retval MSG_OK if the condition variable has been signaled using * @p chCondSignal(). * @retval MSG_RESET if the condition variable has been signaled using * @p chCondBroadcast(). * * @api */ msg_t chCondWait(condition_variable_t *cp) { msg_t msg; chSysLock(); msg = chCondWaitS(cp); chSysUnlock(); return msg; } /** * @brief Waits on the condition variable releasing the mutex lock. * @details Releases the currently owned mutex, waits on the condition * variable, and finally acquires the mutex again. All the sequence * is performed atomically. * @pre The invoking thread <b>must</b> have at least one owned mutex. * * @param[in] cp pointer to the @p condition_variable_t structure * @return A message specifying how the invoking thread has been * released from the condition variable. * @retval MSG_OK if the condition variable has been signaled using * @p chCondSignal(). * @retval MSG_RESET if the condition variable has been signaled using * @p chCondBroadcast(). * * @sclass */ msg_t chCondWaitS(condition_variable_t *cp) { thread_t *ctp = currp; mutex_t *mp; msg_t msg; chDbgCheckClassS(); chDbgCheck(cp != NULL); chDbgAssert(ctp->mtxlist != NULL, "not owning a mutex"); /* Getting "current" mutex and releasing it.*/ mp = chMtxGetNextMutexS(); chMtxUnlockS(mp); /* Start waiting on the condition variable, on exit the mutex is taken again.*/ ctp->u.wtobjp = cp; queue_prio_insert(ctp, &cp->queue); chSchGoSleepS(CH_STATE_WTCOND); msg = ctp->u.rdymsg; chMtxLockS(mp); return msg; } #if (CH_CFG_USE_CONDVARS_TIMEOUT == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) /** * @brief Waits on the condition variable releasing the mutex lock. * @details Releases the currently owned mutex, waits on the condition * variable, and finally acquires the mutex again. All the sequence * is performed atomically. * @pre The invoking thread <b>must</b> have at least one owned mutex. * @pre The configuration option @p CH_CFG_USE_CONDVARS_TIMEOUT must be enabled * in order to use this function. * @post Exiting the function because a timeout does not re-acquire the * mutex, the mutex ownership is lost. * * @param[in] cp pointer to the @p condition_variable_t structure * @param[in] time the number of ticks before the operation timeouts, the * special values are handled as follow: * - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout. * - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE this value is not allowed. * . * @return A message specifying how the invoking thread has been * released from the condition variable. * @retval MSG_OK if the condition variable has been signaled using * @p chCondSignal(). * @retval MSG_RESET if the condition variable has been signaled using * @p chCondBroadcast(). * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if the condition variable has not been signaled within * the specified timeout. * * @api */ msg_t chCondWaitTimeout(condition_variable_t *cp, systime_t time) { msg_t msg; chSysLock(); msg = chCondWaitTimeoutS(cp, time); chSysUnlock(); return msg; } /** * @brief Waits on the condition variable releasing the mutex lock. * @details Releases the currently owned mutex, waits on the condition * variable, and finally acquires the mutex again. All the sequence * is performed atomically. * @pre The invoking thread <b>must</b> have at least one owned mutex. * @pre The configuration option @p CH_CFG_USE_CONDVARS_TIMEOUT must be enabled * in order to use this function. * @post Exiting the function because a timeout does not re-acquire the * mutex, the mutex ownership is lost. * * @param[in] cp pointer to the @p condition_variable_t structure * @param[in] time the number of ticks before the operation timeouts, the * special values are handled as follow: * - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout. * - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE this value is not allowed. * . * @return A message specifying how the invoking thread has been * released from the condition variable. * @retval MSG_OK if the condition variable has been signaled using * @p chCondSignal(). * @retval MSG_RESET if the condition variable has been signaled using * @p chCondBroadcast(). * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT if the condition variable has not been signaled within * the specified timeout. * * @sclass */ msg_t chCondWaitTimeoutS(condition_variable_t *cp, systime_t time) { mutex_t *mp; msg_t msg; chDbgCheckClassS(); chDbgCheck((cp != NULL) && (time != TIME_IMMEDIATE)); chDbgAssert(currp->mtxlist != NULL, "not owning a mutex"); /* Getting "current" mutex and releasing it.*/ mp = chMtxGetNextMutexS(); chMtxUnlockS(mp); /* Start waiting on the condition variable, on exit the mutex is taken again.*/ currp->u.wtobjp = cp; queue_prio_insert(currp, &cp->queue); msg = chSchGoSleepTimeoutS(CH_STATE_WTCOND, time); if (msg != MSG_TIMEOUT) { chMtxLockS(mp); } return msg; } #endif /* CH_CFG_USE_CONDVARS_TIMEOUT == TRUE */ #endif /* CH_CFG_USE_CONDVARS == TRUE */ /** @} */