    ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2018 Giovanni Di Sirio

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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 * @file    hal_icu_lld.h
 * @brief   PLATFORM ICU subsystem low level driver header.
 * @addtogroup ICU
 * @{

#ifndef HAL_ICU_LLD_H
#define HAL_ICU_LLD_H

#if (HAL_USE_ICU == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)

/* Driver constants.                                                         */

/* Driver pre-compile time settings.                                         */

 * @name    PLATFORM configuration options
 * @{
 * @brief   ICUD1 driver enable switch.
 * @details If set to @p TRUE the support for ICUD1 is included.
 * @note    The default is @p FALSE.
#if !defined(PLATFORM_ICU_USE_ICU1) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
#define PLATFORM_ICU_USE_ICU1                  FALSE
/** @} */

/* Derived constants and error checks.                                       */

/* Driver data structures and types.                                         */

 * @brief   ICU driver mode.
typedef enum {
  ICU_INPUT_ACTIVE_HIGH = 0,        /**< Trigger on rising edge.            */
  ICU_INPUT_ACTIVE_LOW = 1          /**< Trigger on falling edge.           */
} icumode_t;

 * @brief   ICU frequency type.
typedef uint32_t icufreq_t;

 * @brief   ICU counter type.
typedef uint32_t icucnt_t;

 * @brief   Driver configuration structure.
 * @note    It could be empty on some architectures.
typedef struct {
   * @brief   Driver mode.
  icumode_t                 mode;
   * @brief   Timer clock in Hz.
   * @note    The low level can use assertions in order to catch invalid
   *          frequency specifications.
  icufreq_t                 frequency;
   * @brief   Callback for pulse width measurement.
  icucallback_t             width_cb;
   * @brief   Callback for cycle period measurement.
  icucallback_t             period_cb;
   * @brief   Callback for timer overflow.
  icucallback_t             overflow_cb;
  /* End of the mandatory fields.*/
} ICUConfig;

 * @brief   Structure representing an ICU driver.
struct ICUDriver {
   * @brief Driver state.
  icustate_t                state;
   * @brief Current configuration data.
  const ICUConfig           *config;
  /* End of the mandatory fields.*/

/* Driver macros.                                                            */

 * @brief   Returns the width of the latest pulse.
 * @details The pulse width is defined as number of ticks between the start
 *          edge and the stop edge.
 * @param[in] icup      pointer to the @p ICUDriver object
 * @return              The number of ticks.
 * @notapi
#define icu_lld_get_width(icup) 0

 * @brief   Returns the width of the latest cycle.
 * @details The cycle width is defined as number of ticks between a start
 *          edge and the next start edge.
 * @param[in] icup      pointer to the @p ICUDriver object
 * @return              The number of ticks.
 * @notapi
#define icu_lld_get_period(icup) 0

 * @brief   Check on notifications status.
 * @param[in] icup      pointer to the @p ICUDriver object
 * @return              The notifications status.
 * @retval false        if notifications are not enabled.
 * @retval true         if notifications are enabled.
 * @notapi
#define icu_lld_are_notifications_enabled(icup) false

/* External declarations.                                                    */

#if (PLATFORM_ICU_USE_ICU1 == TRUE) && !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
extern ICUDriver ICUD1;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
  void icu_lld_init(void);
  void icu_lld_start(ICUDriver *icup);
  void icu_lld_stop(ICUDriver *icup);
  void icu_lld_start_capture(ICUDriver *icup);
  bool icu_lld_wait_capture(ICUDriver *icup);
  void icu_lld_stop_capture(ICUDriver *icup);
  void icu_lld_enable_notifications(ICUDriver *icup);
  void icu_lld_disable_notifications(ICUDriver *icup);
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* HAL_USE_ICU == TRUE */

#endif /* HAL_ICU_LLD_H */

/** @} */