    ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2018 Giovanni Di Sirio

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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    limitations under the License.

 * @file    hal_can.h
 * @brief   CAN Driver macros and structures.
 * @addtogroup CAN
 * @{

#ifndef HAL_CAN_H
#define HAL_CAN_H

#if (HAL_USE_CAN == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)

/* Driver constants.                                                         */

 * @name    CAN status flags
 * @{
 * @brief   Errors rate warning.
#define CAN_LIMIT_WARNING           1U
 * @brief   Errors rate error.
#define CAN_LIMIT_ERROR             2U
 * @brief   Bus off condition reached.
#define CAN_BUS_OFF_ERROR           4U
 * @brief   Framing error of some kind on the CAN bus.
#define CAN_FRAMING_ERROR           8U
 * @brief   Overflow in receive queue.
#define CAN_OVERFLOW_ERROR          16U
/** @} */

 * @brief   Special mailbox identifier.
#define CAN_ANY_MAILBOX             0U

/* Driver pre-compile time settings.                                         */

 * @name    CAN configuration options
 * @{
 * @brief   Sleep mode related APIs inclusion switch.
 * @details This option can only be enabled if the CAN implementation supports
 *          the sleep mode, see the macro @p CAN_SUPPORTS_SLEEP exported by
 *          the underlying implementation.
#if !defined(CAN_USE_SLEEP_MODE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
#define CAN_USE_SLEEP_MODE          TRUE

 * @brief   Enforces the driver to use direct callbacks rather than OSAL events.
#if !defined(CAN_ENFORCE_USE_CALLBACKS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
/** @} */

/* Derived constants and error checks.                                       */

/* Driver data structures and types.                                         */

 * @brief   Driver state machine possible states.
typedef enum {
  CAN_UNINIT = 0,                           /**< Not initialized.           */
  CAN_STOP = 1,                             /**< Stopped.                   */
  CAN_STARTING = 2,                         /**< Starting.                  */
  CAN_READY = 3,                            /**< Ready.                     */
  CAN_SLEEP = 4                             /**< Sleep state.               */
} canstate_t;

#include "hal_can_lld.h"

/* Driver macros.                                                            */

 * @name    Macro Functions
 * @{
 * @brief   Converts a mailbox index to a bit mask.
#define CAN_MAILBOX_TO_MASK(mbx) (1U << ((mbx) - 1U))

 * @brief   Legacy name for @p canTransmitTimeout().
 * @deprecated
#define canTransmit(canp, mailbox, ctfp, timeout)                           \
  canTransmitTimeout(canp, mailbox, ctfp, timeout)

 * @brief   Legacy name for @p canReceiveTimeout().
 * @deprecated
#define canReceive(canp, mailbox, crfp, timeout)                            \
  canReceiveTimeout(canp, mailbox, crfp, timeout)
/** @} */

 * @name    Low level driver helper macros
 * @{
 * @brief   TX mailbox empty event.
#define _can_tx_empty_isr(canp, flags) {                                    \
  osalSysLockFromISR();                                                     \
  osalThreadDequeueAllI(&(canp)->txqueue, MSG_OK);                          \
  osalEventBroadcastFlagsI(&(canp)->txempty_event, flags);                  \
  osalSysUnlockFromISR();                                                   \

 * @brief   RX mailbox empty full event.
#define _can_rx_full_isr(canp, flags) {                                     \
  osalSysLockFromISR();                                                     \
  osalThreadDequeueAllI(&(canp)->rxqueue, MSG_OK);                          \
  osalEventBroadcastFlagsI(&(canp)->rxfull_event, flags);                   \
  osalSysUnlockFromISR();                                                   \

 * @brief   Error event.
#define _can_wakeup_isr(canp) {                                             \
  osalSysLockFromISR();                                                     \
  osalEventBroadcastFlagsI(&(canp)->wakeup_event, 0U);                      \
  osalSysUnlockFromISR();                                                   \

 * @brief   Error event.
#define _can_error_isr(canp, flags) {                                       \
  osalSysLockFromISR();                                                     \
  osalEventBroadcastFlagsI(&(canp)->error_event, flags);                    \
  osalSysUnlockFromISR();                                                   \
#define _can_tx_empty_isr(canp, flags) {                                    \
  if ((canp)->txempty_cb != NULL) {                                         \
    (canp)->txempty_cb(canp, flags);                                        \
  }                                                                         \
  osalSysLockFromISR();                                                     \
  osalThreadDequeueAllI(&(canp)->txqueue, MSG_OK);                          \
  osalSysUnlockFromISR();                                                   \

#define _can_rx_full_isr(canp, flags) {                                     \
  if ((canp)->rxfull_cb != NULL) {                                          \
    (canp)->rxfull_cb(canp, flags);                                         \
  }                                                                         \
  osalSysLockFromISR();                                                     \
  osalThreadDequeueAllI(&(canp)->rxqueue, MSG_OK);                          \
  osalSysUnlockFromISR();                                                   \

#define _can_wakeup_isr(canp) {                                             \
  if ((canp)->wakeup_cb != NULL) {                                          \
    (canp)->wakeup_cb(canp, 0U);                                            \
  }                                                                         \

#define _can_error_isr(canp, flags) {                                       \
  if ((canp)->error_cb != NULL) {                                           \
    (canp)->error_cb(canp, flags);                                          \
  }                                                                         \
/** @} */

/* External declarations.                                                    */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
  void canInit(void);
  void canObjectInit(CANDriver *canp);
  void canStart(CANDriver *canp, const CANConfig *config);
  void canStop(CANDriver *canp);
  bool canTryTransmitI(CANDriver *canp,
                       canmbx_t mailbox,
                       const CANTxFrame *ctfp);
  bool canTryReceiveI(CANDriver *canp,
                      canmbx_t mailbox,
                      CANRxFrame *crfp);
  msg_t canTransmitTimeout(CANDriver *canp,
                           canmbx_t mailbox,
                           const CANTxFrame *ctfp,
                           sysinterval_t timeout);
  msg_t canReceiveTimeout(CANDriver *canp,
                          canmbx_t mailbox,
                          CANRxFrame *crfp,
                          sysinterval_t timeout);
  void canSleep(CANDriver *canp);
  void canWakeup(CANDriver *canp);
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* HAL_USE_CAN == TRUE */

#endif /* HAL_CAN_H */

/** @} */