/* ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "ch.h" #include "hal.h" #include "ff.h" #include #if HAL_USBH_USE_FTDI #include "usbh/dev/ftdi.h" #include "shell.h" #include "chprintf.h" static THD_WORKING_AREA(waTestFTDI, 1024); #define SHELL_WA_SIZE THD_WORKING_AREA_SIZE(2048) #define TEST_WA_SIZE THD_WORKING_AREA_SIZE(256) static uint8_t buf[] = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef" "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"; static void cmd_write(BaseSequentialStream *chp, int argc, char *argv[]) { (void)argv; if (argc > 0) { chprintf(chp, "Usage: write\r\n"); return; } while (chnGetTimeout((BaseChannel *)chp, TIME_IMMEDIATE) != Q_TIMEOUT) { //flush } while (chnGetTimeout((BaseChannel *)chp, TIME_IMMEDIATE) == Q_TIMEOUT) { streamWrite(&FTDIPD[0], buf, sizeof buf - 1); } chprintf(chp, "\r\n\nstopped\r\n"); } static const ShellCommand commands[] = { {"write", cmd_write}, {NULL, NULL} }; static const ShellConfig shell_cfg1 = { (BaseSequentialStream *)&FTDIPD[0], commands }; static void ThreadTestFTDI(void *p) { (void)p; USBHFTDIPortDriver *const ftdipp = &FTDIPD[0]; shellInit(); start: while (usbhftdipGetState(ftdipp) != USBHFTDIP_STATE_ACTIVE) { chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); } usbDbgPuts("FTDI: Connected"); USBHFTDIPortConfig config = { 115200, USBHFTDI_FRAMING_DATABITS_8 | USBHFTDI_FRAMING_PARITY_NONE | USBHFTDI_FRAMING_STOP_BITS_1, USBHFTDI_HANDSHAKE_NONE, 0, 0 }; usbhftdipStart(ftdipp, &config); //loopback if (0) { for(;;) { msg_t m = streamGet(ftdipp); if (m < MSG_OK) { usbDbgPuts("FTDI: Disconnected"); goto start; } streamPut(ftdipp, (uint8_t)m); if (m == 'q') break; } } //shell test if (1) { thread_t *shelltp = NULL; for(;;) { if (usbhftdipGetState(ftdipp) != USBHFTDIP_STATE_READY) goto start; if (!shelltp) { shelltp = shellCreate(&shell_cfg1, SHELL_WA_SIZE, NORMALPRIO); } else if (chThdTerminatedX(shelltp)) { chThdRelease(shelltp); if (usbhftdipGetState(ftdipp) != USBHFTDIP_STATE_READY) goto start; break; } chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); } } //FTDI uart RX to debug TX bridge if (0) { for(;;) { msg_t m = streamGet(ftdipp); if (m < MSG_OK) { usbDbgPuts("FTDI: Disconnected"); goto start; } sdPut(&USBH_DEBUG_SD, (uint8_t)m); if (m == 'q') break; } } //write speed test if (1) { usbhftdipStop(ftdipp); config.speed = 3000000; usbhftdipStart(ftdipp, &config); systime_t st, et; int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { uint32_t bytes = config.speed / 10; uint32_t times = bytes / 1024; st = chVTGetSystemTimeX(); while (times--) { if (streamWrite(ftdipp, buf, 1024) < 1024) { usbDbgPuts("FTDI: Disconnected"); goto start; } bytes -= 1024; } if (bytes) { if (streamWrite(ftdipp, buf, bytes) < bytes) { usbDbgPuts("FTDI: Disconnected"); goto start; } } et = chVTGetSystemTimeX(); usbDbgPrintf("\tRate=%uB/s", (config.speed * 100) / (et - st)); } } //single character write test (tests the timer) if (0) { for (;;) { if (streamPut(ftdipp, 'A') != MSG_OK) { usbDbgPuts("FTDI: Disconnected"); goto start; } chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); } } usbhftdipStop(ftdipp); usbDbgPuts("FTDI: Tests done, restarting in 3s"); chThdSleepMilliseconds(3000); goto start; } #endif #if HAL_USBH_USE_MSD #include "usbh/dev/msd.h" #include "ff.h" static FATFS MSDLUN0FS; static uint8_t fbuff[10240]; static FIL file; static FRESULT scan_files(BaseSequentialStream *chp, char *path) { FRESULT res; FILINFO fno; DIR dir; int i; char *fn; #if _USE_LFN fno.lfname = 0; fno.lfsize = 0; #endif res = f_opendir(&dir, path); if (res == FR_OK) { i = strlen(path); for (;;) { res = f_readdir(&dir, &fno); if (res != FR_OK || fno.fname[0] == 0) break; if (fno.fname[0] == '.') continue; fn = fno.fname; if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) { path[i++] = '/'; strcpy(&path[i], fn); res = scan_files(chp, path); if (res != FR_OK) break; path[--i] = 0; } else { usbDbgPrintf("FS: %s/%s", path, fn); } } } return res; } static THD_WORKING_AREA(waTestMSD, 1024); static void ThreadTestMSD(void *p) { (void)p; FATFS *fsp; DWORD clusters; FRESULT res; BaseSequentialStream * const chp = (BaseSequentialStream *)&USBH_DEBUG_SD; blkstate_t state; systime_t st, et; uint32_t j; start: for(;;) { chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); chSysLock(); state = blkGetDriverState(&MSBLKD[0]); chSysUnlock(); if (state != BLK_READY) continue; //raw read test if (1) { #define RAW_READ_SZ_MB 1 #define NBLOCKS (sizeof(fbuff) / 512) #define NITERATIONS ((RAW_READ_SZ_MB * 1024UL * 1024UL) / sizeof(fbuff)) uint32_t start = 0; chThdSetPriority(HIGHPRIO); usbDbgPrintf("BLK: Raw read test (%dMB, %dB blocks)", RAW_READ_SZ_MB, sizeof(fbuff)); st = chVTGetSystemTime(); for (j = 0; j < NITERATIONS; j++) { blkRead(&MSBLKD[0], start, fbuff, NBLOCKS); start += NBLOCKS; } et = chVTGetSystemTime(); usbDbgPrintf("BLK: Raw read in %d ms, %dkB/s", et - st, (RAW_READ_SZ_MB * 1024UL * 1000) / (et - st)); chThdSetPriority(NORMALPRIO); } usbDbgPuts("FS: Block driver ready, try mount..."); res = f_mount(&MSDLUN0FS, "0:", 1); if (res != FR_OK) { usbDbgPuts("FS: Can't mount. Check file system."); continue; } usbDbgPuts("FS: Mounted."); res = f_getfree("0:", &clusters, &fsp); if (res != FR_OK) { usbDbgPuts("FS: f_getfree() failed"); continue; } usbDbgPrintf("FS: %lu free clusters, %lu sectors per cluster, %lu bytes free", clusters, (uint32_t)MSDLUN0FS.csize, clusters * (uint32_t)MSDLUN0FS.csize * MSBLKD[0].info.blk_size); break; } //FATFS test if (1) { UINT bw; const uint8_t *src; const uint8_t *const start = (uint8_t *)0x08000000; const uint8_t *const top = (uint8_t *)0x08020000; //write test if (1) { usbDbgPuts("FS: Write test (create file /test.dat, 1MB)"); f_open(&file, "/test.dat", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); src = start; st = chVTGetSystemTime(); for (j = 0; j < 2048; j++) { if (f_write(&file, src, 512, &bw) != FR_OK) goto start; src += bw; if (src >= top) src = start; } et = chVTGetSystemTime(); usbDbgPrintf("FS: Written 1MB in %d ms, %dkB/s", et - st, (1024UL*1000) / (et - st)); f_close(&file); } //read test if (1) { usbDbgPuts("FS: Read test (read file /test.dat, 1MB, compare)"); f_open(&file, "/test.dat", FA_READ); src = start; st = chVTGetSystemTime(); for (j = 0; j < 2048; j++) { if (f_read(&file, fbuff, 512, &bw) != FR_OK) goto start; if (memcmp(src, fbuff, bw)) { usbDbgPrintf("Compare error @%08x", (uint32_t)src); goto start; } src += bw; if (src >= top) src = start; } et = chVTGetSystemTime(); usbDbgPrintf("FS: Read 1MB in %d ms, %dkB/s", et - st, (1024UL*1000) / (et - st)); f_close(&file); } //scan files test if (1) { usbDbgPuts("FS: Scan files test"); fbuff[0] = 0; scan_files(chp, (char *)fbuff); } } usbDbgPuts("FS: Tests done, restarting in 3s"); chThdSleepMilliseconds(3000); goto start; } #endif int main(void) { halInit(); chSysInit(); //PA2(TX) and PA3(RX) are routed to USART2 sdStart(&SD2, NULL); palSetPadMode(GPIOA, 2, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(7)); palSetPadMode(GPIOA, 3, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(7)); #if STM32_USBH_USE_OTG1 //VBUS - configured in board.h //USB_FS - configured in board.h #endif #if STM32_USBH_USE_OTG2 #error "TODO: Initialize USB_HS pads" #endif #if HAL_USBH_USE_MSD chThdCreateStatic(waTestMSD, sizeof(waTestMSD), NORMALPRIO, ThreadTestMSD, 0); #endif #if HAL_USBH_USE_FTDI chThdCreateStatic(waTestFTDI, sizeof(waTestFTDI), NORMALPRIO, ThreadTestFTDI, 0); #endif //turn on USB power palClearPad(GPIOC, GPIOC_OTG_FS_POWER_ON); //start #if STM32_USBH_USE_OTG1 usbhStart(&USBHD1); #endif #if STM32_USBH_USE_OTG2 usbhStart(&USBHD2); #endif for(;;) { #if STM32_USBH_USE_OTG1 usbhMainLoop(&USBHD1); #endif #if STM32_USBH_USE_OTG2 usbhMainLoop(&USBHD2); #endif chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); } }