/****************************************************************************** * arch/x86/time.c * * Per-CPU time calibration and management. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2005, K A Fraser * * Portions from Linux are: * Copyright (c) 1991, 1992, 1995 Linus Torvalds */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for early_time_init */ #include /* opt_clocksource: Force clocksource to one of: pit, hpet, acpi. */ static char __initdata opt_clocksource[10]; string_param("clocksource", opt_clocksource); unsigned long __read_mostly cpu_khz; /* CPU clock frequency in kHz. */ DEFINE_SPINLOCK(rtc_lock); unsigned long pit0_ticks; static u32 wc_sec, wc_nsec; /* UTC time at last 'time update'. */ static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(wc_lock); struct cpu_time { u64 local_tsc_stamp; s_time_t stime_local_stamp; s_time_t stime_master_stamp; struct time_scale tsc_scale; }; struct platform_timesource { char *id; char *name; u64 frequency; u64 (*read_counter)(void); int (*init)(struct platform_timesource *); void (*resume)(struct platform_timesource *); int counter_bits; }; static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct cpu_time, cpu_time); /* Calibrate all CPUs to platform timer every EPOCH. */ #define EPOCH MILLISECS(1000) static struct timer calibration_timer; /* * We simulate a 32-bit platform timer from the 16-bit PIT ch2 counter. * Otherwise overflow happens too quickly (~50ms) for us to guarantee that * softirq handling will happen in time. * * The pit_lock protects the 16- and 32-bit stamp fields as well as the */ static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(pit_lock); static u16 pit_stamp16; static u32 pit_stamp32; static bool_t __read_mostly using_pit; /* * 32-bit division of integer dividend and integer divisor yielding * 32-bit fractional quotient. */ static inline u32 div_frac(u32 dividend, u32 divisor) { u32 quotient, remainder; ASSERT(dividend < divisor); asm ( "divl %4" : "=a" (quotient), "=d" (remainder) : "0" (0), "1" (dividend), "r" (divisor) ); return quotient; } /* * 32-bit multiplication of multiplicand and fractional multiplier * yielding 32-bit product (radix point at same position as in multiplicand). */ static inline u32 mul_frac(u32 multiplicand, u32 multiplier) { u32 product_int, product_frac; asm ( "mul %3" : "=a" (product_frac), "=d" (product_int) : "0" (multiplicand), "r" (multiplier) ); return product_int; } /* * Scale a 64-bit delta by scaling and multiplying by a 32-bit fraction, * yielding a 64-bit result. */ static inline u64 scale_delta(u64 delta, struct time_scale *scale) { u64 product; if ( scale->shift < 0 ) delta >>= -scale->shift; else delta <<= scale->shift; asm ( "mulq %2 ; shrd $32,%1,%0" : "=a" (product), "=d" (delta) : "rm" (delta), "0" ((u64)scale->mul_frac) ); return product; } #define _TS_MUL_FRAC_IDENTITY 0x80000000UL /* Compute the reciprocal of the given time_scale. */ static inline struct time_scale scale_reciprocal(struct time_scale scale) { struct time_scale reciprocal; u32 dividend; ASSERT(scale.mul_frac != 0); dividend = _TS_MUL_FRAC_IDENTITY; reciprocal.shift = 1 - scale.shift; while ( unlikely(dividend >= scale.mul_frac) ) { dividend >>= 1; reciprocal.shift++; } asm ( "divl %4" : "=a" (reciprocal.mul_frac), "=d" (dividend) : "0" (0), "1" (dividend), "r" (scale.mul_frac) ); return reciprocal; } /* * cpu_mask that denotes the CPUs that needs timer interrupt coming in as * IPIs in place of local APIC timers */ static cpumask_t pit_broadcast_mask; static void smp_send_timer_broadcast_ipi(void) { int cpu = smp_processor_id(); cpumask_t mask; cpumask_and(&mask, &cpu_online_map, &pit_broadcast_mask); if ( cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, &mask) ) { cpumask_clear_cpu(cpu, &mask); raise_softirq(TIMER_SOFTIRQ); } if ( !cpumask_empty(&mask) ) { cpumask_raise_softirq(&mask, TIMER_SOFTIRQ); } } static void timer_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct cpu_user_regs *regs) { ASSERT(local_irq_is_enabled()); if ( hpet_legacy_irq_tick() ) return; /* Only for start-of-day interruopt tests in io_apic.c. */ (*(volatile unsigned long *)&pit0_ticks)++; /* Rough hack to allow accurate timers to sort-of-work with no APIC. */ if ( !cpu_has_apic ) raise_softirq(TIMER_SOFTIRQ); if ( xen_cpuidle ) smp_send_timer_broadcast_ipi(); /* Emulate a 32-bit PIT counter. */ if ( using_pit ) { u16 count; spin_lock_irq(&pit_lock); outb(0x80, PIT_MODE); count = inb(PIT_CH2); count |= inb(PIT_CH2) << 8; pit_stamp32 += (u16)(pit_stamp16 - count); pit_stamp16 = count; spin_unlock_irq(&pit_lock); } } static struct irqaction __read_mostly irq0 = { timer_interrupt, "timer", NULL }; /* ------ Calibrate the TSC ------- * Return processor ticks per second / CALIBRATE_FRAC. */ #define CLOCK_TICK_RATE 1193182 /* system crystal frequency (Hz) */ #define CALIBRATE_FRAC 20 /* calibrate over 50ms */ #define CALIBRATE_LATCH ((CLOCK_TICK_RATE+(CALIBRATE_FRAC/2))/CALIBRATE_FRAC) static u64 init_pit_and_calibrate_tsc(void) { u64 start, end; unsigned long count; /* Set PIT channel 0 to HZ Hz. */ #define LATCH (((CLOCK_TICK_RATE)+(HZ/2))/HZ) outb_p(0x34, PIT_MODE); /* binary, mode 2, LSB/MSB, ch 0 */ outb_p(LATCH & 0xff, PIT_CH0); /* LSB */ outb(LATCH >> 8, PIT_CH0); /* MSB */ /* Set the Gate high, disable speaker */ outb((inb(0x61) & ~0x02) | 0x01, 0x61); /* * Now let's take care of CTC channel 2 * * Set the Gate high, program CTC channel 2 for mode 0, (interrupt on * terminal count mode), binary count, load 5 * LATCH count, (LSB and MSB) * to begin countdown. */ outb(0xb0, PIT_MODE); /* binary, mode 0, LSB/MSB, Ch 2 */ outb(CALIBRATE_LATCH & 0xff, PIT_CH2); /* LSB of count */ outb(CALIBRATE_LATCH >> 8, PIT_CH2); /* MSB of count */ rdtscll(start); for ( count = 0; (inb(0x61) & 0x20) == 0; count++ ) continue; rdtscll(end); /* Error if the CTC doesn't behave itself. */ if ( count == 0 ) return 0; return ((end - start) * (u64)CALIBRATE_FRAC); } static void set_time_scale(struct time_scale *ts, u64 ticks_per_sec) { u64 tps64 = ticks_per_sec; u32 tps32; int shift = 0; ASSERT(tps64 != 0); while ( tps64 > (MILLISECS(1000)*2) ) { tps64 >>= 1; shift--; } tps32 = (u32)tps64; while ( tps32 <= (u32)MILLISECS(1000) ) { tps32 <<= 1; shift++; } ts->mul_frac = div_frac(MILLISECS(1000), tps32); ts->shift = shift; } static char *freq_string(u64 freq) { static char s[20]; unsigned int x, y; y = (unsigned int)do_div(freq, 1000000) / 1000; x = (unsigned int)freq; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%u.%03uMHz", x, y); return s; } /************************************************************ * PLATFORM TIMER 1: PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER (LEGACY PIT) */ static u64 read_pit_count(void) { u16 count16; u32 count32; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&pit_lock, flags); outb(0x80, PIT_MODE); count16 = inb(PIT_CH2); count16 |= inb(PIT_CH2) << 8; count32 = pit_stamp32 + (u16)(pit_stamp16 - count16); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pit_lock, flags); return count32; } static int __init init_pit(struct platform_timesource *pts) { using_pit = 1; return 1; } static struct platform_timesource __initdata plt_pit = { .id = "pit", .name = "PIT", .frequency = CLOCK_TICK_RATE, .read_counter = read_pit_count, .counter_bits = 32, .init = init_pit }; /************************************************************ * PLATFORM TIMER 2: HIGH PRECISION EVENT TIMER (HPET) */ static u64 read_hpet_count(void) { return hpet_read32(HPET_COUNTER); } static int __init init_hpet(struct platform_timesource *pts) { u64 hpet_rate = hpet_setup(); if ( hpet_rate == 0 ) return 0; pts->frequency = hpet_rate; return 1; } static void resume_hpet(struct platform_timesource *pts) { hpet_resume(NULL); } static struct platform_timesource __initdata plt_hpet = { .id = "hpet", .name = "HPET", .read_counter = read_hpet_count, .counter_bits = 32, .init = init_hpet, .resume = resume_hpet }; /************************************************************ * PLATFORM TIMER 3: ACPI PM TIMER */ u32 __read_mostly pmtmr_ioport; /* ACPI PM timer ticks at 3.579545 MHz. */ #define ACPI_PM_FREQUENCY 3579545 static u64 read_pmtimer_count(void) { return inl(pmtmr_ioport); } static int __init init_pmtimer(struct platform_timesource *pts) { if ( pmtmr_ioport == 0 ) return 0; return 1; } static struct platform_timesource __initdata plt_pmtimer = { .id = "acpi", .name = "ACPI PM Timer", .frequency = ACPI_PM_FREQUENCY, .read_counter = read_pmtimer_count, .counter_bits = 24, .init = init_pmtimer }; static struct time_scale __read_mostly pmt_scale; static struct time_scale __read_mostly pmt_scale_r; static __init int init_pmtmr_scale(void) { set_time_scale(&pmt_scale, ACPI_PM_FREQUENCY); pmt_scale_r = scale_reciprocal(pmt_scale); return 0; } __initcall(init_pmtmr_scale); uint64_t acpi_pm_tick_to_ns(uint64_t ticks) { return scale_delta(ticks, &pmt_scale); } uint64_t ns_to_acpi_pm_tick(uint64_t ns) { return scale_delta(ns, &pmt_scale_r); } /************************************************************ * GENERIC PLATFORM TIMER INFRASTRUCTURE */ /* details of chosen timesource */ static struct platform_timesource __read_mostly plt_src; /* hardware-width mask */ static u64 __read_mostly plt_mask; /* ns between calls to plt_overflow() */ static u64 __read_mostly plt_overflow_period; /* scale: platform counter -> nanosecs */ static struct time_scale __read_mostly plt_scale; /* Protected by platform_timer_lock. */ static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(platform_timer_lock); static s_time_t stime_platform_stamp; /* System time at below platform time */ static u64 platform_timer_stamp; /* Platform time at above system time */ static u64 plt_stamp64; /* 64-bit platform counter stamp */ static u64 plt_stamp; /* hardware-width platform counter stamp */ static struct timer plt_overflow_timer; static s_time_t __read_platform_stime(u64 platform_time) { u64 diff = platform_time - platform_timer_stamp; ASSERT(spin_is_locked(&platform_timer_lock)); return (stime_platform_stamp + scale_delta(diff, &plt_scale)); } static void plt_overflow(void *unused) { int i; u64 count; s_time_t now, plt_now, plt_wrap; spin_lock_irq(&platform_timer_lock); count = plt_src.read_counter(); plt_stamp64 += (count - plt_stamp) & plt_mask; plt_stamp = count; now = NOW(); plt_wrap = __read_platform_stime(plt_stamp64); for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { plt_now = plt_wrap; plt_wrap = __read_platform_stime(plt_stamp64 + plt_mask + 1); if ( ABS(plt_wrap - now) > ABS(plt_now - now) ) break; plt_stamp64 += plt_mask + 1; } if ( i != 0 ) { static bool_t warned_once; if ( !test_and_set_bool(warned_once) ) printk("Platform timer appears to have unexpectedly wrapped " "%u%s times.\n", i, (i == 10) ? " or more" : ""); } spin_unlock_irq(&platform_timer_lock); set_timer(&plt_overflow_timer, NOW() + plt_overflow_period); } static s_time_t read_platform_stime(void) { u64 count; s_time_t stime; ASSERT(!local_irq_is_enabled()); spin_lock(&platform_timer_lock); count = plt_stamp64 + ((plt_src.read_counter() - plt_stamp) & plt_mask); stime = __read_platform_stime(count); spin_unlock(&platform_timer_lock); return stime; } static void platform_time_calibration(void) { u64 count; s_time_t stamp; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&platform_timer_lock, flags); count = plt_stamp64 + ((plt_src.read_counter() - plt_stamp) & plt_mask); stamp = __read_platform_stime(count); stime_platform_stamp = stamp; platform_timer_stamp = count; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&platform_timer_lock, flags); } static void resume_platform_timer(void) { /* Timer source can be reset when backing from S3 to S0 */ if ( plt_src.resume ) plt_src.resume(&plt_src); plt_stamp64 = platform_timer_stamp; plt_stamp = plt_src.read_counter(); } static void __init init_platform_timer(void) { static struct platform_timesource * __initdata plt_timers[] = { &plt_hpet, &plt_pmtimer, &plt_pit }; struct platform_timesource *pts = NULL; int i, rc = -1; if ( opt_clocksource[0] != '\0' ) { for ( i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(plt_timers); i++ ) { pts = plt_timers[i]; if ( !strcmp(opt_clocksource, pts->id) ) { rc = pts->init(pts); break; } } if ( rc <= 0 ) printk("WARNING: %s clocksource '%s'.\n", (rc == 0) ? "Could not initialise" : "Unrecognised", opt_clocksource); } if ( rc <= 0 ) { for ( i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(plt_timers); i++ ) { pts = plt_timers[i]; if ( (rc = pts->init(pts)) > 0 ) break; } } BUG_ON(rc <= 0); plt_mask = (u64)~0ull >> (64 - pts->counter_bits); set_time_scale(&plt_scale, pts->frequency); plt_overflow_period = scale_delta( 1ull << (pts->counter_bits-1), &plt_scale); init_timer(&plt_overflow_timer, plt_overflow, NULL, 0); plt_src = *pts; plt_overflow(NULL); platform_timer_stamp = plt_stamp64; stime_platform_stamp = NOW(); printk("Platform timer is %s %s\n", freq_string(pts->frequency), pts->name); } u64 stime2tsc(s_time_t stime) { struct cpu_time *t; struct time_scale sys_to_tsc; s_time_t stime_delta; t = &this_cpu(cpu_time); sys_to_tsc = scale_reciprocal(t->tsc_scale); stime_delta = stime - t->stime_local_stamp; if ( stime_delta < 0 ) stime_delta = 0; return t->local_tsc_stamp + scale_delta(stime_delta, &sys_to_tsc); } void cstate_restore_tsc(void) { if ( boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_NONSTOP_TSC) ) return; write_tsc(stime2tsc(read_platform_stime())); } /*************************************************************************** * CMOS Timer functions ***************************************************************************/ /* Converts Gregorian date to seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00. * Assumes input in normal date format, i.e. 1980-12-31 23:59:59 * => year=1980, mon=12, day=31, hour=23, min=59, sec=59. * * [For the Julian calendar (which was used in Russia before 1917, * Britain & colonies before 1752, anywhere else before 1582, * and is still in use by some communities) leave out the * -year/100+year/400 terms, and add 10.] * * This algorithm was first published by Gauss (I think). * * WARNING: this function will overflow on 2106-02-07 06:28:16 on * machines were long is 32-bit! (However, as time_t is signed, we * will already get problems at other places on 2038-01-19 03:14:08) */ unsigned long mktime (unsigned int year, unsigned int mon, unsigned int day, unsigned int hour, unsigned int min, unsigned int sec) { /* 1..12 -> 11,12,1..10: put Feb last since it has a leap day. */ if ( 0 >= (int) (mon -= 2) ) { mon += 12; year -= 1; } return ((((unsigned long)(year/4 - year/100 + year/400 + 367*mon/12 + day)+ year*365 - 719499 )*24 + hour /* now have hours */ )*60 + min /* now have minutes */ )*60 + sec; /* finally seconds */ } static unsigned long __get_cmos_time(void) { unsigned int year, mon, day, hour, min, sec; sec = CMOS_READ(RTC_SECONDS); min = CMOS_READ(RTC_MINUTES); hour = CMOS_READ(RTC_HOURS); day = CMOS_READ(RTC_DAY_OF_MONTH); mon = CMOS_READ(RTC_MONTH); year = CMOS_READ(RTC_YEAR); if ( !(CMOS_READ(RTC_CONTROL) & RTC_DM_BINARY) || RTC_ALWAYS_BCD ) { BCD_TO_BIN(sec); BCD_TO_BIN(min); BCD_TO_BIN(hour); BCD_TO_BIN(day); BCD_TO_BIN(mon); BCD_TO_BIN(year); } if ( (year += 1900) < 1970 ) year += 100; return mktime(year, mon, day, hour, min, sec); } static unsigned long get_cmos_time(void) { unsigned long res, flags; int i; if ( efi_enabled ) { res = efi_get_time(); if ( res ) return res; } if ( unlikely(acpi_gbl_FADT.boot_flags & ACPI_FADT_NO_CMOS_RTC) ) panic("System without CMOS RTC must be booted from EFI\n"); spin_lock_irqsave(&rtc_lock, flags); /* read RTC exactly on falling edge of update flag */ for ( i = 0 ; i < 1000000 ; i++ ) /* may take up to 1 second... */ if ( (CMOS_READ(RTC_FREQ_SELECT) & RTC_UIP) ) break; for ( i = 0 ; i < 1000000 ; i++ ) /* must try at least 2.228 ms */ if ( !(CMOS_READ(RTC_FREQ_SELECT) & RTC_UIP) ) break; res = __get_cmos_time(); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtc_lock, flags); return res; } /*************************************************************************** * System Time ***************************************************************************/ s_time_t get_s_time(void) { struct cpu_time *t = &this_cpu(cpu_time); u64 tsc, delta; s_time_t now; rdtscll(tsc); delta = tsc - t->local_tsc_stamp; now = t->stime_local_stamp + scale_delta(delta, &t->tsc_scale); return now; } uint64_t tsc_ticks2ns(uint64_t ticks) { struct cpu_time *t = &this_cpu(cpu_time); return scale_delta(ticks, &t->tsc_scale); } /* Explicitly OR with 1 just in case version number gets out of sync. */ #define version_update_begin(v) (((v)+1)|1) #define version_update_end(v) ((v)+1) static void __update_vcpu_system_time(struct vcpu *v, int force) { struct cpu_time *t; struct vcpu_time_info *u, _u; XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(vcpu_time_info_t) user_u; struct domain *d = v->domain; s_time_t tsc_stamp = 0; if ( v->vcpu_info == NULL ) return; t = &this_cpu(cpu_time); u = &vcpu_info(v, time); if ( d->arch.vtsc ) { s_time_t stime = t->stime_local_stamp; if ( is_hvm_domain(d) ) { struct pl_time *pl = &v->domain->arch.hvm_domain.pl_time; stime += pl->stime_offset + v->arch.hvm_vcpu.stime_offset; if ( stime >= 0 ) tsc_stamp = gtime_to_gtsc(d, stime); else tsc_stamp = -gtime_to_gtsc(d, -stime); } else tsc_stamp = gtime_to_gtsc(d, stime); } else { tsc_stamp = t->local_tsc_stamp; } memset(&_u, 0, sizeof(_u)); if ( d->arch.vtsc ) { _u.tsc_timestamp = tsc_stamp; _u.system_time = t->stime_local_stamp; _u.tsc_to_system_mul = d->arch.vtsc_to_ns.mul_frac; _u.tsc_shift = d->arch.vtsc_to_ns.shift; } else { _u.tsc_timestamp = t->local_tsc_stamp; _u.system_time = t->stime_local_stamp; _u.tsc_to_system_mul = t->tsc_scale.mul_frac; _u.tsc_shift = (s8)t->tsc_scale.shift; } if ( is_hvm_domain(d) ) _u.tsc_timestamp += v->arch.hvm_vcpu.cache_tsc_offset; /* Don't bother unless timestamp record has changed or we are forced. */ _u.version = u->version; /* make versions match for memcmp test */ if ( !force && !memcmp(u, &_u, sizeof(_u)) ) return; /* 1. Update guest kernel version. */ _u.version = u->version = version_update_begin(u->version); wmb(); /* 2. Update all other guest kernel fields. */ *u = _u; wmb(); /* 3. Update guest kernel version. */ u->version = version_update_end(u->version); user_u = v->arch.time_info_guest; if ( !guest_handle_is_null(user_u) ) { /* 1. Update userspace version. */ __copy_field_to_guest(user_u, &_u, version); wmb(); /* 2. Update all other userspavce fields. */ __copy_to_guest(user_u, &_u, 1); wmb(); /* 3. Update userspace version. */ _u.version = version_update_end(_u.version); __copy_field_to_guest(user_u, &_u, version); } } void update_vcpu_system_time(struct vcpu *v) { __update_vcpu_system_time(v, 0); } void force_update_vcpu_system_time(struct vcpu *v) { __update_vcpu_system_time(v, 1); } void update_domain_wallclock_time(struct domain *d) { uint32_t *wc_version; spin_lock(&wc_lock); wc_version = &shared_info(d, wc_version); *wc_version = version_update_begin(*wc_version); wmb(); shared_info(d, wc_sec) = wc_sec + d->time_offset_seconds; shared_info(d, wc_nsec) = wc_nsec; wmb(); *wc_version = version_update_end(*wc_version); spin_unlock(&wc_lock); } static void update_domain_rtc(void) { struct domain *d; rcu_read_lock(&domlist_read_lock); for_each_domain ( d ) if ( is_hvm_domain(d) ) rtc_update_clock(d); rcu_read_unlock(&domlist_read_lock); } void domain_set_time_offset(struct domain *d, int32_t time_offset_seconds) { d->time_offset_seconds = time_offset_seconds; if ( is_hvm_domain(d) ) rtc_update_clock(d); update_domain_wallclock_time(d); } int cpu_frequency_change(u64 freq) { struct cpu_time *t = &this_cpu(cpu_time); u64 curr_tsc; /* Sanity check: CPU frequency allegedly dropping below 1MHz? */ if ( freq < 1000000u ) { printk(XENLOG_WARNING "Rejecting CPU frequency change " "to %"PRIu64" Hz\n", freq); return -EINVAL; } local_irq_disable(); /* Platform time /first/, as we may be delayed by platform_timer_lock. */ t->stime_master_stamp = read_platform_stime(); /* TSC-extrapolated time may be bogus after frequency change. */ /*t->stime_local_stamp = get_s_time();*/ t->stime_local_stamp = t->stime_master_stamp; rdtscll(curr_tsc); t->local_tsc_stamp = curr_tsc; set_time_scale(&t->tsc_scale, freq); local_irq_enable(); update_vcpu_system_time(current); /* A full epoch should pass before we check for deviation. */ if ( smp_processor_id() == 0 ) { set_timer(&calibration_timer, NOW() + EPOCH); platform_time_calibration(); } return 0; } /* Set clock to after 00:00:00 UTC, 1 January, 1970. */ void do_settime(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nsecs, u64 system_time_base) { u64 x; u32 y, _wc_sec, _wc_nsec; struct domain *d; x = (secs * 1000000000ULL) + (u64)nsecs - system_time_base; y = do_div(x, 1000000000); spin_lock(&wc_lock); wc_sec = _wc_sec = (u32)x; wc_nsec = _wc_nsec = (u32)y; spin_unlock(&wc_lock); rcu_read_lock(&domlist_read_lock); for_each_domain ( d ) update_domain_wallclock_time(d); rcu_read_unlock(&domlist_read_lock); } /* Per-CPU communication between rendezvous IRQ and softirq handler. */ struct cpu_calibration { u64 local_tsc_stamp; s_time_t stime_local_stamp; s_time_t stime_master_stamp; }; static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct cpu_calibration, cpu_calibration); /* Softirq handler for per-CPU time calibration. */ static void local_time_calibration(void) { struct cpu_time *t = &this_cpu(cpu_time); struct cpu_calibration *c = &this_cpu(cpu_calibration); /* * System timestamps, extrapolated from local and master oscillators, * taken during this calibration and the previous calibration. */ s_time_t prev_local_stime, curr_local_stime; s_time_t prev_master_stime, curr_master_stime; /* TSC timestamps taken during this calibration and prev calibration. */ u64 prev_tsc, curr_tsc; /* * System time and TSC ticks elapsed during the previous calibration * 'epoch'. These values are down-shifted to fit in 32 bits. */ u64 stime_elapsed64, tsc_elapsed64; u32 stime_elapsed32, tsc_elapsed32; /* The accumulated error in the local estimate. */ u64 local_stime_err; /* Error correction to slow down a fast local clock. */ u32 error_factor = 0; /* Calculated TSC shift to ensure 32-bit scale multiplier. */ int tsc_shift = 0; /* The overall calibration scale multiplier. */ u32 calibration_mul_frac; if ( boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_CONSTANT_TSC) ) { /* Atomically read cpu_calibration struct and write cpu_time struct. */ local_irq_disable(); t->local_tsc_stamp = c->local_tsc_stamp; t->stime_local_stamp = c->stime_master_stamp; t->stime_master_stamp = c->stime_master_stamp; local_irq_enable(); update_vcpu_system_time(current); goto out; } prev_tsc = t->local_tsc_stamp; prev_local_stime = t->stime_local_stamp; prev_master_stime = t->stime_master_stamp; /* Disabling IRQs ensures we atomically read cpu_calibration struct. */ local_irq_disable(); curr_tsc = c->local_tsc_stamp; curr_local_stime = c->stime_local_stamp; curr_master_stime = c->stime_master_stamp; local_irq_enable(); #if 0 printk("PRE%d: tsc=%"PRIu64" stime=%"PRIu64" master=%"PRIu64"\n", smp_processor_id(), prev_tsc, prev_local_stime, prev_master_stime); printk("CUR%d: tsc=%"PRIu64" stime=%"PRIu64" master=%"PRIu64 " -> %"PRId64"\n", smp_processor_id(), curr_tsc, curr_local_stime, curr_master_stime, curr_master_stime - curr_local_stime); #endif /* Local time warps forward if it lags behind master time. */ if ( curr_local_stime < curr_master_stime ) curr_local_stime = curr_master_stime; stime_elapsed64 = curr_master_stime - prev_master_stime; tsc_elapsed64 = curr_tsc - prev_tsc; /* * Weirdness can happen if we lose sync with the platform timer. * We could be smarter here: resync platform timer with local timer? */ if ( ((s64)stime_elapsed64 < (EPOCH / 2)) ) goto out; /* * Calculate error-correction factor. This only slows down a fast local * clock (slow clocks are warped forwards). The scale factor is clamped * to >= 0.5. */ if ( curr_local_stime != curr_master_stime ) { local_stime_err = curr_local_stime - curr_master_stime; if ( local_stime_err > EPOCH ) local_stime_err = EPOCH; error_factor = div_frac(EPOCH, EPOCH + (u32)local_stime_err); } /* * We require 0 < stime_elapsed < 2^31. * This allows us to binary shift a 32-bit tsc_elapsed such that: * stime_elapsed < tsc_elapsed <= 2*stime_elapsed */ while ( ((u32)stime_elapsed64 != stime_elapsed64) || ((s32)stime_elapsed64 < 0) ) { stime_elapsed64 >>= 1; tsc_elapsed64 >>= 1; } /* stime_master_diff now fits in a 32-bit word. */ stime_elapsed32 = (u32)stime_elapsed64; /* tsc_elapsed <= 2*stime_elapsed */ while ( tsc_elapsed64 > (stime_elapsed32 * 2) ) { tsc_elapsed64 >>= 1; tsc_shift--; } /* Local difference must now fit in 32 bits. */ ASSERT((u32)tsc_elapsed64 == tsc_elapsed64); tsc_elapsed32 = (u32)tsc_elapsed64; /* tsc_elapsed > stime_elapsed */ ASSERT(tsc_elapsed32 != 0); while ( tsc_elapsed32 <= stime_elapsed32 ) { tsc_elapsed32 <<= 1; tsc_shift++; } calibration_mul_frac = div_frac(stime_elapsed32, tsc_elapsed32); if ( error_factor != 0 ) calibration_mul_frac = mul_frac(calibration_mul_frac, error_factor); #if 0 printk("---%d: %08x %08x %d\n", smp_processor_id(), error_factor, calibration_mul_frac, tsc_shift); #endif /* Record new timestamp information, atomically w.r.t. interrupts. */ local_irq_disable(); t->tsc_scale.mul_frac = calibration_mul_frac; t->tsc_scale.shift = tsc_shift; t->local_tsc_stamp = curr_tsc; t->stime_local_stamp = curr_local_stime; t->stime_master_stamp = curr_master_stime; local_irq_enable(); update_vcpu_system_time(current); out: if ( smp_processor_id() == 0 ) { set_timer(&calibration_timer, NOW() + EPOCH); platform_time_calibration(); } } /* * TSC Reliability check */ /* * The Linux original version of this function is * Copyright (c) 2006, Red Hat, Inc., Ingo Molnar */ static void check_tsc_warp(unsigned long tsc_khz, unsigned long *max_warp) { #define rdtsc_barrier() mb() static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(sync_lock); static cycles_t last_tsc; cycles_t start, now, prev, end; int i; rdtsc_barrier(); start = get_cycles(); rdtsc_barrier(); /* The measurement runs for 20 msecs: */ end = start + tsc_khz * 20ULL; now = start; for ( i = 0; ; i++ ) { /* * We take the global lock, measure TSC, save the * previous TSC that was measured (possibly on * another CPU) and update the previous TSC timestamp. */ spin_lock(&sync_lock); prev = last_tsc; rdtsc_barrier(); now = get_cycles(); rdtsc_barrier(); last_tsc = now; spin_unlock(&sync_lock); /* * Be nice every now and then (and also check whether measurement is * done [we also insert a 10 million loops safety exit, so we dont * lock up in case the TSC readout is totally broken]): */ if ( unlikely(!(i & 7)) ) { if ( (now > end) || (i > 10000000) ) break; cpu_relax(); /*touch_nmi_watchdog();*/ } /* * Outside the critical section we can now see whether we saw a * time-warp of the TSC going backwards: */ if ( unlikely(prev > now) ) { spin_lock(&sync_lock); if ( *max_warp < prev - now ) *max_warp = prev - now; spin_unlock(&sync_lock); } } } static unsigned long tsc_max_warp, tsc_check_count; static cpumask_t tsc_check_cpumask; static void tsc_check_slave(void *unused) { unsigned int cpu = smp_processor_id(); local_irq_disable(); while ( !cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, &tsc_check_cpumask) ) mb(); check_tsc_warp(cpu_khz, &tsc_max_warp); cpumask_clear_cpu(cpu, &tsc_check_cpumask); local_irq_enable(); } static void tsc_check_reliability(void) { unsigned int cpu = smp_processor_id(); static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(lock); spin_lock(&lock); tsc_check_count++; smp_call_function(tsc_check_slave, NULL, 0); cpumask_andnot(&tsc_check_cpumask, &cpu_online_map, cpumask_of(cpu)); local_irq_disable(); check_tsc_warp(cpu_khz, &tsc_max_warp); local_irq_enable(); while ( !cpumask_empty(&tsc_check_cpumask) ) cpu_relax(); spin_unlock(&lock); } /* * Rendezvous for all CPUs in IRQ context. * Master CPU snapshots the platform timer. * All CPUS snapshot their local TSC and extrapolation of system time. */ struct calibration_rendezvous { cpumask_t cpu_calibration_map; atomic_t semaphore; s_time_t master_stime; u64 master_tsc_stamp; }; /* * Keep TSCs in sync when they run at the same rate, but may stop in * deep-sleep C states. */ static void time_calibration_tsc_rendezvous(void *_r) { int i; struct cpu_calibration *c = &this_cpu(cpu_calibration); struct calibration_rendezvous *r = _r; unsigned int total_cpus = cpumask_weight(&r->cpu_calibration_map); /* Loop to get rid of cache effects on TSC skew. */ for ( i = 4; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( smp_processor_id() == 0 ) { while ( atomic_read(&r->semaphore) != (total_cpus - 1) ) mb(); if ( r->master_stime == 0 ) { r->master_stime = read_platform_stime(); rdtscll(r->master_tsc_stamp); } atomic_inc(&r->semaphore); if ( i == 0 ) write_tsc(r->master_tsc_stamp); while ( atomic_read(&r->semaphore) != (2*total_cpus - 1) ) mb(); atomic_set(&r->semaphore, 0); } else { atomic_inc(&r->semaphore); while ( atomic_read(&r->semaphore) < total_cpus ) mb(); if ( i == 0 ) write_tsc(r->master_tsc_stamp); atomic_inc(&r->semaphore); while ( atomic_read(&r->semaphore) > total_cpus ) mb(); } } rdtscll(c->local_tsc_stamp); c->stime_local_stamp = get_s_time(); c->stime_master_stamp = r->master_stime; raise_softirq(TIME_CALIBRATE_SOFTIRQ); } /* Ordinary rendezvous function which does not modify TSC values. */ static void time_calibration_std_rendezvous(void *_r) { struct cpu_calibration *c = &this_cpu(cpu_calibration); struct calibration_rendezvous *r = _r; unsigned int total_cpus = cpumask_weight(&r->cpu_calibration_map); if ( smp_processor_id() == 0 ) { while ( atomic_read(&r->semaphore) != (total_cpus - 1) ) cpu_relax(); r->master_stime = read_platform_stime(); mb(); /* write r->master_stime /then/ signal */ atomic_inc(&r->semaphore); } else { atomic_inc(&r->semaphore); while ( atomic_read(&r->semaphore) != total_cpus ) cpu_relax(); mb(); /* receive signal /then/ read r->master_stime */ } rdtscll(c->local_tsc_stamp); c->stime_local_stamp = get_s_time(); c->stime_master_stamp = r->master_stime; raise_softirq(TIME_CALIBRATE_SOFTIRQ); } static void (*time_calibration_rendezvous_fn)(void *) = time_calibration_std_rendezvous; static void time_calibration(void *unused) { struct calibration_rendezvous r = { .semaphore = ATOMIC_INIT(0) }; cpumask_copy(&r.cpu_calibration_map, &cpu_online_map); /* @wait=1 because we must wait for all cpus before freeing @r. */ on_selected_cpus(&r.cpu_calibration_map, time_calibration_rendezvous_fn, &r, 1); } void init_percpu_time(void) { struct cpu_time *t = &this_cpu(cpu_time); unsigned long flags; s_time_t now; /* Initial estimate for TSC rate. */ this_cpu(cpu_time).tsc_scale = per_cpu(cpu_time, 0).tsc_scale; local_irq_save(flags); rdtscll(t->local_tsc_stamp); now = read_platform_stime(); local_irq_restore(flags); t->stime_master_stamp = now; t->stime_local_stamp = now; } /* * On certain older Intel CPUs writing the TSC MSR clears the upper 32 bits. * Obviously we must not use write_tsc() on such CPUs. * * Additionally, AMD specifies that being able to write the TSC MSR is not an * architectural feature (but, other than their manual says, also cannot be * determined from CPUID bits). */ static void __init tsc_check_writability(void) { const char *what = NULL; uint64_t tsc; /* * If all CPUs are reported as synchronised and in sync, we never write * the TSCs (except unavoidably, when a CPU is physically hot-plugged). * Hence testing for writability is pointless and even harmful. */ if ( boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_TSC_RELIABLE) ) return; rdtscll(tsc); if ( wrmsr_safe(MSR_IA32_TSC, 0) == 0 ) { uint64_t tmp, tmp2; rdtscll(tmp2); write_tsc(tsc | (1ULL << 32)); rdtscll(tmp); if ( ABS((s64)tmp - (s64)tmp2) < (1LL << 31) ) what = "only partially"; } else { what = "not"; } /* Nothing to do if the TSC is fully writable. */ if ( !what ) { /* * Paranoia - write back original TSC value. However, APs get synced * with BSP as they are brought up, so this doesn't much matter. */ write_tsc(tsc); return; } printk(XENLOG_WARNING "TSC %s writable\n", what); /* time_calibration_tsc_rendezvous() must not be used */ setup_clear_cpu_cap(X86_FEATURE_CONSTANT_TSC); /* cstate_restore_tsc() must not be used (or do nothing) */ if ( !boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_NONSTOP_TSC) ) cpuidle_disable_deep_cstate(); /* synchronize_tsc_slave() must do nothing */ disable_tsc_sync = 1; } /* Late init function, after all cpus have booted */ static int __init verify_tsc_reliability(void) { if ( boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_TSC_RELIABLE) ) { /* * Sadly, despite processor vendors' best design guidance efforts, on * some systems, cpus may come out of reset improperly synchronized. * So we must verify there is no warp and we can't do that until all * CPUs are booted. */ tsc_check_reliability(); if ( tsc_max_warp ) { printk("%s: TSC warp detected, disabling TSC_RELIABLE\n", __func__); setup_clear_cpu_cap(X86_FEATURE_TSC_RELIABLE); } } return 0; } __initcall(verify_tsc_reliability); /* Late init function (after interrupts are enabled). */ int __init init_xen_time(void) { tsc_check_writability(); /* If we have constant-rate TSCs then scale factor can be shared. */ if ( boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_CONSTANT_TSC) ) { /* If TSCs are not marked as 'reliable', re-sync during rendezvous. */ if ( !boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_TSC_RELIABLE) ) time_calibration_rendezvous_fn = time_calibration_tsc_rendezvous; } open_softirq(TIME_CALIBRATE_SOFTIRQ, local_time_calibration); /* System time (get_s_time()) starts ticking from now. */ rdtscll(this_cpu(cpu_time).local_tsc_stamp); /* NB. get_cmos_time() can take over one second to execute. */ do_settime(get_cmos_time(), 0, NOW()); init_platform_timer(); init_percpu_time(); init_timer(&calibration_timer, time_calibration, NULL, 0); set_timer(&calibration_timer, NOW() + EPOCH); return 0; } /* Early init function. */ void __init early_time_init(void) { u64 tmp = init_pit_and_calibrate_tsc(); set_time_scale(&this_cpu(cpu_time).tsc_scale, tmp); do_div(tmp, 1000); cpu_khz = (unsigned long)tmp; printk("Detected %lu.%03lu MHz processor.\n", cpu_khz / 1000, cpu_khz % 1000); setup_irq(0, &irq0); } /* keep pit enabled for pit_broadcast working while cpuidle enabled */ static int _disable_pit_irq(void(*hpet_broadcast_setup)(void)) { int ret = 1; if ( using_pit || !cpu_has_apic ) return -1; /* * If we do not rely on PIT CH0 then we can use HPET for one-shot timer * emulation when entering deep C states. * XXX dom0 may rely on RTC interrupt delivery, so only enable * hpet_broadcast if FSB mode available or if force_hpet_broadcast. */ if ( cpuidle_using_deep_cstate() && !boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_ARAT) ) { hpet_broadcast_setup(); if ( !hpet_broadcast_is_available() ) { if ( xen_cpuidle > 0 ) { print_symbol("%s() failed, turning to PIT broadcast\n", (unsigned long)hpet_broadcast_setup); return -1; } ret = 0; } } /* Disable PIT CH0 timer interrupt. */ outb_p(0x30, PIT_MODE); outb_p(0, PIT_CH0); outb_p(0, PIT_CH0); return ret; } static int __init disable_pit_irq(void) { if ( !_disable_pit_irq(hpet_broadcast_init) ) { xen_cpuidle = 0; printk("CPUIDLE: disabled due to no HPET. " "Force enable with 'cpuidle'.\n"); } return 0; } __initcall(disable_pit_irq); void pit_broadcast_enter(void) { cpumask_set_cpu(smp_processor_id(), &pit_broadcast_mask); } void pit_broadcast_exit(void) { int cpu = smp_processor_id(); if ( cpumask_test_and_clear_cpu(cpu, &pit_broadcast_mask) ) reprogram_timer(this_cpu(timer_deadline)); } int pit_broadcast_is_available(void) { return cpuidle_using_deep_cstate(); } void send_timer_event(struct vcpu *v) { send_guest_vcpu_virq(v, VIRQ_TIMER); } /* Return secs after 00:00:00 localtime, 1 January, 1970. */ unsigned long get_localtime(struct domain *d) { return wc_sec + (wc_nsec + NOW()) / 1000000000ULL + d->time_offset_seconds; } /* Return microsecs after 00:00:00 localtime, 1 January, 1970. */ uint64_t get_localtime_us(struct domain *d) { return ((wc_sec + d->time_offset_seconds) * 1000000000ULL + wc_nsec + NOW()) / 1000UL; } unsigned long get_sec(void) { return wc_sec + (wc_nsec + NOW()) / 1000000000ULL; } /* "cmos_utc_offset" is the difference between UTC time and CMOS time. */ static long cmos_utc_offset; /* in seconds */ int time_suspend(void) { if ( smp_processor_id() == 0 ) { cmos_utc_offset = -get_cmos_time(); cmos_utc_offset += (wc_sec + (wc_nsec + NOW()) / 1000000000ULL); kill_timer(&calibration_timer); /* Sync platform timer stamps. */ platform_time_calibration(); } /* Better to cancel calibration timer for accuracy. */ clear_bit(TIME_CALIBRATE_SOFTIRQ, &softirq_pending(smp_processor_id())); return 0; } int time_resume(void) { init_pit_and_calibrate_tsc(); resume_platform_timer(); if ( !_disable_pit_irq(hpet_broadcast_resume) ) BUG(); init_percpu_time(); set_timer(&calibration_timer, NOW() + EPOCH); do_settime(get_cmos_time() + cmos_utc_offset, 0, NOW()); update_vcpu_system_time(current); update_domain_rtc(); return 0; } int dom0_pit_access(struct ioreq *ioreq) { /* Is Xen using Channel 2? Then disallow direct dom0 access. */ if ( using_pit ) return 0; switch ( ioreq->addr ) { case PIT_CH2: if ( ioreq->dir == IOREQ_READ ) ioreq->data = inb(PIT_CH2); else outb(ioreq->data, PIT_CH2); return 1; case PIT_MODE: if ( ioreq->dir == IOREQ_READ ) return 0; /* urk! */ switch ( ioreq->data & 0xc0 ) { case 0xc0: /* Read Back */ if ( ioreq->data & 0x08 ) /* Select Channel 2? */ outb(ioreq->data & 0xf8, PIT_MODE); if ( !(ioreq->data & 0x06) ) /* Select Channel 0/1? */ return 1; /* no - we're done */ /* Filter Channel 2 and reserved bit 0. */ ioreq->data &= ~0x09; return 0; /* emulate ch0/1 readback */ case 0x80: /* Select Counter 2 */ outb(ioreq->data, PIT_MODE); return 1; } case 0x61: if ( ioreq->dir == IOREQ_READ ) ioreq->data = inb(0x61); else outb((inb(0x61) & ~3) | (ioreq->data & 3), 0x61); return 1; } return 0; } struct tm wallclock_time(void) { uint64_t seconds; if ( !wc_sec ) return (struct tm) { 0 }; seconds = NOW() + (wc_sec * 1000000000ull) + wc_nsec; do_div(seconds, 1000000000); return gmtime(seconds); } /* * PV SoftTSC Emulation. */ /* * tsc=unstable: Override all tests; assume TSC is unreliable. * tsc=skewed: Assume TSCs are individually reliable, but skewed across CPUs. */ static void __init tsc_parse(const char *s) { if ( !strcmp(s, "unstable") ) { setup_clear_cpu_cap(X86_FEATURE_CONSTANT_TSC); setup_clear_cpu_cap(X86_FEATURE_NONSTOP_TSC); setup_clear_cpu_cap(X86_FEATURE_TSC_RELIABLE); } else if ( !strcmp(s, "skewed") ) { setup_clear_cpu_cap(X86_FEATURE_TSC_RELIABLE); } } custom_param("tsc", tsc_parse); u64 gtime_to_gtsc(struct domain *d, u64 time) { if ( !is_hvm_domain(d) ) time = max_t(s64, time - d->arch.vtsc_offset, 0); return scale_delta(time, &d->arch.ns_to_vtsc); } u64 gtsc_to_gtime(struct domain *d, u64 tsc) { u64 time = scale_delta(tsc, &d->arch.vtsc_to_ns); if ( !is_hvm_domain(d) ) time += d->arch.vtsc_offset; return time; } void pv_soft_rdtsc(struct vcpu *v, struct cpu_user_regs *regs, int rdtscp) { s_time_t now = get_s_time(); struct domain *d = v->domain; spin_lock(&d->arch.vtsc_lock); if ( guest_kernel_mode(v, regs) ) d->arch.vtsc_kerncount++; else d->arch.vtsc_usercount++; if ( (int64_t)(now - d->arch.vtsc_last) > 0 ) d->arch.vtsc_last = now; else now = ++d->arch.vtsc_last; spin_unlock(&d->arch.vtsc_lock); now = gtime_to_gtsc(d, now); regs->eax = (uint32_t)now; regs->edx = (uint32_t)(now >> 32); if ( rdtscp ) regs->ecx = (d->arch.tsc_mode == TSC_MODE_PVRDTSCP) ? d->arch.incarnation : 0; } int host_tsc_is_safe(void) { return boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_TSC_RELIABLE); } void cpuid_time_leaf(uint32_t sub_idx, uint32_t *eax, uint32_t *ebx, uint32_t *ecx, uint32_t *edx) { struct domain *d = current->domain; uint64_t offset; switch ( sub_idx ) { case 0: /* features */ *eax = ( ( (!!d->arch.vtsc) << 0 ) | ( (!!host_tsc_is_safe()) << 1 ) | ( (!!boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_RDTSCP)) << 2 ) | 0 ); *ebx = d->arch.tsc_mode; *ecx = d->arch.tsc_khz; *edx = d->arch.incarnation; break; case 1: /* scale and offset */ if ( !d->arch.vtsc ) offset = d->arch.vtsc_offset; else /* offset already applied to value returned by virtual rdtscp */ offset = 0; *eax = (uint32_t)offset; *ebx = (uint32_t)(offset >> 32); *ecx = d->arch.vtsc_to_ns.mul_frac; *edx = (s8)d->arch.vtsc_to_ns.shift; break; case 2: /* physical cpu_khz */ *eax = cpu_khz; *ebx = *ecx = *edx = 0; break; default: *eax = *ebx = *ecx = *edx = 0; } } /* * called to collect tsc-related data only for save file or live * migrate; called after last rdtsc is done on this incarnation */ void tsc_get_info(struct domain *d, uint32_t *tsc_mode, uint64_t *elapsed_nsec, uint32_t *gtsc_khz, uint32_t *incarnation) { *incarnation = d->arch.incarnation; *tsc_mode = d->arch.tsc_mode; switch ( *tsc_mode ) { case TSC_MODE_NEVER_EMULATE: *elapsed_nsec = *gtsc_khz = 0; break; case TSC_MODE_ALWAYS_EMULATE: *elapsed_nsec = get_s_time() - d->arch.vtsc_offset; *gtsc_khz = d->arch.tsc_khz; break; case TSC_MODE_DEFAULT: if ( d->arch.vtsc ) { *elapsed_nsec = get_s_time() - d->arch.vtsc_offset; *gtsc_khz = d->arch.tsc_khz; } else { uint64_t tsc = 0; rdtscll(tsc); *elapsed_nsec = scale_delta(tsc,&d->arch.vtsc_to_ns); *gtsc_khz = cpu_khz; } break; case TSC_MODE_PVRDTSCP: if ( d->arch.vtsc ) { *elapsed_nsec = get_s_time() - d->arch.vtsc_offset; *gtsc_khz = cpu_khz; } else { uint64_t tsc = 0; rdtscll(tsc); *elapsed_nsec = (scale_delta(tsc,&d->arch.vtsc_to_ns) - d->arch.vtsc_offset); *gtsc_khz = 0; /* ignored by tsc_set_info */ } break; } if ( (int64_t)*elapsed_nsec < 0 ) *elapsed_nsec = 0; } /* * This may be called as many as three times for a domain, once when the * hypervisor creates the domain, once when the toolstack creates the * domain and, if restoring/migrating, once when saved/migrated values * are restored. Care must be taken that, if multiple calls occur, * only the last "sticks" and all are completed before the guest executes * an rdtsc instruction */ void tsc_set_info(struct domain *d, uint32_t tsc_mode, uint64_t elapsed_nsec, uint32_t gtsc_khz, uint32_t incarnation) { if ( is_idle_domain(d) || (d->domain_id == 0) ) { d->arch.vtsc = 0; return; } switch ( d->arch.tsc_mode = tsc_mode ) { case TSC_MODE_NEVER_EMULATE: d->arch.vtsc = 0; break; case TSC_MODE_ALWAYS_EMULATE: d->arch.vtsc = 1; d->arch.vtsc_offset = get_s_time() - elapsed_nsec; d->arch.tsc_khz = gtsc_khz ? gtsc_khz : cpu_khz; set_time_scale(&d->arch.vtsc_to_ns, d->arch.tsc_khz * 1000 ); d->arch.ns_to_vtsc = scale_reciprocal(d->arch.vtsc_to_ns); break; case TSC_MODE_DEFAULT: d->arch.vtsc = 1; d->arch.vtsc_offset = get_s_time() - elapsed_nsec; d->arch.tsc_khz = gtsc_khz ? gtsc_khz : cpu_khz; set_time_scale(&d->arch.vtsc_to_ns, d->arch.tsc_khz * 1000 ); /* use native TSC if initial host has safe TSC, has not migrated * yet and tsc_khz == cpu_khz */ if ( host_tsc_is_safe() && incarnation == 0 && d->arch.tsc_khz == cpu_khz ) d->arch.vtsc = 0; else d->arch.ns_to_vtsc = scale_reciprocal(d->arch.vtsc_to_ns); break; case TSC_MODE_PVRDTSCP: d->arch.vtsc = boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_RDTSCP) && host_tsc_is_safe() ? 0 : 1; d->arch.tsc_khz = cpu_khz; set_time_scale(&d->arch.vtsc_to_ns, d->arch.tsc_khz * 1000 ); d->arch.ns_to_vtsc = scale_reciprocal(d->arch.vtsc_to_ns); if ( d->arch.vtsc ) d->arch.vtsc_offset = get_s_time() - elapsed_nsec; else { /* when using native TSC, offset is nsec relative to power-on * of physical machine */ uint64_t tsc = 0; rdtscll(tsc); d->arch.vtsc_offset = scale_delta(tsc,&d->arch.vtsc_to_ns) - elapsed_nsec; } break; } d->arch.incarnation = incarnation + 1; if ( is_hvm_domain(d) ) hvm_set_rdtsc_exiting(d, d->arch.vtsc); } /* vtsc may incur measurable performance degradation, diagnose with this */ static void dump_softtsc(unsigned char key) { struct domain *d; int domcnt = 0; tsc_check_reliability(); if ( boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_TSC_RELIABLE) ) printk("TSC marked as reliable, " "warp = %lu (count=%lu)\n", tsc_max_warp, tsc_check_count); else if ( boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_CONSTANT_TSC ) ) { printk("TSC has constant rate, "); if (max_cstate <= 2 && tsc_max_warp == 0) printk("no deep Cstates, passed warp test, deemed reliable, "); else printk("deep Cstates possible, so not reliable, "); printk("warp=%lu (count=%lu)\n", tsc_max_warp, tsc_check_count); } else printk("TSC not marked as either constant or reliable, " "warp=%lu (count=%lu)\n", tsc_max_warp, tsc_check_count); for_each_domain ( d ) { if ( d->domain_id == 0 && d->arch.tsc_mode == TSC_MODE_DEFAULT ) continue; printk("dom%u%s: mode=%d",d->domain_id, is_hvm_domain(d) ? "(hvm)" : "", d->arch.tsc_mode); if ( d->arch.vtsc_offset ) printk(",ofs=%#"PRIx64, d->arch.vtsc_offset); if ( d->arch.tsc_khz ) printk(",khz=%"PRIu32, d->arch.tsc_khz); if ( d->arch.incarnation ) printk(",inc=%"PRIu32, d->arch.incarnation); if ( !(d->arch.vtsc_kerncount | d->arch.vtsc_usercount) ) { printk("\n"); continue; } if ( is_hvm_domain(d) ) printk(",vtsc count: %"PRIu64" total\n", d->arch.vtsc_kerncount); else printk(",vtsc count: %"PRIu64" kernel, %"PRIu64" user\n", d->arch.vtsc_kerncount, d->arch.vtsc_usercount); domcnt++; } if ( !domcnt ) printk("No domains have emulated TSC\n"); } static struct keyhandler dump_softtsc_keyhandler = { .diagnostic = 1, .u.fn = dump_softtsc, .desc = "dump softtsc stats" }; static int __init setup_dump_softtsc(void) { register_keyhandler('s', &dump_softtsc_keyhandler); return 0; } __initcall(setup_dump_softtsc); /* * Local variables: * mode: C * c-file-style: "BSD" * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 4 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */