import os, re, socket, string, sys, tempfile ##### Module variables """Location of the Virtual Disk management database. defaults to /var/db/xen_vdisks.sqlite """ VD_DB_FILE = "/var/db/xen_vdisks.sqlite" """VBD expertise level - determines the strictness of the sanity checking. This mode determines the level of complaints when disk sharing occurs through the current VBD mappings. 0 - only allow shared mappings if both domains have r/o access (always OK) 1 - also allow sharing with one dom r/w and the other r/o 2 - allow sharing with both doms r/w """ VBD_EXPERT_MODE = 0 ##### Module initialisation try: # try to import sqlite (not everyone will have it installed) import sqlite except ImportError: # on failure, just catch the error, don't do anything pass ##### Networking-related functions def get_current_ipaddr(dev='eth0'): """Return a string containing the primary IP address for the given network interface (default 'eth0'). """ fd = os.popen( '/sbin/ifconfig ' + dev + ' 2>/dev/null' ) lines = fd.readlines() for line in lines: m = '^\s+inet addr:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*', line ) if m: return return None def get_current_ipmask(dev='eth0'): """Return a string containing the primary IP netmask for the given network interface (default 'eth0'). """ fd = os.popen( '/sbin/ifconfig ' + dev + ' 2>/dev/null' ) lines = fd.readlines() for line in lines: m = '^.+Mask:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*', line ) if m: return return None def get_current_ipgw(dev='eth0'): """Return a string containing the IP gateway for the given network interface (default 'eth0'). """ fd = os.popen( '/sbin/route -n' ) lines = fd.readlines() for line in lines: m = '^\S+\s+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)' + '\s+\S+\s+\S*G.*' + dev + '.*', line ) if m: return return None def setup_vfr_rules_for_vif(dom,vif,addr): """Takes a tuple ( domain-id, vif-id, ip-addr ), where the ip-addr is expressed as a textual dotted quad, and set up appropriate routing rules in Xen. No return value. """ fd = '/proc/xen/vfr', os.O_WRONLY ) if ( '169\.254', addr) ): os.write( fd, 'ADD ACCEPT srcaddr=' + addr + ' srcaddrmask=' + ' srcdom=' + str(dom) + ' srcidx=' + str(vif) + ' dstdom=0 dstidx=0 proto=any\n' ) else: os.write( fd, 'ADD ACCEPT srcaddr=' + addr + ' srcaddrmask=' + ' srcdom=' + str(dom) + ' srcidx=' + str(vif) + ' dst=PHYS proto=any\n' ) os.write( fd, 'ADD ACCEPT dstaddr=' + addr + ' dstaddrmask=' + ' src=ANY' + ' dstdom=' + str(dom) + ' dstidx=' + str(vif) + ' proto=any\n' ) os.close( fd ) return None def add_offset_to_ip( ip, off ): l = string.split(ip,'.') a = ( (string.atoi(l[0])<<24) | (string.atoi(l[1])<<16) | (string.atoi(l[2])<<8) | string.atoi(l[3]) ) + off return '%d.%d.%d.%d' % ( ((a>>24)&0xff), ((a>>16)&0xff), ((a>>8)&0xff), (a&0xff) ) def check_subnet( ip, network, netmask ): l = string.split(ip,'.') n_ip = ( (string.atoi(l[0])<<24) | (string.atoi(l[1])<<16) | (string.atoi(l[2])<<8) | string.atoi(l[3]) ) l = string.split(network,'.') n_net = ( (string.atoi(l[0])<<24) | (string.atoi(l[1])<<16) | (string.atoi(l[2])<<8) | string.atoi(l[3]) ) l = string.split(netmask,'.') n_mask = ( (string.atoi(l[0])<<24) | (string.atoi(l[1])<<16) | (string.atoi(l[2])<<8) | string.atoi(l[3]) ) return (n_ip&n_mask)==(n_net&n_mask) ##### VBD-related Functions def blkdev_name_to_number(name): """Take the given textual block-device name (e.g., '/dev/sda1', 'hda') and return the device number used by the OS. """ if not re.match( '/dev/', name ): name = '/dev/' + name return os.stat(name).st_rdev # lookup_blkdev_partn_info( '/dev/sda3' ) def lookup_raw_partn(partition): """Take the given block-device name (e.g., '/dev/sda1', 'hda') and return a dictionary { device, start_sector, nr_sectors, type } device: Device number of the given partition start_sector: Index of first sector of the partition nr_sectors: Number of sectors comprising this partition type: 'Disk' or identifying name for partition type """ if not re.match( '/dev/', partition ): partition = '/dev/' + partition drive = re.split( '[0-9]', partition )[0] if drive == partition: fd = os.popen( '/sbin/sfdisk -s ' + drive + ' 2>/dev/null' ) line = fd.readline() if line: return [ { 'device' : blkdev_name_to_number(drive), 'start_sector' : long(0), 'nr_sectors' : long(line) * 2, 'type' : 'Disk' } ] return None # determine position on disk fd = os.popen( '/sbin/sfdisk -d ' + drive + ' 2>/dev/null' ) #['/dev/sda3 : start= 16948575, size=16836120, Id=83, bootable\012'] lines = fd.readlines() for line in lines: m = '^' + partition + '\s*: start=\s*([0-9]+), ' + 'size=\s*([0-9]+), Id=\s*(\S+).*$', line) if m: return [ { 'device' : blkdev_name_to_number(drive), 'start_sector' : long(, 'nr_sectors' : long(, 'type' : } ] return None def lookup_disk_uname( uname ): """Lookup a list of segments for either a physical or a virtual device. uname [string]: name of the device in the format \'vd:id\' for a virtual disk, or \'phy:dev\' for a physical device returns [list of dicts]: list of extents that make up the named device """ ( type, d_name ) = string.split( uname, ':' ) if type == "phy": segments = lookup_raw_partn( d_name ) elif type == "vd": segments = vd_lookup( d_name ) return segments ##### Management of the Xen control daemon ##### (c) Keir Fraser, University of Cambridge def xend_control_message( message ): """Takes a textual control message and sends it to the 'xend' Xen control daemon. Returns a dictionary containing the daemon's multi-part response.""" tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: ctl = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0) ctl.bind(tmpdir+'/sock') ctl.sendto(message, '/var/run/xend/management_sock') data, addr = ctl.recvfrom(2048) ctl.close() finally: if os.path.exists(tmpdir+'/sock'): os.unlink(tmpdir+'/sock') if os.path.exists(tmpdir): os.rmdir(tmpdir) return eval(data) ##### VD Management-related functions ##### By Mark Williamson, ##### (C) Intel Research Cambridge # TODO: # # Plenty of room for enhancement to this functionality (contributions # welcome - and then you get to have your name in the source ;-)... # # vd_unformat() : want facilities to unallocate virtual disk # partitions, possibly migrating virtual disks of them, with checks to see if # it's safe and options to force it anyway # # vd_create() : should have an optional argument specifying a physical # disk preference - useful to allocate for guest doms to do RAID # # vd_undelete() : add ability to "best effort" undelete as much of a # vdisk as is left in the case that some of it has already been # reallocated. Some people might still be able to recover some of # their data this way, even if some of the disk has disappeared. # # It'd be nice if we could wipe virtual disks for security purposes - # should be easy to do this using dev if=/dev/{zero,random} on each # extent in turn. There could be another optional flag to vd_create # in order to allow this. # # Error codes could be more expressive - i.e. actually tell why the # error occurred rather than "it broke". Currently the code avoids # using exceptions to make control scripting simpler and more # accessible to beginners - therefore probably should just use more # return codes. # # Enhancements / additions to the example scripts are also welcome: # some people will interact with this code mostly through those # scripts. # # More documentation of how this stuff should be used is always nice - # if you have a novel configuration that you feel isn't discussed # enough in the HOWTO (which is currently a work in progress), feel # free to contribute a walkthrough, or something more substantial. # def __vd_no_database(): """Called when no database found - exits with an error """ print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: Could not locate the database file at " + VD_DB_FILE sys.exit(1) def vd_format(partition, extent_size_mb): """Format a partition or drive for use a virtual disk storage. partition [string]: device file representing the partition extent_size_mb [string]: extent size in megabytes to use on this disk """ if not os.path.isfile(VD_DB_FILE): vd_init_db(VD_DB_FILE) if not re.match( '/dev/', partition ): partition = '/dev/' + partition cx = sqlite.connect(VD_DB_FILE) cu = cx.cursor() cu.execute("select * from vdisk_part where partition = \'" + partition + "\'") row = cu.fetchone() extent_size = extent_size_mb * 2048 # convert megabytes to sectors if not row: part_info = lookup_raw_partn(partition)[0] cu.execute("INSERT INTO vdisk_part(partition, part_id, extent_size) " + "VALUES ( \'" + partition + "\', " + str(blkdev_name_to_number(partition)) + ", " + str(extent_size) + ")") cu.execute("SELECT max(vdisk_extent_no) FROM vdisk_extents " + "WHERE vdisk_id = 0") max_id, = cu.fetchone() if max_id != None: new_id = max_id + 1 else: new_id = 0 num_extents = part_info['nr_sectors'] / extent_size for i in range(num_extents): sql ="""INSERT INTO vdisk_extents(vdisk_extent_no, vdisk_id, part_id, part_extent_no) VALUES ("""+ str(new_id + i) + ", 0, "\ + str(blkdev_name_to_number(partition))\ + ", " + str(num_extents - (i + 1)) + ")" cu.execute(sql) cx.commit() cx.close() return 0 def vd_create(size_mb, expiry): """Create a new virtual disk. size_mb [int]: size in megabytes for the new virtual disk expiry [int]: expiry time in seconds from now """ if not os.path.isfile(VD_DB_FILE): __vd_no_database() cx = sqlite.connect(VD_DB_FILE) cu = cx.cursor() size = size_mb * 2048 cu.execute("SELECT max(vdisk_id) FROM vdisks") max_id, = cu.fetchone() new_id = int(max_id) + 1 # fetch a list of extents from the expired disks, along with information # about their size cu.execute("""SELECT vdisks.vdisk_id, vdisk_extent_no, part_extent_no, vdisk_extents.part_id, extent_size FROM vdisks NATURAL JOIN vdisk_extents NATURAL JOIN vdisk_part WHERE expires AND expiry_time <= datetime('now') ORDER BY expiry_time ASC, vdisk_extent_no DESC """) # aims to reuse the last extents # from the longest-expired disks first allocated = 0 if expiry: expiry_ts = "datetime('now', '" + str(expiry) + " seconds')" expires = 1 else: expiry_ts = "NULL" expires = 0 # we'll use this to build the SQL statement we want building_sql = "INSERT INTO vdisks(vdisk_id, size, expires, expiry_time)" \ +" VALUES ("+str(new_id)+", "+str(size)+ ", " \ + str(expires) + ", " + expiry_ts + "); " counter = 0 while allocated < size: row = cu.fetchone() if not row: print "ran out of space, having allocated %d meg of %d" % (allocated, size) cx.close() return -1 (vdisk_id, vdisk_extent_no, part_extent_no, part_id, extent_size) = row allocated += extent_size building_sql += "UPDATE vdisk_extents SET vdisk_id = " + str(new_id) \ + ", " + "vdisk_extent_no = " + str(counter) \ + " WHERE vdisk_extent_no = " + str(vdisk_extent_no) \ + " AND vdisk_id = " + str(vdisk_id) + "; " counter += 1 # this will execute the SQL query we build to store details of the new # virtual disk and allocate space to it print building_sql cu.execute(building_sql) cx.commit() cx.close() return str(new_id) def vd_lookup(id): """Lookup a Virtual Disk by ID. id [string]: a virtual disk identifier Returns [list of dicts]: a list of extents as dicts, containing fields: device : Linux device number of host disk start_sector : within the device nr_sectors : size of this extent type : set to \'VD Extent\' part_device : Linux device no of host partition part_start_sector : within the partition """ if not os.path.isfile(VD_DB_FILE): __vd_no_database() cx = sqlite.connect(VD_DB_FILE) cu = cx.cursor() cu.execute("-- types int") cu.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vdisks WHERE (expiry_time > datetime('now') OR NOT expires) AND vdisk_id = """ + id) count, = cu.fetchone() if not count: cx.close() return None cu.execute("SELECT size from vdisks WHERE vdisk_id = " + id) real_size, = cu.fetchone() # This query tells PySQLite how to convert the data returned from the # following query - the use of the multiplication confuses it otherwise ;-) # This row is significant to PySQLite but is syntactically an SQL comment. cu.execute("-- types str, int, int, int") # This SQL statement is designed so that when the results are fetched they # will be in the right format to return immediately. cu.execute("""SELECT partition, vdisk_part.part_id, round(part_extent_no * extent_size) as start, extent_size FROM vdisks NATURAL JOIN vdisk_extents NATURAL JOIN vdisk_part WHERE vdisk_extents.vdisk_id = """ + id + " ORDER BY vdisk_extents.vdisk_extent_no ASC" ) extent_tuples = cu.fetchall() # use this function to map the results from the database into a dict # list of extents, for consistency with the rest of the code def transform ((partition, part_device, part_offset, nr_sectors)): return { # the disk device this extent is on - for passing to Xen 'device' : lookup_raw_partn(partition)[0]['device'], # the offset of this extent within the disk - for passing to Xen 'start_sector' : long(part_offset + lookup_raw_partn(partition)[0]['start_sector']), # extent size, in sectors 'nr_sectors' : nr_sectors, # partition device this extent is on (useful to know for xenctl.utils fns) 'part_device' : part_device, # start sector within this partition (useful to know for xenctl.utils fns) 'part_start_sector' : part_offset, # type of this extent - handy to know 'type' : 'VD Extent' } cx.commit() cx.close() extent_dicts = map(transform, extent_tuples) # calculate the over-allocation in sectors (happens because # we allocate whole extents) allocated_size = 0 for i in extent_dicts: allocated_size += i['nr_sectors'] over_allocation = allocated_size - real_size # trim down the last extent's length so the resulting VBD will be the # size requested, rather than being rounded up to the nearest extent extent_dicts[len(extent_dicts) - 1]['nr_sectors'] -= over_allocation return extent_dicts def vd_enlarge(vdisk_id, extra_size_mb): """Create a new virtual disk. vdisk_id [string] : ID of the virtual disk to enlarge extra_size_mb [int]: size in megabytes to increase the allocation by returns [int] : 0 on success, otherwise non-zero """ if not os.path.isfile(VD_DB_FILE): __vd_no_database() cx = sqlite.connect(VD_DB_FILE) cu = cx.cursor() extra_size = extra_size_mb * 2048 cu.execute("-- types int") cu.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vdisks WHERE vdisk_id = " + vdisk_id + " AND (expiry_time > datetime('now') OR NOT expires)") count, = cu.fetchone() if not count: # no such vdisk cx.close() return -1 cu.execute("-- types int") cu.execute("""SELECT SUM(extent_size) FROM vdisks NATURAL JOIN vdisk_extents NATURAL JOIN vdisk_part WHERE vdisks.vdisk_id = """ + vdisk_id) real_size, = cu.fetchone() # get the true allocated size cu.execute("-- types int") cu.execute("SELECT size FROM vdisks WHERE vdisk_id = " + vdisk_id) old_size, = cu.fetchone() cu.execute("--- types int") cu.execute("""SELECT MAX(vdisk_extent_no) FROM vdisk_extents WHERE vdisk_id = """ + vdisk_id) counter = cu.fetchone()[0] + 1 # this stores the extent numbers # because of the extent-based allocation, the VD may already have more # allocated space than they asked for. Find out how much we really # need to add. add_size = extra_size + old_size - real_size # fetch a list of extents from the expired disks, along with information # about their size cu.execute("""SELECT vdisks.vdisk_id, vdisk_extent_no, part_extent_no, vdisk_extents.part_id, extent_size FROM vdisks NATURAL JOIN vdisk_extents NATURAL JOIN vdisk_part WHERE expires AND expiry_time <= datetime('now') ORDER BY expiry_time ASC, vdisk_extent_no DESC """) # aims to reuse the last extents # from the longest-expired disks first allocated = 0 building_sql = "UPDATE vdisks SET size = " + str(old_size + extra_size)\ + " WHERE vdisk_id = " + vdisk_id + "; " while allocated < add_size: row = cu.fetchone() if not row: cx.close() return -1 (dead_vd_id, vdisk_extent_no, part_extent_no, part_id, extent_size) = row allocated += extent_size building_sql += "UPDATE vdisk_extents SET vdisk_id = " + vdisk_id \ + ", " + "vdisk_extent_no = " + str(counter) \ + " WHERE vdisk_extent_no = " + str(vdisk_extent_no) \ + " AND vdisk_id = " + str(dead_vd_id) + "; " counter += 1 # this will execute the SQL query we build to store details of the new # virtual disk and allocate space to it print building_sql cu.execute(building_sql) cx.commit() cx.close() return 0 def vd_undelete(vdisk_id, expiry_time): """Create a new virtual disk. vdisk_id [int]: size in megabytes for the new virtual disk expiry_time [int]: expiry time, in seconds from now returns [int]: zero on success, non-zero on failure """ if not os.path.isfile(VD_DB_FILE): __vd_no_database() if vdisk_id == '0': # undeleting vdisk 0 isn't sane! return -1 cx = sqlite.connect(VD_DB_FILE) cu = cx.cursor() cu.execute("-- types int") cu.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vdisks WHERE vdisk_id = " + vdisk_id) count, = cu.fetchone() if not count: cx.close() return -1 cu.execute("-- types int") cu.execute("""SELECT SUM(extent_size) FROM vdisks NATURAL JOIN vdisk_extents NATURAL JOIN vdisk_part WHERE vdisks.vdisk_id = """ + vdisk_id) real_size, = cu.fetchone() # get the true allocated size cu.execute("-- types int") cu.execute("SELECT size FROM vdisks WHERE vdisk_id = " + vdisk_id) old_size, = cu.fetchone() if real_size < old_size: cx.close() return -1 if expiry_time == 0: expires = '0' else: expires = '1' # this will execute the SQL query we build to store details of the new # virtual disk and allocate space to it print building_sql cu.execute("UPDATE vdisks SET expiry_time = datetime('now','" + str(expiry_time) + " seconds'), expires = " + expires + " WHERE vdisk_id = " + vdisk_id) cx.commit() cx.close() return 0 def vd_list(): """Lists all the virtual disks registered in the system. returns [list of dicts] """ if not os.path.isfile(VD_DB_FILE): __vd_no_database() cx = sqlite.connect(VD_DB_FILE) cu = cx.cursor() cu.execute("""SELECT vdisk_id, size, expires, expiry_time FROM vdisks WHERE (NOT expires) OR expiry_time > datetime('now') """) ret = cu.fetchall() cx.close() def makedicts((vdisk_id, size, expires, expiry_time)): return { 'vdisk_id' : str(vdisk_id), 'size': size, 'expires' : expires, 'expiry_time' : expiry_time } return map(makedicts, ret) def vd_refresh(id, expiry): """Change the expiry time of a virtual disk. id [string] : a virtual disk identifier expiry [int] : expiry time in seconds from now (0 = never expire) returns [int]: zero on success, non-zero on failure """ if not os.path.isfile(VD_DB_FILE): __vd_no_database() cx = sqlite.connect(VD_DB_FILE) cu = cx.cursor() cu.execute("-- types int") cu.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vdisks WHERE vdisk_id = " + id + " AND (expiry_time > datetime('now') OR NOT expires)") count, = cu.fetchone() if not count: cx.close() return -1 if expiry: expires = 1 expiry_ts = "datetime('now', '" + str(expiry) + " seconds')" else: expires = 0 expiry_ts = "NULL" cu.execute("UPDATE vdisks SET expires = " + str(expires) + ", expiry_time = " + expiry_ts + " WHERE (expiry_time > datetime('now') OR NOT expires)" + " AND vdisk_id = " + id) cx.commit() cx.close() return 0 def vd_delete(id): """Deletes a Virtual Disk, making its extents available for future VDs. id [string] : identifier for the virtual disk to delete returns [int] : 0 on success, -1 on failure (VD not found or already deleted) """ if not os.path.isfile(VD_DB_FILE): __vd_no_database() cx = sqlite.connect(VD_DB_FILE) cu = cx.cursor() cu.execute("-- types int") cu.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vdisks WHERE vdisk_id = " + id + " AND (expiry_time > datetime('now') OR NOT expires)") count, = cu.fetchone() if not count: cx.close() return -1 cu.execute("UPDATE vdisks SET expires = 1, expiry_time = datetime('now')" + " WHERE vdisk_id = " + id) cx.commit() cx.close() return 0 def vd_freespace(): """Returns the amount of free space available for new virtual disks, in MB returns [int] : free space for VDs in MB """ if not os.path.isfile(VD_DB_FILE): __vd_no_database() cx = sqlite.connect(VD_DB_FILE) cu = cx.cursor() cu.execute("-- types int") cu.execute("""SELECT SUM(extent_size) FROM vdisks NATURAL JOIN vdisk_extents NATURAL JOIN vdisk_part WHERE expiry_time <= datetime('now') AND expires""") sum, = cu.fetchone() cx.close() return sum / 2048 def vd_init_db(path): """Initialise the VD SQLite database path [string]: path to the SQLite database file """ cx = sqlite.connect(path) cu = cx.cursor() cu.execute( """CREATE TABLE vdisk_extents ( vdisk_extent_no INT, vdisk_id INT, part_id INT, part_extent_no INT ) """) cu.execute( """CREATE TABLE vdisk_part ( part_id INT, partition VARCHAR, extent_size INT ) """) cu.execute( """CREATE TABLE vdisks ( vdisk_id INT, size INT, expires BOOLEAN, expiry_time TIMESTAMP ) """) cu.execute( """INSERT INTO vdisks ( vdisk_id, size, expires, expiry_time ) VALUES ( 0, 0, 1, datetime('now') ) """) cx.commit() cx.close() VD_DB_FILE = path def vd_cp_to_file(vdisk_id,filename): """Writes the contents of a specified vdisk out into a disk file, leaving the original copy in the virtual disk pool.""" cx = sqlite.connect(VD_DB_FILE) cu = cx.cursor() extents = vd_lookup(vdisk_id) if not extents: return -1 file_idx = 0 # index into source file, in sectors for i in extents: cu.execute("""SELECT partition, extent_size FROM vdisk_part WHERE part_id = """ + str(i['part_device'])) (partition, extent_size) = cu.fetchone() os.system("dd bs=1b if=" + partition + " of=" + filename + " skip=" + str(i['part_start_sector']) + " seek=" + str(file_idx) + " count=" + str(i['nr_sectors']) + " > /dev/null") file_idx += i['nr_sectors'] cx.close() return 0 # should return -1 if something breaks def vd_mv_to_file(vdisk_id,filename): """Writes a vdisk out into a disk file and frees the space originally taken within the virtual disk pool. vdisk_id [string]: ID of the vdisk to write out filename [string]: file to write vdisk contents out to returns [int]: zero on success, nonzero on failure """ if vd_cp_to_file(vdisk_id,filename): return -1 if vd_delete(vdisk_id): return -1 return 0 def vd_read_from_file(filename,expiry): """Reads the contents of a file directly into a vdisk, which is automatically allocated to fit. filename [string]: file to read disk contents from returns [string] : vdisk ID for the destination vdisk """ size_bytes = os.stat(filename).st_size (size_mb,leftover) = divmod(size_bytes,1048580) # size in megabytes if leftover > 0: size_mb += 1 # round up if not an exact number of MB vdisk_id = vd_create(size_mb, expiry) if vdisk_id < 0: return -1 cx = sqlite.connect(VD_DB_FILE) cu = cx.cursor() cu.execute("""SELECT partition, extent_size, part_extent_no FROM vdisk_part NATURAL JOIN vdisk_extents WHERE vdisk_id = """ + vdisk_id + """ ORDER BY vdisk_extent_no ASC""") extents = cu.fetchall() size_sectors = size_mb * 2048 # for feeding to dd file_idx = 0 # index into source file, in sectors def write_extent_to_vd((partition, extent_size, part_extent_no), file_idx, filename): """Write an extent out to disk and update file_idx""" os.system("dd bs=512 if=" + filename + " of=" + partition + " skip=" + str(file_idx) + " seek=" + str(part_extent_no * extent_size) + " count=" + str(min(extent_size, size_sectors - file_idx)) + " > /dev/null") return extent_size for i in extents: file_idx += write_extent_to_vd(i, file_idx, filename) cx.close() return vdisk_id def vd_extents_validate(new_extents,new_writeable): """Validate the extents against the existing extents. Complains if the list supplied clashes against the extents that are already in use in the system. new_extents [list of dicts]: list of new extents, as dicts new_writeable [int]: 1 if they are to be writeable, 0 otherwise returns [int]: either the expertise level of the mapping if it doesn't exceed VBD_EXPERT_MODE or -1 if it does (error) """ import Xc # this is only needed in this function xc = ##### Probe for explicitly created virtual disks and build a list ##### of extents for comparison with the ones that are being added probe = xc.vbd_probe() old_extents = [] # this will hold a list of all existing extents and # their writeable status, as a list of (device, # start, size, writeable?) tuples for vbd in probe: this_vbd_extents = xc.vbd_getextents(vbd['dom'],vbd['vbd']) for vbd_ext in this_vbd_extents: vbd_ext['writeable'] = vbd['writeable'] old_extents.append(vbd_ext) ##### Now scan /proc/mounts for compile a list of extents corresponding to ##### any devices mounted in DOM0. This list is added on to old_extents regexp = re.compile("/dev/(\S*) \S* \S* (..).*") fd = open('/proc/mounts', "r") while True: line = fd.readline() if not line: # if we've run out of lines then stop reading break m = regexp.match(line) # if the regexp didn't match then it's probably a line we don't # care about - skip to next line if not m: continue # lookup the device ext_list = lookup_raw_partn( # if lookup failed, skip to next mounted device if not ext_list: continue # set a writeable flag as appropriate for ext in ext_list: ext['writeable'] = == 'rw' # now we've got here, the contents of ext_list are in a # suitable format to be added onto the old_extents list, ready # for checking against the new extents old_extents.extend(ext_list) fd.close() # close /proc/mounts ##### By this point, old_extents contains a list of extents, in ##### dictionary format corresponding to every extent of physical ##### disk that's either part of an explicitly created VBD, or is ##### mounted under DOM0. We now check these extents against the ##### proposed additions in new_extents, to see if a conflict will ##### happen if they are added with write status new_writeable level = 0 # this'll accumulate the max warning level # Search for clashes between the new extents and the old ones # Takes time O(len(new_extents) * len(old_extents)) for new_ext in new_extents: for old_ext in old_extents: if(new_ext['device'] == old_ext['device']): new_ext_start = new_ext['start_sector'] new_ext_end = new_ext_start + new_ext['nr_sectors'] - 1 old_ext_start = old_ext['start_sector'] old_ext_end = old_ext_start + old_ext['nr_sectors'] - 1 if((old_ext_start <= new_ext_start <= old_ext_end) or (old_ext_start <= new_ext_end <= old_ext_end)): if (not old_ext['writeable']) and new_writeable: level = max(1,level) elif old_ext['writeable'] and (not new_writeable): level = max(1,level) elif old_ext['writeable'] and new_writeable: level = max(2,level) ##### level now holds the warning level incurred by the current ##### VBD setup and we complain appropriately to the user if level == 1: print >> sys.stderr, """Warning: one or more hard disk extents writeable by one domain are also readable by another.""" elif level == 2: print >> sys.stderr, """Warning: one or more hard disk extents are writeable by two or more domains simultaneously.""" if level > VBD_EXPERT_MODE: print >> sys.stderr, """ERROR: This kind of disk sharing is not allowed at the current safety level (%d).""" % VBD_EXPERT_MODE level = -1 return level