# Copyright (C) 2005 Christian Limpach # Copyright (C) 2005 XenSource Ltd # This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General # Public License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of # this archive for more details. import os import os.path import re import string import threading import fcntl from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize from xen.util.xpopen import xPopen3 import xen.util.auxbin import xen.lowlevel.xc from xen.xend import balloon, sxp, image from xen.xend.XendError import XendError, VmError from xen.xend.XendLogging import log from xen.xend.XendConfig import XendConfig from xen.xend.XendConstants import * from xen.xend import XendNode SIGNATURE = "LinuxGuestRecord" QEMU_SIGNATURE = "QemuDeviceModelRecord" dm_batch = 512 XC_SAVE = "xc_save" XC_RESTORE = "xc_restore" sizeof_int = calcsize("i") sizeof_unsigned_int = calcsize("I") sizeof_unsigned_long = calcsize("L") xc = xen.lowlevel.xc.xc() def write_exact(fd, buf, errmsg): if os.write(fd, buf) != len(buf): raise XendError(errmsg) def read_exact(fd, size, errmsg): buf = '' while size != 0: readstr = os.read(fd, size) if not len(readstr): log.error("read_exact: EOF trying to read %d (buf='%s')" % \ (size, buf)) raise XendError(errmsg) size = size - len(readstr) buf = buf + readstr return buf def insert_after(list, pred, value): for i,k in enumerate(list): if type(k) == type([]): if k[0] == pred: list.insert (i+1, value) return def save(fd, dominfo, network, live, dst, checkpoint=False, node=-1,sock=None): from xen.xend import XendDomain try: if not os.path.isdir("/var/lib/xen"): os.makedirs("/var/lib/xen") except Exception, exn: log.exception("Can't create directory '/var/lib/xen'") raise XendError("Can't create directory '/var/lib/xen'") write_exact(fd, SIGNATURE, "could not write guest state file: signature") sxprep = dominfo.sxpr() if node > -1: insert_after(sxprep,'vcpus',['node', str(node)]) for device_sxp in sxp.children(sxprep, 'device'): backend = sxp.child(device_sxp[1], 'backend') if backend == None: continue bkdominfo = XendDomain.instance().domain_lookup_nr(backend[1]) if bkdominfo == None: raise XendError("Could not find backend: %s" % backend[1]) if bkdominfo.getDomid() == XendDomain.DOM0_ID: # Skip for compatibility of checkpoint data format continue backend[1] = bkdominfo.getName() config = sxp.to_string(sxprep) domain_name = dominfo.getName() # Rename the domain temporarily, so that we don't get a name clash if this # domain is migrating (live or non-live) to the local host. Doing such a # thing is useful for debugging. dominfo.setName('migrating-' + domain_name) try: dominfo.migrateDevices(network, dst, DEV_MIGRATE_STEP1, domain_name) write_exact(fd, pack("!i", len(config)), "could not write guest state file: config len") write_exact(fd, config, "could not write guest state file: config") image_cfg = dominfo.info.get('image', {}) hvm = dominfo.info.is_hvm() # xc_save takes three customization parameters: maxit, max_f, and # flags the last controls whether or not save is 'live', while the # first two further customize behaviour when 'live' save is # enabled. Passing "0" simply uses the defaults compiled into # libxenguest; see the comments and/or code in xc_linux_save() for # more information. cmd = [xen.util.auxbin.pathTo(XC_SAVE), str(fd), str(dominfo.getDomid()), "0", "0", str(int(live) | (int(hvm) << 2)) ] log.debug("[xc_save]: %s", string.join(cmd)) def saveInputHandler(line, tochild): log.debug("In saveInputHandler %s", line) if line == "suspend": log.debug("Suspending %d ...", dominfo.getDomid()) dominfo.shutdown('suspend') dominfo.waitForSuspend() if line in ('suspend', 'suspended'): dominfo.migrateDevices(network, dst, DEV_MIGRATE_STEP2, domain_name) log.info("Domain %d suspended.", dominfo.getDomid()) dominfo.migrateDevices(network, dst, DEV_MIGRATE_STEP3, domain_name) if hvm: dominfo.image.saveDeviceModel() if line == "suspend": tochild.write("done\n") tochild.flush() log.debug('Written done') forkHelper(cmd, fd, saveInputHandler, False) # put qemu device model state if os.path.exists("/var/lib/xen/qemu-save.%d" % dominfo.getDomid()): write_exact(fd, QEMU_SIGNATURE, "could not write qemu signature") qemu_fd = os.open("/var/lib/xen/qemu-save.%d" % dominfo.getDomid(), os.O_RDONLY) while True: buf = os.read(qemu_fd, dm_batch) if len(buf): write_exact(fd, buf, "could not write device model state") else: break os.close(qemu_fd) os.remove("/var/lib/xen/qemu-save.%d" % dominfo.getDomid()) if checkpoint: dominfo.resumeDomain() else: if live and sock != None: try: sock.shutdown(2) except: pass sock.close() dominfo.destroy() dominfo.testDeviceComplete() try: dominfo.setName(domain_name, False) except VmError: # Ignore this. The name conflict (hopefully) arises because we # are doing localhost migration; if we are doing a suspend of a # persistent VM, we need the rename, and don't expect the # conflict. This needs more thought. pass except Exception, exn: log.exception("Save failed on domain %s (%s) - resuming.", domain_name, dominfo.getDomid()) dominfo.resumeDomain() try: dominfo.setName(domain_name) except: log.exception("Failed to reset the migrating domain's name") raise exn def restore(xd, fd, dominfo = None, paused = False, relocating = False): try: if not os.path.isdir("/var/lib/xen"): os.makedirs("/var/lib/xen") except Exception, exn: log.exception("Can't create directory '/var/lib/xen'") raise XendError("Can't create directory '/var/lib/xen'") signature = read_exact(fd, len(SIGNATURE), "not a valid guest state file: signature read") if signature != SIGNATURE: raise XendError("not a valid guest state file: found '%s'" % signature) l = read_exact(fd, sizeof_int, "not a valid guest state file: config size read") vmconfig_size = unpack("!i", l)[0] vmconfig_buf = read_exact(fd, vmconfig_size, "not a valid guest state file: config read") p = sxp.Parser() p.input(vmconfig_buf) if not p.ready: raise XendError("not a valid guest state file: config parse") vmconfig = p.get_val() if not relocating: domconfig = XendConfig(sxp_obj = vmconfig) othervm = xd.domain_lookup_nr(domconfig["name_label"]) if othervm is None or othervm.domid is None: othervm = xd.domain_lookup_nr(domconfig["uuid"]) if othervm is not None and othervm.domid is not None: raise VmError("Domain '%s' already exists with ID '%d'" % (domconfig["name_label"], othervm.domid)) if dominfo: dominfo.resume() else: dominfo = xd.restore_(vmconfig) image_cfg = dominfo.info.get('image', {}) is_hvm = dominfo.info.is_hvm() if is_hvm: nomigrate = dominfo.info['platform'].get('nomigrate', 0) else: nomigrate = dominfo.info['platform'].get('nomigrate') if nomigrate is None: nomigrate = 0 if int(nomigrate) != 0: dominfo.destroy() raise XendError("cannot restore non-migratable domain") store_port = dominfo.getStorePort() console_port = dominfo.getConsolePort() assert store_port assert console_port # if hvm, pass mem size to calculate the store_mfn if is_hvm: apic = int(dominfo.info['platform'].get('apic', 0)) pae = int(dominfo.info['platform'].get('pae', 0)) log.info("restore hvm domain %d, apic=%d, pae=%d", dominfo.domid, apic, pae) else: apic = 0 pae = 0 try: restore_image = image.create(dominfo, dominfo.info) memory = restore_image.getRequiredAvailableMemory( dominfo.info['memory_dynamic_max'] / 1024) maxmem = restore_image.getRequiredAvailableMemory( dominfo.info['memory_static_max'] / 1024) shadow = restore_image.getRequiredShadowMemory( dominfo.info['shadow_memory'] * 1024, dominfo.info['memory_static_max'] / 1024) log.debug("restore:shadow=0x%x, _static_max=0x%x, _static_min=0x%x, ", dominfo.info['shadow_memory'], dominfo.info['memory_static_max'], dominfo.info['memory_static_min']) # Round shadow up to a multiple of a MiB, as shadow_mem_control # takes MiB and we must not round down and end up under-providing. shadow = ((shadow + 1023) / 1024) * 1024 # set memory limit xc.domain_setmaxmem(dominfo.getDomid(), maxmem) vtd_mem = 0 info = xc.physinfo() if 'hvm_directio' in info['virt_caps']: # Reserve 1 page per MiB of RAM for separate VT-d page table. vtd_mem = 4 * (dominfo.info['memory_static_max'] / 1024 / 1024) # Round vtd_mem up to a multiple of a MiB. vtd_mem = ((vtd_mem + 1023) / 1024) * 1024 balloon.free(memory + shadow + vtd_mem, dominfo) shadow_cur = xc.shadow_mem_control(dominfo.getDomid(), shadow / 1024) dominfo.info['shadow_memory'] = shadow_cur superpages = restore_image.superpages cmd = map(str, [xen.util.auxbin.pathTo(XC_RESTORE), fd, dominfo.getDomid(), store_port, console_port, int(is_hvm), pae, apic, superpages, 1]) log.debug("[xc_restore]: %s", string.join(cmd)) handler = RestoreInputHandler() forkHelper(cmd, fd, handler.handler, True) # We don't want to pass this fd to any other children -- we # might need to recover the disk space that backs it. try: flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD) flags |= fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, flags) except: pass if handler.store_mfn is None: raise XendError('Could not read store MFN') if not is_hvm and handler.console_mfn is None: raise XendError('Could not read console MFN') restore_image.setCpuid() # xc_restore will wait for source to close connection dominfo.completeRestore(handler.store_mfn, handler.console_mfn) # # We shouldn't hold the domains_lock over a waitForDevices # As this function sometime gets called holding this lock, # we must release it and re-acquire it appropriately # from xen.xend import XendDomain lock = True; try: XendDomain.instance().domains_lock.release() except: lock = False; try: dominfo.waitForDevices() # Wait for backends to set up finally: if lock: XendDomain.instance().domains_lock.acquire() if not paused: dominfo.unpause() return dominfo except Exception, exn: dominfo.destroy() log.exception(exn) raise exn class RestoreInputHandler: def __init__(self): self.store_mfn = None self.console_mfn = None def handler(self, line, _): m = re.match(r"^(store-mfn) (\d+)$", line) if m: self.store_mfn = int(m.group(2)) else: m = re.match(r"^(console-mfn) (\d+)$", line) if m: self.console_mfn = int(m.group(2)) def forkHelper(cmd, fd, inputHandler, closeToChild): child = xPopen3(cmd, True, -1, [fd]) if closeToChild: child.tochild.close() thread = threading.Thread(target = slurp, args = (child.childerr,)) thread.start() try: try: while 1: line = child.fromchild.readline() if line == "": break else: line = line.rstrip() log.debug('%s', line) inputHandler(line, child.tochild) except IOError, exn: raise XendError('Error reading from child process for %s: %s' % (cmd, exn)) finally: child.fromchild.close() if not closeToChild: child.tochild.close() thread.join() child.childerr.close() status = child.wait() if status >> 8 == 127: raise XendError("%s failed: popen failed" % string.join(cmd)) elif status != 0: raise XendError("%s failed" % string.join(cmd)) def slurp(infile): while 1: line = infile.readline() if line == "": break else: line = line.strip() m = re.match(r"^ERROR: (.*)", line) if m is None: log.info('%s', line) else: log.error('%s', m.group(1))