Xend Lifecycle/XenAPI Implementation Changes ============================================ Summary of what has changed in this branch of Xend: Managed Domains --------------- The concept of managed domains is that Xend now has the ability to manage the lifecycle of a domain from when it is created to being shutdown. XendDomain ~~~~~~~~~~ In order to support managed domains, XendDomain has been modified to keep the configuration in /var/lib/xend/domains/. The configuration is stored in SXP format so that it can be easily loaded by the current Xend. In the future, we may switch to an XML format similar to how XenAPI defines a VM configuration. TODO: There are still places where the device configuration or VM configuration can be altered but the managed domain does not save it. XendDomainInfo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XendDomainInfo has changed to support this mode of operation, especially with domain construction and assumptions about the domain when it shuts down. All configuration option parsing and validation has been moved from XendDomainInfo to XendConfig. The purpose is so that we can abstract away the knowledge of SXP in XendDomainInfo. The goal is to do away with the bulky way of accessing SXP in Xend and moving that all to a more pythonic interface. The DevController stuff at the end of XendDomainInfo has also been moved to XendDevices because now it is needed in both XendConfig and XendDomainInfo. Many of the constants are moved to XendConstants which reduces the amount of recursive or scoped imports that occur in the code. XendConfig ~~~~~~~~~~ XendConfig is the beginnings of an interface for configuration options so that other parts of Xend do not need to know what format the configuration in. It can accept configuration passed in as parsed SXP format, python filename or a Xen API struct. It is a subclass of a python dictionary, and hence access to its functions are via the __getitem__ accessor. TODO: Define a proper interface to the XendConfig which is based on either the Xen API or some other flexible format. XMLRPCServer ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changes to the busy loop in here and SrvServer so that the daemon shuts down cleanly. This also allows us to catch the shutdown and perform maintanence tasks on the domains. Replacing xendomains init.d script ================================== Some work has gone into catching Xend's shutdown so that we can do the same tasks that xendomains init.d script does but natively in Xend. For instance, a new configuration option, 'on_xend_start' and 'on_xend_stop' will allow domains that are managed by Xend to start up when Xend starts, and correspondingly stop when Xend stops. Xen API ======= The new Xen API gives a standard interface to creating, configuring, controlling and destroying VMs and the virtual devices that belong to it. It also introduces the concept of Storage Repositories (SR) which are factories for creating disk images. XendDomain ~~~~~~~~~~ XendDomain has now separated the section for the Legacy XM XMLRPC API and the new Xen API. Since many things have a UUID, these are stored and represented as close to the existing configuration. XendDomainInfo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XendDomainInfo now supports UUIDs being assigned to devices and the domain itself. It will preserve the UUID for managed domains. A number of new functions are now in XendDomainInfo to provide an interface to devices. XendNode ~~~~~~~~ Represents the Host class in the Xen API and also contains an incomplete representation of the physical CPUs availabel for the host. XendAuthSessions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An abstract authenticator for the Xen API. Currently it is an empty implementation with rudimentary support for users. The plan is the add PAM based authentication. XendAPI ~~~~~~~ The guts of the Xen API implementation. Implements all the supported functionality of the Xen API by placing calls to the relevent objects like XendDomain and XendDomanInfo. The initialisation of the XendAPI object will actually install a number of validation decorators in order to ensure the input is correct. It is using some features of introspection and metaprogramming in Python to reduce the amount of replication in the code. XMLRPCServer ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The XMLRPC Server will support both the new Xen API and the old XM XMLRPC API. The support is clearly marked in the code.