pygrub is a grub-like bootloader for xen. This tool is to use to boot domU images. To compile pygrub, you will need the following packages installed: 1) Libraries of ext2fs, which is the following package (depend on your Linux distribution): - e2fslibs-dev on Debian based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Linspire, Libranet, Xandros, etc...) - e2fsprogs-devel on RedHat, Fedora Core - libext2fs2-devel on Mandriva/Mandrake - e2fsprogs on Gentoo 2) Libraries of reiserfs, which is the following package (depend on your Linux distribution): - libreiserfs-dev on Debian based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Xandros, Libranet, Xandros, etc...) - progsreiserfs-devel on RedHat - progsreiserfs on Gentoo