(* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 XenSource Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2008 Citrix Ltd. * Author Vincent Hanquez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special * exception on linking described in file LICENSE. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *) let error fmt = Logging.error "process" fmt let info fmt = Logging.info "process" fmt open Printf open Stdext exception Transaction_again exception Transaction_nested exception Domain_not_match exception Invalid_Cmd_Args let allow_debug = ref false let c_int_of_string s = let v = ref 0 in let is_digit c = c >= '0' && c <= '9' in let len = String.length s in let i = ref 0 in while !i < len && not (is_digit s.[!i]) do incr i done; while !i < len && is_digit s.[!i] do let x = (Char.code s.[!i]) - (Char.code '0') in v := !v * 10 + x; incr i done; !v (* when we don't want a limit, apply a max limit of 8 arguments. no arguments take more than 3 currently, which is pointless to split more than needed. *) let split limit c s = let limit = match limit with None -> 8 | Some x -> x in String.split ~limit c s let split_one_path data con = let args = split (Some 2) '\000' data in match args with | path :: "" :: [] -> Store.Path.create path (Connection.get_path con) | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args let process_watch ops cons = let do_op_watch op cons = let recurse = match (fst op) with | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Write -> false | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Mkdir -> false | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Rm -> true | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Setperms -> false | _ -> raise (Failure "huh ?") in Connections.fire_watches cons (snd op) recurse in List.iter (fun op -> do_op_watch op cons) ops let create_implicit_path t perm path = let dirname = Store.Path.get_parent path in if not (Transaction.path_exists t dirname) then ( let rec check_path p = match p with | [] -> [] | h :: l -> if Transaction.path_exists t h then check_path l else p in let ret = check_path (List.tl (Store.Path.get_hierarchy dirname)) in List.iter (fun s -> Transaction.mkdir ~with_watch:false t perm s) ret ) (* packets *) let do_debug con t domains cons data = if not (Connection.is_dom0 con) && not !allow_debug then None else try match split None '\000' data with | "print" :: msg :: _ -> Logging.xb_op ~tid:0 ~ty:Xenbus.Xb.Op.Debug ~con:"=======>" msg; None | "quota" :: domid :: _ -> let domid = int_of_string domid in let quota = (Store.get_quota t.Transaction.store) in Some (Quota.to_string quota domid ^ "\000") | "watches" :: _ -> let watches = Connections.debug cons in Some (watches ^ "\000") | "mfn" :: domid :: _ -> let domid = int_of_string domid in let con = Connections.find_domain cons domid in may (fun dom -> Printf.sprintf "%nd\000" (Domain.get_mfn dom)) (Connection.get_domain con) | _ -> None with _ -> None let do_directory con t domains cons data = let path = split_one_path data con in let entries = Transaction.ls t (Connection.get_perm con) path in if List.length entries > 0 then (Utils.join_by_null entries) ^ "\000" else "" let do_read con t domains cons data = let path = split_one_path data con in Transaction.read t (Connection.get_perm con) path let do_getperms con t domains cons data = let path = split_one_path data con in let perms = Transaction.getperms t (Connection.get_perm con) path in Perms.Node.to_string perms ^ "\000" let do_watch con t rid domains cons data = let (node, token) = match (split None '\000' data) with | [node; token; ""] -> node, token | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args in let watch = Connections.add_watch cons con node token in Connection.send_ack con (Transaction.get_id t) rid Xenbus.Xb.Op.Watch; Connection.fire_single_watch watch let do_unwatch con t domains cons data = let (node, token) = match (split None '\000' data) with | [node; token; ""] -> node, token | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args in Connections.del_watch cons con node token let do_transaction_start con t domains cons data = if Transaction.get_id t <> Transaction.none then raise Transaction_nested; let store = Transaction.get_store t in string_of_int (Connection.start_transaction con store) ^ "\000" let do_transaction_end con t domains cons data = let commit = match (split None '\000' data) with | "T" :: _ -> true | "F" :: _ -> false | x :: _ -> raise (Invalid_argument x) | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args in let success = Connection.end_transaction con (Transaction.get_id t) commit in if not success then raise Transaction_again; if commit then process_watch (List.rev (Transaction.get_ops t)) cons let do_introduce con t domains cons data = if not (Connection.is_dom0 con) then raise Define.Permission_denied; let (domid, mfn, port) = match (split None '\000' data) with | domid :: mfn :: port :: _ -> int_of_string domid, Nativeint.of_string mfn, int_of_string port | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args; in let dom = if Domains.exist domains domid then Domains.find domains domid else try let ndom = Xenctrl.with_intf (fun xc -> Domains.create xc domains domid mfn port) in Connections.add_domain cons ndom; Connections.fire_spec_watches cons "@introduceDomain"; ndom with _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args in if (Domain.get_remote_port dom) <> port || (Domain.get_mfn dom) <> mfn then raise Domain_not_match let do_release con t domains cons data = if not (Connection.is_dom0 con) then raise Define.Permission_denied; let domid = match (split None '\000' data) with | [domid;""] -> int_of_string domid | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args in let fire_spec_watches = Domains.exist domains domid in Domains.del domains domid; Connections.del_domain cons domid; if fire_spec_watches then Connections.fire_spec_watches cons "@releaseDomain" else raise Invalid_Cmd_Args let do_resume con t domains cons data = if not (Connection.is_dom0 con) then raise Define.Permission_denied; let domid = match (split None '\000' data) with | domid :: _ -> int_of_string domid | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args in if Domains.exist domains domid then Domains.resume domains domid else raise Invalid_Cmd_Args let do_getdomainpath con t domains cons data = let domid = match (split None '\000' data) with | domid :: "" :: [] -> c_int_of_string domid | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args in sprintf "/local/domain/%u\000" domid let do_write con t domains cons data = let path, value = match (split (Some 2) '\000' data) with | path :: value :: [] -> Store.Path.create path (Connection.get_path con), value | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args in create_implicit_path t (Connection.get_perm con) path; Transaction.write t (Connection.get_perm con) path value let do_mkdir con t domains cons data = let path = split_one_path data con in create_implicit_path t (Connection.get_perm con) path; try Transaction.mkdir t (Connection.get_perm con) path with Define.Already_exist -> () let do_rm con t domains cons data = let path = split_one_path data con in try Transaction.rm t (Connection.get_perm con) path with Define.Doesnt_exist -> () let do_setperms con t domains cons data = let path, perms = match (split (Some 2) '\000' data) with | path :: perms :: _ -> Store.Path.create path (Connection.get_path con), (Perms.Node.of_string perms) | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args in Transaction.setperms t (Connection.get_perm con) path perms let do_error con t domains cons data = raise Define.Unknown_operation let do_isintroduced con t domains cons data = let domid = match (split None '\000' data) with | domid :: _ -> int_of_string domid | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args in if domid = Define.domid_self || Domains.exist domains domid then "T\000" else "F\000" (* [restrict] is in the patch queue since xen3.2 *) let do_restrict con t domains cons data = if not (Connection.is_dom0 con) then raise Define.Permission_denied; let domid = match (split None '\000' data) with | [ domid; "" ] -> c_int_of_string domid | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args in Connection.restrict con domid (* only in >= xen3.3 *) (* we ensure backward compatibility with restrict by counting the number of argument of set_target ... *) (* This is not very elegant, but it is safe as 'restrict' only restricts permission of dom0 connections *) let do_set_target con t domains cons data = if not (Connection.is_dom0 con) then raise Define.Permission_denied; match split None '\000' data with | [ domid; "" ] -> do_restrict con t domains con data (* backward compatibility with xen3.2-pq *) | [ domid; target_domid; "" ] -> Connections.set_target cons (c_int_of_string domid) (c_int_of_string target_domid) | _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args (*------------- Generic handling of ty ------------------*) let reply_ack fct ty con t rid doms cons data = fct con t doms cons data; Connection.send_ack con (Transaction.get_id t) rid ty; if Transaction.get_id t = Transaction.none then process_watch (Transaction.get_ops t) cons let reply_data fct ty con t rid doms cons data = let ret = fct con t doms cons data in Connection.send_reply con (Transaction.get_id t) rid ty ret let reply_data_or_ack fct ty con t rid doms cons data = match fct con t doms cons data with | Some ret -> Connection.send_reply con (Transaction.get_id t) rid ty ret | None -> Connection.send_ack con (Transaction.get_id t) rid ty let reply_none fct ty con t rid doms cons data = (* let the function reply *) fct con t rid doms cons data let function_of_type ty = match ty with | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Debug -> reply_data_or_ack do_debug | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Directory -> reply_data do_directory | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Read -> reply_data do_read | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Getperms -> reply_data do_getperms | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Watch -> reply_none do_watch | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Unwatch -> reply_ack do_unwatch | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Transaction_start -> reply_data do_transaction_start | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Transaction_end -> reply_ack do_transaction_end | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Introduce -> reply_ack do_introduce | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Release -> reply_ack do_release | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Getdomainpath -> reply_data do_getdomainpath | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Write -> reply_ack do_write | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Mkdir -> reply_ack do_mkdir | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Rm -> reply_ack do_rm | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Setperms -> reply_ack do_setperms | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Isintroduced -> reply_data do_isintroduced | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Resume -> reply_ack do_resume | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Set_target -> reply_ack do_set_target | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Restrict -> reply_ack do_restrict | Xenbus.Xb.Op.Invalid -> reply_ack do_error | _ -> reply_ack do_error let input_handle_error ~cons ~doms ~fct ~ty ~con ~t ~rid ~data = let reply_error e = Connection.send_error con (Transaction.get_id t) rid e in try fct ty con t rid doms cons data with | Define.Invalid_path -> reply_error "EINVAL" | Define.Already_exist -> reply_error "EEXIST" | Define.Doesnt_exist -> reply_error "ENOENT" | Define.Lookup_Doesnt_exist s -> reply_error "ENOENT" | Define.Permission_denied -> reply_error "EACCES" | Not_found -> reply_error "ENOENT" | Invalid_Cmd_Args -> reply_error "EINVAL" | Invalid_argument i -> reply_error "EINVAL" | Transaction_again -> reply_error "EAGAIN" | Transaction_nested -> reply_error "EBUSY" | Domain_not_match -> reply_error "EINVAL" | Quota.Limit_reached -> reply_error "EQUOTA" | Quota.Data_too_big -> reply_error "E2BIG" | Quota.Transaction_opened -> reply_error "EQUOTA" | (Failure "int_of_string") -> reply_error "EINVAL" | Define.Unknown_operation -> reply_error "ENOSYS" (** * Nothrow guarantee. *) let process_packet ~store ~cons ~doms ~con ~tid ~rid ~ty ~data = try let fct = function_of_type ty in let t = if tid = Transaction.none then Transaction.make tid store else Connection.get_transaction con tid in input_handle_error ~cons ~doms ~fct ~ty ~con ~t ~rid ~data; with exn -> error "process packet: %s" (Printexc.to_string exn); Connection.send_error con tid rid "EIO" let write_access_log ~ty ~tid ~con ~data = Logging.xb_op ~ty ~tid ~con:(Connection.get_domstr con) data let write_answer_log ~ty ~tid ~con ~data = Logging.xb_answer ~ty ~tid ~con:(Connection.get_domstr con) data let do_input store cons doms con = if Connection.do_input con then ( let packet = Connection.pop_in con in let tid, rid, ty, data = Xenbus.Xb.Packet.unpack packet in (* As we don't log IO, do not call an unnecessary sanitize_data info "[%s] -> [%d] %s \"%s\"" (Connection.get_domstr con) tid (Xenbus.Xb.Op.to_string ty) (sanitize_data data); *) process_packet ~store ~cons ~doms ~con ~tid ~rid ~ty ~data; write_access_log ~ty ~tid ~con ~data; Connection.incr_ops con; ) let do_output store cons doms con = if Connection.has_output con then ( if Connection.has_new_output con then ( let packet = Connection.peek_output con in let tid, rid, ty, data = Xenbus.Xb.Packet.unpack packet in (* As we don't log IO, do not call an unnecessary sanitize_data info "[%s] <- %s \"%s\"" (Connection.get_domstr con) (Xenbus.Xb.Op.to_string ty) (sanitize_data data);*) write_answer_log ~ty ~tid ~con ~data; ); ignore (Connection.do_output con) )