#!/bin/sh -x # usage: xen-clone bk_repository dest_dir orig_linux_dir # # this script contains some CL site specific details, but can easily be adapted # # test which site we're on [ -d /usr/groups/xeno/ -a -d /usr/groups/srgboot ] && SITE=UCCL case "$SITE" in UCCL) BK_REP=${1:-/usr/groups/xeno/BK/xeno.bk} # BK_REP=${1:-xeno-master/xeno.bk} LINUX_DIR=${3:-/usr/groups/xeno/archive/} ;; *) BK_REP=${1:-bk://xen.bkbits.net/xeno-1.0.bk} # BK_REP=${1:-ssh://xen@xen.bkbits.net/xeno-1.0.bk} LINUX_DIR=${3:-..} ;; esac DEST_DIR=${2:-xeno-clone} DEST_BK_REP=`basename ${BK_REP}` echo usage: xen-clone bk_repository dest_dir orig_linux_dir echo Source BK Repository : ${BK_REP} echo Destination Dir/Repository : ${DEST_DIR}/${DEST_BK_REP} echo Pristine Linux Source directory : ${LINUX_DIR} mkdir -p ${DEST_DIR} cd ${DEST_DIR} TOP=`/bin/pwd` # site-specific set up of installation directories case "$SITE" in UCCL) PATH=$PATH:/usr/groups/xeno/build_tools/bin mkdir -p install/boot cd install/boot ln -sf ../../../xeno-roots/roots . ln -sf ../../../xeno-roots/usr . ln -sf ../lib . ln -sf ../bin . ln -sf /usr/groups/srgboot/${USER}/xenoboot.sh . ln -sf `pwd` /usr/groups/srgboot/${USER}/${DEST_DIR} cd ../.. ;; esac # clone the master repository (now checked-out by default) if [ ! -d ${DEST_BK_REP} ] then bk clone ${BK_REP} ${DEST_BK_REP} else cd ${DEST_BK_REP} bk pull cd ${TOP} fi # identify this version of linux LINUX_VER=`/bin/ls -ld ${DEST_BK_REP}/xenolinux-sparse | sed -e 's!^.*xenolinux-\([0-9.]\+\)-sparse!\1!'` # copy in the master Linux tree for this kernel if [ ! -d linux-${LINUX_VER} ] then tar -zxf ${LINUX_DIR}/linux-${LINUX_VER}.tar.gz || tar -zxf ${LINUX_DIR}/linux-${LINUX_VER}.tgz || cp -a ${LINUX_DIR}/linux-${LINUX_VER} . || wget ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.4/linux-${LINUX_VER}.tar.gz -O- | tar -zxf - || exit -1 fi # build and install Xen and tools cd ${DEST_BK_REP} make install # Turn linux into xenolinux then build it cd xenolinux-${LINUX_VER}-sparse ./mkbuildtree ../../linux-${LINUX_VER} cd ../.. mv linux-${LINUX_VER} xenolinux-${LINUX_VER} cd xenolinux-${LINUX_VER} export ARCH=xeno export INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${TOP}/install make oldconfig make dep make bzImage make install make modules make modules_install cd ..