/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Citrix Ltd. * Author Stefano Stabellini * Author Vincent Hanquez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special * exception on linking described in file LICENSE. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ #include "libxl_osdeps.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for utsname in xl info */ #include #include #include #include #include "libxl.h" #include "libxl_utils.h" #include "libxl_json.h" #include "libxlutil.h" #include "xl.h" #define CHK_ERRNO( call ) ({ \ int chk_errno = (call); \ if (chk_errno < 0) { \ fprintf(stderr,"xl: fatal error: %s:%d: %s: %s\n", \ __FILE__,__LINE__, strerror(chk_errno), #call); \ exit(-ERROR_FAIL); \ } \ }) #define MUST( call ) ({ \ int must_rc = (call); \ if (must_rc < 0) { \ fprintf(stderr,"xl: fatal error: %s:%d, rc=%d: %s\n", \ __FILE__,__LINE__, must_rc, #call); \ exit(-must_rc); \ } \ }) int logfile = 2; /* every libxl action in xl uses this same libxl context */ libxl_ctx *ctx; xlchild children[child_max]; #define INVALID_DOMID ~0 static const char *common_domname; static int fd_lock = -1; /* Stash for specific vcpu to pcpu mappping */ static int *vcpu_to_pcpu; static const char savefileheader_magic[32]= "Xen saved domain, xl format\n \0 \r"; static const char migrate_receiver_banner[]= "xl migration receiver ready, send binary domain data.\n"; static const char migrate_receiver_ready[]= "domain received, ready to unpause"; static const char migrate_permission_to_go[]= "domain is yours, you are cleared to unpause"; static const char migrate_report[]= "my copy unpause results are as follows"; /* followed by one byte: * 0: everything went well, domain is running * next thing is we all exit * non-0: things went badly * next thing should be a migrate_permission_to_go * from target to source */ struct save_file_header { char magic[32]; /* savefileheader_magic */ /* All uint32_ts are in domain's byte order. */ uint32_t byteorder; /* SAVEFILE_BYTEORDER_VALUE */ uint32_t mandatory_flags; /* unknown flags => reject restore */ uint32_t optional_flags; /* unknown flags => reject restore */ uint32_t optional_data_len; /* skip, or skip tail, if not understood */ }; static const char *action_on_shutdown_names[] = { [LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_DESTROY] = "destroy", [LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_RESTART] = "restart", [LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_RESTART_RENAME] = "rename-restart", [LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_PRESERVE] = "preserve", [LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_COREDUMP_DESTROY] = "coredump-destroy", [LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_COREDUMP_RESTART] = "coredump-restart", }; /* Optional data, in order: * 4 bytes uint32_t config file size * n bytes config file in Unix text file format */ #define SAVEFILE_BYTEORDER_VALUE ((uint32_t)0x01020304UL) struct domain_create { int debug; int daemonize; int monitor; /* handle guest reboots etc */ int paused; int dryrun; int quiet; int vnc; int vncautopass; int console_autoconnect; const char *config_file; const char *extra_config; /* extra config string */ const char *restore_file; int migrate_fd; /* -1 means none */ char **migration_domname_r; /* from malloc */ }; static int qualifier_to_id(const char *p, uint32_t *id_r) { int i, alldigit; alldigit = 1; for (i = 0; p[i]; i++) { if (!isdigit((uint8_t)p[i])) { alldigit = 0; break; } } if (i > 0 && alldigit) { *id_r = strtoul(p, NULL, 10); return 0; } else { /* check here if it's a uuid and do proper conversion */ } return 1; } static int cpupool_qualifier_to_cpupoolid(const char *p, uint32_t *poolid_r, int *was_name_r) { int was_name; was_name = qualifier_to_id(p, poolid_r); if (was_name_r) *was_name_r = was_name; return was_name ? libxl_name_to_cpupoolid(ctx, p, poolid_r) : 0; } static uint32_t find_domain(const char *p) __attribute__((warn_unused_result)); static uint32_t find_domain(const char *p) { uint32_t domid; int rc; rc = libxl_domain_qualifier_to_domid(ctx, p, &domid); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is an invalid domain identifier (rc=%d)\n", p, rc); exit(2); } common_domname = libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, domid); return domid; } static int vncviewer(uint32_t domid, int autopass) { libxl_vncviewer_exec(ctx, domid, autopass); fprintf(stderr, "Unable to execute vncviewer\n"); return 1; } static int acquire_lock(void) { int rc; struct flock fl; /* lock already acquired */ if (fd_lock >= 0) return ERROR_INVAL; fl.l_type = F_WRLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; fd_lock = open(lockfile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, S_IWUSR); if (fd_lock < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open the lockfile %s errno=%d\n", lockfile, errno); return ERROR_FAIL; } if (fcntl(fd_lock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) { close(fd_lock); fprintf(stderr, "cannot set cloexec to lockfile %s errno=%d\n", lockfile, errno); return ERROR_FAIL; } get_lock: rc = fcntl(fd_lock, F_SETLKW, &fl); if (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR) goto get_lock; if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot acquire lock %s errno=%d\n", lockfile, errno); rc = ERROR_FAIL; } else rc = 0; return rc; } static int release_lock(void) { int rc; struct flock fl; /* lock not acquired */ if (fd_lock < 0) return ERROR_INVAL; release_lock: fl.l_type = F_UNLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; rc = fcntl(fd_lock, F_SETLKW, &fl); if (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR) goto release_lock; if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot release lock %s, errno=%d\n", lockfile, errno); rc = ERROR_FAIL; } else rc = 0; close(fd_lock); fd_lock = -1; return rc; } static void *xmalloc(size_t sz) { void *r; r = malloc(sz); if (!r) { fprintf(stderr,"xl: Unable to malloc %lu bytes.\n", (unsigned long)sz); exit(-ERROR_FAIL); } return r; } static void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t sz) { void *r; if (!sz) { free(ptr); return 0; } /* realloc(non-0, 0) has a useless return value; * but xrealloc(anything, 0) is like free */ r = realloc(ptr, sz); if (!r) { fprintf(stderr,"xl: Unable to realloc to %lu bytes.\n", (unsigned long)sz); exit(-ERROR_FAIL); } return r; } #define LOG(_f, _a...) dolog(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, _f "\n", ##_a) static void dolog(const char *file, int line, const char *func, char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf,4,5))); static void dolog(const char *file, int line, const char *func, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *s = NULL; int rc; va_start(ap, fmt); rc = vasprintf(&s, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (rc >= 0) libxl_write_exactly(NULL, logfile, s, rc, NULL, NULL); free(s); } static yajl_gen_status printf_info_one_json(yajl_gen hand, int domid, libxl_domain_config *d_config) { yajl_gen_status s; s = yajl_gen_map_open(hand); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; s = yajl_gen_string(hand, (const unsigned char *)"domid", sizeof("domid")-1); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; if (domid != -1) s = yajl_gen_integer(hand, domid); else s = yajl_gen_null(hand); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; s = yajl_gen_string(hand, (const unsigned char *)"config", sizeof("config")-1); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; s = libxl_domain_config_gen_json(hand, d_config); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; s = yajl_gen_map_close(hand); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; out: return s; } static void printf_info(enum output_format output_format, int domid, libxl_domain_config *d_config) { if (output_format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_SXP) return printf_info_sexp(domid, d_config); const char *buf; libxl_yajl_length len = 0; yajl_gen_status s; yajl_gen hand; hand = libxl_yajl_gen_alloc(NULL); if (!hand) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate JSON generator\n"); return; } s = printf_info_one_json(hand, domid, d_config); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; s = yajl_gen_get_buf(hand, (const unsigned char **)&buf, &len); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; puts(buf); out: yajl_gen_free(hand); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) fprintf(stderr, "unable to format domain config as JSON (YAJL:%d)\n", s); if (ferror(stdout) || fflush(stdout)) { perror("stdout"); exit(-1); } } static int parse_action_on_shutdown(const char *buf, libxl_action_on_shutdown *a) { int i; const char *n; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(action_on_shutdown_names) / sizeof(action_on_shutdown_names[0]); i++) { n = action_on_shutdown_names[i]; if (!n) continue; if (strcmp(buf, n) == 0) { *a = i; return 1; } } return 0; } #define DSTATE_INITIAL 0 #define DSTATE_TAP 1 #define DSTATE_PHYSPATH 2 #define DSTATE_VIRTPATH 3 #define DSTATE_VIRTTYPE 4 #define DSTATE_RW 5 #define DSTATE_TERMINAL 6 static void parse_disk_config_multistring(XLU_Config **config, int nspecs, const char *const *specs, libxl_device_disk *disk) { int e; libxl_device_disk_init(disk); if (!*config) { *config = xlu_cfg_init(stderr, "command line"); if (!*config) { perror("xlu_cfg_init"); exit(-1); } } e = xlu_disk_parse(*config, nspecs, specs, disk); if (e == EINVAL) exit(-1); if (e) { fprintf(stderr,"xlu_disk_parse failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } } static void parse_disk_config(XLU_Config **config, const char *spec, libxl_device_disk *disk) { parse_disk_config_multistring(config, 1, &spec, disk); } static void parse_vif_rate(XLU_Config **config, const char *rate, libxl_device_nic *nic) { int e; e = xlu_vif_parse_rate(*config, rate, nic); if (e == EINVAL || e == EOVERFLOW) exit(-1); if (e) { fprintf(stderr,"xlu_vif_parse_rate failed: %s\n",strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } } static void split_string_into_string_list(const char *str, const char *delim, libxl_string_list *psl) { char *s, *saveptr; const char *p; libxl_string_list sl; int i = 0, nr = 0; s = strdup(str); if (s == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate memory to parse bootloader args\n"); exit(-1); } /* Count number of entries */ p = strtok_r(s, delim, &saveptr); do { nr++; } while ((p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &saveptr))); free(s); s = strdup(str); sl = malloc((nr+1) * sizeof (char *)); if (sl == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate memory for bootloader args\n"); exit(-1); } p = strtok_r(s, delim, &saveptr); do { assert(i < nr); sl[i] = strdup(p); i++; } while ((p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &saveptr))); sl[i] = NULL; *psl = sl; free(s); } static int vcpupin_parse(char *cpu, libxl_bitmap *cpumap) { libxl_bitmap exclude_cpumap; uint32_t cpuida, cpuidb; char *endptr, *toka, *tokb, *saveptr = NULL; int i, rc = 0, rmcpu; if (!strcmp(cpu, "all")) { libxl_bitmap_set_any(cpumap); return 0; } if (libxl_cpu_bitmap_alloc(ctx, &exclude_cpumap, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to allocate cpumap.\n"); return ENOMEM; } for (toka = strtok_r(cpu, ",", &saveptr); toka; toka = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &saveptr)) { rmcpu = 0; if (*toka == '^') { /* This (These) Cpu(s) will be removed from the map */ toka++; rmcpu = 1; } /* Extract a valid (range of) cpu(s) */ cpuida = cpuidb = strtoul(toka, &endptr, 10); if (endptr == toka) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid argument.\n"); rc = EINVAL; goto vcpp_out; } if (*endptr == '-') { tokb = endptr + 1; cpuidb = strtoul(tokb, &endptr, 10); if (endptr == tokb || cpuida > cpuidb) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid argument.\n"); rc = EINVAL; goto vcpp_out; } } while (cpuida <= cpuidb) { rmcpu == 0 ? libxl_bitmap_set(cpumap, cpuida) : libxl_bitmap_set(&exclude_cpumap, cpuida); cpuida++; } } /* Clear all the cpus from the removal list */ libxl_for_each_set_bit(i, exclude_cpumap) { libxl_bitmap_reset(cpumap, i); } vcpp_out: libxl_bitmap_dispose(&exclude_cpumap); return rc; } static void parse_config_data(const char *config_source, const char *config_data, int config_len, libxl_domain_config *d_config, struct domain_create *dom_info) { const char *buf; long l; XLU_Config *config; XLU_ConfigList *cpus, *vbds, *nics, *pcis, *cvfbs, *cpuids, *vtpms; XLU_ConfigList *ioports, *irqs, *iomem; int num_ioports, num_irqs, num_iomem; int pci_power_mgmt = 0; int pci_msitranslate = 0; int pci_permissive = 0; int i, e; libxl_domain_create_info *c_info = &d_config->c_info; libxl_domain_build_info *b_info = &d_config->b_info; config= xlu_cfg_init(stderr, config_source); if (!config) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate for configuration\n"); exit(1); } e= xlu_cfg_readdata(config, config_data, config_len); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse config: %s\n", strerror(e)); exit(1); } if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "init_seclabel", &buf, 0)) { e = libxl_flask_context_to_sid(ctx, (char *)buf, strlen(buf), &c_info->ssidref); if (e) { if (errno == ENOSYS) { fprintf(stderr, "XSM Disabled: init_seclabel not supported\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid init_seclabel: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } } } if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "seclabel", &buf, 0)) { uint32_t ssidref; e = libxl_flask_context_to_sid(ctx, (char *)buf, strlen(buf), &ssidref); if (e) { if (errno == ENOSYS) { fprintf(stderr, "XSM Disabled: seclabel not supported\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid seclabel: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } } else if (c_info->ssidref) { b_info->exec_ssidref = ssidref; } else { c_info->ssidref = ssidref; } } libxl_defbool_set(&c_info->run_hotplug_scripts, run_hotplug_scripts); c_info->type = LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PV; if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "builder", &buf, 0) && !strncmp(buf, "hvm", strlen(buf))) c_info->type = LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM; xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "hap", &c_info->hap, 0); if (xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "name", &c_info->name, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Domain name must be specified.\n"); exit(1); } if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "uuid", &buf, 0) ) { if ( libxl_uuid_from_string(&c_info->uuid, buf) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse UUID: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } }else{ libxl_uuid_generate(&c_info->uuid); } xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "oos", &c_info->oos, 0); if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "pool", &buf, 0)) { c_info->poolid = -1; cpupool_qualifier_to_cpupoolid(buf, &c_info->poolid, NULL); } if (!libxl_cpupoolid_is_valid(ctx, c_info->poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal pool specified\n"); exit(1); } libxl_domain_build_info_init_type(b_info, c_info->type); if (blkdev_start) b_info->blkdev_start = strdup(blkdev_start); /* the following is the actual config parsing with overriding * values in the structures */ if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "cpu_weight", &l, 0)) b_info->sched_params.weight = l; if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "cap", &l, 0)) b_info->sched_params.cap = l; if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "period", &l, 0)) b_info->sched_params.period = l; if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "slice", &l, 0)) b_info->sched_params.slice = l; if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "latency", &l, 0)) b_info->sched_params.latency = l; if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "extratime", &l, 0)) b_info->sched_params.extratime = l; if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "vcpus", &l, 0)) { b_info->max_vcpus = l; if (libxl_cpu_bitmap_alloc(ctx, &b_info->avail_vcpus, l)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate cpumap\n"); exit(1); } libxl_bitmap_set_none(&b_info->avail_vcpus); while (l-- > 0) libxl_bitmap_set((&b_info->avail_vcpus), l); } if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "maxvcpus", &l, 0)) b_info->max_vcpus = l; if (!xlu_cfg_get_list (config, "cpus", &cpus, 0, 1)) { int n_cpus = 0; if (libxl_cpu_bitmap_alloc(ctx, &b_info->cpumap, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate cpumap\n"); exit(1); } /* Prepare the array for single vcpu to pcpu mappings */ vcpu_to_pcpu = xmalloc(sizeof(int) * b_info->max_vcpus); memset(vcpu_to_pcpu, -1, sizeof(int) * b_info->max_vcpus); /* * Idea here is to let libxl think all the domain's vcpus * have cpu affinity with all the pcpus on the list. * It is then us, here in xl, that matches each single vcpu * to its pcpu (and that's why we need to stash such info in * the vcpu_to_pcpu array now) after the domain has been created. * Doing it like this saves the burden of passing to libxl * some big array hosting the single mappings. Also, using * the cpumap derived from the list ensures memory is being * allocated on the proper nodes anyway. */ libxl_bitmap_set_none(&b_info->cpumap); while ((buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem(cpus, n_cpus)) != NULL) { i = atoi(buf); if (!libxl_bitmap_cpu_valid(&b_info->cpumap, i)) { fprintf(stderr, "cpu %d illegal\n", i); exit(1); } libxl_bitmap_set(&b_info->cpumap, i); if (n_cpus < b_info->max_vcpus) vcpu_to_pcpu[n_cpus] = i; n_cpus++; } /* We have a cpumap, disable automatic placement */ libxl_defbool_set(&b_info->numa_placement, false); } else if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "cpus", &buf, 0)) { char *buf2 = strdup(buf); if (libxl_cpu_bitmap_alloc(ctx, &b_info->cpumap, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate cpumap\n"); exit(1); } libxl_bitmap_set_none(&b_info->cpumap); if (vcpupin_parse(buf2, &b_info->cpumap)) exit(1); free(buf2); libxl_defbool_set(&b_info->numa_placement, false); } if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "memory", &l, 0)) { b_info->max_memkb = l * 1024; b_info->target_memkb = b_info->max_memkb; } if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "maxmem", &l, 0)) b_info->max_memkb = l * 1024; b_info->claim_mode = claim_mode; if (xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "on_poweroff", &buf, 0)) buf = "destroy"; if (!parse_action_on_shutdown(buf, &d_config->on_poweroff)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown on_poweroff action \"%s\" specified\n", buf); exit(1); } if (xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "on_reboot", &buf, 0)) buf = "restart"; if (!parse_action_on_shutdown(buf, &d_config->on_reboot)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown on_reboot action \"%s\" specified\n", buf); exit(1); } if (xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "on_watchdog", &buf, 0)) buf = "destroy"; if (!parse_action_on_shutdown(buf, &d_config->on_watchdog)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown on_watchdog action \"%s\" specified\n", buf); exit(1); } if (xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "on_crash", &buf, 0)) buf = "destroy"; if (!parse_action_on_shutdown(buf, &d_config->on_crash)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown on_crash action \"%s\" specified\n", buf); exit(1); } /* libxl_get_required_shadow_memory() must be called after final values * (default or specified) for vcpus and memory are set, because the * calculation depends on those values. */ b_info->shadow_memkb = !xlu_cfg_get_long(config, "shadow_memory", &l, 0) ? l * 1024 : libxl_get_required_shadow_memory(b_info->max_memkb, b_info->max_vcpus); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "nomigrate", &b_info->disable_migrate, 0); if (!xlu_cfg_get_long(config, "tsc_mode", &l, 1)) { const char *s = libxl_tsc_mode_to_string(l); fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: specifying \"tsc_mode\" as an integer is deprecated. " "Please use the named parameter variant. %s%s%s\n", s ? "e.g. tsc_mode=\"" : "", s ? s : "", s ? "\"" : ""); if (l < LIBXL_TSC_MODE_DEFAULT || l > LIBXL_TSC_MODE_NATIVE_PARAVIRT) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid value %ld for \"tsc_mode\"\n", l); exit (1); } b_info->tsc_mode = l; } else if (!xlu_cfg_get_string(config, "tsc_mode", &buf, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "got a tsc mode string: \"%s\"\n", buf); if (libxl_tsc_mode_from_string(buf, &b_info->tsc_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid value \"%s\" for \"tsc_mode\"\n", buf); exit (1); } } if (!xlu_cfg_get_long(config, "rtc_timeoffset", &l, 0)) b_info->rtc_timeoffset = l; if (dom_info && !xlu_cfg_get_long(config, "vncviewer", &l, 0)) { /* Command line arguments must take precedence over what's * specified in the configuration file. */ if (!dom_info->vnc) dom_info->vnc = l; } xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "localtime", &b_info->localtime, 0); if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "videoram", &l, 0)) b_info->video_memkb = l * 1024; switch(b_info->type) { case LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM: if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "kernel", &buf, 0)) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: ignoring \"kernel\" directive for HVM guest. " "Use \"firmware_override\" instead if you really want a non-default firmware\n"); xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "firmware_override", &b_info->u.hvm.firmware, 0); if (!xlu_cfg_get_string(config, "bios", &buf, 0) && libxl_bios_type_from_string(buf, &b_info->u.hvm.bios)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid value \"%s\" for \"bios\"\n", buf); exit (1); } xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "pae", &b_info->u.hvm.pae, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "apic", &b_info->u.hvm.apic, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "acpi", &b_info->u.hvm.acpi, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "acpi_s3", &b_info->u.hvm.acpi_s3, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "acpi_s4", &b_info->u.hvm.acpi_s4, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "nx", &b_info->u.hvm.nx, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "viridian", &b_info->u.hvm.viridian, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "hpet", &b_info->u.hvm.hpet, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "vpt_align", &b_info->u.hvm.vpt_align, 0); if (!xlu_cfg_get_long(config, "timer_mode", &l, 1)) { const char *s = libxl_timer_mode_to_string(l); fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: specifying \"timer_mode\" as an integer is deprecated. " "Please use the named parameter variant. %s%s%s\n", s ? "e.g. timer_mode=\"" : "", s ? s : "", s ? "\"" : ""); if (l < LIBXL_TIMER_MODE_DELAY_FOR_MISSED_TICKS || l > LIBXL_TIMER_MODE_ONE_MISSED_TICK_PENDING) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid value %ld for \"timer_mode\"\n", l); exit (1); } b_info->u.hvm.timer_mode = l; } else if (!xlu_cfg_get_string(config, "timer_mode", &buf, 0)) { if (libxl_timer_mode_from_string(buf, &b_info->u.hvm.timer_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid value \"%s\" for \"timer_mode\"\n", buf); exit (1); } } xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "nestedhvm", &b_info->u.hvm.nested_hvm, 0); xlu_cfg_replace_string(config, "smbios_firmware", &b_info->u.hvm.smbios_firmware, 0); xlu_cfg_replace_string(config, "acpi_firmware", &b_info->u.hvm.acpi_firmware, 0); break; case LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PV: { char *cmdline = NULL; const char *root = NULL, *extra = ""; xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "kernel", &b_info->u.pv.kernel, 0); xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "root", &root, 0); xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "extra", &extra, 0); if (root) { if (asprintf(&cmdline, "root=%s %s", root, extra) == -1) cmdline = NULL; } else { cmdline = strdup(extra); } if ((root || extra) && !cmdline) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for cmdline\n"); exit(1); } xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "bootloader", &b_info->u.pv.bootloader, 0); switch (xlu_cfg_get_list_as_string_list(config, "bootloader_args", &b_info->u.pv.bootloader_args, 1)) { case 0: break; /* Success */ case ESRCH: break; /* Option not present */ case EINVAL: if (!xlu_cfg_get_string(config, "bootloader_args", &buf, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Specifying \"bootloader_args\"" " as a string is deprecated. " "Please use a list of arguments.\n"); split_string_into_string_list(buf, " \t\n", &b_info->u.pv.bootloader_args); } break; default: fprintf(stderr,"xl: Unable to parse bootloader_args.\n"); exit(-ERROR_FAIL); } if (!b_info->u.pv.bootloader && !b_info->u.pv.kernel) { fprintf(stderr, "Neither kernel nor bootloader specified\n"); exit(1); } b_info->u.pv.cmdline = cmdline; xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "ramdisk", &b_info->u.pv.ramdisk, 0); break; } default: abort(); } if (!xlu_cfg_get_list(config, "ioports", &ioports, &num_ioports, 0)) { b_info->num_ioports = num_ioports; b_info->ioports = calloc(num_ioports, sizeof(*b_info->ioports)); if (b_info->ioports == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate memory for ioports\n"); exit(-1); } for (i = 0; i < num_ioports; i++) { const char *buf2; char *ep; uint32_t start, end; unsigned long ul; buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem (ioports, i); if (!buf) { fprintf(stderr, "xl: Unable to get element #%d in ioport list\n", i); exit(1); } ul = strtoul(buf, &ep, 16); if (ep == buf) { fprintf(stderr, "xl: Invalid argument parsing ioport: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } if (ul >= UINT32_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "xl: ioport %lx too big\n", ul); exit(1); } start = end = ul; if (*ep == '-') { buf2 = ep + 1; ul = strtoul(buf2, &ep, 16); if (ep == buf2 || *ep != '\0' || start > end) { fprintf(stderr, "xl: Invalid argument parsing ioport: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } if (ul >= UINT32_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "xl: ioport %lx too big\n", ul); exit(1); } end = ul; } else if ( *ep != '\0' ) fprintf(stderr, "xl: Invalid argument parsing ioport: %s\n", buf); b_info->ioports[i].first = start; b_info->ioports[i].number = end - start + 1; } } if (!xlu_cfg_get_list(config, "irqs", &irqs, &num_irqs, 0)) { b_info->num_irqs = num_irqs; b_info->irqs = calloc(num_irqs, sizeof(*b_info->irqs)); if (b_info->irqs == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate memory for ioports\n"); exit(-1); } for (i = 0; i < num_irqs; i++) { char *ep; unsigned long ul; buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem (irqs, i); if (!buf) { fprintf(stderr, "xl: Unable to get element %d in irq list\n", i); exit(1); } ul = strtoul(buf, &ep, 10); if (ep == buf) { fprintf(stderr, "xl: Invalid argument parsing irq: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } if (ul >= UINT32_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "xl: irq %lx too big\n", ul); exit(1); } b_info->irqs[i] = ul; } } if (!xlu_cfg_get_list(config, "iomem", &iomem, &num_iomem, 0)) { b_info->num_iomem = num_iomem; b_info->iomem = calloc(num_iomem, sizeof(*b_info->iomem)); if (b_info->iomem == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate memory for iomem\n"); exit(-1); } for (i = 0; i < num_iomem; i++) { buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem (iomem, i); if (!buf) { fprintf(stderr, "xl: Unable to get element %d in iomem list\n", i); exit(1); } if(sscanf(buf, "%" SCNx64",%" SCNx64, &b_info->iomem[i].start, &b_info->iomem[i].number) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "xl: Invalid argument parsing iomem: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } } } if (!xlu_cfg_get_list (config, "disk", &vbds, 0, 0)) { d_config->num_disks = 0; d_config->disks = NULL; while ((buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem (vbds, d_config->num_disks)) != NULL) { libxl_device_disk *disk; char *buf2 = strdup(buf); d_config->disks = (libxl_device_disk *) realloc(d_config->disks, sizeof (libxl_device_disk) * (d_config->num_disks + 1)); disk = d_config->disks + d_config->num_disks; parse_disk_config(&config, buf2, disk); free(buf2); d_config->num_disks++; } } if (!xlu_cfg_get_list(config, "vtpm", &vtpms, 0, 0)) { d_config->num_vtpms = 0; d_config->vtpms = NULL; while ((buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem (vtpms, d_config->num_vtpms)) != NULL) { libxl_device_vtpm *vtpm; char * buf2 = strdup(buf); char *p, *p2; bool got_backend = false; d_config->vtpms = (libxl_device_vtpm *) realloc(d_config->vtpms, sizeof(libxl_device_vtpm) * (d_config->num_vtpms+1)); vtpm = d_config->vtpms + d_config->num_vtpms; libxl_device_vtpm_init(vtpm); vtpm->devid = d_config->num_vtpms; p = strtok(buf2, ","); if(p) { do { while(*p == ' ') ++p; if ((p2 = strchr(p, '=')) == NULL) break; *p2 = '\0'; if (!strcmp(p, "backend")) { vtpm->backend_domname = strdup(p2 + 1); got_backend = true; } else if(!strcmp(p, "uuid")) { if( libxl_uuid_from_string(&vtpm->uuid, p2 + 1) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse vtpm UUID: %s\n", p2 + 1); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown string `%s' in vtpm spec\n", p); exit(1); } } while ((p = strtok(NULL, ",")) != NULL); } if(!got_backend) { fprintf(stderr, "vtpm spec missing required backend field!\n"); exit(1); } free(buf2); d_config->num_vtpms++; } } if (!xlu_cfg_get_list (config, "vif", &nics, 0, 0)) { d_config->num_nics = 0; d_config->nics = NULL; while ((buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem (nics, d_config->num_nics)) != NULL) { libxl_device_nic *nic; char *buf2 = strdup(buf); char *p, *p2; d_config->nics = (libxl_device_nic *) realloc(d_config->nics, sizeof (libxl_device_nic) * (d_config->num_nics+1)); nic = d_config->nics + d_config->num_nics; libxl_device_nic_init(nic); nic->devid = d_config->num_nics; if (default_vifscript) { free(nic->script); nic->script = strdup(default_vifscript); } if (default_bridge) { free(nic->bridge); nic->bridge = strdup(default_bridge); } if (default_gatewaydev) { free(nic->gatewaydev); nic->gatewaydev = strdup(default_gatewaydev); } p = strtok(buf2, ","); if (!p) goto skip_nic; do { while (*p == ' ') p++; if ((p2 = strchr(p, '=')) == NULL) break; *p2 = '\0'; if (!strcmp(p, "model")) { free(nic->model); nic->model = strdup(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "mac")) { char *p3 = p2 + 1; *(p3 + 2) = '\0'; nic->mac[0] = strtol(p3, NULL, 16); p3 = p3 + 3; *(p3 + 2) = '\0'; nic->mac[1] = strtol(p3, NULL, 16); p3 = p3 + 3; *(p3 + 2) = '\0'; nic->mac[2] = strtol(p3, NULL, 16); p3 = p3 + 3; *(p3 + 2) = '\0'; nic->mac[3] = strtol(p3, NULL, 16); p3 = p3 + 3; *(p3 + 2) = '\0'; nic->mac[4] = strtol(p3, NULL, 16); p3 = p3 + 3; *(p3 + 2) = '\0'; nic->mac[5] = strtol(p3, NULL, 16); } else if (!strcmp(p, "bridge")) { free(nic->bridge); nic->bridge = strdup(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "type")) { if (!strcmp(p2 + 1, "ioemu")) nic->nictype = LIBXL_NIC_TYPE_VIF_IOEMU; else nic->nictype = LIBXL_NIC_TYPE_VIF; } else if (!strcmp(p, "ip")) { free(nic->ip); nic->ip = strdup(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "script")) { free(nic->script); nic->script = strdup(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "vifname")) { free(nic->ifname); nic->ifname = strdup(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "backend")) { nic->backend_domname = strdup(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "rate")) { parse_vif_rate(&config, (p2 + 1), nic); } else if (!strcmp(p, "accel")) { fprintf(stderr, "the accel parameter for vifs is currently not supported\n"); } else if (!strcmp(p, "netdev")) { fprintf(stderr, "the netdev parameter is deprecated, " "please use gatewaydev instead\n"); free(nic->gatewaydev); nic->gatewaydev = strdup(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "gatewaydev")) { free(nic->gatewaydev); nic->gatewaydev = strdup(p2 + 1); } } while ((p = strtok(NULL, ",")) != NULL); skip_nic: free(buf2); d_config->num_nics++; } } if (!xlu_cfg_get_list(config, "vif2", NULL, 0, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: vif2: netchannel2 is deprecated and not supported by xl\n"); } if (!xlu_cfg_get_list (config, "vfb", &cvfbs, 0, 0)) { d_config->num_vfbs = 0; d_config->num_vkbs = 0; d_config->vfbs = NULL; d_config->vkbs = NULL; while ((buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem (cvfbs, d_config->num_vfbs)) != NULL) { libxl_device_vfb *vfb; libxl_device_vkb *vkb; char *buf2 = strdup(buf); char *p, *p2; d_config->vfbs = (libxl_device_vfb *) realloc(d_config->vfbs, sizeof(libxl_device_vfb) * (d_config->num_vfbs + 1)); vfb = d_config->vfbs + d_config->num_vfbs; libxl_device_vfb_init(vfb); vfb->devid = d_config->num_vfbs; d_config->vkbs = (libxl_device_vkb *) realloc(d_config->vkbs, sizeof(libxl_device_vkb) * (d_config->num_vkbs + 1)); vkb = d_config->vkbs + d_config->num_vkbs; libxl_device_vkb_init(vkb); vkb->devid = d_config->num_vkbs; p = strtok(buf2, ","); if (!p) goto skip_vfb; do { while (*p == ' ') p++; if ((p2 = strchr(p, '=')) == NULL) break; *p2 = '\0'; if (!strcmp(p, "vnc")) { libxl_defbool_set(&vfb->vnc.enable, atoi(p2 + 1)); } else if (!strcmp(p, "vnclisten")) { free(vfb->vnc.listen); vfb->vnc.listen = strdup(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "vncpasswd")) { free(vfb->vnc.passwd); vfb->vnc.passwd = strdup(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "vncdisplay")) { vfb->vnc.display = atoi(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "vncunused")) { libxl_defbool_set(&vfb->vnc.findunused, atoi(p2 + 1)); } else if (!strcmp(p, "keymap")) { free(vfb->keymap); vfb->keymap = strdup(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "sdl")) { libxl_defbool_set(&vfb->sdl.enable, atoi(p2 + 1)); } else if (!strcmp(p, "opengl")) { libxl_defbool_set(&vfb->sdl.opengl, atoi(p2 + 1)); } else if (!strcmp(p, "display")) { free(vfb->sdl.display); vfb->sdl.display = strdup(p2 + 1); } else if (!strcmp(p, "xauthority")) { free(vfb->sdl.xauthority); vfb->sdl.xauthority = strdup(p2 + 1); } } while ((p = strtok(NULL, ",")) != NULL); skip_vfb: free(buf2); d_config->num_vfbs++; d_config->num_vkbs++; } } if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "pci_msitranslate", &l, 0)) pci_msitranslate = l; if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "pci_power_mgmt", &l, 0)) pci_power_mgmt = l; if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "pci_permissive", &l, 0)) pci_permissive = l; /* To be reworked (automatically enabled) once the auto ballooning * after guest starts is done (with PCI devices passed in). */ if (c_info->type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PV) { xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "e820_host", &b_info->u.pv.e820_host, 0); } if (!xlu_cfg_get_list (config, "pci", &pcis, 0, 0)) { d_config->num_pcidevs = 0; d_config->pcidevs = NULL; for(i = 0; (buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem (pcis, i)) != NULL; i++) { libxl_device_pci *pcidev; d_config->pcidevs = (libxl_device_pci *) realloc(d_config->pcidevs, sizeof (libxl_device_pci) * (d_config->num_pcidevs + 1)); pcidev = d_config->pcidevs + d_config->num_pcidevs; libxl_device_pci_init(pcidev); pcidev->msitranslate = pci_msitranslate; pcidev->power_mgmt = pci_power_mgmt; pcidev->permissive = pci_permissive; if (!xlu_pci_parse_bdf(config, pcidev, buf)) d_config->num_pcidevs++; } if (d_config->num_pcidevs && c_info->type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PV) libxl_defbool_set(&b_info->u.pv.e820_host, true); } switch (xlu_cfg_get_list(config, "cpuid", &cpuids, 0, 1)) { case 0: { const char *errstr; for (i = 0; (buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem(cpuids, i)) != NULL; i++) { e = libxl_cpuid_parse_config_xend(&b_info->cpuid, buf); switch (e) { case 0: continue; case 1: errstr = "illegal leaf number"; break; case 2: errstr = "illegal subleaf number"; break; case 3: errstr = "missing colon"; break; case 4: errstr = "invalid register name (must be e[abcd]x)"; break; case 5: errstr = "policy string must be exactly 32 characters long"; break; default: errstr = "unknown error"; break; } fprintf(stderr, "while parsing CPUID line: \"%s\":\n", buf); fprintf(stderr, " error #%i: %s\n", e, errstr); } } break; case EINVAL: /* config option is not a list, parse as a string */ if (!xlu_cfg_get_string(config, "cpuid", &buf, 0)) { char *buf2, *p, *strtok_ptr = NULL; const char *errstr; buf2 = strdup(buf); p = strtok_r(buf2, ",", &strtok_ptr); if (p == NULL) { free(buf2); break; } if (strcmp(p, "host")) { fprintf(stderr, "while parsing CPUID string: \"%s\":\n", buf); fprintf(stderr, " error: first word must be \"host\"\n"); free(buf2); break; } for (p = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &strtok_ptr); p != NULL; p = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &strtok_ptr)) { e = libxl_cpuid_parse_config(&b_info->cpuid, p); switch (e) { case 0: continue; case 1: errstr = "missing \"=\" in key=value"; break; case 2: errstr = "unknown CPUID flag name"; break; case 3: errstr = "illegal CPUID value (must be: [0|1|x|k|s])"; break; default: errstr = "unknown error"; break; } fprintf(stderr, "while parsing CPUID flag: \"%s\":\n", p); fprintf(stderr, " error #%i: %s\n", e, errstr); } free(buf2); } break; default: break; } /* parse device model arguments, this works for pv, hvm and stubdom */ if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "device_model", &buf, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: ignoring device_model directive.\n" "WARNING: Use \"device_model_override\" instead if you" " really want a non-default device_model\n"); if (strstr(buf, "stubdom-dm")) { if (c_info->type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Or use" " \"device_model_stubdomain_override\" if you " " want to enable stubdomains\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: ignoring" " \"device_model_stubdomain_override\" directive" " for pv guest\n"); } } xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "device_model_override", &b_info->device_model, 0); if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "device_model_version", &buf, 0)) { if (!strcmp(buf, "qemu-xen-traditional")) { b_info->device_model_version = LIBXL_DEVICE_MODEL_VERSION_QEMU_XEN_TRADITIONAL; } else if (!strcmp(buf, "qemu-xen")) { b_info->device_model_version = LIBXL_DEVICE_MODEL_VERSION_QEMU_XEN; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown device_model_version \"%s\" specified\n", buf); exit(1); } } else if (b_info->device_model) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: device model override given without specific DM version\n"); xlu_cfg_get_defbool (config, "device_model_stubdomain_override", &b_info->device_model_stubdomain, 0); if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "device_model_stubdomain_seclabel", &buf, 0)) { e = libxl_flask_context_to_sid(ctx, (char *)buf, strlen(buf), &b_info->device_model_ssidref); if (e) { if (errno == ENOSYS) { fprintf(stderr, "XSM Disabled:" " device_model_stubdomain_seclabel not supported\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid device_model_stubdomain_seclabel:" " %s\n", buf); exit(1); } } } #define parse_extra_args(type) \ e = xlu_cfg_get_list_as_string_list(config, "device_model_args"#type, \ &b_info->extra##type, 0); \ if (e && e != ESRCH) { \ fprintf(stderr,"xl: Unable to parse device_model_args"#type".\n");\ exit(-ERROR_FAIL); \ } /* parse extra args for qemu, common to both pv, hvm */ parse_extra_args(); /* parse extra args dedicated to pv */ parse_extra_args(_pv); /* parse extra args dedicated to hvm */ parse_extra_args(_hvm); #undef parse_extra_args if (c_info->type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM) { if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "vga", &buf, 0)) { if (!strcmp(buf, "stdvga")) { b_info->u.hvm.vga.kind = LIBXL_VGA_INTERFACE_TYPE_STD; } else if (!strcmp(buf, "cirrus")) { b_info->u.hvm.vga.kind = LIBXL_VGA_INTERFACE_TYPE_CIRRUS; } else if (!strcmp(buf, "qxl")) { b_info->u.hvm.vga.kind = LIBXL_VGA_INTERFACE_TYPE_QXL; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown vga \"%s\" specified\n", buf); exit(1); } } else if (!xlu_cfg_get_long(config, "stdvga", &l, 0)) b_info->u.hvm.vga.kind = l ? LIBXL_VGA_INTERFACE_TYPE_STD : LIBXL_VGA_INTERFACE_TYPE_CIRRUS; xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "vnc", &b_info->u.hvm.vnc.enable, 0); xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "vnclisten", &b_info->u.hvm.vnc.listen, 0); xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "vncpasswd", &b_info->u.hvm.vnc.passwd, 0); if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "vncdisplay", &l, 0)) b_info->u.hvm.vnc.display = l; xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "vncunused", &b_info->u.hvm.vnc.findunused, 0); xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "keymap", &b_info->u.hvm.keymap, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "sdl", &b_info->u.hvm.sdl.enable, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "opengl", &b_info->u.hvm.sdl.opengl, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool (config, "spice", &b_info->u.hvm.spice.enable, 0); if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "spiceport", &l, 0)) b_info->u.hvm.spice.port = l; if (!xlu_cfg_get_long (config, "spicetls_port", &l, 0)) b_info->u.hvm.spice.tls_port = l; xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "spicehost", &b_info->u.hvm.spice.host, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "spicedisable_ticketing", &b_info->u.hvm.spice.disable_ticketing, 0); xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "spicepasswd", &b_info->u.hvm.spice.passwd, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "spiceagent_mouse", &b_info->u.hvm.spice.agent_mouse, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "nographic", &b_info->u.hvm.nographic, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "gfx_passthru", &b_info->u.hvm.gfx_passthru, 0); xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "serial", &b_info->u.hvm.serial, 0); xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "boot", &b_info->u.hvm.boot, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "usb", &b_info->u.hvm.usb, 0); switch (xlu_cfg_get_list_as_string_list(config, "usbdevice", &b_info->u.hvm.usbdevice_list, 1)) { case 0: break; /* Success */ case ESRCH: break; /* Option not present */ case EINVAL: /* If it's not a valid list, try reading it as an atom, * falling through to an error if it fails */ if (!xlu_cfg_replace_string(config, "usbdevice", &b_info->u.hvm.usbdevice, 0)) break; /* FALLTHRU */ default: fprintf(stderr,"xl: Unable to parse usbdevice.\n"); exit(-ERROR_FAIL); } xlu_cfg_replace_string (config, "soundhw", &b_info->u.hvm.soundhw, 0); xlu_cfg_get_defbool(config, "xen_platform_pci", &b_info->u.hvm.xen_platform_pci, 0); if(b_info->u.hvm.vnc.listen && b_info->u.hvm.vnc.display && strchr(b_info->u.hvm.vnc.listen, ':') != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Display specified both in vnclisten" " and vncdisplay!\n"); exit (1); } } xlu_cfg_destroy(config); } static void reload_domain_config(uint32_t domid, uint8_t **config_data, int *config_len) { uint8_t *t_data; int ret, t_len; ret = libxl_userdata_retrieve(ctx, domid, "xl", &t_data, &t_len); if (ret) { LOG("failed to retrieve guest configuration (rc=%d). " "reusing old configuration", ret); return; } free(*config_data); *config_data = t_data; *config_len = t_len; } /* Returns 1 if domain should be restarted, * 2 if domain should be renamed then restarted, or 0 * Can update r_domid if domain is destroyed etc */ static int handle_domain_death(uint32_t *r_domid, libxl_event *event, uint8_t **config_data, int *config_len, libxl_domain_config *d_config) { int restart = 0; libxl_action_on_shutdown action; switch (event->u.domain_shutdown.shutdown_reason) { case LIBXL_SHUTDOWN_REASON_POWEROFF: action = d_config->on_poweroff; break; case LIBXL_SHUTDOWN_REASON_REBOOT: action = d_config->on_reboot; break; case LIBXL_SHUTDOWN_REASON_SUSPEND: LOG("Domain has suspended."); return 0; case LIBXL_SHUTDOWN_REASON_CRASH: action = d_config->on_crash; break; case LIBXL_SHUTDOWN_REASON_WATCHDOG: action = d_config->on_watchdog; break; default: LOG("Unknown shutdown reason code %d. Destroying domain.", event->u.domain_shutdown.shutdown_reason); action = LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_DESTROY; } LOG("Action for shutdown reason code %d is %s", event->u.domain_shutdown.shutdown_reason, action_on_shutdown_names[action]); if (action == LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_COREDUMP_DESTROY || action == LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_COREDUMP_RESTART) { char *corefile; int rc; if (asprintf(&corefile, "/var/xen/dump/%s", d_config->c_info.name) < 0) { LOG("failed to construct core dump path"); } else { LOG("dumping core to %s", corefile); rc=libxl_domain_core_dump(ctx, *r_domid, corefile, NULL); if (rc) LOG("core dump failed (rc=%d).", rc); } /* No point crying over spilled milk, continue on failure. */ if (action == LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_COREDUMP_DESTROY) action = LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_DESTROY; else action = LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_RESTART; } switch (action) { case LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_PRESERVE: break; case LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_RESTART_RENAME: reload_domain_config(*r_domid, config_data, config_len); restart = 2; break; case LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_RESTART: reload_domain_config(*r_domid, config_data, config_len); restart = 1; /* fall-through */ case LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_DESTROY: LOG("Domain %d needs to be cleaned up: destroying the domain", *r_domid); libxl_domain_destroy(ctx, *r_domid, 0); *r_domid = INVALID_DOMID; break; case LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_COREDUMP_DESTROY: case LIBXL_ACTION_ON_SHUTDOWN_COREDUMP_RESTART: /* Already handled these above. */ abort(); } return restart; } /* for now used only by main_networkattach, but can be reused elsewhere */ static int match_option_size(const char *prefix, size_t len, char *arg, char **argopt) { int rc = strncmp(prefix, arg, len); if (!rc) *argopt = arg+len; return !rc; } #define MATCH_OPTION(prefix, arg, oparg) \ match_option_size((prefix "="), sizeof((prefix)), (arg), &(oparg)) static void replace_string(char **str, const char *val) { free(*str); *str = strdup(val); } /* Preserve a copy of a domain under a new name. Updates *r_domid */ static int preserve_domain(uint32_t *r_domid, libxl_event *event, libxl_domain_config *d_config) { time_t now; struct tm tm; char strtime[24]; libxl_uuid new_uuid; int rc; now = time(NULL); if (now == ((time_t) -1)) { LOG("Failed to get current time for domain rename"); return 0; } tzset(); if (gmtime_r(&now, &tm) == NULL) { LOG("Failed to convert time to UTC"); return 0; } if (!strftime(&strtime[0], sizeof(strtime), "-%Y%m%dT%H%MZ", &tm)) { LOG("Failed to format time as a string"); return 0; } libxl_uuid_generate(&new_uuid); LOG("Preserving domain %d %s with suffix%s", *r_domid, d_config->c_info.name, strtime); rc = libxl_domain_preserve(ctx, *r_domid, &d_config->c_info, strtime, new_uuid); /* * Although the domain still exists it is no longer the one we are * concerned with. */ *r_domid = INVALID_DOMID; return rc == 0 ? 1 : 0; } static int freemem(uint32_t domid, libxl_domain_build_info *b_info) { int rc, retries = 3; uint32_t need_memkb, free_memkb; if (!autoballoon) return 0; rc = libxl_domain_need_memory(ctx, b_info, &need_memkb); if (rc < 0) return rc; do { rc = libxl_get_free_memory(ctx, &free_memkb); if (rc < 0) return rc; if (free_memkb >= need_memkb) return 0; rc = libxl_set_memory_target(ctx, 0, free_memkb - need_memkb, 1, 0); if (rc < 0) return rc; rc = libxl_wait_for_free_memory(ctx, domid, need_memkb, 10); if (!rc) return 0; else if (rc != ERROR_NOMEM) return rc; /* the memory target has been reached but the free memory is still * not enough: loop over again */ rc = libxl_wait_for_memory_target(ctx, 0, 1); if (rc < 0) return rc; retries--; } while (retries > 0); return ERROR_NOMEM; } static void console_child_report(void) { if (xl_child_pid(child_console)) { int status; pid_t got = xl_waitpid(child_console, &status, 0); if (got < 0) perror("xl: warning, failed to waitpid for console child"); else if (status) libxl_report_child_exitstatus(ctx, XTL_ERROR, "console child", xl_child_pid(child_console), status); } } static void autoconnect_console(libxl_ctx *ctx_ignored, libxl_event *ev, void *priv) { uint32_t bldomid = ev->domid; libxl_event_free(ctx, ev); console_child_report(); pid_t pid = xl_fork(child_console); if (pid < 0) { perror("unable to fork xenconsole"); return; } else if (pid > 0) return; postfork(); sleep(1); libxl_primary_console_exec(ctx, bldomid); /* Do not return. xl continued in child process */ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to attach console\n"); _exit(1); } static int domain_wait_event(uint32_t domid, libxl_event **event_r) { int ret; for (;;) { ret = libxl_event_wait(ctx, event_r, LIBXL_EVENTMASK_ALL, 0,0); if (ret) { LOG("Domain %d, failed to get event, quitting (rc=%d)", domid, ret); return ret; } if ((*event_r)->domid != domid) { char *evstr = libxl_event_to_json(ctx, *event_r); LOG("INTERNAL PROBLEM - ignoring unexpected event for" " domain %d (expected %d): event=%s", (*event_r)->domid, domid, evstr); free(evstr); libxl_event_free(ctx, *event_r); continue; } return ret; } } static void evdisable_disk_ejects(libxl_evgen_disk_eject **diskws, int num_disks) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_disks; i++) { if (diskws[i]) libxl_evdisable_disk_eject(ctx, diskws[i]); diskws[i] = NULL; } } static uint32_t create_domain(struct domain_create *dom_info) { uint32_t domid = INVALID_DOMID; libxl_domain_config d_config; int debug = dom_info->debug; int daemonize = dom_info->daemonize; int monitor = dom_info->monitor; int paused = dom_info->paused; int vncautopass = dom_info->vncautopass; const char *config_file = dom_info->config_file; const char *extra_config = dom_info->extra_config; const char *restore_file = dom_info->restore_file; const char *config_source = NULL; const char *restore_source = NULL; int migrate_fd = dom_info->migrate_fd; int i; int need_daemon = daemonize; int ret, rc; libxl_evgen_domain_death *deathw = NULL; libxl_evgen_disk_eject **diskws = NULL; /* one per disk */ void *config_data = 0; int config_len = 0; int restore_fd = -1; int status = 0; const libxl_asyncprogress_how *autoconnect_console_how; struct save_file_header hdr; int restoring = (restore_file || (migrate_fd >= 0)); libxl_domain_config_init(&d_config); if (restoring) { uint8_t *optdata_begin = 0; const uint8_t *optdata_here = 0; union { uint32_t u32; char b[4]; } u32buf; uint32_t badflags; if (migrate_fd >= 0) { restore_source = ""; restore_fd = migrate_fd; } else { restore_source = restore_file; restore_fd = open(restore_file, O_RDONLY); rc = libxl_fd_set_cloexec(ctx, restore_fd, 1); if (rc) return rc; } CHK_ERRNO( libxl_read_exactly(ctx, restore_fd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr), restore_source, "header") ); if (memcmp(hdr.magic, savefileheader_magic, sizeof(hdr.magic))) { fprintf(stderr, "File has wrong magic number -" " corrupt or for a different tool?\n"); return ERROR_INVAL; } if (hdr.byteorder != SAVEFILE_BYTEORDER_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "File has wrong byte order\n"); return ERROR_INVAL; } fprintf(stderr, "Loading new save file %s" " (new xl fmt info" " 0x%"PRIx32"/0x%"PRIx32"/%"PRIu32")\n", restore_source, hdr.mandatory_flags, hdr.optional_flags, hdr.optional_data_len); badflags = hdr.mandatory_flags & ~( 0 /* none understood yet */ ); if (badflags) { fprintf(stderr, "Savefile has mandatory flag(s) 0x%"PRIx32" " "which are not supported; need newer xl\n", badflags); return ERROR_INVAL; } if (hdr.optional_data_len) { optdata_begin = xmalloc(hdr.optional_data_len); CHK_ERRNO( libxl_read_exactly(ctx, restore_fd, optdata_begin, hdr.optional_data_len, restore_source, "optdata") ); } #define OPTDATA_LEFT (hdr.optional_data_len - (optdata_here - optdata_begin)) #define WITH_OPTDATA(amt, body) \ if (OPTDATA_LEFT < (amt)) { \ fprintf(stderr, "Savefile truncated.\n"); \ return ERROR_INVAL; \ } else { \ body; \ optdata_here += (amt); \ } optdata_here = optdata_begin; if (OPTDATA_LEFT) { fprintf(stderr, " Savefile contains xl domain config\n"); WITH_OPTDATA(4, { memcpy(u32buf.b, optdata_here, 4); config_len = u32buf.u32; }); WITH_OPTDATA(config_len, { config_data = xmalloc(config_len); memcpy(config_data, optdata_here, config_len); }); } } if (config_file) { free(config_data); config_data = 0; /* /dev/null represents special case (read config. from command line) */ if (!strcmp(config_file, "/dev/null")) { config_len = 0; } else { ret = libxl_read_file_contents(ctx, config_file, &config_data, &config_len); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read config file: %s: %s\n", config_file, strerror(errno)); return ERROR_FAIL; } } if (!restoring && extra_config && strlen(extra_config)) { if (config_len > INT_MAX - (strlen(extra_config) + 2 + 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to attach extra configration\n"); return ERROR_FAIL; } /* allocate space for the extra config plus two EOLs plus \0 */ config_data = realloc(config_data, config_len + strlen(extra_config) + 2 + 1); if (!config_data) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to realloc config_data\n"); return ERROR_FAIL; } config_len += sprintf(config_data + config_len, "\n%s\n", extra_config); } config_source=config_file; } else { if (!config_data) { fprintf(stderr, "Config file not specified and" " none in save file\n"); return ERROR_INVAL; } config_source = ""; } if (!dom_info->quiet) printf("Parsing config from %s\n", config_source); parse_config_data(config_source, config_data, config_len, &d_config, dom_info); if (migrate_fd >= 0) { if (d_config.c_info.name) { /* when we receive a domain we get its name from the config * file; and we receive it to a temporary name */ assert(!common_domname); common_domname = d_config.c_info.name; d_config.c_info.name = 0; /* steals allocation from config */ if (asprintf(&d_config.c_info.name, "%s--incoming", common_domname) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory in asprintf\n"); exit(1); } *dom_info->migration_domname_r = strdup(d_config.c_info.name); } } if (debug || dom_info->dryrun) printf_info(default_output_format, -1, &d_config); ret = 0; if (dom_info->dryrun) goto out; start: assert(domid == INVALID_DOMID); rc = acquire_lock(); if (rc < 0) goto error_out; ret = freemem(domid, &d_config.b_info); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to free memory for the domain\n"); ret = ERROR_FAIL; goto error_out; } libxl_asyncprogress_how autoconnect_console_how_buf; if ( dom_info->console_autoconnect ) { autoconnect_console_how_buf.callback = autoconnect_console; autoconnect_console_how = &autoconnect_console_how_buf; }else{ autoconnect_console_how = 0; } if ( restoring ) { ret = libxl_domain_create_restore(ctx, &d_config, &domid, restore_fd, 0, autoconnect_console_how); /* * On subsequent reboot etc we should create the domain, not * restore/migrate-receive it again. */ restoring = 0; }else{ ret = libxl_domain_create_new(ctx, &d_config, &domid, 0, autoconnect_console_how); } if ( ret ) goto error_out; /* If single vcpu to pcpu mapping was requested, honour it */ if (vcpu_to_pcpu) { libxl_bitmap vcpu_cpumap; ret = libxl_cpu_bitmap_alloc(ctx, &vcpu_cpumap, 0); if (ret) goto error_out; for (i = 0; i < d_config.b_info.max_vcpus; i++) { if (vcpu_to_pcpu[i] != -1) { libxl_bitmap_set_none(&vcpu_cpumap); libxl_bitmap_set(&vcpu_cpumap, vcpu_to_pcpu[i]); } else { libxl_bitmap_set_any(&vcpu_cpumap); } if (libxl_set_vcpuaffinity(ctx, domid, i, &vcpu_cpumap)) { fprintf(stderr, "setting affinity failed on vcpu `%d'.\n", i); libxl_bitmap_dispose(&vcpu_cpumap); free(vcpu_to_pcpu); ret = ERROR_FAIL; goto error_out; } } libxl_bitmap_dispose(&vcpu_cpumap); free(vcpu_to_pcpu); vcpu_to_pcpu = NULL; } ret = libxl_userdata_store(ctx, domid, "xl", config_data, config_len); if (ret) { perror("cannot save config file"); ret = ERROR_FAIL; goto error_out; } release_lock(); if (!paused) libxl_domain_unpause(ctx, domid); ret = domid; /* caller gets success in parent */ if (!daemonize && !monitor) goto out; if (dom_info->vnc) vncviewer(domid, vncautopass); if (need_daemon) { char *fullname, *name; pid_t child1, got_child; int nullfd; child1 = xl_fork(child_waitdaemon); if (child1) { printf("Daemon running with PID %d\n", child1); for (;;) { got_child = xl_waitpid(child_waitdaemon, &status, 0); if (got_child == child1) break; assert(got_child == -1); perror("failed to wait for daemonizing child"); ret = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } if (status) { libxl_report_child_exitstatus(ctx, XTL_ERROR, "daemonizing child", child1, status); ret = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } ret = domid; goto out; } postfork(); if (asprintf(&name, "xl-%s", d_config.c_info.name) < 0) { LOG("Failed to allocate memory in asprintf"); exit(1); } rc = libxl_create_logfile(ctx, name, &fullname); if (rc) { LOG("failed to open logfile %s: %s",fullname,strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } CHK_ERRNO(( logfile = open(fullname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 0644) )<0); free(fullname); free(name); CHK_ERRNO(( nullfd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY) )<0); dup2(nullfd, 0); dup2(logfile, 1); dup2(logfile, 2); CHK_ERRNO(daemon(0, 1) < 0); need_daemon = 0; } LOG("Waiting for domain %s (domid %d) to die [pid %ld]", d_config.c_info.name, domid, (long)getpid()); ret = libxl_evenable_domain_death(ctx, domid, 0, &deathw); if (ret) goto out; if (!diskws) { diskws = xmalloc(sizeof(*diskws) * d_config.num_disks); for (i = 0; i < d_config.num_disks; i++) diskws[i] = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < d_config.num_disks; i++) { if (d_config.disks[i].removable) { ret = libxl_evenable_disk_eject(ctx, domid, d_config.disks[i].vdev, 0, &diskws[i]); if (ret) goto out; } } while (1) { libxl_event *event; ret = domain_wait_event(domid, &event); if (ret) goto out; switch (event->type) { case LIBXL_EVENT_TYPE_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN: LOG("Domain %d has shut down, reason code %d 0x%x", domid, event->u.domain_shutdown.shutdown_reason, event->u.domain_shutdown.shutdown_reason); switch (handle_domain_death(&domid, event, (uint8_t **)&config_data, &config_len, &d_config)) { case 2: if (!preserve_domain(&domid, event, &d_config)) { /* If we fail then exit leaving the old domain in place. */ ret = -1; goto out; } /* Otherwise fall through and restart. */ case 1: libxl_event_free(ctx, event); libxl_evdisable_domain_death(ctx, deathw); deathw = NULL; evdisable_disk_ejects(diskws, d_config.num_disks); /* discard any other events which may have been generated */ while (!(ret = libxl_event_check(ctx, &event, LIBXL_EVENTMASK_ALL, 0,0))) { libxl_event_free(ctx, event); } if (ret != ERROR_NOT_READY) { LOG("warning, libxl_event_check (cleanup) failed (rc=%d)", ret); } /* * Do not attempt to reconnect if we come round again due to a * guest reboot -- the stdin/out will be disconnected by then. */ dom_info->console_autoconnect = 0; /* Some settings only make sense on first boot. */ paused = 0; if (common_domname && strcmp(d_config.c_info.name, common_domname)) { d_config.c_info.name = strdup(common_domname); } /* Reparse the configuration in case it has changed */ libxl_domain_config_dispose(&d_config); libxl_domain_config_init(&d_config); parse_config_data(config_source, config_data, config_len, &d_config, dom_info); /* * XXX FIXME: If this sleep is not there then domain * re-creation fails sometimes. */ LOG("Done. Rebooting now"); sleep(2); goto start; case 0: LOG("Done. Exiting now"); libxl_event_free(ctx, event); ret = 0; goto out; default: abort(); } case LIBXL_EVENT_TYPE_DOMAIN_DEATH: LOG("Domain %d has been destroyed.", domid); libxl_event_free(ctx, event); ret = 0; goto out; case LIBXL_EVENT_TYPE_DISK_EJECT: /* XXX what is this for? */ libxl_cdrom_insert(ctx, domid, &event->u.disk_eject.disk, NULL); break; default:; char *evstr = libxl_event_to_json(ctx, event); LOG("warning, got unexpected event type %d, event=%s", event->type, evstr); free(evstr); } libxl_event_free(ctx, event); } error_out: release_lock(); if (libxl_domid_valid_guest(domid)) { libxl_domain_destroy(ctx, domid, 0); domid = INVALID_DOMID; } out: if (logfile != 2) close(logfile); libxl_domain_config_dispose(&d_config); free(config_data); console_child_report(); if (deathw) libxl_evdisable_domain_death(ctx, deathw); if (diskws) { evdisable_disk_ejects(diskws, d_config.num_disks); free(diskws); } /* * If we have daemonized then do not return to the caller -- this has * already happened in the parent. */ if ( daemonize && !need_daemon ) exit(ret); return ret; } void help(const char *command) { int i; struct cmd_spec *cmd; if (!command || !strcmp(command, "help")) { printf("Usage xl [-vfN] [args]\n\n"); printf("xl full list of subcommands:\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < cmdtable_len; i++) { printf(" %-19s ", cmd_table[i].cmd_name); if (strlen(cmd_table[i].cmd_name) > 19) printf("\n %-19s ", ""); printf("%s\n", cmd_table[i].cmd_desc); } } else { cmd = cmdtable_lookup(command); if (cmd) { printf("Usage: xl [-v%s%s] %s %s\n\n%s.\n\n", cmd->modifies ? "f" : "", cmd->can_dryrun ? "N" : "", cmd->cmd_name, cmd->cmd_usage, cmd->cmd_desc); if (cmd->cmd_option) printf("Options:\n\n%s\n", cmd->cmd_option); } else { printf("command \"%s\" not implemented\n", command); } } } static int64_t parse_mem_size_kb(const char *mem) { char *endptr; int64_t kbytes; kbytes = strtoll(mem, &endptr, 10); if (strlen(endptr) > 1) return -1; switch (tolower((uint8_t)*endptr)) { case 't': kbytes <<= 10; case 'g': kbytes <<= 10; case '\0': case 'm': kbytes <<= 10; case 'k': break; case 'b': kbytes >>= 10; break; default: return -1; } return kbytes; } #define COMMON_LONG_OPTS {"help", 0, 0, 'h'} /* * Callers should use SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT in preference to calling this * directly. */ static int def_getopt(int argc, char * const argv[], const char *optstring, const struct option *longopts, const char* helpstr, int reqargs) { int opt; const struct option def_options[] = { COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; if (!longopts) longopts = def_options; opterr = 0; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, longopts, NULL)) == '?') { if (optopt == 'h') { help(helpstr); exit(0); } fprintf(stderr, "option `%c' not supported.\n", optopt); } if (opt == 'h') { help(helpstr); exit(0); } if (opt != -1) return opt; if (argc - optind <= reqargs - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "'xl %s' requires at least %d argument%s.\n\n", helpstr, reqargs, reqargs > 1 ? "s" : ""); help(helpstr); exit(2); } return -1; } /* * Wraps def_getopt into a convenient loop+switch to process all * arguments. This macro is intended to be called from main_XXX(). * * SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(int *opt, const char *opts, * const struct option *longopts, * const char *commandname, * int num_opts_req) { ... * * opt: pointer to an int variable, holds the current option * during processing. * opts: short options, as per getopt_long(3)'s optstring argument. * longopts: long options, as per getopt_long(3)'s longopts argument. * May be null. * commandname: name of this command, for usage string. * num_required_opts: number of non-option command line parameters * which are required. * * In addition the calling context is expected to contain variables * "argc" and "argv" in the conventional C-style: * main(int argc, char **argv) * manner. * * Callers should treat SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT as they would a switch * statement over the value of `opt`. Each option given in `opts` (or * `lopts`) should be handled by a case statement as if it were inside * a switch statement. * * In addition to the options provided in opts the macro will handle * the "help" option and enforce a minimum number of non-option * command line pearameters as follows: * -- if the user passes a -h or --help option. help will be printed, * and the macro will cause the process to exit with code 0. * -- if the user does not provided `num_required_opts` non-option * arguments, the macro will cause the process to exit with code 2. * * Example: * * int main_foo(int argc, char **argv) { * int opt; * * SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "blah", NULL, "foo", 0) { * case 'b': * ... handle b option... * break; * case 'l': * ... handle l option ... * break; * case etc etc... * } * ... do something useful with the options ... * } */ #define SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, opts, longopts, \ commandname, num_required_opts) \ while (((opt) = def_getopt(argc, argv, (opts), (longopts), \ (commandname), (num_required_opts))) != -1) \ switch (opt) static int set_memory_max(uint32_t domid, const char *mem) { int64_t memorykb; int rc; memorykb = parse_mem_size_kb(mem); if (memorykb == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid memory size: %s\n", mem); exit(3); } rc = libxl_domain_setmaxmem(ctx, domid, memorykb); return rc; } int main_memmax(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt = 0; char *mem; int rc; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "mem-max", 2) { /* No options */ } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); mem = argv[optind + 1]; rc = set_memory_max(domid, mem); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot set domid %d static max memory to : %s\n", domid, mem); return 1; } return 0; } static void set_memory_target(uint32_t domid, const char *mem) { long long int memorykb; memorykb = parse_mem_size_kb(mem); if (memorykb == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid memory size: %s\n", mem); exit(3); } libxl_set_memory_target(ctx, domid, memorykb, 0, /* enforce */ 1); } int main_memset(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt = 0; const char *mem; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "mem-set", 2) { /* No options */ } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); mem = argv[optind + 1]; set_memory_target(domid, mem); return 0; } static void cd_insert(uint32_t domid, const char *virtdev, char *phys) { libxl_device_disk disk; /* we don't free disk's contents */ char *buf = NULL; XLU_Config *config = 0; if (asprintf(&buf, "vdev=%s,access=r,devtype=cdrom,target=%s", virtdev, phys ? phys : "") < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n"); return; } parse_disk_config(&config, buf, &disk); libxl_cdrom_insert(ctx, domid, &disk, NULL); libxl_device_disk_dispose(&disk); free(buf); } int main_cd_eject(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt = 0; const char *virtdev; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "cd-eject", 2) { /* No options */ } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); virtdev = argv[optind + 1]; cd_insert(domid, virtdev, NULL); return 0; } int main_cd_insert(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt = 0; const char *virtdev; char *file = NULL; /* modified by cd_insert tokenising it */ SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "cd-insert", 3) { /* No options */ } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); virtdev = argv[optind + 1]; file = argv[optind + 2]; cd_insert(domid, virtdev, file); return 0; } int main_console(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt = 0, num = 0; libxl_console_type type = 0; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "n:t:", NULL, "console", 1) { case 't': if (!strcmp(optarg, "pv")) type = LIBXL_CONSOLE_TYPE_PV; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "serial")) type = LIBXL_CONSOLE_TYPE_SERIAL; else { fprintf(stderr, "console type supported are: pv, serial\n"); return 2; } break; case 'n': num = atoi(optarg); break; } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); if (!type) libxl_primary_console_exec(ctx, domid); else libxl_console_exec(ctx, domid, num, type); fprintf(stderr, "Unable to attach console\n"); return 1; } int main_vncviewer(int argc, char **argv) { static const struct option opts[] = { {"autopass", 0, 0, 'a'}, {"vncviewer-autopass", 0, 0, 'a'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; uint32_t domid; int opt, autopass = 0; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "ah", opts, "vncviewer", 1) { case 'a': autopass = 1; break; } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); if (vncviewer(domid, autopass)) return 1; return 0; } static void pcilist(uint32_t domid) { libxl_device_pci *pcidevs; int num, i; pcidevs = libxl_device_pci_list(ctx, domid, &num); if (pcidevs == NULL) return; printf("Vdev Device\n"); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { printf("%02x.%01x %04x:%02x:%02x.%01x\n", (pcidevs[i].vdevfn >> 3) & 0x1f, pcidevs[i].vdevfn & 0x7, pcidevs[i].domain, pcidevs[i].bus, pcidevs[i].dev, pcidevs[i].func); libxl_device_pci_dispose(&pcidevs[i]); } free(pcidevs); } int main_pcilist(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "pci-list", 1) { /* No options */ } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); pcilist(domid); return 0; } static void pcidetach(uint32_t domid, const char *bdf, int force) { libxl_device_pci pcidev; XLU_Config *config; libxl_device_pci_init(&pcidev); config = xlu_cfg_init(stderr, "command line"); if (!config) { perror("xlu_cfg_inig"); exit(-1); } if (xlu_pci_parse_bdf(config, &pcidev, bdf)) { fprintf(stderr, "pci-detach: malformed BDF specification \"%s\"\n", bdf); exit(2); } if (force) libxl_device_pci_destroy(ctx, domid, &pcidev, 0); else libxl_device_pci_remove(ctx, domid, &pcidev, 0); libxl_device_pci_dispose(&pcidev); xlu_cfg_destroy(config); } int main_pcidetach(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt; int force = 0; const char *bdf = NULL; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "f", NULL, "pci-detach", 2) { case 'f': force = 1; break; } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); bdf = argv[optind + 1]; pcidetach(domid, bdf, force); return 0; } static void pciattach(uint32_t domid, const char *bdf, const char *vs) { libxl_device_pci pcidev; XLU_Config *config; libxl_device_pci_init(&pcidev); config = xlu_cfg_init(stderr, "command line"); if (!config) { perror("xlu_cfg_inig"); exit(-1); } if (xlu_pci_parse_bdf(config, &pcidev, bdf)) { fprintf(stderr, "pci-attach: malformed BDF specification \"%s\"\n", bdf); exit(2); } libxl_device_pci_add(ctx, domid, &pcidev, 0); libxl_device_pci_dispose(&pcidev); xlu_cfg_destroy(config); } int main_pciattach(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt; const char *bdf = NULL, *vs = NULL; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "pci-attach", 2) { /* No options */ } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); bdf = argv[optind + 1]; if (optind + 1 < argc) vs = argv[optind + 2]; pciattach(domid, bdf, vs); return 0; } static void pciassignable_list(void) { libxl_device_pci *pcidevs; int num, i; pcidevs = libxl_device_pci_assignable_list(ctx, &num); if ( pcidevs == NULL ) return; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { printf("%04x:%02x:%02x.%01x\n", pcidevs[i].domain, pcidevs[i].bus, pcidevs[i].dev, pcidevs[i].func); libxl_device_pci_dispose(&pcidevs[i]); } free(pcidevs); } int main_pciassignable_list(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "pci-assignable-list", 0) { /* No options */ } pciassignable_list(); return 0; } static void pciassignable_add(const char *bdf, int rebind) { libxl_device_pci pcidev; XLU_Config *config; libxl_device_pci_init(&pcidev); config = xlu_cfg_init(stderr, "command line"); if (!config) { perror("xlu_cfg_init"); exit(-1); } if (xlu_pci_parse_bdf(config, &pcidev, bdf)) { fprintf(stderr, "pci-assignable-add: malformed BDF specification \"%s\"\n", bdf); exit(2); } libxl_device_pci_assignable_add(ctx, &pcidev, rebind); libxl_device_pci_dispose(&pcidev); xlu_cfg_destroy(config); } int main_pciassignable_add(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; const char *bdf = NULL; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "pci-assignable-add", 1) { /* No options */ } bdf = argv[optind]; pciassignable_add(bdf, 1); return 0; } static void pciassignable_remove(const char *bdf, int rebind) { libxl_device_pci pcidev; XLU_Config *config; libxl_device_pci_init(&pcidev); config = xlu_cfg_init(stderr, "command line"); if (!config) { perror("xlu_cfg_init"); exit(-1); } if (xlu_pci_parse_bdf(config, &pcidev, bdf)) { fprintf(stderr, "pci-assignable-remove: malformed BDF specification \"%s\"\n", bdf); exit(2); } libxl_device_pci_assignable_remove(ctx, &pcidev, rebind); libxl_device_pci_dispose(&pcidev); xlu_cfg_destroy(config); } int main_pciassignable_remove(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; const char *bdf = NULL; int rebind = 0; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "r", NULL, "pci-assignable-remove", 1) { case 'r': rebind=1; break; } bdf = argv[optind]; pciassignable_remove(bdf, rebind); return 0; } static void pause_domain(uint32_t domid) { libxl_domain_pause(ctx, domid); } static void unpause_domain(uint32_t domid) { libxl_domain_unpause(ctx, domid); } static void destroy_domain(uint32_t domid) { int rc; if (domid == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot destroy privileged domain 0.\n\n"); exit(-1); } rc = libxl_domain_destroy(ctx, domid, 0); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr,"destroy failed (rc=%d)\n",rc); exit(-1); } } static void wait_for_domain_deaths(libxl_evgen_domain_death **deathws, int nr) { int rc, count = 0; LOG("Waiting for %d domains", nr); while(1 && count < nr) { libxl_event *event; rc = libxl_event_wait(ctx, &event, LIBXL_EVENTMASK_ALL, 0,0); if (rc) { LOG("Failed to get event, quitting (rc=%d)", rc); exit(-1); } switch (event->type) { case LIBXL_EVENT_TYPE_DOMAIN_DEATH: LOG("Domain %d has been destroyed", event->domid); libxl_evdisable_domain_death(ctx, deathws[event->for_user]); count++; break; case LIBXL_EVENT_TYPE_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN: LOG("Domain %d has been shut down, reason code %d", event->domid, event->u.domain_shutdown.shutdown_reason); libxl_evdisable_domain_death(ctx, deathws[event->for_user]); count++; break; default: LOG("Unexpected event type %d", event->type); break; } libxl_event_free(ctx, event); } } static void shutdown_domain(uint32_t domid, libxl_evgen_domain_death **deathw, libxl_ev_user for_user, int fallback_trigger) { int rc; fprintf(stderr, "Shutting down domain %d\n", domid); rc=libxl_domain_shutdown(ctx, domid); if (rc == ERROR_NOPARAVIRT) { if (fallback_trigger) { fprintf(stderr, "PV control interface not available:" " sending ACPI power button event.\n"); rc = libxl_send_trigger(ctx, domid, LIBXL_TRIGGER_POWER, 0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "PV control interface not available:" " external graceful shutdown not possible.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Use \"-F\" to fallback to ACPI power event.\n"); } } if (rc) { fprintf(stderr,"shutdown failed (rc=%d)\n",rc);exit(-1); } if (deathw) { rc = libxl_evenable_domain_death(ctx, domid, for_user, deathw); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr,"wait for death failed (evgen, rc=%d)\n",rc); exit(-1); } } } static void reboot_domain(uint32_t domid, libxl_evgen_domain_death **deathw, libxl_ev_user for_user, int fallback_trigger) { int rc; fprintf(stderr, "Rebooting domain %d\n", domid); rc=libxl_domain_reboot(ctx, domid); if (rc == ERROR_NOPARAVIRT) { if (fallback_trigger) { fprintf(stderr, "PV control interface not available:" " sending ACPI reset button event.\n"); rc = libxl_send_trigger(ctx, domid, LIBXL_TRIGGER_RESET, 0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "PV control interface not available:" " external graceful reboot not possible.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Use \"-F\" to fallback to ACPI reset event.\n"); } } if (rc) { fprintf(stderr,"reboot failed (rc=%d)\n",rc);exit(-1); } if (deathw) { rc = libxl_evenable_domain_death(ctx, domid, for_user, deathw); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr,"wait for death failed (evgen, rc=%d)\n",rc); exit(-1); } } } static void list_domains_details(const libxl_dominfo *info, int nb_domain) { libxl_domain_config d_config; char *config_source; uint8_t *data; int i, len, rc; yajl_gen hand = NULL; yajl_gen_status s; const char *buf; libxl_yajl_length yajl_len = 0; if (default_output_format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON) { hand = libxl_yajl_gen_alloc(NULL); if (!hand) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate JSON generator\n"); return; } s = yajl_gen_array_open(hand); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; } else s = yajl_gen_status_ok; for (i = 0; i < nb_domain; i++) { /* no detailed info available on dom0 */ if (info[i].domid == 0) continue; rc = libxl_userdata_retrieve(ctx, info[i].domid, "xl", &data, &len); if (rc) continue; CHK_ERRNO(asprintf(&config_source, "", info[i].domid)); libxl_domain_config_init(&d_config); parse_config_data(config_source, (char *)data, len, &d_config, NULL); if (default_output_format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON) s = printf_info_one_json(hand, info[i].domid, &d_config); else printf_info_sexp(info[i].domid, &d_config); libxl_domain_config_dispose(&d_config); free(data); free(config_source); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; } if (default_output_format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON) { s = yajl_gen_array_close(hand); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; s = yajl_gen_get_buf(hand, (const unsigned char **)&buf, &yajl_len); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) goto out; puts(buf); } out: if (default_output_format == OUTPUT_FORMAT_JSON) { yajl_gen_free(hand); if (s != yajl_gen_status_ok) fprintf(stderr, "unable to format domain config as JSON (YAJL:%d)\n", s); } } /* If map is not full, prints it and returns 0. Returns 1 otherwise. */ static int print_bitmap(uint8_t *map, int maplen, FILE *stream) { int i; uint8_t pmap = 0, bitmask = 0; int firstset = 0, state = 0; for (i = 0; i < maplen; i++) { if (i % 8 == 0) { pmap = *map++; bitmask = 1; } else bitmask <<= 1; switch (state) { case 0: case 2: if ((pmap & bitmask) != 0) { firstset = i; state++; } continue; case 1: case 3: if ((pmap & bitmask) == 0) { fprintf(stream, "%s%d", state > 1 ? "," : "", firstset); if (i - 1 > firstset) fprintf(stream, "-%d", i - 1); state = 2; } continue; } } switch (state) { case 0: fprintf(stream, "none"); break; case 2: break; case 1: if (firstset == 0) return 1; case 3: fprintf(stream, "%s%d", state > 1 ? "," : "", firstset); if (i - 1 > firstset) fprintf(stream, "-%d", i - 1); break; } return 0; } static void print_cpumap(uint8_t *map, int maplen, FILE *stream) { if (print_bitmap(map, maplen, stream)) fprintf(stream, "any cpu"); } static void print_nodemap(uint8_t *map, int maplen, FILE *stream) { if (print_bitmap(map, maplen, stream)) fprintf(stream, "any node"); } static void list_domains(int verbose, int context, int claim, int numa, const libxl_dominfo *info, int nb_domain) { int i; static const char shutdown_reason_letters[]= "-rscw"; libxl_bitmap nodemap; libxl_physinfo physinfo; libxl_bitmap_init(&nodemap); libxl_physinfo_init(&physinfo); printf("Name ID Mem VCPUs\tState\tTime(s)"); if (verbose) printf(" UUID Reason-Code\tSecurity Label"); if (context && !verbose) printf(" Security Label"); if (claim) printf(" Claimed"); if (numa) { if (libxl_node_bitmap_alloc(ctx, &nodemap, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_node_bitmap_alloc_failed.\n"); exit(1); } if (libxl_get_physinfo(ctx, &physinfo) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_physinfo failed.\n"); libxl_bitmap_dispose(&nodemap); exit(1); } printf(" NODE Affinity"); } printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < nb_domain; i++) { char *domname; unsigned shutdown_reason; domname = libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, info[i].domid); shutdown_reason = info[i].shutdown ? info[i].shutdown_reason : 0; printf("%-40s %5d %5lu %5d %c%c%c%c%c%c %8.1f", domname, info[i].domid, (unsigned long) ((info[i].current_memkb + info[i].outstanding_memkb)/ 1024), info[i].vcpu_online, info[i].running ? 'r' : '-', info[i].blocked ? 'b' : '-', info[i].paused ? 'p' : '-', info[i].shutdown ? 's' : '-', (shutdown_reason >= 0 && shutdown_reason < sizeof(shutdown_reason_letters)-1 ? shutdown_reason_letters[shutdown_reason] : '?'), info[i].dying ? 'd' : '-', ((float)info[i].cpu_time / 1e9)); free(domname); if (verbose) { printf(" " LIBXL_UUID_FMT, LIBXL_UUID_BYTES(info[i].uuid)); if (info[i].shutdown) printf(" %8x", shutdown_reason); else printf(" %8s", "-"); } if (claim) printf(" %5lu", (unsigned long)info[i].outstanding_memkb / 1024); if (verbose || context) { int rc; size_t size; char *buf = NULL; rc = libxl_flask_sid_to_context(ctx, info[i].ssidref, &buf, &size); printf(" %16s", rc < 0 ? "-" : buf); free(buf); } if (numa) { libxl_domain_get_nodeaffinity(ctx, info[i].domid, &nodemap); putchar(' '); print_nodemap(nodemap.map, physinfo.nr_nodes, stdout); } putchar('\n'); } libxl_bitmap_dispose(&nodemap); libxl_physinfo_dispose(&physinfo); } static void list_vm(void) { libxl_vminfo *info; char *domname; int nb_vm, i; info = libxl_list_vm(ctx, &nb_vm); if (info < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_domain_infolist failed.\n"); exit(1); } printf("UUID ID name\n"); for (i = 0; i < nb_vm; i++) { domname = libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, info[i].domid); printf(LIBXL_UUID_FMT " %d %-30s\n", LIBXL_UUID_BYTES(info[i].uuid), info[i].domid, domname); free(domname); } libxl_vminfo_list_free(info, nb_vm); } static void save_domain_core_begin(uint32_t domid, const char *override_config_file, uint8_t **config_data_r, int *config_len_r) { int rc; /* configuration file in optional data: */ if (override_config_file) { void *config_v = 0; rc = libxl_read_file_contents(ctx, override_config_file, &config_v, config_len_r); *config_data_r = config_v; } else { rc = libxl_userdata_retrieve(ctx, domid, "xl", config_data_r, config_len_r); } if (rc) { fputs("Unable to get config file\n",stderr); exit(2); } } static void save_domain_core_writeconfig(int fd, const char *source, const uint8_t *config_data, int config_len) { struct save_file_header hdr; uint8_t *optdata_begin; union { uint32_t u32; char b[4]; } u32buf; memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr)); memcpy(hdr.magic, savefileheader_magic, sizeof(hdr.magic)); hdr.byteorder = SAVEFILE_BYTEORDER_VALUE; optdata_begin= 0; #define ADD_OPTDATA(ptr, len) ({ \ if ((len)) { \ hdr.optional_data_len += (len); \ optdata_begin = xrealloc(optdata_begin, hdr.optional_data_len); \ memcpy(optdata_begin + hdr.optional_data_len - (len), \ (ptr), (len)); \ } \ }) u32buf.u32 = config_len; ADD_OPTDATA(u32buf.b, 4); ADD_OPTDATA(config_data, config_len); /* that's the optional data */ CHK_ERRNO( libxl_write_exactly(ctx, fd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr), source, "header") ); CHK_ERRNO( libxl_write_exactly(ctx, fd, optdata_begin, hdr.optional_data_len, source, "header") ); fprintf(stderr, "Saving to %s new xl format (info" " 0x%"PRIx32"/0x%"PRIx32"/%"PRIu32")\n", source, hdr.mandatory_flags, hdr.optional_flags, hdr.optional_data_len); } static int save_domain(uint32_t domid, const char *filename, int checkpoint, const char *override_config_file) { int fd; uint8_t *config_data; int config_len; save_domain_core_begin(domid, override_config_file, &config_data, &config_len); if (!config_len) { fputs(" Savefile will not contain xl domain config\n", stderr); } fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open temp file %s for writing\n", filename); exit(2); } save_domain_core_writeconfig(fd, filename, config_data, config_len); int rc = libxl_domain_suspend(ctx, domid, fd, 0, NULL); close(fd); if (rc < 0) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to save domain, resuming domain\n"); if (checkpoint || rc < 0) libxl_domain_resume(ctx, domid, 1, 0); else libxl_domain_destroy(ctx, domid, 0); exit(rc < 0 ? 1 : 0); } static pid_t create_migration_child(const char *rune, int *send_fd, int *recv_fd) { int sendpipe[2], recvpipe[2]; pid_t child = -1; if (!rune || !send_fd || !recv_fd) return -1; MUST( libxl_pipe(ctx, sendpipe) ); MUST( libxl_pipe(ctx, recvpipe) ); child = xl_fork(child_migration); if (!child) { dup2(sendpipe[0], 0); dup2(recvpipe[1], 1); close(sendpipe[0]); close(sendpipe[1]); close(recvpipe[0]); close(recvpipe[1]); execlp("sh","sh","-c",rune,(char*)0); perror("failed to exec sh"); exit(-1); } close(sendpipe[0]); close(recvpipe[1]); *send_fd = sendpipe[1]; *recv_fd = recvpipe[0]; /* if receiver dies, we get an error and can clean up rather than just dying */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); return child; } static int migrate_read_fixedmessage(int fd, const void *msg, int msgsz, const char *what, const char *rune) { char buf[msgsz]; const char *stream; int rc; stream = rune ? "migration receiver stream" : "migration stream"; rc = libxl_read_exactly(ctx, fd, buf, msgsz, stream, what); if (rc) return ERROR_FAIL; if (memcmp(buf, msg, msgsz)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s contained unexpected data instead of %s\n", stream, what); if (rune) fprintf(stderr, "(command run was: %s )\n", rune); return ERROR_FAIL; } return 0; } static void migration_child_report(int recv_fd) { pid_t child; int status, sr; struct timeval now, waituntil, timeout; static const struct timeval pollinterval = { 0, 1000 }; /* 1ms */ if (!xl_child_pid(child_migration)) return; CHK_ERRNO( gettimeofday(&waituntil, 0) ); waituntil.tv_sec += 2; for (;;) { pid_t migration_child = xl_child_pid(child_migration); child = xl_waitpid(child_migration, &status, WNOHANG); if (child == migration_child) { if (status) libxl_report_child_exitstatus(ctx, XTL_INFO, "migration target process", migration_child, status); break; } if (child == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "wait for migration child [%ld] failed: %s\n", (long)migration_child, strerror(errno)); break; } assert(child == 0); CHK_ERRNO( gettimeofday(&now, 0) ); if (timercmp(&now, &waituntil, >)) { fprintf(stderr, "migration child [%ld] not exiting, no longer" " waiting (exit status will be unreported)\n", (long)migration_child); break; } timersub(&waituntil, &now, &timeout); if (recv_fd >= 0) { fd_set readfds, exceptfds; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_ZERO(&exceptfds); FD_SET(recv_fd, &readfds); FD_SET(recv_fd, &exceptfds); sr = select(recv_fd+1, &readfds,0,&exceptfds, &timeout); } else { if (timercmp(&timeout, &pollinterval, >)) timeout = pollinterval; sr = select(0,0,0,0, &timeout); } if (sr > 0) { recv_fd = -1; } else if (sr == 0) { } else if (sr == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) { fprintf(stderr, "migration child [%ld] exit wait select" " failed unexpectedly: %s\n", (long)migration_child, strerror(errno)); break; } } } } static void migrate_do_preamble(int send_fd, int recv_fd, pid_t child, uint8_t *config_data, int config_len, const char *rune) { int rc = 0; if (send_fd < 0 || recv_fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "migrate_do_preamble: invalid file descriptors\n"); exit(1); } rc = migrate_read_fixedmessage(recv_fd, migrate_receiver_banner, sizeof(migrate_receiver_banner)-1, "banner", rune); if (rc) { close(send_fd); migration_child_report(recv_fd); exit(-rc); } save_domain_core_writeconfig(send_fd, "migration stream", config_data, config_len); } static void migrate_domain(uint32_t domid, const char *rune, int debug, const char *override_config_file) { pid_t child = -1; int rc; int send_fd = -1, recv_fd = -1; char *away_domname; char rc_buf; uint8_t *config_data; int config_len, flags = LIBXL_SUSPEND_LIVE; save_domain_core_begin(domid, override_config_file, &config_data, &config_len); if (!config_len) { fprintf(stderr, "No config file stored for running domain and " "none supplied - cannot migrate.\n"); exit(1); } child = create_migration_child(rune, &send_fd, &recv_fd); migrate_do_preamble(send_fd, recv_fd, child, config_data, config_len, rune); xtl_stdiostream_adjust_flags(logger, XTL_STDIOSTREAM_HIDE_PROGRESS, 0); if (debug) flags |= LIBXL_SUSPEND_DEBUG; rc = libxl_domain_suspend(ctx, domid, send_fd, flags, NULL); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "migration sender: libxl_domain_suspend failed" " (rc=%d)\n", rc); if (rc == ERROR_GUEST_TIMEDOUT) goto failed_suspend; else goto failed_resume; } //fprintf(stderr, "migration sender: Transfer complete.\n"); // Should only be printed when debugging as it's a bit messy with // progress indication. rc = migrate_read_fixedmessage(recv_fd, migrate_receiver_ready, sizeof(migrate_receiver_ready), "ready message", rune); if (rc) goto failed_resume; xtl_stdiostream_adjust_flags(logger, 0, XTL_STDIOSTREAM_HIDE_PROGRESS); /* right, at this point we are about give the destination * permission to rename and resume, so we must first rename the * domain away ourselves */ fprintf(stderr, "migration sender: Target has acknowledged transfer.\n"); if (common_domname) { if (asprintf(&away_domname, "%s--migratedaway", common_domname) < 0) goto failed_resume; rc = libxl_domain_rename(ctx, domid, common_domname, away_domname); if (rc) goto failed_resume; } /* point of no return - as soon as we have tried to say * "go" to the receiver, it's not safe to carry on. We leave * the domain renamed to %s--migratedaway in case that's helpful. */ fprintf(stderr, "migration sender: Giving target permission to start.\n"); rc = libxl_write_exactly(ctx, send_fd, migrate_permission_to_go, sizeof(migrate_permission_to_go), "migration stream", "GO message"); if (rc) goto failed_badly; rc = migrate_read_fixedmessage(recv_fd, migrate_report, sizeof(migrate_report), "success/failure report message", rune); if (rc) goto failed_badly; rc = libxl_read_exactly(ctx, recv_fd, &rc_buf, 1, "migration ack stream", "success/failure status"); if (rc) goto failed_badly; if (rc_buf) { fprintf(stderr, "migration sender: Target reports startup failure" " (status code %d).\n", rc_buf); rc = migrate_read_fixedmessage(recv_fd, migrate_permission_to_go, sizeof(migrate_permission_to_go), "permission for sender to resume", rune); if (rc) goto failed_badly; fprintf(stderr, "migration sender: Trying to resume at our end.\n"); if (common_domname) { libxl_domain_rename(ctx, domid, away_domname, common_domname); } rc = libxl_domain_resume(ctx, domid, 0, 0); if (!rc) fprintf(stderr, "migration sender: Resumed OK.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Migration failed due to problems at target.\n"); exit(-ERROR_FAIL); } fprintf(stderr, "migration sender: Target reports successful startup.\n"); libxl_domain_destroy(ctx, domid, 0); /* bang! */ fprintf(stderr, "Migration successful.\n"); exit(0); failed_suspend: close(send_fd); migration_child_report(recv_fd); fprintf(stderr, "Migration failed, failed to suspend at sender.\n"); exit(-ERROR_FAIL); failed_resume: close(send_fd); migration_child_report(recv_fd); fprintf(stderr, "Migration failed, resuming at sender.\n"); libxl_domain_resume(ctx, domid, 0, 0); exit(-ERROR_FAIL); failed_badly: fprintf(stderr, "** Migration failed during final handshake **\n" "Domain state is now undefined !\n" "Please CHECK AT BOTH ENDS for running instances, before renaming and\n" " resuming at most one instance. Two simultaneous instances of the domain\n" " would probably result in SEVERE DATA LOSS and it is now your\n" " responsibility to avoid that. Sorry.\n"); close(send_fd); migration_child_report(recv_fd); exit(-ERROR_BADFAIL); } static void core_dump_domain(uint32_t domid, const char *filename) { int rc; rc=libxl_domain_core_dump(ctx, domid, filename, NULL); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr,"core dump failed (rc=%d)\n",rc);exit(-1); } } static void migrate_receive(int debug, int daemonize, int monitor, int send_fd, int recv_fd, int remus) { uint32_t domid; int rc, rc2; char rc_buf; char *migration_domname; struct domain_create dom_info; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* if we get SIGPIPE we'd rather just have it as an error */ fprintf(stderr, "migration target: Ready to receive domain.\n"); CHK_ERRNO( libxl_write_exactly(ctx, send_fd, migrate_receiver_banner, sizeof(migrate_receiver_banner)-1, "migration ack stream", "banner") ); memset(&dom_info, 0, sizeof(dom_info)); dom_info.debug = debug; dom_info.daemonize = daemonize; dom_info.monitor = monitor; dom_info.paused = 1; dom_info.migrate_fd = recv_fd; dom_info.migration_domname_r = &migration_domname; rc = create_domain(&dom_info); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "migration target: Domain creation failed" " (code %d).\n", rc); exit(-rc); } domid = rc; if (remus) { /* If we are here, it means that the sender (primary) has crashed. * TODO: Split-Brain Check. */ fprintf(stderr, "migration target: Remus Failover for domain %u\n", domid); /* * If domain renaming fails, lets just continue (as we need the domain * to be up & dom names may not matter much, as long as its reachable * over network). * * If domain unpausing fails, destroy domain ? Or is it better to have * a consistent copy of the domain (memory, cpu state, disk) * on atleast one physical host ? Right now, lets just leave the domain * as is and let the Administrator decide (or troubleshoot). */ if (migration_domname) { rc = libxl_domain_rename(ctx, domid, migration_domname, common_domname); if (rc) fprintf(stderr, "migration target (Remus): " "Failed to rename domain from %s to %s:%d\n", migration_domname, common_domname, rc); } rc = libxl_domain_unpause(ctx, domid); if (rc) fprintf(stderr, "migration target (Remus): " "Failed to unpause domain %s (id: %u):%d\n", common_domname, domid, rc); exit(rc ? -ERROR_FAIL: 0); } fprintf(stderr, "migration target: Transfer complete," " requesting permission to start domain.\n"); rc = libxl_write_exactly(ctx, send_fd, migrate_receiver_ready, sizeof(migrate_receiver_ready), "migration ack stream", "ready message"); if (rc) exit(-rc); rc = migrate_read_fixedmessage(recv_fd, migrate_permission_to_go, sizeof(migrate_permission_to_go), "GO message", 0); if (rc) goto perhaps_destroy_notify_rc; fprintf(stderr, "migration target: Got permission, starting domain.\n"); if (migration_domname) { rc = libxl_domain_rename(ctx, domid, migration_domname, common_domname); if (rc) goto perhaps_destroy_notify_rc; } rc = libxl_domain_unpause(ctx, domid); if (rc) goto perhaps_destroy_notify_rc; fprintf(stderr, "migration target: Domain started successsfully.\n"); rc = 0; perhaps_destroy_notify_rc: rc2 = libxl_write_exactly(ctx, send_fd, migrate_report, sizeof(migrate_report), "migration ack stream", "success/failure report"); if (rc2) exit(-ERROR_BADFAIL); rc_buf = -rc; assert(!!rc_buf == !!rc); rc2 = libxl_write_exactly(ctx, send_fd, &rc_buf, 1, "migration ack stream", "success/failure code"); if (rc2) exit(-ERROR_BADFAIL); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "migration target: Failure, destroying our copy.\n"); rc2 = libxl_domain_destroy(ctx, domid, 0); if (rc2) { fprintf(stderr, "migration target: Failed to destroy our copy" " (code %d).\n", rc2); exit(-ERROR_BADFAIL); } fprintf(stderr, "migration target: Cleanup OK, granting sender" " permission to resume.\n"); rc2 = libxl_write_exactly(ctx, send_fd, migrate_permission_to_go, sizeof(migrate_permission_to_go), "migration ack stream", "permission to sender to have domain back"); if (rc2) exit(-ERROR_BADFAIL); } exit(0); } int main_restore(int argc, char **argv) { const char *checkpoint_file = NULL; const char *config_file = NULL; struct domain_create dom_info; int paused = 0, debug = 0, daemonize = 1, monitor = 1, console_autoconnect = 0, vnc = 0, vncautopass = 0; int opt, rc; static struct option opts[] = { {"vncviewer", 0, 0, 'V'}, {"vncviewer-autopass", 0, 0, 'A'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "FhcpdeVA", opts, "restore", 1) { case 'c': console_autoconnect = 1; break; case 'p': paused = 1; break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 'F': daemonize = 0; break; case 'e': daemonize = 0; monitor = 0; break; case 'V': vnc = 1; break; case 'A': vnc = vncautopass = 1; break; } if (argc-optind == 1) { checkpoint_file = argv[optind]; } else if (argc-optind == 2) { config_file = argv[optind]; checkpoint_file = argv[optind + 1]; } else { help("restore"); return 2; } memset(&dom_info, 0, sizeof(dom_info)); dom_info.debug = debug; dom_info.daemonize = daemonize; dom_info.monitor = monitor; dom_info.paused = paused; dom_info.config_file = config_file; dom_info.restore_file = checkpoint_file; dom_info.migrate_fd = -1; dom_info.vnc = vnc; dom_info.vncautopass = vncautopass; dom_info.console_autoconnect = console_autoconnect; rc = create_domain(&dom_info); if (rc < 0) return -rc; return 0; } int main_migrate_receive(int argc, char **argv) { int debug = 0, daemonize = 1, monitor = 1, remus = 0; int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "Fedr", NULL, "migrate-receive", 0) { case 'F': daemonize = 0; break; case 'e': daemonize = 0; monitor = 0; break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 'r': remus = 1; break; } if (argc-optind != 0) { help("migrate-receive"); return 2; } migrate_receive(debug, daemonize, monitor, STDOUT_FILENO, STDIN_FILENO, remus); return 0; } int main_save(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; const char *filename; const char *config_filename = NULL; int checkpoint = 0; int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "c", NULL, "save", 2) { case 'c': checkpoint = 1; break; } if (argc-optind > 3) { help("save"); return 2; } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); filename = argv[optind + 1]; if ( argc - optind >= 3 ) config_filename = argv[optind + 2]; save_domain(domid, filename, checkpoint, config_filename); return 0; } int main_migrate(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; const char *config_filename = NULL; const char *ssh_command = "ssh"; char *rune = NULL; char *host; int opt, daemonize = 1, monitor = 1, debug = 0; static struct option opts[] = { {"debug", 0, 0, 0x100}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "FC:s:e", opts, "migrate", 2) { case 'C': config_filename = optarg; break; case 's': ssh_command = optarg; break; case 'F': daemonize = 0; break; case 'e': daemonize = 0; monitor = 0; break; case 0x100: debug = 1; break; } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); host = argv[optind + 1]; if (!ssh_command[0]) { rune= host; } else { if (asprintf(&rune, "exec %s %s xl migrate-receive%s%s", ssh_command, host, daemonize ? "" : " -e", debug ? " -d" : "") < 0) return 1; } migrate_domain(domid, rune, debug, config_filename); return 0; } int main_dump_core(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "dump-core", 2) { /* No options */ } core_dump_domain(find_domain(argv[optind]), argv[optind + 1]); return 0; } int main_pause(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "pause", 1) { /* No options */ } pause_domain(find_domain(argv[optind])); return 0; } int main_unpause(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "unpause", 1) { /* No options */ } unpause_domain(find_domain(argv[optind])); return 0; } int main_destroy(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "destroy", 1) { /* No options */ } destroy_domain(find_domain(argv[optind])); return 0; } static int main_shutdown_or_reboot(int do_reboot, int argc, char **argv) { const char *what = do_reboot ? "reboot" : "shutdown"; void (*fn)(uint32_t domid, libxl_evgen_domain_death **, libxl_ev_user, int) = do_reboot ? &reboot_domain : &shutdown_domain; int opt, i, nb_domain; int wait_for_it = 0, all =0; int fallback_trigger = 0; static struct option opts[] = { {"all", 0, 0, 'a'}, {"wait", 0, 0, 'w'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "awF", opts, what, 0) { case 'a': all = 1; break; case 'w': wait_for_it = 1; break; case 'F': fallback_trigger = 1; break; } if (!argv[optind] && !all) { fprintf(stderr, "You must specify -a or a domain id.\n\n"); return opt; } if (all) { libxl_dominfo *dominfo; libxl_evgen_domain_death **deathws = NULL; if (!(dominfo = libxl_list_domain(ctx, &nb_domain))) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_list_domain failed.\n"); return -1; } if (wait_for_it) deathws = calloc(nb_domain, sizeof(*deathws)); for (i = 0; i= argc) { info = libxl_list_domain(ctx, &nb_domain); if (!info) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_domain_infolist failed.\n"); return 1; } info_free = info; } else if (optind == argc-1) { uint32_t domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); rc = libxl_domain_info(ctx, &info_buf, domid); if (rc == ERROR_INVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Domain \'%s\' does not exist.\n", argv[optind]); return -rc; } if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_domain_info failed (code %d).\n", rc); return -rc; } info = &info_buf; nb_domain = 1; } else { help("list"); return 2; } if (details) list_domains_details(info, nb_domain); else list_domains(verbose, context, 0 /* claim */, numa, info, nb_domain); if (info_free) libxl_dominfo_list_free(info, nb_domain); else libxl_dominfo_dispose(info); return 0; } int main_vm_list(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "vm-list", 0) { /* No options */ } list_vm(); return 0; } int main_create(int argc, char **argv) { const char *filename = NULL; char *p; char extra_config[1024]; struct domain_create dom_info; int paused = 0, debug = 0, daemonize = 1, console_autoconnect = 0, quiet = 0, monitor = 1, vnc = 0, vncautopass = 0; int opt, rc; static struct option opts[] = { {"dryrun", 0, 0, 'n'}, {"quiet", 0, 0, 'q'}, {"defconfig", 1, 0, 'f'}, {"vncviewer", 0, 0, 'V'}, {"vncviewer-autopass", 0, 0, 'A'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; if (argv[1] && argv[1][0] != '-' && !strchr(argv[1], '=')) { filename = argv[1]; argc--; argv++; } SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "Fhnqf:pcdeVA", opts, "create", 0) { case 'f': filename = optarg; break; case 'p': paused = 1; break; case 'c': console_autoconnect = 1; break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 'F': daemonize = 0; break; case 'e': daemonize = 0; monitor = 0; break; case 'n': dryrun_only = 1; break; case 'q': quiet = 1; break; case 'V': vnc = 1; break; case 'A': vnc = vncautopass = 1; break; } extra_config[0] = '\0'; for (p = extra_config; optind < argc; optind++) { if (strchr(argv[optind], '=') != NULL) { p += snprintf(p, sizeof(extra_config) - (p - extra_config), "%s\n", argv[optind]); } else if (!filename) { filename = argv[optind]; } else { help("create"); return 2; } } memset(&dom_info, 0, sizeof(dom_info)); dom_info.debug = debug; dom_info.daemonize = daemonize; dom_info.monitor = monitor; dom_info.paused = paused; dom_info.dryrun = dryrun_only; dom_info.quiet = quiet; dom_info.config_file = filename; dom_info.extra_config = extra_config; dom_info.migrate_fd = -1; dom_info.vnc = vnc; dom_info.vncautopass = vncautopass; dom_info.console_autoconnect = console_autoconnect; rc = create_domain(&dom_info); if (rc < 0) return -rc; return 0; } int main_config_update(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; const char *filename = NULL; char *p; char extra_config[1024]; void *config_data = 0; int config_len = 0; libxl_domain_config d_config; int opt, rc; int debug = 0; static struct option opts[] = { {"defconfig", 1, 0, 'f'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "xl config-update requires a domain argument\n"); help("config-update"); exit(1); } domid = find_domain(argv[1]); argc--; argv++; if (argv[1] && argv[1][0] != '-' && !strchr(argv[1], '=')) { filename = argv[1]; argc--; argv++; } SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "dhqf:", opts, "config_update", 0) { case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 'f': filename = optarg; break; } extra_config[0] = '\0'; for (p = extra_config; optind < argc; optind++) { if (strchr(argv[optind], '=') != NULL) { p += snprintf(p, sizeof(extra_config) - (p - extra_config), "%s\n", argv[optind]); } else if (!filename) { filename = argv[optind]; } else { help("create"); return 2; } } if (filename) { free(config_data); config_data = 0; rc = libxl_read_file_contents(ctx, filename, &config_data, &config_len); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read config file: %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return ERROR_FAIL; } if (strlen(extra_config)) { if (config_len > INT_MAX - (strlen(extra_config) + 2 + 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to attach extra configration\n"); exit(1); } /* allocate space for the extra config plus two EOLs plus \0 */ config_data = realloc(config_data, config_len + strlen(extra_config) + 2 + 1); if (!config_data) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to realloc config_data\n"); exit(1); } config_len += sprintf(config_data + config_len, "\n%s\n", extra_config); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Config file not specified\n"); exit(1); } libxl_domain_config_init(&d_config); parse_config_data(filename, config_data, config_len, &d_config, NULL); if (debug || dryrun_only) printf_info(default_output_format, -1, &d_config); if (!dryrun_only) { fprintf(stderr, "setting dom%d configuration\n", domid); rc = libxl_userdata_store(ctx, domid, "xl", config_data, config_len); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to update configuration\n"); exit(1); } } libxl_domain_config_dispose(&d_config); free(config_data); return 0; } static void button_press(uint32_t domid, const char *b) { libxl_trigger trigger; if (!strcmp(b, "power")) { trigger = LIBXL_TRIGGER_POWER; } else if (!strcmp(b, "sleep")) { trigger = LIBXL_TRIGGER_SLEEP; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s is an invalid button identifier\n", b); exit(2); } libxl_send_trigger(ctx, domid, trigger, 0); } int main_button_press(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: \"button-press\" is deprecated. " "Please use \"trigger\"\n"); SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "button-press", 2) { /* No options */ } button_press(find_domain(argv[optind]), argv[optind + 1]); return 0; } static void print_vcpuinfo(uint32_t tdomid, const libxl_vcpuinfo *vcpuinfo, uint32_t nr_cpus) { char *domname; /* NAME ID VCPU */ domname = libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, tdomid); printf("%-32s %5u %5u", domname, tdomid, vcpuinfo->vcpuid); free(domname); if (!vcpuinfo->online) { /* CPU STA */ printf("%5c %3c%cp ", '-', '-', '-'); } else { /* CPU STA */ printf("%5u %3c%c- ", vcpuinfo->cpu, vcpuinfo->running ? 'r' : '-', vcpuinfo->blocked ? 'b' : '-'); } /* TIM */ printf("%9.1f ", ((float)vcpuinfo->vcpu_time / 1e9)); /* CPU AFFINITY */ print_cpumap(vcpuinfo->cpumap.map, nr_cpus, stdout); printf("\n"); } static void print_domain_vcpuinfo(uint32_t domid, uint32_t nr_cpus) { libxl_vcpuinfo *vcpuinfo; int i, nb_vcpu, nrcpus; vcpuinfo = libxl_list_vcpu(ctx, domid, &nb_vcpu, &nrcpus); if (!vcpuinfo) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_list_vcpu failed.\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < nb_vcpu; i++) { print_vcpuinfo(domid, &vcpuinfo[i], nr_cpus); } libxl_vcpuinfo_list_free(vcpuinfo, nb_vcpu); } static void vcpulist(int argc, char **argv) { libxl_dominfo *dominfo; libxl_physinfo physinfo; int i, nb_domain; if (libxl_get_physinfo(ctx, &physinfo) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_physinfo failed.\n"); goto vcpulist_out; } printf("%-32s %5s %5s %5s %5s %9s %s\n", "Name", "ID", "VCPU", "CPU", "State", "Time(s)", "CPU Affinity"); if (!argc) { if (!(dominfo = libxl_list_domain(ctx, &nb_domain))) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_list_domain failed.\n"); goto vcpulist_out; } for (i = 0; i 0; ++argv, --argc) { uint32_t domid = find_domain(*argv); print_domain_vcpuinfo(domid, physinfo.nr_cpus); } } vcpulist_out: libxl_physinfo_dispose(&physinfo); } int main_vcpulist(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "cpu-list", 0) { /* No options */ } vcpulist(argc - optind, argv + optind); return 0; } static void vcpupin(uint32_t domid, const char *vcpu, char *cpu) { libxl_vcpuinfo *vcpuinfo; libxl_bitmap cpumap; uint32_t vcpuid; char *endptr; int i, nb_vcpu; vcpuid = strtoul(vcpu, &endptr, 10); if (vcpu == endptr) { if (strcmp(vcpu, "all")) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid argument.\n"); return; } vcpuid = -1; } if (libxl_cpu_bitmap_alloc(ctx, &cpumap, 0)) { goto vcpupin_out; } if (vcpupin_parse(cpu, &cpumap)) goto vcpupin_out1; if (vcpuid != -1) { if (libxl_set_vcpuaffinity(ctx, domid, vcpuid, &cpumap) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not set affinity for vcpu `%u'.\n", vcpuid); } } else { if (!(vcpuinfo = libxl_list_vcpu(ctx, domid, &nb_vcpu, &i))) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_list_vcpu failed.\n"); goto vcpupin_out1; } for (i = 0; i < nb_vcpu; i++) { if (libxl_set_vcpuaffinity(ctx, domid, vcpuinfo[i].vcpuid, &cpumap) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_set_vcpuaffinity failed" " on vcpu `%u'.\n", vcpuinfo[i].vcpuid); } } libxl_vcpuinfo_list_free(vcpuinfo, nb_vcpu); } vcpupin_out1: libxl_bitmap_dispose(&cpumap); vcpupin_out: ; } int main_vcpupin(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "vcpu-pin", 3) { /* No options */ } vcpupin(find_domain(argv[optind]), argv[optind+1] , argv[optind+2]); return 0; } static void vcpuset(uint32_t domid, const char* nr_vcpus) { char *endptr; unsigned int max_vcpus, i; libxl_bitmap cpumap; max_vcpus = strtoul(nr_vcpus, &endptr, 10); if (nr_vcpus == endptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Invalid argument.\n"); return; } if (libxl_cpu_bitmap_alloc(ctx, &cpumap, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_cpu_bitmap_alloc failed\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < max_vcpus; i++) libxl_bitmap_set(&cpumap, i); if (libxl_set_vcpuonline(ctx, domid, &cpumap) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "libxl_set_vcpuonline failed domid=%d max_vcpus=%d\n", domid, max_vcpus); libxl_bitmap_dispose(&cpumap); } int main_vcpuset(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "vcpu-set", 2) { /* No options */ } vcpuset(find_domain(argv[optind]), argv[optind+1]); return 0; } static void output_xeninfo(void) { const libxl_version_info *info; libxl_scheduler sched; if (!(info = libxl_get_version_info(ctx))) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_get_version_info failed.\n"); return; } if ((sched = libxl_get_scheduler(ctx)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "get_scheduler sysctl failed.\n"); return; } printf("xen_major : %d\n", info->xen_version_major); printf("xen_minor : %d\n", info->xen_version_minor); printf("xen_extra : %s\n", info->xen_version_extra); printf("xen_caps : %s\n", info->capabilities); printf("xen_scheduler : %s\n", libxl_scheduler_to_string(sched)); printf("xen_pagesize : %u\n", info->pagesize); printf("platform_params : virt_start=0x%"PRIx64"\n", info->virt_start); printf("xen_changeset : %s\n", info->changeset); printf("xen_commandline : %s\n", info->commandline); printf("cc_compiler : %s\n", info->compiler); printf("cc_compile_by : %s\n", info->compile_by); printf("cc_compile_domain : %s\n", info->compile_domain); printf("cc_compile_date : %s\n", info->compile_date); return; } static void output_nodeinfo(void) { struct utsname utsbuf; if (uname(&utsbuf) < 0) return; printf("host : %s\n", utsbuf.nodename); printf("release : %s\n", utsbuf.release); printf("version : %s\n", utsbuf.version); printf("machine : %s\n", utsbuf.machine); } static void output_physinfo(void) { libxl_physinfo info; const libxl_version_info *vinfo; unsigned int i; libxl_bitmap cpumap; int n = 0; long claims = 0; if (libxl_get_physinfo(ctx, &info) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_physinfo failed.\n"); return; } /* * Don't bother checking "claim_mode" as user might have turned it off * and we have outstanding claims. */ if ((claims = libxl_get_claiminfo(ctx)) < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "libxl_get_claiminfo failed. errno: %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return; } printf("nr_cpus : %d\n", info.nr_cpus); printf("max_cpu_id : %d\n", info.max_cpu_id); printf("nr_nodes : %d\n", info.nr_nodes); printf("cores_per_socket : %d\n", info.cores_per_socket); printf("threads_per_core : %d\n", info.threads_per_core); printf("cpu_mhz : %d\n", info.cpu_khz / 1000); printf("hw_caps : "); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) printf("%08x%c", info.hw_cap[i], i < 7 ? ':' : '\n'); printf("virt_caps :"); if (info.cap_hvm) printf(" hvm"); if (info.cap_hvm_directio) printf(" hvm_directio"); printf("\n"); vinfo = libxl_get_version_info(ctx); if (vinfo) { i = (1 << 20) / vinfo->pagesize; printf("total_memory : %"PRIu64"\n", info.total_pages / i); printf("free_memory : %"PRIu64"\n", (info.free_pages - claims) / i); printf("sharing_freed_memory : %"PRIu64"\n", info.sharing_freed_pages / i); printf("sharing_used_memory : %"PRIu64"\n", info.sharing_used_frames / i); } /* * Only if enabled (claim_mode=1) or there are outstanding claims. */ if (libxl_defbool_val(claim_mode) || claims) printf("outstanding_claims : %ld\n", claims / i); if (!libxl_get_freecpus(ctx, &cpumap)) { libxl_for_each_bit(i, cpumap) if (libxl_bitmap_test(&cpumap, i)) n++; printf("free_cpus : %d\n", n); free(cpumap.map); } libxl_physinfo_dispose(&info); return; } static void output_numainfo(void) { libxl_numainfo *info; int i, j, nr; info = libxl_get_numainfo(ctx, &nr); if (info == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_get_numainfo failed.\n"); return; } printf("numa_info :\n"); printf("node: memsize memfree distances\n"); for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { if (info[i].size != LIBXL_NUMAINFO_INVALID_ENTRY) { printf("%4d: %6"PRIu64" %6"PRIu64" %d", i, info[i].size >> 20, info[i].free >> 20, info[i].dists[0]); for (j = 1; j < info[i].num_dists; j++) printf(",%d", info[i].dists[j]); printf("\n"); } } libxl_numainfo_list_free(info, nr); return; } static void output_topologyinfo(void) { libxl_cputopology *info; int i, nr; info = libxl_get_cpu_topology(ctx, &nr); if (info == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_get_topologyinfo failed.\n"); return; } printf("cpu_topology :\n"); printf("cpu: core socket node\n"); for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { if (info[i].core != LIBXL_CPUTOPOLOGY_INVALID_ENTRY) printf("%3d: %4d %4d %4d\n", i, info[i].core, info[i].socket, info[i].node); } libxl_cputopology_list_free(info, nr); return; } static void print_info(int numa) { output_nodeinfo(); output_physinfo(); if (numa) { output_topologyinfo(); output_numainfo(); } output_xeninfo(); printf("xend_config_format : 4\n"); return; } int main_info(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; static struct option opts[] = { {"numa", 0, 0, 'n'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int numa = 0; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "hn", opts, "info", 0) { case 'n': numa = 1; break; } print_info(numa); return 0; } static void sharing(const libxl_dominfo *info, int nb_domain) { int i; printf("Name ID Mem Shared\n"); for (i = 0; i < nb_domain; i++) { char *domname; unsigned shutdown_reason; domname = libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, info[i].domid); shutdown_reason = info[i].shutdown ? info[i].shutdown_reason : 0; printf("%-40s %5d %5lu %5lu\n", domname, info[i].domid, (unsigned long) ((info[i].current_memkb + info[i].outstanding_memkb) / 1024), (unsigned long) (info[i].shared_memkb / 1024)); free(domname); } } int main_sharing(int argc, char **argv) { int opt = 0; libxl_dominfo info_buf; libxl_dominfo *info, *info_free = NULL; int nb_domain, rc; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "sharing", 0) { /* No options */ } if (optind >= argc) { info = libxl_list_domain(ctx, &nb_domain); if (!info) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_domain_infolist failed.\n"); return 1; } info_free = info; } else if (optind == argc-1) { uint32_t domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); rc = libxl_domain_info(ctx, &info_buf, domid); if (rc == ERROR_INVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Domain \'%s\' does not exist.\n", argv[optind]); return -rc; } if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_domain_info failed (code %d).\n", rc); return -rc; } info = &info_buf; nb_domain = 1; } else { help("sharing"); return 2; } sharing(info, nb_domain); if (info_free) libxl_dominfo_list_free(info_free, nb_domain); else libxl_dominfo_dispose(info); return 0; } static int sched_domain_get(libxl_scheduler sched, int domid, libxl_domain_sched_params *scinfo) { int rc; rc = libxl_domain_sched_params_get(ctx, domid, scinfo); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_domain_sched_params_get failed.\n"); return rc; } if (scinfo->sched != sched) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_domain_sched_params_get returned %s not %s.\n", libxl_scheduler_to_string(scinfo->sched), libxl_scheduler_to_string(sched)); return ERROR_INVAL; } return 0; } static int sched_domain_set(int domid, const libxl_domain_sched_params *scinfo) { int rc; rc = libxl_domain_sched_params_set(ctx, domid, scinfo); if (rc) fprintf(stderr, "libxl_domain_sched_params_set failed.\n"); return rc; } static int sched_credit_params_set(int poolid, libxl_sched_credit_params *scinfo) { int rc; rc = libxl_sched_credit_params_set(ctx, poolid, scinfo); if (rc) fprintf(stderr, "libxl_sched_credit_params_set failed.\n"); return rc; } static int sched_credit_params_get(int poolid, libxl_sched_credit_params *scinfo) { int rc; rc = libxl_sched_credit_params_get(ctx, poolid, scinfo); if (rc) fprintf(stderr, "libxl_sched_credit_params_get failed.\n"); return rc; } static int sched_credit_domain_output(int domid) { char *domname; libxl_domain_sched_params scinfo; int rc; if (domid < 0) { printf("%-33s %4s %6s %4s\n", "Name", "ID", "Weight", "Cap"); return 0; } rc = sched_domain_get(LIBXL_SCHEDULER_CREDIT, domid, &scinfo); if (rc) return rc; domname = libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, domid); printf("%-33s %4d %6d %4d\n", domname, domid, scinfo.weight, scinfo.cap); free(domname); libxl_domain_sched_params_dispose(&scinfo); return 0; } static int sched_credit_pool_output(uint32_t poolid) { libxl_sched_credit_params scparam; char *poolname; int rc; poolname = libxl_cpupoolid_to_name(ctx, poolid); rc = sched_credit_params_get(poolid, &scparam); if (rc) { printf("Cpupool %s: [sched params unavailable]\n", poolname); } else { printf("Cpupool %s: tslice=%dms ratelimit=%dus\n", poolname, scparam.tslice_ms, scparam.ratelimit_us); } free(poolname); return 0; } static int sched_credit2_domain_output( int domid) { char *domname; libxl_domain_sched_params scinfo; int rc; if (domid < 0) { printf("%-33s %4s %6s\n", "Name", "ID", "Weight"); return 0; } rc = sched_domain_get(LIBXL_SCHEDULER_CREDIT2, domid, &scinfo); if (rc) return rc; domname = libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, domid); printf("%-33s %4d %6d\n", domname, domid, scinfo.weight); free(domname); libxl_domain_sched_params_dispose(&scinfo); return 0; } static int sched_sedf_domain_output( int domid) { char *domname; libxl_domain_sched_params scinfo; int rc; if (domid < 0) { printf("%-33s %4s %6s %-6s %7s %5s %6s\n", "Name", "ID", "Period", "Slice", "Latency", "Extra", "Weight"); return 0; } rc = sched_domain_get(LIBXL_SCHEDULER_SEDF, domid, &scinfo); if (rc) return rc; domname = libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, domid); printf("%-33s %4d %6d %6d %7d %5d %6d\n", domname, domid, scinfo.period, scinfo.slice, scinfo.latency, scinfo.extratime, scinfo.weight); free(domname); libxl_domain_sched_params_dispose(&scinfo); return 0; } static int sched_default_pool_output(uint32_t poolid) { char *poolname; poolname = libxl_cpupoolid_to_name(ctx, poolid); printf("Cpupool %s:\n", poolname); free(poolname); return 0; } static int sched_domain_output(libxl_scheduler sched, int (*output)(int), int (*pooloutput)(uint32_t), const char *cpupool) { libxl_dominfo *info; libxl_cpupoolinfo *poolinfo = NULL; uint32_t poolid; int nb_domain, n_pools = 0, i, p; int rc = 0; if (cpupool) { if (cpupool_qualifier_to_cpupoolid(cpupool, &poolid, NULL) || !libxl_cpupoolid_is_valid(ctx, poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown cpupool \'%s\'\n", cpupool); return -ERROR_FAIL; } } info = libxl_list_domain(ctx, &nb_domain); if (!info) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_domain_infolist failed.\n"); return 1; } poolinfo = libxl_list_cpupool(ctx, &n_pools); if (!poolinfo) { fprintf(stderr, "error getting cpupool info\n"); return -ERROR_NOMEM; } for (p = 0; !rc && (p < n_pools); p++) { if ((poolinfo[p].sched != sched) || (cpupool && (poolid != poolinfo[p].poolid))) continue; pooloutput(poolinfo[p].poolid); output(-1); for (i = 0; i < nb_domain; i++) { if (info[i].cpupool != poolinfo[p].poolid) continue; rc = output(info[i].domid); if (rc) break; } } if (poolinfo) libxl_cpupoolinfo_list_free(poolinfo, n_pools); return 0; } /* * : List all domain params and sched params from all pools * -d [domid] : List domain params for domain * -d [domid] [params] : Set domain params for domain * -p [pool] : list all domains and sched params for pool * -s : List sched params for poolid 0 * -s [params] : Set sched params for poolid 0 * -p [pool] -s : List sched params for pool * -p [pool] -s [params] : Set sched params for pool * -p [pool] -d... : Illegal */ int main_sched_credit(int argc, char **argv) { const char *dom = NULL; const char *cpupool = NULL; int weight = 256, cap = 0, opt_w = 0, opt_c = 0; int opt_s = 0; int tslice = 0, opt_t = 0, ratelimit = 0, opt_r = 0; int opt, rc; static struct option opts[] = { {"domain", 1, 0, 'd'}, {"weight", 1, 0, 'w'}, {"cap", 1, 0, 'c'}, {"schedparam", 0, 0, 's'}, {"tslice_ms", 1, 0, 't'}, {"ratelimit_us", 1, 0, 'r'}, {"cpupool", 1, 0, 'p'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "d:w:c:p:t:r:hs", opts, "sched-credit", 0) { case 'd': dom = optarg; break; case 'w': weight = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_w = 1; break; case 'c': cap = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_c = 1; break; case 't': tslice = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_t = 1; break; case 'r': ratelimit = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_r = 1; break; case 's': opt_s = 1; break; case 'p': cpupool = optarg; break; } if ((cpupool || opt_s) && (dom || opt_w || opt_c)) { fprintf(stderr, "Specifying a cpupool or schedparam is not " "allowed with domain options.\n"); return 1; } if (!dom && (opt_w || opt_c)) { fprintf(stderr, "Must specify a domain.\n"); return 1; } if (!opt_s && (opt_t || opt_r)) { fprintf(stderr, "Must specify schedparam to set schedule " "parameter values.\n"); return 1; } if (opt_s) { libxl_sched_credit_params scparam; uint32_t poolid = 0; if (cpupool) { if (cpupool_qualifier_to_cpupoolid(cpupool, &poolid, NULL) || !libxl_cpupoolid_is_valid(ctx, poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown cpupool \'%s\'\n", cpupool); return -ERROR_FAIL; } } if (!opt_t && !opt_r) { /* Output scheduling parameters */ return -sched_credit_pool_output(poolid); } else { /* Set scheduling parameters*/ rc = sched_credit_params_get(poolid, &scparam); if (rc) return -rc; if (opt_t) scparam.tslice_ms = tslice; if (opt_r) scparam.ratelimit_us = ratelimit; rc = sched_credit_params_set(poolid, &scparam); if (rc) return -rc; } } else if (!dom) { /* list all domain's credit scheduler info */ return -sched_domain_output(LIBXL_SCHEDULER_CREDIT, sched_credit_domain_output, sched_credit_pool_output, cpupool); } else { uint32_t domid = find_domain(dom); if (!opt_w && !opt_c) { /* output credit scheduler info */ sched_credit_domain_output(-1); return -sched_credit_domain_output(domid); } else { /* set credit scheduler paramaters */ libxl_domain_sched_params scinfo; libxl_domain_sched_params_init(&scinfo); scinfo.sched = LIBXL_SCHEDULER_CREDIT; if (opt_w) scinfo.weight = weight; if (opt_c) scinfo.cap = cap; rc = sched_domain_set(domid, &scinfo); libxl_domain_sched_params_dispose(&scinfo); if (rc) return -rc; } } return 0; } int main_sched_credit2(int argc, char **argv) { const char *dom = NULL; const char *cpupool = NULL; int weight = 256, opt_w = 0; int opt, rc; static struct option opts[] = { {"domain", 1, 0, 'd'}, {"weight", 1, 0, 'w'}, {"cpupool", 1, 0, 'p'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "d:w:p:h", opts, "sched-credit2", 0) { case 'd': dom = optarg; break; case 'w': weight = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_w = 1; break; case 'p': cpupool = optarg; break; } if (cpupool && (dom || opt_w)) { fprintf(stderr, "Specifying a cpupool is not allowed with other " "options.\n"); return 1; } if (!dom && opt_w) { fprintf(stderr, "Must specify a domain.\n"); return 1; } if (!dom) { /* list all domain's credit scheduler info */ return -sched_domain_output(LIBXL_SCHEDULER_CREDIT2, sched_credit2_domain_output, sched_default_pool_output, cpupool); } else { uint32_t domid = find_domain(dom); if (!opt_w) { /* output credit2 scheduler info */ sched_credit2_domain_output(-1); return -sched_credit2_domain_output(domid); } else { /* set credit2 scheduler paramaters */ libxl_domain_sched_params scinfo; libxl_domain_sched_params_init(&scinfo); scinfo.sched = LIBXL_SCHEDULER_CREDIT2; if (opt_w) scinfo.weight = weight; rc = sched_domain_set(domid, &scinfo); libxl_domain_sched_params_dispose(&scinfo); if (rc) return -rc; } } return 0; } int main_sched_sedf(int argc, char **argv) { const char *dom = NULL; const char *cpupool = NULL; int period = 0, opt_p = 0; int slice = 0, opt_s = 0; int latency = 0, opt_l = 0; int extra = 0, opt_e = 0; int weight = 0, opt_w = 0; int opt, rc; static struct option opts[] = { {"period", 1, 0, 'p'}, {"slice", 1, 0, 's'}, {"latency", 1, 0, 'l'}, {"extra", 1, 0, 'e'}, {"weight", 1, 0, 'w'}, {"cpupool", 1, 0, 'c'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "d:p:s:l:e:w:c:h", opts, "sched-sedf", 0) { case 'd': dom = optarg; break; case 'p': period = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_p = 1; break; case 's': slice = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_s = 1; break; case 'l': latency = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_l = 1; break; case 'e': extra = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_e = 1; break; case 'w': weight = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_w = 1; break; case 'c': cpupool = optarg; break; } if (cpupool && (dom || opt_p || opt_s || opt_l || opt_e || opt_w)) { fprintf(stderr, "Specifying a cpupool is not allowed with other " "options.\n"); return 1; } if (!dom && (opt_p || opt_s || opt_l || opt_e || opt_w)) { fprintf(stderr, "Must specify a domain.\n"); return 1; } if (opt_w && (opt_p || opt_s)) { fprintf(stderr, "Specifying a weight AND period or slice is not " "allowed.\n"); } if (!dom) { /* list all domain's credit scheduler info */ return -sched_domain_output(LIBXL_SCHEDULER_SEDF, sched_sedf_domain_output, sched_default_pool_output, cpupool); } else { uint32_t domid = find_domain(dom); if (!opt_p && !opt_s && !opt_l && !opt_e && !opt_w) { /* output sedf scheduler info */ sched_sedf_domain_output(-1); return -sched_sedf_domain_output(domid); } else { /* set sedf scheduler paramaters */ libxl_domain_sched_params scinfo; libxl_domain_sched_params_init(&scinfo); scinfo.sched = LIBXL_SCHEDULER_SEDF; if (opt_p) { scinfo.period = period; scinfo.weight = 0; } if (opt_s) { scinfo.slice = slice; scinfo.weight = 0; } if (opt_l) scinfo.latency = latency; if (opt_e) scinfo.extratime = extra; if (opt_w) { scinfo.weight = weight; scinfo.period = 0; scinfo.slice = 0; } rc = sched_domain_set(domid, &scinfo); libxl_domain_sched_params_dispose(&scinfo); if (rc) return -rc; } } return 0; } int main_domid(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt; const char *domname = NULL; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "domid", 1) { /* No options */ } domname = argv[optind]; if (libxl_name_to_domid(ctx, domname, &domid)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't get domid of domain name '%s', maybe this domain does not exist.\n", domname); return 1; } printf("%d\n", domid); return 0; } int main_domname(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt; char *domname = NULL; char *endptr = NULL; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "domname", 1) { /* No options */ } domid = strtol(argv[optind], &endptr, 10); if (domid == 0 && !strcmp(endptr, argv[optind])) { /*no digits at all*/ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid domain id.\n\n"); return 1; } domname = libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, domid); if (!domname) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't get domain name of domain id '%d', maybe this domain does not exist.\n", domid); return 1; } printf("%s\n", domname); free(domname); return 0; } int main_rename(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt; const char *dom, *new_name; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "rename", 2) { /* No options */ } dom = argv[optind++]; new_name = argv[optind]; domid = find_domain(dom); if (libxl_domain_rename(ctx, domid, common_domname, new_name)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't rename domain '%s'.\n", dom); return 1; } return 0; } int main_trigger(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt; char *endptr = NULL; int vcpuid = 0; const char *trigger_name = NULL; libxl_trigger trigger; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "trigger", 2) { /* No options */ } domid = find_domain(argv[optind++]); trigger_name = argv[optind++]; if (libxl_trigger_from_string(trigger_name, &trigger)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid trigger \"%s\"\n", trigger_name); return -1; } if (argv[optind]) { vcpuid = strtol(argv[optind], &endptr, 10); if (vcpuid == 0 && !strcmp(endptr, argv[optind])) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid vcpuid, using default vcpuid=0.\n\n"); } } libxl_send_trigger(ctx, domid, trigger, vcpuid); return 0; } int main_sysrq(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt; const char *sysrq = NULL; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "sysrq", 2) { /* No options */ } domid = find_domain(argv[optind++]); sysrq = argv[optind]; if (sysrq[1] != '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid sysrq.\n\n"); help("sysrq"); return 1; } libxl_send_sysrq(ctx, domid, sysrq[0]); return 0; } int main_debug_keys(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; char *keys; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "debug-keys", 1) { /* No options */ } keys = argv[optind]; if (libxl_send_debug_keys(ctx, keys)) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot send debug keys: %s\n", keys); return 1; } return 0; } int main_dmesg(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int clear = 0; libxl_xen_console_reader *cr; char *line; int opt, ret = 1; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "c", NULL, "dmesg", 0) { case 'c': clear = 1; break; } cr = libxl_xen_console_read_start(ctx, clear); if (!cr) goto finish; while ((ret = libxl_xen_console_read_line(ctx, cr, &line)) > 0) printf("%s", line); finish: libxl_xen_console_read_finish(ctx, cr); return ret; } int main_top(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "top", 0) { /* No options */ } return system("xentop"); } int main_networkattach(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt; libxl_device_nic nic; XLU_Config *config = 0; char *endptr, *oparg; const char *tok; int i; unsigned int val; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "network-attach", 1) { /* No options */ } if (argc-optind > 11) { help("network-attach"); return 0; } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); config= xlu_cfg_init(stderr, "command line"); if (!config) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate for configuration\n"); return 1; } libxl_device_nic_init(&nic); for (argv += optind+1, argc -= optind+1; argc > 0; ++argv, --argc) { if (MATCH_OPTION("type", *argv, oparg)) { if (!strcmp("vif", oparg)) { nic.nictype = LIBXL_NIC_TYPE_VIF; } else if (!strcmp("ioemu", oparg)) { nic.nictype = LIBXL_NIC_TYPE_VIF_IOEMU; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid parameter `type'.\n"); return 1; } } else if (MATCH_OPTION("mac", *argv, oparg)) { tok = strtok(oparg, ":"); for (i = 0; tok && i < 6; tok = strtok(NULL, ":"), ++i) { val = strtoul(tok, &endptr, 16); if ((tok == endptr) || (val > 255)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid parameter `mac'.\n"); return 1; } nic.mac[i] = val; } } else if (MATCH_OPTION("bridge", *argv, oparg)) { replace_string(&nic.bridge, oparg); } else if (MATCH_OPTION("netdev", *argv, oparg)) { fprintf(stderr, "the netdev parameter is deprecated, " "please use gatewaydev instead\n"); replace_string(&nic.gatewaydev, oparg); } else if (MATCH_OPTION("gatewaydev", *argv, oparg)) { replace_string(&nic.gatewaydev, oparg); } else if (MATCH_OPTION("ip", *argv, oparg)) { replace_string(&nic.ip, oparg); } else if (MATCH_OPTION("script", *argv, oparg)) { replace_string(&nic.script, oparg); } else if (MATCH_OPTION("backend", *argv, oparg)) { replace_string(&nic.backend_domname, oparg); } else if (MATCH_OPTION("vifname", *argv, oparg)) { replace_string(&nic.ifname, oparg); } else if (MATCH_OPTION("model", *argv, oparg)) { replace_string(&nic.model, oparg); } else if (MATCH_OPTION("rate", *argv, oparg)) { parse_vif_rate(&config, oparg, &nic); } else if (MATCH_OPTION("accel", *argv, oparg)) { } else { fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized argument `%s'\n", *argv); return 1; } } if (dryrun_only) { char *json = libxl_device_nic_to_json(ctx, &nic); printf("vif: %s\n", json); free(json); libxl_device_nic_dispose(&nic); if (ferror(stdout) || fflush(stdout)) { perror("stdout"); exit(-1); } return 0; } if (libxl_device_nic_add(ctx, domid, &nic, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_device_nic_add failed.\n"); return 1; } libxl_device_nic_dispose(&nic); xlu_cfg_destroy(config); return 0; } int main_networklist(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; libxl_device_nic *nics; libxl_nicinfo nicinfo; int nb, i; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "network-list", 1) { /* No options */ } /* Idx BE MAC Hdl Sta evch txr/rxr BE-path */ printf("%-3s %-2s %-17s %-6s %-5s %-6s %5s/%-5s %-30s\n", "Idx", "BE", "Mac Addr.", "handle", "state", "evt-ch", "tx-", "rx-ring-ref", "BE-path"); for (argv += optind, argc -= optind; argc > 0; --argc, ++argv) { uint32_t domid = find_domain(*argv); nics = libxl_device_nic_list(ctx, domid, &nb); if (!nics) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < nb; ++i) { if (!libxl_device_nic_getinfo(ctx, domid, &nics[i], &nicinfo)) { /* Idx BE */ printf("%-3d %-2d ", nicinfo.devid, nicinfo.backend_id); /* MAC */ printf(LIBXL_MAC_FMT, LIBXL_MAC_BYTES(nics[i].mac)); /* Hdl Sta evch txr/rxr BE-path */ printf("%6d %5d %6d %5d/%-11d %-30s\n", nicinfo.devid, nicinfo.state, nicinfo.evtch, nicinfo.rref_tx, nicinfo.rref_rx, nicinfo.backend); libxl_nicinfo_dispose(&nicinfo); } libxl_device_nic_dispose(&nics[i]); } free(nics); } return 0; } int main_networkdetach(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt; libxl_device_nic nic; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "network-detach", 2) { /* No options */ } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); if (!strchr(argv[optind+1], ':')) { if (libxl_devid_to_device_nic(ctx, domid, atoi(argv[optind+1]), &nic)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown device %s.\n", argv[optind+1]); return 1; } } else { if (libxl_mac_to_device_nic(ctx, domid, argv[optind+1], &nic)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown device %s.\n", argv[optind+1]); return 1; } } if (libxl_device_nic_remove(ctx, domid, &nic, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_device_nic_del failed.\n"); return 1; } libxl_device_nic_dispose(&nic); return 0; } int main_blockattach(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; uint32_t fe_domid; libxl_device_disk disk; XLU_Config *config = 0; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "block-attach", 2) { /* No options */ } if (libxl_domain_qualifier_to_domid(ctx, argv[optind], &fe_domid) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is an invalid domain identifier\n", argv[optind]); return 1; } optind++; parse_disk_config_multistring (&config, argc-optind, (const char* const*)argv + optind, &disk); if (dryrun_only) { char *json = libxl_device_disk_to_json(ctx, &disk); printf("disk: %s\n", json); free(json); if (ferror(stdout) || fflush(stdout)) { perror("stdout"); exit(-1); } return 0; } if (libxl_device_disk_add(ctx, fe_domid, &disk, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_device_disk_add failed.\n"); } return 0; } int main_blocklist(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; int i, nb; libxl_device_disk *disks; libxl_diskinfo diskinfo; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "block-list", 1) { /* No options */ } printf("%-5s %-3s %-6s %-5s %-6s %-8s %-30s\n", "Vdev", "BE", "handle", "state", "evt-ch", "ring-ref", "BE-path"); for (argv += optind, argc -= optind; argc > 0; --argc, ++argv) { uint32_t domid; if (libxl_domain_qualifier_to_domid(ctx, *argv, &domid) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is an invalid domain identifier\n", *argv); continue; } disks = libxl_device_disk_list(ctx, domid, &nb); if (!disks) { continue; } for (i=0; i 0; ++argv, --argc) { if (MATCH_OPTION("uuid", *argv, oparg)) { if(libxl_uuid_from_string(&(vtpm.uuid), oparg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid uuid specified (%s)\n", oparg); return 1; } } else if (MATCH_OPTION("backend", *argv, oparg)) { replace_string(&vtpm.backend_domname, oparg); } else { fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized argument `%s'\n", *argv); return 1; } } if(dryrun_only) { char* json = libxl_device_vtpm_to_json(ctx, &vtpm); printf("vtpm: %s\n", json); free(json); libxl_device_vtpm_dispose(&vtpm); if (ferror(stdout) || fflush(stdout)) { perror("stdout"); exit(-1); } return 0; } if (libxl_device_vtpm_add(ctx, domid, &vtpm, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_device_vtpm_add failed.\n"); return 1; } libxl_device_vtpm_dispose(&vtpm); return 0; } int main_vtpmlist(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; libxl_device_vtpm *vtpms; libxl_vtpminfo vtpminfo; int nb, i; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "vtpm-list", 1) { /* No options */ } /* Idx BE UUID Hdl Sta evch rref BE-path */ printf("%-3s %-2s %-36s %-6s %-5s %-6s %-5s %-10s\n", "Idx", "BE", "Uuid", "handle", "state", "evt-ch", "ring-ref", "BE-path"); for (argv += optind, argc -= optind; argc > 0; --argc, ++argv) { uint32_t domid; if (libxl_domain_qualifier_to_domid(ctx, *argv, &domid) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is an invalid domain identifier\n", *argv); continue; } if (!(vtpms = libxl_device_vtpm_list(ctx, domid, &nb))) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < nb; ++i) { if(!libxl_device_vtpm_getinfo(ctx, domid, &vtpms[i], &vtpminfo)) { /* Idx BE UUID Hdl Sta evch rref BE-path*/ printf("%-3d %-2d " LIBXL_UUID_FMT " %6d %5d %6d %8d %-30s\n", vtpminfo.devid, vtpminfo.backend_id, LIBXL_UUID_BYTES(vtpminfo.uuid), vtpminfo.devid, vtpminfo.state, vtpminfo.evtch, vtpminfo.rref, vtpminfo.backend); libxl_vtpminfo_dispose(&vtpminfo); } libxl_device_vtpm_dispose(&vtpms[i]); } free(vtpms); } return 0; } int main_vtpmdetach(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt, rc=0; libxl_device_vtpm vtpm; libxl_uuid uuid; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "vtpm-detach", 2) { /* No options */ } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); if ( libxl_uuid_from_string(&uuid, argv[optind+1])) { if (libxl_devid_to_device_vtpm(ctx, domid, atoi(argv[optind+1]), &vtpm)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown device %s.\n", argv[optind+1]); return 1; } } else { if (libxl_uuid_to_device_vtpm(ctx, domid, &uuid, &vtpm)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown device %s.\n", argv[optind+1]); return 1; } } rc = libxl_device_vtpm_remove(ctx, domid, &vtpm, 0); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_device_vtpm_remove failed.\n"); } libxl_device_vtpm_dispose(&vtpm); return rc; } static char *uptime_to_string(unsigned long uptime, int short_mode) { int sec, min, hour, day; char *time_string; int ret; day = (int)(uptime / 86400); uptime -= (day * 86400); hour = (int)(uptime / 3600); uptime -= (hour * 3600); min = (int)(uptime / 60); uptime -= (min * 60); sec = uptime; if (short_mode) if (day > 1) ret = asprintf(&time_string, "%d days, %2d:%02d", day, hour, min); else if (day == 1) ret = asprintf(&time_string, "%d day, %2d:%02d", day, hour, min); else ret = asprintf(&time_string, "%2d:%02d", hour, min); else if (day > 1) ret = asprintf(&time_string, "%d days, %2d:%02d:%02d", day, hour, min, sec); else if (day == 1) ret = asprintf(&time_string, "%d day, %2d:%02d:%02d", day, hour, min, sec); else ret = asprintf(&time_string, "%2d:%02d:%02d", hour, min, sec); if (ret < 0) return NULL; return time_string; } int main_claims(int argc, char **argv) { libxl_dominfo *info; int opt; int nb_domain; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "claims", 0) { /* No options */ } if (!libxl_defbool_val(claim_mode)) fprintf(stderr, "claim_mode not enabled (see man xl.conf).\n"); info = libxl_list_domain(ctx, &nb_domain); if (!info) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_domain_infolist failed.\n"); return 1; } list_domains(0 /* verbose */, 0 /* context */, 1 /* claim */, 0 /* numa */, info, nb_domain); libxl_dominfo_list_free(info, nb_domain); return 0; } static char *current_time_to_string(time_t now) { char now_str[100]; struct tm *tmp; tmp = localtime(&now); if (tmp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Get localtime error"); exit(-1); } if (strftime(now_str, sizeof(now_str), "%H:%M:%S", tmp) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "strftime returned 0"); exit(-1); } return strdup(now_str); } static void print_dom0_uptime(int short_mode, time_t now) { int fd; char buf[512]; uint32_t uptime = 0; char *uptime_str = NULL; char *now_str = NULL; char *domname; fd = open("/proc/uptime", O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) goto err; if (read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == -1) { close(fd); goto err; } close(fd); strtok(buf, " "); uptime = strtoul(buf, NULL, 10); domname = libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, 0); if (short_mode) { now_str = current_time_to_string(now); uptime_str = uptime_to_string(uptime, 1); printf(" %s up %s, %s (%d)\n", now_str, uptime_str, domname, 0); } else { now_str = NULL; uptime_str = uptime_to_string(uptime, 0); printf("%-33s %4d %s\n", domname, 0, uptime_str); } free(now_str); free(uptime_str); free(domname); return; err: fprintf(stderr, "Can not get Dom0 uptime.\n"); exit(-1); } static void print_domU_uptime(uint32_t domuid, int short_mode, time_t now) { uint32_t s_time = 0; uint32_t uptime = 0; char *uptime_str = NULL; char *now_str = NULL; char *domname; s_time = libxl_vm_get_start_time(ctx, domuid); if (s_time == -1) return; uptime = now - s_time; domname = libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, domuid); if (short_mode) { now_str = current_time_to_string(now); uptime_str = uptime_to_string(uptime, 1); printf(" %s up %s, %s (%d)\n", now_str, uptime_str, domname, domuid); } else { now_str = NULL; uptime_str = uptime_to_string(uptime, 0); printf("%-33s %4d %s\n", domname, domuid, uptime_str); } free(domname); free(now_str); free(uptime_str); return; } static void print_uptime(int short_mode, uint32_t doms[], int nb_doms) { libxl_vminfo *info; time_t now; int nb_vm, i; now = time(NULL); if (!short_mode) printf("%-33s %4s %s\n", "Name", "ID", "Uptime"); if (nb_doms == 0) { print_dom0_uptime(short_mode, now); info = libxl_list_vm(ctx, &nb_vm); for (i = 0; i < nb_vm; i++) print_domU_uptime(info[i].domid, short_mode, now); libxl_vminfo_list_free(info, nb_vm); } else { for (i = 0; i < nb_doms; i++) { if (doms[i] == 0) print_dom0_uptime(short_mode, now); else print_domU_uptime(doms[i], short_mode, now); } } } int main_uptime(int argc, char **argv) { const char *dom; int short_mode = 0; uint32_t domains[100]; int nb_doms = 0; int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "s", NULL, "uptime", 1) { case 's': short_mode = 1; break; } for (;(dom = argv[optind]) != NULL; nb_doms++,optind++) domains[nb_doms] = find_domain(dom); print_uptime(short_mode, domains, nb_doms); return 0; } int main_tmem_list(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; const char *dom = NULL; char *buf = NULL; int use_long = 0; int all = 0; int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "al", NULL, "tmem-list", 0) { case 'l': use_long = 1; break; case 'a': all = 1; break; } dom = argv[optind]; if (!dom && all == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You must specify -a or a domain id.\n\n"); help("tmem-list"); return 1; } if (all) domid = INVALID_DOMID; else domid = find_domain(dom); buf = libxl_tmem_list(ctx, domid, use_long); if (buf == NULL) return -1; printf("%s\n", buf); free(buf); return 0; } int main_tmem_freeze(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; const char *dom = NULL; int all = 0; int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "a", NULL, "tmem-freeze", 0) { case 'a': all = 1; break; } dom = argv[optind]; if (!dom && all == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You must specify -a or a domain id.\n\n"); help("tmem-freeze"); return 1; } if (all) domid = INVALID_DOMID; else domid = find_domain(dom); libxl_tmem_freeze(ctx, domid); return 0; } int main_tmem_thaw(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; const char *dom = NULL; int all = 0; int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "a", NULL, "tmem-thaw", 0) { case 'a': all = 1; break; } dom = argv[optind]; if (!dom && all == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You must specify -a or a domain id.\n\n"); help("tmem-thaw"); return 1; } if (all) domid = INVALID_DOMID; else domid = find_domain(dom); libxl_tmem_thaw(ctx, domid); return 0; } int main_tmem_set(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; const char *dom = NULL; uint32_t weight = 0, cap = 0, compress = 0; int opt_w = 0, opt_c = 0, opt_p = 0; int all = 0; int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "aw:c:p:", NULL, "tmem-set", 0) { case 'a': all = 1; break; case 'w': weight = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_w = 1; break; case 'c': cap = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_c = 1; break; case 'p': compress = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); opt_p = 1; break; } dom = argv[optind]; if (!dom && all == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You must specify -a or a domain id.\n\n"); help("tmem-set"); return 1; } if (all) domid = INVALID_DOMID; else domid = find_domain(dom); if (!opt_w && !opt_c && !opt_p) { fprintf(stderr, "No set value specified.\n\n"); help("tmem-set"); return 1; } if (opt_w) libxl_tmem_set(ctx, domid, "weight", weight); if (opt_c) libxl_tmem_set(ctx, domid, "cap", cap); if (opt_p) libxl_tmem_set(ctx, domid, "compress", compress); return 0; } int main_tmem_shared_auth(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; const char *autharg = NULL; char *endptr = NULL; const char *dom = NULL; char *uuid = NULL; int auth = -1; int all = 0; int opt; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "au:A:", NULL, "tmem-shared-auth", 0) { case 'a': all = 1; break; case 'u': uuid = optarg; break; case 'A': autharg = optarg; break; } dom = argv[optind]; if (!dom && all == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You must specify -a or a domain id.\n\n"); help("tmem-shared-auth"); return 1; } if (all) domid = INVALID_DOMID; else domid = find_domain(dom); if (uuid == NULL || autharg == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No uuid or auth specified.\n\n"); help("tmem-shared-auth"); return 1; } auth = strtol(autharg, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid auth, valid auth are <0|1>.\n\n"); return 1; } libxl_tmem_shared_auth(ctx, domid, uuid, auth); return 0; } int main_tmem_freeable(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; int mb; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "tmem-freeale", 0) { /* No options */ } mb = libxl_tmem_freeable(ctx); if (mb == -1) return -1; printf("%d\n", mb); return 0; } int main_cpupoolcreate(int argc, char **argv) { const char *filename = NULL, *config_src=NULL; const char *p; char extra_config[1024]; int opt; static struct option opts[] = { {"defconfig", 1, 0, 'f'}, {"dryrun", 0, 0, 'n'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int ret; char *config_data = 0; int config_len = 0; XLU_Config *config; const char *buf; const char *name; uint32_t poolid; libxl_scheduler sched = 0; XLU_ConfigList *cpus; XLU_ConfigList *nodes; int n_cpus, n_nodes, i, n; libxl_bitmap freemap; libxl_bitmap cpumap; libxl_uuid uuid; libxl_cputopology *topology; int rc = -ERROR_FAIL; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "hnf:", opts, "cpupool-create", 0) { case 'f': filename = optarg; break; case 'n': dryrun_only = 1; break; } memset(extra_config, 0, sizeof(extra_config)); while (optind < argc) { if ((p = strchr(argv[optind], '='))) { if (strlen(extra_config) + 1 + strlen(argv[optind]) < sizeof(extra_config)) { strcat(extra_config, "\n"); strcat(extra_config, argv[optind]); } } else if (!filename) { filename = argv[optind]; } else { help("cpupool-create"); goto out; } optind++; } if (filename) { if (libxl_read_file_contents(ctx, filename, (void **)&config_data, &config_len)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read config file: %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); goto out; } config_src=filename; } else config_src="command line"; if (strlen(extra_config)) { if (config_len > INT_MAX - (strlen(extra_config) + 2)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to attach extra configration\n"); goto out; } config_data = xrealloc(config_data, config_len + strlen(extra_config) + 2); if (!config_data) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to realloc config_data\n"); goto out; } config_data[config_len] = 0; strcat(config_data, extra_config); strcat(config_data, "\n"); config_len += strlen(extra_config) + 1; } config = xlu_cfg_init(stderr, config_src); if (!config) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate for configuration\n"); goto out; } ret = xlu_cfg_readdata(config, config_data, config_len); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse config file: %s\n", strerror(ret)); goto out_cfg; } if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "name", &buf, 0)) name = strdup(buf); else if (filename) name = libxl_basename(filename); else { fprintf(stderr, "Missing cpupool name!\n"); goto out_cfg; } if (!libxl_name_to_cpupoolid(ctx, name, &poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "Pool name \"%s\" already exists\n", name); goto out_cfg; } if (!xlu_cfg_get_string (config, "sched", &buf, 0)) { if ((libxl_scheduler_from_string(buf, &sched)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown scheduler\n"); goto out_cfg; } } else { if ((sched = libxl_get_scheduler(ctx)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "get_scheduler sysctl failed.\n"); goto out_cfg; } } if (libxl_get_freecpus(ctx, &freemap)) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_get_freecpus failed\n"); goto out_cfg; } if (libxl_cpu_bitmap_alloc(ctx, &cpumap, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate cpumap\n"); goto out_cfg; } if (!xlu_cfg_get_list(config, "nodes", &nodes, 0, 0)) { int nr; n_cpus = 0; n_nodes = 0; topology = libxl_get_cpu_topology(ctx, &nr); if (topology == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_get_topologyinfo failed\n"); goto out_cfg; } while ((buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem(nodes, n_nodes)) != NULL) { n = atoi(buf); for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { if ((topology[i].node == n) && libxl_bitmap_test(&freemap, i)) { libxl_bitmap_set(&cpumap, i); n_cpus++; } } n_nodes++; } libxl_cputopology_list_free(topology, nr); if (n_cpus == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "no free cpu found\n"); goto out_cfg; } } else if (!xlu_cfg_get_list(config, "cpus", &cpus, 0, 0)) { n_cpus = 0; while ((buf = xlu_cfg_get_listitem(cpus, n_cpus)) != NULL) { i = atoi(buf); if ((i < 0) || (i >= freemap.size * 8) || !libxl_bitmap_test(&freemap, i)) { fprintf(stderr, "cpu %d illegal or not free\n", i); goto out_cfg; } libxl_bitmap_set(&cpumap, i); n_cpus++; } } else n_cpus = 0; libxl_uuid_generate(&uuid); printf("Using config file \"%s\"\n", config_src); printf("cpupool name: %s\n", name); printf("scheduler: %s\n", libxl_scheduler_to_string(sched)); printf("number of cpus: %d\n", n_cpus); if (!dryrun_only) { poolid = 0; if (libxl_cpupool_create(ctx, name, sched, cpumap, &uuid, &poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "error on creating cpupool\n"); goto out_cfg; } } /* We made it! */ rc = 0; out_cfg: xlu_cfg_destroy(config); out: return rc; } int main_cpupoollist(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; static struct option opts[] = { {"cpus", 0, 0, 'c'}, COMMON_LONG_OPTS, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int opt_cpus = 0; const char *pool = NULL; libxl_cpupoolinfo *poolinfo; int n_pools, p, c, n; uint32_t poolid; char *name; int ret = 0; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "hc", opts, "cpupool-list", 1) { case 'c': opt_cpus = 1; break; } if (optind < argc) { pool = argv[optind]; if (libxl_name_to_cpupoolid(ctx, pool, &poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "Pool \'%s\' does not exist\n", pool); return -ERROR_FAIL; } } poolinfo = libxl_list_cpupool(ctx, &n_pools); if (!poolinfo) { fprintf(stderr, "error getting cpupool info\n"); return -ERROR_NOMEM; } printf("%-19s", "Name"); if (opt_cpus) printf("CPU list\n"); else printf("CPUs Sched Active Domain count\n"); for (p = 0; p < n_pools; p++) { if (!ret && (!pool || (poolinfo[p].poolid == poolid))) { name = libxl_cpupoolid_to_name(ctx, poolinfo[p].poolid); if (!name) { fprintf(stderr, "error getting cpupool info\n"); ret = -ERROR_NOMEM; } else { printf("%-19s", name); free(name); n = 0; libxl_for_each_bit(c, poolinfo[p].cpumap) if (libxl_bitmap_test(&poolinfo[p].cpumap, c)) { if (n && opt_cpus) printf(","); if (opt_cpus) printf("%d", c); n++; } if (!opt_cpus) { printf("%3d %9s y %4d", n, libxl_scheduler_to_string(poolinfo[p].sched), poolinfo[p].n_dom); } printf("\n"); } } } libxl_cpupoolinfo_list_free(poolinfo, n_pools); return ret; } int main_cpupooldestroy(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; const char *pool; uint32_t poolid; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "cpupool-destroy", 1) { /* No options */ } pool = argv[optind]; if (cpupool_qualifier_to_cpupoolid(pool, &poolid, NULL) || !libxl_cpupoolid_is_valid(ctx, poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown cpupool \'%s\'\n", pool); return -ERROR_FAIL; } return -libxl_cpupool_destroy(ctx, poolid); } int main_cpupoolrename(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; const char *pool; const char *new_name; uint32_t poolid; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "cpupool-rename", 2) { /* No options */ } pool = argv[optind++]; if (cpupool_qualifier_to_cpupoolid(pool, &poolid, NULL) || !libxl_cpupoolid_is_valid(ctx, poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown cpupool \'%s\'\n", pool); return -ERROR_FAIL; } new_name = argv[optind]; if (libxl_cpupool_rename(ctx, new_name, poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't rename cpupool '%s'.\n", pool); return 1; } return 0; } int main_cpupoolcpuadd(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; const char *pool; uint32_t poolid; int cpu; int node; int n; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "cpupool-cpu-add", 2) { /* No options */ } pool = argv[optind++]; node = -1; cpu = -1; if (strncmp(argv[optind], "node:", 5) == 0) { node = atoi(argv[optind] + 5); } else { cpu = atoi(argv[optind]); } if (cpupool_qualifier_to_cpupoolid(pool, &poolid, NULL) || !libxl_cpupoolid_is_valid(ctx, poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown cpupool \'%s\'\n", pool); return -ERROR_FAIL; } if (cpu >= 0) { return -libxl_cpupool_cpuadd(ctx, poolid, cpu); } if (libxl_cpupool_cpuadd_node(ctx, poolid, node, &n)) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_cpupool_cpuadd_node failed\n"); return -ERROR_FAIL; } if (n > 0) { return 0; } fprintf(stderr, "no free cpu found\n"); return -ERROR_FAIL; } int main_cpupoolcpuremove(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; const char *pool; uint32_t poolid; int cpu; int node; int n; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "cpupool-cpu-remove", 2) { /* No options */ } pool = argv[optind++]; node = -1; cpu = -1; if (strncmp(argv[optind], "node:", 5) == 0) { node = atoi(argv[optind] + 5); } else { cpu = atoi(argv[optind]); } if (cpupool_qualifier_to_cpupoolid(pool, &poolid, NULL) || !libxl_cpupoolid_is_valid(ctx, poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown cpupool \'%s\'\n", pool); return -ERROR_FAIL; } if (cpu >= 0) { return -libxl_cpupool_cpuremove(ctx, poolid, cpu); } if (libxl_cpupool_cpuremove_node(ctx, poolid, node, &n)) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_cpupool_cpuremove_node failed\n"); return -ERROR_FAIL; } if (n == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "no cpu of node found in cpupool\n"); return -ERROR_FAIL; } return 0; } int main_cpupoolmigrate(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; const char *pool; uint32_t poolid; const char *dom; uint32_t domid; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "cpupool-migrate", 2) { /* No options */ } dom = argv[optind++]; pool = argv[optind]; if (libxl_domain_qualifier_to_domid(ctx, dom, &domid) || !libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, domid)) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown domain \'%s\'\n", dom); return -ERROR_FAIL; } if (cpupool_qualifier_to_cpupoolid(pool, &poolid, NULL) || !libxl_cpupoolid_is_valid(ctx, poolid)) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown cpupool \'%s\'\n", pool); return -ERROR_FAIL; } return -libxl_cpupool_movedomain(ctx, poolid, domid); } int main_cpupoolnumasplit(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; int opt; int p; int c; int n; uint32_t poolid; libxl_scheduler sched; int n_pools; int node; int n_cpus; char name[16]; libxl_uuid uuid; libxl_bitmap cpumap; libxl_cpupoolinfo *poolinfo; libxl_cputopology *topology; libxl_dominfo info; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "", NULL, "cpupool-numa-split", 0) { /* No options */ } ret = 0; poolinfo = libxl_list_cpupool(ctx, &n_pools); if (!poolinfo) { fprintf(stderr, "error getting cpupool info\n"); return -ERROR_NOMEM; } poolid = poolinfo[0].poolid; sched = poolinfo[0].sched; for (p = 0; p < n_pools; p++) { libxl_cpupoolinfo_dispose(poolinfo + p); } if (n_pools > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "splitting not possible, already cpupools in use\n"); return -ERROR_FAIL; } topology = libxl_get_cpu_topology(ctx, &n_cpus); if (topology == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "libxl_get_topologyinfo failed\n"); return -ERROR_FAIL; } if (libxl_cpu_bitmap_alloc(ctx, &cpumap, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate cpumap\n"); libxl_cputopology_list_free(topology, n_cpus); return -ERROR_FAIL; } /* Reset Pool-0 to 1st node: first add cpus, then remove cpus to avoid a cpupool without cpus in between */ node = topology[0].node; if (libxl_cpupool_cpuadd_node(ctx, 0, node, &n)) { fprintf(stderr, "error on adding cpu to Pool 0\n"); return -ERROR_FAIL; } snprintf(name, 15, "Pool-node%d", node); ret = -libxl_cpupool_rename(ctx, name, 0); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "error on renaming Pool 0\n"); goto out; } n = 0; for (c = 0; c < n_cpus; c++) { if (topology[c].node == node) { topology[c].node = LIBXL_CPUTOPOLOGY_INVALID_ENTRY; libxl_bitmap_set(&cpumap, n); n++; } } if (libxl_set_vcpuonline(ctx, 0, &cpumap)) { fprintf(stderr, "error on removing vcpus for Domain-0\n"); goto out; } for (c = 0; c < 10; c++) { if (libxl_domain_info(ctx, &info, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "error on getting info for Domain-0\n"); goto out; } if (info.vcpu_online == n) { break; } sleep(1); } if (info.vcpu_online > n) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to offline vcpus\n"); goto out; } libxl_bitmap_set_none(&cpumap); for (c = 0; c < n_cpus; c++) { if (topology[c].node == LIBXL_CPUTOPOLOGY_INVALID_ENTRY) { continue; } node = topology[c].node; ret = -libxl_cpupool_cpuremove_node(ctx, 0, node, &n); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "error on removing cpu from Pool 0\n"); goto out; } snprintf(name, 15, "Pool-node%d", node); libxl_uuid_generate(&uuid); poolid = 0; ret = -libxl_cpupool_create(ctx, name, sched, cpumap, &uuid, &poolid); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "error on creating cpupool\n"); goto out; } ret = -libxl_cpupool_cpuadd_node(ctx, poolid, node, &n); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "error on adding cpus to cpupool\n"); goto out; } for (p = c; p < n_cpus; p++) { if (topology[p].node == node) { topology[p].node = LIBXL_CPUTOPOLOGY_INVALID_ENTRY; } } } out: libxl_cputopology_list_free(topology, n_cpus); libxl_bitmap_dispose(&cpumap); return ret; } int main_getenforce(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; ret = libxl_flask_getenforce(ctx); if (ret < 0) { if (errno == ENOSYS) printf("Flask XSM Disabled\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get enforcing mode\n"); } else if (ret == 1) printf("Enforcing\n"); else if (ret == 0) printf("Permissive\n"); return ret; } int main_setenforce(int argc, char **argv) { int ret, mode = -1; const char *p = NULL; if (optind >= argc) { help("setenforce"); return 2; } p = argv[optind]; if (!strcmp(p, "0")) mode = 0; else if (!strcmp(p, "1")) mode = 1; else if (!strcasecmp(p, "permissive")) mode = 0; else if (!strcasecmp(p, "enforcing")) mode = 1; else { help("setenforce"); return 2; } ret = libxl_flask_setenforce(ctx, mode); if (ret) { if (errno == ENOSYS) { fprintf(stderr, "Flask XSM disabled\n"); } else fprintf(stderr, "error occured while setting enforcing mode (%i)\n", ret); } return ret; } int main_loadpolicy(int argc, char **argv) { const char *polFName; int polFd = 0; void *polMemCp = NULL; struct stat info; int ret; if (optind >= argc) { help("loadpolicy"); return 2; } polFName = argv[optind]; polFd = open(polFName, O_RDONLY); if ( polFd < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error occurred opening policy file '%s': %s\n", polFName, strerror(errno)); ret = -1; goto done; } ret = stat(polFName, &info); if ( ret < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error occurred retrieving information about" "policy file '%s': %s\n", polFName, strerror(errno)); goto done; } polMemCp = malloc(info.st_size); ret = read(polFd, polMemCp, info.st_size); if ( ret < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read new Flask policy file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto done; } ret = libxl_flask_loadpolicy(ctx, polMemCp, info.st_size); if (ret < 0) { if (errno == ENOSYS) { fprintf(stderr, "Flask XSM disabled\n"); } else { errno = -ret; fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load new Flask policy: %s\n", strerror(errno)); ret = -1; } } else { printf("Successfully loaded policy.\n"); } done: free(polMemCp); if ( polFd > 0 ) close(polFd); return ret; } int main_remus(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t domid; int opt, rc, daemonize = 1; const char *ssh_command = "ssh"; char *host = NULL, *rune = NULL; libxl_domain_remus_info r_info; int send_fd = -1, recv_fd = -1; pid_t child = -1; uint8_t *config_data; int config_len; memset(&r_info, 0, sizeof(libxl_domain_remus_info)); /* Defaults */ r_info.interval = 200; r_info.blackhole = 0; r_info.compression = 1; SWITCH_FOREACH_OPT(opt, "bui:s:e", NULL, "remus", 2) { case 'i': r_info.interval = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': r_info.blackhole = 1; break; case 'u': r_info.compression = 0; break; case 's': ssh_command = optarg; break; case 'e': daemonize = 0; break; } domid = find_domain(argv[optind]); host = argv[optind + 1]; if (r_info.blackhole) { send_fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0644); if (send_fd < 0) { perror("failed to open /dev/null"); exit(-1); } } else { if (!ssh_command[0]) { rune = host; } else { if (asprintf(&rune, "exec %s %s xl migrate-receive -r %s", ssh_command, host, daemonize ? "" : " -e") < 0) return 1; } save_domain_core_begin(domid, NULL, &config_data, &config_len); if (!config_len) { fprintf(stderr, "No config file stored for running domain and " "none supplied - cannot start remus.\n"); exit(1); } child = create_migration_child(rune, &send_fd, &recv_fd); migrate_do_preamble(send_fd, recv_fd, child, config_data, config_len, rune); } /* Point of no return */ rc = libxl_domain_remus_start(ctx, &r_info, domid, send_fd, recv_fd, 0); /* If we are here, it means backup has failed/domain suspend failed. * Try to resume the domain and exit gracefully. * TODO: Split-Brain check. */ fprintf(stderr, "remus sender: libxl_domain_suspend failed" " (rc=%d)\n", rc); if (rc == ERROR_GUEST_TIMEDOUT) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to suspend domain at primary.\n"); else { fprintf(stderr, "Remus: Backup failed? resuming domain at primary.\n"); libxl_domain_resume(ctx, domid, 1, 0); } close(send_fd); return -ERROR_FAIL; } /* * Local variables: * mode: C * c-basic-offset: 4 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */